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The Fall Up #1

The Fall Up

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I wanted to jump.
He made me fall.

As a celebrity, I lived in the public eye, but somewhere along the way, I’d lost myself in the spotlight.

Until he found me.

Sam Rivers was a gorgeous, tattooed stranger who saved my life with nothing more than a simple conversation.

But we were both standing on that bridge for a reason the night we met. The secrets of our pasts brought us together—and then tore us apart.

Could we find a reason to hold on as life constantly pulled us down?

Or maybe there’s only one direction to go when two people fall in love at rock bottom—up.

247 pages, Paperback

First published October 26, 2015

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About the author

Aly Martinez

55 books7,830 followers
Originally from Savannah, Georgia, USA Today bestselling author Aly Martinez now lives in South Carolina with her four young children.

Never one to take herself too seriously, she enjoys cheap wine, charcuterie boards, and her mildly neurotic golden retriever. It should be known, however, that she hates pizza and ice cream, almost as much as writing her bio in the third person.

She passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a super-sized tumbler of wine by her side.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,136 reviews34.8k followers
October 19, 2015
5 'Beer & Chicken' stars!

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I haven’t read a ton of Aly Martinez books, but I feel like I need to read more. Every one I’ve read has been a winner for me. Her writing style is beautiful and the emotion mixed with the humor makes this it my favorite kind of read. The Fall Up is an unconventional love story between the most unlikely pair, Sam and Levee. They meet by chance, but it feels like more than that. It feels like it was meant to be.

Sam is on the bridge, smoking a cigarette and thinking. It’s where he likes to go to… reflect. He’s got his own reasons for being there. His life is not how he imagined it would be, not how he wants it. He’s fine, but he’s sick of being just fine.

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Then he sees her. A mysterious girl and he’s intrigued, but also terrified. This girl, she comes back night after night and he’s afraid that she’s there for totally different reasons. That she’s there to jump. Sam makes sure he talks to her, gives her his number. Knows that there is someone there for her if she needs a person to talk to. He doesn’t know who she is, he doesn’t know her story, he’s just that kind of guy.
I slide my hand down the rail to cover hers. It was a simple gesture, but it was easily the greatest decision I’d ever made. That one touch destroyed a wall. I wasn't even sure whose wall it had been to begin with- her’s or mine. But I would have spent my entire life tearing it down if I could have only predicted what was on the other side.

The mystery woman in disguise is none other than the pop princess, celebrity Levee Williams. Levee is constantly in the spotlight. It’s too much at times, and with her need to help everyone all the time, it’s even harder. She needs a break- a time out in life, she thinks. But in all reality, she’s not sure what she needs. Until she meets Sam. She realizes fairly quickly that he is someone she needs.

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“I need-”
“Me. You need me.”

I only knew because I needed her.

I’m just going to say- the world needs more men like Sam Rivers. He is a special kind of hero. On the outside, he is the guy who has tons of tattoos and can’t quit smoking, but his heart is so big. You can’t help but to love him. I loved so much how he was always there for Levee. They both were fantastic characters. Levee is damaged. She has issues. Sam isn’t there to fix her, no, Sam is there to help her fix her self. Isn’t that so much better?

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Not only were Sam and Levee great, but HENRY! Henry was fantastic. I have high hopes that Aly will give us a Henry book. He gave this story some definite comic relief and I loved him for it!

I thought this story had an original plot- one that hasn’t been done and overdone. I loved that Levee’s issues weren’t what I thought they were in the beginning. Give me a story that’s well written, with characters I love, a book that makes me cry and feel, but also makes me laugh and you have a 5 star favorite. This book is going on my favorites list for sure! Highly recommend by me!
In that moment, the perpetual free fall was no match for the way he made me feel. I was still falling at unstoppable speeds- only, in his arms, as his body claimed me without a single word spoken, I was suddenly falling… up.

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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
October 28, 2015

WOW!!! I loved everything about this book!!! From the moment I started reading, I was hooked. It had the perfect balance of a gorgeous romance, heart-melting swoon, sexy hotness, hilarious banter, and incredibly deep emotions, that all came together in a unique love story loaded with feels!! I couldn’t put it down, can’t stop thinking about it, and highly recommend it to every romance reader!! This is easily one of my favorite books of 2015!!

I wanted to jump. He made me fall... As a celebrity, I lived in the public eye, but somewhere along the way, I’d lost myself in the spotlight. Until he found me.

Sam Rivers was a gorgeous, tattooed stranger who saved my life with nothing more than a simple conversation.

But we were both standing on that bridge for a reason the night we met. The secrets of our pasts brought us together—and then tore us apart.

Could we find a reason to hold on as life constantly pulled us down? Or maybe there’s only one direction to go when two people fall in love at rock bottom—up.

This is one of those books that grabbed my attention right from the very first page. I was immediately drawn into the story and captivated by these characters who each had their own secret, but painful, reasons that brought them to the bridge each night… teetering on that knife’s edge between life and death. I instantly wanted to know more about them and what had brought them there, and I loved the way their connection bound them together even before either of them knew who the other person really was.

At first, their concern for each other was more just one human being reaching out a hand to help another, but the more they got to know each other, the deeper that connection grew. And given where they’d met — on the edge of a bridge, on the very edge of life — suddenly they both had so much more to lose.

Given her fame and how badly she could be hurt if the real reason she was on that bridge were to ever be made public, she was naturally wary about allowing him, a total stranger, into her life but luckily, he was the kind of guy who didn’t care at all about her fame. He just wanted to make sure she was okay, safe, happy, protected. He cared about her — the real girl inside, not the pop princess the world idolized. And OMG, his line to get her to go home with him literally made me squee right out loud!!!!!! I loved how he was the kind of guy who bypassed ALL the bullshit most people would get stuck in and got straight to the point. I absolutely adore it when characters are direct and don’t hide their feeling. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!

Palming each side of her face, I dropped my forehead to hers. “I’m going to make things awkward. It’s kinda what I do. Just bear with me.”

She licked her lips, and I was forced to kiss her again. When I finally came back up for air, I continued.

“My name is Samuel Nathan Rivers. I’m twenty-seven. Aquarius. No criminal history. I have a clean bill of health. I’m a democrat, but for God’s sake, do not tell my mom. I own a furniture shop and clear six figures a year. I’m not interested in your money. I’ll show you my tax return if need be. I’m also not a super-fan interested in your fame. But, for the love of all that’s holy, I need you to come home with me.”


And that whole point above really leads into the element which I ultimately loved most about this book as whole, which was that there was NO unreasonable drama at all. Yes, each of the characters respectively made their own mistakes (nobody is perfect, after all) but one way or another, they’d always find a logical way to work through their issues and ground each other… and I FREAKING LOVED THAT!!!!

While this book does certainly deal with some very serious themes, in true Aly Martinez style, it is also perfectly balanced out by incredibly sexy steam and downright hilarious laugh-out-loud banter. I read a lot of books in general and I’ve read several of hers (this is my 6th) and I have to say that she does one of the best jobs as an author of maintaining that delicate balance between emotions, humor, and hotness.

More than once, I choked on my tea because some random line from either the banter between Sam and Levee, or her gay best friend (and fellow pop star) Henry caught me off guard and literally made me LOL.

Henry groaned, finally dragging his eyes off Sam. “This is so not fair. Why would you flaunt this fine specimen of a straight man in front of my and not even let me nibble. Do you not love me at all?” He pouts.

“No one is nibbling anything,” Sam quickly added.

Henry winked. “Yet.”

Sam stepped away and dug into his pocket. ���Jesus, I need a cigarette.”

And for those of you who love steamy romance, I can almost guarantee that Sam Rivers will have you fanning yourself in no time. This man was rugged, sexy, tattooed and pierced in all the right places (*waggles eyebrows*)… not to mention that he was incredibly protective and had a heart of gold.

My breath caught in my chest. God, he was gorgeous.

I cupped his strong jaw. “There must be a million women throwing themselves at you. How are you not married with a boatload of kids by now?”

His smile spread impossibly wide. “I hadn’t met you yet.”

Pure swoon material, I’m telling you!!!

