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Sugar Bowl #1

Sugar Daddy

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Seduction has never been so sweet! The New York Times bestselling author of the Cold Fury series—Alex, Garrett, Zack, and Ryker—returns with the first novel in a hot new trilogy.

Sela Halstead lost her innocence in a way that no sixteen-year-old should ever have to endure. She’s spent years trying to forget that night even while wondering about the identities of the monsters who brutalized her—until a telltale tattoo flashes across Sela’s TV screen. The incriminating ink belongs to Jonathon Townsend, the millionaire founder of The Sugar Bowl, a website that matches rich older men with impressionable young women. Obsessed with revenge, Sela infiltrates Townsend’s world, only to come face-to-face with a tantalizing complication: Beckett North, his charismatic business partner.

The tech mastermind behind The Sugar Bowl, Beck always gets what he wants, in business and in bed. And yet, for a man who’s done every dirty thing imaginable, there’s something about the naïve, fresh-faced Sela that sparks his hottest fantasies. Because with her, it’s not just about sex. Beck opens up to her in ways he never has with other girls. So why does he get the feeling that she’s hiding something? In a world of pleasure and power, the shocking truth could turn them against each other—or bind them forever.

Note: Sugar Daddy ends on a cliffhanger. Sela and Beck’s story continues in Sugar Rush and Sugar Free!

270 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 24, 2016

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About the author

Sawyer Bennett

159 books14.1k followers
New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Sawyer Bennett uses real life experience to create relatable stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From contemporary romance, fantasy romance, and both women’s and general fiction, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

A former trial lawyer from North Carolina, when she is not bringing fiction to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to her very adorable daughter, as well as full-time servant to her wonderfully naughty dogs.

If you’d like to receive a notification when Sawyer releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter (sawyerbennett.com/signup).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,478 reviews
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,611 followers
July 9, 2016
Wow! I loved this one! This book had my full attention from start to finish, so much so that I found myself sneaking in a few pages every chance I could get while vacationing with my family. I couldn't help myself, it was that good!

As you can gather from the blurb, this book centers on a woman's quest for revenge. Sela Halstead was only sixteen years of age when she was drugged and brutally raped by a group of men at a party. This event left her broken and sent her life into a downward spiral, resulting in a suicide attempt, psychiatric hospitalizations and years of counseling.

When Sela sees one of her rapists, Jonathon Townsend, on TV ten years later, she sets out to kill him. In order to get to him, she decides to infiltrate his life through his company, a dating service that connects rich, older guys with younger, beautiful women. If becoming a "sugar baby" is what she has to do to get close enough to kill him, she's more than willing to do it.

Although she fails to hold JT's interest when she first sees him again, she draws the attentions of his business partner, Beckett North. Willing to use him to get closer to JT, Sela does not anticipate that she will fall in love with Beck. Eventually, she must choose whether her need for revenge or her love for Beck is stronger.

I absolutely loved this story! Sela and Beck were perfect together. As their relationship grew increasingly intimate, there was a sense of impending doom in the background. I knew that the truth would come out and that there would be hell to pay when it did. I just wanted to live with Sela and Beck in the perfect little bubble that had been created. I was terrified, waiting for that bubble to pop.

When things finally hit the fan, it got ugly quick. I am still reeling from the ending of this book. I feel devastated and heartbroken. I am so damn angry, even though I knew it would happen.

Now, I'm anxiously awaiting the release of the second book as I enviously read the reviews of friends that were lucky enough to get an ARC. I am dying to continue this story and find out what happens. Please, let there be some serious groveling in Beck's future. I hate it when the hero gets off easy after behaving terribly.

The minute the next book is released I'm dropping everything. I love it! I love it! I love it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.1k followers
June 30, 2016
*****FIVE+++ STARS*****
{Netgalley ARC}

"I want to crawl inside of you, Sela and feel every inch of you against me. I don't want any barriers and I don't want any fucking walls between us. Just you and me, touching...you melding into me, me into you. I want to know what that feels like with you...

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WOW…JUST WOW!!!! I have read Sawyer Bennett’s Cold Fury series and really enjoyed them but, HOLY HELL, I really think this one right here is her BEST yet!!! There are some seriously dark elements to the story but aside from that, the decadently sinful steam factor had me panting quite a bit!! I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire last 30 % of the book! Now this is how you write a story!! I had so many dang feels going on and I know I do this often but I totally fell in love with the Hero of this one ladies. Get ready to swoon and to be seriously turned on by Mr. Beck North!!

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Sela Halstead is a beautiful young Grad student, who has suffered through one of the most traumatizing experiences that could ever happen to a young girl. She was brutally raped and sodomized by several men when she was just sixteen-years-old. It has left her severely broken inside and early on she had a few failed attempts at suicide. Now at the age of twenty-two, she knows the identity of the ringleader of her gang rape…Jonathan Townsend. He is a billionaire businessman who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. He’s the epitome of a wealthy douchebag. The guy likes his women blonde and submissive. Drugging and raping young women is par for the course as far as he’s concerned. Sela sees his name splashed all over the papers and news regarding his successful online dating service called the Sugar Bowl. It caters to very wealthy older men who are looking to date beautiful young women and vice versa. They maintain in their contracts that this is not a paid escort service and that sex isn’t one of the benefits but it’s understood by all that sex is definitely part of the package. Sela has vengeance on her mind and sees a way in. She dyes her hair brown and goes through a little makeover to hide her identity from Jonathan so that she can infiltrate his organization by becoming one of his Sugar Babies. Unfortunately for her, he doesn’t fall for her bait as he is only interested in submissive blondes. BUT she does catch the eye of his business partner and long-time friend, BECKETT NORTH.

OH MY GOD! When Beck comes into the picture, I was a goner. This guy is gorgeous and quite the ladies man and has this seriously HOT ALPHAMALE thing going on. Sela catches his attention almost immediately and all he wants to do is get her naked and do all kinds of naughty things to her. Sela decides to go back with Beck to his hotel room, thinking that he’s her way to get to Jonathan. Beck is only seeing this as one hell of a hot one night stand but after a few rounds of sex with Sela, he becomes addicted to her. And Sela is definitely feeling some intense attraction towards Beck as well. She has never been able to enjoy sex or to experience an orgasm from it since the rape, but that all changed after just one night with Beck. These two can’t seem to get enough of each other and I, for one, was not complaining! Some of it made my heart rate pick up and left me salivating for more.

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Beck is enamored with Sela and the feeling is quite mutual. He asks her to enter into a Sugar Daddy agreement with him, whereby she moves into his place and he pays off all of her college loans. It’s not meant to last for more than a month. But as time goes by, Sela starts to truly fall for Beck and she may be working her way into his heart as well. This puts Sela in a bit of a conundrum because she knows going through with her plans of revenge against Jonathan, could very well end up costing her relationship with Beck. And this relationship has become something truly special to her.

I would love to go on about this book because I really did love it to death! I just didn’t know that Sawyer Bennett had it in her to write such a captivating story with darkness embedded in it. I also can’t believe how incredibly evil she is to end this book on a cliffy of such a grand scale!! It had me crying my eyes out!!! I mean I just don’t know how I am going to get by these next couple of months without getting the answers I so desperately need right at this moment!!!

SUGAR DADDY goes live tomorrow!!
Be sure to one click this one!!!

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,484 reviews5,321 followers
June 3, 2016

"I'm going to make Jonathon Townsend pay for what he did to me."


This book is so much more than fans will expect and I loved every minute of it even that brutal cliffhanger! This is the first book of a three book series that was just so damn good. This is definitely the author’s best work that I have read to date. The author nailed each and every aspect of the plot and I’m in no danger of forgetting this storyline anytime soon.


This was one hell of a thrilling story that is utterly impossible to put down. THE FEELS! I think I went through the ringer throughout this book right along with Sela Halstead.

”How can I possibly overcome this?
What could I possibly do to make this better for me?
How in the fuck do I stop hurting?
And then it comes to be immediately. Almost too easy. Just one word, very simple and yet so very right.


Sela was raped by a group of guys as a teen and ten years later she seizes her opportunity for revenge when she recognizes the leader of the group Jonathon Townsend on television discussing his very lucrative dating company, The Sugar Bowl. Sela disguises herself and sets out to find out the names of the other guys that were there that night and to destroy them.

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The story is told in dual povs of Sela Halstead and JT’s best friend and business partner, Beckett North. Beckett falls for Sela instead of JT and so she uses this in to find out more about JT. Though she never thought she would fall so hard for Beck and him her.

”I realized that intimacy is actually something that I could learn to crave with a man like Beckett North and that I’ve only just begun to discover the true potential inside of myself.”


These two were steaming together yet had a relationship outside the bedroom too. I loved Beck’s character and even the villain, J.T. well not loved but thought the author did a fantastic job creating each and every one of these characters and I can’t wait to read more. I'm dying to know if Beckett was involved in her rape first off and secondly what does the phoenix tattoo mean!!!!

