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Uncivilized #1


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Savage man, loner, warrior… I am dangerous at my core. I have lived amidst the untamed wild of the rainforest, in a society that reveres me and where every woman falls before me in subjugation.

Now I’ve been discovered. Forced to return to a world that I have forgotten about and to a culture that is only vaguely familiar to my senses.

Dr. Moira Reed is an anthropologist who has been hired to help me transition back into modern society. It’s her job to smooth away my rough edges… to teach me how to navigate properly through this new life of mine. She wants to tame me.

She’ll never win.

I am wild, free and raw, and the only thing I want from the beautiful Moira Reed is her submission.

She wants it, I am certain.

I will give it to her soon.

Yes, very soon, I will become the teacher and she will become my student. And when I am finished showing her body pleasure like no other, she’ll know what it feels like to be claimed by an uncivilized man.

380 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 8, 2014

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About the author

Sawyer Bennett

160 books14.1k followers
New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Sawyer Bennett uses real life experience to create relatable stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From contemporary romance, fantasy romance, and both women’s and general fiction, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

A former trial lawyer from North Carolina, when she is not bringing fiction to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to her very adorable daughter, as well as full-time servant to her wonderfully naughty dogs.

If you’d like to receive a notification when Sawyer releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter (sawyerbennett.com/signup).

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,147 reviews13.2k followers
October 29, 2014

I want you to tell me what the greatest thing is you've learned about me so far since you took me from my home."
"I learned that you...Zacharias Easton...are an uncivilized man."

Yes, yes, contain your shock please. This self professed smut slut just rated this smut fest two stars. Check your windows for flying pigs and I'm sure somewhere right now hell is freezing over, but it did just happen.

Now if you're planning on reading this book, I have one key piece of advice for you; suspend your disbelief. Seriously. Otherwise your brain might explode.

Now I'm all about a book with some crazy hot sexing BUT I need some form of a connection to the characters, and in the case of this book? I had none. Absolutely none.

Let's start with Zacharias. Zach's parents, who are missionaries, took a trip to the Amazon eighteen years ago, taking him with them. After that, no one heard from them ever again. No one was though to have survived, until the news travels back to US that a white man fitting Zach's description has been living with a primitive Caraican Indian tribe.

Moira Reed is an anthropologist and associate professor at Northwester Universty who was approached by Zach's god father with the request to bring Zach back to the US. So that's what she does...and attempts to acclimate the savage to the modern world.

But see the thing is, Zach isn't exactly interested in the marvels of the modern world, especially since he never wanted to leave the only family he's ever known. But what he is interested in? Sex education in the modern world, and who better to provide him with this knowledge then Moira...oh and the internet.

Now allow me to sum up 80% of the book for you in one gif...

The thing is, like I previously said, I'm all for a hot erotic read so long as I have a connection to the characters and I had none here. I couldn't connect with Moira for the life of me, and to be honest there wasn't much to connect to. There was no personality there for me...at all. Remember what I said about suspending your disbelief? That would have come in handy for me here, but unfortunately I just couldn't shut my logical brain off. Moira is a respected professor at a renowned university and supposed to be helping a man that's lived in the Amazonian jungle since he was 7 learn everything that he's missed in the 18 years he's been gone, yet she has the impulse control of a horny teenager. His savage side calls to her uterus or something I guess. What should have been

Basically was just a whole lot of

These two went at it like bunnies anywhere and everywhere and any time. Zach wasn't any more endearing to me. Yes, he was a hot domineering tarzan of the modern time but that was all there was.

The ending felt rushed, but that may be that by that time I just didn't much care for what happened with these two. Sorry guys, as you can see I'm in the very low minority and most absolutely loved this book. Maybe it was the timing or my mood? Or maybe it's because my inner smut slut has finally developed standards and requires an actual plot and character development with her sex...the nitpicky bitch. Whatever reason, this just didn't quite work for me.

Please don't let my review or rating deter you from reading because clearly I am in the minority. So long as you know exactly what you're going into, I think most will really enjoy this one. Unfortunately I just wasn't one of them.

ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,144 reviews34.8k followers
August 14, 2014
4 Uncivilized stars!!!!

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If there ever was a book that 100% belonged on my ‘panty dropping hot’ bookshelf, this one is it. The next time you’re in the mood for something steamy and erotic, this should go towards the top of the list. Zach is uncivilized and hot as hell. He’s a true dominate man- it’s the way he was raised. It’s in his culture. Although he is an American, he grew up in the Amazon. Now 24 years old, he’s spent the last 16 years of his life there. It’s all he knows.

Moira is an anthropologist. She’s been given a grant to go into the Amazon and retrieve a man. A man who’s parents died when he was 8. They were missionaries in the Amazon. Zach was adopted by the Caraican tribe as one of their own, but he has someone in the states who wants him home. So that’s Moira’s job. Go to the Amazon, bring Zach home, and acclimate him to the life of an American. Make it to were he can live among society in a normal way.

It’s not as easy as it sounds. Moira learns one thing about Zach quickly-
“You…. Zacharias Easton… are an uncivilized man.”

From the moment Moira see’s Zach, things become a little more complicated. Seeing him take what he wants and dominate a tribe woman right in front of her… it’s obvious she wants him, she's attracted to him. But she can’t let that get in the way of her job. Zach doesn’t care about her job. He just wants to dominate her.

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Getting Zach acclimated was easy in some ways and difficult in others. Somethings he picked up so quickly, where others…. well, he just didn’t get. Social norms aren’t normal to him. He is used to being his own man.
“You cannot got around attacking people because they do something you don’t like. You most certainly can’t try to kill someone for putting his hands on me. Do you understand-?”

“I most certainly can kill someone for putting his hands on you. I am my own man. Don’t ever forget that, Moira.”

I loved the back and forth between Zach and Moira. And how incessant Zach is about learning about all things sexual. Where he’s from, sex is done the same way all the time. You want a woman, you put her on her knees and you take her. In this culture, there is so much for him to learn. Google is his best friend and there are so many parts there that will having you laugh out loud. How quickly he picks up the ‘lingo’… So funny.
“I am finding I like my new vocabulary. Cock, pussy, and fuck. My three new favorite English words. I want to shove my cock in her pussy and fuck her hard.”

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Moira can only resist Zach’s advances for so long… will she be able to be with someone who needs control 24/7 in the bedroom? And will Zach be able to give up some of that control and learn the ways of the modern woman when it comes to sex? Most importantly, what happens to them when it’s time for Zach to go back to the Amazon- which was always the plan for him?

Zach was such a modern day caveman. He was sexy, rugged, unfiltered and completely dominate. It was fascinating watching him learn the ways of this culture. Moira was a likable heroine. She had patients with Zach and his alpha tendencies. I liked the two of them together.

