Sunflowers Elizabeth Arden for women

Sunflowers Elizabeth Arden for women

main accords
white floral

Perfume rating 3.43 out of 5 with 5,087 votes

Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden is a Floral Fruity fragrance for women. Sunflowers was launched in 1993. The nose behind this fragrance is David Apel. Top notes are Melon, Peach, Orange Blossom, Lemon, Mandarin Orange, Bergamot and Brazilian Rosewood; middle notes are Cyclamen, Osmanthus, Rose, Jasmine and Orris Root; base notes are Sandalwood, Musk, Amber, Oakmoss and Cedar.

Floral fruity fragrance launched in 1993. It was designed by David Apel. The top notes are composed of luminous lemon notes, rosewood, orange blossom, sweet juicy mandarin, bergamot, melon, and sweet peach.

The heart brings notes of cyclamen, rose, pure jasmine, osmanthus and iris root. The sensual base is composed of musk, cedar, amber, moss and sandal wood. The joyous sunflowers make a nice contribution to this bright fragrance.

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Sunshine in a bottle
Great for summer
Soft, sweet, and happy scent
Liquid optimism
Reminds some people of happy memories from their youth
Gorgeous yellow floral scent
Fruity and fresh
Complex enough to avoid being dull


Can be headache-inducing for some
A bit old-fashioned for some people's taste
Might be too strong for some people
Might not work with everyone's body chemistry
Some people dislike the smell of melon
Some people find it repugnant or sharp
Dense and tedious scent

Note: The pros and cons listed on this page have been generated using the artificial intelligence system, which analyzes product reviews submitted by our members. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information, we cannot guarantee the complete accuracy or reliability of the AI-generated pros and cons. Please read the full reviews and consider your own needs and preferences before making a purchasing decision.

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Top Notes

Orange Blossom
Mandarin Orange
Brazilian Rosewood

Middle Notes

Orris Root

Base Notes


Fragrantica® Trends is a relative value that shows the interest of Fragrantica members in this fragrance over time.

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Perfume longevity:3.14 out of5.

Perfume sillage:2.29 out of4.

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Its smells melon and peach. Its lovely. Perfect for spring and summer. Its a fresh, juicy, youthfull, happy fragrance.

You have to oversprayed and it will last around 7-8 hours with a decent projection.

Its unexpensive, inocent, femenin fragrance. Its just juicy fruits!


I enjoy the nostalgia Sunflowers brings me more than I enjoy the scent. The florals are a bit screechy and I've never been a huge fan of melon in perfumes, even when it was "the thing" in the 90s. This scent was very popular at my middle school, along with Clinique Happy, and to me, they are in the same category. Cheerful & high-pitched semi-aquatic florals like freesia, along with some citrus and melon. Enjoyable in small doses (and on other people!!) Though this will never be a favorite, I am nevertheless glad to have this in my collection. Great for traveling back in time or when you just need a Vitamin C mood boost in the dead of winter.


If you are looking for a gentle, inoffensive scent that smells just like lotion or face cream this is the one. If you are new to perfumes and want wear something for work or school that won't offend anyone but has a little bit of retro charm this is a good one too. It's a warm and comforting fruity floral, that doesn't feel sweet or gourmand or childish. I agree with the previous reviewer that it smells like Pond's face cream or something similar. It has a nice sandalwood/amber/musk drydown that is really gentle and comforting.

The heart notes I'm not as much of a fan of as the top and base notes just because that's when it feels heavy on the jasmine, orange blossom and rose, but even then it doesn't feel overly cheap and cloying, it's just the most noticeable then that it's an old fashioned fragrance and not one that was designed in 2024.

I think it's a good first perfume for someone who is an old soul or loves to thrift shop and wear vintage clothes. It has a fittingly quirky but approachable and comforting feel.


Got my 100ml of this just recently, and I really love it! The opening is just majestic and uplifting to me, on the other side my sister didn't like the smell of it, as she described it smells like old face creams but I don't care, haha" as long as I enjoy it.


Such a happy sunny perfume! I really like it, it would perform really good in warm weather! I love the packaging, the bottle and the commercial! It has this summer ‘90 s vibe to it.


A very sunny scent. Strangely I don't get any fruitiness at all, just lots of florals. This perfume reminds me of the time between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, when the weather is starting to warm up and all the flowers are blooming. Then after around half an hour the strong floral notes fade a little into this fresh, herbal, slightly green scent that smells just like you're walking through a wild meadow of flowers and tall grass. It is definitely summer in a bottle.


Sunflowers and Sun-In, the perfect recipe for a 90s weekend. Sunflowers was so unapolegetically optimistic, a sunny promise of fun and excitement. In our surburban 80s mall, it never let us down. The big screen movie of the week, then a sniff around the discount cosmetics store (90s Priceline, my love, my saviour). I've recently discovered that time marches on but kids stay the same, are they still dousing each other in Elizabeth Arden or maybe it's Arianna?


On first spray I get a lot of melon and fresh light floral - that dries down quite quickly to a sharp-ish lemon with a background of honey. I love the initial notes, and while I am fond of citrus, I find it a little too sharp in this one. But in general it’s a nice easy wear, and I look forward to bringing it out in the summer.


When I was a kid I had this friend whose house always smelled like ketchup. I told a mutual friend once and of course she tattled to the ketchup friend and ketchup friend got mad at me. But really, at her house all I smelled was warm ketchup.

Today I bought Sunflowers at Marshall’s for $15 for the fun and nostalgia. I knew I’d remember it once I smelled it, but by name I didn’t know the smell.

After 30 years I have finally figured out what perfume ketchup friend’s mom wore- Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers. Their whole house always smelled like this perfume- which I then, now, and will always perceive as warm ketchup.

I’m not mad about it. I actually think it’s funny and I solved a 30 year old mystery, but now what do I do with it?
Does anybody want to trade me for a bottle of warm ketchup perfume????


Might be something wrong with my own nose, but this perfume smells like I bathed in honey. It is warm, with a very soft sweetness. I love mixing it with Pepe Jeans Cocktail Edition. Will Definitely repurchase.


I was born the year this frag was released. I don’t have any nostalgic mems associated with it and smelled it the first time today! What. A. Beauty. I am always amazed when a fragrance can transcend time like this. Not even a little outdated in my opinion! Floral and citrus but with some depth to it. It’s almost like the flowers were pulled from soil and you can nearly smell the dirt. In the best way! I also get a rich fruitiness like apricots. Someone mentioned chamomile tea and I sooo get that. It is solar and fresh but also earthy and grounded. Big fan and the bottle is like $11 at Marshall’s.

PS I’m getting solid longevity with this! Out lasted some current designer scents I tried on today as well. Also the bottle is just so cute and lovely to handle.


I was so excited to try Sunflowers! I loved my sunflower scented shampoo in the 90’s. I found it for $10 at TJMaxx. I sprayed 2 or 3 times on my arm and loved the first minute of nostalgia. And then it became suffocating. I tried to ignore it for a while but when I’d catch the scent it almost made me nauseous. I scrubbed once but I could still smell it. I scrubbed twice and could still smell it. I’ve now scrubbed 3 times and it’s the next day and it is finally a gorgeous sunflower fragrance. Sadly, this is the end of my Sunflowers journey.

Jerry Can

From 1993. Yet this reminds me of family holidays in Mallorca in the late '60s when Magaluf had perhaps half a dozen hotels. Mediterranean flora, street markets, beaches, sun protection lotions. I think the women around the hotels and pools smelled something like this (unless my memory is totally failing me). Evocative, happy, warm and summery. I love happening upon it even today – which is sadly rare now. A pity, because this is a VASTLY nicer woman's scent than many at ten times the price. Better packaging and this would be really quite classy.


My very first fragrance! Well, Love's Baby Soft actually was but I didn't even like that when I was 5, so I consider this to be my first bottle of perfume! Not much to recall except Sunflowers were really popular in the 90's so the name aptly fit the times. It was a cheery, happy scent, if I recall. My next fragrance was Chanel Allure so you could say I upped my game from 10-13!


Honestly, my most complimented scent, which is mind blowing to me given its price point. People tell me “You smell like sunshine!” or “What IS that? It smells amazing!” When I tell them I either get “Oh my gosh, I remember that. I’d forgotten all about it!” or “You’re kidding! I don’t remember it smelling that good!” So either it’s amazing 30 years later or it works with my chemistry and personality. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that the nose behind this is also behind my other favorite fragrance, Black Orchid by Tom Ford. Two fragrances that couldn’t be more different or opposite but that I love equally well. One is my spring/summer scent, the other fall/winter. Love this stuff. Liquid sunshine.

ETA: The cashier at Walgreens tonight said, “Not to be weird, but whatever perfume you’re wearing smells really, really good.” I told him it was Sunflowers from the 90s then realized that was probably before he was even born. So if it’s for “old ladies,” I think I’ve safely approached that era.


My first time picking up an Elizabeth Arden fragrance. By far the only one that caught my nose. This scent is sold at almost quadruple the price by the brand's flagship store in my country, so I decided to buy it at the airport instead of ordering one locally... EA's Sunflowers is very aquatic, it slightly puzzles me (not really in a negative way, just in an intriguing way) as I'm often into linear scents.

At first spray it seems to me that all the scents try to wrestle each other, and then suddenly, for a few minutes, it turns into a combination reminiscent of oil and flowers in grandma's dresser. This might be what makes some people say "oh, this scent might be too mature" or a little "old fashioned". However, the florals, bergamot, and woody notes win and take over harmoniously (and somewhat soapy-ly) during the dry down. A whiff hits you with a gentle, comforting and pleasant feminine scent... BUT because of the aquatic accords, it might get a tad too strong/cloying if you're the type of person who loves showering yourself in fragrance from head to toe. I really would recommend to spray and respray this one moderately. It's worth using because the dry down is really one of those pretty fragrances you can use daily and casually.


I have the body mist but since that isn't on here, and I assume it smells the exact same...

I don't like aquatic florals. I love powdery vanilla's and woodsy sweet scents.

There's nothing in this perfume that I normally like, and yet I do.

I don't understand.

I love to wear it in summer but even walking past the bottle in the dead of winter and catching a little whif, never fails to bring a smile to my face.

Wonderful little perfume

Because I see I have not really given a discription of what it smells like to me.

Maybe because it is somewhat hard to describe. It's sunflowers, but it's also so much more. It's almost a feeling, or a vibe. For the same reason so many people love to wear it with a sunflower outfit (guilty) I suppose.

So what I'll do is write down some words that come to mind when I smell it.

Sunflowers. Summer. Happy. Sunscreen. Shaking your freshly washed, still damp hair in your face. Being in love. The 90's. Making a daisy chain in a flower field. Bath pearls. Nostalgia. Fresh bouquet of flowers. Summer dresses. A straw hat.

Sipping camomile tea and honey while listening to Like a Star by Corinne Bailey Rae.


As a kid in the 90s, it seemed sunflowers were everywhere. They covered notebooks, friends’s bedspreads, they were in vases, they were printed on dresses, pinned to bucket hats, and of course, worn as perfume. Not literally, of course, but Elizabeth Arden’s Sunflowers captured the sunshine, optimism and yellow sweetness of that iconic flower. I didn’t have access to a lot of perfume on my own. I had a 1 oz bottle of Clinique Happy that I treasured as a youngin’ in the late 90s and early 00s, a similarly fruity yellow floral the likes of Sunflowers. I didn’t know the names of the fragrances back then. But I remember the smells, and who wore them. This was the era of melon and aquatics, of freshies and fruit. Happy, Cool Water, Ralph Lauren, Gap Dream, Blue Jeans and Light Blue a little further down the line.