Profile Image for Daly Cogards.
16 reviews254 followers
April 11, 2024
This book swept me off my feet and into a whirlwind of romance, drama, and heart-pounding excitement! 💖 You can get the audiobook here Sugar Daddy (Audio Edition) , trust me, it's worth it! From the very first page, I was hooked on the sizzling chemistry and irresistible charm of the characters. Sawyer Bennett writing had me feeling all the feels, from swooning over the steamy scenes to gasping at the unexpected plot twists. 😍

The main character? She's fierce, independent, and totally relatable. I found myself rooting for her every step of the way as she navigated the ups and downs of love and life. And let's talk about the love interest – talk about dreamy! He's got that bad boy vibe with a heart of gold, and I couldn't get enough of their electric chemistry.

As the story unfolded, I was on the edge of my seat, eagerly devouring each chapter to see what would happen next. Sawyer Bennett knows how to keep you guessing, and "Sugar Daddy" had me guessing until the very end. It's not just a romance novel; it's a rollercoaster of emotions that'll leave you breathless and begging for more.
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,577 followers
May 30, 2016
4 Stars!!


So far I have read only one book by this author that I really enjoyed, so I was eager to get my hands on this one, especially since I’ve heard it’s a fantastic, addictive read. And let me tell you, it totally was! 'Sugar Daddy' is the first installment in this author’s newest series, entitled 'Sugar Bowl' and it was a great mix of steam, angst and suspense with some dark elements that will keep your interest from start to finish. This first installment was well written, intriguing and for sure left me wanting more, not necessarily because it ends with a massive, yet great cliffhanger, but also because I found the plot to be well developed and all the characters flawed and complex.

“Innocent and fresh. Two words that should never be used to describe the dark and damaged woman I've become. “


Sela Halstead is not the same girl she used to be. At sixteen her life changed irrevocably when she was abused in the worst possible way. Now, at 22 all she wants is revenge. She wants the men that destroyed her to pay for what they did and she will accomplish that no matter what. Jonathan Townsend “JT”, a billionaire businessman and a total a$$hole is the first who needs to pay for what happened with Sela.

Townsend has a successful online dating service called the 'Sugar Bowl', an 'unusual' dating service who “helps” wealthy older men “date” younger beautiful women. Sela’s plan is simple - infiltrate and murder JT. She knows her plan will involve a great deal of luck, but she’s willing to do anything to accomplish what she wants the most. But Sela’s plans change when she catch the eye of JT’s business partner, Beckett “Beck” North.

“I may own the company that makes this possible for them, but I’m in no form or fashion a Sugar Daddy myself.”

Beck is not only JT’s business partner, is JT’s friend as well. They know each other since forever, attending the same prep school, since then being like brothers. Beck had never been interested in a Sugar Baby before, but when a brunette beauty gets his attention, he is more than willing to change his plans and start a new arrangement with her. He is drawn to Sela from the beginning and Sela seems to be drawn to him as well. Since JT doesn’t seem interested with her, Sela is ready to get close to Beck to obtain the necessary information in destroying the one who changed her life years ago.

“I’m doing something that is completely unlike anything Beck North has ever done before.
I’m exploring something deeper with one woman.
This woman to be exact.”


As time passes Sela and Beck start having real feelings for each other and everything gets complicated when Beck figures out Sela keeps some big secrets from him.

This first installment was really well done. The plot was intriguing and well-structured and the entire story unfolded at a steady pace. All the important characters (including JT) were well written and fascinating in a way or another. Sela was a heroine I sympathize from the very beginning. Her past broke my heart and I thought her portrayal was believable in some way. If at times she tried (and was) to be strong and determined, as the story unfolded at times we get to see a naïve Sela who doesn’t have any relationship and sex experience. Overall, I enjoyed her character and I have to say at times I loved her strength and determination.

“I sacrificed what few remaining principles I had in order to bring him deeper into my web.(…) I can’t help but feel that perhaps I’m the one who’s trapped in a web at this moment.
I can’t help feeling that’s not a bad thing.”


Beck was a fantastic hero! He was smart and sophisticated, friendly and charming, sweet and sexy and perfect for our heroine. He will leave you hot and bothered and he will make you swoon from the very beginning. I liked how he was with Sela and how he treated her with care and respect. He made Sela feel sexy and in a short amount of time he managed to make her realize that she’s not a victim and I liked him for that. Sela and Beck’s relationship progression was fast, but nothing felt rushed. Their connection was well done and palpable from the start and I have to say that I really enjoyed all the sexy times between these two. They were sexy, passionate and perfect for each other in and out of bed.

Like I mentioned above the story ends with a cliffhanger and I’m dying to find out how everything will progress between these two main characters.

Overall, a fantastic, well done first installment!
Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,678 reviews6,359 followers
February 19, 2016
I've read one of Sawyer Bennett's books before Friction and remembered it as being hawt as balls..so when I saw this one pop up I didn't even read the blurb-I just hit that request button. AND I LIKED IT.

Sela was raped when she was sixteen. She is in her early twenties now but she really has not moved on. She sleeps with men without a connection. She frequently has depressive episodes. The author painted the image of a rape survivor very well in my opinion. She is watching TV one day when they advertise a service that puts Sugar Daddies with women that provide companionship. The head of the company has a tattoo on him that Sela recognizes immediately. She has found one of her rapist.
Sela makes a plan. She goes to the gym, changes her hair, she gonna take his ass out.
Palm Springs commercial photography

She decides to pose as one of the "Sugar Babies" in the company so that she can get close to JT Townsend, the rich guy who is the head of the company..and is a total arsehole. She enters the organization and ends up meeting his partner and somewhat friend, Beck.

Beck makes her an offer she can't refuse and she wants to get closer to him so she can off his partner so she goes home with him. Let the banging begin!
Palm Springs commercial photography

Sawyer Bennett can write some smoking sex scenes. I even had to stop reading and give my husband the smexy eye.
Palm Springs commercial photography

He promptly ignored me and I kept reading.

Beck and Sela have some sparks going and even though Beck said he doesn't date one woman he wants to enter into a "sugarship" with Sela. A Sugarship according to his company rules is an agreement between the Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby that is an exchange of money for being their companion..sex is not supposed to be included but yeah right.
This kinda reminds me of one of my favorite movies in so many ways.
Palm Springs commercial photography

But that's okay, I still really liked this storyline. There is not any stupid insta-loving and Sela's character is so real with the feelings she goes through. Gawd, I just talked about feelings like I have them..who am I? What can I say? I like my porn to have a storyline.
And there is a ton of banging in this book. If you don't hear from me for awhile..I'm busy doing science with the husband. Because of this dang book.

Palm Springs commercial photography

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.

Palm Springs commercial photography
I love : this review for this book also...and since none of my friends have read this one yet (I know they want to cuz we are pervs) I'm going with it.

Profile Image for Karen Mc .
1,001 reviews754 followers
May 25, 2016
Scintillating, sexy, and scandalous, Sugar Daddy is a thrilling ride of delicious deception that seizes your head and heart, leaving you aching for more. It’s a romance, a thriller, and a suspense wrapped in an oh-so-pretty package. Daring. Different. Decadent. Sugar Daddy is full of sugar and spice, and everything naughty and nice.

From the first few pages, Sugar Daddy cast a spell on me, seducing me like a predator luring its prey. I was gnawing at this book, quickly devouring it like a hungry lion wanting more. Needing more. This sinful and sensational soap opera-like story quickly became my guiltiest pleasure. The taste: oh so sweet. Sugar indeed.

Beautiful Sela Halstead lost her childhood innocence at the tender age of 16 when a gang of monsters took what wasn’t theirs, brutalizing a teenager on a night that has haunted her since. Sela’s self-esteem suffers, and sex that should be pleasurable is more painful.

“As with any man I’ve been sexually involved with over the years, there is a mutually beneficial exchange. I let them use my body to get off, and they in turn make me feel as if I’m worthy to let them get off.”

My heart breaks for Sela. I want to wrap my arms around her and comfort her.

An identifying tattoo that Sela spots on TV reveals her main tormenter as Jonathon Townsend, a wealthy CEO who still treats women like garbage that he easily discards.

It’s time for her captors to pay for their crime. Pay for ruining her life. Pay for making Sela a shell of her former self. If Sela can infiltrate her way into Sugar Daddy, Townsend’s matchmaking and dating services company, she can take back her life. Revenge has never tasted so sweet.

Gorgeous Becket ‘Beck’ North collides with Sela at a Sugar Daddy party one night. It’s insta-chemistry and a panty-melting complication in her payback mission for Townsend. Beck is a ladies man. A bang and bolt guy. Though his women definitely leave satisfied. Sela’s sweet and sexy package, who is not part of the plan, happens to be Townsend’s best friend and business partner.

“My body has never reacted that way, and frankly, it scares me, almost to the point that I consider running…Beck North is throwing me off my game and we haven’t even gotten naked yet.”

While Sela is as beautiful like the women Beck typically meets, Beck is intrigued as she is also down-to-earth and a bit shy. Her confidence is an act that Beck sees right through, wanting to know the real Sela. The woman who has instantly captivated his body and head.

“I find that interesting that a little bit of praise and she turns shy. I’m betting this woman hasn’t had a lot of men in her life tell her just how exquisite she is.”

