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Hunter Legends #0.5

The Beginning

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Appearing as a bonus story on Sherrilyn's web site and at the back of early editions of Sins of the Night, it can now be found in print form in its entirety in the novel Acheron in the Dark-Hunter series.

This is a short story written years ago by Sherri as an intro to the Dark-Hunter world.

The Beginning was originally published as a short story in a small press magazine called The Voice in 1990.

The Beginning,is also in the back of Sins of the Night early print editions (St. Martin's Press, 2005) NOTE: This short story appears as a chapter in Acheron, located in Part I-Greece, 7382 BC

21 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1990

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About the author

Sherrilyn Kenyon

236 books29.2k followers
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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of Nick and The League, and her books are available in over 100 countries where eager fans impatiently wait for the next release. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are soon to be major motion pictures while Dark-Hunter is also being developed as a television series. Join her and her Paladins online at MySherrilyn.com and www.facebook.com/mysherrilyn

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194 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 216 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,780 reviews1,351 followers
March 16, 2015
Nice little intro to the Dark Hunter world, and I totally didn't see that twist at the end coming! So clever!
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,618 followers
October 9, 2017
The introduction in the universe of Dark Hunters.
We learn a bit about Acheron,the first dark hunter, and his relationship with goddess Artemis and the terms he imposed upon her for the creation of dark hunters.
There is also a sad story included in theses few pages that showed that even a clever warrior can be misled and deceived.
Profile Image for Ale Rivero.
1,259 reviews111 followers
March 5, 2021
Relectura 2021: definitivamente Acheron es un personaje que despierta muchos sentimientos desde su primera aparición, y todos esos sentimientos son muy duros. Sherrilyn es muy buena haciéndonos empatizar con sus personajes aunque como seres humanos seamos tan distintos a ellos y en este relato nos da muchos datos de lo que se viene en la saga.

Relectura 2020: realmente tengo muchas ganas de ponerme al día con esta saga releyendo todas las historias que leí hace varios años, Sherrilyn Kenyon sabe crear personajes con personalidades completas y varios de los que aparecen en esta pequeña historia se verán en el futuro.

Desde el principio de la historia Artemisa siendo una zorra, cuándo no 🤬
Acheron siempre siendo un condenado, pobre 😔
Y Simi haciendo de las suyas 😅
Pues aquí se ve más o menos el inicio del drama de la creación de los Cazadores Oscuros, y las primeras reglas que los regirán, aparte de incorporar a Acheron como su cuidador y entrenador, obviamente es una información que se va agrandando conforme pasan lo libros. Para mí es un buen pie para empezar en el mundo de los Dark Hunters. Y con lo que es la prosa de la autora, obviamente muy recomendable.
Profile Image for Gavin.
955 reviews416 followers
December 10, 2014
This novella offered a glimpse into the distant past and showed how the Dark-Hunters came into being. It was a fun read. I liked they way Acheron was sucked into helping train the Dark-Hunters for Artemis

It was great to learn more about Acheron and his relationship with Artemis. Though the glimpses we got here only left me wanting more! Simi made a short but typically hilarious appearance.

Rating: 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Juli.
1,481 reviews132 followers
December 31, 2015
Un libro que me permitio conocer un poco mas a fondo a Ash♥
Profile Image for moi, k.y.a..
1,924 reviews359 followers
January 6, 2018
Okumak için...
Seriye başladıktan/devam ettikten sonra bu minnak novellayı, Dark Hunterların başlangıç hikâyesini çok aramıştım. Ellerim boş kalınca da ana kitaplardan devam etmiştim. Yeni bir kitapla yola devam etmeden bu yıl bir daha şansımı denemek istedim veeee –mutlu son-

Dediğim gibi, bu novellacık Dark Hunters’ın oluşumunu anlatıyor. Bu nedenle üzülerek söylüyorum, Artemis’den gene kurtulamadık. Her kitapta ortaya çıkıp hem benim hem de Archeron’cuğumun huzurunu bozmayı başarıyor pis şıllık. Bu küçücük kitapta bile bunu yapmaktan geri durmuyor.

Şunu bir kere daha gördüm ki Artemis kaltağın teki. Dark Hunters tarihinin başlangıcında da sonrasında da bu değişmemiş. Diğer kitaplarda olduğu gibi Archeron’ın üzerinde hâkimiyet kurabilmek için elinden geleni ardın koymuyor.

Novelladan tutun ana kitaplara kadar adam her yerde gizem ve güç abidesi. Haliyle ben de kendisi ve kitabı için heyecanlanıyorum ama sonuçların hüsran olmasını istemediğim için beklentimi en düşük seviyede tutmaya çalışıyorum.