Sexy and entertaining. That is the perfect way to describe this read. Sure it had some emotional moments, but really- it was just crazy hot and fun to read. Which is exactly the type of book I was looking for at the time! If that's the type of book you're in the mood for- I would recommend picking this one up!

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Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,619 followers
October 13, 2017
This book was improbable, hilarious and absolutely ludicrous at times. At the same time, it was heart-warming and incredibly erotic. Imagine an adult version of 'Tarzan and Jane' and you'll get the gist of it. I laughed my ass off, rolled my eyes and listened intently. I could not break away from this story until I had finished it.

When Moira first begins to reintegrate Zach into modern, civilized life, he has every intention of making her plans as difficult as possible. Early on, he picks up on her discomfort with her sexual attraction to him. Right away he chooses to toy with her a little, and maybe work his way into her body. He knows what he wants, regardless of whether or not Moira wants to face it. He wants her underneath him, submitting to him sexually.

Zach's enthusiasm for learning about sex in this new culture lends itself to some absolutely hilarious situations. Preposterous or not, I laughed my ass off at Zach's self-satisfied proclamations about his newfound vocabulary, compliments of Internet porn. He was hilarious!

Although I did feel like this book could have been shortened some, since it did drag at times, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I really enjoyed this love story. Moira and Zach's unconventional love story held my attention and had me cheering this unlikely duo on. Together, they were smoking hot! The sex scenes were steamy and plentiful.

Unbelievable or not, this story was original and unlike any other book that I can recall reading. For that reason alone, this book impressed me. It is rare to run across a book that puts a new spin on things. I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

Check out more of my reviews at www.bookaddicthaven.com
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,932 followers
August 5, 2016
3 stars!


You know the feeling when you’re reading a book and you’re seeing the words and they register in your mind but they’re not making an impact? Stir zero emotions? Make you feel like there’s an invisible wall between you and the book? Uncivilized was that kind of book for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s scorching hot and probably is erotica at its finest but from a storyline standpoint, it was pretty unrealistic. Knowing me, I have to have more than just hot sex in a story to love it and that didn’t happen here. Thus, my feelings for this book are best summed up with this cliché statement: liked it, but in no way did I love it.


18 years ago, the hero Zacharias (at that time age 7) went on a mission trip with his parents and disappeared in the Amazon rainforest.

Flipping back to present day, anthropologist Moira Reed accepts the task of finding Zach, bringing him back to his godfather, and helping him adjust to modernity. Zach is naturally unwilling and furious that he has to leave his tribe and the only family he remembers.

Now here’s where the story started to go downhill for me. For someone who’s lived in the Amazon for 18 years, barely remembering anything about his past, and hardly using English as his language, I found it strange that his English was flawless as portrayed in his POV. He also learns about technology in a snap and what do you know…the first thing he looks up is sex. With the way the author introduces the social dichotomy between Zach’s tribe and the modern world, I expected a certain degree of cultural shock on his part but got none and that in itself, is shocking. However, he does recognize that he’s an oddball in society and is torn between the people he cares about – Moira or Paraila (his adoptive father in the Amazon)? Civilization or Caraican tribe?


I think I would’ve enjoyed this book a lot more if I warmed up to Zach’s character but sadly I never did. I found him to be too simplistic and the one main thing that dominates his mind is sex. It just got to the point where I was tapping my foot wondering if there was anything else to the story aside from sex and sex education. I also wasn’t a fan of the rushed and sort-of ridiculous ending. I’m sure that those who want

I would recommend this book to smut fanatics and erotica lovers but for those who are like me and aren’t fans of purely erotic stories, you might bump into some of the problems I had with the book. This definitely wasn’t a bad book by any means, just not a story I could fully enjoy based on its content.

ARC provided by Season Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
August 10, 2014
4 Uncivilized Stars!

I was going give this book a lower rating last night because quite honestly there were so many inconsistencies and inaccuracies. They were so obvious and not that they bothered me but the practical side of my brain was trying to make everything make sense. So this review is based purely on enjoyment. I enjoy smutty books but there comes a time when I ask myself when is it going to stop? Gime some more story please! Not in this case though. Uncivilized by Sawyer Bennett, is pure erotica with a plot although erotica isn't the only focus of the book, just the main one. While you learn about the characters and their story, you get a heavy dose of their journey to sexual discovery.

Let me be blunt. This book was HOT. HOT. HOT.


About The Story

Zach Easton, disappeared along with his parents who were Christian missionaries when he was seven years old. He's been missing for eighteen years, presumed dead in the Amazon Jungle. Dr. Moira Reed is hired by Zach's Godfather to retrieve and help Zach adjust to Western
civilisation. Zach loves his home in the Amazon with his tribe, he doesn't want to leave with the flame haired woman, he resents her for taking him away from his home. And because of this any attempt Moira makes to speak to him or tell him about his new home is met with stony silence.

But thank God for fiction because that doesn't last very long! Thinking she's being clever, Moira shows Zach how to use the internet as a means for Zach to learn and acclimate himself to Western society.
My thoughts? What the hell was she thinking? Like any red blooded male, the first thing Zach researches is sex, Zach is fascinated by sex and how people have and view it. And obviously after reading and watching scores of information about it, he needs an outlet, someone he can try out all the great things he's learned about on. Obviously Moira is who he sets his sights in, he may resent her, but he's also attracted to her.

Moira, is an independent and confident woman of the free world. Besides jeopardising her professional credibility, she's not prepared to roll over and just open her legs for Zach. What she is prepared to do is put up a fight, Zach is controlling and feels entitled to sex with any woman he wants. It's the way of his tribe, a man uses sex as a means of release and dominance over a woman. No emotions involved.

Moira's attitude:

Zach's attitude

And then my friends starts a fascinating and titillating journey into Zach and Moira lives as they discover the wonders of sex together :D


My Thoughts

If you scroll to the top, you'll get my thoughts on this book. But like I said, while completely unbelievable and inconsistent this story was highly entertaining. This is an erotica, and quite good in my opinion. The dirty talk was out of this world as were the actual sex scenes. The sex was mind blowing without freaking me out as I'm quite a prude with adventurous sex in books :P If you're looking for a fun and sexy read with an alpha male and likable heroine then this is your go to. This book is not a dark read. It's fun and 100% HOT.


Some of my favourite quotes

Her touch is war and caring, and it gives e a measure of peace. "I don't want to hurt you," I tell her honestly. "I always feel like I'm getting ready to lose control when I'm with you. I want to possess you so thoroughly, and I'm afraid I might hurt you in the process."


ARC kindly provided by author via ATOMR in return for an honest review

And thank you to Feifei, Geri and Allison for an AWESOME Buddy Read :D
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,117 followers
August 10, 2014
Buddy read with Feifei, Christine and Allison!

4 smutty stars!

