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Mister #1

Mr. Mayfair

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an alternate cover edition can be found here

It should be the most shocking news I’d ever gotten—My boyfriend is getting married.

Okay, technically he’s my ex-boyfriend. Two months ago he decided he wanted a break. I still thought he was my happily ever after.

On any other day, knowing he was gone for good would be the worst thing that could possibly happen. But not today. Because not only is my boyfriend getting married—his bride is my best friend. And they’ve sent me an invitation.

There’s no way I’m going to attend. I don’t care if it’s in beautiful Scotland.

Nothing and no one could convince me.

Not even when a deliciously handsome stranger tells me he needs to go as my plus one.

Not even when he shoots me a wickedly, sexy smile.

But then he offers me the opportunity of a lifetime—a dream come true. How can I say no?

But I have one condition. He has to be my new boyfriend. I mean, my pretend new boyfriend.

I'm about to find out that faking it can be a whole lot of fun.

318 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 26, 2021

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About the author

Louise Bay

57 books7,005 followers
International, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, Louise Bay writes contemporary romance novels that make you laugh - the kind she likes to read.

Ruined by the bonk-busters of the eighties, Louise was inspired by Judith Krantz and Jackie Collins, but wants to be Emily Henry when she grows up.

Louise loves the rain, RHOBH, London, days when she doesn't have to wear make-up, hanging out with her kid, elephants and champagne (not necessarily in that order).

She loves to hear from readers so get in touch!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,181 reviews
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,530 followers
February 23, 2021
The heroine Stella is one of those dumb girls who sacrificed a lot for her relationship of 7 years with her ex-boyfriend. She quit her dream job, she prioritized his needs before hers etc. Although she was an interior designer, he didn’t even let her design the house they were living, it was all in his taste and she was OK with it all. She was looking forward to getting married to him. After she waited for him for 7 years to propose, he just broke up with her and 3 months later, he got married to her best friend. They invited her to their wedding but no explanations or no apologies were ever made. Both exes were shameless pathetic human beings!

And all along the book, I waited for Stella to show some strength and confront those two disgusting people. She just couldn’t utter any words of defense to her ex-boyfriend who humiliated her in his wedding. She couldn’t say how disgusting he was and what an as*hole he was! She was never able to ask him when their relationship started or if he cheated on her with her best friend. Once again, she cowered before him, not being able to say anything.

Same with her best friend. She couldn’t ask her when their relationship started. Seeing how soon they got married, they most probably cheated on her behind her back. However, our pathetic heroine couldn’t question her friend's loyalty at all. Instead, she just let the bitchy ex best friend make some snide comments to her. The ex best friend was shameless and our heroine was spineless!

Stella was one of the most pathetic heroines I have ever read about!

She also made the hero, Beck, promise to her that he would never say anything mean to her ex-boyfriend and her ex best friend so he also couldn’t defend her just because he promised.

The invitation to their wedding was their way of letting her know that they were together. Stella had no idea that they were together until she got the invitation. As a matter of fact, our pathetic heroine was looking forward to her ex boyfriend to change his mind and come back as she thought he didn't leave her but they just gave a break... Although they invited her, they never expected her to go to that wedding.

Stella went to that wedding because she made a deal with Beck. He needed to meet the God-father of the bride because he wanted to buy one of his properties. He wanted to go as her plus one. He said he would give her anything she wanted for this opportunity so she asked him to be her fake boyfriend and also let her renovate that old building he intended to buy.

There was no chemistry between the hero and the heroine. I didn’t believe in their feelings or their relationship. It starts in an ordinary way and continues in the same ordinary manner.

I hated all their intimate scenes, they were extremely superficial.

All in all, the book left me unsatisfied about everything. Not recommended.



