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Cordina's Royal Family #1

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Сгушена сред живописни хълмове край Средиземно море, Кордина прилича на приказно кралство. Ала някъде спотаен един предател очаква своя час. Гордата и красива принцеса Габриела е отвлечена. След като успява да избяга от похитителите си и да се спаси като по чудо, се оказва, че е получила амнезия. В тези трудни мигове до нея е изкусителният Рийв Макджий, който й помага не само да открие наново себе си, но и да изпита незабравима страст…

223 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 1986

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,772 books53.6k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 205 reviews
Profile Image for Natasa.
1,259 reviews
January 2, 2019
I can't believe the same Nora Roberts that I've been reading for years even wrote this book. Seriously did not enjoy it at all.
Profile Image for Esther .
905 reviews198 followers
May 13, 2024
Loved this.

The plot was good and great pacing.
A bit of mystery.
The interaction between the MC was wonderful and the development of their relationship was adult like and romantic.
I absolutely loved both hero and heroine.

Loved the princess theme...Love my fairytales.

On my keeper shelf for sure.
Profile Image for Belinda Vlasbaard.
3,327 reviews77 followers
August 12, 2022
4,5 stars - English Ebook

Princess Gabriella reappeared as suddenly as she had vanished. Taken against her will, she managed to escape her abductors and return home. Suffering from memory loss, she doesn’t know who kidnapped her or where she was held.

Aware the princess is still in danger, her family hires American ex-cop Reeve MacGee as a bodyguard. He possesses the perfect set of skills to shield and defend her against any threat.

But when it came to helping Gabriella recover her mind and spirit, Reeve found himself even more determined to heal her heart, and protect their growing love.

I loved this story as Brea tried to find out who she was after being kidnapped and losing her memory.

Realy liked all the characters and reading as Reece and Brea fell in love. I especially loved trying to find out what happened to her and who was responsible. Lots of twist and turns make this intresting! I was hooked right to the end of the book.

Cannot wait to continue in the series and see what happens to the rest of the family.

Definitely a book I would recommend.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,450 reviews533 followers
February 1, 2018
"Affaire Royale" is the story of Gabriella and Reeve.
When Her Serene Highness Gabriella of Cordina's Royal house escapes her kidnappers, she lands up on an abandoned road and is rescued by two by passers.
Waking up in a strange world, she realizes she does not recognize anyone- and her father Amrand appoints Reeve McGee, the ex cop, detective and now farm owner as her companion.
As Gabriella determinedly navigates through the blank canvas of her memory, she has the support of Reeve, who annoyingly points out all her faults, and still supports and protects her while slowly exploring the passion that has always existed between them!
Sweet love story with a well woven plot, fairytale like quality of world, and intriguing secondary characters. I enjoyed the slow chemistry between the leads, the mild intrigue, and the family bond between the Cordina.
Profile Image for Manisha.
136 reviews
July 8, 2014
5 royally romantic stars

Her Serene Highness Princess Gabriella Madeline Justine Bisset of Cordina or just Brie has lost her memory after being kidnapped and the only person she trusts now doesn't belong to her family, is rather a stranger, a private detective, a family friend Reeve MacGee.

Reeve is about to start a new life at his farm, leaving a long career behind being a cop and later a detective.
So he has no business getting involved in others's lives to sort it out or otherwise especially Brie's whom he had met 10 years before, on her sixteenth birthday and fallen in love with her then and there.
So when Prince Armand, Brie's father,called Reeve for help, he couldn't say no. Not just because Reeve's father and Armand were good friends once, but also because of Brie.

Two things i like the most about a novel are an intriguing start and a happily ever after ending. This had both. :D

You will fall in love with Cordina and its royal family. They are strong, loyal and love each other. Armand's determination, Bennet's charm, Alex's arrogance, Gabriella's struggles and Reeve's intelligence and patience. You will be enthralled with every one of them.