My head has been battling with my ovaries while reading this book. And OVARIES won.

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The first time Zach and Moira came together was so darn hot,

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For reals. Again,

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But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Just a short summary about Uncivilized. Zach Easton has been living with an Amazonian tribe for 18 years. He came to the jungles of Amazon with his missionary parents when he was only 7 years old. When he was 8, his parents died and the tribe they were ministering to adopted him as their own. Dr. Moira Reed was the anthropologist sent to fetch him, bring him back to America, and to help him acclimate to society.

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But there were some things that stopped me from slapping 5 stars on this book.

One. Zach took to the modern world immediately with no trouble at all despite living in the jungle for most of his life.

Second. Zach's inner monologue. He sometimes breaks off his monologue and starts talking directly to the reader, which I find disconcerting and a bit cheesy.

Despite that, I enjoyed this book very much. Zach and Moira are very likable characters. Plus, they have intense chemistry together, which makes their sexy scenes very, very hot! This book was seriously hot, my ovaries were exploding all the place.

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So if you're in the mood for great smut with minimal drama, lots of heartwarming moments and likeable characters...

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Final Score

Ovaries: 1
Head: 0

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Erm, just a few questions and comments.

>Is this like a retelling of Tarzan?

>What is happening with that cover?

>Um, the blurb. I can't quite put my finger on it but this blurb just makes me LOL. Is that a bad thing or a good thing?

Profile Image for Rain.
1,985 reviews28 followers
February 22, 2023
Moira is an anthropologist tasked to retrieve Zach (son of missionaries, abandoned at 7) from his jungle home.

I was expecting basic erotica and instead I found an actual story with plot, that just also happens to have a ton of really amazing sex. Zach isn’t a virgin, but he’s only experienced the one kind of sex the men of his tribe partake in. Clinical, and non emotional. There is one scene between him and ow, but this is before he's with Moira. (And his eyes are on her the entire time)

He's brought back to "civilization" where walking around naked is apparently frowned upon. He discovers the internet and his voracious appetite for information on how to please Moira overwhelms him and the result of that ends up all over Moira’s dining room table. Seriously lol.

By mid-way this story was just so sweet and sexy. I loved his serious alpha mentality, not wanting anyone to touch Moira.

And poor Moira. She tries so hard to keep things between herself and Zach professional. But lucky for all of us, he manages to wiggle his way into her heart. I love the ‘everything goes’ attitude about sex in this story. Zach was a BEAST who wasn’t afraid to give anything a try and Moira was happy to accommodate him. So refreshing!

"I'm going to teach you how good it's going to feel to be f*cked into submission by an uncivilized man.”

Don’t take yourself too seriously and read this excellent example of erotica with a plot.
August 11, 2014

Five Totally FUCKHOT, Uncivilized Stars!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh. My. Gawd. Loved. This. Book.

One word to describe Uncivilized. ..PRIMAL...Insanely, scorchingly primal.

But also one warning to readers before diving in...

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

So, if you're somewhat prudish, only like sex in the missionary position on every other Thursday, love a hearts-and-flowers sweet talker in bed? Then nope, this book won't be for you. But if you're in the mood for a book that'll set your world on fire, make you attack your partner, hubby, fuck-buddy or BOB, Uncivilized will deliver in spades.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Zacharias has lived in a remote village within the Amazon rainforest the past 18 years. He travelled there at the age of seven with his missionary parents, who later succumbed to a rare illness. Orphaned, Zach was taken in by the tribe in Caraica, raised to hunt and fish and protect the women and children. When his godfather in Atlanta GA finds out he's still alive, he sends a crew to "rescue" him, bring him back to civilized America where he belongs...his home.

Part of his rescue team is Dr. Moira Reed. She's an anthropologist hired by his godfather Randall to acclimate him to modern society. When she enters his village, she's taken back by the basilar aspects of their living...no clothing, living off the land, long houses. But what throws her most is the man she came for...6ft 3in dark hair, blue eyes, hung like a horse...and fucking a woman out in the open in the most primal way. He's an animal. She's got her work cut out for her. And she can't look away...

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Zach is less than happy to return to the States. This life in the Amazon is all he knows. He has to relearn everything of modern society....eating with utensils, clothing, sleeping in a bed...how to have "normal" sex...how to kiss. He learns most of this off the Internet, from Wikipedia. Moira refuses to go down that road. She will teach him the basics but the Internet will teach him the rest...pornography. Which was fucking hilarious.

I learn that what I do to myself is called masturbation...a word I find rolls off my tongue nicely. Although I find out it's also called jerking off, jacking off, flogging the log, polishing the bannister, and spanking the monkey, the last of which made me laugh at the image.

I found his innocence to the sexual slang, toys, and general how-to's of current day porn endearing yet HOT when he can't help but to behave in the most primal, controlling, animalistic way. The man is a sexual beast (in fact, he refers to his cock as 'the beast'). This scene also made me laugh...

"God, yes, I want to do that," I assure him. "It's called a blow job. Did you come across that term on the Internet yet?"
He grins at me and shakes his head. "Haven't had the pleasure of that one yet. But do you blow? I thought you sucked?"
"Yes, I'm going to suck...and a few other things."
"Then why do they call it a blow job?" He asked with his head tilted to the side.
"No clue, but we can Google it later."

Moira struggles with professional restraint with Zach while also wanting to submit to his controlling sexual nature. Her professional reputation is on the line here yet she yearns to be thrown to the ground, to her knees, cheek against the floor, held by the back of her neck while his 9" cock impales her in the most dominant way this man only knows (note FUCKHOT book cover).

Then we get a heady dose of sweet and endearing. Holy smokes...Zachiarias' first kiss. Swoon.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I can't implore enough that this book delivers sexual heat in spades... It's different, and I was captivated by the details of life outside my little bubble of America. Nothing better than learning something while getting a fantastic taste of erotic storyline. Is it realistic in the most literal of ways? Heck no. He acclimated to modern society pretty fast. He was in the rainforest for 18 of his 25 years and was reinforced his English along the way...but, hey, this is fiction. This is EROTIC fiction so I was nicely distracted by the beating of my heart and the clenching of the nethers. TMI? Ya know what I said of prudishness!

So dive in, grab your BOB (living or toy) because Uncivilized is one hell of a ride!

And I thank you!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Arc received (thankfully) by author in exchange of an HONEST review.

***Quotes were taken from unfinished ARC copy and may change in final published edition.
***Thanks to Feifei, Geri and Christine for letting me crash your buddy read.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
September 12, 2014

This book was really good!!It reminds me Tarzan and Jane but here Zach is more naughty!!From the momment I saw the cover and read the synopsis,I wanted this book!!I loved the plot,it has something different from the others books I have read!!Here you will not find a billionaire,a rock star or an anti-hero here we have only a hot unsivilized man!!What I loved more was Zach's dominance!!!OMG this man was such an alpha male!!