Going back for a minute to the more serious subject of suicide which is a theme surrounding the way Sam and Levee met. I first want to reassure you that no one dies in this book — it’s a Romance and as such has a suitably gorgeous ending that filled my heart to the very brim with happy feels. But I also wanted to say that the whole subject of suicide in general is approached with incredible respect and care. It is dealt with very openly as both the characters’ lives have been affected by it, but the direction in which that storyline was taken was one that I had a lot of respect for. Kudos to the author for presenting it so well.

I’ve had a few readers ask how much Levee’s fame played into the book so I wanted to reassure you that while her fame did naturally affect their lives in some ways, it was not the central focus of the book, nor was there any annoying drama regarding it. In fact, I was actually extraordinarily pleased by how much Sam and Levee defied the ‘norm’ in the way they handled this aspect of their relationship. They didn’t let anything stupid come between them and I absolutely LOVED them for it!! In the end this is a story about a boy who saves a girl who ends up saving him. In their own ways, they saved each other.

I kissed her hair and whispered, “There isn’t a woman in the world who doesn’t have demons of some sort… it’s always going to be a struggle.” I kissed her hair again, letting it linger as if my lips were able to transfer the truth of my words. “Levee, I’d like to struggle with you.”

… She laughed then leaned her head back to my shoulder. “Sam, you have no idea what you’re getting into.”

“No one ever does. It’s the beauty of taking risks.”

Aly Martinez’ books always have that absolutely perfect blend of sexy romance, deep emotions, light hearted fun, and unique storylines. They are the very best kind of love story! Oh and also, this is easily one of my favorite covers of 2015 and I promise you that the story inside is every bit as beautiful as the cover.

I highly recommend it!!

Rating: 4.5 — 5 stars!
Standalone Adult Romance.


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Profile Image for Mysza.
478 reviews400 followers
November 12, 2015

I adored this book! It will steal your hearts and leave you happy. I had a goofy smile throughout reading it, Sam & Levee and every other character in this book will swoon you. One of top 2015 readings!
”There isn't a woman in the world who doesn't have demons of some sort. No matter who I end up with, it's always going to be a struggle. Levee, I'd like to struggle with you.”

It was raining... they met on the bridge.... Levee in her designer shoes... and Sam, tattooed hot stuff with a cigarette in his mouth... she wanted to fall... never expected that he will make the fall go up. That's all you will get from me about a plot. Read it!

Main couple was incredible, they both had shadows but together they fought them so well. Their banter was exquisite, I loved all the snarky jokes and was always waiting for more. Chemistry between them was off the charts and together they were oh so sexy... scorching even... steamy... arousing...HAWT!
”That bitch! I’m gonna put a hit out on her!”
„Okay, hold on there, Tony Soprano. No one’s putting a hit on anyone. Let it go.”
„I can’t let that go!”
„Okay, then don’t. But can you open your legs so I can eat your pussy while you mentally defend my honor? ”

Levee was such a sweetheart, a little lost maybe but so cute and refreshing. I won't even go there with Sam. Because now I want my own personal Sam Rivers and I blame Aly Martinez for that. How can I not? Except being physically gorgeous, he was a dream come true on the inside. And I dare you not to fall in love with Sam. Impossible.

The book was emotional and dealt with some serious issues but was never dark or gloomy, on the contrary, it was funny, sweet and gave me fuzzy feelings along with butterflies in my stomach.

Beside the main couple, every other character in this book was fabulous: Sam's mom "Did you just text someone a crotch shot?" , Levee's best friend Henry "Go ahead, hot man. Smoke your cigarette. And, before you ask, yes, I'm perfectly okay with you envisioning it's me you're putting in your mouth." , Sam's best friend Ryan and his sister Meg "Dumbass, I'm not sure how you know Levee Williams, but get your ass up here. She almost burst into tears when she saw the guitar." All the people made me smile so big.

If I were to describe this book with one word, it would be PLEASURE. That's what it was, you know like cold drink on a sunny hot day or mulled wine on a cold winter day or watching The Hangover for the first time or getting a hug and a kiss from your kiddo just because or spending half a Sunday in bed reading a book... yeah... that kind of feeling.

The book is a standalone, written in dual POV. One of my favourites in 2015! Highly recommended!

ARC received from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,483 reviews5,321 followers
November 14, 2021
5 "And falling..." STARS


Aly Martinez delivered a standalone story that I can guarantee readers will read from cover to cover and still want more. She drew me in with the plot and the hero and heroine’s incredibly written banter.

On the edge of a San Francisco bridge, pop princess, Levee Williams, contemplates her life and a tattooed smoking hottie, Sam Rivers tries to talk her down. Two souls on a bridge night after night, one lost in the pain of his past and the other overwhelmed by loss and a Spiderman complex.

”I get it. You don’t know me, but in some ways, that makes me the perfect person to talk to. So, please, I’m begging you. Tell me what’s going on with you. Just give me your story. I’m not here to judge.”

Sam and Levee… are simply amazing together. Eventually, Levee reveals her identity and starts to fall for Sam. And friends so did I… hard!

”My name is Samuel Nathan Rivers. I’m twenty-seven. Aquarius. No criminal history. I have a clean bill of health. I’m a democrat, but for God’s sake, do not tell my mom. I own a furniture shop and clear six figures a year. I’ll show you my tax return if need be. I’m also not a super-fan interested in your fame. But, for the love all that’s holy, I need you, Designer Shoes, to come home with me.”

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Levee’s issues were very original and interesting. One of her issues that I honestly could see myself struggling with is when is enough enough when giving your time to sick fans.

Sam and Levee’s banter was on point and even though the story had many sad undertones the humor stayed strong throughout.

”Do you want this on or off while I’m licking your pussy?” She froze and as I’d hoped, her laughter fell silent. As a victorious smile spread across my mouth, she abruptly sat up and started trying to reach her zipper on the back of her dress. “Off. And, for future reference, you should have led with that instead of the ‘hot in here’ bullshit.”


I have read all of Aly Martinez’s books and didn’t realize she was THIS funny. Sam Rivers must bring it out in her!

”What single guy keeps a house this neat? I gasped. “Oh, my God, you’re married?”

“Shh! You’ll wake up my wife,” he replied, touching his lips to my temple. “Don’t worry. She’s okay with you being here. You were on the top of my celebrity exception list.”


The fall up for both Sam and Levee was truly a beautiful ride!

”In that moment, the perpetual free-fall was no match for the way he made me feel. I was still falling at unstoppable speeds – only, in his arms, as his body claimed me without a single word spoken, I was suddenly falling …up.”

The story has a great cast of secondary characters that were all just as well written. I would LOVE a book for Henry…hoping Aly hears his voice so much she has no choice but to give him a book. Overall, Sam and Levee’s fall-up was so very well done and lands this book on my top reads of 2015 list!

”I feel in love with you when I was at rock bottom. But I’ll never be able to look back on those dark days with anything but a smile. I wanted to jump, Sam, but I never once expected the fall to go up.”


*ARC provided by Aly Martinez in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,144 reviews13.2k followers
October 22, 2015
5 Stars

My career was soaring while, personally, I was plummeting. Every single day felt like a terrifying free fall in no particular direction. I was stuck in the middle with no way up- or down.

It's not secret that I love all things Aly Martinez. The woman can do no wrong in my eyes. Between her emotional stories, captivating multi-dimensional characters, and incredible romances, I will never get enough of her books. But this one? This wonderful, beautiful, unforgettable book? She simply outdid herself with this one. It's not often where I'll read about a hero that's neither a manwhore or an asshole, and fall completely head over heels in love. But that's precisely what happened here. Sam Rivers may very well be one of my favorite heroes this year.

The Fall Up is wonderfully swoony romance about two broken souls that find each other at the worst and best times of their lives and help each other heal. It was as emotional as it was romantic and I couldn't bear to put it down for even a second. There was no crazy drama. No overwhelming angst. No unnecessary twists. Just a beautiful romance about healing, forgiveness, and an imperfectly perfect love. It was interspersed with just the right amount of humor to make it one of my favorite books from this year.
Have you considered that maybe I'm the one who's in over her head here?"
"Excellent point. I'm going to need you to try really hard to keep it together, Levee. You haven't even seen my six-pack and huge cock, yet."
"You brought beer and chicken?"

