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“A best friend is someone you can trust; they make you laugh, they hold you when you cry… they drive you to the sex shop when you’re trying to spice up your marriage.”

Becky used to be “the fun one.” But after five kids, yes five, and ten years of marriage, she is becoming everything she swore she’d never be; complacent, content and boring in the bedroom.

Determined to spice things up her marriage, she leans on the one person besides her husband she can always count on for advice; her best friend Janine.

Outgoing and always outspoken Janine has issues of her own; she is tired of living the single life. After a bitter divorce leaves her struggling to find love again, she’s no longer content coming home to an empty apartment, and living vicariously through her best friends love life.

Online dating, confused husbands, and flirting with random porn stars lead to nothing but trouble. Because nothing with these two is easy—and nothing ever goes according to plan.

Ever. At all. Not even close.


First published December 22, 2015

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M.E. Carter

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews
Profile Image for Colleen Hoover.
Author 103 books716k followers
May 24, 2016
Everyone dies.
Just not in this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,696 reviews899 followers
July 19, 2017
:: 5 Pretty Little Stars ::

A highly recommended read for fans of romantic comedies! This book will make you laugh, cry (because your laughing so hard), and feel all giddy inside. I absolutely LOVED this book and didn’t want it to end. It is so much fun and the interactions between these two best friends is spot on! We all wish we had a friendship like these two, and if you don’t, well then you need to get one! If you’re looking for a fun and light hearted read that you will instantly fall in love with than I suggest picking up this book.

This book is about two best friends, Janine and Becky, as they navigate love, marriage, and dating life. Becky is married. She has 5 beautiful rugrats and loves every minute of her life. But Becky wants to spice it up in the bedroom with her beloved husband… So she and Janine come up with some fun “tools” to make this happen. Enter porn conventions, role-playing, wall sex, and homemade videos… OMG the things this woman will do to please her husband is HILARIOUS. Take wall sex for example. It sounds easy right? Just hook your legs around his waist and BAM it happens. But not with Becky. Oh no… HAHA HILARIOUS.

Janine is the second main character of the book. She is just as funny as Becky and she loves the idea of falling in love and finding that special someone like her BFF. But Janine isn’t married so she has to go on a few dates in order to find Mr. Right. Well my friends, these dates are CRAZY. First there is a very hot and sexy man. But when he talks… all sexiness goes away. And then there is the man who looks nothing like his online picture (yes, she tries online dating) and talks about his mother the while time. HA… it’s too much! Will Janine ever find love? Will Becky finally find a balance between raising 5 children and having a hot and passionate love life with her husband? Read this and you will find out!

Overall, I absolutely LOVED this book to pieces. It’s all around a good time and I would read ANYTHING by these authors in the future. They clearly have a way with romantic comedies and making them loveable and fun. Rating this book is easy for me. It’s a hands down, 5 star read. Had I not been so busy doing other things I would have read this book cover to cover in one day. Anyway, this is a highly recommended read. Grab it!

- Romantic Comedy
- Filled with dirty humor and fun
- A must read
- Published in 2015

You can find more recommendations and reviews on my website: www.prettylittlebookreviews.com
Profile Image for Cathlin.
Author 11 books56 followers
January 3, 2016
ME Carter and Sara Ney, I applaud you both. This book was fun, sweet, and hilarious. It was so well written that I couldn't tell which author had done which part. Becky and Janine's friendship was so relatable (because we all have friends with crazy stories involved) as was their journeys into finding love and rediscovering romance in marriage. I seriously couldn't put it down- devoured the whole thing in one afternoon. The trouble they would both get themselves into was hilarious and relatable. Becky's awkward adventures in the bedroom to spice up her love life with her husband and Janine's dating disasters each had something that would appeal to any woman. I enjoyed every second of the book and then they had to throw the cherry on top with Dan.
Profile Image for Melinda.
805 reviews10 followers
March 14, 2016
FriendTrip by Sara Ney & M. E. Carter

FriendTrip is a hilarious novel by two authors who are completely new to me and let me tell you, I have every intention of devouring everything they've ever written (yes, even their Suck-it Lists!). The book is written in dual POV and the writing is absolutely seamless; there was nothing to suggest it was written by two different authors.

