Paris on world map. Paris locator map

Paris map locates Paris address on world map

On world map, Paris is located in Western Europe, west from Asia, north from Africa and east from Americas. Locate Paris address or sight on Paris locator map. Paris map pdf. Official Paris metro map. Metro map pdf. Paris facts. Paris maps.

Paris locator map

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Paris apartment and hotel map

Paris boasts some of the most prestigious hotels in the world.

The top Paris maps

Paris map pdf

Locate and view the top sights on Paris map PDF: on one map, monuments, museums, parks and gardens.


The city is divided into 20 arrondissements, its administrative subdivisions with each a separate city hall and a zip code. As example, the zip code of the 1st arrondissement is 75001. Locate most city top sights on the Paris Arrondissement map.


Paris metro boasts one of the most extensive networks in the world. The metro is the most heavily used means of transportation. The metro is safe and clean. Locate metro lines and metro stations on the map. Find your itinerary in town. Check our Paris metro map

Bus network

Download printable Paris bus network map.

Sightseeing map

Paris is unrivalled in the world in terms of number and beauty of sights. Locate and view the top sights on Paris sightseeing map: on one map, monuments, museums, parks and gardens.


There is a wide choice of hotels and apartments in town with very different quality and value for money. Most hotels are small and charming boutique hotels. Locate our favorite hotels in town and our favorite districts for hotels on Paris hotel map.


There is a huge number of restaurant in the city, both French and foreign. In general, the tourist districts offer poor value for money. But, there are exceptions. Locate our favorite restaurants in town on Paris restaurant map.

Shopping venues

From the huge shopping malls to the small specialized shops, there are shopping venues matching your taste. Locate the best shopping venues in the city on Paris shopping map: fashion streets, department stores, shopping malls, flea market.

Tourist map

Locate top tourist sights on Paris tourist map. It includes monuments, museums, gardens, shopping venues, restaurants

It is quite practical to have and use a printed pdf map when in town. Check and print in town the free printable Paris map pdf with the main streets of the city, the metro stations, the train stations and the top tourist signts.


Locate the top monuments on Paris monument map. It includes the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, the Louvre, the Sacré-Coeur, the Arc de Triomphe, La Conciergerie, the Sainte Chapelle, the Fondation Louis Vuitton, Palais de Chaillot.


The city is world famous for its top museums of art: Musée d'Orsay, Louvre, Centre Pompidou, Musée d'Art Moderne, Musée Picasso, Musée Marmottan. Locate and view the top museums on Paris museum map.

Gardens and parks

Locate the top gardens and parks on Paris garden map: Luxembourg Gardens, Les Tuileries, Parc de la VIllette, Buttes-Chaumont, Parc Monceau, Bois de Boulogne, Bois de Vincennes.