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Scoring Wilder

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What started out as a joke— seduce Coach Wilder—soon became a goal she had to score.

With Olympic tryouts on the horizon, the last thing nineteen-year-old Kinsley Bryant needs to add to her plate is Liam Wilder. He's a professional soccer player, America's favorite bad-boy, and has all the qualities of a skilled panty-dropper.

• A face that makes girls weep – check.
• Abs that can shred Parmesan cheese (the expensive kind) – check.
• Enough confidence to shift the earth’s gravitational pull – double check.

Not to mention Liam is strictly off limits . Forbidden. Her coaches have made that perfectly clear. (i.e. “Score with Coach Wilder anywhere other than the field and you’ll be cut from the team faster than you can count his tattoos.”) But that just makes him all the more enticing…Besides, Kinsley's already counted the visible ones, and she is not one to leave a project unfinished.

Kinsley tries to play the game her way as they navigate through forbidden territory, but Liam is determined to teach her a whole new definition for the term “team bonding.”

A fun & sexy New Adult Romance (age 17+)

402 pages, ebook

First published June 15, 2014

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About the author

R.S. Grey

43 books11.6k followers
R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of over twenty-five romantic comedies. She loves books, chocolate, reality TV, and cold weather. She lives in Texas with her husband, two daughters, and dog. Visit her at rsgrey.com.

Instagram: @AuthorRSGrey

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/RSGrey/


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Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
644 reviews999 followers
June 30, 2016
2 Frustrated Stars

After reading R.S. Grey's With This Heart last year, I looked forward to reading her other works because I simply loved her writing style and her swoon-worthy characters. Scoring Wilder is my second R.S. Grey read. Sad to say, it didn't live up to my expectations.


Reasons why I didn't like this book:

> The heroine.

Okaaay this is getting so old and you guys are probably sick of hearing me say this, but I really hate annoying characters! Kinsley Bryant is one of those. At first, I didn't mind her dry humor and slut-shaming attitude but the more I read, the more she gets on my nerves. Here's a thing about Kinsley Bryant, soccer superstar and voted the #1 sexiest soccer player in the world. She's too perfect to be true. She actually has it all. Beauty, fame, good family background. But her attitude really sucks. I hate her opinion towards other people. Also, I can't believe she's a soccer superstar with the kind of attitude she has while she's on the field doing her daily drills. I don't know but I expect A-list athletes like her to be somewhat dedicated to their goals and ambition to succeed, but I see none of those. Instead, she's mostly distracted. Almost all her attention was focused on Liam Wilder, her sex-on-legs, hot-as-fuck coach. And oh, don't even get me started on how she always thinks about sex even when she's in the middle of a practice. Ugh.


> Unbelievable side characters

I really find Kinsley's team mates annoying. Seriously, if you guys are a team, why would you waste so much time hating each other just because you're competing for a guy's attention instead of focusing on your game. That is just so dumb.


> Insta-love


All in all, I didn't enjoy this book. There were sweet moments, of course, but that's it. I still want to read more books from R.S. Grey, though. I heard Chasing Spring and The Allure of Julian Lefray are good! :)

Pearl's Book Journey (1)

Profile Image for Christy.
4,136 reviews34.8k followers
June 8, 2014
4-4.5 scoring stars!

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Scoring Wilder is a fun, fresh and sexy read. A fast paced, highly entertaining, forbidden love story that I throughly enjoyed!

Kinsley has zero luck when it comes to men. After her last two boyfriends, she’s done. She’s focusing on what's really important. Playing soccer. Her career. Trying out for the Olympics. She’s on the right track, but then she sees him. Liam Wilder. Soccer’s hottest bad boy. Covered in tattoos, sexy as sin, Liam is the entire yummy package. And he knows who Kinsley is. She's one of the biggest up and coming soccer stars.
Liam Wilder knew who I was. He knew me enough to recognize me at a party… and tomorrow he would be my coach. Oh god. I just almost sniffed his shirt and then asked him if he’d show me his tattoos. I’m in major trouble.

Liam would be the perfect guy to have some fun with. But Kinsley soon finds out he is 100% off limits. He is helping with the ULA girls soccer team as an assistant coach.

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Off limits or not, Kinsley and Liam have some amazing chemistry together. Fighting their attraction for one another isn’t easy and soon becomes basically impossible. Especially when attraction turns into something more. Real feelings. So instead of fighting, they’re hiding.
“I’m not afraid of a little competition, Kinsley. I play to win.”

Consequences be damned.

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It’s a risky game they’re playing. Both have much to lose if something like this gets out…

Liam Wilder. Liam is soccer’s bad boy, but he’s reformed. Now he is this magnificently sweet and sexy man. I adored him. He didn’t back down or take the easy way out. He was considerate to someone other than himself unlike many guys. I’m trying to think of something I didn’t like about Liam and I’m coming up blank. He didn’t do anything to get under my skin. I liked him more than peanut M&M’s.
p.s.- I know David Beckham is much too old to be our 25 year old Liam, but I tried and tried to find someone else and I couldn’t get this man out of my head. He is who I pictured the entire time I read this book. So sorry- I just don’t want the age difference to be misleading by my images. Kinsley is 19, Liam 25.

Kinsley is a fabulous heroine. She's strong, confident and fun. Reading from her pov was great. I especially loved the relationship she had with her BFF Becca. They had me laughing and smiling so many times with their crazy conversations. Kinsley had the drive and determination. She was a kick ass leading lady.

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Liam and Kinsley don’t have the easiest start to their relationship. Their relationship isn’t ‘wrong’ but the obstacles they have to deal with are numerous. I think the author did a great job of solving all the conflicts in their story without making them seem immature or annoying so bravo to that!

Scoring Wilder is a story about following your dreams, finding love and having to courage to go after it, even if the circumstances aren’t ideal. The writing was great and I loved the characters. A great mix of humor and romance. This is the first book I’ve read by this author, but I’m looking forward to reading more!

There was no trading up. I’d scored Liam Wilder.

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★★★★★ ★★★★★

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Profile Image for Corina.
767 reviews2,466 followers
August 1, 2020
It’s 2020 - I’m in need of a reread 😍


Update 2018: I'm rereading this book as part of the ULTIMATE READING CHALLENGE. January's challenge is to reread an old favorite. I didn't have to think hard to pick Scoring Wilder for this month's challenge. By now I must have read this book half a dozen times. I just LOVE IT!!! And it was the perfect time to pick it up.


If you love sports romances, and new adult romances this is YOUR book!!

The reason why I come back to this book again and again is the perfect balance of romance, angst, sports, friendships, LOL moments and of course the love story.

Over the years (since 2014) I must have read this book at least once a year, and every time it gives me exactly what I'm looking for in a comfort read.

Here are the things that I LOVE the most about this book:


Most of the cast are athletes, specifically soccer players. The author excelled at visualizing the dedication, practices, grueling workouts, and everything else that is vital in becoming a professional athlete as well as an Olympian. The book has this realistic and authentic feel that I appreciate and can connect with.
Both, Kinsley and Liam, are goal oriented, and know what it takes to get to the next level. I admire that in people and characters. And I really appreciate that the author put that on paper. I love the training part, and the workouts. It gives the book an authenticity that is often missing in sports romances.