Becky and Janine have been friends since their freshman year where they got up to all sorts of shenanigans and fifteen years later, they really haven't stopped.

Becky is concerned about her marriage being in a sexual rut and enlists Janine's help in spicing things up with her gorgeous husband Jeremiah. Seriously, the things he put up with would have broken a lesser man! Meanwhile, Janine has turned to internet dating to find, if not The One, then at least the One For Now. Her dates had me in fits of laughter and the culmination of those warmed me to the depth of my icy-cold heart.

I'm not sure what genre this book falls under, but for me it was a beautiful (and insanely funny) celebration of friendship. I - and I daresay most of us - can easily relate to both Becky and Janine on some level and to the dynamics of their friendship, too. This book is nothing short of brilliant; I laughed, I swooned, I laughed some more. Just pure awesomeness.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves a laugh out loud book and also to anyone who has a bestie they adore. Totally looking forward to reading Wedded Bliss next!

*Reviewed by Melinda from Jo&IsaLoveBooks Blog.
Profile Image for Beth.
764 reviews137 followers
February 21, 2016
5 Depends Stars

This is definitely a Depends Recommendation for me. You will need Depends because you will laugh so hard tears will be running down your leg. Or maybe that's just me.

Becky and Janine have been friends for years. Through Becky having kids and Janine getting a divorce. And now they are both at a point in their lives where they want, no need, a change. Becky wants to spice things up in the bedroom and Janine wants to start dating again. Both are going to take confidence. But that's what they have each other for.....alcohol fueled confidence.

Their quest for something new leads them to Vegas, porn stars, sex shops, and as many misadventures as you can fit in your Kindle.

This can't be happening, and certainly not while I'm siting so close to him! I'm a mother, for heaven's sake! I shop at Target...

Janine and Becky are your best girlfriends. The ones you hope don't tag you in the posts after that girls night out. The ones your husband just shakes his head at.

Ms Carter and Ms Ney have written a fun book filled with semi-inappropriate moments and exploits you wish you were apart of. The characters are tangible with feelings and fears and insecurities and hopes. Just like you and your girlfriends.
Profile Image for Crystal.
237 reviews18 followers
September 22, 2016
I loved loved loved this book! We spend so much time looking for our soulmates in life and then trying to make our relationships work that sometimes we forget there are other relationships we need in our lives as well, friendships being one of them.

I loved reading all of Becky and Janine's shenanigans! Becky is trying to spice up her marriage, and Janine is just trying to find a man who is, well, a man! They've been friends for such a long time that there are no secrets between them anymore, their friendship is a well oiled machine. They are trying to manage their crazy busy lives, but are always there for each other. Their relationship is exactly what a friendship should be! Something goes wrong, you call the bestie! Want to get out of town, call the bestie! Need advice, call the bestie! Becky and Janine are so hilarious! They are so different, yet so completely in sync.

This is a honest, entertaining, laugh-your-butt-off kind of story! It will make you want to rekindle any lost friendships. An absolute must read!
Profile Image for Kristann Monaghan.
Author 9 books41 followers
December 27, 2015
FriendTrip is a hysterical collaboration by M.E. Carter and Sara Ney that left me reading into the wee hours of the morning! I could not put it down. Becky and Janine remind me so much of my own relationship with my best friend that I was dying of laughter. The ease in which these co-authors told this story of two friends was perfect. Loved the banter between Becky and Janine and the escapades they found themselves in as only two besties would. Loved every bit of this book and cannot wait to read the next. If you have a BFF, then you both should read this together....you will LOVE it! Fantastic novel by M.E. Carter and Sara Ney!!
Profile Image for Mrs. Booklover.
57 reviews2 followers
December 24, 2015
I FLOVED this book! I so identified with Becky. This girl kept it real, and I love her for it. I seriously kept waiting for the scene where she is leaving Costco with her kids and the receipt-checker takes forever to doodle mindless things on the back of the paper, causing a fight among the kids because there is only one receipt and five of them. Or maybe that's just what happens with me and my kids.