Sunflowers is warm, fresh, calm and cheerful. It does capture the essence of sunflowers, their bright yellow color and sunny presence. Fresh melon (a la Bath and Body Works Cucumber Melon, another 90s favorite), sweet peach, juicy citrus and slightly powdery yellow floral make up this scent. It takes me back to car rides with babysitters, cassette tapes and CDs, an era before Kardashians, social media, doomscrolling, Youtube and its ads, and the excessive 24/7 news cycle. I wear it now, and I immediately feel as though I want to simplify my life—just go outside, in the sun, explore nature, maybe get some iced tea en route.

The performance is stellar for a cheapie. The projection is great, at arm’s length. I got compliments wearing this one day in the summer (with a sunflower-printed dress, no less). Longevity about five hours before it entered skin scent territory. Not bad for something found under $20.

Why did we stop wearing sunflowers? Let’s bring this motif back, please, because we need it. 🌻🌞


This was one of my first perfumes i ever owned and was a signature scent for me in middle/high school when it was newer to the market in the 90s. I purchased a new bottle recently to rediscover that sense of nostalgia and it is still a love. It does smell slightly different from the original, I'm sure it has undergone reformulations in 30 years haha. But this fragrance embodies a summer-autumn warm floral and like others mentioned, what you would envision a sunflower field to smell like (even though the sunflowers themselves don't have a specific smell). I'm a little surprised by the scent pyramid as the fruit notes never struck me as being uber present or this being categorized as a fruity fragrance. I always got a fresh, uplifting ozonic floral with a woody-amber base with a touch of powdery musk in the drydown. It can be a little strong and overpowering, 1-2 sprays is more than enough for me and it does have pretty good projection. I'm glad that this is still manufactured and the prices are amazing to snag a large bottle of 90s nostalgia. I would still recommend this as something for any fragrance collector or 80/90s kids to add to their collection.


It's a nice smell. For me, it reminds me of my mother who bought this for me the Christmas after I turned 13 as my first perfume. She asked the person at the department store which was the best scent for a teenage girl and was recommended Sunflowers. I only use this once in a while nostalgically, but feel it really is a good fit for anyone of any age who likes the smell of floral perfumes and sunflowers. While it doesn't have any sunflower notes in the perfume, it still manages to be quite accurately named.


I really don't know how to describe this scent other than to say that it really does match its name quite well. Like another reviewer said, although Sunflowers don't have a scent this is exactly how I'd imagine they would. It also embodies the vibe of sunflowers as well-bright, fresh, cheerful, and vibrant.

This scent isn't super over-the-top; I wouldn't say it has a super long reach or lasts an incredibly long time but it's a wonderfully cheerful perfume I'll always keep coming back to.

shalini mada

it makes me horrendously nauseous. hate this scent


Fruity, floral summer fragrance. It is fresh and playful. But my only problem is it doesn’t last. I can smell it for 2 hours and then it is gone. Gone means gone, poofed out of existence.Can't get a hint of it even after sniffing too hard. Such a bummer 😐.

Aura de le Fae

This perfume really captures its theme. Even though sunflowers themselves don't really have a scent this perfume definitely makes you think of a sunflower when you smell it. It is a bright, sunny, happy, non-descript floral. I also get a fresh note that makes me think of tea. This is more prominent in the dry down but once you notice it you can feel it throughout the wear of the fragrance

It really is an amazing perfume for the price. It is very cheap yet it really doesn't smell cheap. It also has good longevity and decent projection making it an absolute bargain.


The mother of my best friend wore this in the 90's and I was obsessed with it, that's when a lot of aquatic perfumes were around.
I bought recently a bottle and I have to say the reformulation has destroyed the essence of this fragrance, it is very synthectic and overpowering but not in a good way, I drop the white plastic cap on the floor and was completely destroyed...I guess that's why they call it a cheapie.


The sillage is non existent, but it tries really hard and it actually delivers. Very light fruits and flowers. Good try. Wearable.




I really like it, to me its very fresh and it smells like the classic head&shoulders.
Very shampooey very safe for summer, clean, some of my collegues like it and one of them complained that it's too flowery and this reminds me that our noses are not all the same peeps!
Always sample before you buy if you can.


This was the first aquatic with the melon peach water florals that I ever sampled. I don't think this is much different than Escape and Issey however, my first love for an aquatic was Cool Water.


I love and wear Sunflowers simply for nostalgic reasons. It puts me back to the 90s when we wore denim jackets and sunflower hats (why did we ever stop doing that?!). It's a good everyday fragrance. I typically wear this in the summer and early fall to work and lounging around.


I used to wear Sunflowers to work back in the 90's when it first came out. I'd spray it on in the morning when I got ready for work and it would last all day. I'd often get compliments on it, never one complaint. It's a sunny, fresh citrus floral complimented by a melon that is always clean and juicy - never overripe and rotten like melon sometimes goes in fragrances. It was a nice, reliable, office friendly type of scent back in the 90's and it remains the same kind of timeless fragrance in 2023. I wore it running errands today and it smelled so nice - like a soft sunshiny breeze.


This is really nice! It’s cold and rainy summer day today. This is my fragrance of choice. It’s lifting my mood just like the bright colours of freshly picked garden flowers do!
It’s not too sweet/fruity, not too “citrusy” (real citrus is aromatic not fresh per say). It’s happiness; it’s sunshine in a bottle, it’s brightness in the air.
If it wasn’t just pleasant it would have been a Love, not a Like. Personally I need strangeness and something polarising in a fragrance to really love it. This is a pure mood booster, and I like it!

Midnight Raine

This is a cousin of Cool Water for Women. It is citrusy and sweet like Cool Water, but it's not sharp; these florals soften the citrus. It's a very happy scent.

Wearing it for the first time today, I got more than 6 hours of longevity. That was with one spray on my shirt, and one additional misting spritz from farther away.

Solid like. I'm very happy to have this in my collection.

hashizotchi london

Love this smell - reminds me of the 90s, my childhood happiness and what my Mum would smell like. Makes me think of sun, blue sky, fresh air - that moment you can smell the sunshine. Yes - it's the smell of sunshine! <3


snailserum so correct and real of you. this is the scent of cute summer plastic dolls and loco girls running in packs.

to me there is a less doll head scent (still there) but it leans nicer, like a light, simple syrupy, white floral fleshy fruit! it’s my current “hungover and need a boost” scent along with EA green tea and Jovan musk.

it’s also a great “beach but not beach” scent tbh. like a boardwalk or a riverside park. and it surprisingly fits the current Barbie resurgence despite not being pink. sprayed it while listening to barbie dreams by fiftyfifty and kali and it just fit the mood of the song. not super saccharine sweet, but fresh and super nostalgic (think my cousin wore this back when I was growing up in jersey)


I got a bottle of this when I was little (2000's) and got another one recently. Although I can't exactly remember what a sunflower smells like, this smells like what one might imagine a sunflower field smells like. It's a surprisingly strong floral fragrance, but it's a realistic floral that feels like walking through flowers dripping pollen on a hot, sunny summer day. Once in a while I get a whiff of melon. This is too strong/floral for me to spray like I normally would (two sprays behind my ears almost knocked me out/made me sick) but I find that I can achieve its dreamy/ozonic effect if I hold my arm out and mist my clothes.


Sunflowers became popular when I was around 16. I never wore it then. I wish I would have! I'm sure at the time it would have clashed with my angst. It was too light and bright, sunny and fun. Full of daydreams and optimism. I didn't feel that way then. 30 years later I do, or at least I strive to. This fragrance makes me feel good, hopeful. I wore it for the first time yesterday. It was a breezy, all blue skies sort of day here on the Oregon Coast. Every time the wind would kick up it would carry and put a smile on my face. The notes listed here are a bit different. On the Elizabeth Arden website the notes mentioned (at the time of this review) are: bergamot, melon, peach, osmanthus, jasmine, cyclamen, sandalwood, and moss. I'll update once I get to know this sweet liquid sunshine a little better. UPDATE: It's been a month now, and I'm smitten! I've fallen completely in love with Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden! It's so bright, with citrus, and perfectly sweet... It almost makes my mouth water! When it settles that sunny sweetness is still there, but there's also a warm woodiness that comes through, especially on skin versus clothing that feels grounding. Together it feels like a spiritual experience! Absolutely beautiful! I'm sad to say this fragrance isn't beast mode. I really wish it were! Maybe it's a good thing that it isn't. Don't get me wrong, it has moderate staying power, more than a lot of modern day designer fragrances. I just want it to last forever! It goes much further on your clothes and hair, as most do. To sum it up it's like the best spring morning or a joyful summer day, filled with golden light and smiles, that ends with a bonfire. The body spray in stores is uplifting, but the actual juice is different, divine if you're looking for a blissful and bright scent. I ordered from the Elizabeth Arden website to ensure I would get the real deal, and it's probably best to buy directly if you don't want your favorite fragrances to be discontinued. My only complaint is that this is an EDT instead of an EDP or full parfum, so I find myself spritzing again in two to three hours. Money can't buy happiness except in the form of a 3.3 oz bottle of Sunflowers!


Smells like the nineties. I perceive it as overpowering so I spray only once and from a distance. For me it becomes better with time, so after a few hours I really like how it projects. I wear it on warm and windy days, so the wind can spread it around and away from me, that's how I like it best. Not sure if people around me enjoy it, then again, not sure if I care.


@nostrilsattached Hot doesn’t smell like Sunflowers to me. Hot is soft and cosy, tons of Rosewood and powdery sandalwood with sweetness in the base and a noticeable jasmine throughout. I think Hot smells a bit Autumnal. It’s in the same category as Dior Dune to me.

Sunflowers is bright, fresh, floral and less woody. It’s Spring on the cusp of Summer in my mind (I couldn’t wear it high heat as I think I’d find it cloying), but Sunflowers is so recognisable to me that I’ve realised I actually thought this is what Sunflowers smell like! It’s a happy smell rather than a cosy one.


it’s a pretty light spring floral


Honestly, if you pack it in niche brand bottle it will convince even demanding perfume connoisseurs. A very well balance, rich smell. Love it in sunny, warm August afternoon.


It's very pleasant scent. But I don't understand why it's called "Sunflowers", because I can smell a mono melon. It's a very ripe melon. It reminds me of the chewing gum "Love Is" from my childhood. First minutes this fragrance is unisex, like a shaving foam with melon flavor. But the base is beautiful here, melon and creamy notes, like some care products. I honestly tried to find a sunflower, but it's not there or I don't know how sunflower smells in perfumery. But the scent itself is very positive. It's suitable for both summer and winter. Longevity and sillage is very good. I can smell it approximately all day long. I blind bought it and I'm happy.


A beautiful, warm, yet simple floral! A small amount of fruitiness, but not overly sweet. Reminds me to a degree of Gucci Bloom Profumo di Fiori, but not as a clone or a replacement. Just a warm floral. Smells like summer in a country garden. The simplest way to break this down, official note breakdown be damned, I would say I mostly get a very light peach, with some nectar/honeysuckle thrown in and my fiancé and I both like it a lot! Especially for Summer! It was $11 at Ross and from what I understand it’s also always available at WalMart for a comparable price. Albeit in a plastic body mist bottle. It’s super cheap, just get it to try it!