Levee Williams is a famous pop star that seemingly has it all. Yet every night she's been finding herself on top of the Golden Gate Bridge...contemplating. Buried by grief from her past and trying to live with it has been systematically sending her deeper down into a dark spiral that she ultimately doesn't see a way out from.

But then on one of the darker days of her life, she meets a man that changes everything for her; Sam Rivers. Sam is a sexy, tattooed stranger with some dark secrets of his own. But in his dark times he manages to bring Levee on her fall down...back up. Together they were absolute perfection.

The man also happens to have piercings in the most delicious of places. But that's neither here nor there.

Between the secondary characters, the swoony and sexy romance, and the captivating writing, I fell completely in love with this story. Both Sam and Levee have issues of their own but I loved the way that they dealt with them. There's no silly misunderstandings. I can't say enough about this couple and the way that the author wrote them. It was perfect. Just. Perfect. One of my favorite things about The Fall Up was one of the secondary characters, Henry. The banter between him and Levee never failed to put a goofy grin on my face. I couldn't get enough of him.
This is so not fair. Why would you flaunt this fine specimen of a straight man in front of me and not even let me nibble. Do you not love me at all?" He pouted.
"No one is nibbling anything," Sam quickly added.
Henry winked. "Yet."
"Jesus, I need a cigarette."
"Oh, me too. Let's go outside," Henry agreed...
"Don't you dare! First of all, you don't smoke. Second of all, Sam is completely off-limits to you."
"You're so selfish," he whined...."Maybe if you quit your bitching, we could watch him walk away together. His ass is insane."

And the best news is that Aly will be giving Henry the book that he so rightfully deserves. As charismatic as he was as a secondary character, I can't wait to see what he'll have to offer in his own book.

If you've read any of this author's books, then you already know how fantastic she is. But if you haven't? This is the perfect standalone to start with.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.1k followers
October 26, 2015
*****FOUR STARS*****
{ARC Generously Provided by Author in Exchange For An Honest Review}

In that moment, the perpetual free fall was no match for the way he made me feel.
I was still falling at unstoppable speeds--only, in his arms, as his body claimed me without a single word spoken, I was suddenly falling...up.

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This is a story of two people who come from very different worlds but who couldn't be more perfect for each other. Despite their differences, they have quite a few things in common, some are heart breaking.

Levee Williams is a very famous Pop Star who should be on top of the world, but she is haunted by traumatic experiences from her past, and she's running herself ragged trying make things right. For almost a week, she finds herself ending up on the ledge of a bridge. Supposedly she is there just to do some deep soul searching, but she ends up with so much more.

Sam Rivers, is also haunted by a trouble past, and he too has been going to the same bridge every night that week. It started off to be a personal reason for him, but as soon as he sees this beautiful woman, he becomes intrigued and ends up going every night just to make sure she doesn't take a leap. When he finally makes contact with Levee, they both feel an instant attraction. Soon they will find themselves going to that bridge for a completely different reason than what they had started with.

Once that first kiss is experienced between these two, they can't seem to think of anything else but each other. We will not have to wait too long for the shmexy times to ensue and I had to cool myself off because boy do I ever love a dirty talker and Sam was very skilled in the art of the filthy talk!! Oh and he has quite an impressive and pierced penis!! LUCKY LEVEE!!!!

These two met under circumstances that were based upon their painful pasts and it will bring challenges their way. Levee's celebrity status also poses potential complications for their new relationship. These two will fall deeply in love but will they be strong enough to overcome all the obstacles?

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I've never read a book by Aly Martinez, but after having finished this one, I can see why so many people love her books. I can't wait to read some of her other works.

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Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,706 followers
October 20, 2016

"I'd like to struggle with you."

➦This is a very sweet story about two people who meet on the bridge for two entirely different reasons. A story about a celebrity super star and a regular down to earth kind of guy. A story of falling in love and healing.

"I hardly know you, but I want to keep you."

❤This book was just my cup of tea. I loved the main characters, how they got to know each other while meeting on that bridge. Levee exposed her real self that she was hiding under her celebrity façade. Despite the issues of depression and mental illness being a prominent theme in this book, it was a fun and entertaining read full of banter.

❤The secondary characters were intriguing and I'm jumping into book number two feet first. :)

➦Recommended to those who enjoy contemporary romance novels about celebrities, unlikely love stories, books full of dialogue and funny banter.

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Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,000 reviews1,250 followers
August 22, 2017
Oh My Goodness. 5 stars isn't enough for this amazing book!!! :)

Well, let's see why I loved it so much. :-D

Sam Rivers
* Funny
* Sexy as Hell
* Handsome
* Smart
* Cute
* Kind
* Thoughtful
* Soooo good with his mouth and hands
* Piercing
* Tattoos. A lot of tattoos. :-)

As you can see, it's impossible to resist this guy. Especially with his piercing and tattoos. He got me with that stuff. :-D

Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 39 books1,216 followers
December 14, 2015
5 "Designer Shoes" STARS

“It was raining? Isn’t that the way all great love stories start?”

Absolutely AWESOME! I adored this one. This was my first Aly Martinez book - I have some of her other books on my TBR and I so can't wait to read them now!

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“She wasn’t the princess. And I wasn’t the pauper. She was just a sad girl who liked to write songs. And I was nothing more than a simple guy who was lucky enough to have made her fall in love with him.”

This was one of those stories that consumed me. It's a love story but unlike most.

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It's about two people so unlikely to fall in love as their worlds could not be more different yet, it's together they find their peace, their happiness or as Sam would say it, their "great".

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It's deals with some real and heavy issues like suicide, depression and mental illness and in the worst case, how those left behind have to deal with the guilt and hopelessness of it all.

“I was already grappling to find the light in the whole struggle known as life…”

Levee and Sam had this amazingly funny banter that just covered so many layers of communication and also demonstrated how easily these two meshed. And I have to say, Sam made me weak in the knees.

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Their relationship wasn't easy...

“He was the bandage – and now, the wound.”

but it certainly was realistic, beautiful, so heartwarming and hot.

“I’ve never in my life wanted to lose myself inside a woman more than I do with you. In my driveway. In my bed. In my car in the middle of a hospital parking lot. Anywhere, Levee.” He draped my arm around his neck then dropped his forehead to mine. “I’ve also never wanted to make something work with a woman more than I do with you.”

“…Kiss me the way he did.
Touch me the way he did.
Save me the way he did.”

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a great romance!

***An advance reading copy was generously provided by author in exchange for an honest review.***

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Profile Image for Sleepless Readmore.
163 reviews306 followers
September 3, 2016
Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.
4.5 #BeerAndChicken STARS

Sam and Livee

My life was fine. My job was fine.
My house was fine. My love life was fine.
My friends were fine. God, I was sick of fucking fine,
I needed something-anything-to be great.

"You haven't even seen my six-pack and huge cock, yet."
"You brought beer and chicken?"


I'm gonna put a hit out on her!
Okay, hold on there, Tony Soprano.
No one's putting a hit on anyone. I paused.
Just to be clear, you don't have those kind of connections, right?
No, but I have money! I'm sure I can buy some connections,
she answered in all seriousness.

But I had to fall yeah
To rise above it all..►♫

So I've been exposed to a few of Aly Martinez novels and after reading that description I was excited to get my hands on it. I recently watched a movie that reminded me of this story which was neat because I could visualize it. Aly Martinez did an impeccable job with the writing which made you REALLY connect with the characters. There was quite serious issues involved for both the characters however Aly Martinez handles them appropriately. Livee seems to have it all .. she is a famous pop star who is constantly in the public eye. She wanted to share her passion of music although with the singing comes a lot of baggage. Livee contemplates the life she is currently living over top of a bridge. Enter Sam Rivers. Sam Rivers is honestly #BoyfriendGoals. He's a compassionate hunk of a man who wants NEEDS something that makes his life anything other than FINE. Livee is the woman to fit the bill and then it's a roller coaster from there. There is constant downs however constant ups as well. I rather enjoyed the secondary characters such as Henry for the comic relief. Livee and Sam's banter was quite comical as well! It was an emotional journey and I would recommend it as is the perfect length and speed.