Janine's antics were hysterical but always came from a good place. She balanced Becky so well. I felt like I could hear her voice and I cheered so hard for her at the end of the book.

This book is the answer to any book hangover, and I will gladly recommend it to my friends!
Profile Image for Pam.
378 reviews32 followers
January 2, 2016
5+ AMAZING and AWESOME stars!!! I enjoyed this book SO much!! It had me smiling and giggling through the whole thing; I loved the banter between Janine and Becky! I want to be in their world and be BFFs with them both!!! Every character was awesome and I just loved the writing and highly recommend this!!!!
Profile Image for Jodie Hinnen.
335 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2016
Hilariously fun!
When two people are friends that long, things are bound to be crazy and fun. I love the banter between the two. It's honest and doesn't have a filter. I was laughing at the crazy scenarios and their "solutions."
One of my favorite things about this book was just that it felt real. Their friendship felt honest and natural.
Profile Image for Liz.
455 reviews26 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
September 26, 2018
DNF at chapter 14

Nothing wrong with this per se. These bffs have a great and strong friendship, but it was a little boring. One woman is married with five kids and she's trying to spice up her sex life. I wasn't personally interested in this part of the story after a couple chapters.

The other woman, Janine, is a divorcee who is outgoing, sexually confident and well off. Her awful dates got old fast. Why did she wait so long to meet the guy she actually liked talking to? And then it turns out he's the guy she's been butting heads with at work. Serendipity is not my thing in romance.

Skipped to the last chapter and Janine and Dan get engaged, but it literally ends when she says yes to his proposal. Glad I quit halfway through.
Profile Image for Allison Bean.
1,033 reviews8 followers
August 24, 2023
DNF. Once they were at the porn convention I was out 🫤
Profile Image for Hilaria Alexander.
Author 16 books211 followers
September 22, 2016
Do you need a laugh? Are you tired of coming of age books and you want to read something with heroines a bit closer to your age? Then, this is the book for you. Becky and Janine have been friends forever and they are still attached at the hip. Becky is married, with five kids, and Janine is single, navigating the horrors of online dating. Becky and her husband Jeremiah are at an impasse. A roadblock. Their sex life went down the drain ever since baby no. five join the family. So Janine suggests to her friend to start spicing up things and hilarity ensues. I don't want to add anymore, because you'll have to find out for yourself.
Profile Image for Lustful Literature.
1,822 reviews333 followers
September 17, 2016

Debbie's Review

5 Hysterically funny, you need to read this one stars!

I want to scream from the rooftops… YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!

Can I just say that I LOVED this book! This book had me hooked from page one and I seriously highlighted half of the book. The banter and one-liners are probably some of the best I have ever read. Don’t even get me started on the characters. All the characters were so well written and you can’t help falling in love with them all right away. I seriously wanted to be friends with them all. I was so sad when this book came to an end and what a book hangover I had. I need more books on these characters that is for sure. I could read about them all day. This story not only is hysterical it is so freaking realistic. I cannot express enough just how phenomenal this book was. I found myself connected to the story and all the characters right away. I don’t know which main character I loved the most. Both Janine and Becky not only were funny but the interaction and banter between the two of them was perfect. The trouble these two got themselves into was hilarious and totally relatable. The journey the authors take you on in finding love and rediscovering romance was fantastic. This book was just well written from start to finish.

“Me: I’m not wearing any underwear. I show it to Janine, who nods her approval. A few seconds later, my phone dings with an incoming message.

Jeremiah: Did you forget to do laundry or something?”

If you are a fan of romantic comedies than I highly recommend this book. It will make you laugh and probably cry from laughing so hard and have you feeling all giddy inside. I know it did that to me. I had a huge smile on my face from start to finish. This book is probably one of the best romantic comedies I have read in a long time and I read lots of them.
Profile Image for Haley Anderson.
63 reviews5 followers
December 23, 2015
Let me start off by saying I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this book!! Hands down my favorite!! <3

Janine and Becky are quite the duo!