This was my perfume as a girl, and the memory of when I first smelled it is big and bright and golden in my mind, like the perfume was back then. My grandmother bought me a bottle after hearing me gush about how sunny and beautiful it smelled, and how happy it made me. I had it for years. Sunflowers was what my youth smelled like. I recently bought a bottle after talking about memories of the past with my husband, so he could smell this piece of who I had been. Unfortunately, it's not the same anymore. It's... close, but it's not the Big Sunshine Girl anymore. Smelling it is like trying to remember a song but some of the lyrics are missing, and you get a couple of the words wrong. It's mostly there, it's recognizable, but it's off-key. I won't lie, I'm a little heartbroken.


This scent is definitely not for me, yet I keep coming back to smell it, like what's going on here? Despite the name, there's no fun in this fragrance. I get a bit of the fruity notes initially, but it quickly dries down to a synthetic plastic-y smell. For some reason it reminds me of an electronics store, or a storage space full of new equipment and styrofoam


Like others have said, this is a baffling perfume. It's nothing like what I usually go for and it's so synthetic and screechy but...I weirdly kind of like it? Picked this up at Marshall's for super cheap bc I kept coming back and sniffing it and going "What is going on here??"
The vibes are plastic-y, shampoo-y 90s mall + girl who religiously uses Sun-In in her hair + also I feel like if you hugged a gyaru/Loco Girl this is what she would smell like.
I am NOT a melon girlie and this definitely has a melon shampoo note but, maybe because it gives me such a clear image of the kind of girl who would rock this I keep her in my collection for days when I'm going for a 90s/y2k girly vibe.


This is a very odd perfume... I kind of get the Sunflowers title, as in it smells like what I would imagine them to smell if they had a scent. But it also had a very... Weirdly oily note? I'm not sure how to explain it, but it kind of smelled like oily seeds or something in the background. I can imagine it going well on someone else's skin though, just not for me. Personally I can't imagine when I would reach for this perfume.


Just from reading the reviews I can tell it’s been reformulated at some point, probably around the time oakmoss went extinct. I have several vintage bottles and aside from a tiny bit of pungent nail polish funk after the first spray that I assume is oxidation, it smells exactly the same as I remember. A lovely ozonic/ sweet fruity-floral. Anyone who has actually smelled a sunflower knows it is not a pretty sweet smelling flower it’s a little bitter and pungent not sweet at all. Sunflowers is obviously a creative interpretation of that flower if it WERE
pretty and sweet smelling. I always think of sunflowers when I smell it so job well done! Sunflowers came out during an era in perfume when melon (calone) was getting tossed into everything and it’s still the only calone heavy scent that I love. I think it’s a beautiful timeless fruity-floral that’s perfect for spring. Excellent silage and longevity although I can’t speak for modern formula


I just bought a bottle for $10. Batch is from Jan 23, two months ago. Super confused as I only smell strong supermarket flower bouquet. Like a strong slightly rubbery, impersonal flower. Clean. The dry down on cloth helps me smell something other than vague floral but it takes a while to get to that point.

I read about the controversal act of "maceration" aka oxidizing the perfume on purpose by spraying it to introduce air into the bottle. I did this and also ONLY BECAUSE IT'S A $10 PERFUME OKAY I shook the bottle vigorously and put it in a drawer to settle. Its only been a few hours but I swear I can smell something under the heavy floral now. Will wear tomorrow (78 degrees in march!) and report back.

Update: Atomizer smells citrusier but juice smells the same on. Not my style.


Starts out with very sweet notes, but the woody and sharp ones soon take over. I would have liked these to remain on the lighter side.

If sprayed in excess, one can lose track of its sweetness. The florals are strong but cosy, though it's probably my nostalgia talking. I prefer to spray from a distance, avoiding it in excess.

I'm not crazy over it, but it does its job as a summer perfume. Bonus points for holding a special place in my heart as the first perfume my dad ever gifted to me :')


I have smelled the original 1990's Sunflowers, and this 2020's era formulation is not identical to that one. But it IS similar enough that I consider it a decent flanker, in my mind.

The difference is in the weight. This 2020's version comes across heavier. It is still fresh, and has most of the same components, but it seems more "perfumey", concentrated, and it takes hours for it to develop the lightness and delicacy the 1990's formula has. It misses an odd 'oily' quality the original had, which probably contributed to the softness it conveyed. The new one is sharper to me, and lasts longer. A different balance of fresh gentleness can be found after about a day on a paper sample. I don't totally miss the "oily" part. I always thought it was a tad overdone in the original formula, even if it was honest to the flower, itself.

"Sunflowers" is an interpretation of the smell a fresh sunflower in a summer field. Smell a real Sunflower on a warm day, and see if you can pick out the different qualties of it, and then smell any of these batches. It really is beautiful, what the creative parties involved had envisioned, and ultimately, made. Bravo as well, for keeping the new formulations so close to the original.


Sunflowers by EA is more like a sharp aquatic floral scent to my nose. Unfortunately, my nose can't stand screechy scents and it's not a perfume that I'm going to have.


This starts off promising with a bright, citrusy and juicy burst- but unfortunately that melon note turns very sharp shortly after spraying and stays that way for almost the entire wear time. The sharpness just overpowers everything and gives it a “chemical bathroom cleaner” vibe. This is borderline unwearable for me, the only way I can pull this off is by spraying very lightly and from a distance. Even then, that screechy quality is present but isn’t as potent.

I might chalk it up to the new reformulations, I’ve noticed the Elizabeth Arden perfumes I’ve tried that are made in Barcelona, Spain have this sharp, unpleasant quality that was not present in older formulations. Such a pity!

I will say it lasted quite a commendable amount of time for an EDT, and the dry down is very pleasant as that sharpness disappears and is replaced with a soft, floral musk skin scent. But that’s only after several hours of spraying, and the wait isn’t worth suffering through that strange chemical blast in the beginning I’m afraid.


Sunflowers opens with a sweet and fruity shampoo-like scent, though this fades swiftly with the dry down, giving way to some spicy green notes that make me feel as if I’ve just taken a tumble in some freshly-cut grass, before gradually revealing a heavier, more bitter base. I’m surprised not to see actual sunflowers or daisies listed among the ingredients, as the portrayal does feel accurate.

As for the actual listed flora, I can only detect a hint of orange blossom and perhaps just the barest trace of melon. How all of these ingredients merge to create the scent of sunflowers is beyond me!

While a little too harsh for my personal tastes, Sunflowers is a sweet and relatively inoffensive scent sure to please many. Yellow and summery, a little peppery, a little fresh . . . overall, a great summer fragrance.


I find this perfume interesting to unpack, because it is indeed a strange mix.

The top notes are very fruity-sweet, with a short evolution towards very explicit notes of white flowers that are "cantalouping" a little. Then come the citrus and the woodiness, until it reaches a kind of foamy/plastic/critical background, which smells at the same time like an avant-garde attempt and an airport soap. With the osmanthus layer in the middle of it all, it's very 90's-esque, and both fun and interesting.

I wouldn't wear it, for sure, but it might be worth a second look for the little trip back in time.


My Fiancée has this, I got it her as her favourite flower is the sunflower.

This stuff is no joke amazing.. I can smell this on her all day.. and I mean ALL day. After she's been at work all day, as soon as I get close to her, I can smell it, it's beautiful it smells very similar to Issey Miyake at an absolute unbelievable price.


Love this! Bought it having seen positive reviews and it's such a good value, budget frag. I was surprised I liked it so much, it's a warm, comforting, fruity, floral, smells likes your favourite, sweet aunty! It's fresh, clean, soft and suitable for any season, although I prefer it for winter as it's got juicy fruit notes. I prefer citrus based scents for summer but this is lovely for summer evenings, and gorgeous for bedtime. It's great that is still so popular after it's launch 30 years ago, I'll always have a bottle of this open. Best of all is the price point, proving you don't have to spend a fortune to enjoy a beautiful fragrance.


A total dupe for L'Eau D'Issey EDT! I would even say it shares the same DNA as Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet. All of which have that watery floral with a hint of fruitiness. Sunflowers has a very prominent melon note, like L'Eau D'Issey EDT. Its smooth, very floral forward, and dare I say, even creamy? Its gorgeous and the price just makes me love it even more.


Thank you to this perfume for making me understand what I don't like. I don't like acquatics. This is a softer Issey Miyake L'eau Dissey which remains nauseating, with wafts of rotting canteloupe.


Sunny, happy, yellow perfume! I remember my grandmother wearing this and it being popular in my high school grunge days in the Pacific Northwest. I wouldn’t have pegged it as an aquatic with watery notes. It always seems so WARM to me. It lasts all day (16hrs), but overnight on the skin it does lose structure. I recently tried vintage Diamonds and Sapphires eau de parfum and I can see the relationship between the two. This is a big yellow nostalgic love!


Should have been called Dead flowers lol...


I love this it smells so nostalgic and clean and such an easy fragrance to wear I will defo always have a bottle in my collection as it’s such an easy reach


So yellow :)


I don't really get any of the fruit here, more just vibes of it if I'm honest. The floral is really really strong and bright, definitely a super summery cheery scent that would perk anyone up if they were feeling down. This reminds me of a phase in my life where I was in a very emotionally invested talking stage with a military man and going to the gym regularly because the shower was broken at my house. It brings to mind idealized summer, warm, cathartic and superficially happy but definitely synthetic with the lingering bite of woody base notes reminding you that it'll all end eventually. And just like my very emotionally invested talking stage and my stint at the gym this perfume fizzles out to nothing pretty abruptly on my skin - 5/10


it's alright, i guess. i didn't get any of the fruit, just floral. smells nice, but it's meh for me. it reminds me too much of my aunts overspraying their perfume for me to like it :/


This smells very sharp and that sharpness doesn't leave. Also I don't get any fruity scent from this, just sharp floral.


How come is this a fruity fragrance? I smell the bitter yellow flowers and it gave me a slight headache but I still like it. I’ll just use it wisely and in small amounts I guess. But the name corresponds to the scent. It’s sunflowers and my childhood summers in west Slovakia 🙂


Your taste in perfume changes over time. In the case of Sunflowers, it was a matter of weeks before I had to stop wearing it. There is a note in there I haven't smelled elsewhere, maybe cantaloupe. I detest cantaloupe.

Helena Voltaire

This was such a surprise. It has been gifted to me, when I first sprayed it I instanstly went: ugh cheap lemony toilet cleaner”, BUT let me say, it develops sososososososo beautifully. I wore this in the summer doing errands and running around in the heat. I have realized you must sweat in it in order for the oils to react with your skin and reach its true potential. It lasted all day on me and I kept getting whifs of it while moving my arms, or just adjusting my clothes.

What can I say, truly surprising. I don’t think it works in colder weather though. For the price, this one is fantastic, it smells a bit generic, but it had something special in it. I will keep this in my collection for those hot summer days/evenings.


This reminds me of that gold-colored handsoap. I think it's the antibacterial one by Dial. I mean that 100% as a compliment - who wouldn't want to smell clean?


Sunny, childhood memories in a bottle; that's what this is. It's a maternal, warm, cozy blanket that hugs and comforts you. When I close my eyes, I can almost feel the sun on my skin with this one. A scent children of the 80's and 90's probably smelled on a female family member during the summer holidays, as I definitely did, although I can't pinpoint who. A beautiful classic, that in my opinion have stood the test of time.

Misia Cloudy Lamb

I think it is super accurate. The way this smell is overpowering is very good metaphor of the moment in which you are experiencing heat but you are in state of full acceptance.

If that perfume would be a moment, it would be being in Slavic meadows, insanely blooming in its highest glory


This was my first perfume. It is nothing groundbreaking, but is warm, comforting, and suitable for a large age range (I felt very comfortable wearing this in my late teens and early twenties, but wouldn't stop there).

I find it to be very long lasting. I love that can wear it casually in cool summer evenings, as well as throughout the fall and winter seasons.