Moira Reed is an anthropologist who has to retrieve Zach who lived in the Amazon junkle for 18 years after his parent death.But what she expected has nothing to do with the reality!!!She will find a wild,handsome,dominant alpha male who doesn't have boundaries!!!


I liked both characters and I can say that their connection was evident from the moment they looked each other,I could feel their desire and passion!!And this made me to crave seeing them together !!!I loved watching the progress of their relationship!How they start learning things about themeselves,asking questions.

Zach has feelings for Moira and this is a mystery for him because in his culture there was only sex.They didn't have kisses,hugs or touches.So you can think that it was funny watching Zach to feel everything that it's new for him!!!

The sex scenes was of the charts!!!OMG How I loved Zach!!His nature and the dirty talk make the sex scenes even hotter!!!


There were also funny momments like the fact that Zach prefered to be naive and also when Zack learned about the internet and what he finds :)You can see my big enthousiasm for Zach so you can understand that a big part for my rate system goes to him!!!

If you are looking for something a little bit different to read check this one!!!You will find hot momments that will make your pants wet and an ALPHA MALE!!!

ARC kindly provided by author in return for an honest review
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,710 followers
September 9, 2014

Zach has lived the last eighteen years with the primitive Caraican Indian Tribe after his parents died on a mission trip. Living in the wild is the only life Zach has known.

At the request of Zach's godfather, Moira is sent to bring Zach back to the US. As an anthropologist, Moira has been "hired" to help Zach acclimate to the modern world. And by acclimate I mean have lots and lots of modern day sex.

It didn't seem to me that Zach had any trouble figuring out the modern ways of today. I really didn't see all that much acclimating going on. I mean yeah, he had to wear clothes and eat with utensils but eh, that's about it. Between that and

Zach didn't do or need much in the way of adapting. That's not to say, this wasn't entertaining enough and it was certainly HOT. IDK, I can't put my finger on it, but something is keeping it from being spectacular.

Zach struggles with his feelings.....angry at being taken away from the place he considers home and his growing feelings for Moira. Outside of sex I didn't see that their relationship was based on much else.

The slut in me was okay with this.

I think it's best to just suspend your disbelief with this one, and go in to it knowing it's completely unrealistic and meant to be an entertaining, fluffy, steamy read.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews885 followers
August 9, 2015

Moira is heading deep into the Amazon, but this trip isn’t just research. She’s there to bring Zach back to civilization. To acclimate him to the modern world, one that was lost to him eight years ago. Tribal life isn’t new to Moira, she’s studied it, hell she teaches it... but what is new is the fierce reaction this savage has sparked within in, more specifically between her thighs.

Zach was just a boy when his missionary parents died while deep in the Amazon. Taken in by the Caraican Indian tribe and eventually brought into the fold as one of their own, he has just the faint memory of what it was like in the modern world. When word finds his godfather, he is forced to return to the life that he no longer wants.

Moira’s job is simple. Teach Zach how to tame the savage within him and live among society, with the hope that being brought back into his old life will make him want to stay. But simple flew out the door after she first watches him dominate a woman of his tribe, now she can’t escape the fantasy of Zach forcing her to her knees and taking her with the same wildness that haunts her dreams.

Giving in to her desires, Moira and Zach begin to explore not only the new world of sex as he’s never known it – but Moira’s own desires to submit fully to this man.


Holy soaked panties batman! Before I even touch the brilliance of this story, let us just talk about the fucking. OHMYGOD. Zach was already a dominant male, but throw in some google knowledge and some well phrased searches and suddenly this savage turned into a sex god. I thought I was going to melt into a puddle of goo when he took her completely. That scene, holy shit. Babies are going to be born from that scene. There was something so purely male and primal about the way these scenes were written, it is impossible to walk away from this unaffected.

Beyond the heat there was an exceptional story to be told. It was utterly refreshing and different than anything else out there. The idea that this man is brought from the wild into a new kind of chaos, forcing both his old life and current life to battle. My emotions were tugged in every direction. Tears fell and a heart broke but in the most amazing ways.


The author did a fabulous job of mixing in so many elements into this story. Balancing it perfectly so that it wasn’t just pages of unrestrained sex. His stubbornness was entertaining and his discoveries were at time comical.

“I am finding I like my new vocabulary. Cock, pussy, and fuck. My three new favorite English words. I want to shove my cock in her pussy and fuck her hard.”

“So what did you do today?”
“You mean after I found your sex toy?”
“Yes,” she growls. “After you found my sex toy.”
“Well, let’s see... I masturbated in your kitchen and climaxed all over your table.”
“You what?” she asked her mouth hanging open. I nod my head.
“That happened after I found out what pornography was on the Internet and watched a women take it up her pussy and her ass while she sucked another guy’s cock down her throat.”

Moira’s flustered moments as he further discovered things and the way she reacted, the way he pushed for a reaction was a fantastic dynamic. The two of them were instant favorites. The story held its own drama leaving the reader to experience the story without having to combat too much being thrown in for effect. A masterful job of telling an erotic romance with a fresh voice that is bound to be one that will grab the reader’s attention and not let go.

ARC received on behalf of Season Publishing from NetGalley .
Profile Image for Eliza.
661 reviews847 followers
August 10, 2015

Title: Uncivilized
Series: Standalone
Author: Sawyer Bennett
Release Date: 8th September, 2014
Rating: 5 "Google It" stars
Cliffhanger: No

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Dr Moira Reed is an ambitious, intelligent Lady on a mission. An anthropologist by profession, she makes the journey deep into the Brazilian jungle to locate one, Zacharias Easton. Her expedition is funded by Zach's living family member, and her mission is to bring him "home."

Born of missionary parents & orphaned at the tender age of Eight Zach is adopted and raised by the Caraican tribe. Now a fully fledged member and fully embracing their ways Moira's mission to bring him back to America is not be an easy one.

Their first encounter is unusual and unorthodox but the attraction instant. After unwillingly agreeing to leave, much of the primary encounters are fraught and a result of his obvious anger of being taken from the only place he knows as home, as well as his attraction to the woman he blames for taking him.

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He is a man of control and discipline in all things, and to regain some said control; he sets about in trying to seduce Moira. She intrigues and confuses him, so used to the subservient nature of the women back home, he hopes to put to bed ( Boom! Boom!) any illusions of hers that upper hand in their situation.

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Her resistance does not last long and Student/Teacher relationship is no longer confined to the classroom. As the story develops Zach temporarily puts aside his refusal to integrate and accept the new world, but when he does; I found it nothing short of comical; especially his crash course introduction with the help of Google.