When things in the bedroom aren't going the way you'd hope they'd go. How do you fix it?? Well you and your BFF take a little weekend FriendTrip to gain some "knowledge." And hope what you learn you can turn that into the best mind blowing sex with your husband ever!

Being divorced sucks! Well getting back into the dating pool sucks even more. But Janine eventually commits herself to try online dating. Having received a few "winks" she is feeling pretty confident. That is until she actually sees her matches in person. And she is soo not impressed. What she doesn't realize is that her true love could possibly be closer than she imagined.

While reading this book I was seriously laughing out loud. (I was on break at work and had a LOL moment, mind you even person in the break room looked at me like I was crazy. But hey if they only knew how insanely awesome this book is, then they would understand)

Even some parts I was blushing and looking around the room to see who noticed.
I really enjoyed the IMs, texts, and different POVs.
Profile Image for Kathy.
706 reviews18 followers
February 17, 2016
Sassy 5++++ stars

When I picked up this book, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Was I expecting to laugh so hard that tears would run down my cheeks? No way. Did I think I would blush as much as one of the characters?? Nope. Was I aware that I'd discover two new authors that would become favorites? Uhh... you always hope, but it doesn't always happen. This time, it definitely did.... twice.

There was definitely a love story, or two, in this book, but it was mainly about the relationship between two best friends.

If you have a close female friend, no matter what stage of your life you are in, you can connect with the antics in this story. There were so many laugh out loud moments in this book. I literally howled during certain scenes... especially during a visit to Vegas.

The story is outrageous and ridiculous, but in an oh-so-believable way. These characters were fun, vulnerable, sassy, spirited....unforgettable.

If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I totally would, in a heartbeat. I will recommend it to anyone who will listen...what are you waiting for??
Profile Image for Nadia.
337 reviews63 followers
December 24, 2015
The best kind of Friendship!

Oh Jesus, where to begin? This book was phenomenal! There were some many hilarious scenes that me laughing so hard that I cried. I can't even imagine how it must have been like researching about these, the porn searches alone would have me cracking!

I love Becky's and Janine's friendship, they balance each other out and keep the other from completely losing themselves. I love how much they support each other and how strong their bond is.

I seriously dig the message of the book about being yourself but not being safe, taking risks, trying new things and learning more about yourself. I love how both Becky and Janine could laugh about the other's embarrassments and misfortunes, that's what friends are for, of course after they finish laughing, they are right there in picking their friend up and helping them.

This was such a lovely and enjoyable read, exactly what I needed (and wanted) on Christmas eve.
Profile Image for Kristin  Reads.
682 reviews13 followers
December 30, 2015
I absolutely loved this book. There are so many great thing about this i could say about this book, but you really need to read it for yourself to experience the Awesomeness. It was funny, I mean I lol, snorted and bent over laughing. The book was fun and I could not put it down. The banter between Becky and Janine was on point, hilarious.

I loved their friendship, I loved their adventures, I just freaken love these two. I really don't want to spoil this book, but it felt so real. It felt like I was right in the middle of their adventures. It was so fun.
OH and by the way Jeremiah my be my favorite character EVER!!! He was so FUNNY. The Sexing...OMG...He was written brilliantly.

If you are looking for just a feel good, funny book this is it. I think it is the perfect book! So good #MustRead.
57 reviews
December 23, 2015
This book is exactly what I what I was looking for. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a funny book with little to no drama and great characters. This was it! I've read ME Carter and Sara Ney's books before and this was the best of both worlds! They had me laughing throughout the entire book even until I was crying at one point.