I LOVE the friendship between Kinsley, Becca and Emily. All three are pretty young, 18 going to 19, full of exuberance and playful attitude. Although sometimes they border on ridiculous. Nevertheless they make me smile.


I'm a HUGE fan of forbidden romances. And Scoring Wilder delivers on the sizzle and the temptation. And I really enjoy how neither, Kinsley nor Liam can keep their hands off each other. Although compared to some other forbidden romances, this one is only borderline forbidden. But the tension, attraction and secrecy just does it for me.


I love how comfortable Liam and Kinsley are with each other. Mostly thanks to Kinsley being open, adventurous, and not afraid of going after what she wants. The attraction and chemistry between them is palpable. They clicked on a basic level, both being successful and determined athletes, on top of their game, and the best at what they are doing. The respect and support they have for each other is part of why they make such a great couple. Also Liam is a gem of a guy. Protective but never stepping over the line, understanding and sensitive. OMG - there is this one scene (dorm room) which makes me SWOON every time!!! For him, it's all about Kinsley and soccer. And it's clear that in Kinsley he found a reason to leave his Bad Boy image behind and settle down.

I honesty could go on and on about this book.

Although, I realize that at times this book can sound and feel very juvenile, which I think can be explained by it being one of the author's earliest work. Nevertheless it's THE book for me. The one I fell in love with so long ago, and the one book I compare all other RS GREY books with.


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Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,709 followers
June 17, 2014
It's LIVE...


4.5--Wild for Wilder--Stars!!

Another great read from R.S. Grey!! I really enjoyed this one. I'm a fan of books set in college and revolving around sports and this one had both.

Kinsley is a soccer star starting her freshman year at ULA. Kinsley was a great heroine. She was confident, she was down to earth, she was funny, and she went after what she wanted.

Liam is a soccer player for the LA Stars. Liam is a reformed bad boy and is now an assistant coach for the ULA women's soccer team making him essentially forbidden to Kinsley.

"In the big picture of life, Liam was a dot on the timeline, yet he was capable of wiping away everything that could have come after him."

Scoring Wilder had a bit of a forbidden element to it. Liam being the 25 year old coach in a position of authority and Kinsley his 19 year old student/soccer player.

Overall, this was a very low angst read. It mostly followed Kinsley and her transition in to college and training for the upcoming soccer season. She's also trying to get a bid for the Olympics.

We also saw Kinsley and Liam's relationship grow, their feelings for each other becoming stronger and stronger...navigating being in the public eye, keeping things hidden until they can go public with their relationship.

It also had a bit of a Mean Girls vibe to it, involving some of the upper class soccer players.

Well really just one in particular.

I loved the banter between Kinsley and her BFF Becca. Not to mention, between Kinsley and Liam. I laughed out loud most of the book. Kinsley's inner monologue was hilarious.

So why not 5 stars?? Honestly, I have no complaints...it just didn't have that wow factor. That "thing" that made it stand out above the rest. I still loved it. I would definitely recommend it. And I can't wait to see what Ms. Grey comes up with next.

ARC kindly provided by the kick ass R.S. Grey in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews897 followers
September 17, 2014
Don't hate me but this was really bad.

I admit that I picked this book up mainly because I'm huge fan of forbidden romance stories. Imagine my disappointment while reading this book. It has to be the least exciting story about forbidden love ever. Where was the real thrill? The situations that would make my heart speed up with adrenalin? This story made me feel nothing. It's not enough to tell me how characters are feeling if I cannot feel it myself while reading.

Do I sound harsh? I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt anyone. This book was just not for me at all. All the drama surrounding "romance" between main protagonists was annoying and boring to read about. I'm putting romance in quotations marks on purpose because there was no believable romantic connection in this novel. I just wasn't buying the fact that Liam and Kinsley would risk so much for sex or flirt since they basically knew nothing about each other but how they look...

And just a little reminder at the end. This is purely my subjective opinion. What didn't work for me, may be loved by others. Afterall, many of my friends did enjoy this book so I would recommend to check other reviews before deciding if you want to give Scoring Wilder a chance or not.

MORE REVIEWS ON MY BLOG Reading Is My Breathing
Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
830 reviews3,115 followers
October 29, 2019
I decided this year that I would start giving romance novels a try. Don't get me wrong... most of the books I read have romance in them, but they are usually some type of fantasy or paranormal. So far, my experience has been hit or miss, but I can honestly say this was a hit!

I didn't know what to expect from a "sports romance." I am really not all that into sports, and I didn't know if that would make it less enjoyable for me. It didn't! I loved this story! One of my favorite things about this book was all of the inner dialogue that was throughout the story. Kinsley, the main character, is seriously funny. I constantly found myself smiling and even laughing when I was reading this. Liam Wilder was a spectacular love interest. I adored everything about him. I seriously can't think of one thing that annoyed me about him. I really enjoyed the fact that there wasn't a ton of misunderstandings between Liam and Kinsley or times when they fought about stupid things for the sake of creating drama like authors tend to do especially toward the end of books. It had a satisfying ending and I loved the double epilogue!

Once you start reading this, you won't want to put it down. I read it in two sittings. I will probably be reading all the books by this author in existence now. Lol That is all.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
June 21, 2014

What a funny, sweet and hot book! This book was amazing! I didn't know what to expect from "a soccer romance". But for the second time R.S. Grey managed to impressed me with her writing skills! First I have to say how much I laughed in this book! There were so many funny moments, especially between Kinsley and her friends!

I was intrigued from the first page and especially after reading this quote:
"Cheat on me once, shame on him. Cheat on me twice...what the actual fuck is going on?"

After this I was sure this book was definitely for me :))))
Our story begins with Kinsley, who is a soccer star at ULA! She isn't very lucky in her personal life, her last two boyfriends she had cheated on her. So she decides to have fun on her birthday party! There she meets Liam Wilder, the star of the LA Stars the top soccer team in the US and the resident bad boy of LA!!!


The attraction between them is so obvious from the first moment they meet...but what will happen when Kinsley learns that he will be her coach for a few months???

I loved these two characters and wanted so badly to see them together!
Kinsley is a lovable character! She was beautiful, smart and hilarious! I loved her and her friends! Liam...mmmm Omg! What I can say about him? He is compassionate, hot and loyal He was amazing and only had eyes for Kinsley! They were the perfect match, they fit so well together! The sexual tension between them was painful because they both tried to stay away from each other!


The plot is so entertaining! If you need something refreshing and funny this is what you need! Thank you so much R.S. Grey <3333 I hope we get another book from you very soon!

Arc generously provided by R.S. Grey in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Katerina.
422 reviews17.3k followers
April 23, 2016
*5 "More than Peanut M&Ms" stars*
(or 5 I-wanna-have-your-babies-Liam-Wilder stars)

Dear R.S. Grey,
You have won a place among my favorite authors' shrine.From now on I shall worship thee daily and brainwash my friends to read your books.(More like threaten them but that's a minor detail.)