* You can follow my instagram page from here
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,364 reviews78 followers
October 1, 2019
So in love with this couple ! Louise has once again knocked this one out of the RomCom Park. Get ready for Stella and Beck . You are going to tag along as they become a fake couple to each get what they want. They are to be guests at Stella's ex boyfriend and ex best friends wedding ...yes for Real! Why even go to such a circus ? Well Stella has been walked on way to many times and Beck needs to connect with a guest at this shindig . The journey leading up to the wedding is priceless these two fall into a comfortable pattern that neither knew they needed and maybe have developed quite a friendship .
I fell for this couple right from the beginning . They are funny, sassy, real and so good together . The more time they spend together the more apparent it becomes how well they compliment one another. Beck seems to always know what Stella needs and wants while Stella always gives Beck what for and reals him in but gives the best advice and support !
Loved it !!!
~~Michele McMullen
Profile Image for Louise Bay.
Author 57 books7,005 followers
October 1, 2019
Your boyfriend betrays you with your best friend. What would it take to make you go to their wedding?

✓ The chance to get the career you’ve always dreamed of.
✓ A huge paycheck.
✓ And a hot fake boyfriend.

Check, check and check.

Mr. Mayfair, my brand new standalone, fake relationship romance, is now available!!

Now Available
AmazonAmazon UKApple BooksNookKoboAudible

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Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
January 4, 2023
5 Only Louise Bay Perfection Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
I Am in Awe of Louise Bay. Whenever I start a book by her, I lose sleep happily and Mr. Mayfair is another story that captured me, took me on an amazing journey of self-discovery, caring and enough humor and sexy times to keep me awake during the twilight hours!

When you have a woman who is trying to come to terms with a "break" from their relationship...and still thinking it has a chance of being For Real...receives a wedding invitation two months later from said "Breaking Boyfriend" to her BEST FRIEND!!!! Then you know our gal, Stella has had the wind knocked out of her.

I mean how do you recover from that...

Stella is not in a terrific place to deal with all of this.
She is not loving her job, she is feeling as if the world has put on combat boots and stomped on her goodwill and heart once again and is at a loss as to how she never saw this coming. But Stella is also the woman who sees a glass half full rather than half empty and tries to get on with getting on.

So, when the Fickle Finger of Fate gives you a Lifeline you figure out that maybe this is your Revenge...

Enter our man, Beck with a mission...to acquire a piece of real estate that has personal meaning to him. The seller refuses to meet with him. This will not do, Beck is not used to hearing no. This causes Beck to go To the Mat...in other words, he looks into any way he can get in front of this man and finds out where he will be...

At Stella's Ex's Wedding...

This is where everything comes together...Beck approaches Stella and literally presents an offer she cannot refuse...And we are off and running. Stella insists of they be "Fake Boyfriend/Girlfriend" in order to close the deal. With the need to be able to pull this off...You know they have to spend some time together...

Thank You Louise Bay...
Thank you for the Banter...
Thank you for the Chemistry...
Thank you for the Discovery of who these people were and how they brought out the best in each other...
And thank you for all the excellent crafting of this tale.
Now because I believe in spreading reading joy, Go out and read this book.

Mr. Mayfair (The Mister Series, #1) by Louise Bay Mr. Mayfair (The Mister Series, #1)
Mr. Knightsbridge by Louise Bay Mr. Knightsbridge (The Mister Series, #2)
Mr. Smithfield (Mister #3) by Louise Bay Mr. Smithfield (The Mister Series, #3)
Mr. Park Lane by Louise Bay Mr. Park Lane (The Mister Series, #4)
Mr. Bloomsbury (The Mister Series #5) by Louise Bay Mr. Bloomsbury (The Mister Series, #5)
Mr. Notting Hill (Mister, #6) by Louise Bay Mr. Notting Hill (The Mister Series, #6)

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~

Maybe it was Mercury in Retrograde...
Or it could have been ...
The Infamous Murphy's Law...

Things just keep getting More and More Difficult...
And Stella London cannot seem to get a break...

That is until it seems...
There may have been a turn...
A Turn towards Something Positive...