I'm grateful for the wrong ones
Made me appreciate the right ones..►♫

Are you crazy? I'm not going inside my stalker's house alone.
He cocked his head to the side.
Should you ever really go in your stalker's house at all?


I arched an eyebrow, incredulous.
Who the fuck are you? Christian Grey?
He curled his lip in disgust.
Who the fuck are you? A post menopausal woman?
Why do you know anything about Christian Grey?

I have crabs!
I didn't want to tell you, but since we had sex,
it's only a matter of time before those critters get you too.
Fuck, I've missed you.

The Fall Up Aly Martinez
The Fall Up (The Fall Up, #1) by Aly Martinez
Profile Image for Flo.
286 reviews590 followers
October 26, 2015
5 **beer and chicken** STARS

“Take me home and let me struggle with you.”

That was one delightful read and it sure lived up to the gorgeous cover and the hype. The Fall Up was my second book by Aly Martinez and also my favourite so far. A beautiful love story, hilarious banter and oh so heartwarming. Really a well rounded feel good read with an important message.

“Once upon a time...I fell in love with Spiderman. #TrueStory”

It took Sam Rivers three nights watching the girl with the blonde wig, the huge sunglasses and the designer shoes, before his concern took over and he finally had to approach and save her from herself. What he doesn't know is that the mystery girl with the apparent death wish is called Levee Williams and she also happens to be the biggest pop star around and she comes with a truckload of complications.

Sam and Levee are from very different worlds. He is a very ordinary guy who makes furniture out of anything and everything, he has a body full of tattoos and a dog, but that’s it for the most part. Levee on the other hand is a highly successful singer and songwriter who works too much and has lost the ability to shut the world out for a minute and who spends most of her free time visiting sick children in hospitals.

And yet, both their lives have lead them to a bridge in the middle of the night and a lot will change because of it. Sam falls for the girl even before he knows who she is, or better yet because he doesn't know who she is and Levee needs a lifeline in the form of a sexy tattooed smoker.

I'm absolutely in love with Sam. I actually think I need to start a new shelf for him - swoon worthy nice guys, maybe. Normally my book boyfriends run under the category alpha and there very rarely is occasion to label them anything else. But dear Sam couldn't be further away from the domineering assholes that usually grace my reading shelf. He is kind, caring and has a saviour complex. His only follies are his excessive smoking habit and his need to save everyone around him. He is damn near perfect and so gosh darn hilarious I couldn't stop smiling. He is the character who grounds this story and makes it an exceptional tale.

In some regards Levee is the polar opposite. She is a bit reckless, impulsive and self-destructive, but not necessarily in a negative way. All of those traits are not unlike in Sam’s case pointed towards others. She cares more about strangers well being than her own and has a hard time putting herself first. She needs help!

I loved how Ms. Martinez managed to wove this beautiful love story around real issues. The first one rather obviously - suicide. Along the line mental illness, anxiety and depression are discussed and dealt with in full. So yes, you not only get swoon worthy heroes but also substance and something to think about. Bottom line - READ THE BOOK!

I absolutely adored this read. Sam and Levee make such a wonderful couple with a hot and fast love story. The banter between them is witty, razor sharp and absolutely hilarious. The writing is effortless and the story has a nice flow to it. Especially the ending pulled all the strings nicely together and made this a well rounded and perfectly paced book that was over way too fast if you ask me. I laughed, I cried. What more could a girl want?

The Fall Up is a standalone new adult book, written in dual POV.

**ARC very kindly provided for BlogTour in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Brandi.
652 reviews1,470 followers
November 9, 2015

4.5 Stars

I've had a rough week, but I seriously have the most wonderful book friends!
Especially, the lovely Jennifer! Thanks for the gift!
Love you <33
Her review had me sold! <3
Jennifer Kyle's Review
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,624 reviews1,033 followers
October 20, 2015
”It was raining.
Isn’t that the way all great love stories start? And also usually end?” Awe, it does seem like some of the great love scenes happen in the rain. Levee and Sam’s story starts on a raining night on a bridge. Both of them are there for different reasons. Sam’s there to ponder life when he see’s Levee and wonders if she’s there to jump.

’My career was soaring while, personally, I was plummeting.’
Levee has everything a little kids dream of -> being rich and famous. But behind the glamour lives a girl who feels a missing connection with the world. Her nightly visits to the bridge create concern for Sam who at the time is just a stranger on that bridge. He reaches out to her to let her know she’s not alone if she’s struggling.

’I was sick of fucking fine. I needed something - anything - to be great.’
Sam has his own demons that haunt him. Under the exterior of his tattoos and cigarettes is a man who searching for “something.”


”Levee, I’d like to struggle with you.”
By nature Sam is a caretaker. He holds other’s needs in high regard. He carries their burden on his shoulders. Those nights on the bridge prove what a good guy Sam is because once he lays eyes on Levee, without knowing who she is, he reaches out to her to make sure she's cared for.

’It’s just hard when your woman has Gibson [guitar] taste and a thrift store man.’
The relationship between the two of them started before either one knew who the other one was and once it got going it was with pure intentions these two fell for each other. It didn't matter that he wasn’t rich and she was because they liked the stripped down versions of each other. Money wasn't going to be a factor in their relationship.

Ms. Martinez fans will love this story. The banter in the book will have you smiling and Sam will make you swoon. Plus there are other characters in the book to love such as her friend, Henry.

RELEASE DATE: October 26, 2015
Pre-order | order: not available yet


**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**

descriptive text here
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
559 reviews1,567 followers
October 26, 2015

"Could we find a reason to hold on as life constantly pulled us down?"


To say I was ecstatic to read this book would be a gross understatement. You only have to go as far as looking at the front cover of this book to get excited about this novel and as far as this author's reputation takes her, let's just say I was more than ready to make some room in my diary to get wrapped up in the latest by Aly Martinez. Well written and full of creative spirit 'The fall up' is more of a journey than just a normal experience of reading a romance novel and although I didn't feel 100% sold on this story I did however have myself an enjoyable time spent with two interesting characters, who will probably stay in my reading memory for some time to come.

What's it all about?
Two unlikely soul mates meet on a bridge under trying circumstances. After an undeniable pull towards each other begins to develop that neither of them can explain, they embark on a romantic journey of healing, love and acceptance. Follow this delightfully original love story of a pauper and his princess and all that happens on their way to finding each other. Readers be prepared for bumps, tears, fears of the past and laughter along the way as Sam and Levee navigate their way to a happy ending.


What did I love?
Nobody can fault this author's creative imagination. Her stories are full of heart and feeling and this most recent release is once again testament to her obvious passion for writing. This book most certainly can not be reviewed without mentioning this books shining star, Sam Rivers if all author's had hero creativity as marvellous as Aly Martinez then I doubt I'd get nothing more done in life than sticking my nose in a book. This hero was what romance novels were made for; sweet, handsome, witty and tattooed. He won my heart and I'm convinced it would take the stoniest of hearts not to be affected by his character on some level. All in all this was a fantastically written romance with a quirky, original plot that had me smiling from ear to ear. Aly Martinez is an author that I need to read more of and I'm excited with what's to come in the future from this talented author.

Why not five?
As captivating and well written as this book was sadly it didn't appeal to my personal tastes. The concept of this book from its title, to the plot device and content is incredibly thought out and intelligently woven together. Without a shadow of a doubt this author has a tremendous amount of talent and if anything I was a little in awe at the standard of story telling. But sadly it all fell a little flat in the first half of the book, I struggled to really connect with the story line and when I did I discovered that it left me with a heap of doom and gloom feelings. Sadly for me the humour and light hearted moments came a little to late in the story to scrape my light hearted romance addict self off the floor. Of course this is not the reaction that every reader will discover in fact I've seen enough five star ratings of this novel in order for fans of this author to go ahead and discount my less than raving thoughts.