I could go on and on and on blabbering about Scoring Wilder,but I decided to highlight the reasons you should read it/the reasons I loved it/the reasons it left me in the end dancing like this

Ok fine,it was more like this

(don't get your hopes up mates,there's still blabbering,it's just well-structured)

-Game of Thrones,Hunger Games and Harry Potter references.
If only we actually were in Harry Potter.I’d totally Crucio her ass.Yeah, that’s right, I’d use one of the Unforgivable Curses.Come at me,Ministry of Magic.

-Great (and not so great) characters.I've saved a special entry for Liam and Kinsley,but the secondary characters were amazing as well.I adored Becca,she is the friend I always wanted,funny and supportive and a little crude sometimes,with a big big heart and an even bigger mouth.Emily,Penn,Coach Davis,even the mothers were kickass!Of course there were certain somebodies *cough*Josh*cough* that gave a new meaning to the word asshole,but they added to the story!And Tara,hell reserves special seats for people like you.

-Sweet,funny,sexy.RS Grey's golden rule applies there perfectly.My state while reading Scoring Wilder varied between giggling,awwwing and blushing.There were side symptoms as well,like erratic heartbeat and shortness of breath,and I'm pretty sure I spend a great amount of time like this

Can I say I’m a reformed bad boy without sounding like a tool?

But he is a bad boy.And a good boy,all at once.Surprisingly caring,extremely understanding,off the charts sexy,candy lover,gets-you-pregnant-with-a-stare-sexy (wait,I already mentioned sexy whatever it's worth repeating),tattooed soccer player.Anyone else who wants to have his babies?

-It would be unfair to finish this list without mentioning Kinsley.I absolutely loved her,besides her smart humor and her love for Liam and her friends,she was dedicated to her goals,always wanting to become better and driven by passion and determination.She wanted something,she got it.Period.

And now you (yes you who are reading this and wonder when I'll finally shut up) go.get.the.book!

PS Scarlett it's a tie between Liam and Julian,can I please have them both?
Profile Image for Maida»-(¯`v´¯)-».
1,811 reviews521 followers
June 3, 2016
RATING: 3.75 “More than Peanut M&Ms” Hearts!! :)


Scoring Wilder is a fast-paced, sweet new adult romance, giving us a heroine who charms with her quirky personality and determination to get a shot at the Olympics playing soccer, and a dashing hero who makes us swoon in the way only a sports player can.

Kinsley is easy to love from the moment she steps on page and promptly kicks her cheating, prick-of-a boyfriend to the curb, never turning back and thankfully steering clear from wallowing in self-pity. She’s mindful of a new relationship, but doesn’t hesitate in embracing her attraction with a dash of humour, bringing a smile to our faces with the interactions between her and Liam. While she does on occasion admit being emotionally hurt, she proves time and again that she’s no persecuted maiden—moving on and staying true to her passion for soccer even when she’s faced with difficult situations, from a vindictive teammate to the hounding media.

“She believed she could, so she did."

Liam is a charming hero, easily able to banter with Kinsley and grab hold of what he desires despite being romantically off-limits thanks to his job as her coach. Though he shows reluctance in getting involved with her in the beginning, he never comes across as disingenuous, and he easily earns our affections as he does Kinsley’s. Despite the insta-lust, their romance is adeptly developed, resulting in a relationship that is equal parts endearing and deliciously sexy with majority of the conflict lying outside rather than between them.

“Liam was it. He was the person at the end of the day who made me laugh the loudest and swoon the longest...There was no trading up. I’d scored Liam Wilder.”

The only mild complaint with this tale is with regard to the ending that came across as stilted and underwhelming. That being said however, Liam and Kinsley are hugely entertaining characters and their romance will definitely delight on any given day. My first read by this author, and I’m looking forward to more!

Posted: May 22, 2016
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
June 22, 2014

"I’m not afraid of a little competition, Kinsley. I play to win."

Scoring Wilder is fun, sexy forbidden romance with a bad boy hero who will melt your heart. Be prepared to swoon over Liam Wilder!

This heart-melting hero I mentioned was a sexy, tattoo-covered, world-famous professional soccer player with a bad boy reputation who fell hard for the heroine, Kinsley Bryant. Kinsley was training as hard as she could to try out for the Olympics and had just come off of a string of two bad relationships that had pretty much squashed her trust in men but when she and Liam met… the sparks flew. Problem was, he’d just signed on to be her new coach and their relationship was totally forbidden… ;)

Liam and Kinsley had a great dynamic — didn’t matter if they were fighting, flirting, butting heads, or making love, everything about them together was so much fun to read about. I loved the whole “forbidden romance/ sexual tension” vibe… especially when you could tell how hard Liam was trying to be good and not get involved at first…. of course that didn’t last long, but it did lead to some pretty funny scenes.

“What are you doing here?” he asked with a hard tone.

Okay. Not the best first line. Something like, ‘you look beautiful, have my babies’ would have been a little bit better.

Ohhh, and this…

“I glanced back towards Liam. His hands were clasped together behind his head and he looked like he was about to punch something. I guess that was a good sign?”

I really loved every minute of Liam and Kinsley’s time together. They had crazy chemistry and I couldn’t stop smiling!! It was all hot then cold and wild then controlled as they tried to navigate the ups and downs of their forbidden relationship. There were so many huge consequences to them being together publicly and yet…. somehow it was just worth it ;)

“This feels wrong. Should it feel wrong?”

“No, it’s not wrong,” he clarified simply in his controlled tone… “It only feels wrong because we’re having to sneak around… I’m sorry our relationship is such a fucked-up mess.”

“Hey! It’s OUR fucked-up mess, okay?”

Liam really was the kind of guy I couldn’t help help but fall for… a reformed bad boy who played all his cards right with the girl he was falling for. I mean sure things were rocky at first since they were for forbidden to be together and there was so much at stake if they were caught but I loved the way things worked out. He was a bad boy but a good guy. He was open, honest, committed, sweet, sexy, and just all kinds of awesome. Bucket loads of swoon!!!

“Be with me. Be mine.”

Kinsley was a very refreshing heroine. The whole story was told from her POV and she was strong, self-assured, and was working her butt off to make her Olympic dreams come true. This girl was no doormat. Nope, she was fun, fiesty and totally on top of her life.

There was also the thrilling aspect of dating a professional athlete. Liam was a celebrity of the sports world and, as an up-and-coming player, Kinsley’s life was also in the spotlight so they had to deal with the both the fun and uglier sides of fame as well as focusing on their professions and relationships.

“It feels weird thinking about you being my boyfriend,” I admitted sheepishly.

“Why?” he asked.

“I mean, I just watched one hundred thousand people chanting your name. Isn’t that crazy?”