Stella is Stunned...
An Offer of a Lifetime...
The Biggest Shock of all...

For it is coming from...
The one person Never expected...

The Offer is Coming From...
The One and Only...

Mr. Mayfair-October 1, 2019

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways

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Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,606 reviews416 followers
September 8, 2021

Amó un buen Fake Romance al estilo de un RomCom de un domingo por la tarde.

Todo me gustó de este libro, la historia, sus protagonistas, su química, romance, sus escenas spicy con mucho fueguito🔥🔥, su final feliz satisfactorio.

Pero el que más me gusto fue Beck porque… British,MY WEAKNESS.
Beck era adorable, simpático, sexy as hell y BRITISH.✨
Tenía tiempo que no leía a un protagonista que tuviera tanto charm. Siento que es un protagonista muy al estilo Vi Keeland.

Si tienen la oportunidad y les encantan este tipo de clichés léanlo le va a encantar.
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,098 reviews2,554 followers
October 6, 2019

Another favorite from a favorite author! Mr. Mayfair is fresh, fun, and flirty! The characters, storyline, and writing checked all my required boxes. I was completely engrossed from start to finish and thoroughly entertained! Highly recommended.

Here’s what you need to know:
Stella is such a freaking sweetheart! A people pleaser and amazing friend. I could totally hang out and see the sights in London with her. I felt so much for her. I feel like she embodies so many fantastic characteristics of women that we often overlook. She puts her needs before others, but doesn’t come across as weak. She just a great girl! Loved her!

Beck is an equally amazing character! His backstory, personal growth and character development is spectacular. He learns so much from Stella and their relationship is so effortless. Falling in love is easy with her. Seeing that from his perspective was magnificent.

The story is the perfect marriage of flirty and sexy. Engaging and entertaining. I flatout loved it!
Profile Image for Viri.
1,205 reviews440 followers
September 9, 2021
Me da igual si se me fue la objetividad por la ventana.
Pero es que aún después de muchos días de haberlo leído, sigo recordando cosas de este libro y me pongo feliz con cara de emoji de corazones así que sip. Se me van las 5 estrellas para esta historia maravillosa a mi parecer.

No hay momento aburrido, sin chiste, monotono ni malo.

Todo fluye y engancha un montón.

Además las escenas spicy suman mucho ajajaja

Lo amé 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Profile Image for TheSassyNerdBlog.
947 reviews372 followers
September 29, 2019
So, truth? This is my first book by this author, but in no way is she new, I’ve heard raving reviews about her work, and I kept saying “she’s my next read” and as it happens, I kept getting swamped with a million other things to read, and now I’m kicking myself that I hadn’t started soon... Mr Mayfair was something else. I went into this book expecting one thing and got the complete opposite, and in no way am I disappointed in that.

Stella and Beck’s story was nothing short of amazing and adorable and swoony with a few twists thrown!

Stella thought he and her now ex-boyfriend just needed space, needed time to adjust to their new life, but oh how wrong she was... it had only been a short two months when an invitation to Matthews wedding lands in her hands, to none other than her best friend, Karen... a best friend who has been in her life since they were kids, was not only dating her ex-boyfriend, the man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with... she was about to marry him! To me? I’d of ripped her best friend to pieces, alongside Matthew... how could your “best friend” even do something so heartless and the fact that she didn’t even tell Stella they were dating in the first place... but to me that turns out to be a blessing in disguise ...

Beck? Hot as hell estate developer looking to snatch up a dream come true. The only issue is that the owner doesn’t want to sell, and the owner is none other than Karen’s uncle, and Beck needs a way into this wedding, and Stella is the key to that! But will all go to plan? Or will he be blindsided by this woman and everything he thought he was doing this for being turned upside down? Will he be able to get that plus one spot, and will his attraction for Stella get in the way of his plans?