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I have to say, I had so much fun reading this one by Sawyer Bennett. In my opinion, the storyline is different to anything of hers I've ever read of hers before and in the realms of reality it's pretty far fetched, but that didn't take away any of the enjoyment for me in the least.

Taking that into consideration, it's still pre-tty, pre-tty, racy. In fact I'd describe it as "The whimsy of Disney, with an 18+ rating!"

~ARC kindly provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Thank you.~


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Profile Image for Nissa | Of Pens and Pages Book Blog.
337 reviews1,022 followers
February 21, 2018
3 stars!

Review at Of Pens and Pages.

Wow. This book is hot. From start to finish, Uncivilized is filled with dirty talk and uninhibited sex.

Anthropologist Dr. Moira Reed is sent on a mission to bring back Zacharias Easton home from the Amazon, and help him transition back into the modern world. She needs to do her best with this mission, because not only will Randall Cannon, Zach’s godfather and the man who funded the whole mission, give her a generous grant, she will also be able to publish her work with the man who lived in the Amazon with a tribe for eighteen years.

Zacharias never wanted to leave his tribe. It’s been his home for eighteen years, and he’s happy there. But some American guy who claims to be his godfather wants him back, and he has no choice but to go with the gorgeous redhead. At first, he fought Moira’s efforts and made it difficult for her, but when Moira, who is three years older, offers to teach him everything in the modern world, he has something in mind he wants to learn. And he has something he wants to teach Moira. That no matter what she does, he is and always will be uncivilized.

Believe it or not, Tarzan was my favorite Disney movie. I have a lot of fond memories of it as a kid, and I jumped at the chance to buy this book when it was on sale a while back.

As hot as steamy as the sex was, I wanted more. I wanted to see what Zach’s eighteen years with the tribe was like. I wanted more from the characters. I never get to know much about them, other than their insatiable sex drives, and bits that don’t get sore from too much sex. Seriously. These two were getting it on day in and day out! I wanted more story. Uncivilized is basically a PWP (Plot? What Plot?) book.

Zach has no intention of staying in the US, and he resented Moira for taking him away from the place he called home for eighteen years. He basically made it hard for Moira when they flew to the US, and he was barely civil to her until when they started sleeping together. The lust was obvious, but I didn’t see what they could be beyond their sleeping arrangements.

His transitioning into the modern world felt too effortless. Eighteen years away from the US, and when he arrives, it’s as if he never left. I know Father Gaul, a missionary priest, visited Zach’s tribe and gave him reading materials and spoke to him in English, but I don’t know.

I didn’t know what to think of Moira, too. She’s smart, yes. Kind. Has gorgeous red hair. But that’s pretty much it.

Uncivilized, a quick and steamy tale told in alternating POVs, is filled with hot and incredibly-written sex. So that’s a plus, I guess. Haha. I’m definitely not complaining about that.

I would have enjoyed it more if the characters were given more substantial growth, and the story more, well...story. Surprisingly, I still liked this book. It just goes to show how dirty my mind really is. LOL.

If you’re looking for a steamy read with an alpha male, light BDSM, and lots of sex, you might enjoy Uncivilized.

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Profile Image for Auntee.
1,327 reviews1,432 followers
December 28, 2014
If you've read the book blurb, obviously you know that this is a modern take on the Tarzan story. What I don't know is if the original Tarzan was as over-sexed as our hero, 25-year-old Zacharias (Zach) Easton...:)

Zach of the Jungle...
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So the basic set-up: our heroine, 28-year-old beautiful red-haired anthropologist, Dr. Moira Reed, has been hired by a wealthy businessman to head deep into the Amazon rainforest and bring home to America his long-lost godson. At the age of seven, young Zach Easton travelled to the Amazon with his missionary parents. When his parents tragically died, Zach was left orphaned but was adopted into one of the native tribes. Despite years of searching for Zach, no trace of him was ever found by his godfather. Until 18 years later, when a missionary priest remarkably got word of his whereabouts. Now godfather is eager to bring Zach back home, and commissions anthropologist Moira to bring him back and help with his transition to America. College professor Moira takes this as an incredible opportunity to study her subject, and publish a paper on her findings. She knows things will be difficult for Zach, uprooting him from the only life he knows, but she doesn't realize just how difficult it will also be for her. Zach does not want to leave his tribe to go back to America, but is urged by his tribal 'father' to give it a year. When Moira arrives at his village, he decides to give her an eyeful of the sexual savage that he really is.:O Moira is turned on, even though she feels that this is so wrong...Moira, you can't have lustful feelings (nor can you act upon your fantasies) for your test subject!

Dr. Moira Reed...
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At first, Zach is incredibly resentful of Moira, even though he's attracted to her and wants to take her in the only way he knows how. (That would be hard and from behind) This woman has taken him from all that he knows! He's attracted to her, but doesn't want to be. So he juvenilely tried to make her as uncomfortable as possible, walking around the house naked (to display his uncommonly large endowment) and asking her to teach him about sex. Moira gamely plays along, trying not to be affected, until she can't take it anymore!:O Zach's feelings eventually soften toward her, and he starts to enjoy her company even though he still insists he will return to the Amazon. And Moira enjoys showing Zach all that he hasn't experienced, but draws the line at having sex with him--that would be too unprofessional! But how can she help herself?

"I'm finding I like my new vocabulary, C**k, p***y, and f**k. My three new favorite English words."
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Oh yeah, this gets pretty darn hot, as you can imagine. I swear these two have sex morning, noon, and night. And at first for Zach it's only all about the physical, and his pleasure, until Moira teaches him that emotions make it all so much better. And Zach is an excellent student...

But then when Zach and Moira get emotionally attached, things get more difficult. Can Zach actually leave Moira and all that she makes him feel, in order to return to the tribe he still feels responsible for? Is there a possibility that Zach can stay in America and make a life for himself with Moira?

I really enjoyed this story, and managed to read it in one day. I liked the premise of the story, finding it original and titillating. I do think that maybe, just maybe, there was too much sex--I think it kind of diluted the quality of it, if that makes sense. Everything else, I found was well done--the story, the supporting characters, the emotions Moira and Zach's relationship brought forth--I was fully engaged and wanted to see where it ended up.

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So kudos to Sawyer Bennett on her first erotic romance. I enjoy her Cold Fury Hockey series (which has some erotic scenes), and she just bumped up the frequency of those scenes for this book. So if you enjoy her writing in that series, I think you'll enjoy this story as well. She's become a favorite author for me, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next! 4 1/2 stars

*Warning: This book contains explicit sex (including oral and one anal scene), graphic language, public and near-public sex, and mutual masturbation. Not for the faint of heart.
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews725 followers
March 22, 2017
3 - "I'm going to make you a slave to my cock." Stars!