Sela, for once, throws caution to the wind and acts out on her immense attraction for Beck. She gives into her traitorous body that wants her enemy’s handsome business partner. Beck definitely aims to please.

Holy. Hot. Night.

“Baby…your pussy is so goddamn sweet, I’m glad I was the first to take a bite of it.”

Beck is a delicious dirty-talker and it’s so scorching hot.

“How fast are you going to come for me, Sela?”

Sela is one lucky woman who is with a man who puts her needs first—in and out of the bedroom. I love Beck; he is perfect.

It may be a lava hot night, but it’s more than sex for both of them. For the first time, both Sela and Beck want more than one night with a partner. More than just heat—head and heart too.

Sela is thrown off guard, unsure if she can focus on her revenge when Beck is slowly thawing her heart.

“I’ve always been able to keep emotion separate from sex, but for whatever reason, my body just doesn’t want to behave when he’s in close proximity.”

Beck, who has always been a manwhore, wants so much more for the first time ever.

“Whatever the connection…for whatever reason that I’ve given her something that others haven’t, I have a deep gut instinct that it’s something that defies reason or logic…for the first time in my life…I’m exploring something deeper with one woman. This woman to be exact.”

Beck is slowly bringing Sela back to life, shedding light into her darkness and giving her confidence as a broken woman.

“My empathy for Beck actually overtook my hate of JT…I realized that intimacy is actually something I could learn to crave with a man like Beckett North and that I’ve only just begun to discover the true potential inside of myself.”

As Sela’s confidence grows, she sparks to life and sparks even more happiness into Beck, making him think that he may have found ‘the one.’

“Maybe I was built for relationships but just never found the right one.”

Though Sela’s plan for revenge doesn’t cease, and the closer her heart wraps itself around Beck, the more risk she takes in a relationship with her monster’s best friend and partner. As this avenger gets closer to redemption, Sela may lose the possibility of love over retribution. Of Beck. Of more. Everything may be over for nothing.

“You’re no better than the other girls, Sela. All looking to get ahead at some man’s expense.”

Oh Sugar Daddy, you’re a shiny gem filled with dark and light. Angst and anger. Love and hope. So many feels. I was dazzled so much that I fell deep into this seductive story that spun me into its web of deceit and deliciousness. This all-consuming and alluring adventure was over too soon. I can’t wait until Sawyer Bennett casts a spell on me again with more Sugar Daddy as I need sugar and spice, and everything naughty and nice.

5 sugary sweet and seductive stars
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews792 followers
March 2, 2016
If you follow my reviews you know I am a huge Sawyer Bennett fan, I love this lady’s books. They are always fun, sweet, sexy reads and I usually jump in as soon as I get them. So obviously that’s what I did with Sugar Daddy, the point of my long windiness, I was in noway expecting this!!

"Of course sex occurs. People have sex. It makes the world go round."

After a traumatic even in Sela’s life she is on a mission to take down Jonathon Townsend, the millionaire founder of The Sugar Bowl. The Sugar Bowl is a company that pairs up wealthy men and women with their young and beautiful fantasies. These dates are meant to be for companionship, but you can guess what most people expect when paying for your time.

Beck is Jonathan’s partner and meets Sela at a Sugar Bowl mixer. After crashing and burning with Jonathan, Sela decides to try her luck with Beck. To her he is just another way in, another way to meet her goal. After spending sometime together they build a real connection and Sela is doubting her original goal.

First, I loved Beck and Sela together. I loved how they both had a different idea of what things could be, but couldn’t resist falling. What I didn’t expect was the angst and anxiety I felt while reading and I was so impressed. I loved not knowing what was coming and feeling worked up waiting to see the conclusion. This story does have build up and suspense, but also had me 100% invested in their relationship, too.

Sugar Daddy isn’t like Sawyer’s other books. It’s not just sweet and funny. It’s sexy as sin, but also angsty and suspenseful. This book had me on the edge of my seat and at times and in the end dying for more. I absolutely loved this one, loved it! I can’t wait to see what happens next in Sugar Rush and Sugar Free.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Teaser created by me with stock images purchased from depositphotos.

Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
865 reviews1,149 followers
April 13, 2017
5 'Sugary Revenge' Stars!
ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.  photo Sugar Daddy - Sawyer Bennett_zpsjg7ssvgt.png

I think I have become a Sawyer Bennett fangirl after reading this. I actually have read (and enjoyed) her Legal Affairs series and I have many of her books on my never-ending TBR list so when I saw this new novel on Netgalley I instantly requested it. Best decision EVER.

Sugar Daddy is the first installment in Sawyer's new Sugar Bowl series, a trilogy that I have read is a little bit different from her other books: more suspenseful, angsty and with dark elements. Yep, not her usual sweet and sexy (but still SO good)! The novel tells the story of Sela Halstead (a young woman with an abusive past who becomes a sugar baby to take revenge on the man that destroyed her life: Jonathon Townsend) and Beckett 'Beck' North (the tech mastermind behind the Sugar Bowl business, JT's best friend and partner and the man that will "complicate" things for Sela after starting a relationship with her).

Innocent and fresh. Two words that should never be used to describe the dark and damaged woman I've become.

I FLOVED THIS. LOVED IT. Sawyer gave us a great story with a fantastic plot, complex characters and a couple with smokin' hot chemistry. I really enjoyed Bennett's writing style, it's fluid and easy to follow. I barely contained my emotions because they were all over the place. Characters well-developed and elaborated will give you that. I loved Sela (I felt so bad for her at the beginning but she gets stronger page after page) and I loved Beck (he is in-between his feelings for Sela and his friendship with JT and, of course, he is freaking sexy hero!).

I do know one thing for sure... there is some type of connection between Sela and me that I've never experienced before.

I want to crawl inside of you, Sela, and feel every inch of you against me. I don't want any barriers and I don't wany any fucking walls between us. Just you and me, touching... you melding into me, me into you.

Everything changes when Beck and Sela start having real feelings for each other. At the start, even though their connection is instant, it's all about sex, their "sugarship" and Sela's revenge on JT (I really really hate him, such an asshole!). But when their relationship changes to something more, things get tricky for both main characters: Beck wants his friend and girlfriend to get along and Sela wants to keep Beck and starts feeling guilty for using him for her vengeance. I have to say, the whole plot is very singular and the characters outstanding. I can't wait to get to know more about them!

I realized that intimacy is actually something that I could learn to crave with a man like Beckett North and that I've only just begun to discover the true potential inside of myself.

And here comes the reason I always wait to have all the books on series because I really hate waiting. And I am really going to hate waiting after THAT freaking CLIFFHANGER. I was kind of expecting it but damn! I was so engaged to the story and now I have to wait months for the next book to come out! Sawyer Bennet I love you and hate you at the same time LOL I am pretty sure the Sugar Bowl series will be one of my favourites this year. It was just so amazing!

I care for you more than I care about justice for myself, and that makes me miserable.

Therefore, my rating for Sugar Daddy is 5 STARS because there is not one single thing I did not enjoy about this book. It has everything that I enjoy: good plot, characters and chemistry. I need the next book like yesterday! So, if you enjoy Sawyer's books or you want to read a more dramatic (but still awesome) work by her, you definitely need to check out this series. I highly recommend it!

Profile Image for Brandi.
652 reviews1,470 followers
June 8, 2016
4.5 Stars


Wow. This one surprised me. I was hooked from the start. The pacing and characters were fantastic. Sela experienced a horrific event at a young age, and has been haunted since. A chance glimpse of a tattoo, finally gives an identity to one of her attackers, Jonathon Townsend. A millionaire and founder of The Sugar Bowl, which is basically a dating site for older, wealthy men to meet young women. Learning about JT ignites a powerful need for vengeance within Sela. So she immerses herself in his world, and finds something she never expected. She falls hard and fast for his business partner, Beckett North. And things get nice and steamy.


But is Beckett worth giving up her need for vengeance? Maybe. Lies and deceit. Sex and love. Rape and Murder. Sela is ensnared in a dangerous web, and the author left this reader slightly frustrated with that ending. Yeah, seriously, that cliff was pretty brutal. I need to know what happens....

Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,141 followers
May 24, 2016

I had an overwhelming desire to kick a fictional character in the ding ding.

This book made me want to have the ability to shoot fireballs from eyes at my kindle. But see, I like my kindle and I don’t want to hurt my kindle. But I really didn’t like what I was reading on my kindle. Sugar Daddy is one of those books that I love to hate…or is it…hate to love?

Throughout the book, I disliked all three main characters at one time or another. One of those three stood out from the others. I absolutely, truly ruly, despised, hated and abhorred Jonathon Townsend. I hated JT enough that it almost turned me off the book. He is manipulative, evil, arrogant and disgusting. My hate for him stems from his ability to manipulate those around him with smarmy words, money, and a “good name”. What he gets away with is a crime. His character’s depravity sees no bounds and I don’t think there is anything he won’t do to get his way.

Sela has a desire for revenge that gets a little sidetracked and almost derailed. She never planned on falling for the best friend. Will her desire and happiness replace her need to see the man who ruined her life, suffer? Can she leave her past behind and find love with Beck?