The complete story was nothing less than a fairy tale. Starting with Alex' s story now. Command Performance.... :)
Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,210 reviews327 followers
June 23, 2019
It is okay.
Amnesia. Bit of a mystery surrounding the kidnapping.
Second chance.
I think it's a bit dated.
I just didn't really connect with the couple.
Profile Image for Mac.
204 reviews7 followers
November 17, 2019
Buscaba algo sencillo de leer y cortito, y no recordaba que ya me había leído este libro hace muchos años. Fue predecible la primera vez y lo es igualmente la segunda. Cuando ya llevaba algunas páginas recordé haberlo leído como en un sueño, no dejó gran huella en mí esa primera vez ni lo dejará ahora. Lo terminé porque no me gusta dejar libros a medias.

No mejoró con el tiempo, sino que incluso empeoró algo más, por la actitud de Reeve más que nada, no lo recordaba tan autoritario y tan dado a coaccionar y presionar para cumplir su voluntad (que casualmente coincide luego con la de ella, pero se resistía a admitirlo... claro). Igualmente vuelvo a notar fallos de coherencia.

Pero hay algo que me encantó. La princesa ha perdido su memoria, no recuerda cómo es, una cosa es que la gente hable de ti "eres encantadora, amable, bella", y otra descubrirlo por ti misma. Ella tiene miedo, miedo de conocerse, de ver que es una persona horrible o egoísta. Pero, parte por intuición, parte por intentar seguir con su vida a pesar de no tener memoria, va descubriendo que ha encontrado su lugar en el mundo, y que ayuda y no está solo definida por el dinero que su familia posee. Es una trama interesante.

Dejo esto por aquí para no volver a leerlo. Me pasa últimamente con las románticas...
Profile Image for Laura Beth .
823 reviews45 followers
July 27, 2017
When reading Affaire Royale remember that it was first published 31 years ago as a Silhouette Intimate Moments (#142) in May 1986. I consider this a historical modern romance or a vintage serial romance. When I read this story, I remembered why Nora Roberts became the popular author that she is today. Her story in Affaire Royale draws the reader in and Roberts is the expert at telling a romance story. As you read the story there are some jarring aspects because of the vintage/historical nature of the book (i.e. smoking by lead characters, use/non-use of cell phones/pagers or other technology). All this aside and this is a story of a girl who meets a boy and they fall in love and they must overcome an attempt to kidnap her and the princess fairy tale background while not really believable is just realistic enough to make the story enjoyable.
Profile Image for Preethi Venugopala.
Author 31 books155 followers
July 17, 2016
It was an 'okay' read. I thought it was hurried towards the end. I could deduce who the kidnappers were long before they were revealed. Didn't understand them at all. I didn't like Gabriela or Reeve much. But off to read the story of Alexander next. Let me see how it will be.
Profile Image for  Mary.
746 reviews11 followers
November 16, 2022
Libro originariamente publicado en 1986, una serie centrada en la monarquía del Reino Cordina.

En ésta historia conocemos a la princesa Gabrielle "Brie" de Cordina, que no está pasando el mejor momento de su vida; debido a un complot político ha sido secuestrada pero logra escapar con amnesia posterior a todo el evento. Ya que se sospecha que alguien dentro del palacio esté involucrado en éste hecho, el rey, y padre, de Gabriella decide llamar a Reeve MacGee, un extranjero, hijo de su mejor amigo y persona fuera de la política para ayudar y proteger a Brie ya que él es un ex-policía e investigador.

Brie no tiene recuerdos de sus hermanos ni de su padre, pero siente la presión y la ansiedad de ellos de recuperar su memoria, por eso encuentra una oportunidad de respiro al tener a Reeve como guardaespaldas ya que, si bien se han conocido antes, son prácticamente extraños y tiene una oportunidad de volver a conocerse a si misma a medida que conoce a Reeve.

Es una historia de suspenso, intrigas políticas, un compromiso de conveniencia, una alocada dinámica familiar y un romance digno de un cuento de hadas. Es adictivo, entretenido y disfrutable completamente. No está a la altura de sus grandes historia de suspenso pero realmente disfruté conocer a ésta familia.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
346 reviews11 followers
April 10, 2018

Ador cărțiile Norei Roberts, dar de data asta nu a reușit să mă impresioneze. Sper ca următoarele 3 volume din serie să compenseze pentru prima.

