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PS... You’re Mine

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Katie Lovely signs up her class for a project, writing letters to Marines serving overseas, but a calculation error means she has to participate along with the class.

She isn’t prepared for what happens after she gets the first letter.

Sergeant Major Mark Gunner is serving his last tour and looking forward to getting out of the Marines. When he gets a letter that captures his heart, everything suddenly changes.

Their worlds connect and letters flow, creating a love unlike any other.

But when their time is up and the letters stop, will his claim remain?

Warning: This is a super quick, sweet, and dirty read with a small Valentine twist. *whispers* Don’t worry, it’s a happily ever after!

128 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 30, 2016

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About the author

Alexa Riley

257 books15.5k followers
Alexa Riley is two sassy friends who got together and wrote some dirty books. They are both married moms of two who love football, donuts, and obsessed book heroes.

They specialize in insta-love, over-the-top, sweet, and cheesy love stories that don’t take all year to read. If you want something SAFE, short, and always with a happily ever after, then Alexa Riley is for you!

Feel free to follow us each on twitter @smut_sasshole & @SassNSmut

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5 stars
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246 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,053 reviews
Profile Image for Alexa Riley.
Author 257 books15.5k followers
January 31, 2016
She's LIVE!!

For all the girls with curves... May you love them, may you rock them, and may you find the lucky bastard that appreciates them.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,933 reviews32.9k followers
October 25, 2016
3.75 Smut Scale Stars

So I have a confession to make:

It's pretty huge, so hopefully we can still look each other in the eye after this...


Yep, that's right.


It makes me all angry cat.

Now, not to this level of angry cat:


But definitely a little more than this:


Despite the fact that "Meh" and the accompanying body language (seen below)...


...are pretty much par for the "Val Course" of life.

Don't get me wrong, I am a very happy person...I just personally adhere to the "realistic life expectations" philosophy.

And it ALL stems from Valentine's Day.

Because, whelp...

I hate red. It makes me hungry and...irritable.

I also hate receiving chocolate...because...it makes me hungry, and then irritable...after I eat the entire fucking box and now feel fat and bloated with a side of guilt and shame.

Add in that perhaps the worst memory in my ENTIRE life took place on Valentine's Day of 1994 - and so all the heart and cupids and chocolates just remind me of THAT awesome moment - I'd rather the whole made up "take-your-chick-to-a-forced-and-overcrowded-dinner" or "force-all-the-kids-to-have-a-popularity-content-masquerading-as-Valentine's-favors" just be fucking scrapped altogether.


But, sadly, since I don't actually rule the world and can't rid the Earth of Valentine's Day - and since I know other people actually enjoy this holiday (which I understand and love for them) - at least I have Alexa Riley to get me through.

This was a cute little Valentine's Day story which - thankfully - didn't focus all that much on Valentine's Day itself or the whole Valentine's Day phenomenon, but rather, on a cookie-baking virgin and her Marine Core pen pal.


Like most Alexa Riley's this was a cute and hot little read that was long on the smut...

...my only beef was that it was a little too short on the story this time.

As in this already super short book was 100% over at only 42%.


Like, when it said "epilogue" and then segued right into Snow and Mistletoe...Val be like...





But, oh well, I'll still take it any day.

Plus, if you haven't read her Christmas story, Snow & Mistletoe, here's your chance for a two-fer.

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Profile Image for Jayme.
430 reviews466 followers
February 2, 2016
I had a smile on my face all the time when I read it. So, so, wildly romantic....

Katie Lovely is a twenty-four year old virgin and English teacher in High School. She signed her class to the project Adopt-a-Marine. The task consists in exchanging of letters with the Marines on duty. She would not take part in the exchange, but when found out that one person from the list is not assigned to anyone, she decided to do it.

Almost forty year old Sergeant Major Mark Gunner is in his last year of service, but he does not have a family and to whom come back when he retires. When he gets the first letter, is surprised but delighted. They begin to write together all the time, create feelings, passion and commitment that nobody could have ever predicted.

From a shy and fettered women, thanks to letters and words from a handsome Sergeant, Katie became more confident and more and more in love. But what happens when they get together? If it will continue, if he feels the same way?

Sloppy romantic in me would not let me don't love this story. It is hot but not so dirty as you are used to with the author. But so beautiful, that I simply sigh ah and oh all the time. A little too short, the only thing I could complain about. Because it is so wonderful and romantic story that I would have wanted it longer and longer. Probably it would never be enough. Totally charming and amazing you can not miss it!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Flo.
286 reviews590 followers
February 2, 2016
Completely ridiculous. Cheesy as hell.