There is nothing like the bond between best friends - and the relationship between Janine and Becky was spot on. I could relate to both of them on so many levels. The experiences and conversations they have while trying to figure out their love lives were the best. I loved Jeremiah too, he was such a trooper and understood the bond between Becky and Janine so well. I'm so, so happy there will be a sequel - I can't wait for more from these characters!
Profile Image for Heather.
314 reviews7 followers
December 25, 2015
I loved this book. This book was fun and hilarious to jump into. I cannot wait for theit next adventure.
The friendship between Becky and Janie is a life long lasting one. The girls met in college and havr been friends since then. Becky is married with 5 kids and looking to spice up her bedroom time with her husband. Janie is divorced and looking for her one. These 2 always find some sort of trouble to get into whether it be on purpose or accidental. We join Becky on her adventures with her Suck-it List and Janie in her adventures with online dating. Their girls' trip definitely sounded fun but a little embarrassing. They had fun and got away from reality which I'd sometimes all you need.
270 reviews8 followers
December 25, 2015

These ladies sure do know how to make me laugh. Like laugh out loud. Randomly. So my husband thinks I'm losing my mind when I randomly say why I'm laughing.

I've loved ME Carter's prior books, but Sara Ney is new to me. This book is totally different than her previous ones, but so good! I love romantic comedy. And this story had comedy in spades. With hilarious romance thrown in.

I can't wait for February, as I have a feeling this bunch will keep me laughing! Great story!
December 24, 2015
Laugh out loud amazing read!

Totally relatable to this time in my life...married with children and a best friend dabbling in the online dating scene. So many laugh out loud moments! The dynamic between Becky and Janine was so real... hilarious adventures and heartfelt conversations throughout. Definitely recommending this book to my friends! Great job Sara and M.E.! Can't wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Jen.
115 reviews5 followers
February 4, 2016
Wow!! This book is amazing if you have a best friend (most do) you will love this book. Everyone has a Janine to their Becky and a Becky to their Janine.

Witty banter, sarcasm, great friends, laughter and over all an amazing story line. I laughed, cried from laughing so much. From chapter one I thought of my best friend who is like my sister throughout the whole book.

FriendTrip is a must read no heart break nothing serious it's just a nice fun read.
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
17.5k reviews213 followers
September 23, 2016
I received an ARC for an honest review.
This book totally amazed me as it is written by two authors who are fairly new to me, yet the storyline flowed effortlessly. This is written in a duel POV of two friends Becky and Janine, who met at freshman year, and 15 years later their friendship is still going strong. The shenanigans these two get up to are hilarious, and this is a sweet read.
Hats off to these two authors, they have done an outstanding job! I highly recommend this read to all.
Profile Image for Christine.
445 reviews
December 26, 2015
This book is hilarious. I laughed through the entire thing. I love my emotional rollercoasters but sometimes I NEED to laugh.
Becky and Janine's relationship is one that everyone should have in their life. Someone who is there for you no matter what but can also call you on your BS. So go ahead and give it a try I dare you to go on this FriendTrip and not have a good time!
Profile Image for Tami.
653 reviews13 followers
December 28, 2015
OMGosh. This books was so funny. If you have a best friend, are in your 30s, and have ever well, lived. Then you need to read this collaboration. Then call up your BFF and laugh about all the good times y'all had.
If you are looking for a light, funny read grab this book.
Profile Image for Rene.
198 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2015
I absolutely FLOVED this!!!!! So many laugh out loud moments. I loved the friendship between Janine and Becky. Great collaboration! This was a perfect book ending to the year. It was light and funny and all kinds of perfect. I can't wait to read the next book about these 2!
Profile Image for Marlea.
190 reviews
January 15, 2016
Fun, funny, real. I loved the relationship between these girls. So real. I laughed out loud. I got tears in my eyes. I appreciated the honesty and reality of this story. Life of full of stretch marks, lack of sleep, bad dates and sharing it with your BFF.
March 30, 2016
This book is so fun, easy going, hilarious and filled with so much love and friendship. Becky and Janine are amazing women and their friendship is on to envy. This book touches on the ups and downs of online dating and being married with small kids. It is a great read and I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Maria.
604 reviews19 followers
April 18, 2018
hilarious!!! totally loved it! i liked that the focus on the book is the relationship between the two friends while they help each other with their couples issues and every day life! really enjoyed it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews

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