Okumadan Önce:
Bu ufak, Karanlık Avcıların başlangıç hikâyesini duyan eden var mı? Varsa bir de bana yollar mısınız kurbanınız olayım?
Hı, hı?
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,337 followers
September 14, 2010
Reviewed for THC Reviews
"4.5 stars" This short, thirty-page novella used to be considered the second story in the Dark-Hunter series, and that is the order in which I read it. It gives an introduction to Acheron, and tells how he became the leader of the Dark-Hunters. Despite it's brevity, I found the tale to be very engaging, something of a missing chapter in the saga. In such a short space, Ms. Kenyon managed to create a character who was extremely intriguing, and I am anxious to read more about Acheron in the future. If I had read this novella on it's own without knowledge of it's connecting stories, I probably would have found it to be unsatisfying, but knowing that there is so much more to come, it simply whetted my appetite for future offerings in the Dark-Hunter series. The Beginning is now found in its entirety within the full-length novel, Acheron. It was previously published as a separate novella in the back of early editions of Sins of the Night, and can now also be read on Sherrilyn Kenyon's website for free.
Profile Image for Coco.
1,083 reviews525 followers
March 6, 2014
¡Pero que zorra es Artemisa! ¡Empezaba a darle bofetones como si no hubiese un mañana!
Profile Image for Sofia.
325 reviews64 followers
April 11, 2015
This is the beginning of the Dark-Hunter series, while reading it I couldn't help but remember when I asked my mom to buy me Fantasy Lover, I was 15 and I really wanted to read a steamy book. All my mom would say was: "Fantasy Lover? What kind of book is that? It doesn't sound appropriate for your age."
- "Well mom, it's about Greek mythology, apparently, seems pretty educational to me." (I've always been such a fucking smartass). Then she conceded and I bought Night Pleasures. (it was then that I converted ;) ).

My mom likes Greek mythology a lot, so after I read Fantasy Lover and then started buying and reading the rest of the series, she said she would read them as well. That's when I fucking panicked. If she read Fantasy Lover, she would know! Worst, it would be like mother and daughter sharing porn!!! Ewwww

Obviously I had no other option but to say Fantasy Lover wasn't exactly educational. Although one of my greatest accomplishments was passing one of the most important exams ever with a really high grade - and all thanks to the Dark Hunter series. Yeap, indeed, this is a true story. The exam was about this poem that was related to Greek mythology, so when I was asked to interpret it, all I did was apply my extensive knowledge on GM, all thanks to the Dark-Hunter series.


Welcome to the Dark Hunter world, in The Beginning you will read about this really hunk of a man called Acheron, who leads the Dark Hunters, his demon Simi, who loves eating cows owned by cyclops, this bitch of a Goddess called Artemis, of course, the Dark Hunters and this vicious, vampire-like creatures called the Daimons.

Acheron: "Acheron didn't want to do this. He didn't want to lead anyone any more than he wanted to follow someone else's orders. He didn't want to deal with people at all. He'd never wanted anything in his life expect to be left alone."

Simi: "Because this really tall man with only one eyeball came out of a cave and was screaming at the Simi. He say the Simi was evil for eating the cows and that I would have to pay for them."

Artemis: "Like a lethal wild animal, he moved with a primal promise of danger and masculine power. With the promise of supreme sexual fulfillment. They were promises he delivered well on. In all eternity, he was the only man who had made her weak. The only man she had ever loved. He had the power to kill her. They both knew it. And she found the fact that he didn't intriguing and provocative.Seductive and erotic."

Worry not, as you read the books everything will be explained, secrets will be revealed and shit.

"I am Acheron Parthenopaeus," he said quietly. "Artemis sent me to train you."

What you should expect by reading the Dark Hunter series: laughing your ass off, feeling certain parts of your body hotter than usual, ugly-crying, screaming like a banshee when something you didn't want to happen happens and also feeling the love.

In other words, welcome to the family.


May 9, 2012
Interesting read on how the Dark Hunters started when Acheron became involved.

Still love him....

and still hate her.

Would recommend waiting to read this till you've read a few of the Dark Hunter books.

Favorite quote:

♥ To look at him was to want him.

To see him was to ache to touch him.

He had been built to please, and trained to pleasure.
Profile Image for ⁀➷ Heisy ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚.
184 reviews15 followers
April 30, 2022

Creo que ya había leído esto hace años. Me hizo recordar y revivir mi intenso odio por Artemisa. Acheron, como siempre lo mejor de la saga, lo quiero proteger de todo mal. Es demasiado bueno para todo el mundo. Odio a Artemisa. Es lo peor de la vida. ¿Ya mencioné que desprecio con todo mi ser a Artemisa?
Profile Image for JuD.
539 reviews17 followers
January 21, 2019
Es muy cortito pero te deja con ganas de saber más sobre los Cazadores Oscuros, como funcionan y lo cabrona que puede llegar a ser Artemisa
Profile Image for Tarsis.
1,111 reviews87 followers
March 18, 2017
Ya con leer esto, me muero por leer Acheron. Como dice Artemisa, tiene algo magnético.

"¿Y tú, Acheron? ¿Confías en alguien lo suficiente como para entregarle tu alma?"

