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Last Updated: Monday, 2 June, 2003, 07:06 GMT 08:06 UK
Pram maker back in vogue
A young Princess Diana in her Silver Cross pram
The young Princess Diana was a Silver Cross passenger
Royal pram maker Silver Cross is back in business with Harrods taking orders for the latest luxury model.

The London department store has opened a waiting list for the £850 "Balmoral" nine months after the West Yorkshire pram manufacturer ceased production.

A buy-out has resurrected the classic British brand which is now back in vogue after a number of purchases by celebrities including Victoria Beckham.

The first of the new hand-made prams will roll off the production line in Crossflats, Keighley, with the serial number 0001 and will be sold next month.

We see the Silver Cross as one of those `must have' designer items
Harrods spokesman

A succession of celebrity and Royal babies, including all the Queen's children and Princess Diana, have been passengers in the "Rolls-Royce of prams" over the years.

Other famous pushers and passengers include Madonna, Elle McPherson, Jerry Hall and Catherine Zeta Jones.

A Harrods spokesman said: "In the 80s it may have been a Porsche, in the 90s the latest mobile phone, but in the family focused baby boom noughties we see the Silver Cross as one of those `must have' designer items which is why we're opening a waiting list."

The firm, which is believed to have hundreds of orders, is producing 50 hand-made prams a week after being bought out of administration by David Halsall International.

Alongside the Balmoral, there will be the Kensington retailing at £750 and a £250 children's toy pram called the Oberon.

Pram firm retains Yorkshire roots
07 Apr 03  |  West Yorkshire
Royal pram maker quits Britain
23 Oct 02  |  England
Pram company 'can be saved'
21 Oct 02  |  England
Silver Cross pushed to the edge
11 Sep 02  |  England

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