Haircut lunar calendar

From June 9, 2024

Moon in Cancer 9
4 not recommended
Moon in Leo 10
5 favorable day
Moon in Leo 11
6 favorable day
Moon in Virgo 12
7 favorable day
Moon in Virgo 13
8 favorable day
Moon in Virgo 14
9 favorable day
Moon in Libra 15
10 favorable day
Moon in Libra 16
10 favorable day
Moon in Scorpio 17
Moon in Scorpio 18
Moon in Scorpio 19
Moon in Sagittarius 20
Moon in Sagittarius 21
15 not recommended
Moon in Capricorn 22
16 favorable day
Moon in Capricorn 23
17 not recommended
Moon in Aquarius 24
18 not recommended
Moon in Aquarius 25
19 not recommended
Moon in Pisces 26
20 not recommended
Moon in Pisces 27
21 not recommended
Moon in Aries 28
22 not recommended
Moon in Aries 29
23 not recommended
Moon in Taurus 30
24 favorable day
Moon in Taurus 1
25 favorable day
Moon in Taurus 2
26 favorable day
Moon in Gemini 3
Moon in Gemini 4
Moon in Cancer 5
1 not recommended
Moon in Cancer 6
2 not recommended
Moon in Leo 7
3 favorable day
Moon in Leo 8
4 favorable day
Moon in Virgo 9
5 favorable day
Moon in Virgo 10
6 favorable day
Moon in Virgo 11
7 favorable day
Moon in Libra 12
8 favorable day
Moon in Libra 13
9 not recommended

a favorable day for haircut
haircut is not recommended

The best time to cut your hair:

1) If you want your hair grows faster and have a strong hair-roots then cut and feed it during the waхing Moon.

2) If you want to slow your hair growth and to strengthen hair-roots cut it during the waning Moon.

3) One should not cut hair :

during the new Moon (the most critical period for you body)

on the 9th lunar day

on the 15th lunar day (look about your health and the lunar phase for your sign of the zodiac when choosing this day)

on the 23d lunar day

on the 23th lunar day

Lunar and solar eclipse times are unsuitable. Also check the planet’s influence whether it is favorable or not.

The sign of Zodiac is the most important factor to choose the right time for hair-cut !

1) The Moon in Aries – hasten the hair-growth with loosing its quality. In general this period is unfavorable for hair-cut because the immunity decreases but the probability of disease increases.

2) The Moon in Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo – a favorable period for hair-growth with less splitting and falling-out. For using chemicals for hair-cut (curling, dyes, etc.) the best time is when the moon is in Virgo.

3) The Moon in Gemini – makes rebel hair but if want to make it curl it can be useful.

4) The Moon in Gemini and Libra. A favorable time to make beehive hairdo. A good hair-growth after hair-cut. The hair’s health remains unchangeable.

5) The Moon in Aquarius. A good period for experimenting with your hairdo but not try to make it as accustomed. The hair’s health remains unchangeable. Nevertheless when possible avoid from hair-cut.

6) The Moon in Cancer and Pisces slows the hair-growth. A good period for those who has brittle and dry hair. A hairdo doesn’t hold the form, rebel hair are not suitable for styling. Shampoo is not recommended.

7) The Moon in Leo is favorable for hair dyeing and hair decoration. The hair’s health remains unchangeable. Hair-cut is favorable for making beautiful, silken and voluminous hair. If you have thick hair curling can be unfavorable.

8) The Moon in Sagittarius is unfavorable for hair-cut. A hairdo doesn’t hold the form, rebel hair are not suitable for styling. But these days can be suitable for those who wants his hair and career grows faster.

9) The Moon in Scorpio does not influence on hair health. Hair can became harder and thicker. It is extremely tight moon phase for hair-cut because it can improve or destroy relations with your opposite sex partner.

A long term observation of lunar phases and hair health interrelations leads to a conclusion that the best time for hair-cut is the Full Moon. It comes from the fact that our organism as biological structure is strongly affected by natural rhythms. The Full Moon period is a point when everything is full filled with Lunar energy. All the surpluses are comes up. During the moon wanes this energy is eliminated from our body otherwise, if we don’t help this process, it is stagnated. Therefore it is recommended to clear up your energy by cutting your hair (just a slight cut is enough).

However, you shouldn’t forget to follow your personal rhythms and look after your health. For some individuals a Full Moon time can be critical so it’s better to choose another day for hair-cut.

The perfect time for hair-cut is a Full Moon time in Leo or in Virgo. These days are infrequent so don’t miss them for doing hair-cut.