YYYYY me muero por leer la historia entre ellos dos.
Profile Image for Ronda  Tutt.
861 reviews52 followers
May 19, 2010
This was a great short story that explained how the Dark Hunter Acheron made a deal with Artemis to stay by her side so that she would provide for the Dark Hunters so they could survive and kill the Daimons.

Acheron was tricked into his death by Artemis. They were romanticly envolved when he was still human. Once Artemis turned him into a Dark Hunter he couldn't stand to be around her and he would ignore her pleas for him to come to her and for 2000 years he stayed away from her until at last she called for him to let him know that she made some more Dark Hunters so they could help him and that she wanted him to lead and train them. The next three Dark Hunters were Callabrax of Likonos, Kyros of Seklos, and Ias of Groesia.

Once Acheron met them, he realized they didn't have the sources to take care of themselves and that they were hiding out in a cave. They had no weapons to fight with and they didn't even know how to kill the Daimons.

So Acheron went back to Artemis to bargin with her for Armor, weapons, money to be paid, clothers, horses, and even servants to watch over them in the daylight while they rested. To top it off, he even came away with a bargin that the Dark Hunters would have a way to regain their souls so they would no longer be bound to serve Artemis if they so chose to.

The only way for this to happen was that the Dark Hunters would have to die again and at their death when the heart stops, the one pure at heart of love and trust would have to hold the Dark Hunters soul (stone) against Artemis bow and arrow tatoo marking and then the soul would go back into the Dark Hunter making him human again.

The story was very interesting on how the first attemp of Ias wanting to go back to his wife and kids, but when it came time for her to hold the stone, she dropped it and refused to do it because Ias was not her true love. Archeon killed her for what she did because now that Ias was dead again and he did not have his soul, he became a shade for eternity and would be trapped in Katoteros.

After reading this story, I don't like Artemis at all, she is a real bitch!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Iva.
630 reviews99 followers
October 2, 2013
After reading the awesomeness that are these 20 pages, I died a little when I realized that Acheron's book is 15th. I will die until then! I still loved this short story that explained a few things about the Dark Hunter world. That last page was just.. Woah.
Profile Image for Carrie .
1,015 reviews579 followers
November 28, 2019
Had to dig out my falling apart copy of Sins of the Night to read this. I bought a bunch of books in this series years ago and haven't gotten around to them.

Good introduction to the series, which I'll be diving into later on today/night or tomorrow.
I do hope Simi is in more of the books.
Profile Image for Christina (Christina's Book Corner).
771 reviews173 followers
September 5, 2015
August 24-25

Review - I really enjoyed this as a start to the series and knowing how the dark hunters were created it's kind of messed up how evil Artemis is and that she does love Archron but he hates her and finds her not very trustworthy so he trains the dark hunters and finds one guy who's wife misses him very much and when he goes to Artemis to bargin for his soul and other things for the dark hunters and when he goes with isas to his wife it turns out he doesn't love isas but his brother who is dead so this isas guy dies what the fuck interesting short story .

To look at him was to want him.

To see him was to ache to touch him.

He had been built to please, and trained to pleasure.”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mercè.
651 reviews112 followers
December 15, 2015
Como introducción al mundo de los Cazadores Oscuros está muy bien. Pero son 20 páginas, así que el desarrollo no es extraordinario. De todos modos es interesante y hace que te entren ganas de leer más y más de Kenyon.
Profile Image for Kinga.
680 reviews67 followers
August 18, 2015
This just makes me want to go and re-read Acheron's story!
Profile Image for Jennifer Juffer.
314 reviews10 followers
September 23, 2017
It's a very quick read! But, it's so worth it!
Readers of Acheron will have read most of it, but it never hurts to read it again!
With well written, concise, beautiful use of imagery, Kenyon is able to take the reader back in time to a different place; a different world, with flowing ease of thought provoking, emotive words that are aimed directly and intentionally to elicit catharsis.
I don't know how she does this so very well, but few authors are able to put words on paper so well.
Definitely a book most people will be able to relate to on some level.
Profile Image for La chica que leía.
202 reviews32 followers
September 30, 2019
Breve relato para conocer un poco más a los cazadores oscuros. Aunque me ha dejado un poco loca porque no he visto relación con Un amante de ensueño... Pero, eso sí, me ha dejado con muchas ganas de saber más de este mundo.
Profile Image for Anie.
357 reviews34 followers
June 10, 2017
I was suggested this series by a friend, and after reading this prequel I can tell this universe will be right up my alley.
Can't wait to get paid sonI can purchase some more from this (quite long) series!
Profile Image for Mari Books.
130 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2021
Ahhhhh........ Se me ocurrió leer midnight pleasures antes de este y ahora todo tiene sentido! 😂💔 Aqueron bro se te quiere 😔🥺❤️ Artemisa es cruel pero me gusta 👁️👄👁️💅🏻
Displaying 1 - 30 of 216 reviews

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