Beck wants his company to succeed but is struggling with the truths laid out in front of him. Does he believe his girlfriend of a few weeks over the man who is and has been his best friend for years and who is also his business partner?

Will the one man who has the power, money and influence to separate them succeed?

Even up to the very last page I wanted to hate this story, but, how can you hate something that has your undivided attention with every turn of the page? How can you turn your back on a story that sees you wanting to murder fictional characters?

Do I want Sela and Beck to get an HEA? Do I want JT to be dealt with? Does Beck deserve a kick in the ding ding too for being a douchewaffle at the end of the book? YES!!!!

Sugar Daddy left me with a thirst for violence, a desire for revenge and a need to mete out justice.

To pre-order Sugar Daddy from Amazon - http://amzn.to/23QXOch


I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
February 14, 2021
4 Sugar From the Dark Side
* * * *
Sawyer Bennett has a knack for tapping into subjects... but with her own unique investigative style.
Stop- what does that mean, Wendy...
Well, for me, it means Bennett using her years of practicing law to be open to trends and issues whether she is actively researching or just instinctively following an organic idea... and it reflects in her choice of plots and style of presentation. It makes following her path always interesting no matter which way she goes.

So, when I was able to read Sugar Daddy early, my antenna was on high alert.
This series was Not about Sexy Lawyers, Hockey Players, Restaurant/Bars, Western Sex Clubs, or any of the past "hooks" from Bennett books. All of those circumstances were backdrops; important, well fleshed out, and a central part of each series. They gave a reference point to understand our characters and connected us to them.

This time, Sugar Daddy takes a turn to a darker side.
It takes an idea that is as old as time, matches it with headlines, articles, and the base needs of old men wanting to feel young again. Bennett takes this and turns it into her own magic twist of fate.

We follow a victim's search to fully survive and conquer her demons. The path is a tightrope strung tightly with the risk that any moment she will slip and fall into the insanity net below. It is a difficult road as our main character has never truly recovered, just existed.

The match for our gal is a man who has been born, bred, and given a life of privileged. He did not, however, take the same, easy indulgent road of his best Bro from childhood. Although both of these men, who created the reason for our gal to cross their paths, had similar life experiences.... one is twisted, sadistic, egomaniac, and dangerous; the other has ethics, concern for the common good, and basically an ok guy.

This man is not perfect... he is willing to allow his partner's questionable behavior with drugs and rough sex to continue long after his gut is telling him he should do more than call him out on it. He mentally feels he is "between a rock and hard place". He is partners with this long time friend and the contract is a 50/50 one. The money is addicting and the site pulls it in. He is the creator of all of the tech...and if he leaves, all of his rights to the computer programming stays...which he has just upgraded to a breakthrough level. To walk away from the increased revenue source and personal ego boost is difficult...it stirs him to believe the answers his partner gives when confronted with ultimatums. It also doesn't help the partner is a very convincing sociopath.

Bennett has given us these circumstances. She has provided us with a woman who was a brutal victim at 16 and is now focused on a singular purpose. She plans on exacting her own justice and is committed to this path. What she wasn't prepared for was the meeting of the ethical partner and how it would confuse and complicate her plans...How this man who would seem to be just another obstacle to use to get to her final goal...may actually end up being more important to her actual survival and healing.

This is a three-part series and this first part ends on a cliffy...Did we see it coming? Of course, we did... Bennett wanted us to... she led us by the hand every step of the way...pointing us in the dreaded direction...But as hard as the cliffhanger may seem...Bennett knows her stuff and will make it worth our while waiting for the next installment...After all... It is a Sawyer Bennett story, after all...
Sugar Daddy (Sugar Bowl, #1) by Sawyer Bennett Sugar Daddy (Sugar Bowl, #1)
Sugar Rush (Sugar Bowl, #2) by Sawyer Bennett Sugar Rush (Sugar Daddy, #2)
Sugar Free (Sugar Bowl, #3) by Sawyer Bennett Sugar Free (Sugar Bowl, #3)

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
2/11/16-UPDATE- If you like to play the Roulette of Life, NetGalley has just put up Sugar Daddy (Sugar Bowl, #1)...Hope the chips land on your spot :D
So since I am a Blatant Fan of Sawyer Bennett, this landed in my mailbox this AM... The Synopsis for Sugar Daddy!

"Sela Halstead lost her innocence in a way that no sixteen-year-old should ever have to endure. She’s spent years trying to forget that night even while wondering about the identities of the monsters who brutalized her—until a telltale tattoo flashes across Sela’s TV screen. The incriminating ink belongs to Jonathon Townsend, the millionaire founder of The Sugar Bowl, a website that matches rich older men with impressionable young women. Obsessed with revenge, Sela infiltrates Townsend’s world, only to come face-to-face with a tantalizing complication: Beckett North, his charismatic business partner.

The tech mastermind behind The Sugar Bowl, Beck revels in a life of sin and luxury. In business, he always gets what he wants; in bed, he’s done every dirty thing imaginable. And yet there’s something about the naïve, fresh-faced Sela that sparks his hottest fantasies. Because with her, it’s not just about sex. Beck opens up to her in ways he never has with other girls. So why does he get the feeling that she’s hiding something? In a world of pleasure and power, the shocking truth could turn them against each other—or bind them forever." Note: Sugar Daddy ends on a cliffhanger. Sela and Beck's story continues in Sugar Rush and Sugar Free!

Yummy :D
It comes out May 24th 2016
I guess I will save up all my sugar consumption till then...

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Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
645 reviews999 followers
February 9, 2017
5 Stars!!!

What a book!

I'm incredibly impressed. And I'm in shock that I have not read a Sawyer Bennett book. Clearly I was missing out because this book is written so well. It left me on the edge and kept me on my toes.

I wasn't expecting what I got when I started Sugar Daddy. I knew it was a dark read and yet I was stunned by all the surprising elements that I found here.

Sugar Daddy follows the main character Sela Halstead. She was 16 years old when she was drugged and gang-raped by the men she could not identify. All she could remember when it comes to the people responsible for the rape was a guy who has a phoenix tattoo on his body. All throughout the years after she recovered, she bowed to herself that she would take revenge and destroy that guy. One day she learned that the guy was Jonathon Townsend, the owner of the dating app sensation known as Sugar Bowl. Seeing a great opportunity for her plan, she took the risk of getting involved with his business by pretending to be a sugar baby. But there is a huge conflict and that is Beck North, Jonathon's co-founder of Sugar Bowl who happened to make his way through her heart.

What specifically made me feel drawn to the book was the pacing. Sugar Daddy is a quick and fast moving read and it was so hard for me to put it down. There was an intensity in its plot that made it all the more gripping and edgy.

And for someone like me who easily gets attached to the characters with enough depth, it wasn't that difficult for me to be enthralled by both the male and female leads. I loved Sela's character. I knew she lacked a little bit of development in her character and she has some flaws... like lying to Beck all the time in order to keep her secrets and plans hidden, but despite her imperfections, she felt real to me and I totally connected with her. She was't anything annoying and I loved her strength and how she was able to overcome her traumatic experience. Beck, on the other hand, quickly wormed his way under my skin. I loved that he always gives his everything to the woman he loves and even though he didn't say the three magic words to Sela, his actions tell everything a woman needs to know. To put it simply, he is a perfect male lead. Not to mention hot.

There were of course, a lot of steamy scenes thrown here and there and by steamy I mean really, really HOT. Those scenes were delivered so nicely that you can't help but swoon and root for the two characters to be together until the very end. Another thing that I loved most about this book was the conflict which had a great impact to me. It was so nerve-racking!

If you read the synopsis of this book, you will have an impression that it's dark and yes, it was truly dark but not to the extreme. I could say that the book very much focuses more on the romance rather than its dark theme.

All in all, it was a spectacular contemporary read. The romance was all-consuming and too good to be true and the author's writing style was a win. I'm happy to say that Sawyer Bennett made it successfully to my new favorite authors in this genre. I will surely read the sequels of this series as well as her previous and upcoming books!

Note: This book ends with a cliffy. Prepare the second book before you start this one if you don't want to freak yourself out. :)

Pages of Pearl

Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,438 reviews85 followers
June 2, 2016
***4,5 "Sugary Seduction" stars***

I will start my review by saying...
God, that was the ending???

Damn me!!! I didn't like how the things went south between Sela and Beck...
I didn't like the bitterness that is still remaing in the tip of my tongue...
Neither of them deserved that ending!!!

God, i need the next book!!! I need to see that the things have a possibility to get mended...

Well, Sela at the age of sixteen was violated in the worst way...
From that moment her life went downhill...

Ten years had passed from the moment that she lost her innocence and a mark setted upon her soul, and she is trying to live a convential life, while she was focused on her studies...
And then an interview on the T.V. is catching her attention and all those things that she tried to forget are coming forcely back to her...

"Innocent and fresh. Two words that should never be used to describe the dark and damaged woman I've become."

Six months later, she is ready to execute her plan...

Okay, to be honest, her plan sucks!!! It's too rushed...
And her revenge toward the men that destroyed her life, it can't be called a "revenge"... More like a murder... but still she is determined to catch his attention...