So many questions were popping up the deeper I got into this book. The more answers I got the more questions popped up. These two were perfect for each other. Beck wasn’t the usual type of hero I love in a book, he wasn’t an overbearing asshat and I loved to hate and hated to love, he was sweet, he wanted Stella, he wanted to show her that she’s perfect in every way, even with that fact that her dumb ass best friend now ex boyfriend betrayed her doesn’t take that way from her and even though these two were “faking” it, he saw things in this woman that she struggled to see herself, and he pushed her beauty, her kind heart and her Self worth... he pushed her to see everything he was seeing within her...

And what starts out as something agreed upon and fake, takes a swift turn.

Throughout the book these two were perfect for each other. Their witty little fights and banter only proving to me that they were perfect for each other, and that their chemistry was in full force.

But will they be able to see what’s right in front of them? Will they end up being the ones with the happily ever after... again, so many questions, and there’s only one thing I can tell you.


This book will have you on epic rollercoaster of emotions ranging from joy to pain and betrayal. It literally holds ALL THE FEELS and I couldn’t help but fall deeply in love with this books, the couple and everything about this book.

Highly recommend it! You won’t be disappointed!

This was my first book by Louise Bay, and it’s definitely NOT gonna be my last!!

5 stars!

Profile Image for L.J. Shen.
Author 59 books49.3k followers
October 1, 2019
Your boyfriend betrays you with your best friend. What would it take to make you go to their wedding?

✓ The chance to get the career you’ve always dreamed of.

✓ A huge paycheck.

✓ And a hot fake boyfriend.

Check, check and check.

Mr. Mayfair, a brand new standalone, fake relationship romance by USA Today Bestselling Author Louise Bay, is now available!!

Now Available

AmazonAmazon UKApple BooksNookKoboAudible

 photo Mr.Mayfair_AvailableNow_zpsippscgh1.jpg
Profile Image for Meghan March.
Author 87 books15.8k followers
October 1, 2019
Your boyfriend betrays you with your best friend. What would it take to make you go to their wedding?

✓ The chance to get the career you’ve always dreamed of.
✓ A huge paycheck.
✓ And a hot fake boyfriend.

Check, check and check.

Mr. Mayfair, a brand new standalone, fake relationship romance by USA Today Bestselling Author Louise Bay, is now available!!

Now Available
AmazonAmazon UKApple BooksNookKoboAudible

 photo Mr.Mayfair_AvailableNow_zpsippscgh1.jpg
Profile Image for Melissa  ❤️ bookaddict_fanatic .
1,009 reviews91 followers
October 1, 2019
Louise has done it again, written a book that was absolutely UNPUTDOWNABLE!! I LOVE fake relationship tropes and this one had me hanging onto every word of this sexy, sassy, swoon-worthy read. Beck and Stella were fun, witty, loveable......I didn't want their story to end but I'm so excited that there will be more to come from their friends!
Profile Image for Sentranced Jem.
1,134 reviews603 followers
September 26, 2019

I have read my fair share of books with the whole "Fake Relationship" trope. They are always a fun and an easy going read but I think it can become rather repetitive.
Luckily with Mr.Mayfair , Louise Bay knocked it out of the park.
I enjoyed every moment of it. I loved the banter between Beck and Stella.


Stella was funny and feisty. She was unselfish, modest and absolutely wonderful.
Beck aka Mr. tall, dark and handsome was charming, generous and had a heart of gold.
These two couldn't be more perfect for each other.

Beck and Stella's lovestory was an absolute joy to read!
Mr. Mayfair was fun and sexy yet sweet at the same time.
Profile Image for Mia.Mi.Jou.
246 reviews101 followers
September 18, 2021
re-read 2.5* (4/14/2021)
1st read 3.75* (11/7/2019)

Yeah, that's exactly the reason why I'm always so scared to re-read books... I'm afraid my tastes might have changed and I won't love it as much this time around. Honestly I can't quite comprehend why I rated this book with 4* in the past. I was feeling generous apparently. Or I liked the resemblance to the movie 'The Wedding Date'? I don't know.