Bottom line...I couldn't stop smiling and I freaking adored this book.

...now why the hell did it end @43%? Are you serious? I don't want the damn bonus book, I want more of Katie and Mark!!! And yes, for my close friends here, you know exactly why I fell in love with the guy...instantly. ;P
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews25 followers
August 21, 2016
It is no secret that I’m a big fan of AR stories and I thoroughly enjoyed this one! It ticked all of my boxes. As you'd expect from this author, this is a short, sweet and so damn HOT read!
Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews475 followers
February 2, 2016

It's live!!! And I'm so happy right now, there are no words! Seriously, I don't know how many times I've checked Amazon for this baby. It was an immediate one-click, that's for sure!

“Looks like you’re stuck with me, Sergeant Major Mark Gunner,”

And, boy, did she hit the nail on its head. What started off as part of a Civics project, called Adopt-a-Marine, latter turned into a life changing event for both, Katie and Mark. Neither of them expected to start writing letters to each other but as fate would have it, that's exactly what happens. And who knew a simple letter could at the end mean so much, right? Well, for those two it was the start of a wonderful long distance friendship. Over time and with each letter they both changed for the better. Katie from the shy mouse to a sexy, funny young woman and Mark from a stern sergeant to someone who would smile a hell of a lot more.

But it feels as if the letters have taken away all of the bullshit and left us with nothing but simple truth. It feels like I’ve come alive, and for the first time in my life, I’m on the right path. The path to Katie.

As time passes and more letters come and go, both start to feel a lot more than just friendship. And despite never having seen each other in person, both know they found their missing half. When the time finally comes for them to meet, well, lets just say it was wow!


I'm so happy they found happiness and family they both deserve! All I can say is, Alexa Riley did it again!!! A wonderful read, that you should not miss out on. :)


Safety-gang: Totally safe.
Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
865 reviews1,149 followers
February 9, 2016
5 "PS..." Stars!
 photo PS Youre Mine - Alexa Riley_zpsum8tugyv.png

I saw most of my GR friends raving about this novella and I did not doubt to jump right in because Alexa Riley has become one of my favourites in terms of reading sweet and super hot short stories. Now I can express that, again, she did not dissapoint!

PS... You're Mine is a short novella, perfect for Valentine's Day, that tells the story of two lonely souls: Katie Lovely (a twenty-four year old virgin and a teacher who starts a seminar where her students have to write letters to the Marines) and Sergeant Major Mark Gunner (an almost-forty but super sexy Marine, who is ready to stop his missions and go back home, especially after writing and reciving said letters to Katie).

You? I don’t think your letter sounded like a dating site application. I actually thought it was the best thing I’ve ever received. It would make me really happy to get another one from you, Katie.

Actually, this was not what you would expect from Alexa Riley. I mean, she is known for her fantabulous smut but I can say this novella, as a whole, is not only about that. PS... You're Mine is an extremely sweet and cheesy story. And I am not complaining because I loved every freaking word! While reading this I had a smile on my face, the entire time. The letters between these two are so cute and through them you can see that Katie and Mark will have amazing chemistry!

Every letter, she asks me about the PS and why I leave it blank. I’m going to tell her, and I’m going to say all the words I’ve been holding back, saving them for when I can say them against her lips.

And OH MY GOD, the chemistry. Their first actual meeting was off-the-charts hot, that kiss, THAT KISS!!!! I want some of that, please! I love some wall action ;) And even though we don't have a lot of sexy times, the ones that we have, as always, are smokin'. Alexa Riley is the queen of short smutty stories, seriously. My only complain is that PS... You're Mine finished at the 45% of the book (there is a bonus story, Snow and Mistletoe) and I really wanted more of Mark and Katie together!

All I see—all I’ve ever seen when I’ve looked at my Katie—is my home. She’s been the one since she sent me the first letter, and she’s been mine ever since. So now when I put the postscript at the bottom of our letters, I tell her what I always wanted to say.
PS You’re mine.

So, my rating for this novella is 5 STARS because it was just so freaking sweet that I cannot rate this with anything less! If you want to read a cute, short but still hot story? PS... You're Mine is a great choice, I highly recommend it! :)

Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,045 followers
March 14, 2016
3 short sexy sweet stars
I didn’t forget the PS. Just not sure you’re ready to read it yet.