"There is nothing I wouldn’t do to carry out my plans.

You see, that man is a famous businessman who owns the "Sugar Bowl".

An online matching site (kind of...) who is pairing Sugar Babes with Sugar Daddies...
Yep, older men are finding younger woman and they are giving them financial help in order to...
Ahem... Okay, you can imagine what will be the price, even though that its owners insist that sex is not involving...

“I promised myself I’d never, ever do anything to let him know that I fear him. Because I don’t. I detest and hate him. Loathe him so much that periodic flashes of murder will still pop within my mind. I know Jonathon is the type of man who likes to intimidate women. It makes him feel better about himself, so I’ll be damned if I’m ever going to help him do that.”

Well, this will be the way that Sela will come closer to the man that she wants to make him pay for what he did to her and to find and the rest of his friends who helped him... As a Sugar Babe!!!

But unfortunately, her plan is not working well and in her way is stepping up his partner, Beck and she is taking the chance with him with the expectation that he will become her ticket to come closer to her enemy...

But for once again, the plan is against her...

“My body has never reacted that way, and frankly, it scares me, almost to the point that I consider running.
I cannot afford to lose control with this man, a prospect that is almost as terrifying as my memories of my sixteenth birthday...
Beck North is throwing me off my game and we haven’t even gotten naked yet.”

Beck and Sela are coming close and even though that none of the two of them wants something more, they are becoming something more... much more for each other.

Sela, at the beginning, found it a great opportunity to come closer to J.T through Beck, but as the time is passing, Beck unlocked her and she is starting to feel many things about him and that is messing her plan...

Will she manage to get through with her revenge plan??? Or Beck's presence makes her to rethink it???

“I am now somehow involved in a relationship with a man I targeted as an unwitting pawn in a scheme to commit murder.
Beck North started out as a means to an end, most likely an innocent bystander, and I sacrificed what few remaining principles I had in order to bring him deeper into my web. And yet... I can’t help but feel that perhaps I’m the one who’s trapped in a web at this moment.
I can’t help feeling that’s not a bad thing.”

Well, i enjoyed this story very much...
Usually, i adore the books that are based on revenge and this one wasn't an exception...

I love Mrs. Bennett's writing and this was an excellent material of her work...
I liked the way that the things were moving, but damn, i hated that freakin' ending!!!
I also have to admit that Beck and Sela had an intense relationship with hot sex scenes!!!

"Me…Sela Halstead…perhaps no longer a victim? Perhaps becoming a normal woman who enjoys intimacy?
Craves it actually…with this man, that is.

Sela was a damaged girl and i could totally understand her thirst for revenge...
She lost her innocence and she was starting to question herself and she was feeling unworthy.
This girl needed a closure...

Beck was something different, someone who took the time and the effort to give her something more and to get to know her better... Before him, all her "relations" were superficial!!!
With him, she started to feel differently and she started to actually have feelings for a guy...
He made her trust him... and she let go...

But even though that he had captured her heart, it was very difficult for her to abandon her plan...
Will she took the chance to lose him in the name of revenge???

“My empathy for Beck actually overtook my hate of JT…I realized that intimacy is actually something I could learn to crave with a man like Beckett North and that I’ve only just begun to discover the true potential inside of myself.”

Beck was J.T.'s partner and best friend... but lately their friendship is shaking in its funds.
Beck is very disappointed by his friends, but he can't do anything to make him stepped away from the company... Their ties are rooted very deep and it's difficult to uproot them...

Beck enjoys his work and enjoys women, but only for one night...
He is not anyone's Sugar Daddy and he will never be!!!
And then Sela is stepping into his life and everything turned upside down...
He is taking decisions that he could never believe that he will make and every passing day, he is bounding more with this woman... But what this connection would cost him???

To be honest, that fuckin' tattoo on his shoulder was showing him as guilty, but damn me, i can't believe that he had a part on that horrible incident...

“For the first time in my life, I’m doing something that is completely unlike anything Beck North has ever done before.
I’m exploring something deeper with one woman.
This woman to be exact.”

So what will happen with those two???

Damn, i can't fuckin' wait for the next book!!!

“I think you’re the best thing to ever happen to me, and when you’re given a gift like that, the prospect of losing it can be a little consuming.”...
“Just don’t lie to me,” he says gruffly. “Don’t ever lie to me, don’t ever do anything to make me distrust you, and everything is golden. Okay?”
My heart sinks.
Because I fully intend to keep lying to him until my quest is complete."

***ARC kindly provided via NetGalley for the exchange of an honest review***
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,939 reviews1,513 followers
July 5, 2016
5 Please be My Daddy Stars

Sugar Daddy is the first book in the Sugar Bowl series. There will be a total of three books in this series, but all books are full novels (not novellas). I really have to put this disclaimer out there, yes its part of a series, but don’t rule it out because of that. I love serial books, they can be frustrating, but they are also addictive, they make my heart race and I love it when an author hooks you in, because she does do that.

I popped my Sawyer Bennett cherry and what a book I did it with. Gah, the feels I had with this book, it was nothing what I expected, but it was so much more and more. I loved it from the first page, I couldn’t get enough and right after I finished I had to read another Sawyer Bennett book to get my fix!

So, let’s enter the world of Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies, it’s actually a real thing, CNN had a documentary on it and it was fantastic. Sugar Daddies are just that, they are men, usually older looking for a twenty-something female for companionship. Sugar Babies are the twenty-something gals that hook up with the Daddies in exchange for gifts, money and other things. It’s illegal to exchange money for sex, but it’s implied.

Sela Halstead is a girl with a dark past. She was raped by several men. She doesn’t know all of them, but she recognizes one of them when she sees him on TV, he is the co-owner of a company The Sugar Bowl. It’s an on-line service where Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies can meet. Don’t you love this plot? I know I do. When you first start the book, you soon understand Sela’s pain, the book doesn’t get into the nitty and gritty part of it, but you know Sela is a tortured girl and she’s looking for revenge.

I loved that Sela worked hard to be a Sugar baby, she lost weight, dressed differently and became sexier so she could lure her rapist into her trap. I liked that Sela was a damsel in distress, but a tough cookie at the same time. She’s a Heroine I love to read.

Beckett is the other co-owner of the Sugar Bowl. He’s not like his partner (the rapist). Beckett likes to hide behind the scenes and work on the site’s coding and programing. I love Beckett, I love how he’s nerdy, smart and not superficial. I love how he’s part of this crazy website, but he doesn’t act on it, he does sleep with women, but he’s no sugar daddy and never will be, well, until he meets Sela.

Gah, Beckett is the total nerdy hottie, I only wished he wore glasses! He attends the social events, but he could care less about the girls, he only uses them for one night stands. I like how he’s the guy that doesn’t do relationships, but he’s willing to pursue something with Sela when he sees her for the first time.

And that is just the tip of the story, so much more happens. It’s a really fast pace book and I kept on asking myself, what else can happen, but something does and it’s a crazy wild ride. I love the Sela and Beckett dynamics. I love how Sela must work on her issues with her past and her future with Beckett. I love how Beckett is this nice guy, but he slowly starts to care for Sela and he becomes the guy he never thought he would be.

Sugar Daddy is a rush. If you want something steamy, dramatic and super addictive, then this one is for you.

An ARC was provided

Sugar Daddy (Sugar Bowl, #1) by Sawyer Bennett Sugar Rush (Sugar Bowl, #2) by Sawyer Bennett Sugar Free (Sugar Bowl, #3) by Sawyer Bennett

Sugar Daddy #1 AMAZON
Sugar Rush #2 AMAZON
Sugar Free #3 AMAZON

Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,483 reviews476 followers
May 20, 2016
I normally don't do cliffys but damn this was good. Sawyer Bennett knows how to weave a tale you get sucked into. Sela is bent on revenge against the men who raped her taking her virginity at 16. She identifies one of them and tries to get close. When she strikes out at getting close to the man, she meets his business partner, Beck. What starts as her way in, turns into a relationship. The moments they share are great. They have excellent chemistry. The lovemaking is seriously hot. The growth is there. It's hard to not give things away but please know I'm dying to read what's next. Safety: Other than that, no OM. No OW. No sharing. There is definite rape/abuse with descriptions that could be a trigger. Condoms at first. Neither are virgins.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,672 reviews2,302 followers
May 15, 2017
*Amazon US*Amazon UK*Barnes & Noble*

I absolutely hate cliffhangers. I actually used to avoid any book that ended in a cliffhanger, even if the whole series was out and I could read it all at one time. I've started to read more of them but I like to wait until I can read the serial as if it was one book, but there are a few books that I've made an exception for - like this one. Why? Because it was written by Sawyer Bennett and I'll read anything at all that she writes. Even the dreaded cliffhanger story.

Sela Halstead barely survived after she was attacked at the age of sixteen. But since then she has built her self up to be stronger and less afraid. Until she see's a tv interview with one of the founders of The Sugar Bowl, a website that sets up rich older men with younger girls, and recognizes his tattoo and knows he's one of the men who attacked her. That night she came up with a plan to get revenge on the men that destroyed her, Infiltrate. Murder. Repeat.