Final thoughts ...
I found myself having an inner debate on what to rate this book. On the one hand you have an author who has some serious writing talent and an obvious passion for creating unique, soul searching stories. But combined with my need to 'feel' the emotion that I am reading about missing from my time spent I found myself questioning how much star love I would give to this book. Ultimately this author has a timeless talent and I'm sure with future releases Aly Martinez will be once again knocking my socks off and as for readers who have yet to experience this author, don't wait any longer. Enjoy ... Kisses.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Eliza.
661 reviews847 followers
October 26, 2015

Title: The Fall Up
Series: Standalone
Author: Aly Martinez
Release date: 26th October, 2015
Cliffhanger: No

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It’s a wonder why Levee Williams, one of the most successful and recognizable singers of her generation should be on a bridge in the dead of night in a disguise contemplating the unthinkable.

Sam Rivers comes to the bridge to think, it’s his place of solace when the pain the of past gets too much. On this night however, he encounters a woman with clear intentions, his instincts kick in and he strikes up a conversation with her as means of distraction.

Terrified that she should try again, Sam takes it upon himself to night after night be her knight in tarnished armour. An unlikely love story unfolds, in which we see the beauty in their sorrow bloom and their kinship in their losses flower. Sam and Levee to me were a seamless fit and their relationship one without ego.

It has to be mentioned that Sam has to be one the standout male characters i’ve ever read, although not without his own flaws, his main priority is and had always been Levee and her wellbeing. He is her rock throughout all her struggles and she really is lucky to have him.

The story is an emotionally gripping one, with the fantastic addition of levity and steam. I’m absolutely thrilled the series will continue with Henry, the BFF to Levee. Apart from Sam and Levee he stole the show in this one and I can only imagine what he’ll be like as the lead.

The Fall Up is not only my favourite book by Aly Martinez but also one of my favourite books of the year.

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Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,671 reviews2,303 followers
June 2, 2016
Has life ever gotten to be too much? Like you can't breathe and you would do anything to be able to escape the feeling? That's how Levee Williams felt the night she walked up to that bridge, close to the edge, and just breathed. Just one easy breathe is all she needed, a way to get away from the people that want so much of her soul.

Sam Rivers is on the bridge smoking his cigarette and thinking. He was fine...just fine. But he's tired of just being fine, he wants more from his life. And as he's standing there, that's when he see's her. The girl that will make his life the more that he's been longing for. She's also the girl that he needs to save, even if it's just with a simple conversation. But when she walks away from him, he know's he isn't done saving her and he'll go back to the bridge each night if that's what it takes to get her to stop showing up.

What can I say about Sam? He's tattooed, soulful, is good with his hands (and I don't just mean with crafts, ladies), and he's more damaged than he wants to think. Very plainly put, I loved him and didn't want the book to end because I never wanted him to leave me. He was my favorite part of the story, which is saying a lot since I pretty much loved most of it.

I really liked how Aly Martinez created these characters and how we didn't just get an overload of information about them in the beginning. Instead, we had to dig deep into what made them tick to actually understand them. It made it seem like I was on this life journey with them, discovering things about them that sometimes they didn't even realize about themselves.

Levee's stardom is what made me wait so long to read this book since I'm not too keen on heroines that are famous, but she wasn't the typical Hollywood brat at all. Even being in the media's focus, she never became what they expected of her, and I really liked that. I felt for her so much, watching her struggle through life just because she chose to do something with her talent and it made everyone want something from her. Her character definitely spoke to me and I felt very connected to her throughout the whole book.

Oh, and the side characters! Gah, Henry was great in this book and I'm really glad I read his story. I actually read The Spiral Down before this one, but even as a secondary character his outrageous personality wasn't hidden at all. But at the same time he didn't take over the focus of any scene that he was in. In my opinion, it takes a good author to be able to do a mix of secondary characters and main characters in a scene, and Aly Martinez definitely has that special ability to do so.

Overall, I'm not mad at myself for not reading this sooner, because I just don't think I would have appreciated it as much if I wasn't in the mood for a bit of an emotional story. But I also know that no matter what mood I was in when I read this, I would have liked the characters just as much, and that's why this is a book highly recommended by me.
Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews688 followers
October 21, 2015
★★★★ 3.78910 Stars ★★★★

When Aly Martinez said she was going to write a standalone contemporary romance I must admit, I didn't really take much notice of the blurb, I just trusted her to write a fabulous book and so I went in blind and I am happy to say that I am glad I trusted my instincts because The Fall Up was a highly enjoyable and satisfying read.

Levee Williams is a hugely famous pop princess with a very successful career under her belt for such a young age. She has it all, but for some reason she is drawn to a San Francisco bridge where she finds herself evaluating her life.

"I had it all, and I dreamed about losing it all-more often than I would ever admit, even to myself.".

Sam Rivers is also a regular visitor to the bridge, and this super sexy, tatted up chain smoker has been watching this woman from a distance for a few weeks now. A very mysterious woman who hides behind a wig and sunglasses, Sam wonders what it is that pains her enough to be contemplating jumping off the bridge. He sees her pain that matches his, and decides to strike up a conversation with her, if only to try and help. In his life he feels like he has failed those he's loved, so he feels compelled to do the right thing.

Sounds a bit depressing so far, but let me just say, this book was a far cry from melancholic, it was by a mile, one of the FUNNIEST books I have read this year! Sam Rivers wins the award for being one of the most hilarious hero I have probably ever read. Ever.

The banter between Sam and Levee was perfect, and although she is suffering from allsorts of stress, anxiety and exhaustion, she was a pleasure to read. the characters in this book were a joy, and did I mention funny?

After meeting on the bridge, they form an instant bond, and their relationship escalates very quickly, but Levee's problems need to be addressed and so they are forced to face things head on before they can move forward. Things will get especially completed once the press find out that America's princess has found love with a non celebrity who makes a living upcycling old junk.

I truly loved reading this story, and every time I read another Aly book, I fall a little bit more in love with her. A brilliantly talented author who knows exactly how to keep you turning the pages.

A solid FOUR star read, with a 0.21 taken off for the speed at which their relationship escalated, I personally would have loved a little bit more time and tension in order to produce a few more butterflies, but overall it was a big thumbs up from me.

The Fall Up is a Standalone Contemporary Romance, told from dual POV.

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,064 followers
October 30, 2015
*Available now! Amazon US * Amazon UK *

Levee Williams and Sam Rivers are from different worlds, one is a megastar and the other is a humble self employed carpenter. The heroine's fragile persona is on the verge of shattering and as her story and feelings emerge the reader discovers how and why she has the power to shatter our leading man.

The supporting characters, in the form of the protagonist's best friends, offer a further level of interest to the story. I love the depiction of their easy friendships and through their separate interactions, the best friends allowed the hero and heroine's personalities to shine through the prose.

I warmed to the protagonists and the story considerably early on in the narrative and the fragile histories of the hero and heroine captured my reading heart. Their first meeting is unusual and engaging and I was excited to follow the navigation of their relationship whilst dealing with the deep and tragic histories that have shaped their lives and their actions, ultimately leading them both to the top of a bridge and each other.

The Fall Up is beautifully written, there's really not a fault I can pick with the character's motivation, vulnerabilities and the way it unfolds. Three stars is an ok rating, it means I enjoyed it but at times maybe it wasn’t as dynamic and engaging for me as I would have preferred. The bodyguard element was a little obvious and I would have liked the emotion of the story to drive the tension and angst further, I needed to feel more in my heart at certain moments and for my personal tastes their instant need for each other was a little too much too soon. For me, the deep emotions needed more substance in terms of time. But it seems I’m firmly in the minority on my thoughts as this book is being adored by many and is certainly sweet, lovely and heartfelt making it a favourite with many readers. So if romance is your first love, you may want to dive into this story.

Chapter One

Advanced copy received for my honest review thoughts
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,530 followers
February 28, 2021
When she wanted to jump, he made her fall... but fall UP!

"She wasn’t the princess.
And I wasn’t the pauper.
She was just a sad girl who liked to write songs.
And I was nothing more than a simple guy who was lucky enough to have made her fall in love with him."

"Once upon a time…I fell in love with Spiderman." #TrueStory

Levee Williams is a celebrity, a pop princess, who is constantly living in the public eye. She thinks about others all the time, she is a perfectionist, trying to help people, do charity work etc, which leaves no time for her own life, her own priorities. Somewhere along this tiring routine of her life, she feels lost...
Until SAM finds her...