I did have a few complaints here and there (like, I found the first quarter of the book a leeeeetle slower than I would have liked) but overall, I really enjoyed my read. It kept a smile on my face and had me swooning like crazy over Liam. Oh and I looooooooooooved the ending!!! We got not one, but TWO amazong epilogues. Liam really went above and beyond. I won’t spoil anything but prepare to SWOON!! Turns out America’s bad boy was also the biggest sweetheart you could imagine.

If you’re looking for a more light hearted romance, try this one out!!

Rating: 4.5 stars. Standalone New Adult romance.


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Profile Image for Sunshine & Storms.
141 reviews58 followers
October 31, 2016
4 'she did it' stars!!!

She believed she could, so she did

1. I'm a soccer player so hence a 10% of my happiness towards this book
2. Liam Wilder is 80% of my love for this book.
3. Kinsley's dry humor and her thoughts are 5% of my love for this book.
4. Becca overall is the other 5% of my love for this book.

Kinsley is a nineteen-year-old soccer player who may have it rough when it comes to relationships and love, but her first love never let her down, soccer. She's a freshman in college and is trying to follow her dreams and be invited to play in the Olympics, but Kinsley wants one thing that can jeopardize her college career and her dream. What is it? You mean, whom? Oh, it's Liam Wilder.

“He’s my coach. My off-limits coach. He’s like chocolate, and I’m like pickles. They shouldn’t be mixed...
Unless...chocolate-covered pickles? No.”

You're wondering what the big deal about Liam Wilder is? He's the twenty-five-year-old tattooed bad boy star player for the LA stars. The media gives him a bad rep but on the field, no one can deny that he's a one of a kind ball player, but he's also now....Kinsley's soccer coach. Having Liam as Kinsley's coach meant:

1. He's off-limits
2. Don't have dirty thoughts about him (impossible not to)
3. He's off-limits
4. You can't touch him (how could you not?)
5. He's off-limits
6. You can't have any relationships with him (FUCK THESE RULES)

Being the mature, witty, responsible, funny and beautiful Kinsley as that, she is.. she broke all those rules. The chemistry between Kinsley and Liam were electric, and everyone saw it. They had their ups and downs, but you knew that they wanted to be with each other, but they knew the consciouses that would have came with it. Liam and Kinsley were in the spotlight now and had to be careful with everything they did. Liam had his rep to look after and Kinsley had her future/dream to protect.

"You're acting like a child," he hissed, his grey eyes flashing darker than usual.
I leaned in close and narrowed my eyes. "Funny. When you were on top of me on Saturday you didn't think I was a child."

Yes, they were forbidden. Yes, it went against the rules. Yes, Kinsley dealt with the consciouses. Yes, Liam was worth it. Yes, I want Liam to myself. Yes, I want to slap Tara and Josh. Yes, Becca is the cutest thing ever. And, yes, I love this book and will say it a million times.

This was one of those reads where when you start it you don't want to put it down, and when you do put it down, you just want to pick it back up and continue from where you left off. I LOVE when the heroine is an athlete because I'm able to relate to her so much more considering I'm an athlete as well. I could relate with Kinsley in so many ways, and I loved the type of person she was and how she dealt with situations. If we're completely honest if we were in her shoes we would have done the same thing ;) Liam is cool, calm and collected but has a playful side which adds onto his sexy side and whenever he speaks you just want to hang on him like a koala and claim him as your own.. Lucky Kinsley.

He shook her hand, and I thought I saw a little blush across his tan cheeks. "Hello, Mrs. Bryant."
"My daughter has talked my ear off about you for the past few weeks now," she admitted, and then I was the one with flushed cheeks.
Liam's cool gaze slide toward me.
"She's exaggerating, I hardly mention you at all," I winked.
Liam glanced back to my mom wearing a cheeky half-smile. "That's not surprising to hear. Your daughter is definitely in love with me, Mrs. Bryant. She hasn't told me yet, but she will soon."

*THUMP* whats that? My heart falling from chest because cuteness overload.

One of the MAIN things I loved about this book were the dialogue and banter. Every character (or side character) said something funny to me, and I honestly loved everything that came out of their mouths. I sometimes love reading books where it isn't always serious and that we can laugh and just enjoy the book without thinking someone is going to die or drama along the way. There was drama in the story don't get me wrong, but I liked how the author lightened the mood with Becca's outbursts or Kinsley's comments and thoughts.

The moment Becca spoke, Liam's hand retracted from my back as if he was awakening to the fact that he was touching me almost inappropriately. Oh, it was inappropriate. His hand had been resting just two inches above my shorts. Which is above five inches above my vagina. So... yeah, he was basically touching my vagina.


I ran over to open my bathroom door and shouted for Emily. "Em, are you sure you don't want to come with us? We can put together a cute costume really quick!" I knew the answer would be no. She'd told us yesterday when we invited her to go shopping that she was going to stay in and Skype with her boyfriend. We had, of course, made fun of her for having Skype sex, and she blushed for an hour straight. Seriously, it was too easy.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Call me if you guys need a ride or anything!" Emily answered, already sitting at her computer with Skype open.
"Fiiiine, but don't forget to use protection.. you don't want your computer getting a virus,"

I don't even know why you guys continued to read this review all the way to the end. You should have purchased the book probably after the first paragraph. What are you doing!? STOP READING AND GET YOUR HANDS ON THIS BOOK!!!

"Wildcats on three," Coach Davis instructed, and then counted down.
"Wildcats!" we all screamed together in unison

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Alex Morgan will be my Kinsley Bryant.

And Gerard Piqué will be my Liam Wilder.

Profile Image for Ida.
129 reviews236 followers
July 4, 2020
This was such a cute, feel-good read with very little angst!

I picked this up because I had just finished a fantasy book, and I needed to "cleanse my palate" before jumping into a new fantasy world (if that makes sense), and I'm so glad I picked this one!

I also got an urge to rewatch "She's the man" 🤔
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews2,991 followers
June 11, 2018
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Still a cute read*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Re-read: 12.06.2018
The book centers around midfielder for the soccer team, Kinsley ‘Kins’ Grace Bryant (19) and professional soccer player and her Coach for a some months, Liam Wilder (25). They got an instant connection, though no insta-love. The story is filled with humor, sarcasm, friendship, goal and finding your one. Overall, it wasn't as good as I remember, but it still put a smile on my face and it was still worth reading.
The moment Becca spoke, Liam’s hand retracted from my back as if he was awakening to the fact that he was touching me almost inappropriately. No, it was inappropriate. His hand had been resting just two inches above my shorts. Which is about five inches above my vagina. So… yeah, he was basically touching my vagina.

Other characters:
I've put these in a spoilers tag simply because it's a long list; contains spoilers.