It is a simple, well-rounded fragrance. At first sniff, it simply smells pretty, without any distinguishable notes. A little more time with it, and I do smell a warm sunflower, with a bit of a syrupy texture (think a fruit cup with light syrup) in the best of ways.

An amazing, affordable perfume that I will always keep in my collection.


Between Sunflowers, White Tea, and Green Tea, I like Sunflowers the most.


This was my mother's signature scent. She was born in 1970. Most people can't afford to spend much on perfume. This is a nice clean bright scent.


This one had to grow on me. It was too melon-y and aquatic. It grew to being just “ok.” If I wear it twice a year, it has served its purpose. Good value and projection, if you like these particular notes.


Smelled this on a friend tonight and loved it on her. Fresh, clean and „familiar“ - definitely not standing out, but just comfy and nice. Cuddling.


I would not guess, that this perfume is almost 30 yrs old. This is youthful fragrance, joyous and bright. Still modern for today's women.

Citrus and bergamot at opening, then rose, introducing sandalwood, cedar and amber. The overall finish is aquatic, with a bit of fruity juiciness. Personally I don't recognize the notes after a while: it blends into one for me.

Although it's pleasant aroma, it smells syntetic and not exclusive. For summer days is optimistic, airy and sweet. A fragrance for uncomplicated joy. About wearing it into work ...probably not.
Avarage sillage and longevity.


Beautiful zesty fresh citrus floral. Been wearing this for over 20 years. It's always in my perfume collection. Nice little cheapie that's such a beautiful summery scent. Longevity is fantastic and people always compliment saying it smells fresh


It always seems too much for me, but somehow I need this scent in my life.


I remember trying this fragrance when I was a kid and hated it. I got older (late 30s) and thought I'd try it out again. I stuck my foot in the water by trying out the body spray first. Test it out and see if I like it before committing to a perfume bottle. I ended up liking the body spray. Unfortunately, I bought a bottle of the perfume and it's still gonna be a pass from me. I think my problem is the body spray is lighter/more muted than the perfume. The perfume is a bit too heavy and strong for me. I at least want to use the perfume on myself instead of using it for an air freshener like I did with the bottle from when I was a kid.

I'll still play around with this perfume and experiment on it during the different seasons. This hot weather might not be doing it any favors.


Sunflowers by EA opens as quite luminous, sunny ☀️, joyful and uplifting. I get some citruses and herbal florals (tagettes or marigolds) which I’m surprised not to see in the notes. Their slight bitterness is sweetened by the mellow melons, which also lend some dewiness without being a full blown aquatic. I don’t get peach. The heart is very well blended; I cannot pinpoint any specific notes except the somewhat bitter herbal nature I already mentioned. The oak moss in the base is noticeable but very mild and doesn’t take it to chypre territory. The performance is on the lower side of moderate but given the price and the refreshing nature of the juice it is always a pleasure to reapply.


This is very bright and clean. I get mostly bright aquatic florals that are sweetened a tad by tart fruits. A high soprano with a bit of sharp screech in the opening. A little goes a long way.
It opens with a sharp high pitch citrusy floral with hints of spicy powdered wood. Very bright.
Then an aquatic note that I can’t quite place begins to shine with an almost unripened yellow grapefruit-
In fact, everything in this that I can detect seems to be very tart and tight- citruses that aren’t quite ready to be eaten, tight tart rose- I’d love to smell a ripened version of this where the fruit and flowers have been honeyed by the sun & I think adding a deeper vanilla as an under layer might make this more my speed. It’s a little bright for me… but I see why it’s a staple for so many.
Reading the comments here this sounds very body chemistry/weather dependent… I don’t get the peach or the melon- for fruit I get bright bitter sweet yellow citrus- for me there is a sharp aquatic tone to it and I’m also surprised there’s no marigold.
Still- very nice but I’m gonna play with it a bit and see if I can take it down an octave with a simple warm base of amber or vanilla *fingers crossed*


A sweet and soft fragrance that is very happy and joyful. Sunflowers Elizabeth is an olfactory experience that brings back the memories of a summer morning with all yellowness outside. Brings carefree, joy, bright, and, happy vibes to me. There is spiciness, woods, and melon along with some of the citruses in this fragrance. A must-have in summers, though this is a complex one but that removes all the dullness too. longevity is good and the silage is moderate. This is highly versatile and easy to wear anywhere.


I purchased when I saw good comments in general and it turned out that scent was nothing more than a cheap wet wipe smell for me. Also gave me an immediate headache. There is a comment how this smells exactly ( marigold, wet hay/barn ) which I tottally agree.


Very strong marigold/wet hay or barn smell with some Cantaloupe melon mm this is a comical product, it’s yuck! Will have to recycle this as a house air freshener, definitely not a fashion scent.


Honestly I love this scent for bedtime. This is a clean, soapy, I just got out of the shower scent. I layer this with coconut and cotton from B&BW for the ultimate bedtime combo. It soothes me to sleep because I had to take a shower before bed as a kid. I had to order a 100 ml bottle because I’ve used up most of my 50 ml bottle in a few months.


Bought for nostalgia, simply to see if this matched my hazy half-memory of a perfume bottle with sunflowers on it that my mom had in the nineties, and here I am in 2022 happily wearing it on the regular! For the price this is a fantastic perfume, and I can spray as much as I want without guilt. I’m not always in the mood for this “heavy” of a scent (maybe not what everyone would consider heavy, but I’m sensitive to fragrance and let’s face it, at this price point the ingredients are probably not super-clean!) but it doesn’t bother me. When I want a yellow floral rather than a white, I reach for this or the VERY pricy Ostara (which I have a rollerball of for special occasions.)

I don’t sense the citrus unless I’m looking for it. It’s very well blended. There is a floral that is a bit unusual and very uplifting (cyclamen?). It is just a touch oily/waxy in the best possible way, not sugary-sweet like so many fragrances today. It’s just retro enough to feel timeless, imho. I could see this working for a woman of any age and I’d say definitely a safe blind buy, seeing as you can get it anywhere for around $12.


I was browsing TJ Maxx and saw this was opened. Just smelling the cap took me back. I probably had some body spray in a metal can that was a dupe. It’s such a hard to describe scent because it’s not fruity, floral, sweet, or ambery. Kind of like a sunny beach scent with no traditional summer notes. It has rosewood in common with Dior Dune. I can see why someone who likes Dune would also like Sunflowers.


I am so shocked how beautiful is this fragrance. Perfect summer evening light amber. So warm and inviting.

Katie <3

My five year old nephew said I smell beautiful.
A nice scent, kind of reminds me of Nivea cream. Floral, very fresh and clean. Smells very sunny and fresh on the right chemistry. Definitely chemistry dependent.


When you first spray some of this fragrance it hits you with and instant powerful sugary smell that may seem more or less shocking, as it smells like straight up candied melon and citrus. After you let it sit for a while it may morph into somewhat nondescript flowers and an underlying oily honeydew undertone, and a nice mossy base.
It's comforting and, despite the opening, it is not overbearing or nauseating; it's actually rather delicate, and encompassing, like a visit to an old acquaintance who lives in a very warm climate.
The longevity is medium.


I still like this perfume after all of these years. Every time I wear it I'm reminded of first dates and short sundresses and summer. It has so many good memories tied up in the smell for me. I've grown and changed since then but I love revising that younger version of myself and my life every now and again.

Jesse Harrison

I remembered really enjoying smelling this years ago, so once I was getting into fragrances recently, purchasing a small bottle was a no-brainer. It is just as delightful as I remember! Citrusy, sweet, fresh, powdery, it somehow manages to be all of these at once. And it lasts pretty long for a fresh fragrance, at least on my skin (everyone's skin chemistry is different, your mileage may vary). I am so glad I brought this into my collection!


This takes me back to spring of 8th grade (1995!) and when it was warm enough to wear shorts, anticipating summer. I still have my old bottle but bought a fresh one at TJ Maxx, and they're practically indistinguishable. Good to know!

This is, hands down, how a SUMMER fragrance smelled in the 90's. No fruitiness, no suntan lotion or coconut (not that those things aren't great). It's floral and powdery, and verging on something that, in the modern context, would come across as fall scent. But not to me, since my association with it is firmly sunny, 90's summers.


I have had this scent forever! I love sunflowers and I love this fragrance for summer. Talk about lasting forever - this is eternal too the E! and cheap as chips. Definitely make the purchase.


The melon, mandarine orange and moss combination left me feeling underwhelmed. The longevity and projection are average.
This is my least favourite EA fragrance.


An absolute must-have. One of my all-time favorites. My grandma had this when I was young and I would always go in her cabinet and smell it. Now that I have a bottle for myself, I have flown through it. I mostly wear it during the Spring, Summer, and early Fall. I honestly need to get another bottle. You can find this online or at stores like TJ Maxx for $10-14 USD for a 3.3 oz. It's best to get a larger size since you need to spray a lot, but I don't care. It's beautiful.

Funnily enough, sunflowers are not in the notes, but Bath & Body Works' Golden Sunflower does have sunflowers in the notes and does smell like this. The biggest difference is that Arden's Sunflowers is lighter and less sweet. It does smell pretty vintage, but in the best way possible! So light and breezy. The notes listed here aren't registering to me. I don't get any peach, citruses, jasmine, sandalwood, or rose. Sunflowers are my favorite flower (and I love flowers so much!), and this scent fills me with the same joy that I get from real sunflowers.


Has been on my to-test list for a while, and finally got to it. Bright warm floral with a fresh opening that fades to a honey-ish sweet posh-smell that is a bit much for me.


I bought Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers EDT 100ML for £10

This purchase was purely made due to me loving sunflowers, the colour yellow, an increasing interest in 90's perfumes and the 90's in general.

Unfortunately I cannot comment on nostalgia because I was born in 1996 and I've never smelt it before.

The box is a lovely bright yellow with a sunflower on it. Cute enough and very summery. The bottle is a classic 90's perfume shape and not really much to call home about. The lovely yellow liquid is what does most for the bottle. But I was exited to try this out...

The scent first off hits as a clean lemony scent. It then settles on the skin as more of a clean, fresh scent almost like soap with a hint of citrus lemon. There is a slight undertone of floral, however this is overwhelmed by the strong lemon, soapy smell. This is not something I was expecting, looking at the bottle I was expecting sunflower floral scent.

I have to admit this is a very strong smelling perfume, while still keeping feminity. For an EDT, it lasted hours and could be picked up on my clothes at the end of the day. I feel it acts more of a parfum which is amazing.

This is a type of perfume that would be suited for daytime wear, particularly summer. It is non offensive however it is something you would smell on yourself all day, and may be picked up a couple feet away.

Overall I really liked the staying power, ease of wear and cleanliness of this perfume.



Ok, as someone who generally finds budget fragrances from this era to be overly heady, sharp and powdery, this is a welcome change and I find this to still be super fresh and wearable for younger people! Don't be put off by the dated packaging: if you like sophisticated, fresh and resinous citrus florals like Chloé and Clinique Happy, this is in a similar vein! I'm such a big fan of Green Tea, and I guess because I really dislike some of the older '80s fragrances like Elizabeth Arden like 5th Avenue and Red Door I was ready to dislike this too. But no, it's timeless, fresh, zesty, creamy, resinous and so, so easy to wear.

I get a lot of creamy, juicy peach and bergamot, fresh aquatic notes, a tropical suntan lotion feel and a lovely more unisex cedar and sandalwood dry down.

It's also reminiscent of citrus aquatics like D&G Light Blue and Acqua di Gioia. It manages to draw comparison to all these effortless bestsellers without being a generic blend of them all. It deserves so much better than this dull, outdated '90s bottle design. What a surprising gem!