Scurtă descriere:
O poveste regală, despre prințesa Gabrielle Madelaine Justine Bisset, fiica cea mare a monarhului din Cordina, care este răpită și ajunge să își pierdă memoria în urma unui accident, și fostul polițist Reeve MacGee, chemat de către tatăl acesteia pentru a-i descoperi și pedepsi pe făptași. Doar că rolul său în această poveste se va modifica, iar el va ajunge să îi țină piept frumoasei și încăpățânatei prințese în drumul lor spre adevăr.

Părerea mea:
Cartea mi s-a părut prea simplă, iar acțiunea prea lentă. De-a lungul a 243 de pagini nu s-a întâmplat nimic, am avut parte doar de monologul interior al Gabriellei, care încearcă să-și amintească trecutul, dar și să-și clarifice sentimentele față de presupusul său logodnic, și de câteva paragrafe „romatice” între cei doi protagoniști.
Ancheta pe care Reeve ar fi trebuit să o desfășoare a lipsit cu desăvârșire, el doar amintind din când în când ce informații a mai reușit să strângă. Nu au existat bănuieli, nu au existat cercetări, rolul lui inițial desființându-se treptat.
De asemenea, am aflat foarte puține despre trecutul fostului polițist, despre ce l-a făcut să se retargă din meserie sau de ce relația cu tatăl său este una încordată.
Părerea mea este că cartea de față a fost scrisă la repezeală, iar autoarea nu a reușit să-și finiseze lucrarea. Seamănă mai mult cu un caiet de schițe, decât cu un roman.

Cele 3 steluțe acordate se datorează în întregime faptului că autoarea a reușit din nou să creeeze o familie unică, de care nu ai cum să nu te simți atrasă. Mereu am cosiderat că Nora Roberts construiește cele mai bune persoanje, cele mai puternice legături între membrii unei familii sau a unei prietenii. Și aici a reușit să mă cucerească cu legăturiile trainice dintre membrii familiei Bisset, care, deși fac parte din familia regală nu înseamnă că nu au o afecțiune uriașă unii față de alții sau că nu ar face orice pentru a-și ține familia în siguranță.
76 reviews
December 15, 2023
I found this book in a box, so I decided to re-read it. I guess it was written back in 1986. It was a nice story, but having all the main male characters continually smoke cigarettes was a bit shocking. I guess back in the 80's that might have been sexy but these days it is not. Personally I was turned off by all the smoking. It also made me realize how much things have changed in the past 40 years. I love Nora Roberts and JD Robb, but I would say this book is only ok. She has come a long way and has written so many other great books.
Profile Image for Amanda Siegrist.
Author 55 books747 followers
December 20, 2020
I actually started with book 3 in this series and wanted to read the first two. I enjoyed the story, but I loved the suspense in book 3 more! I love Gabriella and her fierceness, though. And Reeve was a sexy hero.
Profile Image for Cassandra Doon.
Author 18 books44 followers
May 19, 2023

My beautiful late nan owned every single one of Nora’s books.
So when she moved in with us for her last few years we spent the time reading our way through every single one together.
Granted they are not the type of books I like to read, but they were still really good and sweet.
Profile Image for Skaistė Girtienė.
651 reviews123 followers
January 22, 2021
Lengvas skaitinys. Nieko per daug sudėtingo, bet tiko atsipalaidavimui. Įtrauk�� pakankamai, kad norėčiau skaityti kitas dalis.
Profile Image for Macarena Cassano.
295 reviews2 followers
April 10, 2021
como siempre me pasa, no puedo hacer reseñas sin poner un poco de spoiler, así que queda bajo responsabilidad tuya, querido lector, si sigues leyendo o no.

Es la primera novela de Nora Roberts que leo.
No es la que mas me gusta de la serie "familia real de Cordina".
Nos introduce en la historia de la familia real de un principado ficticio y como la protagonista tiene que recuperar la memoria luego de que la secuestren para que su padre libere a un preso, el cual resulta ser el malo de tres (por lo menos) de los cuatro libros de la serie.
Mientras ella recupera la memoria, le asignan un guardia que es estadounidense y del cual ella termina enamorándose, a fuerza de hacerle creer a todo el mundo que él es en realidad su prometido (ya que es hijo de un amigo del príncipe de Cordina).
Obviamente, el final no hace que la historia general termine ahí (solo la de los protagonistas), pero no es abierto, tampoco.
Tampoco da pistas de quien será el protagonista del siguiente libro... (eso es algo que me gustó, si)