Beck North may be a co-founder of The Sugar Bowl but he isn't in the market for a Sugar Baby himself, choosing to have one night stands rather than a live in Baby. Then he see's a brunette bombshell courageously trying to get his partner's attention that and things change. He's instantly drawn to Sela and wants to start his own arrangement with her, but with the secret she's hiding he's getting himself in world of trouble.

I expect a lot from SB books because she's one of my go to authors, and yet this book still shocked me with how much I became invested in it. The introduction to Sela was really intense and from that moment on I needed to know everything about her and her plan. There were moments my heart was racing and I was speed reading trying to figure out what was going to happen.I love that the story was able to affect me that much.

Sela was an amazing character, and it was her that made this book so enthralling and had me on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed getting to know more about her as the story progressed and I'm still left with many questions, but I have no doubt that I'll continue to like her in the next two books. She was that kind of character that you can easily relate to and connect with, which makes reading about her an amazing experience.

Trust me when I say that having to deal with this cliffhanger will be well worth it if you decide to read this book without waiting for the conclusion to be released. The story was suspenseful and thrilling, and comes highly recommended by me.

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mysza.
478 reviews400 followers
April 25, 2016
I'm a huge fan of Sawyer Bennett's writing and I am happy to report that she doesn't disappoint again. I loved this book hard, loved characters, their developing relationship, the smut, the mystery, but damn that ending.... it will keep me on edge till the next book comes out.

Full review to come on release day...

ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Megan✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
293 reviews484 followers
August 19, 2016
****4.5 Stars****


“Today is my 16th Birthday. I was raped. I think I deserved it.”

This is the first book I have read by Sawyer Bennett, so I didn’t have any expectations going into it, but having read it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. “Sugar Daddy” is the first book in the “Sugar Bowl” series and it was a great start to what I’m sure will be an amazing trilogy. It was so suspenseful, intriguing, sexy and utterly compelling.

The opening chapter (prologue) shocked me somewhat. It started with a very dark and disturbing moment; Sela was being gang raped on her 16th Birthday. What she suffered is what no one should ever have to endure, especially a young girl in her formative years. This horrific tragedy helped shape Sela into the person she is 11 years later, when the story begins. Understandably Sela is messed-up with a lot of issues; they include being hospitalised in a psychiatric facility. Sela is somewhat of a promiscuous, but emotionally detached person.

While watching TV one night she sees an image of a tattoo that brings back horrific memories for her. The tattoo of a red bird belongs to Jonathan “JT” Towsend, the man who led the gang rape of her 11 years ago. JT is the multi-millionaire head of an unconventional dating site called Sugar Bowl. Sugar Bowl sets up older men “Sugar Daddies” with younger women “Sugar Babies”. It is as it sounds, creepy and gross. After seeing JT on TV, Sela spends the next six months planning her revenge on all those responsible for her abuse, starting with JT.

“Innocent and fresh. Two words that should never be used to describe the dark and damaged woman I’ve become."

Beck North is JT’s friend and business partner of Sugar Bowl and Sela’s perfect avenue to JT. Beck and Sela develop a deep connection and start to fall for each other. Beck is use to always getting what he wants and is known to only have one night stands. It shocks Beck when he realises he wants more and that there is something special about the fresh faced, innocent, yet sultry Sela.


“I do know one thing for sure…there is some type of connection between Sela and me that I’ve never experienced before.”

“Sugar Daddy” was such a compelling story which kept me enthralled from start to finish. I loved Sela and really felt for her, for everything she had gone through, how the horrific events had caused her so much pain and have resulted in numerous psychiatric breakdowns. I really understood her need for revenge and I was right behind her, hoping JT and co would get their just deserts. I would most definitely recommend this to anyone who loves a well written story filled with torment, suspense, steamy scenes and an amazing heroine who's ultimate goal is to seek justice. Book 2 in the trilogy, "Sugar Rush.," is available now and book 3 “Sugar Free” is due out in October.

Ends in a massive cliffhanger!

Profile Image for ⊱✿⊰ Alicia ⊱✿⊰ .
553 reviews452 followers
October 25, 2016

So I finished this book this morning, while working today I have been trying to get my feelings in check to do this review.

Well it started with a bang!! Fantastic prologue that pulled me in and hooked me. It goes through a very terrible ordeal that Sela goes through at 16 and its what leads her through the book.

Not sure how I felt about how easily Sela gave up on her mission, one minute nothing was going to stop her then the next she was like maybe I will just forget it, Huh? girl no.
Sela ..............................
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Beck I have not decided on yet, I will have to read the next two books. I found myself thinking what part of Selas ordeal did Beck play if any? I think he was involved somehow (from hints) but not sure how much.
What I can tell you though is the chemistry between Sela and Beck it off the charts HOT.
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It was a little drawn out at times, considering it is a 3 book series that is expected. We got to find out more about who Sela is and her quest for retribution, Beck on the other hand remains a bit of a mystery still.
I really enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to reading how it all comes together in the next two books.
Warning: If you are not a fan of cliffhangers wait until August when book 2 is released
Because that ending........
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Profile Image for enqi ☾⋆˚*̣̩✩.
313 reviews956 followers
August 17, 2018

sugar daddy is a gripping take on the fine line between romance and revenge, and how that same line is blurred even more when one falls in love. it was a very raw read, unbelievably gritty and unexpectedly emotional, and definitely one that will stay with me for a long time.

sela halstead was brutally gang-raped when she was sixteen. she suffers from extreme trauma and spends years trying to forget that night even while wondering about the identities of the monsters who brutalised her - until a telltale tattoo flashes across sela's tv screen. the incriminating ink belongs to jonathon townsend, the millionaire founder of the sugar bowl, a website that matches rich older men with impressionable young women. obsessed with revenge, sela infiltrates townsend’s world, only to come face-to-face with a tantalizing complication: beckett north, his charismatic business partner. the tech mastermind behind the sugar bowl, beck always gets what he wants - in business and in bed. and yet he can't explain his attraction to sela - for a man who’s done every dirty thing imaginable, there’s something about her that sparks his hottest fantasies. because with her, it’s not just about sex. beck opens up to her in ways he never has with other girls. so why does he get the feeling that she’s hiding something? in a world of pleasure and power, the shocking truth could turn them against each other—or bind them forever.

Today is my 16th birthday. I was raped. I think I deserved it.

first things first, i did NOT expect that cliffhanger. i was literally so desperate for the sequel that i bought it immediately even though it cost $5 and i only had $2 in my bank lol. now i'm almost done with the second book and it's looking like i'll have to buy the third one even though i'm out of funds... anyways


--> sela is amazing. she's kickass and amazingly strong and also a little delusional but yes that's how i love my heroines. sela starts out with a burning hatred for her r*pist and ends up with a passionate love for his business partner and along the way, she slowly opens up and gives beck her trust and love and somewhere along the line she decides that she values beck more than her revenge.

my heart really broke for sela; she's come so far in this book that i'm unbelievably proud, and her character development is absolutely amazing. i also adore the fact that she had a really supportive family to get her through her trauma and be there for her at all costs.

I, Sela Halstead, am not as broken as I thought I was. While I thought Jonathon Townsend took everything away from me, I’ve realized just now that he took nothing. He only warped my perception. Granted, I’m still pretty warped, but I learned something very important as Beck was coating my throat with his semen. I realized that intimacy is actually something that I could learn to crave with a man like Beckett North and that I’ve only just begun to discover the true potential inside of myself.

--> just don't even get me started on beck he's literally the most swoon-worthy book boyfriend ever. he's beyond perfect. he's loyal and understanding and honest and kind and he's so devoted to sela. he cares about her so much and really does try his best to make her happy and comfortable around him and he's so sweet?? he's decent and noble and a literal white knight but once he meets sela he's completely fucking whipped for her i can't. breathe. he's exactly the type of guy i would fall for


scorching and intense, beck and sela's romance will leave you turning the pages at breakneck speed. it will break your heart and mend it at the same time and there's no doubt that these two are meant to be together. watching them slowly open up and trust each other, until they finally fall irrevocably in love... i've never seen anything more beautiful

I put up an argument against his getting it for me, but Beck shut me up with a simple statement. “Don’t take this away from me. I’ve never had anyone I could buy jewelry for.”

in conclusion, sugar daddy is a gripping, impossibly riveting read, its pages filled with ardent romance, thrilling action and driven characters. definitely pick it up if you can because believe me, you won't regret it.
May 25, 2016
Rating Clarification: 3.75 Stars


What in the world just happened?!
I'm torn between crying or going into an angry rage destroying everything in my path. This book completely surprised me, when I started reading it this afternoon I kind of expected an erotic thriller which it wasn't. But then again the story still drew me in, Beck and Sela's relationship was pretty sweet and a pleasure to read about.

I went in blind here, and when I realised that Sela was a rape victim, I got worried because we know how that goes:
1. I cringe whenever she's in a sexual situation or
2. She falls apart whenever she's in a sexual situation.
But kudos to the author for handling this part of the book very well. It was pretty satisfying for me since I do enjoy reading erotica. What I'm trying to say is that the sex was good, but Sela wasn't miraculously cured of her mental trauma because Beck had a magic penis, it was believable.