Now, my biggest problem is the heroine. She's kind, nice and loyal, but also blind, weak, whiny and pathetic. She never stands for herself and takes every humiliation (from her ex-bf and ex-bff who got married 2 months after her break-up with him and who felt no regret or shame whatsoever) and does nothing. I also didn't like, how suddenly they fell in lust/love.
Profile Image for Pikolina.
819 reviews281 followers
September 30, 2021
2.5* raspaditas.
Había leído buenas críticas de éste libro, pero a mi no me ha llegado a convencer.
Creo que no pasa nada y me han parecido que los dialogos son aburridos y repetitivos.
Del montón.
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,141 followers
October 7, 2019
The sacrifices we make...

Kind of spoilery, please proceed with caution.

While I enjoyed listening to Mr Mayfair, I also realised that parts of it drove me completely bonkers.



Stella just seemed pretty silly and a complete walkover to me. She sacrifices her newly established career for a man who she now admits, treated her quite badly. Her supposed "best friend" has always used and abused her and it's only now she realises it. If the best friend and ex hadn't invited her to their wedding, she may have gone even longer putting up with her and pining for him. WHY??

(It's a story, Stacey...just remember, it's just a story...)

I really needed Stella to stand up for herself and maybe even vocalise in an emotional, uncouth and passionate way that MATT AND KAREN WERE SCUM OF THE EARTH!!

Now, Beck Wilde...HOLY SHAMOLY!!

Beck really did steal the show for me. Yes, his original plans were to use Stella but it wasn't like he was doing it without her knowledge. It was an agreement between the two of them and Stella was going to get something she desperately wanted out of it. I really like Beck and his mates and how they interacted with each other. Loved knowing Beck's history and how hard he's worked to get to be the successful man he is.

I really enjoyed listening to the narrators and thought they did a fantastic job. Unfortunately, I still struggle with Shane East's narration of sexy scenes. It's just a wee bit uncomfortable to listen to. Sure, his voice is sexy and gives me tingles... until he cries out in... exuberance... joy... orgasmic delight, as the female character. It just sounds wrong. Sorry, Mr East, besides that, you do a fabulous job.

4 stars for this one. It probably seems like I didn't enjoy Mr Mayfair but I honestly found it easy listening. The stuff I had issues with didn't seem that bad while listening; now that I'm analysing the story I realised it bothered me a little. The ending was great and I particularly loved the epilogue and seeing where they were down the track.

I'm a fan of Louise Bay and I will definitely be back for more in this series.

Profile Image for Laura.
2,425 reviews115 followers
September 27, 2019
I just finished this, and I'm still smiling.

I adored Beck and Stella.

So much about this book is the fairy tale/perfect romance. It's got rich, attractive men, villains, and Scottish castles complete with picnics make you feel like you are reading a fairy tale.

But it also feels real, and like it could happen. Like the situation is real, like the people had reasons for behaving as they do, and that they are real.

I love that Beck and Stella both genuinely care about one another, enough to help the other get what they want, or to be willing to sacrifice it when something more important comes along.

Stella has been hurt in a way that shakes your confidence in relationships, in tour ability to trust your own instincts, and in a way that makes you doubt love. It's a betrayal that cut her to her core abd and left her both reeling and reacting to her own life instead of being in control. Watching her with Beck as she starts to get that sense of self back is wonderful. The best part is that he sees it. He watches it happen and he knows how amazing it is for her. It's hard not to fall just a little in love with him, and it's easy to see why Stella loves him.

I also love that Louise Bay is British and lets her characters be as well, without toning it down. The way they speak, the way they use words, and some of their phrases are incredibly British. Not hard to figure out, especially in context even if you aren't familiar, but it feels authentic.

Reading this book was an absolute pleasure. I enjoyed and recommend this totally.
Profile Image for Rachel Dyken.
Author 169 books18.2k followers
October 2, 2019
Your boyfriend betrays you with your best friend. What would it take to make you go to their wedding?