“Do you like me more than M&Ms?”
“How do you know I like M&Ms?”
I laughed, thinking back to the drive-in movie. “Last night you inhaled the entire bag before I could even take some.”
He chuckled into the phone. “Ah, my M&M blinders were on. Excuse my poor manners.”
“You didn't answer my question.”
“Kinsley, I've never liked any girl more than I like M&Ms.”
I laughed and let my head fall back against the wall. “Am I getting close?” I joked.
“I'd say I like you more than regular M&Ms, but you're going to have to really step it up if you want to beat out peanut M&Ms.”
“I have a tough road ahead of me.”
“I think you can do it,” he joked, and I smiled against the phone.
“Challenge accepted.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (New Adult) Contemporary Romance.
Series: - Standalone.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Liam Wilder.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Probably...
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - Who knows me.
New Rating - 3 stars.

First read: 01.01.12.
“She believed she could, so she did.”

All Kinsley Bryant wants to do is to play soccer and get an invitation to the Olympic tryouts. However that won't be easy considering their team has a volunteered coach this summer...
Liam Wilder, a professional soccer player has volunteered to be a Coach for the ULA girls soccer team, however as soon as he lays eyes on Kinsley, he's lost.
“More than Peanut M&Ms,”

Meet Kinsley, a sassy young girl at the age of 19. She great at soccer, has an fantastic mom who's adorable and she's a great friend. Kinsley is amazing. She doesn't take any bullshit and she tells you straight out what she thinks. She's confident and independent, down to earth who just wants to do what she loves, which is playing soccer. As soon as she meet's Liam however, who's forbidden and she can't stay away from him, she risk getting kicked out of the team..
That scheming whore.
If only we actually were in Harry Potter. I’d totally Crucio her ass. Yeah, that’s right, I’d use one of the Unforgivable Curses. Come at me, Ministry of Magic.

Enter bad-boy Liam, a sexy alpha male at the age of 25. He's down to earth, fucking good at soccer and has the looks that will make your pants wet. He's charming as well as funny. He can be freaking pissed as well as acting a like a kid loving M&M's, with peanuts of course. And most important (Ehh, to me...), he's dominant and he takes what he wants. <-- Me likey ;D
“That’s not surprising to hear. Your daughter is definitely in love with me, Mrs. Bryant. She hasn't told me yet, but she will soon.”

Kinsley and Liam's chemistry are hot hot hot. They snap at each other, challenge each other, and they make each other laugh and feel better. They have the kind of relationship most would want, with sexy hot sex. They are simply meant to be.
“I'm not playing around with you, Kinsley. I want to be with you," he whispered in my ear before releasing my arm. I stumbled into the hallway, trying to gather my wits.”

The book was awesome and a fun read. I'd might end up re-reading it sometimes in the future, which is saying something.. There were two things that were my favorites about this book which was ofc, Liam and Kinsley's relationship, but also Kinsley and Becca's friendship. Becca's was awesome, and totally supportive. She is the bestfriend we'd all want. She's funny as hell too. Perfect match to Kinsley. You also have cute Emily, though you don't see her as much, but she's loyal and adorable and I would definitely want her as a friend as well.
“I know what it means to value the person you're with.”

There are some things that are bothering me about the story, like almost insta-love and the fact that Kinsley got together with Liam so soon after Josh (who is a bastard btw), but if you look past that, then the book is kinda great. I love the drama, the loving, the friendships and fighting and I wished there was more books about Liam and Kinsley. Why I'm not giving the book full 5 stars is because something was missing and R.S. Grey skipped over a few parts in the book that would be interesting to read about, and 'Scoring Wilder' was a bit long, like it was dragged out a bit, but at the same time not.. I can't decide... Hence the mixed rating.
Rate: 4/3-3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Belle.
557 reviews563 followers
April 3, 2017
3.5/5 stars

“He was the northern star. I had no choice but to become enveloped in his brightness and let it coax me toward him. Wanting him was an unconscious impulse, like taking my next breath.”

Going into this story, I knew it would tick a lot of boxes for me. It supposedly had a strong female character, a cute relationship and an element of sport, but I felt like this book still fell a little flat. Don't get me wrong—I still enjoyed the relationship build up, the drama-lama and the hilarious moments—

"His hand had been resting just two inches from my shorts. Which is five inches above my vagina. So . . . yeah, he was basically touching my vagina."

This book centred on the nineteen year old Kinsley Bryant who plays college soccer and is preparing for the Olympic soccer women’s trials and the twenty-five year old professional soccer player, Liam Wilder. The two meet and discover that Liam will be the support coach for her training and the number one rule for her team was— nobody touches Coach Wilder.

This book is chock-a-block full of drama. With team bullying, hazing, paparazzi and a forbidden romance all rolled into one. I can’t say that this seemed like a very realistic story line a lot of the time, it was purposely exaggerated to make the story more excitable but if that is something that won’t bother you, than this will probably be a hit.

Honestly my biggest annoyance was how much paparazzi coverage she got, I’m sorry but it seems extremely unrealistic for people to be so interested in their relationship when soccer players in real life don’t get even a quarter of as much coverage.

Some of the humour was a little juvenile but a lot of it was sarcastic, a little nerdy and down right hilarious.

“If only we actually were in Harry Potter. I’d totally Crucio her ass. Yeah, that’s right, I’d use one of the Unforgivable Curses. Come at me, Ministry of Magic.”

There were some seriously awesome friendships between some of the characters and probably most notably, Kinsley and Becca, with the lesser character Emily thrown in. Emily was what I would call a cardboard character with nothing very interesting going on apart from her random emotional break downs. She seemed like a weak and watered down character, sobbing over things like being forced to clean a toilet and run laps.

There was also a lot of girls-vs-girls drama and slut shaming. I can appreciate a certain amount of catty female characters, because lets be real—sometimes that is reality. But with there being more stereotypical ’bitches’ than supportive females, it just ended up driving me crazy.

Kinsley wasn’t the most loveable character in my opinion, the definition of a special-special snowflake who hadn’t faced any real adversity in her life. Another weird thing was that it seemed that not even one character in the story (full of college students) needed a job to pay for even the basics in life, they all seemed to live off mummy and daddy’s credit card.

Kinsley herself was a character that repeatedly expressed how well off and rich her family was, being spoilt by her mother with VERY over the top gifts. So much to the point that she ended up palming off her gifts to others because she had too much. I don’t usually have an issue with rich characters but it seemed like the book was set in a fantasy world where nobody had to work for anything, and that just seemed ridiculous.

The relationship between Liam and Kinsley was pretty adorable, definitely insta-love but I am an absolute sucker for a romantic-comedy and this definitely had that vibe. Kinsley was pretty hilarious and a serial winker, I honestly thought she had a tick by the end with the amount of times she winked at everybody omg

There were a few minor editing issues, like missing quotation marks in dialog and I found the writing style sometimes to be a little juvenile but other than that this was a pretty enjoyable storyline, nothing spectacular but a nice, fluffy read.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,624 reviews1,033 followers
March 5, 2015
I scored with this book. I was looking for a NA genre book that would have some fun college drama in it. I needed to change up what I've been reading lately because everything I’ve read has been sad. A person can only handle so many sad books before it starts to affect their mood.