Right now I'm not sure how I feel about any of the characters in this book. Sela, is obviously a very tortured individual and her trauma has left its scars in obvious ways. But I couldn't help but feel like some of her thought processes where a bit of obsessive. Her solution for her problem is a bit drastic, and she's a psych student I mean at some point even she has to realize that her mental health is starting to go downhill.

Beck's character was an absolute dream, right up until the end. Quite frankly some things are unforgivable and his actions where just that. Unforgivable. It'll be interesting to see how the author can salvage his character. JT is quite simply the devil's spawn, he was just the right amount of slick and oily to make me sick, and the amount of vitreous content that came out of his mouth was staggering.

Despite all the things I didn't like about the characters in this book the author did manage to draw me in. Like in real life, the characters in a book are never perfect, they might not be easy to like but their story still intrigued me as a reader.

ARC kindly provided by publisher via Netgalley in return for an honest review
Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews847 followers
May 23, 2016
5 Revenge or Not Stars
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I loved this story. It was a storyline that kept my attention and tugged at my heart. And then there was a cliffy that really tore at you. In all it was a fantastic read!!!

Sela Halstead is 26 and was brutalized at the sweet age of 16. She carries that with her. She knows she will never really love, she can't, not after what happened to her. But what if she discovers who attacked her all these years later? Can she seek out revenge and become whole again? She is sure as hell going to try!!!!

Beckett North "Beck" is co-owner of Sugar Bowl and his parter, JT Townsend, is Sela's rapist. In order to seek out her revenge, she must infiltrate Sugar Bowl and become a Sugar Baby. Once JT sets his eyes on Sela, she'll begin her plan. But life has a funny way of messing things up, Beck sees Sela and their connection throws a wrench in her plans. But not to worry, Sela sees that she can use Beck to get to JT or can she? There is something about Beck that causes Sela to reevaluate her plan.

Beck and Sela begin as Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby but they both feel something more. It's the first time for Sela but she's torn because she must seek her revenge or must she?

Infiltrate. Murder. Repeat. It’s a simple plan, really.

This is a heart wrenching read because communication would be the key thing here but it's easy to see why it's a problem. I loved watching the connection bloome between Sela and Beck. I also hated JT and wanted to help Sela with her plan of revenge. JT is slimy and arrogant and needs someone to call him out.

The ending was gut wrenching and if Sela had trusted Beck more then maybe things could have been different. So the cliffy was NO NO NO NO but you kind of knew it was bound to happen. I am so looking forward to the next book.

I love the writing of Sawyer Bennett. The books I have read by her are usually fun and sexy. This one really intrigued me with the dark blurb and Sawyer absolutely nailed it. It is told in dual POVs and it kept me riveted, kept me hoping, and had me wanting to help with Sela's act of revenge........Infiltrate. Murder. Repeat. It’s a simple plan, really.

ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,064 followers
May 27, 2016
★It's LIVE! Amazon US * Amazon UK

Sugar Daddy is a luscious, suspenseful and sexy love story about one girl’s quest for revenge against the people who perpetrated a violent sexual attack against her at the tender age of 16. Sela's history has determined her emotional detachment and lack of any meaningful relationship outside of her family. Importantly, she believes she's found the perfect opportunity to wield her vengeance, she grasps it and this is where the story unfolds, playing out with a complication she never anticipated but one that she throws her heart and soul into. Enter Beck North, tech expert and the brains behind The Sugar Bowl, a dating website that brings together Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies and is really quite fascinating. Beck is the epitome of sophistication, wealthy, charismatic and very sexy and can take his pick of any girl he wants without the constraints of a committed relationship.

Sugar Baby is delivered in the first person narrative and from the dual perspective of the hero and heroine ensuring the reader has a complete understanding of both character's thoughts and feelings. It reads at a steady pace and effortlessly drew me into the depths of the story. My only wish for the extra star is occasionally there are inner thoughts for the protagonists that, for my reading tastes are a little too cliché, and actually had they been deleted from the prose, the reader would have equally understood the situation from the depiction of the story.

The story is rather fanciful at times but equally it totally maintains a thrilling quality that kept me on the edge of my seat, addicted to the pages and waiting with baited breath for the secrets and lies to be discovered and revenge to be exacted. It's the first of a three part series, so naturally it ended on a cliff-hanger but I have to admit that I absolutely LOVE the way the author took the story arc. I was somewhat surprised, in a good way, by the reactions of the protagonists and it secured my high anticipation for second part in the series.

NOTE: SUGAR BOWL is a three part series that should be read in the following order-
SUGAR RUSH - August 2nd 2016
SUGAR FREE - October 11th 2016

Advance copy provided for my honest review thoughts.

★ Graphics created by myself with stock image I purchased from deposit photos ★
August 24, 2018

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Don't be fooled by this pink and sparkly cover. Even though Loveswept normally publishes light and easy confections, this book completely shatters that mold. It's like someone took a rape and revenge film from the 70s and tried to make it a chick flick, which sounds like it absolutely should not work, but it almost does except for a few problems I'm going to talk about later. Sela was gang-raped when she was just sixteen-years-old when she went to a college party and had drugs slipped into her drink. Now, an adult woman, her views on sex and relationships are totally skewed; she's never forgotten that night. When watching a commercial for a dating website called Sugar Bowl, she recognizes the tattoo of the company's CEO as belonging to one of her rapists, so she signs up to Sugar Bowl to become a Sugar Baby in order to get close to the CEO and kill him. Instead, she winds up meeting his business partner, the coding mastermind behind the site, Beckett North.

The beginning was very strong. What happens to Sela is not sugar-coated, and even though the book doesn't wallow in the details (thank God), you learn enough about what happened to understand the severity of her trauma and really feel a strong sense of sympathy for the heroine. Her desire for revenge gives the book a driving pace, and the reader feels that tension, anxiously wondering what will happen: will Sela get her revenge? Or will she be found out?

The problem is that once Sela gets involved with Beck, the book becomes all about the sex. At first, she has these PTSD-like flashbacks, which made a lot of sense and felt realistic, but then it was like the sex was so good that it just "cured" her because he gave her orgasms. This is a huge peeve of mine, because sex is not a magical panacea that can absolve people of any sorts of mental or emotional problems that they have. Having a support network and emotional intimacy can help, but I really don't think you can just fuck your problems away, if you'll pardon my language, despite what many of these dark and edgy romances would have you think. The sex scenes were also pretty awful, and I was really annoyed when Beck wanted to do away with condoms and Sela's response was, "I'm clean." Yeah, but what about him? The onus is not just on the woman to be clean.

Towards the end of the book, SUGAR DADDY remembers what it sets out to do, and to be fair, the villain in this book is truly awful, and it's genuinely infuriating how blind Beck is to his friend and business partner's actions, in the way that it sometimes feels only men can be (locker room talk, anyone?). When Sela got down to business, I wanted to be like, "YAS GIRL," but then the book ends on a cliffhanger just when things are starting to pick up again. It's a mother of a cliffhanger, too.

I literally slept on this review because I wanted to think about it more deeply, and I have to say that this "dark" book is really only for people who want to read something edgy that talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk - let's call it "Diet Edgy." I personally don't like books that do things by halves, so it was annoying to get a book that was allegedly about one thing, only to find myself with pages of tediously written sex scenes and a heroine who lost her edge as soon as a hot guy walked into the picture. Even Beck, the so-called nice guy, reveals his douchey side when at one point he takes the heroine's silence for consent. Um, no, that's not how that works. I probably won't continue this series.

2 to 2.5 stars
Profile Image for Dali.
1,950 reviews546 followers
November 14, 2020
Oh wow, I never thought such a sweet looking book would pack such an intense punch full of hot, delicious sexiness and vengeance!

No woman should ever be brutalized the way Sela Halstead was. She never knew the monsters who took more than her virtue at the young age of sixteen. After years of trying to cope with the assault though, she recognizes a nickname she heard along with a tattoo that plagues her nightmares belonging to the playboy Jonathon Townsend (a.k.a. JT), co-owner of a unique online dating site. Replacing her nightmare with a simple clear objective of stone cold vengeance, she joins the site and gets herself invited to one of its mixers. She never factored in JT’s charming associate. Is revenge so powerful that she’ll do whatever it takes to get it, including sacrificing a chance at a wonderful future with Beck?
“Infiltrate. Murder. Repeat. I will never be deterred in my revenge...”

Beckett North isn’t the type of man who’s interested in relationships. Even though he created the Sugar Bowl, he would never participate as a “sugar daddy.” He has woman throwing themselves at him constantly, mostly calculating not just how to get their hands on him, but his money as well. But there’s something completely different and innocent about Sela that sets her apart from all others. Something that makes him want to give her more than incredible pleasure in bed for a single night, he wants her in his life but knows she’s holding back. Can their tenuous bond survive the awful truth?

Sawyer Bennett is a leap without looking author for me. So when I saw this fantastic cover attached to her name I just had to read it and I’m glad I did because I’m completely hooked.