✓ The chance to get the career you’ve always dreamed of.
✓ A huge paycheck.
✓ And a hot fake boyfriend.

Check, check and check.

Mr. Mayfair, a brand new standalone, fake relationship romance by USA Today Bestselling Author Louise Bay, is now available!!

Now Available
AmazonAmazon UKApple BooksNookKoboAudible

 photo Mr.Mayfair_AvailableNow_zpsippscgh1.jpg
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,760 reviews1,335 followers
October 2, 2019


I absolutely adored this novel from beginning to end. It was light fun, uber-steamy, and I just loved the banter and chemistry between the hero and heroine.

Beck is just fantastic. There wasn't a part of his character that I didn't love. He is protective when he needs to be, supportive of the heroine instead of taking over, and he is a bit vulnerable behind the whole playboy facade. He is without one of my favorite Louise Bay heroes.

I actually really enjoyed Stella. She is incredibly relatable, which made her endearing in every single way. Kind, compassionate, more understanding than anyone should ever be, I couldn't help but cheer for her and want Beck to fall in love with her.

This story is so entertaining. The slow burn, the development of the fake relationship to real love was engaging and funny with its moments of steamy. It does follow the typical plot line for this trope, but because I loved these two so much as individuals and as a couple, it didn't bother me in the least. I truly didn't want to say goodbye to them. In fact, I read the ending all over again because I didn't want to.

I couldn't recommend this book enough. I loved every word and moment with Beck and Stella, and I hope we get to see more of this world.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,603 reviews4,363 followers
January 31, 2023
3.5 Stars

Opinion Breakdown
The Good: The premise (even though many feel it's warn out). The friends. The main characters and their instant friendship.

The Not-So-Good: The ending. Just because I'm greedy and I really wanted more commitment!

The Bad: The ex best friend and boyfriend. Their evilness was a little OTT and I felt like she never really got closure with the whys there.

Overall: For another one I got as a freebie, this was fun! I have enjoyed this author's works in the past and when I saw the blurb -- I was sold! Was it predictable and done before? Yes. Do I really care? No. Overall, I enjoyed it.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Stella and Beck's story. Stella is blindsided when she gets an invite to her ex boyfriend's wedding to her best friend. Beck needs a property for personal reasons that nobody knows, and he propositions Stella with whatever she wants in exchange to be his plus one at the wedding to have access to the owner of the property. They agree but Beck has to pretend to be Stella's doting new boyfriend. Lines get crossed, feelings start to develop, and secrets are revealed...and they get a HFN ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between focusing on Stella and Beck in 3rd person narrative.

Overall Pace of Story: Alright (see heat section below). I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well otherwise.

Instalove: No, they become friends first then stronger feelings develop.

H (Hero) rating: 3.5 stars. Beck. I liked him, I wanted him to communicate better but I appreciated how he cared for and took care of the h.

h (heroine) rating: 3.5 stars. Stella. I liked her, but I wanted her to communicate better too. I appreciated that she grew from being a doormat to sticking up for herself.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story. I did, however, feel like the first scene was awkward. Even though it was supposed to span some time since he drew it out, it felt super quick and the transition to sexy times felt choppy (if that makes sense). Especially because they were denying their feelings of attraction before.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: Not between mcs

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This ends with a few cute jump ahead epilogues, but not enough for me to call it a HEA ending (though I'm sure others would call it that)

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,387 reviews110 followers
February 6, 2022
Recensione sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

Beck era uno sviluppatore immobiliare, possedeva molti immobili, in realtà tutti quelli della via in cui si trovava il palazzo MyFair, tranne quello.
Era vuoto e pronto per essere ristrutturato e lui lo voleva, a tutti i costi, perché quel palazzo era la sua ossessione da sempre. Ci aveva vissuto sua madre quando aveva scoperto di essere incinta di lui e Beck avrebbe fatto qualsiasi cosa per entrarne in possesso, anche trovare un espediente per riuscire a presenziare ad un certo matrimonio al quale, era certo, sarebbe stato presente Hanry, il proprietario del suddetto immobile.