Kinsley is a the hottest up and coming college soccer player. As a freshman she has a promising career in soccer. The sports world is rooting for her to make the Olympic team. Unfortunately, her personal life is not the best in the guy department. Both her former boyfriends cheated on her, not with each other, which has left her a little weary of the male species.

Liam Wilder is a professional soccer player who has a bad rep. His sponsors want him to clean up his act. To please his sponsors he has volunteered to help the college women’s soccer team get ready for their upcoming season. When I think of HOT soccer players my mind always goes to David Beckham. Since I was picturing David Beckham as Liam...I found this younger picture of him since Liam is 25 years old.


Things begin to heat up when Liam and Kinsley find they have an undeniable attraction to each other. Just one problem… date the coach and you will be booted off the team.

Kinsley and her teammate, Becca, come up reasons why she shouldn’t think about her hot volunteer coach:
(1)Cheated on by two ex boyfriends.
Conclusion: guys are dicks. Don’t date them.

(2)GOALS: Olympics and ULA training schedule -> NO TIME FOR GUYS!

(3)He’s COMPLETELY off limits. (Kicked off team off-limits.) BACK AWAY FROM HIM STAT.

(4)He’s a badboy. (Reformed or not) Refer back to #1 and multiply it by ten.

(5)He doesn’t like me. And/or actively hates me.

Scoring Wilder is a fun sports romance. I’m a fan of sports movies especially ones based on true stories. But don’t get me wrong, I do like those fun ones too -> STICK IT and BRING IT ON. Scoring Wilder was a combo of those two movies with MEAN GIRLS thrown in. If you’re looking for a sexy sports book with some college drama thrown in then pick up this book.

If you want to see the author read chapter one -> http://bit.ly/1uqqyx2


descriptive text here
Profile Image for Plamena.
166 reviews
June 25, 2014
5 ‘I want to marry Liam’ Stars!!!

Okay…usually I prefer bad boys with attitude and many tattoos. But this time I fell in love with a total sweetheart! Liam is simply perfect! I know I should review the book but I seriously would like to review only him!!!! O_o But okay…I’ll try to focus on the story.

“She believed she could so she did .”


Kinsley Bryant has some bad experience with relationships. Her last two boyfriends were total assholes. She wants to forget all about her ‘love problems’…especially when it is her birthday. She goes out with her new teammates from ULA soccer team. She is their new upcoming super star and is working her way toward the Olympics. So…one last night of fun before the beginning of the serious practices.

On this party Kinsley meets one of the biggest soccer stars in the country- the sexy and charming Liam Wilder. She can absolutely NOT resist him (not to mention she is reaaally drunk) and flirts with the hot soccer player. But soon she learns that Liam is the forbidden fruit- he is her new coach. And then the fun begins. There are intrigues, drama, passion…and two people who will have to decide if they are going to risk it all….just to be together.

‘Scoring Wilder’ is a sweet and entertaining story. I really enjoyed reading it! Kinsley is funny, strong, smart and totally lovable character. What I loved about her was that she wasn’t running away from her problems…she was facing them and dealt with everything.



“There was no trading up. I’d scored Liam Wilder.”


From time to time I just need a hero without any baggage, who is confident, strong, smart, sexy and sweet- a real Prince Charming. Liam is exactly this.

The writing style is perfect which is absolutely normal when the author is R.S. Grey. I am becoming one of her biggest fans!

So…If you want a light and really sweet read + the perfect guy --> this is your book! You will definitely fall in love with Liam! ;)
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,483 reviews5,321 followers
August 6, 2016
3.75 Stars

” She believed she could so she did. ”

[image error]

R.S. Grey delivered a cute, witty, sporty read. I did have a little trouble getting into it and did stop a few times but overall it was a sweet read that will leave you smiling.

Kingsley, the main character was very likable and her internal dialogue was very amusing, while Liam Wilder hotness amps way up later on in the story they made the cutest couple.

"I really like you...you should be my girlfriend."

Kingsley is an up and coming soccer rookie and Liam is the volunteer coach who happens to be the star of LA’s men’s team. Their relationship is a bit forbidden due to the coach/player circumstances, paparazzi and evil player on Kingsley’s team.

Overall, this was a sweet light read that was a lot of fun.

Arc generously provided by R.S. Grey in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,215 followers
June 21, 2014
4 Scoring Stars!

Kinsley is having a bad day: she caught her boyfriend cheating on her… yet again, considering that is the second time that she caught a boyfriend cheating on her.
So she decides she’s done and dedicates to her truth passion: soccer. Especially if she plans entering the Olympic Team, which is her main gold.


Well, that changes when she finds out who is her new specially invited coach: Liam Wilder America’s favorite soccer player, sexy as sin, famous and playboy extraordinaire.


Something change when they met, but they know everything between them is forbidden, since she is the player and he is the coach.
And even if you can’t resist breaking the rules, you know that you have the world watching you and ready to tell your secret.
So how can you love and be in a relationship with someone, when everything, including time, is against you?


Rating: 4 Stars.
Storyline: A sweet, funny and addictive romantic NA story for when you need a light, low on angst and fast-paced book. It has easy humor and a simple and romantic storyline that will leave you hooked from page one. Sometimes that humor felt a little forced, like they were trying too hard to be funny, but other than that, I really loved it.
Writing Style: First person, female POV. (And unfortunately, in this one, the male POV was missed). Good and solid writing with an engaging plot.
Character Development: Kinsley was good, but like I said, sometimes seemed like she was trying too hard. Liam was pretty good. I loved how he was grown up from his past and became a real good and sexy guy. For some reason I kept imagining him as some younger David Beckham. And that was only good. Nice supportive characters, I liked the small side story of Penn and Beth.
Steam: Some seriously hot scenes.
Profile Image for Ash.
383 reviews39 followers
February 8, 2019
first read: April 13-14, 2015
first reread: June 19, 2015
second reread: April 4-5, 2016

JUNE 2015 If I was going to be without phone/internet for over 24 hours, and decided to reread 2015 favorites...you bet your ass this is definitely the first one I'd read - because it was

I love this book. Kinsley is just so hilarious and sarcastic, shes probably one of my favorite female main characters. And Liam. *sigh* I still love him!

I will admit that I maybe didn't love this as much as the first time around...NOT BY MUCH, just a smidgen. so its more like...4.75 instead of a full 5.


APRIL 2015: I pulled an all nighter reading this [surprise surprise] I started it pretty late at night, and read straight on until about 630 AM. I originally put it at 4 stars, but then I thought about it all day, and kept playing scenes in my head, and I miss and need to reread it already, so now its at 5.

This book was amazing! I had actually expected some love/hate, angst-ridden book where they make each other miserable, but no, this was actually a really funny and sweet story. YES, there was drama, but it wasnt really an issue. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Liam Wilder, he is a sexy sexy sweet man and he has definitely been added to my list. Kinsley [and how odd is that name] was a fucking champ. I loved her humor and strength and fierceness and beauty. They were wonderful apart but damn were they just amazing together.

YES, I did feel that it dragged on a little at times.....and that if you had taken a chunk of the middle out, it would have been the same outcome.....BUT I just loved getting to know so much about these characters that I really didn't mind in the long run.