Recordaba haber leído el libro, mas no recordaba haber hecho la reseña del mismo…
Hace dos años, la historia no me llamó mucho la atención, pero quedó grabada en mi memoria, hasta el punto de que la reseña que le hice en su momento, me parece que no le hace ningún honor.
Lo que pasa Brie cuando despierta en el hospital y descubre que no recuerda a su familia, ni quien es ella en realidad, lleva al lector a poder empatizar con el personaje.
Cómo la ve Reeve va evolucionando a medida que la historia va avanzando y el lector va descubriendo no solo los miedos de ella, sino que también las inseguridades de él.
El sentimiento que va surgiendo entre ellos es muy bonito (a pesar de que muchas veces quise meterme en el libro y cachetearlo por arrogante a él), ya que desde el inicio ambos tienen la necesidad de ser sinceros entre ellos, por la condición de ella.
La pluma de la autora es maravillosa, y te mete en la historia, dejándote atrapado hasta el final; y el toque de suspenso a lo Agatha Christie que le da a las escenas de los secuestradores, es perfecto para eso...
Súper recomendable, salvo que seas menor de (pongámosle) 13 años.
Profile Image for Cruth.
1,656 reviews143 followers
November 9, 2016
Author: Nora Roberts
First published: 1986
Length: 313 pages.
Setting: Contemporary. Fictional country of Cordina.
Sex: Infrequent. Reasonably explicit.
Hero: Former cop, now PI.
Heroine: Princess.

Supposed to be a suspense but that was a very light, almost secondary, part of a novel about rediscovering yourself. Nicely, sweetly done. Very enjoyable.

Cordina’s Royal Family:
Book 1 Affaire Royale - Princess Gabriella and Reeve MacGee
Book 2 Command Performance - Prince Alexander and Eve Hamilton
Book 3 The Playboy Prince - Prince Bennett and Lady Hannah Rothchild
Book 4 Cordina's Crown Jewel - Princess Camilla de Cordina and Delaney Caine

Author's website: http://noraroberts.com

(ISBN 9780263246438)

Profile Image for Caroline.
Author 3 books11 followers
July 23, 2016
I've been aware for some time of Ms Roberts' illustrious career at the top of the best-seller charts, and her prolific output in several genres.

I don't know why I put off reading one of her books for so long. Perhaps it was a reluctance to open and drink a fine vintage wine.

I'm also not sure why I chose this book as a starter. Maybe it wasn't the best choice, or maybe it's representative of her work.

Whatever the case, I didn't enjoy it at all.

The characters were as anonymous as the models on the cover and the narrative as predictable as a long-running TV series.

But what really put me off was not the ludicrous Princess Diaries heroine and her manly protector, but the frequency with which he lit up cigarettes. The book could have been an ad for a tobacco company. The cigarettes had nothing to do with the story, and told us nothing about the hero, except that he smoked.

Could it be that Ms Roberts is a heavy smoker herself and likes her characters to share her enjoyment?

No one in the story reacts to the constant haze of carcinogenic smog generated by the hero, but it was too much for me. Didn't finish the book; awarded a couple of stars for the part I did read.

Profile Image for Sharon Eikenberry-Deary.
732 reviews4 followers
June 5, 2017
When the princess has been kidnapped and got away. You start to wonder who did it. When you start out it would have thought it was a group of radicals with them one someone released from prison. Then it shifted to appear it was one of her brothers. Well when the American is called in he starts sensing something is up because the police are not doing their job. In all with the princess has amnesia anything could get past her so they thought. Friendships regained and gained, deceit, anger, family love and caring and new love found.
Profile Image for Sheepish Samitha.
10 reviews4 followers
March 22, 2022


When Brie, the Princess Brie, opens her eyes in her hospital bed, the first thought she has is that she doesn’t recognize her lifetime doctor, nor the hospital itself, or the Princedom in Cordina—much less herself. It turns out she has lost every inch of her memory, and every inch of the people responsible.

But because finding culprits is justice’s favorite pastime, Brie’s father enlists an American to protect his daughter of the mysterious menace that now haunts his family, despite it sounding like the worst idea politics-wise.

The man’s name: Reeve MacGee.

A man with no quells with prohibition on so many levels.