PS... you're mine is a short, sugary sweet kind of read with a little steam thrown in. Everything was just so cute and perfect, so it fit the bill to what I was expecting and looking for; but at the same time I was looking for the added layers to make into something so much more. I can't remember the last time I wrote a letter, I enjoyed their story that it is wrapped up neatly in a giant red bow.
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,410 reviews2,131 followers
January 31, 2016
Genre: Erotica
Type: Standalone Novella
POV: First Person - Dual
Absolute Penis by Giovanni Absolute Penis by Giovanni Absolute Penis by Giovanni Absolute Penis by Giovanni Absolute Penis by Giovanni
5 Golden Cocks

Katie Lovely was a teacher coordinating the Adopt A Marine program for her class. When one of her student transferred out, a marine was left without an assignment so she took it to herself to be his correspondent.

Sergeant Major Mark Gunner has been a Marine since he was a teenager. A life abroad was his normality. He never felt the connection with anyone until he got his first letter that made him craved for more.

I absolutely loved this one! It was so cute and sweet (in a non pukey way lol!) and it made my heart all fluttery.

What if we stop writing when he retires? Never hearing from him again would hurt. No, it would more than hurt. I’ve formed an intense attachment to him and losing it...

Typically, Alexa Riley’s heroines are young and innocent. Katie was of course innocent, but she wasn’t annoyingly so. She wasn’t the guidable kind.

One day I’ll tell her about how many times I jerked off after that phone call, remembering her soft sighs and thinking about her mouth. Jesus, I came so many times, it was comical.

I really like Mark too. He was much older, but he still had that air of innocence to him even though he was nothing but. It was adorable seeing his reactions to her letters.

The story itself was sweet and heartwarming, how two individual found love from across the world by just exchanging letters. Usually Alexa Riley’s story has a lot of cock teasing that make me wish the characters just go and screw each other. But this one, I actually enjoyed their non physical exchange and that saying a lot for a smutty erotica haha!

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Profile Image for Alp.
761 reviews442 followers
August 21, 2016

All I see—all I've ever seen when I've looked at my Katie—is my home. She's been the one since she sent me the first letter, and she's been mine ever since.

OMG, I freaking loved this short story!!

It was so damn sweet! Lots, and lots, and lots of cheese. The story was full of cheese and I couldn’t be happier! The more, the better!

PS… You’re Mine is pretty different from Alexa Riley’s books I’ve ever read. I can tell you this one totally took me by surprise. Just when I expected a smutty read, it turned out to be a cute and crazily sweet one instead. And of course, I really did enjoy the entire story and finished it in one sitting!

Mark had strong and special feelings for Katie since he received her first letter. He was looking forward to meeting her in person. And the moment they first met, it was utterly beautiful, my heart swelled with all emotions that erupted inside me. *Loves*

It was wonderful to see Katie come out of her shell…because of Mark. This couple is a perfect match. Moreover, I loved the correspondences between them. They were very lovely that I couldn’t stop smiling the whole way through this book.

I know this is all crazy and seems so ridiculous, but I've fallen in love with a woman I've never met. Yet she knows me better than anyone on this planet. She has seen what's truly inside my heart, and she's brought out the best parts of me.

This was such a delightful read. LOVED IT!

**PS… The title suits the story perfectly.
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,836 followers
February 8, 2016
*** 3 Stars***

Just ok.

A sweet enough story but I really should have read the blurb more closely....
The story finished at around 43% with another book sample or whatever (I'm not sure if it was a sample or another short story because I gave up )

This is a real pet hate of mine.
Let's just say thank God it was on Kindle unlimited so I could return it.
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews792 followers
February 7, 2016
First, these Alexa Riley books have become my guilty pleasure. I can’t keep up with all the release, but after seeing so many friends just absolutely love this one I decided to make some time for this quick read.

The story is so freaking sweet, we have Katie a shy, school teacher. Who meets Sargent Mark Gunner when her class does a pen pal with a Marine project. Mark and Katie hit it off quickly, yes definite insta-love. However, I expect insta-love in these books I am all about it.

"You got me everything, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving to you that I’m worthy of you."

To say the story moved quickly would be a huge understatement. The story is only about 600 LOC and I was under the impression it was more, but the story ends at 41%. I hate when books do that. Especially books I was really getting into. So I am torn I liked Mark and Katie so much that I wanted more, but it ended so quickly I couldn’t feel or imagine their connection after Mark got home.