Used to wear this in the mid 90's during my teen years. Recently saw a bottle of this and picked it up for about $10. Got home and sprayed it. Instantly took me back! Still smells the same as it did then.

Clean, citrusy, and a little sweet. Just puts you in a good mood. Great longevity lasted over 8 hours and doesn't overwhelm a room.

Will be definitely wearing this throughout the Summer.


This smells exactly like my youngest aunt who was a teenager in the mid nighties, who made me watch the spice girls movie on repeat with her when I was 5 and she was 14. I could barely keep my eyes open thru the 3rd watch. She had a water bed and loved to water ski. When I think of the 90's and everyone in my gen talking about bringing the 90's back I think about her. When I first tried it I smelled something I remembered. An old memory. When I realized it smelled like the spice girls movie I kind of wanted to cry LOL. Memories and smells. I like it. I can't wear it tho.


I blind bought this because it was cheap and I've been curious about fragrances that were popular in the 80s/90s recently. I'm in my early 20s and fairly certain I've never smelled it before.

Based on the reviews here I thought it would be a cloyingly sweet fruit-dominant scent, but while the fruit is present the main vibes I get are fresh, powdery and floral. There is a slight tang at the opening that made me think "wow, this smells kind of like a bunch of flowers who are all 5 mimosas deep at brunch" but that dissipated after a few minutes into a light citrusy touch. I'm guessing it's the rosewood note keeping it from veering into air freshener territory. @femboyslayer69 was spot on when they said it smells like baby wipes in a nice way on the drydown lol

Overall, while I can't see myself wearing it every day it is one of the nicer fresh scents I've smelled. It will be nice to throw on this summer on days when I can't decide which fragrance to wear.


While now this fragrance seems too sweet and friendly for my taste, it takes me right back to a time when the world was safe and brimming with possibilities. When hopes and dreams were not just nonsense... When everything you wished for could come true and happy endings weren't only fairytales.


i saw this in store last week, and didn’t get it because of some reviews on fragrantica called it a really sharp and strong perfume which i do NOT dig (and also because there was no tester out, thanks covid)
But over the course of that week and this week, i could NOT stop thinking about this perfume. i even dreamt about it twice! (if you’re curious about the dream, i had one dream where i sprayed this perfume on myself and it smelled really good and the other dream was me buying it lmao)

so today i went to the store again, said fuck it and just got it and, omg! i should’ve gotten this last week!

this is happiness and sunshine in a bottle, it’s a beautiful soapy citrus scent, a bit reminiscent of baby wipes. In the best way possible! Not super soft, but definitely not sharp. I think it’s perfect! I can not wait to absolutely shower myself in this, and it just makes me feel really happy when i put it on. This was some of you guys’ signature scents in high school back in the 90s, and now it’ll be my signature scent in high school in the 2020’s :) if you’re thinking about getting it, just get it! it’s a cheapie but a goodie. For performance, it lasts pretty long for an EDT (i got about 6 hours out of it) and the silage is moderate :)


UPDATE: Unfortunately I gifted this bottle, it just didn't worked with my chemistry. Initially I rly liked this at first spray but after some time using it, it rly bothered my nose and I felt suffocated. I coughed a lot when wearing this and after some time I just wanted it off my skin, so yeah image how much it bothered me... and surprise surprise I went back to the shop and I bough the Green Tea! Now Im wearing it all the time around the house, its gentle and fresh on my skin and I love it

I was ready to buy a fresh everyday perfume (on a budget) and by reading the reviews I was sure that Green Tea- Elizabeth would be the one for me...Well surprise surprise I bought this one :) Was generally surprised from the scent and I even tried it on my skin and voila it just works with my chemistry. It's not sweet or fruity, but warm, floral. gentle and fresh. It's very soft and I highly recommend after reading all the reviews, make sure to test it for yourself :)

Red Jaguar

Sunflowers is a nostalgia trip for me. I was in junior high when this came out and was really popular. I remember the ads in magazines and my beloved aunt got me a gift set of it for Christmas one year. It seemed way too strong for me at the time but I kept the bottle for a long time because I liked the smell. I wore it occassionally in later years. But what I really remember well with this scent is that a girl I did not like (she was a bit of a bully) wore it. She sat next to me in Home Economics and she must have layed it with the soap, lotion and perfume because she radiated this scent and not in a bad way either. To me she smelled like really squeaky clean sweet soap. As much as I disliked the girl, I couldn't dislike the smell of her! I was such a loner and outcast and I don't remember that time fondly, but I remember and feel happy when I wear this scent maybe because I associate it with my aunt.

I get melon and lemon and oak moss with this. I would recommend for spring and fall, when you long for fresh warm flowers and fruits. I think this perfume has it's own style going on and is great for someone who wants to be a little different.


Sunflowers is lively and bright as is a yellow colour.
I bought it just for fun in 2008 when I was not in perfumes yet and I was not a Fragrantica member.

When I brought it home and tested it after months of sitting in a drawer and I was was not my kind of scent. Those months I wore Midnight Poison and Mystere de Rochas and G. Sabatini Magnetic. It was sharp and aquatic, just too much in to face... but I haven't toosed it, it was sitting patiently in the dark closet for years, safely stored in it's box.

From month to month I visit all my precious bottles (precious to me, of course) and a few years ago I started to apprechiate Sunflowers: I get melon, cyclamen... I love to wear it two days in row and I put it on rest for a month or two.

I agree on wearing when the weather is cold and glummy - then it's brightness shines through!


Wearing this for the first time in forever, in support of Ukraine.

A fruity perfume, begins with notes of melon, rose and marigold, and turns into peach and jasmin with a base of sandalwood and moss. Forgot how this perfume instantly puts me in a good mood.


Revisiting this. I agree with the people below about wearing in winter. It doesn’t do well in heat, very cloying and wearing it in late summer/fall actually ruined it for me. Couldn’t wear it for year or two.

But in the winter? Nice pick me up. I only wear it when I’m home, stuck inside for the day.


Bought this for a walk down memory lane.... First impression was, that my mind had played a trick on me, making me remembering it, as a teenage love. Was ready to get rid of it, but then after 20 min ..... Hello my lovely, just as I remembered you 🤗


I just couldn't. At all. Got it for nostalgia but no ma'am. This formulation is rancid and synthetic as all get out. Def not the Sunflowers we used to adore. I just threw away a new huge bottle. I can't even give this away!!! Yikes.


@ANNN1 Your review was so funny and nostalgic because I can totally relate. I still have 3/4 of my bottle from "back in the days". Just for nostalgia purposes because I have definitely matured into more sophisticated scents.


I owned a bottle of it back in the 90ies but didn't use it all that often. Still, it smells like my teenage dreams and angst and everything condensed in a small yellow bottle. If I was invited to a 90ies party, this is probably the scent I would choose for the occasion (trying to not get outstaged by my husband wearing 'Obsession for men'...).

It is so funny how we get stuck in this time capsule of our youth. And how this time capsule is shaken to its core by a statement like "Sunflower smells like an old lady's perfume" when it is the quintessence of youth for us. It's like somebody calling Nirvana old people's music. Shocking but gaining more truth with every year that passes.

Did Sunflower stand the test of time? Definitely not. It smells synthetic and chemical and unpleasantly sweet. A type of scent that I have left behind a long time ago. That the world has left behind a long time ago. But it is kind of fun that you can still buy it today and be sent back in time.


I love your review "antfarm" as scent is nostalgia and often transportive. I don't usually review female fragrances, but as a male it makes sense that I should, though this will of course be one person's opinion. My earliest experience with this scent is controversial to a degree as apart from the abundance of females wearing this and The Body Shops "Dew Berry" perfume oil I found this to be the fragrance of choice for exotic dancers. It's popularity made it present everywhere but in my youth it just had this association for me personally. I loved this scent, and even in the current state, which is not nearly as pleasant, I still find it nice. It appears that the scent is dated now, but also seems to represent youth as I believe it did in the heyday that was. I will always like this fragrance, and as many here probably will note, the scent is very distinct and easy to identify. For me, I will always be transported to the early nineties when I finally discovered some self confidence and began exploring the adult world where nightclubs were our social networks, and bad decisions led the way. Such fond memories for this.


I wore this sometimes in middle school, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Ah, sweet memories of reading Babysitters Club books, playing Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega at sleepovers, listening to Nirvana non-stop, skating at the roller rink with a stuffed bra and ripped stonewash jeans while hoping boys would notice me, and pretending to shop for outfits in the Delia's mail order catalog.

This was one of the biggest scents of my youth. I loved it back then. It was like an extension of my growing self. Like a big sunflower growing out from my adolescent soul. To me it smelled like a literal artist's interpretation of a sunflower turned into liquid form. It smelled warm, golden, sweet, and somewhat nutty/oily like a sunflower seed. Going back into my scent memory, I definitely remember smelling some crazy-wild synthetic melon note (which I loved at the time), citrus, and a smooth sandalwood base. Nothing else smelled anything like it. It just smelled like the '90s. It smelled like the person I wanted to be back then.

Here is my review for the recent formulation of Sunflowers on the market today: When I sniffed the nozzle I got excited because this smelled very close to the original Sunflowers. Then the disappointment started when I sprayed it on. No wild 'n' crazy melon note that I used to love. Up close it smells like an abstract, synthetic " '90s garden" mixed with a really fancy Gold Bond foot powder--like a foot powder that someone would wear inside their shoes to a black tie event, if ever a situation presented itself. From far away I can still smell the basic DNA of the original Sunflowers. The secret might be to keep this away from your face, or to spray behind the knees. Overall I am disappointed, but I'll still keep this bottle around to sniff the nozzle once in a while for that hit of nostalgia.


It’s a classic. I had this experience others are writing about - that it got “dirty” on me. But only once. Most often it starts fresh and stays fresh. Great combination of oakmoss and freshness. It’s vital and youthful. And still great.


Vile it's cloying it's a scrubber I am sorry it's so strong and I see why it's cheap


My partner used to wear this, it is without doubt the most cloying, chemical laden synthetic smelling concoction very unpleasant, its just one of those perfumes that makes me ill, if she applied this in the morning before going to work it used to wake me up if I was asleep, and the repugnant fragrance would hang around all day, I made a deal and bought her Cartier and Hermes perfumes to persuade her to ditch this awful stuff.


Sunflowers is THE quintessential 90's girl perfume. It has an easily recognizable floral scent and is perfect for teens. I even know some Gen Xers who still wear this one as their signature and I can't blame them. The price is a big selling point and it is easy to find in the U.S. (Walmart etc).

Edit: I read more reviews below and I am cracking up at how many say it is for older women. Meanwhile some of us who y'all remember wearing it in the 90's as young women consider it a starter or juvenile scent. LOL


Sunflowers is Summer in Australia. For $9.99 100ml it's a no brainer if you like the salty, flowery, beachy 'sand and sun' fragrance that lasts for hours and uplifts any mood. My gosh this is so very very good. This cheap little gem has been around for longer than any of the more modern designers who jumped on the salty-flowery-beachy trend.

As long as I can get my hands on it, it will be regular irreplaceable favourite I will proudly wear for my own pleasure. I don't care what others think, this is me and Summer and my little patch of acreage in Sydney.


This is such a "nice girl" perfume, it's the Kate Middleton of perfumes-- it's pleasant, it's unremarkable, it's inoffensive, it's characterless, its blandness is infuriating!
In the hellscape that is the 2020's the opening notes of this perfume harks back to a simpler time, which is nice, but at the end of the day we've moved on from that time. The opening notes quickly fades into a very chemical-y artificial coyness, which reminds us that the "simpler times" of bygone eras only exist in our memory. Like many things in the 90s, this perfume is best left in history.