A tal fine si era rivolto a Stella, una consulente occupazionale piuttosto ambiziosa, unica donna single che avrebbe partecipato a quell’ evento, a cui avrebbe rivolto un’interessante proposta lavorativa.

🖋️Si tratta di una lettura scorrevole e veloce, molto piacevole a mio avviso, non impegnativa e che non prevede particolari drammi.

Beck è ossessionato dal palazzo Mayfair ed è disposto a spendere una cifra altissima per l’acquisto dell’immobile, perché il suo intento è, da sempre, poter rimediare ai torti subiti in passato.

Per poter raggiungere il suo scopo decide di stringere un accordo con Stella, una ragazza dalle mille fragilità, che grazie a lui e alla sua perseveranza, e al viaggio che insieme faranno in Scozia per partecipare al matrimonio del suo ex fidanzato, riuscirà ad affrontare tutte le sue paure, quelle che per troppo tempo l’hanno fatta sentire insicura, e chiuderà una volta per tutte quella relazione altalenante che l’ha fatta soffrire, facendola sentire inadeguata.

*Ringrazio la CE per la copia ARC


Profile Image for Annuccia Palmeri.
1,106 reviews85 followers
February 5, 2022
Carinissimo, anche se abbastanza prevedibile. Mi è piaciuto molto rispetto agli altri libri tradotti che mi avevano annoiato.
Profile Image for AJ's Book ReMarks.
1,394 reviews38 followers
September 25, 2019
What happens when your boyfriend (ex) is getting married to your best friend and you are invited to the wedding? Well, that's one way to find out that you are never, ever getting back together! Two months ago Stella London was under the impression that Matthew just needed some time with all the changes that were happening, his new job, their current move into London, right? That was until the wedding invitation was received and she found out that Matthew and Karen were getting married! Karen her best friend since the age of five and Matthew who she met in high school, yeah, two of my most trusted friends are getting married to each other! What a way to find out that they were even dating behind your back, bollocks!

Beck Wilde, real estate developer needs this one building in order to make his dream come true, but the building in question is not up for sale and the owner remains elusive, getting a meeting together is just what is needed but old money doesn't work that way, you need to get an in with Henry Dawnay. After much social media stalking and inside hacking we see that Henry Dawnay is attending the wedding of his niece Karen to Matthew in Scotland. Right, now just get invited as a plus one to the wedding. If you want to know the rest, read the book, it's well done, all the feels and the easy flow of banter between the characters is something to experience on your own. Love Louise Bay's style of writing and her sense of humor, plus you get to experience London, England & Scotland through the eyes of the upper crust, not as a tourist or commoner.

Profile Image for Bibliophile  Chloe .
1,190 reviews103 followers
September 30, 2019
Oh how I wish I could be in one of Ms. Bay's books!

She writes about England and Scotland so beautifully, and with the knowledge that Americans are reading it too.  There is English slang, but it's easy to pick up on. I even felt a right bit smarter after reading it!

So this is the lovely story of Beck and Stella. Two folks that need the other in a bit of an unorthodox way.  They are both getting what they want out of the deal they struck and then they get so much more.

I was heartbroken for Stella at first, then when she found her inner fire and her strength, I was cheering her on hard!  She was no fragile English rose, she had thorns too!  I could empathize with her vulnerabilities and her issues of trust.  I mean who wouldn't have their foundation rocked if the same thing had happened to them.

Beck, oh you dodgy fellow!  Beck thought he was living the charmed life.  He was determined to do what he had to to get what he wanted, no matter what the cost.  But was the price too high?

You get beautiful descriptions of locations throughout Scotland in this story, you get the charm and cosmopolitan feeling of London too.  Ms. Bay has a magic to her words, she fully immerses her readers into her stories and that's a true testament to talented writing.