Sam Rivers is a super attractive tattooed hot guy who has his own business but he is no celebrity. He has his own issues. He lost people who were dear to his heart but he still struggles to be well and happy. His life is fine, but he needs more than “fine”, he needs something “great”...

Sam and Levee meet on a BRIDGE one night.
Levee goes to the same bridge in disguise every night for a number of days and she spends some time there looking at the water and the view. Sam watches her suspicious behavior and for fear of her being suicidal, he approaches her, trying to talk her out of it.

He doesn’t recognize her because of the wig and the glasses she wears. The more they talk, the closer they feel. A strange attraction grows between them.

Levee came to that bridge maybe for suicidal reasons on the first night but later, she comes with the hope of seeing him. This beautiful stranger who tries to teach her how to live her life seems to be what she needs just at that time. And by helping her, Sam finds “the great” - “the high” his life was lacking for a while.

“Shhh,” I urged between kisses. She grumbled in frustration, “I need—”
I cut her off. Using her wrist, I guided her hand down to my denim-covered cock. “Me. You need me .” I only knew because I needed her .
And, as her face softened, the truth tumbled from her mouth. “I really do.”


“He wasn’t a magical fix. I knew that the free fall was still waiting for me at the end of the night. But I didn’t feel like I was plummeting when I was with him...
I was still falling at unstoppable speeds—only, in his arms, as his body claimed me without a single word spoken, I was suddenly falling…up.”


“I kissed her hair and whispered, “There isn’t a woman in the world who doesn’t have demons of some sort. No matter who I end up with, it’s always going to be a struggle.” I kissed her hair again, letting it linger as if my lips were able to transfer the truth of my words. “Levee, I’d like to struggle with you.”

She tipped her head back to look into my eyes and mumbled, “I’m going to need you to sign a release.”
“I need you to sign a copyright release, because I’m using every single bit of that speech in a song. Jesus, Sam. ‘I’d like to struggle with you.’ I’m so freaking jealous that I didn’t write that.”


"God, he was gorgeous. I cupped his strong jaw. “There must be a million women throwing themselves at you. How are you not married with a boatload of kids by now?”
His smile spread impossibly wide. “I hadn’t met you yet.” He shrugged before taking my mouth in a reverent kiss."

Here is Levee’s best friend Henry’s first encounter with gorgeous Sam. (Henry happens to be gay, who is into straight men)

“Hey, so, I’m Sam. You must be Henry.” He extended a hand forward. I laughed when Henry looked down at his hand then bent to the side, licking his lips as he openly checked out Sam’s package.
I looked up at Sam and very matter-of-factly said, “I told you he was going to try to woo you.”
“This is wooing?”
“You would be surprised how many men have fallen victim to him with far less.”
Devon shook his head as Henry continued to stare in awe, pacing a tight circle around us.
“Is he going to say something?” Sam whispered. “Unfortunately, yes. And when he does, you’ll wish for the weird silence again.”
Suddenly, Henry stilled and peeled his shirt over his head, announcing, “Threesome!”

Henry whining again:
“This is so not fair. Why would you flaunt this fine specimen of a straight man in front of me and not even let me nibble. Do you not love me at all?”


Well, let me tell you this. In order for me to love a romance book, there has to be the following in it:

1. A convincing, heart-felt love story that is beautifully written... so well-written that I can feel what they feel...
2. Lovable characters who do not act annoyingly, who do not constantly misunderstand each other, or hide things from one another etc.
3. Lovable side characters that contribute to the story
4. No stupid unbearable and annoying angst/drama that is put in the book for the sake of creating a plot twist
5. Humour (Fun)/Romance(Emotions)/Hot scenes should be well-balanced. Strong focus on one, and ignoring the others disappoint me.

Having said that all, I loved FALL UP, because it fit all my criteria.

1. The love story in it was beautiful. The feelings were conveyed to the reader successfully. I felt every emotion at the bottom of my heart.
2. The characters were amazing... so lovable.
3. Sam is perfect. Such a swoon-worthy hero... And Levee is so cute, so adorable. Such an endearing heroine despite all her issues. And, side characters, especially Henry... oh my God, he cracked me up. I couldn’t love him more.
4. There was no stupid or annoying drama/no unnecessary angst or whatsoever...
5. It was fun... great fun. I laughed out loud so many times. It was emotional. I felt their love, really really felt it. It was heart-warming. It was hot... And the hot scenes were good.

For most of the time while reading this book, there was this huge smile on my face. Sure, there were moments of sadness, but overall, it was a story of hope, survival and happiness. It was inspiring...

Soooo, it sure deserves 5 points for me :)

Sam & Levee 4-eva

Profile Image for warhawke.
1,408 reviews2,129 followers
November 18, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone Book 1 of The Fall Up series
POV: First Person - Dual

Levee Williams was a burnt out, highly successful and popular pop star. Every night in a disguise, she walked up a bridge, contemplating the direction of her life, until one day a handsome stranger tethered her to the ground.

Sam Rivers was a complete opposite from her. The creative, charming and funny tatted man had his own inner demon to fight. He was determined to save her even knowing the huge risk he’s taking for himself.

I have each one of Aly Martinez’s book in my TBR since her debut and finally got the chance to read it. All I have to say is, I regretted not starting earlier. This book will definitely not be my last.

“I’m not perfect, and I’d like to pretend you aren’t, either.”

Sam Rivers made me a grinning, crying fool and I loved every moment of it. He was an incredibly swoony hero. Laid back and creative – my kind of man. He’s also very funny and has a pierced cock. I would be a heartless idiot if I don’t love that man.

What I love about Levee is the fact that even though she’s an “unattainable” character she had a real word problem. Her struggles were real and relatable.

“This is so not fair. Why would you flaunt this fine specimen of a straight man in front of me and not even let me nibble. Do you not love me at all?”

The book had a lot of amazingly amusing secondary characters. One of my favorite was definitely Henry Alexander, Levee’s fellow celebrity and best friend. Both Levee and Sam had great support systems that cared for them in their own different ways.

I love the overall storyline but the reason behind Levee’s struggle seemed too mundane to me. I was expecting something more dramatic. And speaking of drama, I’m always all for it but there was one part in the book that I didn’t like. There was one scene with a particular character was too cliché. I understand it was needed for the unraveling of the next part of the story, I just wish it was done differently.

“From the moment I first met you, you made the world lighter.”

The Fall Up is a story about two individuals at rock bottom, soaring above for each other. Though there were moments of sadness, the book overall feel was light, heartwarming and inspiring.

Books in the series:
The Fall Up (The Fall Up, #1) by Aly Martinez The Spiral Down (The Fall Up, #2) by Aly Martinez

For more reviews/reveals/giveaways visit:

Profile Image for Dee Montoya.
942 reviews599 followers
October 24, 2015

(ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review)

This was my first Aly Martinez book ever and it was definitely love at first read!!!

The subject matter of this book is very serious yet the author managed to write it in a way that wasn't heavy or overly sad; on the contrary, she made it sweet and very inspiring. I totally fell in love with the characters and this incredible story.

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Levee Williams is an international Pop Star. She is wildly successful as a music artist and has more money and fame than she knows what to do with but she's not happy, in fact, she feels lost and completely miserable with her life.

Tired of being handled and pulled in twenty different directions, but not knowing how to fix her own life; Levee finds herself on a rainy night at the edge of a very dangerous and tall bridge. For the pass three nights she's been visiting one of San Francisco's tallest bridges, looking for a way out, an answer to fix the despair in her life.

Sam Rivers also has a habit of visiting the same bridge but for completely different reasons, yet he is just as lost as Levee. When Sam first saw her, he was able to see right through her. Even though he couldn't recognize the artist due to her funny disguise, he could see the pain that was surrounding Levee.

Sam and Levee's chemistry was explosive and these two quickly found themselves swimming in a deep sea of passion, after one desperate kiss that said more than a thousand words. Ever since that sexy night they spent together, they both knew something special and electric had been born between them.

The pain and darkness they both carried is what pulled them together but also what might break them apart.

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Sam is obsessed with being a savior to everyone around him who needs help and Levee is addicted to the fast life. She's always working, trying to please and help everyone in her life, and has completely forgotten about herself. These two characters complete each other so beautifully and together they will find more than love; support and inspiration.