I love this book, I don't own it, so I am pretty sure I need to go out and by my own copy...and then read it again :)
Profile Image for Sabrina.
497 reviews261 followers
May 14, 2018
Hot, cute, freaking great boyfriend, soccer player, funny and loyal. Where can I get one?
This books was so funny and cute.
Relationship goals man.
I want one toooo.

Me every time I read a book by R.S. Grey.
Profile Image for Tani.
245 reviews273 followers
April 28, 2018

I don't know whether I can tell that I liked this book or not. It's cool to read when you want to relax yourself but don't get any hopes that the book will be mind- blowing. I felt the story felt flat and predictable. For me, the characters felt too boring except Becca. I felt the tension between the protagonists in the beginning, but later it felt it was dragging a lot. The characterization felt one dimensional and the plot kept repeating the same things which we read in other books having same theme. The main reason I wasn't thrilled after reading this book because I didn't find any novelty in it. I know many of my friends liked this book, but sorry, it didn't reach upto my expectations. It's just a good book to read when we want sometime to space out from our surrounding and experience relaxation without being humorous or angst. I can't keep ranting because this book was somehow what I needed to pull me back from my stress. If I was in other situation, I would have pointed each and every flaw of this book. Anyways, it was one of the good quick reads.

Thanks for reading my review. Happy Reading 😊
Profile Image for Sophie's Reading Corner .
862 reviews381 followers
November 3, 2018
I loved it!!! Liam was swoon worthy and I want him for myself!! Also, Kinsley was a bold , strong, kickass, confident & generally awesome heroine and I enjoyed her spirit, her friendship with the girls, her mother, her coach & of course with Liam!! I loved them together & damn I needed a story like this one! :)) It's been a while since my last 5 star read & so happy I added this one to my list :-D

If you haven't read this author by now, you're definitely missing out! So far she has given me winners. Can't wait to read more by her!!


This is my second time rereading this book and honestly I'm still in love with everything in this story! The heroine is sassy, the hero is still swoon worthy, the friendship element, I just love it and I would gladly reread it more times! Still a 5 star read for me!! :D

Profile Image for Jaclyn.
582 reviews422 followers
November 14, 2016

"When I was with him, there were no consequences."

THIS BOOK WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I HAVE SUCH A BIG SMILE ON MY FACE RIGHT NOW!! Do yourself a favor, and READ THIS BOOK! It will make your heart so happy and give you all the warm fuzzy feels!

"I'm sorry this isn't easier," he murmured, lessening my worries enough that I could answer his apology with an edge of playfulness.
"Nothing to apologize for...that was the best goodbye kiss I've ever had."

SO. Our story is told from Kinsley who has just sworn off men after being cheated on twice.

"Cheat on me once, shame on him. Cheat on me twice...what the actual fuck is going on?"

After that whole debacle, she decides to remain completely and utterly focused on Soccer, and she's training big time for the Olympic level team. Then at a party in comes Liam Wilder....BEYOND SEXY. POST-BAD BOY STAR SOCCER PLAYER...and unfortunately OFF LIMITS. Like seriously OFF LIMITS. He's got a pretty bad reputation but more than that..he's Kinsleys new soccer coach! He's a ridiculously talented soccer player, and to try to fix his reputation, he begins volunteering for the girls soccer team. But they meet at a party when a drunk Kinsley is out celebrating her birthday with her new team and the tension is STEAMY! The chemistry is UNDENIABLE.

"What did you get for your birthday?"
I'm still holding out that you're actually a stripper gram for me..
"Well," I looked down at my empty hands, "I got this Birthday crown?" I said it like it was a question because I wasn't sure that it counted. "My mom always gets me something elaborate, but her package didn't make it here today from Aspen."
Wow, I really did sound pathetic by that point.
He nodded with narrowed eyes, but he didn't respond to the comment. He crossed his arms tighter, forcing my gaze down to his sexy tattoos. They stretched across his bicep on either side, but only the ones on his left arm dipped below his shirt sleeve. It was a tantalizing glimpse, but I wanted to see more. I knew from photos that they drifted up to his chest and back.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," I murmured cheekily, referring to his tattoos, of course.
I was seriously playing with fire but that's what happens when I drink too much and the world puts me in front of the sexiest man alive. No seriously, I think last year People Magazine named him Sexiest Man Alive.
"I don't think that's a good idea," he said.
Wow. Completely denied. That stung more than my face smashing into the car console. So why was he still standing in front of me, blocking me from talking to anyone else? It was all too confusing for my intoxicated brain to understand.
"That's good. I couldn't show you where mine is anyway," I answered with a sly grin.

I loved Kinsley!! She's kind of a fun partyer in the beginning but I loved her character development throughout the course of the novel. She loves to have fun but she knows when enough is enough. She takes soccer extremely seriously and that's one of the things I loved about her. She was strong, determined and wouldn't let ANYTHING or ANYONE slow her down. Her comments were also hilarious and I loved being inside her head for this story! She's hysterical! And I LOVED the Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and Hunger Games references! Such a great touch!

If only we actually were in Harry Potter. I'd totally Crucio her ass. Yeah, that's right. I'd use one of the Unforgivable Curses. Come at me, Ministry of Magic.

So many laughs in this book! And don't even get me started on Liam Wilder...

*fans self*


"My daughter has talked my ear off about you for the past few weeks now," she admitted and then I was the one with flushed cheeks.
Liam's cool gaze slid toward me.
"She's exaggerating. I hardly mention you at all," I winked.
Liam glanced back to my mom wearing a cheeky half smile. "That's not surprising to hear. You're daughter is definitely in love with me, Mrs. Bryant. She hasn't told me yet, but she will soon."

Their relationship was my favorite to read about!! Yes it's forbidden, but the pay off is so wonderful! I loved the sneaking around, and how they did try to fight it briefly and then I loved how it blossomed into this exhilarating, passionate and sweet romance. They go through a lot and I loved to see them support one another. Even when people were trying to tear them down. They were also super playful which I thought was ADORABLE! I couldn't get enough of it and I was completely swept away in there love story!

He grinned wickedly, ditched his shirt, and made to chase after me. Damn his soccer training. He was much faster than I was. I ran down his hall laughing as I dodged his hands, then I hid behind the couch, faking to dodge left and right. He called my bluff and caught me as I tried to run away.
"Mercy!" I squealed as he wrapped his arms around my waisted and picked me up.
He was setting me back down on my feet when Becca and Penn walked in. Becca eyed us curiously, but Penn just laughed and shook his head.
"What the hell have you two been doing while we've been changing?" Becca laughed.
I winked. "Playing chase. I'm much faster than Liam."
He wrapped his hand around my waist and squeezed. "Maybe you should train me then."


Another aspect of this that I really loved was the friendship between Becca and Kinsley and Emily! I loved how much interaction they had with one another and how they bonded even more as the book went on. I loved how they always had each other's back no matter what! It was so refreshing to read about that kind of strong friendship.