The Synposys for Uncivilized does a stellar job of summing up exactly what you can exptect from its pages –

Putting a woman on her knees before me is what really makes my cock hard. I fuck with dominant force and absolute control. I demand complete surrender from my conquests.

I am wild, free and raw, and the only thing I want from the beautiful Moira Reed is to fuck her into submission.

And that is pretty much what the book is about, don’t take my 3 star rating as dislike as I did really enjoy Uncivilized. It is more to do with the quantity of sex versus the rest of the story. Because quite frankly, it had a lot of scope, and it got lost due to the fact that Zach (after discovering the wonders of Google and the internet) turns into Tarzan the Porn Star. Go Moira for keeping up with him though, I think I would have needed a vagina transplant after the first 50%.

I wanted more of the –

Sad little boy.
Savage man from the jungle.
Loner, warrior… dangerous at his core.
Curious man who doesn’t belong here or there,.

The sex is extremely well written, imaginative and varied, Zach has a penchant for eating out before and after leaving his own deliveries, and I really liked the raw, unrestrained, baseness of their escapades. But I liked the flashbacks to his time in the jungle as well, and would have liked more insight into the 18 years he spent with the Caraican Indian Tribe.

My heart and soul were back in the rainforest.

If you are looking for a book that offers sex (lots), romance (in its own blunt way) and not a lot of drama to tax the brain, then this one is for you. This is the sort of book I wanna be reading when I am chilling on vacation, or looking for something a LOT spicy to warm me up on a cold winters evening.

I’m finding I like my new vocabulary. Cock, pussy and fuck. My three new favorite English words.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, and it was my absolute pleasure to provide the above honest review.
Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews416 followers
August 9, 2014
☆ I recieved an ARC via ATOMR Tours to separately read apart from the blog tour on my own. Thank you!! ☆

Holy shiznit, this book was porn central with a little TOO MUCH SEX in basically every chapter!! How can someone be that sexually prime and go for that many rounds and produce that many orgasms in both his self and his partner?! He's like the energizer bunny and the girl is his blow up doll to dominate (because she has ZERO personality) at his whim and dispense! Sheesh.


So the story:

Basically, like how another user pointed out, this is like a Tarzan meets Jane type of theme.


BUT, for this particular story, Tarzan (Zachariah "Zach") is a man run by his libido


and later leaves the jungle with Jane (a young anthropologist named Moira) from an indegenius Amazonian tribe in Brazil to start a new life in the U.S. with an old friend of his parents.

From there, he battles with assimilating and adjusting to the culture, the social norms and Western concepts of sex; AS WELL AS coming to grips with his feelings for Moira and deciding whether he wants to remain in the "modern world" or return "home" to his tribe with or without Moira.

My thoughts:

I'm sorry, but this story just couldn't manage to captivate my attention and was quite unrealistic and unbelievable at times.


I don't understand how a guy who grew up in the Amazon for 18 years could acclimate to so many foreign concepts (especially the technological ones) so easily like he did.

I'm no psych major but even if Zach could remember glimpses of his old life, which he did throughout the story, I still would have thought he would have been more confused than what was portrayed.

I get that when he returned back to "civilization," his mind would basically be like that of a child's or like a "sponge," so he'd absorb info a lot quicker than most, but, my problem with that was just HOW FAST he picked things up. Kind of bewildered me a bit.

Not to mention, his relationship with the female protagonist just didn't add up and and seemed like two dogs in heat working themselves into a lustful frenzy every time they're in the same proximity of one another.


So yeah, all in all, this book was a MISS for me. Sorry guys. But it did have primitive steamy qualities to it! *wink wink*
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,621 followers
September 21, 2016
While I was reading this book (especially the first part), I had the image of Alexander Skarsgard running wild and free in the jungle wearing just a small loincloth posing as Tarzan. This helped me to get into the book's philosophy, but it really did not help me to relate with the characters.

I had a few issues with the book. Let me see:
1. Zack's parents. I think I really have a problem with the missionaries in general. I strongly believe that church people should leave the tribes in Amazon or in Africa or wherever alone. This mentality "we come in peace to save you" is the worst for the natives since they already have their customs, their way of life and death, their rules. Why some people are trying to change them, I have no clue...
Especially Zack's parents. How and why on earth they dragged a seven years old boy in Amazon and then they went and die. How irresponsible was that? Huge mistake. They decided about the life of an innocent child and then they left him alone. I can totally understand Zack's feelings, how betrayed he feels and why he only believes in himself and trusts his tride. At least, they helped him survive.
2. Zack's obsession with sex and his constant craving for Moira. Most of the times, he is behaving like he is in puberty. How much sex this guy can have every day?
3. The sex scenes. Ok, some of them made my eyes roll. Moira was coming constantly. Some times I swear, it felt like Zack was just looking at her and she had a orgasm. Volcano on fire.
4. The time frame in which Zack adapted to the advanced world. In only a few weeks he adjusted perfectly to the sexual practice and the sexual slang of the modern world. Can you really become an expert on oral sex and anal sex and dirty talking by watching videos on YouTube? All teenager boys must be experts then.

Anyway, the above are just a few things that stand out and have made an impression to me.
Overall it was a nice read, entertaining, even exciting at times. I was not bored, not even for a second when I was reading it.
But if somehow I had definitely to choose whether I could read the book again or watch the movie with Skarsgard running almost naked on the big screen, I am absolutely sure I would choose The God from Sweden.

[I received a free copy of the book, when I signed up for Sawyer Bennett's newsletter]
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,111 followers
September 10, 2014
This was a 3.5 stars for me..I wanted to like it so much more than I did; but I just couldn't force myself to feel into it as much as I expected I would. I was so excited for this book to come out, and if I am honest; I was thinking that it might be along the same lines as the book Transcendance..which was one I adored. I felt that the theme might be similiar, as Zach spent 18 years in the jungle, living with a tribe and basically becoming "Uncivilized!" Instead, there was mainly tons of sex. Now, don't get me wrong...I LOVE a book with gritty,hardcore sex!! But I did learn something about myself during this read. It was that I also like a great story line thrown into the mix, and some major depth of emotion adds to my enjoyment too! Not to say that there wasn't emotions between Zach and Moira; but their feelings mainly surrounded their sex. The sex between "jungle man" and his woman..was scorching hot! It was very intense at times and of course, animalistic and primal! I love that very much, and the story definitely didn't lack in that department..I just wanted so much MORE to the story. A part of me would have loved to see Moira go back to the jungle and spend some time there, and get into the dynamics of what life would be like living with a tribe. Her time there was so minimal, and it was at the beginning when she came and got Zach to bring him back to the US.