I definitely recommend this one if you are looking for QUICK and sexy, just know it does end super early so you won’t be disappointed like I was.

Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,215 followers
February 24, 2016
4 Possessive Stars.

24 years old teacher, Katie, start a project with her students of writing to marine while they are deployed. What she didn’t expect was falling for her pen-pal Sergeant Mark. Mark is close to his forties and in his last deployment, alone in the world and with no plans for after, but he still never guesses that he would fall in love with a woman that he never met, just by exchanging letters.
But how can a love built on letters jump for real life?


Let me just start by saying: this book is completely unbelievable, cheesy and really short. But if a girl that hates valentine’s day (guilty!) liked it and smiled trough the whole time, I’m pretty sure you will as well.
There’s unreal insta-love, insta-lust, an alpha male beyond your alpha expectations and a cliché heroine, but it’s such a sweet story with really good moments and great steamy ones.
If you’re in for a sexy and short reading, you’ll love this book.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: Mark was a full-on alpha male. Possessive, intense, sexy and extremely sweet at the same time, he knew what he wanted and he went for it. I liked Katie as well, she was sweet and caring and I loved how she didn’t hesitate to go for what she wanted. Tammy, her best friend, was pretty good as well.
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Jen .
804 reviews603 followers
February 3, 2016
4 Cavity Inducing Stars

“I think it’s time you let me get a good look at what’s been protecting our country all these years.”

Gah! Normally the sheer sugary, marshmallow fluffiness of this story might have me throwing up in my mouth just a bit, but I managed to gird my loins and let the sweet story wash over me. And sweet really is the only word for this book. As with all the Alexa Riley books I've read, I've come to expect a couple of things and this was no exception:

***Virginal heroine? Check.

***Hero with testosterone to spare looking to breed his woman after approximately 5 minutes of knowing her? You betcha.

Maybe it's because my snarky bitchiness is starting to fade. Maybe it's because this story took me less than an hour to read, but the cloying sweetness acted as a pallette cleanser rather than an annoyance and I ended up enjoying PS...You're Mine.

Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,483 reviews476 followers
February 9, 2016
This was so flipping cute. Katie and Mark become pen pals after her class is assigned to his unit and she's one kid short. What begins innocently enough progresses naturally between two single people who get to know and like each other. He retires from the military and seeks out Katie. They meet irl and the sparks are off the charts :)

Enjoyed it very much. Just wish it was longer ^.~
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
July 8, 2017
3.5 Pen Pal Love Stars
* * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
Ah... Pen Pal Love...The premise of this book and how it worked out reminded me of a news article I read a few years ago... Like the character in the story, our lady was a bit naive and starts a relationship with a Marine overseas. In the book, this man is part of a troop who has allowed students and laypeople to write to them.

The letters start from the beginning to mean something to both of them... she feels safe in telling him all about herself...for he is away and the chances of them ever meeting is slim to none. She has zero dating experience and at 24, is self conscious of her V Card. She does have a very supportive friend so she at least has her to share all of the feelings she is having for this Marine.

He was the perfect person to have this stroke of luck... an orphan, the Marines have been his only family since 18. Now, 37... he will be retiring in a year and will need to figure out how to live without the Corp. These letters started as an innocent teacher's project in the States and immediately became a lifeline.

These two write over a year baring their souls and even have phone calls which give a voice to remember when they read the continuing letters. Both love each other even though they have never met in person...and the good news was this novella ended positively with all the excitement and coupling two people so crazy about each would have...after meeting for the first time.

Unfortunately, the article I referenced earlier was about a dating scam that had hit hard a couple of years ago. It targeted women listed on all of the dating sites with a profile of a burly Marine, Navy, Army man who "was a widower getting ready to retire and who had a young son his mom looked after". Women would be caught up in the romance; receiving emails and pics of him in front of vehicles, with friends and beautiful sunsets in the desert....The women would get texts and emails telling them of the lives they would have together... the homes waiting for them, etc...And just when "I Love You's" were being exchanged, the men would have some type of emergency... needing a huge sum of cash sent to them to assist with the child or stolen equipment or some other plea...If the women pulled back and asked why his mom couldn't help or refused to send the money... their love was questioned, horrible threats were made... it turned very ugly..
Many sent money...again and again....as the desire for love can blind even the most intelligent....

How this scam worked was one person would set up the women... writing letters which mostly made sense...and then when it came time for the money demand... it would be in live chat...and then the questionable language would show up... phrasing which was not how it should go...and eventually the victim would realize it was all a scam... that the man who she thought loved her... was a stolen picture of some service man...and the one she was communicating and sharing her heart with was just looking at her as a mark. Numerous website sprouted up with story after story of women who fell for the scam.