This book was delightful and will give you all the feels! Get your hands on it!
Profile Image for Marie Vasquez.
1,598 reviews77 followers
October 2, 2019
Mr. Mayfair was a phenomenal, unputdownable love story. Beck Wilde and Stella London were such amazing characters. I started this the minute I finished my work day and did nothing else until I finished it in the wee hours of the morning. I was hooked!!

Both characters were SO easy to fall in love with. Beck was a man on a mission and Stella was his way in. No way did he think she’d also make her way into his heart. But there wasn’t anything couldn’t like about her. She totally got under his skin.

Watching these two “fake” a relationship and ultimately fall for each other while doing it was the best thing to experience. It all happened without any effort; which is the best. While they were putting on a facade for others they’re lack of trying while in each other’s company allowed them to see each other without any pretense. That was truly endearing to me. They fell so hard without even trying and not something either even wanted. But it happened and it was glorious to watch.

Louise Bay never fails to deliver the perfect combo of complicated, yet relatable characters that make me swoon at every turn.
Profile Image for Miftahul.
370 reviews187 followers
February 24, 2021
Dnf at 70%

The heroine stella is an idiotic annoying doormat who tries to see good in everyone and lets them walk over her and doesn’t say anything cuz she learns to be happy with that. Like how big of an idiot is she. She cant even stand up for herself in front of her ex bf who literally ruined her life, cheated on her, marrying her bff and also invited her too the wedding and Stella does nothing. She is so boring and an idiot, seriously she is literally like a robot..an annoying robot. There was no bonding between Stella and Beck, there was no chemistry. Beck is so selfish, egoistic and a showoff to have any kind of feelings for her, the relationship between them seemed so forced and rushed up. Stella is like a whiny robot and i know robots cant whine but SHE CAN and she is the whiny robot and Beck is selfish and suddenly they are in love. Ugh a waste of my precious time. Stupid stella even made showoff Beck promise not to say anything to her cheating Ex bf, even when he insulted her she said nothing and didnt let Beck do anything...she was just standing doing nothing while he humiliated her. Ugh stupid idio
Profile Image for Pilar S.C..
Author 9 books240 followers
August 11, 2021
Una historia encantadora, con una buena ración de romanticismo y una cucharada bien grande de drama.

Un pasado tormentoso en ambos personajes principales, una línea de acción común en el presente y, desde luego, un futuro tan prometedor como anhelado para ambos.

Stella y Beck están tan bien perfilados que incluso los «odio» un poquito por ser tan perfectos el uno para el otro, incluso por ser tan fantásticos en sí mismos.

Vale, lo diré: quiero un Beck para mí.
¡Ale, ya lo he dicho!
Profile Image for Erika.
Author 29 books224 followers
September 27, 2021
Ya había leído antes a la autora (El rey de Wallstreet) y fue como "OK", solo ok. No pensé que repetiría tan pronto, pero esta novela vino de regalo gracias a la lista de correo de la autora y nunca me puedo resistir a una novela de la regalo y me gustó mucho. Es dulce, tierna, con un protagonista "alfa" pero sin ser un dominante espantoso y una chica insegura sin ser una patética que odias. Esa trama tan "cliché" de "voy a invitar a un hombre que está como un tren a la boda de mi ex" está escrita de la forma adecuada para tratar clichés y es hacerlo interesante, ponerlos en situaciones que te arrancarán los suspiros suficientes para que con ellos olvides que esto lo has visto muchas veces antes. Sí, señores, hay una forma correcta de trabajar los clichés porque como siempre digo "son clichés porque funcionan, siempre y cuando sepas cómo presentarlos".
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,380 reviews1,834 followers
July 8, 2021
I STRUGGLED SO HARD with this one and I think it's the narrator. The female narrator took too many pauses while the male narrator had a thicker than expected accent.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,181 reviews

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