I loved this book because like I said before, even though it talks about very sensitive topics, the plot is not done in a sad or dark way. The most beautiful thing about Sam and Levee's relationship was their humor.They are constantly making each other laugh and as you read, you can't help but laugh and fall in love with them.

Sam was one delicious hero. He's very sexy and full of tattoos but also had the biggest heart ever. He's so sweet and always knows the right thing to say, I can't tell you how many of his sentences I highlighted while reading this book. I loved him so much and I wish he was real!!!

I will yell from the rooftops READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!. I was so impressed with this author's writing style, I was completely lost inside this beautiful story and I will not waste any more time and will make sure I read every single one of her books.

My The Fall Up music playlist:
*When You Brake by Bear's Den
*Kiss Me By Ed Sheeran
*Killing Me Softly by Fugees
*XO by Beyoncé
*My Love Is Your Love by Whitney Houston

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Profile Image for Kim Bailey.
Author 6 books610 followers
November 26, 2015
3.5 Stars

I've put off writing this review ... I'm really not sure what to say. I liked this book. Everyone else seemed to LOVE this book. For me, it was a solid story with an interesting premise and a set of well-developed characters. Things happened that were good. Things happened that were bad.

In comparison to Ms. Martinez's On the Ropes series, in my opinion, this book was not nearly as impactful or moving. I was not blown away by the writing or the story, but I did like it.

Is it bad to be in LIKE with a book? I feel like the black sheep here. It's still a book I would recommend to angst lovers and to anyone who's enjoyed this author before.

**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**

Profile Image for Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ.
1,010 reviews911 followers
November 3, 2015
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Fall Up was a fascinating tale about 2 lost souls finding each other at inopportune times. It was sweet, hilarious and a very emotional read. It was also smoking hot and fun. A perfect mix of romance and drama. I literally fell in love with this new book by Aly Martinez.

Sam and Levee meet on a rainy night on a bridge. One is there trying to let go of his guilt while the other is on the edge of collapsing and seeks an escape. Both with a secret need for tethering to something—someone, they’re going to help each other break through and eventually heal.

I’m not going to give you a full on recap of what happened in The Fall Up, you’ll enjoy everything much more by reading it firsthand. What I can tell you on the other hand is how much emotion and enjoyment I got from reading it!

I absolutely loved both main characters.

Levee Williams is a young pop star living an extraordinary life but on the brink of depression, she carried too much guilt and grief for too long now and is in desperate need of a change. Stubborn and dedicated, she just won’t let go of what she thinks is helping her getting through and ultimately keeps going deeper and deeper.

Surprisingly for her young age she was a hoot and real pleasure to read. Despite her depressive state, she was feisty and fierce and really badass.

Sam Rivers is on the contrary a very ordinary guy. He lives a simple life making furniture and objects from repurposed material. His life is grounded and nothing like the fretting life a certain pop princess. Underneath his rugged appearance, beneath the attitude, tattoos and cigarette smoke hides a real good guy with a savior complex.

Oh how I swooned for Sam. I fell in love with the guy, and you will too. He was just perfect.

Aly Martinez delivered here not only a powerful and swooning romance between two broken and real characters but a fantastic journey towards acceptance and healing. Addressing delicate subjects such as mental illness and suicide but managing to keep things light somehow. Nothing was really brushed over, but more focused on the positive side such as romance.

She created the perfect balance between such serious subjects by including light and fun into the story. The banter between the characters was to die for, the chemistry between Sam and Levee really sparkling and with the addition of great secondary characters she truly managed to get what could have been such an heavy story, UP there.

I loved, loved the connection and chemistry between Levee and Henry—her best friend and singer too. His interventions and lines were priceless. I would LOVE a book about him. His character truly made me laugh out loud.

The Fall Up is definitely my favorite book from this author so far, as I’m truly hoping to read MORE from Miss Martinez.
I could not stress you enough about picking this one up today if you need a tantalizing romance story between 2 strangers that everything oppose, sweet romance, endearing and complex characters then don’t wait a second more and pick this one UP!

More reviews and book talk at :

Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews14.9k followers
Shelved as 'consider-later'
June 19, 2017
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FREE on Amazon US today (6/18/2017)

Stand-alone book 1.
FREE: https://www.amazon.com/Fall-Up-Aly-Ma...

I wanted to jump.
He made me fall.

As a celebrity, I lived in the public eye, but somewhere along the way, I’d lost myself in the spotlight.

Until he found me.

Sam Rivers was a gorgeous, tattooed stranger who saved my life with nothing more than a simple conversation.

But we were both standing on that bridge for a reason the night we met. The secrets of our pasts brought us together—and then tore us apart.

Could we find a reason to hold on as life constantly pulled us down?

Or maybe there’s only one direction to go when two people fall in love at rock bottom—up.

FREEBIES are often good for MORE than one day. I have gathered all my FREEBIES on a special shelf: Kindle-freebies (currently over 600 books)
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,339 followers
November 5, 2015
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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"I was still falling at unstoppable speeds- only in his arms, as his body claimed me without a single word spoken, I was suddenly falling....up"

Aly Martinez... If you wanted me to fall, then you have succeeded. I have indeed fallen. Fallen in love with your writing, stories, characters, and the raw emotions that you evoked through your words. And I will continue to fall for your books every single time. Aly's books has been somewhat an addiction for me. She never fails in delivering books that can grip you to the core, strip you naked and make you FEEL. And in her newest standalone, The Fall Up, Aly Martinez DELIVERED. She more than delivered. She held me HOSTAGE as she drowned me in one of the most heartfelt, beautiful, touching stories that I have read.


"No words were exchanged. Everything had been said as we both came on the gasp of the other's name. I'd claimed her. And, in turn, she owned me. It was almost as exhilarating as it was terrifying. Almost."

The Fall Up is truly one of those reads that you want to savor and re-read again. In this spellbinding tale, Aly perfectly weaves a romance like no other. A romance that was palpable and tangible right from the start when two strangers meet on the ledge of a bridge. An unconventional meeting of two broken people. A young woman who is lost in her guilt, pain, and loss. And a man who feels the need to help with his Spiderman complex.


"She wasn't the princess. And I wasn't the pauper. She was just a sad girl who liked to write songs. And I was nothing more than a simple guy who was lucky enough to have made her fall in love with him."


On a cold rainy night in San Francisco, Levee Williams meets a tattooed stranger, who saves her. Saves her from taking that jump. The jump to end it all. When Sam interrupts Levee from these thoughts to jump, he saves her in more ways than he knows. Whenever he sees Sam on the bridge, he continues to disrupt her and forms a special friendship with her. When Levee finally takes Sam offer to get a late night snack, she finally lets her guard down. As Sam learns of her true identity as Levee Williams, the pop star celebrity, he doesn't seem faze of her celebrity status. All he sees is Levee. Levee, the beautiful brown eye girl who stole his heart the moment he laid eyes on her. The girl who has bewitched him with her beauty, honesty, witty personality and vulnerability.

"Levee, I'll tell you anything you want to know as long as it means you're with me to keep asking."


As Sam and Levee embark on a relationship, a connection is formed. A deep raw tangible bond where there are not enough words to describe this connection they feel for another. A connection of peace, of hope, of love, and new beginnings. As they continue to fall for each other, Levee must face with the realization of the truth. The truth that she needs help. If she wants any chance to have a real relationship with Sam, Levee goes to a rehab facility to help deal with her anxiety and depression. As Levee undergoes her treatment, will it be enough to keep her off the ledge? Will she let her issues prevent her from truly living her life and the possible chance at love? Or will she find herself falling in love with Sam Rivers?

"Hell, I could probably pretend for the rest of my life if he continued to hold me the way he did. Kiss me the way he did. Touch me the way he did. Save me the way he did."