Would I recommend this to readers? I would for sure recommend it. I just would make sure that you all know that this book is more erotica than anything else. There is a ton of sex in it and if that is your main enjoyment out of a book, than absolutely this is a must read! It was well written erotica too! Please don't get me wrong...I didn't hate the book or anything like that. I just didn't LOVE it! I wasn't as invested in it as I can get when I LOVE a book! I think I probably had my expectations way too high. Would I read another Sawyer Bennett book? Absolutely! I do like her writing, and I suspect she can write an awesome story. I will for sure be checking out some of her other titles.
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,217 followers
September 7, 2014

Pre-Order from Amazon Today!

4.5 Me Tarzan, You Moira Stars!
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“I learned that you… Zacharias Easton… are an uncivilized man.”

“Yes,” he whispers as he releases his hold on my dress and flirts with the lace of my underwear. “You learned well.”

Wow! Hold on to your loincloths for a super-hot modern day Tarzan Style story! This is absolutely red-hot erotic romance as we take a man with a ravenous carnal hunger out of the rain-forest and have him stay in the USA with a flame-haired anthropologist who he wants nothing more than to push to the floor and completely dominate!

I can’t have sex with you, Zach,” I say meekly, because I can’t… I just can’t do it and still maintain my sanity. I know the minute I give in, I’ll be wrecked beyond repair.

I picked this one up as the synopsis really did sound refreshingly different from anything else and I’d just read a book that devastated me and different and escapist was exactly what I needed.

So we have Zach, long lost son of two missionaries who died of Dengue Fever in the Amazon leaving him to be raised by an indigenous tribe and growing up to be a savage and a warrior. Moira is sent by his Godfather who has, after 18 long years, located him and wants to bring him back to the USA. Moira is an anthropologist, highly qualified for her mission but wholly unprepared for the savage beauty and arrogant dominance that she finds in Zach.

The prologue shows Zach to be an unashamed savage, animalistic and happy to take a woman whenever and wherever he pleases. He has absolutely no inhibitions, no concepts of societal norms and is completely at one with his sexuality and his runaway libido. Moira is completely captivated by him, mesmerised by the air of sexual prowess that he radiates and more than ready to melt into a submissive puddle at his feet – only her staunch professionalism prevents this but how long will it last once they are cocooned together in her house in the USA?

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Zach is not happy at being hauled out of the only life he knows and, at first, despises Moira for it but he can’t help being deeply attracted to her and is accustomed to reacting on his most basic instincts and those instincts are willing him to push her to her knees, hold her down by the neck and take her savagely from behind the way any single woman from his tribe would allow him to. Whew! BUT, he realises this is unacceptable and tries to behave himself!

Moira, for her part, is also deeply attracted to Zach but she knows that a sexual relationship with him would be unethical and sets about trying to teach him to be more ‘civilised but he has a hard time with all the rules that society sets up him.

Everything here is about rules. You live in the land of the free, but you are governed by so many rules that it’s hard to keep track of sometimes. For example, if I want to cross the street, I have to wait for the light to turn green. In Amazonia, I go where I want, when I want, without anyone telling me differently.

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This was such an entertaining erotic read as we focus mainly on the sexual relationship between the two main characters and how Zach learns that sex is about pleasure and more than just a man savagely taking a women to show his masculinity and earn his release. Zach finds himself fascinated by the idea of romantic sex and women’s orgasms and relishes asking Moira the most difficult questions he can think of in an attempt to make her blush and demanding physical demonstrations at the most inopportune moments. He’s really very funny.

It was incredibly intriguing seeing this highly virile, dominant warrior try to adopt his curiosities and sexual appetite to the modern world. He epitomises what every woman desire in a man – he’s handsome, strong, dominant, protective but he;s got a lot to learn about women’s feelings and their own sexual desires as he attempts to moderate his immense sexual appetite and his inherent nature to dominate and demand submission.

I have to say that this was really all very unrealistic but, as pure escapism, it works brilliantly. It’s an incredibly erotic tale as we watch Moira slowly submit to Zach and him learn new found sexual skills from Google of all places and put them all into action with Moira. Very, VERY hot and a really fun, erotic and actually very romantic read. I enjoyed every second and really adored Zach and Moira and found myself rooting for them as a couple, despite all the setbacks that they suffered.

Click here to win a signed paperback and click here to watch a hilarious video interview with Sawyer.

Profile Image for Dali.
1,951 reviews547 followers
February 16, 2020
It will lure you in with its raw and blatant eroticism, but it will keep you captivated by the smart, domineering yet vulnerable man out of place and the strength and care of a woman determined to love him just as he is: Uncivilized.
“Zacharias Easton… a boy who was taken from his home… a man who was taken from his life. They are both a part of who you are. But please don’t ever forget, my beautiful man… that you have the opportunity now to be whoever you want to be. That will always be solely in your control.”

Zach Easton has lived the past eighteen years in the Amazonian jungle, but he’s not a native and Dr. Moira Reed has been hired to bring him back.

Being in a place that gives him daily excitement, where he takes what he wants, when he wants it grant him contentment with his life and makes Dr. Reed’s job a real challenge because he clearly doesn’t want to leave the place he calls home even when the attraction between them is instant and unmistakable.

Zach has a raw sensuality and commanding presence, but out of his element he is also innocent and a bit naïve, but above all he’s “a man that makes his own rules.”
“In fact, I would love to drag you back with me, so you’d be available to my whim whenever I wanted you. I’d never let you wear a stitch of clothing again, and your knees and your pussy would be so sore from the working I’d give them every day. But then I’d put my tongue back between your legs and soothe away every bit of the sting I had left behind.”

It was interesting and fun to see our modern world through Zach’s eyes. He took important matters seriously,
“Too many people and too much technology. Your life here is actually stunted to some degree because of that.”

but he also spent a lot of time learning, with the help of Internet (which was also very funny), a lot of things that, through him, seem comically shocking.
“…that’s another new word I learned today. Fuck. I like it. So many uses for just one, little word.”

Moira was a great heroine, with enough patience to accomplish the job she was hired for: to help Zach adjust not change. But also smart, confident, sensual and knowing herself to be exactly what they both need.
“I don’t want him to do something he’s not comfortable with. Yet, I can’t be the one that bends to his every whim either. I’m not built that way.”

I loved Sawyer’s writing in this book, it was laced with beautiful vibrant descriptions of the people and places she was presenting. She made me smile, laugh, fan myself repeatedly and swoon. There wasn’t a part of this modern day Tarzan story (for grownups) I didn’t like.

It’s a very hot, sexy story about the heart, about a man who felt lost and confused in the new world he was taken to. I felt my heart constrict on more than one occasion because it was very easy to empathize with him and yearn for a simpler life just like him. But it was heartwarming to see him thrive and find his footing and never loose himself in the process.

Amazon US -> http://www.amazon.com/Uncivilized-Saw...