This perfume makes me happy. I wouldn't exactly describe the scent as fruity with my skin, but I would say it's a bright almost citrusy floral. Part of my adoration with this scent may very well be nostalgia, but I have also designated this as my "vacation" perfume. So the scent is attached to very carefree and adventurous times in my life. That's exactly what this perfume smells like to me. A carefree girl, exploring, giggly and bright.


It is warm and soapy smelling. It’s typical EA style, it’s strong, long lasting and headache inducing. In fact it made my sinuses flare up and I now have a stuffed up nose and a sinus headache.
It is however very well blended and I can not distinguish one note from another. It’s dirt cheap these days and can be bought from almost every large chemist.

I consider this an older women’s fragrance. However when I was a teenager I knew of a 15 year old girl who adored this fragrance and bought it duty free at the time. So I guess it just comes down to likes and dislikes.

I’m also going to state the obvious here…it does not contain a sunflower note, so it doesn’t smell like sunflowers. I think the idea of the name behind it is the fact that this fragrance gives of a yellow, bright, flowery warm aura and scent trail. Maybe it conjures images of sunflowers?

There’s just something in this that doesn’t agree with me. It’s too strong, piercing and flowery. It is not easy going or light. In fact it appears to get stronger on the skin.

So to answer #waskotransportation’s comment below. Those of us who have allergies or sensitivities to fragrance can obviously avoid buying fragrances and food in which we are aware we are allergic to however we don’t always know something contains an ingredient or will set us off until after we have bought it. Possibly they had customers trying to return the fragrance due to the allergy inducing ingredients so decided to change the formulation? Also it’s near impossible for us to escape or avoid the chronic over-sprayers who insist on wearing these screechy fragrances and not caring how it may affect those around them.


I used to wear this when it 1st came out in the early nineties. It was so beautiful. I just recently thought about it again and bought a new bottle and I could not believe the difference after reformulation. It is like a different perfume completely ... It's not even a little bit as good as it used to be. So I started looking into reasons for reformulation. Like why would they have to do this and destroy another good perfume? I read a big reason is people had allergies to some of the natural ingredients that was being used in perfumes. That just can't be the reason right? Is for anyone who would want to have a perfume reformulated so it is changed to accommodate allergies? If allergic to it I would suggest just not wearing that particular perfume so that everyone else can enjoy it still.
would that not be the logical solution? If you're allergic just don't wear it? So I went on eBay to find a vintage bottle and I did find it and amazingly the bottle had not gone off and it was just as I remembered it. Thank God for eBay. Again I am so shocked to learn that 1 of the primary reasons for reformulation of so many perfumes in the United States was because people had allergies ? What in the world? That is just mind blowing to me. So we don't do the same thing with food. If somebody's allergic to chocolate they still sell chocolate. I'm so sad to learn That this beautiful perfume was replaced with a shadow of itself so people It's an allergic to it's ingredients can wear it? It should be called something else
The version that gets reformulated should be called something different altogether because it's not the same. I noticed the same thing happened with poison. Then. What you buy in the store today that's called poison and sold in the same container as poison is sold it's not the same.What you get now is an extremely extremely diluted version of what it once was.
So the vintage sunflowers that I bought on eBay that's over 20 years old I could smell it for 10 hours after my one spray application. The difference is unbelievable.

Yussra smki

It smells like soap on me I don’t know why by I hate this scent, my mom loves it.


Sunflowers is the perfect name for this scent. When first sprayed, it reminded me of the sunflowers in our garden warmed by the sun. After a while, the base notes of oakmoss, cedar, and amber seemed to shift the scent more toward the way sunflower seeds taste. That's an odd thing to realize after all these years, but it did. That's why I remember it so well.
I bought this in my late teens based on how it smellled on friends. I don't think I'd care for it now, but I would recommend it to others. It stands out among the scents I liked then as being fairly unique in a good way.


A nostalgic smell for me as I remember random adults in the 90s just smelling like it lol. It never occurred to me to describe it as fruity because I don't typically like scents that remind me of food (which this doesn't) but it's a very pleasant smell. Light, but has some weight to it.


Personally I do not like this fragrance at all. It gives me a headache and makes me feel sick. I can imagine some people liking it but its definently for more older women in my opinion.


My mom used to wear this when I was a kid so it's a really nostaglic scent! Definitely is much more pleasant on the first spray, where it smells really summery and light-- the melon scent comes through really strong which makes it milder than other fruity scents which can come off saccharine and headache-inducing. The drydown isn't as great-- a few other people in the reviews here have compared it to spray cleaner and that's not far off. But for the price it's worth it for a summer day fragrance!


At first, the scent came as a floral fruity scent then it changes into a woody amber scent with a bit of a solvent or detergent-like scent.

I really loved it when it comes as a floral fruity scent. When it dries down it becomes more ambery and woody with hints of jasmine and stays that way for a long time. I would have loved the dry down too but there is this solvent-like scent that would occasionally manifest itself and I find this unpleasant to my nose.

The perfume itself is warm and sweet and summery. It was named correctly.

I can't say that I really love this perfume because of that solvent scent. It kinda ruins the perfume for me.

Notes I detected are Amber, Oakmoss, Jasmine, Peach, Melon and maybe Mandarin Orange, Cyclamen, Cedar and Osmanthus.

Longevity, on my skin it stays for like 2-3 hours. Rarely a perfume would stay on my skin for more than 3 hours. On fabrics and clothing, it stayed for like 4-5 hours.

Sillage is pretty good. It can spread over 6 feet.


Because of my age, i’ve never heard of this fragrance before, but apparently it used to be really popular back in the day. So i decided to get one for a very reasonable price. This is the first time im trying one of Elizabeth Arden fragrances.

First of all, its fruity and clean. I smell the melon note the most, and some florals but i can not say which ones. Definitely not sunflowers though :)) Over all it has a slightly tropical feel to it.

The reason i dont like this one is because of the sharp, chemical cleaning product smell it has. I love clean smelling perfumes a lot, and my favorite perfumes all have that soapiness. However Sunflowers are not soft soapy but sharp like a surface cleaner. This balances the sweet melon and makes this summer-spring suitable, but i personally dont like this kind of sharpness.

For an Edt the sillage is good and it lasts a while as well, for the price point its okay. Im glad i tried something that has a place in so many womens memory. 🌻🌻🌻


I remember this being popular in junior high and maybe into high school but I never wore it. I can definitely see the resemblance to Escape although Escape is less fruity and more tea like. I also consider this one part of the aquatic family like the older less sophisticated sister to Issey Miyake. Some of these water scents are sharp and remind me of toilet bowl deodorizer.


Everyone needs a scent thats carefree, easy going that makes them feel really happy whenever they put it on, Sunflowers does just that for me. I've always smelt this on people when growing up and its no real surprise that I love it given its a mixture of both fresh fruity and citrus notes mixed with clean light and airy florals.

It was my first choice as a skint student to wear because not only does it smell wonderful, but, it also is really affordable; I recall my 100ml bottle cost me £12. It used to brighten up my day when I had to walk to hellish lectures during cold, grey winter mornings and everyone used to love it and smile whenever they caught a waft of it too.

The opening on me is a mixture of melon, peach and orange blossom, once it settles down it never really morphs past the initial opening blast on my skin, but it never gets samey or boring as during the last hours of wear some amber comes out and warms the base up leaving a warm fruity musk, I can see how some may find this to smell dated though, but I absolutely adore this yellow juice.

Longevity is excellent with 6-7hrs of wear and a moderate silage. This is a bottle of feel good in my books and as with most Elizabeth Arden scents, its really affordable and readily available. I'm actually going to try some of its flankers to change it up a bit, I really love this so much!


Not for me. It's a really dated scent, and I've had a mild headache ever since I put it on. Reminds me of the dry perfume samples you'd get in newspaper catalogue inserts in the 90s.


I love this now and much as I did when it first came out. I was in junior high when my grandmother got me an half oz. bottle that came with a little green and yellow bear. I wore this constantly then, except for summer when I would wear body fantasies pear. I always come back to this. It doesn't smell like sunflowers at all but does remind you of hot days of late summer when sunflowers are in full bloom. It's juicy, fruity, and slightly sweet and last for at least 12 hrs for an edt. Puts most of today's edp to shame. Can't believe the price. I live in the se united states and this is too much for summer, even though it reminds you of summer. I wear it some in late fall, early spring, and a good bit in the winter. imo it's at its best in colder weather. To me it smells nothing like Escape by CK which is stronger and herbal. Less is more with this one. I spray it in front of me and walk into it. Always receive compliments when I wear it.


The first thought that comes to mind is this smells like happy! It has such a wonderful combination of fruity, flowery and woody notes. The fruity notes are fresh, not overly sweet. The florals are beautiful but not too prominent and woody notes give it a firm warm base. Really love it!


Why is it called Sunfllowers if it doesn't smell like Sunflowers?


I remember Sunflowers from my college days - but I remember it being more floral and less fruity than it seems to me now. I bought it for my son's girlfriend because for me it is reminiscent of MJ Daisy which she wears. Both seem very youthful to me (but neither are to my taste which is more toward a floriental than a fruity floral).


Not bad, but gives me a raging headache after about 30 minutes. Smells kind of dated, but inoffensive.


Smells bad on me, something sour and sharp. Like a sporty gel deodorant that's been sweat through a little. Downgraded this scent for use as a bathroom air freshener, it smells much nicer in the air - softer, more floral. I suspect this is probably closer to how it smells on the people who like this perfume.

I'm not of the generation that this perfume was popular during so maybe my dislike can also be chalked up to the fact that to me, this is just not how a person who smells good smells.


First time I smelled this, I told my friends I didn't know if I like it. They told me if I had to think, I didn't like it then. Now in 2021, this is my work scent. A clean, floral gel body wash or shampoo is how I would describe it. The opening smelled strongly of citrus, almost like citronella to me, but then it becomes this nice, soothing floral scent. I don't know why people say this is a summer scent. The scent dies when I leave the house, this tropical heat just wipes it off. On cooler, rainy days, this scent is a lot stronger. So I stand by opinion that this is a cool weather scent.


This is a fusion of a 90's babe and a slightly cooler old lady. The opening is youthful, fresh and soapy, while the dry down is the reverse; soapy, fresh and youthful. Nothing impressive, but could be great on the right person.


This smells extremely youthful, fresh, light, and clean. I smell the melon for sure, and the citrus, with the florals sitting just underneath. It reminds me of "cucumber melon" shampoo from my childhood (early 2000s) but in a positive way that kind of underscores the clean vibes. It's not soapy or anything like that. It becomes more of a floral once it fades, and kind of takes on the qualities of your standard bouquet-of-flowers type perfume. But just because an interesting opening fades into something more predictable doesn't mean that it's bad. It's like if the word "pretty" had a scent!


The first perfume that I bought that was from a department store, Wow , 25 years ago. This is why I wanted it today for I loved it then and really like it now. With its bright, juicy fruity opening that is so pretty and fun to wear. It's a lovely fresh, clean scent that moves into a sweet floral bouquet that delights the senses.

It projects well and lasted up to 8 hours. Reminds me of summer days wearing sun dresses and walking along the beach with my beau. It is a beautiful scent that has lasted the test of time, my husband says it smells yummy, I agree so juicy and fun.