The Fall Up has to be one of my favorite books that Aly has written. Aly has once again perfectly weaved an emotional and heartfelt story-line with witty humor and of course sexy steamy scenes. This book is definitely a book that needs to be read, experienced, and savored. I loved every aspect of this book from the raw and flawed characters to the emotional heartstrings that can tug your heart. As I stated earlier in my review, Aly Martinez will hold your hearts and attention hostage. She will grip you with a love story that will leave you breathless. A story that will make you want a real life Sam Rivers to catch your fall. So if you are looking for a book where the author tackles an important issue in such a deep and profound way, you NEED to READ this book.

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Review can also be found on Four Chicks Flipping Pages: http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly...Aly Martinez
Profile Image for Cristina.
342 reviews330 followers
November 8, 2015
What can I say about a book that made me cry with a smile on my face?


It's been a while since reading a book has brought up so many emotions in me and living Levee and Sam's story with them made me feel more grateful for everyone that I have in my life.


I loved the fact that the author approaches the subject of depression and how people with it struggle to live through each day.


Well...how would you fell viewing the world like this every day?


Only in black and white...


Not being able to sleep or sleeping the day away?


All the food you taste is like sand...


All while you see no future for yourself but trying at the same time to put one foot in front of the other...


And this is only a part of the struggles a person with depression goes through so I applaud this author approach to a problem that is (unfortunately) very often minimalized or even swept under the rug.

But don't think that because the story deals with issues like suicide (don't worry...nobody dies) and depression that this is a sad and depressive novel.

On the contrary...this is a story about survival and the important role that human support plays in our lifes.


Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,215 followers
November 10, 2015
4 Falling Stars.

Levee is a famous pop princess, that despite appareling having the perfect life to the public, she feels like she’s drowning and she’s battling her own ghosts.
Sam Rivers finds himself still battling with his past and realizing his life is not where he wanted it to be.
They meet each other on the top of a bridge one time, him because he needs to clear his head, she because she wants to get rid of her ghosts for good. Something change with them when they met, because despite their problems, the public eye and the ghosts they have to fight… they will realize that some bridges are better to be crossed together.


As always, Aly Martinez delivers a well-written, engaging and refreshing romance that leave us addicted from the first page.
Romantic, sexy and emotional, this book was definitely a win for me. Quick paced, entertaining, if you’re in need of an emotional romance, with some drama but not too much, a nice main couple and some smoking hot moments, than this book is definitely for you.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: Sam was a sweetheart and very easy to like. He had a huge heart under his cold and tattooed armor and I loved how he was with Levee. Levee was a nice heroine and despite some small annoyances, very easy to like. They were a really sweet couple together and easy to connect with. I hope Henry gets his own book, he was amazing!
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Megan✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
293 reviews484 followers
June 10, 2016
*****5 Stars*****


“The perpetual free fall was no match for the way he made me feel. I was still falling at unstoppable speeds – only, in his arms, as his body claimed me without a single word spoken, I was suddenly falling…up.”

Wow, what a beautiful story written with such emotion which had me captivated from the first page. I’ve read a few of Aly Martinez books’ in the past and they have all been really enjoyable. Her writing is always enthralling and filled with emotion, romance, laugh-out-loud moments and really lovable characters. The Fall Up was no exception.

“I wanted to jump, Sam, but I never once expected the fall to go up.”

Levee Williams is a world renowned pop star who is struggling with life. There are two sides to her. The side the public sees is where she appears complete and perfect. The other side to her, arguably her real side, is her trying to cope with the day to day trials of life. Levee is no stranger to heartache, she still struggles with the death of her sister, but has been able to turn such a tragedy into something rewarding. She visits the paediatric cancer ward of a hospital to bring joy and cheer to sick children. This in itself made me fall in love with her character. For someone so pressed for time, to give so much back to people in need, was inspiring.

“I was falling fast for that man, and I could only hope I was taking him with me.”


There was nothing not to love about Sam Rivers for me. He was the perfect book boyfriend, tattooed, gorgeous and humorous. Just like Levee, Sam was no stranger to tragedy and heartbreak. I actually don’t want to give too much away to anyone who hasn’t read this because the whole development of his character had me in awe. Their regular meetings take place on the San Francisco Bridge, which in itself had me wanting to read the pages quickly to find out what has happened to make these characters reflect and believe there is no way out. But it wasn’t at all what I anticipated.

“I more than like you. I hardly know you, but I want to keep you. Just the way you are. Maybe forever.”


This was such an enjoyable read. It was filled with everything I would expect and more. It was emotional, heartfelt, inspiring, humorous and touching. I would recommend this book for anyone who enjoys romances which are not overly angsty or dramatic, but still swoon-worthy and filled with massive amounts of chemistry between the main characters. It is definitely well worth the read as I found these characters to be relatable and loved the dual point of view.

Profile Image for Amanda.
1,391 reviews327 followers
January 28, 2016
5 stars

This book is exceptionally great in everyway. I think everyone should come and meet Sam Rivers.

From the blurb, I thought is gonna be some heavy read. But even with the seriousness of the underlying message within the story, this book is filled with so much humor and laughter.

Levee and Sam are two strangers that met on the same bridge every night. It might sounds like a start to a romantic story, but the reason they both standing there in the first place is not anything to be proud of. Both of them are dealing with a tormented past that lead them to the same location every night.


Every single day felt like a terrifying free fall in no particular direction. I was stuck in the middle with no way up - or down.

Their journey to find love isn't easy with their baggage. Levee path to healing was hard work, but with Sam and Henry's support, it doesn't feel like being happy is something unattainable.

"I'm not perfect, and I'd like to pretend you aren't, either."

I simply love every characters that Aly introduced to us in this story. Sam River - the talented artist in carpentry with a wicked sense of humor despite the dark cloud hanging over him, Levee - the big time celebrity who had problem dealing with her everyday stress and guilt over her family, Henry - the gay bestie who has an obsession towards straight man, Sam's mum - her lecture on not sending any crotch photo.

But what I love most about this book is Sam in all his ridiculousness glory. I came across many type of heroes in reading from brooding and mysterious to asshole and protective alpha, but ultimately is the man that can brightens up your day and make you smile is the real deal. I don't need any angst in my read, I just need Sam Rivers. I dare you to read about his DIY photo album without turning into a pile of mush.

It was Sam Rivers' romance at its finest - completely and utterly ridiculous, but also more honest than anything in the world.

Now I'm going to grab some beer and chicken for dinner with my hubby.
October 23, 2015
Five "Beer and Chicken" Stars!

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The Fall Up
just took the prize for my favorite Aly Marinez book! And knocking a hot, stacked fighter (sorry Flint Page) off that shelf is no easy feat... but Sam Rivers takes the prize for one helluva perfect book boyfriend.

Levee Williams met Sam on top of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Two people trying to find solace, peace, however they can from their grieving and broken hearts. Sam is instantly drawn to helping Designer Shoes as it appears she's a step away from stepping off. And so their dialogue begins...two strangers lost yet finding a connection in their darkness the dark high above the city.

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Alert the press! Aly Martinez has one hell of a sense of humor, boys and girls! Holy smokes, this book forced a near-constant shit-eating grin on my face! Nothing I love more than to see two sad souls find comfort in each other through humor...smiles! I'd like to say it's all Sam, but Levee was one snarky heroine as well. Though weak in her fight against depression and exhaustion from being a pop-music star, she found happiness in all things Sam. They were the perfect balm to each others' broken hearts.

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The Fall Up delivers the perfect dose of emotional tug-at-the-heartstrings angst, humor, and sexy times. I loved how the author took a rich and famous pop star and made her real. A young woman with real feelings, real hurts, real struggles. And one simple guy who ventures up on the bridge for his own reasons, can see past her designer shoes, blonde wig, and dark sunglasses to find that person crying out in pain. All these millions of people look at Levee daily, even her close staff and friends, but nobody truly sees her until the heavily tatooed man chain-smoking on that dark bridge. So one night leads to the next, easy banter and walls start to crumble. Loved that evolution!

Secondary characters such as Sam's mom (that lacks any verbal filter) and Henry, Levee's pop-star gay BFF add that extra humor and fun camaraderie. Looking forward to Henry's book in 2016- What straight man is that sex-on-a-stick going to lasso?

The Fall Up is an all-around feel-good, yet emotional (but not TOO heavy on the angst) love story. Loved it! Bravo!

Advanced copy received by author in exchange for my honest review.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,448 reviews

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