Overall, I highly highly recommend you pick this one up. Especially if you're looking for something light and fun! I was so addicted to it that I plowed through it in like 2 days and it was awesome. I couldn't get enough of it! When I wasn't reading it, I wanted to be and I kept thinking about it! Time disappeared when I read this and it was wonderful. I would go to sleep practically hugging my kindle! I love when that happens with books! This is a new favorite for sure! I didn't even realize how long it was because I just flew through it so quickly and in fact, I wish it was LONGER! I could read about this characters forever! This story just made my heart so so happy and I'm still smiling thinking about it!! I can't wait to read more from RS Grey!

She believed she could, so she did.
762 reviews134 followers
January 6, 2016
1.5 Stars

Beginning of the year and already a DNF. I picked up this book mainly because I saw a lot of people comparing it to Kulti which in a way it is since its between a girl who plays sports and her coach but its nowhere in Kulti's league. Where Kulti was mature, realistic and down to earth...this book was juvenile, cheesy and frankly just revolved around sex. I just couldn't take it anymore.
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,161 reviews1,713 followers
October 17, 2016
Kinsley Bryant is a rookie Soccer player at ULA. She's charming, young, confident, enthusiastic and an aspiring Olympian. As much as possible, she focuses on her athletic career in preparation to the Olympic tryouts. Given that her two ex-boyfriends cheated on her, the last thing she wants is to be distracted. However, things changed when she's attracted to her coach, Liam Wilder. He's a popular Soccer player of the LA Stars who has a bad boy reputation and voluntarily coaches her team. The thing is, they're forbidden to have a relationship but their feelings with each other is palpable and they couldn't resist each other.

Scoring Wilder is a light and adorable New Adult sports romance novel. This is the first book I've read from R.S. Grey and I really enjoyed it. Her writing style is simply beautiful and the story is great though it's cliché. On the other hand, there are times Kinsley annoyed me. Don't get me wrong, I adore her but there are moments she's rowdy, a immature and I don't like when she's trying to be cool. It makes me feel like she's pretending but I'm glad her character gets better halfway through the book. Despite my annoyance, I love when she sticks up with her friends, it's selfless and adorable, I ended up liking her. I love her friendship with Becca and Emily (though I wish Emily has more exposure as Becca but.. She's busy Skyping her boyfriend. I can't blame her). As for Liam, Oh-Dear-Hot-Book-Boyfriend. HE'S SO SEXY, SWEET AND LOVABLE. I don't have any complains about this sweet bad boy. BAD BOYS ARE MY WEAKNESS. The sexy times are great enough to give me butterflies as their relationship progresses.

I like the ending but I find it rushed. It's still a good story though and I'm looking forward to read another R.S. Grey book. Also, I wished Penn and Becca have their own book. These two have a potential ;)
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
979 reviews1,296 followers
June 17, 2014

Title: Scoring Wilder
Author:R.S. Grey
Release Date: June 19, 2014
Rating:4 stars

For all you forbidden romance lovers out there, I think this book will hit the nail on the head. It’s not quite a teacher/student plot-he’s her coach in college but only on a volunteer basis. Is a relationship between them discouraged and definitively forbidden? Absolutely. They are both strictly warned to keep things professional, but, well, we all know how that’s going to go. Kinsley is working towards her goal of making the olympic soccer team and Liam is trying to clean up his public image. He’s a professional soccer star and the “bad boy” of the league. His goal is to clean up his act, not add fuel to the fire. Of course, all his plans go drastically awry when he runs into Kinsley at a party the night before their first day of practice.

When they meet, even though he's a top soccer star, chased by all the women, and intimidating to most in her position, she's bold and upfront with him and surprises him with her lack of reserve or intimidation. I liked this side of Kinsley's personality. She was the type of heroine that's young but most of time pretty confident, bold and flirty, strong (mentally and physically) and she knows what she wants in life and isn't afraid to go after it. She was a fun character full of life and I loved the relationship she had with her best friend Becca.
They were very supportive of each other and their similar personalities made for some funny moments.

There were times when I got frustrated with her and her less than rational choices and actions though. She seemed immature and her actions contradicted her decisions. One minute she was saying she wasn't going to step over the line with Liam-her whole future was hanging in the balance. Her Olympic goals, and her spot on the college team. Everything she's worked hard for her entire life. Then she would turn around and try to tempt him and get angry as hell when he wouldn't respond or tried to push her away. She was determined to get him to acknowledge his feelings for her and she wasn't giving up until that happened.

Of course, being a forbidden romance, there was a lot of sneaking around, anticipation build up, and a little bit of angst due to them fighting to stay away. Despite their obvious attraction, their emotions were anything but clear to each other. He was only going to be in her life for a few short months and he's be gone. Was all this turmoil worth it in the long run? All she knew is that he stirred feelings that she never experienced before and she just couldn't resist him no matter how hard she tried.

After getting past the hurdle of not being able to be together publicly, it seems as if they would live happily ever after...right? Nope. Kinsley has made an enemy on the soccer team and she's relentless in her pursuit to ruin her. I absolutely HATED that girl!! I had serious feelings of wanting to do her bodily harm over all her petty bullying and vicious behavior. Ugh! They have quite a few issues to resolve, but Liam is completely crazy about Kinsley and he would do anything to protect her and help her achieve her goals. I loved how sweet he could be and how he was willing to put everything on the line in order to prove to her that his feelings were real. Kinsley, I can’t say that I loved her throughout the whole book. At times, she bothered me, but by the end I will say she won me over. I loved that both characters were hugely talented and on equal footing. They had their love of soccer in common and I felt like they understood each other largely because of that.

This was another great read by R.S. Grey and I’m looking forward to what she has to offer in the future.


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Profile Image for Anja H..
808 reviews584 followers
August 12, 2016

"She believed she could, so she did.”

Oh my. Someone please hold my heart. This was so cute!
I loved that this book kind of fit this month's biggest sports event on the news: the Olympics. Which was unintentional on my part lol, I just felt like reading this but I enjoyed it all the more because of it, I felt like I really understood what Kinsley was working so hard for.

What I also loved about this was the fact that for once the lead guy, Liam, wasn't a total bad boy. In the book, they mentioned that he used to be one, but there was no trace of that anywhere anymore! I feel like the whole good girl falls for bad boy theme is getting a little old so I really enjoyed this, it was quite refreshing.

Also, some of the scenes in this book were really hot which is also a plus. I sometimes felt that Kinsley was trying a little too hard to be funny and spunky but other than that, I have no complaints. I still love her and the way she pushes on even though all the odds are against her.
I wanted a pretty short, cute, light story and that's exactly what I got!
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,118 followers
September 17, 2014
2 stars!

This one was cute but it was a little too unrealistic and juvenile for me. The MCs were too immature and Liam sounds kinda hot in theory but he did nothing for me. Kinsley has her funny moments but most of the time she annoyed me.

I wish I liked this book more but after reading a couple of awesome books prior to this, this one just felt way, way, short.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,657 reviews

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