Sella’s desire for revenge isn’t a tough sell. I can’t begin to understand how it feels to be in her shoes and I completely sympathize with her. I liked that she’s smart and focused and wasn’t so deep into her need for vengeance that she didn’t recognize the amazing bond she’s forming with Beck. It was nice to see how Beck helped her flourish after experiencing that horrific trauma, even when he didn’t know it.
“He’s given me self-worth. Beck has made it so that I don’t consider myself a victim.”

I did however have a bit of trouble getting behind her payback plan. It raised all sorts of questions regarding her character development which I hope will be explained as the series moves along.

Beck is a very intriguing sexy alpha male. There’s a lot about his past we don’t know, in particular his ties to JT, which I can’t wait to find out in the next books. What I do know is that he’s a charitable, good man, who loves his sister and is super smart with a low tolerance for his partner’s waywardness.

Beck and Sella’s relationship started as a lust and lies, but with time and lots of molten hot sexiness, they’re building it into a genuine connection of affection and possible love and I enjoyed being part of their journey. Trust should be the natural successor, but therein lies the crux of their problem which makes me want crave to read their story. How will a man that doesn’t tolerate lies get over the biggest deception of all?
“I’ve no doubt that something in her past keeps a part of her locked up tight from me….”

Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to mention that even though the concept of the dating site seems to me a bit sordid, I loved the imagination behind it. Paring rich older men with young women in need of money, a mutually beneficial relationship which felt like a fresh and original packaging to this very entertaining read.

Sugar Daddy is book #1 in the Sugar Bowl series by Sawyer Bennett. It is a suspenseful, scorching read, bordering between contemporary romance and erotica. Told from both point of view that ends with a shocking cliffhanger that left me in book hangover for days. Sela and Beck’s story will continue throughout the next two books in the trilogy: Sugar Rush and Sugar Free.

* I was given an ARC of this book courtesy of the author via NetGalley. The excerpts are from that copy. *

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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews885 followers
February 14, 2016
I might have freaked out over the reveal of this cover. I might have stalked NG for this to be added for requests. I might not have read the blurb going into this. And I might have screamed in frustration when I read the final page.

I love Sawyer Bennett’s books. I don’t have to know anything about them before I one-click. I know that whatever story she is going to tell me is worth it and that I’m going to end up devouring it. Sugar Daddy was no different.

Sela is out for revenge when the first missing puzzle piece of her brutal attack falls into place ten years later. She knows one thing. She will do whatever it takes to infiltrate the Sugar Bowl and get to Jonathan Townsend.

Before we go further, let’s just explain a bit of what the Sugar Bowl is. Think you typical dating site but with nothing but filthy rich men and women looking for a little added signing bonus.

Sela gets her foot in the door at a mixer but is quickly shot down, but not before she catches the eye of Beckett, co-founder of The Sugar Bowl. A man that has anything he wants within arm’s reach – but suddenly finds himself captivated by the naughty, but innocent Sela.

Both of these two leave their comfort zone to explore their attraction while one plots to get revenge and the other wonders just what secrets the other is hiding.

Complete cliffhanger ending. Utter devastation. I was minding my own business just reading and wondering how in the hell was she going to tie up everything with so few pages left and then I started getting worried. I started wondering if this was a series/trilogy and that I’d have to have patience and other annoying things I don’t want to have. And then it happened. TO. BE. CONTINUED. Gah! I was so sure that this was going to be a typical stand-alone-series, serves me right for not reading the warning. But, even had I read that, it would not have stopped me from reading this a soon as I could get my hands on it. Even with the long wait I have until I can see what is to come of Sela & Beck and her plans for revenge.... It was worth it.

This was a much different story than what we typically get with Sawyer Bennett. Sela’s past is so tragic, and although we do get a glimpse into her experience, I did appreciate that it was not detailed fully. I have a feeling we might get the full effect of this later on in the series, when it would make sense to delve deeper into the details – but it set up the reasons why Sela was so detached and it made you instantly get in her corner, even knowing that it could affect her relationship with Beck.

And boy, that Beck. Loved him so hard. Well until that one moment. But I think he’s going to make up for that big time. He better. Like, groveling for days, kind of make up for it. He was pretty much the perfect guy. He was rich and successful but remained down to earth and knew what was important. I loved that he wasn’t a cliché of getting swept up in the glitz of his lifestyle.

SB did am amazing job portraying Jonathan. Nothing about him was likable. Nothing about him seemed like he could be mistaken for someone else. He was slimy and you just got the creep vibe from him at first sight.

I know many of the SB loyals will one-click and just suffer through the cliffy and wait – it is worth it. Believe me, I’ll hate it – but I would not have had the strength to wait. For those looking to pick up their first SB book, and like their romances a bit more edgy – this is a great place to start. Her other books are utterly fantastic, so you can’t really go wrong with anything this woman writes.

April 29, 2016
4.5 Smutastic Stars!

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Wow! I've only read one book by Sawyer Bennett and it was years ago. After reading Sugar Daddy, I'm going to change that PRONTO. I had no idea she wrote such freaking hot romance. Couple that with this having kind of a dirty talker and dual point of views, I simply devoured this book!

Sugar Daddy is the first in a trilogy so this book cannot be read as a standalone. And yes, it has a mutha of a cliffy. I detest cliffies but in no way do I regret picking this up. Sugar Daddy is based on the love story between the tech mastermind and co-owner of The Sugar Bowl, an online dating site linking wealthy, older sugar daddies with impressionable, financially-needy young women. Sela Halstead joins the service with vengeance first on her mind but once she sets eyes on Beckett North, she's torn between her attraction for him and her need for vengeance against his business partner, Jonathon Townsend.

Beck is the quiet partner in the company. He doesn't date and chooses instead to have one night hook-ups. But when that one night hook-up between he and Sela finds him, for once in his life, wanting more, he offers her a contract to be her Sugar Daddy. True, he's only 28 but it's a win-win as she needs the money to pay for college and he needs more time with this goddess in the sack. But it's more than that for Beck. And he needs to research why she's so different for him...

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Sugar Daddy was sexy and suspenseful. Sela is hell bent on making JT pay for what he did to her at the age of 16 but her feelings for Beck are starting to blur those lines. I can honestly say every time she started to search for clues on JT, thus lying to Beck, I got a little mad at her but I reeled myself in... Sela deserves to seek revenge in whatever way she can but I'm sorry to see the letter of the law couldn't help her 10 years ago.

Sugar Daddy will keep you on the edge of your seat, keep you all hot and bothered by this near-perfect, albeit too trusting to his partner, hero. July can't come soon enough for the second installment, Sugar Rush.

Advanced copy received by author in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Jen .
804 reviews603 followers
May 25, 2016
4 Sugar Daddy Stars




At the age of sixteen, Sela Halstead experienced something no woman should ever have to live through. The attack stole her innocence and, for years, the will to keep going. 10 years later and a master’s degree in her sights, Sela’s a little numb to the life going on around her but moving forward nonetheless. When fate intervenes, a television interview and an all too familiar tattoo leads to the identity of one of her attackers, and Sela’s plan for revenge starts to take shape.

Beck North, co-owner of The Sugar Bowl dating site and app, isn't looking for a relationship. Gambling on the fact that wealthy older men, or sugar daddies, will pay good money to a dating site promising the company of beautiful younger women, or sugar babies, has made Beck and his douche of a partner, JT very rich men.  Even though Beck finds himself surrounded by gorgeous women on a regular basis, he has a hard and fast rule about mixing business with pleasure. When he meets the beautiful and intelligent Sela, he finds himself tossing that rule out the window and committing to a sugar daddy arrangement.

I normally steer clear of anything with the word "cliffhanger" in the description.

Please! I'm not strong enough to turn away from a Sawyer Bennett book, even a dreaded cliffy, and in this case I'm glad I made an exception.

The first installment of The Sugar Bowl sucked me in from the moment I started reading. Though I didn't necessarily find myself liking Sela as a person, I understood why she decided to take the path she did. Her overwhelming need for revenge gave an edge to this story I'm not used to from this author and I loved it!

The second I finished this installment, I immediately started the countdown to the next book. Damn, that ending! I need book #2 right f***ing now!

Yes, I still dread the cliffy endings but I have to admit this book is totally worth the pain of waiting to find out what the hell's going to happen next. Here's hoping the wait for Sugar Rush is short and sweet.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Kim Bailey.
Author 6 books610 followers
May 24, 2016
I'm seriously impressed.

Not at all what I would have expected from Sawyer Bennett – her books are generally good, but this one kind of knocked my socks off & the subject matter is much darker than her norm. I was not expecting such a thrill ride. But I sure am glad I got it!

Of course, there are elements to this story that keep in line with Ms. Bennett’s signature style. The hero is dreadfully swoon-worthy (right up until that cliffhanger ending). The leading lady is damaged and, yet she has managed to maintain a semblance of strength, coming out of a bad situation and using it to give her purpose. There’s lots of steamy, sexy goodness to fill the pages as well.

Overall, I think this is my favorite Sawyer Bennett book to date. Even with that cliffhanger ending.
I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for Sugar Rush.

*ARC received from the publisher via Netgalley.*
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