I mentioned this to illustrate how wrong this could have gone... Luckily, the sweet these two experienced was perfectly demonstrated. ...Receiving letters either on the paper or with the advent of Email...can bring such want in all of us... it is the words said... the feelings expressed...the way we humans hope and wish for affection and love...It is a driving force...

This was a sweet, happy tale and was handled just the way it needed to be. The author also gave Snow and Mistletoe to round out the publication.

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
I saw this floating around....
It's Sunday afternoon....
and maybe a time for a Quickie...

A little insta-lust/love between two people...
One, a Marine... the other, a teacher...

Let's throw in some chocolate and I will be good to go :D

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Profile Image for Daniella.
256 reviews587 followers
February 13, 2016
Daniella's Quick Guide to Enjoying This Book

Step 1: Prepare the following:
1 bottle of holy water. You're going to feel sinful as fuck during and after reading this. Better tip: Make sure you get an appointment with your neighborhood priest, because this book is hot as hell. Pun intended.

A bra. Now this is very important. Make sure you're wearing it, so that you'll have something to fling at your imaginary Mark Gunner.

1 plate of snacks. You're going to need to replenish the calories you burned when you made imaginary love with your equally imaginary Mark.

1 box of tissues. So that you can cry your eyes out when you realize that you've just made love to a fictional character, and that life can't be as fucktabulous as an Alexa Riley novel. Damn you, reality! *shakes fist*

Step 2: READ THE BOOK. Yes, you. Stop reading this review and just enjoy the book.

Step 3: Why are you still reading this review?

Step 4: Seriously. Get the book. Believe me, you're going to love it. It's super short (too short, actually), but it's sweet and amazing. And if this doesn't convince you to read it, then you, sir/madam, have no soul. (Nah, I'm just kidding... Sort of.)
Profile Image for Sybil aka Lala.
478 reviews216 followers
January 31, 2016
This book deserves a five-star rating for its cover alone but PS.. You’re Mine was also just insanely sweet and if you need a good dose of the feel-goods, you need to one-click the shit out of this.

There’s just so much I loved about this book. I loved the way the process of writing letters to each other simultaneously built a bond between the two and created some delicious tension and anticipation. I loved how a modern (and sometimes painful) theme was laid out with the charm and sweetness of the values from earlier times and the grit of some very dirty words.

The characters were just both so adorable. I really loved the idea of an ornery old army vet being filled with happiness by an innocent girl filled with goodness and in return a shy girl being broken out of her shell by the confidence given to her by a man totally entranced by her innocent charm.

From the first few tentative words shared between these two to a shy and unsure connection being built and the hot as hell fallout that came from it I was totally enamored with these two. Their story had my toes curling in enjoyment and I wish I could know these two as friends in real life just so I can squee my ass off in their presence.

There isn’t much more I can say about this book that I haven’t said a dozen times before about Alexa Riley and their writing, except give you some letter writing tips so you can snag a marine of your own.

A friendly letter (or informal letter) is a way of communicating between two people who are usually well acquainted.

There are many uses and reasons for writing a friendly letter but friendly letters will usually consist of topics on a personal level.

Usually the first paragraph of the body will consist of an introduction which will give the recipient an idea about why you’re writing to them…

… with a short summary of the main topic of your letter

The next few paragraphs will usually consist of the message you want to get across along with any details you may want to convey.

The last paragraph will usually be the conclusion where you wrap everything up.

(ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review)
Profile Image for Maria....
427 reviews162 followers
March 20, 2016
"4 descriptionstars"
This was a sweet short story for Valentine's day that is coming up!
I enjoyed this book and the whole pen-pal situation which was different and made me grin like an idiot when I read their letters...while learning about each other...and falling for each other...
The story was short,sweet and to the point...there weren't really hot scenes but that's ok...
because those letters led them to a great life and a happy family...(YAY...for them)
I like Alexa Riley's books during holidays because they are sweeter and more romantic with a little sex on the side...and not insta-love,with possessive alpha males and hot,dirty sex...not that I mind but it's a nice change here and there....
(although it would be great if it had both).

"You're beautiful everywhere,baby."
She's absolutely flawless, and goddamn, I'm a lucky bastard.



Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,939 reviews1,513 followers
February 2, 2016
A SUPER cute book, but could be read in 30 mins. So it's like a mini-novella treat for the holidays. Yes, it's Valentine's theme and I loved that it had a curvy girl. I really enjoyed the short, sweet storyline and it put a smile on my face.

There's a second book after this one, which is Christmas theme, and it was super cute as well.

Read on Kindle Unlimited
February 1, 2016
HOW the HELL did I just find out that Melissa K and Lea R are Alexa Riley!! WTF?? I feel like I've been punked!! WTF. I spoke to Alexa (one of you) months ago..like a year ago.when I first read Taking the Fall. Am I on TV? When did this get out? Melissa OMG> I'm like SHOCKED WOAH>>mind fuck commencing. Seriously?? WHAT???
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Profile Image for Aileene.
243 reviews116 followers
May 20, 2016

What's written above ↑↑↑↑

This is Aileene.

Aileene read PS...You're Mine by Alexa Riley.

Aileene doesn't like repetitions.
Aileene doesn't like the word cumming.

But Aileene liked PS..You're Mine.

Although, Aileene didn't know what to do when she saw the last page. She was confused. This was a VERY short story indeed.

Aileene turned more pages and found another short novella.

Aileene continued reading.

Aileene didn't like the Romeo kept thinking putting baby in the heroine's unprotected womb.

But surprisingly, Aileene liked the second novella too.

Aileene knows others haven't read these.

Aileene won't ruin it for them.

Aileene is smart.

Be like Aileene.

Short review mirror'ing Riley's very short novellas.

Yes, colour me shock. I loved the two novellas.

PS. If you can look past my tiny quibbles, you'll be fine reading these. However, it makes me wonder if these shortest stories were a bit longer, would I still adore them?
That answer...I would never know.

Rating these novellas 4 I'm-starting-to-see-what-others-see-in-your-books-Riley Stars



*plunges in*
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,672 reviews2,302 followers
February 8, 2016
I don't think there's been an Alexa Riley book that I haven't liked and PS...You're Mine just gives me another reason to fan girl over this author.

The story wasn't as sexy as her usual books but the sweetness made up for that. The book was short and over the top romantic, and I loved every second of it. I do wish it was a little bit longer so there could have been more smexiness, but even without it I was crushing on this book.

Profile Image for Eda**.
719 reviews439 followers
February 4, 2016

** 2,5-3 STARS **

“I fell in love with your heart and your words long before I even heard your voice.”



It was REALLY cute, but I've read better ones by Ms. Riley, for sure.

OVERALL: That cover tho... HOMG I'M IN LURRRRV! ♥
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,047 reviews356 followers
February 3, 2016
This was super sweet and crazy hot! A cute fast read to get you in the mood for more. My first time reading Alexa Riley and now I will be searching and one clicking more!!!

Cheers to curvy confident women and those hot military alpha's!!!
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
992 reviews1,152 followers
January 31, 2016
★★★★4 You're Mine Stars★★★★

This was a really sweet read and my favorite so far from Alexa Riley. This had a little more story to it and I found myself wanting it to last longer. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the sexy Sergeant Major Mark Gunner.

Katie Lovely is High School teacher. Having her class signed up for a writing project where they write letters to Marines over seas, she realizes that she has to be a part of it due to the absence of one her students. Thinking that its going to be an easy thing, she starts writing. What she didn't expect was how much she would enjoy getting to know Sergeant Gunner and looking forward to his letters.

Mark Gunner has been a Marine since he turned eighteen and now twenty years later, he's lookng forward to retiring and being laid back. Getting letters from a high school teacher to pass the time became the high light of his week and sparked a lust inside of him that was long forgotten.

What will happen when these two finally meet? Can you really love someone without ever meeting them?

This was a great quick read with a sweet epilogue that I adored. If you're a fan of Alexa Riley,then you don't want to miss out on this one.

*Arc kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
813 reviews219 followers
January 22, 2018
It's ok.

So, I going against my GR friends with this rating. They all loved it.

However to me, the story happens too fast. The letters exchange has a lot of potential but the delivery is very poor. We only get an overview of a couple of letters and those are not even good enough. It is too superficial, like a draft for a more in-depth story. With more work put on it it can be way better. It is way to rushed as it is now.

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676 reviews249 followers
January 23, 2016
I like to say this one is these two's take on Nicholas Sparks..with sex and no one dies!

I loved it. Curvy girl meets hot military man via pen pal and they fall in love without meeting.

Sweet Valentine read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,053 reviews

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