90's nostalgia. Yellow smiley faced shirts and Spice Girls. I received this as a gift and I tried wearing it but it gives me a headache because it is so strong. It is an EDT but just one spray is enough for me to last all day! The most prominent notes to me are melon and peach which blasts in the opening and stays strong and linear throughout the entire duration of the fragrance. The floral notes tend to come through after and blend with the fruity notes.
The final dry down smells like dead flowers that have been sitting in a vase for weeks. I want to like it but it makes my head hurt and I just want to wash it off after smelling it all day.


This one is nostalgia in a bottle. 90s America, listening to the cranberries, the cure, stone temple pilots, hanging out in the mall on the weekend, or at our friend's outdoor pool, twizzlers and lemon drops, films with wynona ryder and johnny depp....My sister loved this it was her main perfume back then. As for the actual smell, very summery fruity, it has much honeyed melon, citrus, and a balmy, soapy, musky jasmine and florals (I guess cyclamen! you'd guess this has actual sunflowers in it by the name), not actually sure what cyclamen smells like. I won't be rushing to stock up on this one as I couldn't wear it now for myself, (too much 90s vibes!) but it's nice to have a small 30 ml to spray on occasion when I want to be transported back to that time of my life.


☹️ this one caused a little confusion. i felt i was "supposed" to like it, but just... didn't. similar to Azzura, (which i hate. sorry but i do.) there's something in it that causes a strange, cheap, artificial flavor. i'm not experienced enough yet to identify it. hopefully, as i get to know others here, somebody will let me know what it is.

90's gone wrong.


This really does smell like the original Escape by Calvin Klein. I’m not good with notes, but they are similar, not exactly the same though. Sunflowers is its own perfume. I just received this, and although I didn’t like the initial spray, the dry down smells really nice. I layered it with some Victoria’s Secret Pear Glacé, and all of a sudden I’m transported back to 1993-94. It still smells the same as it did then. Good stuff😄

Edit - I was at a Dr.’s appointment today, and the nurse checking my vitals told me that I smelled like the ride at Disney California Adventure called Soarin over California 🤣. I am assuming it’s from the aquatic notes that are pretty dominant in this fragrance.


I bought this for nostalgic reasons since it was 14 dollars for the set, and I’m so glad I did and I’m also glad it’s a scent that will still work for me in my 30s.
I use to wear this in middle school/highschool, it was given to me by my father.

First off if you’re looking for a “summery sunny floral” this is it. Not many floral forward scents work well as n my skin but this one does.

I slightly pick up the fruity notes from a further distance but right up to the nose it’s only floral. It smells more expensive than it was that’s for sure.

It’s very strong so go gentle on the trigger.

Someone said it reminds them of nivea lotion and I can kind of see that but not completely there’s more to it through my nose but that nivea lotion smell is blended in.


Sunflowers has a bright, sharp, soapy freshness ("soapy sour," as thecoffeeslayer put it); I may even have smelled a fleeting honey note that I liked. But there's a musty-dusty dry note in the background that puts me off (similar to CK Eternity but less salty and without the rose and carnation of Eternity). Musty-dusty can be very beautiful, as it shows up in Guerlain's L'Heure Bleue and Mitsouko -- but there's SOOOOOO much more going on in the Guerlains compared with Sunflowers, which has little else to recommend it. Ultimately, I find Sunflowers to be a thin, weak juice with almost no sillage or staying power on my skin, plus there's nothing rich or beautiful there to pull me in or hold my interest.


I grew up in the 90s but had never really smelled this. I was able to test it the other day, and it was instantly recognizable, but I remember it as Bath and Body Works Happy Daisy-- way back when they had the hunter green caps! They smell so similar, although it's relying on my memory from 20-odd years ago. However, I was obsessed with BBW back in middle school and high school, so these classic scents are ingrained in my memory. I'm actually kind of excited to have a way to buy a nostalgic scent like this.

As far as the scent goes, while my tastes have changed, I do still like it, and I will probably snag a bottle sometime if I find it on clearance. In other words, it's a happy, fresh, nice scent, but I probably won't run out and search for it specifically. It does seem to have good strength, though, so you would definitely get your money's worth.


My first introduction to this happened when I was working one of my first jobs out of college and this older lady in her 50s in my office always smelled so clean, floral and fresh when I passed her desk. I finally asked her what it was and she said "Sunflowers". I was intrigued and wanted to get a bottle.
The opening in this and overall feeling is just like Escape by Calvin Klein. Both fragrances are very very 90s when crisp florals with melon and and peach were in vogue. Escape is more aquatic though imo. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't smell like peach but it gives it just a bit more sweetness. Then after little while on your skin the flowers came out -mostly rose and orange blossom is what I smell.My least favorite is drydown because on my skin it smells like some kind of floral cleaning product.
Its not for me. I owned it in the past and just never was something I wore a lot.But its a good clean floral that has decent lasting power.


This is definitely a summer, happy-go-lucky smell, you really smell the sun in this fragrance. It's not very lasting though.


I absolutely adore the smell of Sunflowers, but it tends to be overpowering on me when it's hot. Which is sad cause it's such a summery fragrance. So I tend to keep it for casual wear in the spring and autumn, on the days where it's sunny but only just warm. It doesn't get worn much, but I always have a bottle cause I love to use this to scent my bedding and linens in all seasons but winter - it's so strong that I don't need to use much, and as it's not expensive I don't feel the need to keep it just for personal wear. The smell of it in my bedroom, or when I open the linen cupboard is so uplifting and joyful I don't think I could ever let this fragrance go!


I recently ordered Bath and Body Works Sunrise Sail as a blind buy. It smells just like Sunflowers! Sunrise Sail is a bit more aquatic but has the same citrus notes. I hope B&BW brings Sunrise Sail back this summer, as I purchased it during their Semi-annual sale. It’s very much Sunflowers with a hint of Issey Miyake. I’ve always felt Sunflowers has a bitter herbal marigold note, which I really liked, but I know some people hate. Yet it has a lovely creaminess to it. I wore Sunflowers in middle school, and brings memories of lazy afternoons with friends, without a worry in the world.


I love the opening (fresh citrusy melons) but the dry-down kills me!! It definitely smells (& feels like!) like Nivea crème. It's balmy, musky, oakmossy but still slightly sweet.. unfortunately yes, it does make me think of a Mum, so now I understand why many reviewers said this was a 'mumsy' scent. Very safe, appropriate for everyday wear.

If that's your thing, you will love this perfume. Sadly, it's not my cup of tea.


No idea why but on my skin it translates more like a woody scent, which is not bad but unexpected, especially since it was a blind buy. This fragrance makes me feel warm and fuzzy which is perfect for winter and over time as it fades I start to get a hint of the melons and sweetness so I'd say it has a nice wear. Overall, I think it is important to try this before purchasing, even though it is affordable because it may be very different on your skin.

Overall: 8/10
(wears well ~6hrs, nice fade)


Light, fresh and super casual. Has a prominent melon note, a tinge of aquatic note, some dry grassy note together with orange blossom on top. Reminds me a lot like L'eau d'Issey and Daisy.Smells like the 90s. It can sit side by side with CK One and it won't be out of place. This fragrance has a 'cooling' effect to it so it's made to be worn during warmer months. On my skin it has a light projection and lasts a couple of hours.
Not an exciting fragrance but nice to have in your collection if you're into 90s fragrances.
Edit: Pure summer in a bottle but after so many wearings I can't wear this often because it made me think of hayfever as I am reminded of the powderiness of pollen. I can smell dried up hay and the imaginary note of the surface of a sunflower. It's lovely but I can't enjoy it.


Don’t blind buy!!!!! Can’t stand it, gonna give my bottle away. Not even gonna try and use it up coz it makes me nauseated. I wish I liked because its affordable. I just keep getting urine notes and it smells cheap. At least it wasn’t expensive so not too much money went down the drain.


I get heady florals, melons with some skank in the base. This was my signature scent in the late 90’s. OOF!


My mother has some of this- why she doesn’t wear it, I have no idea. It has a fresh citrusy rush up front, but the peach and honeydew melon add a touch of sweetness before the other notes show up. This is another work-friendly scent; not a showstopper, but not bland either.


I always keep a bottle on my vanity, even when I am going through a phase of trying or using another perfume. I am from a humid country, but now living in a seasonal country, and there are clear differences on how it reacts in both climates. For me, Sunflowers is heady orange blossom and melon in the tropics, and bitter/sweet lemon in the colder climate. Much prefer using it back home, and I always get compliments. So it is tucked away in a drawer for now.


Warm. Strong melon notes, roses then it changes again but it's not too noticeable and sits close to the skin until it fades away. Not my cup of tea, but for the price it's good.


the only problem with this is its price, so cheap... but, isn't it great!

and it smells the same as good old days.


Fruit salad gone terribly wrong on my skin on the opening till mid, Mothballs and urine on the drydown. 4 hours of utter discomfort, never again.

Amy Ann

If you look at the 90's marketing ad, when the marketer was saying what the product really was, will understand immediately that this is a "mother" parfume. It is the kind of perfume "common" to both housewives and career women,that perfume you wear when you go on vacation with your child, when you read him stories in the evening, that perfume that makes him stick his little head in your throat because mommy smells of sweet fruits, that all. A very clever move by Arden at the time, given that in the 90's there was a constant fight between feminists and legsopen ... sorry housewife I mean, a meeting in a common and somewhat similar point, motherhood. Today, however, feminists choose to ignore the other side as they choose to ignore the false feminists who make a career, but through bedding, so the scent is a bit outdated, although it's still an ok aroma. It doesn't make sense to me anymore, as it wasn't very clear even then, but at least then I understood the attempt to call for peace, like look both part are mothers...yeah if you say so... anyway if you want something soft and fruity take this, if you want a melon aroma they are better perfumes on the market and especially for the feminist part exist perfumes with an exotic aroma but still cold and who impose respect.


Melon, peach, and sweet florals. And something a little soapy sour... I can't place it. In any case, nothing at all like an actual sunflower. More like eating a fruit salad at a summer picnic.


Fresh, clean smell. I adore this perfume.


Sunshine in a bottle. When I was 15 I was a bit of a hippie. I had long wild ringlets and wore dangly earrings and floaty dresses with bells on them and had a nose ring. Sunflowers reminds me of that time as it was my scent of choice then (I had the body mist as 15 year olds don't tend to have much money lol). It reminds me of dancing around to Bob Marley and beach walks on sunny late afternoons and lying in fields soaking up the sunshine. Fruity, fresh, sunshiney. This scent makes me feel happy and carefree and like a flower child again and I love it for that reason. A real pick me up and brings back a lot of happy memories.


Just succumbed and purchased a gift set of this,(at an excellently cheap price), purely after reading all the reviews (it's a slow news day!).

The review that finally convinced me was that it smelled 'just like Nivea cream'. I love that smell, and have looked and looked to see if they do a scent, but no, only the men's version.

I'm too old to have used this in the 90's, and to my knowledge, have never smelled it before, but I love adventures and am always up for a challenge. Will add an edit when it comes.

EDIT: 23/7/20 Lemons, melons and peach. That's all I get for around 3 hours. Where did the drydown go? Where did my Nivea Cream go?
I'll admit it's a challenge alright. The whole scent experience reminds me of highly polished chrome - bright, shiny, and glaring in the sunshine. It was hot the few days I tried it, so I'll put it away and try it again in a different season.
Having said that, the body lotion that came in the set is the best I've ever had, apart from how it smells. I am now interested in EA skin creams.
As another reviewer has mentioned, this does not smell of sunflowers - I know, because I buried my face in one down at the allotment yesterday evening - they don't smell of anything at all.