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Profile Image for Tink Magoo is bad at reviews.
1,275 reviews234 followers
May 15, 2016

1.5 'fucked into boredom' stars

Up til about 30% I was enjoying this, I liked both characters and the build up to the dirty domineering sex. Then it started to drag, it was repetitive and everything was sex sex sex and more sex, I can't believe I'm saying this but it was just too much. 85% of the book consists of them banging and that's it.

Got to 50% and started skimming, bored, boring, blah blah, dick sex cock pussie cum cum sex cum cock blah blah BORING.

I don't know what went wrong along the way but it was just one big 9 inch disappointment for me.
Profile Image for Kendall Ryan.
Author 116 books17.8k followers
July 24, 2014
I was so fortunate to get an early copy, and ladies just wait until you meet Zach. This is an amazing story!!!!

Bold, erotic, and astoundingly unique. Hands down one of the best books I've read all year!
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,295 reviews313 followers
September 1, 2016
Well, this was something else!

I like the whole idea, although I can't say this was one of those "wow, this is so good that it ruined me for all the others" kind of books.
It didn't really make me "feel" stuff, although I did enjoy most of it. What was a definite plus though was the sexiness of the whole thing! I mean, wow! I loved this guy!

Did get boring after a while but ah well, you can't really have it all I guess

Well written though, so definitely worth a try!
Profile Image for M Bea.
125 reviews
March 22, 2017
Sawyer Bennett

Ang she does it again. Hot steamy wild man with a high sex appetite, just yum. I enjoyed reading this one, it was like having a grown man and tutoring him how to satisfy his hunger for lust. I suddenly sound like a pedo but seriously, this is the hottest thing.

Zach's family was struck with a tragedy and his parents died when he was a young boy. Zach's family is a missionary and they travel to Brazil often. He was seven when they passed and ever since he'd been living in the Amazon for the past 18 years with a tribe. His godfather, Randall, learned that he was still alive so he hired Moira to retrieve him and introduce him to moderen society.

Transitioning was hard for Zach, starting with how he will dress, the use of utensils, the city noise and his other needs. He was used to getting a woman kneel in front of him and fuck her in the dirt without anyone batting an eye, that was in his tribe, but now there are rules and it seems he cannot deal with the rules.
Moira is very patient with him, tending to everything he needs, even for sexual pleasure. She made sure Zach was introduced to proper ettiquette but he cannot suppress the animalistic hunger for lust, thinking about sex all the time and making Moira the subject of his pleasure.

Soon they develop feelings for each other and Zach surrenders his feelings for Moira until he realizes that he is not fit for the modern world.
Brace for hot wild sex, kinky fantasies cause Zach and Moira are a hot bunch.
Profile Image for Leigh.
1,297 reviews297 followers
July 1, 2022
Reread 8/15/2021

I loved my reread of Uncivilized just as much as the first time I read it.

Original Review 12/2/2015

4.5 stars

Uncivilized was funny, sweet and really HOT. Moira was sweet, patient and very understanding with Zack and his situation. Even when he was being a major pain she tried her best and I really enjoyed her. Now Zack stole the show for me. Not only was he super hot, he made me laugh out loud so many times with his use of dirty words that I will say he totally mastered and his Google searches which lead to internet porn and oh boy is he a quick learner. But there was also a vulnerable side to him as he tries to settle into this new modern world while longing to return to the Amazon.
Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,907 reviews54 followers
February 23, 2015
4.5 hot and uncivilized stars!

Loved it, but needed a naked Uncivilized man... and no gr flagging!!!
So join me at Sizzling Pages for the review!!


UPDATE: he's not naked anymore sorry - I've had to cover him up just in case!! Blogger are getting stricter than a Domme with a bloody big cane!

It's He's gorgeous! Maybe take a peak in private ; )


Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,025 reviews887 followers
September 10, 2014
Uncivilized was an intensely HOT read! Wow! If you love alpha males, Zach is definitely your man!

Moira is an anthropologist hired to accompany Zach out of the Amazonian jungle and ease his transition back into civilized society. She’s been sent by his godfather who’s been looking for Zach and his parents for eighteen years after they went missing. After losing his parents, Zach was adopted by a local tribe in Caraica at the age of seven. He’s all but forgotten his life in the States, and he has no desire to return.

Zach is untamed, uncivilized and very much at home in his male dominated tribe, a fact that’s underscored almost immediately after Moira arrives in his village. Let’s just say Moira probably looked like this: O_O over what she observed. I think that was the look on my face as well! Zach is one uncivilized, dominant, gorgeous male, and he’s pissed off at her for yanking him out of his home. Moira definitely has her work cut out for her!

Zach fights Moira every step of the way. He displays no interest leaning about life in the States, and he’s bitter about being here. Just when Moira thinks she’ll never make any progress, Zach has a proposition for her: Teach him about sex in her world, all about it and he’ll agree learn more about his roots with an open mind. Zach is all about one on one lessons, very hands on, and Moira struggles to keep things professional, because he’s her student and crossing that line would be wrong, right? Zach is determined to get his way, though, and Moira really never stood a chance in denying him.

“Get on your knees,” Zach commands me in a low voice, which rumbles along my skin and causes blood to rage through my veins.
“No,” I whisper, even though I want to scream, “Yes.”

Oh my stars, this story flipping HOT!! Incinerate-your-panties-hot!! Open-a-freezer-and-get-inside-hot!!! I do love me an alpha male and Zach was one of the ultimate ones. I can’t say I blamed Moira in the least for giving in because it would next to impossible to say no to Zach’s commands and not submit. He was crafty and determined! The sexual tension was thick and heavy from the moment you crack open the pages!

Giving in physically and spending time together leads to an emotional connection felt by both of them, something foreign to Zach. Back in his tribe sex was about the physical fulfillment, just an act. The women are submissive barely looking the men in the eye, nothing like the feisty and independent Moira. He got to know her beautiful mind, spirit and body, and fell for the whole package. The fact that Moira wasn’t judgmental and didn’t devalue or hold one society’s way over another won Zach over even more. She appreciated the differences and saw the beauty in both worlds and in him as a man.

Even though Zach came off as kind of a jerk at first he was a good man which is why he had such struggles about where he belonged. When memories of his life before Caraica start to surface he’s very torn. He remembers being happy before his parents dragged him off to the jungle.

“I don’t know who I am anymore.”
“You are a boy who was taken from his home. You are a man who was taken from his life. They are both a part of who you are. But please don’t ever forget, my beautiful man…that you have the opportunity not to be whoever you want to be. That will always be solely in your control.”

Zach wanted to be there for his adoptive father and the tribe, but also didn’t want to leave or hurt Moira or his godfather.

Sawyer Bennett wrote a FIERY hot romance that had me squirming in my seat at times! It was thrilling and intoxicating, but this story was more than just sex. Uncivilized was a touching romance and connection between two people that built gradually and was believable.

A copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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