EDIT: 27/8/20 I apologise to all who love this perfume, but try as I might, I cannot stand this. I even don't like it as a bathroom spray. I feel I must be missing something about it, but on me it is just 3 hours of screechy melon/lemon-ish scent that never changes or mellows. I have kitchen sprays with more character than this.


Received this as a gift. Hadn’t tried it before. My friend said it was her ‘favourite Summer fragrance’. But it’s not early Summer , lavender, rose or violet. It’s not a beach holiday Sand and Sable Summer. It’s Summer turning into Autumn with golden daisies catching the last of the sun., the last bees. Appreciate that and you’ve got it. A sunflower.


I wish people could master their olfactory sense and be able to compare fragrances right.

Sunflowers does NOT smell like Escape. It does NOT have the aquatic/salty notes nor the chamomile in it. Sunflowers has mostly fruits and it's the citrus sweet blend that remains last, while Escape has the sea breeze notes left behind.

It is a cheerful scent to wear on casual days.


When I first wore this, I loved it. Hay, sunshine, hot dry summer heat and mature sunflower plants, not green with spring but dyed somewhat stale by the summer sun. I loved it so, I wore it for several days on end. But then I started to experience headaches. A single spray or half spray is all you need from this, but over time that synthetic hay scent grew cloying and nauseating. I finally realized the headaches came from this juice and put it away. I've tried it once or twice more over the years, but the headaches and nausea come back almost immediately. Once you go wrong with a fragrance, it never goes back right. This fragrance overall is a very strong undying neverending surge of hay and hot hot sunflower. It doesn't change throughout the dry down and it never lets up ever. Unfortunately not for me.


I just had to repurchase this today, I love sunflowers so much, I really missed it in my collection, it's such a happy uplifting uncomlicated scent. I'm a sucker for melon and peach fragrance, and theese notes just really shine through in Sunflowers.


What a cheerful fragrance! It really lifts my mood whenever I wear it. Upon first spray, it's comes off a bit strong. The main two notes I pick up are Melon and peach. As it dries down and softens a bit, I definitely pick up a hint of rose. All three notes are honestly the only ones I can detect when I wear Sunflowers. It's almost 27 years old like myself, and although some may find this to smell a bit dated.....I actually love it. In fact, I believe I've gone through about two bottles already. Longevity is fairly good - I'd say about 6+ hours on my skin. I'm not normally one who gravitates towards fruity floral scents, but there's just something about Sunflowers!


I recently bought this because of all the good reviews, also a friend of mine said she had it and that it smelled fabulous and thought it could be a good perfume for the summer.
I think it smells nice but I didn't like it enough to keep it. I was hoping it had some lemon notes like green tea by Elizabeth Arden. All I could smell was melon. I guess it’s a pleasant smell ,it just doesn’t smell that good on me.
I prefer the Green tea over this.
Some people said it smelled like Escape of CK , although I did smell a similar note (I don’t know which one I’m not that good at smelling notes) with Escape, i’s a totally different perfume. Escape has a backbone, its stronger , has some more masculine notes.
If you are the type that likes sweet perfumes, then you will like Sunflowers.
Anyway, I sold it and got Azzaro eau belle.
I hope my review helps you.


And here's another very classic. And this fragrance is part of those perfumes that you love or can't stand. I like it and also a lot. It is a different perfume, definitely not understandable starting from the olfactory pyramid. I can't perceive a single predominant note but the whole mix which, on my skin, becomes very bitter and almost saline. And, I must say, one of the few seasonal perfumes. Yes, seasonal! From the first sultry heat, not sunny, but veiled. A seasonal made of clouds full of rain, of a storm coming. Here's what makes me think this fragrance. Very dry and bitter opening and then stabilized in a salty, marine scent. Definitely a perfume to have in the collection.


I really want to like this and perhaps when the weather heats up I will like it better but there's something about it that I find very sour, not only in the top but throughout the wearing of it. And whatever floral in there mixed with that sour note is unappealing to me. I just don't find myself reaching for it. It does have decent lasting power....


As a man hope this review help if any how. this is a very gorgeous smell I smell this few time at the shopping center and makes me think about sex very sensual delicate and beautiful there is something the intrigue me about this scent. this and Versace Dylan blue for woman.


I wore Sunflowers last summer and it was cloying. But I didn't have the vocabulary or the information to work out what I was feeling as I only started my fragrance journey in autumn. After months of learning and sniffing, (thanks Fragranticans. You've been amazing with your knowledge and love of fragrance) I spritzed this on this evening and it made sense at last. I knew I liked it, but it is a winter scent for me. The cloying notes are gone and it's now sunshine in a bottle. Bottled sunshine for those days when I need a pick-me-up and summer is still so far away.


I agree with many, it has an offputting scent.

I don't shy away from unusual scents, florals, intense citrus...but this smells a little...toilet-esque.

I feel bad for saying that because so many people love it or have good associations/nostalgia with this, but it kind of upsets my senses.


It's been a long time and I've missed Sunflowers. I recently purchased another bottle and it smells the same as I remember. Sparkling, bright, and cheerful. Lots of fruity notes including melon, peach, and lemon. Pretty rose and orange blossom floral notes. Sandalwood in the base. Great casual fragrance for summer.


Reminds me of the 90's!!! Such a sweet, happy fragrance! I have been wearing this a lot lately as it makes me so happy once I smell it <3


How can such a simplistic frag be so good ?
The zen middle way between watery fruits, radiant flowers, warm enough, sunny enough, strong enough, completely versatile and so friendly. It doesn’t pretend to smell expensive or to copy anything, it doesn’t need to.
I should behave as this little bottle, it teaches me a good lesson.
I have a full wardrobe but if I had to keep only one, I could choose this, probably the cheapest.
I have no explanation.
(I think I would have liked my mother to smell like this. No explanation either.)


This is light and happiness in a bottle! To me it smells like some freshly squeezed orange juice and Issey Miyake - L'eau de Issey had a love child. Where it when you want to feel cheerful and at one with the world. It's a classic that doesn't take itself too seriously.


This is such a friendly fragrance. It really does smell like sunshine. For me, based on the notes, the melon is prominent and then it's a nice mellow floral. It also reminds me a tiny bit of sunscreen - Soft fruity floral. The price point is incredible so I feel like there is not much to lose here even if this is a blind buy. I think that the name sunflower is very fitting as this is perfect for summer.


Today is my first time sampling this perfume. I remember it was ubiquitous in the 90s but I managed to bypass it completely at the time.

The initial notes made me immediately think of Escape, but not for long. There is warmth, a huge floral hit and something herbal. It is not airy or ozonic in any way. You won;t spray this and think of blue skies and waterfulls, no it;s more like being in the middle of field of heady blooms with their scent completely filling the air.

The middle notes are warm, comforting, deliciously floral and very yellow. Uplifting, summery and totally wearable if you are careful with how much you use (it packs a punch like most fragrances from the same era!)

The dry down is beautiful, elegant, less heady and more herbal, slightly powdery and a little bit fizzy. I will buying a bottle of this for myself, for sure.

As I was working my way along the row of perfume testers in the shop today, I was bored out of my skull as most were the usual modern fruity offerings, peach, melon, pear, orange. They all smelled the same. It was almost a relief to happen upon a bottle of Sunflowers with it;s depth and complexity beyond flat fruity/aquatic scents.

A must for any lover of scents from earlier times!


I received this perfume as a teenager back in the early 90's and I always make sure to have a bottle of it. It's very uplifting, cheerful scent. Soft fruity floral.


Anyone claiming that this fragrance smells like CK's Escape has their olfactory all mixed up or does not appreciate Escape's special aroma scent. In no way Sunflowers smells like Escape.
Sunflowers is an easily worn fragrance, after a shower or for anytime you want to feel refreshed.
Escape has has a melancholic and sophisticated marine air to it.


First Impressions and First wearing today. This scent is so perfect for spring/summer it has a burst of soft, not harsh, citrus notes that feel uplifting like champagne. Then you smell the fruits of melon and peaches, along with the blossoms, jasmine, and osmanthus. After about thirty mins the fruits begin to fade into the background and the rose and oakmoss appear and linger for a long time. The amber and woods are soft and do not dominate the flowers. I love Sunflowers. I wish that I had bought this long ago. I could see someone making this a spring/summer signature's worthy of it for sure.


I remember when this came out and was advertised in every magazine ever, so out of sheer stubbornness I never tried it!

And today I did and I love it! I'm on a search for a fragrance I can wear to work that doesn't knock my colleagues out. This is so summery, it smells like yellow, it's mellow and floral with some gorgeous deeper notes. I can't believe it's taken me this long to try it.

I would wear this in summer if I didn't want to leave a waft of perfume in my wake but wanted to smell pretty close up.


Have never owned this but have smelled it on others. Some smell really nice and some smell like Luster White shampoo for white dogs. Chemistry I guess. I'll pass.


I remember when this came out and being the perfumista I was back then (ha-ha) I tried it and instantly hated it. Now, looking at the note pyramid, I clearly see why--it has a lot of citrus in it and I hate citrus notes (with the exception of bergamot if it's well-blended and sometimes orange or mandarin if they don't veer off into orange bathroom cleaner territory). I'm going to go through Fragrantica and see if more of the scents I couldn't stand way back when are in the directory and see if I can discover why through the scent pyramid.


Esse perfume estará sempre em minha coleção do amor. Perfume suave, delicado e ao mesmo tempo marcante. Sinto muito flor de laranjeira, também sinto um jasmim sutil. Sempre que uso, sinto-me em uma praia ensolarada ao nordeste do Brasil. É um perfume que remete felicidade, inocência, leveza, paz, verão, sol, férias e praia, muita praia. Perfume mais rente a pele, adorável. A duração dele na minha pele é moderada, em média 6 horas. A projeção é um pouco menor, em torno de 2 horas. Esse é e sempre será o meu perfume de verão. Eu amo isso.


I can't see this scent as ever attaining the hallowed status of a classic, but what it definitely is is affordable and pleasant enough to be worn anytime, especially for those who feel incomplete without a spritz of fragrance yet do not want to waste their special scents.

Molly Smith

To me this smells not like peach, but like peach juice: jellow, warm, juicy. I do not smell any other notes, except maybe a hint of melon which gives the scent freshness. I've noticed that my skin loooves peach and always emphasises it (so fragrances like Mitsouko and Yvresse are a lot of peachy goodness on me).
In the beginning, there is something chemical about it, especially when smelt close up. Later the scent becomes more pleasant and natural. It stays pretty linear.


I've not worn this since it was fairly new, but I always thought it was one of the most accurately named because of the mood it evoked. It is (was?) so upbeat, unassuming, and downright cheerful. It smells like yellow should. Though I never owned it when it was new, it's an older scent I get an urge to buy from time to time, but I also fear its spunk may've been lost in reformulation at some point even though I don't see that mentioned here yet.


Like so many, I wore this a lot as a teenager in the 90s. To be perfectly honest, it wasn't one of my favorite scents then, but I kept getting bottles as gifts because apparently people thought it would suit me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't dislike it, I just preferred "fresher" aquatic stuff that came in blue bottles.

I picked up a bottle again about a year ago, more for nostalgia than anything else, and I found to my great surprise that I actually love this scent now as a middle aged woman. It's a soft, sweet, happy scent that somehow reminds me of what I wish my teenage years had been, as opposed to what they actually were.

This is a very yellow scent indeed. I envision an early summer morning, sitting in the garden among a sea of fragrant flowers, dressed in a flowy yellow dress, having a glass of lemonade and feeling the sun warm my freshly showered skin. This is what that scene would smell like. Happy, carefree and bright, just lovely.

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