Because I keep on confessing that I am a newbie at reading, I now come with vol. 2 of this story. It starts with the fact that Affaire Royale was my first romance novel, and Nora Roberts the one author I sought to fill me in on the job.

So here it goes, what was Affaire Royale to a romance virgin?

Tune in for the tale.

C h a r a c t e r s

For people who have read my previous reviews, it might not come as a surprise to know that I am a character-driven reader. I enjoy the complexity of emotions within them, and how they all connect the dots flawlessly while moving the story forward in a way that plot-driven novels can’t do for me—amongst other indescribable things it does to my being.

Having stated that, I want to emphasize that Affaire Royale was nothing like that for me.
And no, it wasn’t mind-blowing either.

I found the characters to be lacking the very thing that makes us human: flaws. No character messed up more than the plot needed to, and there was little to no conflict between them. Unless being a bland character in a sea of very strong, and very attractive characters is a sign of passionate conflict because then there was… not much of it either.

Interactions between characters were less than interesting, and they themselves couldn’t hold a 5 inches-deep bucket to save their name. If they were meant to be a mystery, it did the job better than expected.

The positive has to be… that Brie was not a damsel in distress?

Sort of.

Verdict? NOT FOR ME

P l o t

When stories mix mystery and romance, I am the first to be engaged.

And in this book, there was no exception to the rule.

For the first few chapters, when the premise rang loud and clear, I was hooked. I hadn’t experienced a story from the perspective of a princess with amnesia, and I looked forward to seeing how things were planned to unfold, knowing that she was aware she could trust no one. The stakes were high in my mind.

Then the plot started to lag, and drag, and unfortunately, not much except romance was going on despite the interesting premise. The mystery was forgotten, and the only thing worrying Brie was a man named Reeve.

But what was I thinking? Romance has to lead the way in a romance novel, anyway. Right?

Well, I can’t tell how it is supposed to work, but my enjoyment level was barely average, and I don’t think that was meant to be the point. Perhaps romance is not for me?

The good thing: I wasn’t entirely sure of who the culprit was, so I guess the mystery is not completely obvious?

Verdict? NOT FOR ME

R o m a n c e

I am happy to say that this is the best this novel has to offer.

I can tell why many people love these types of romance novels, and why they love Nora Roberts in general. The love story was well written, from the very beginning and, almost to the very end. The tension was palpable, as was the chemistry, and the genuine connection between the protagonist couple. I did get the so-called ‘feels’ one is supposed to get in a romance novel, and for that I say: well done. Though sometimes I felt the love was developed on the faster end of the spectrum—which, to me, doesn’t quite get me going, but to some, it does.

The negative: There is nothing new to learn about romance or something new to consider in romantic interests going forward. There are even tightly defined roles of a woman and a man, and there is not much else to the relationship except passion and a few hobbies in common. Not to mention that there is some tinge of abuse going on, but I can’t tell if it's only meant to be a kink.

Is this what relationships are in real life?

If so, I get why people can’t stay with one person for too long.

Verdict? NOT FOR ME

W r i t i n g

I will continue my idea from the previous paragraph, and it has to do with how I get why people like these types of books. The writing is simple, to the point, has some punchy one-liners, and it's good enough to experience a romance of this level.

However, I found it didn’t suit my tastes much. I felt the writing had some structural issues with the plot, the characters, and the themes, which makes it feel more like fanfiction than a professional written novel. No judgment to fanfiction, because I love it, but in this case, the writing didn’t seem to be up to par with my expectations. I feel I need something extra in my books, but I won’t go hard on those who don’t.

All in all, it’s okay.

Verdict? NOT FOR ME

T h e m e s

I was prepared to lower my standards for a romance novel because the chatter one hears on the internet doesn’t help raise it, but I wasn’t prepared as to how low it would go.

I was expecting abuse, because, as most know, it is something very coveted in today’s love interests, though it shouldn’t be. So, I was surprised to find that many more things can go wrong in a novel of this type.

So, yes, I was mistaken. Things can sink much lower than expected. And I don’t think it’s something that pertains to this novel only, but to the genre overall.

There is some sort of fetish with monarchy, riches, beauty, and rationality, or strength of character, all over romantic fantasies, and none of them question the origin of it, or why we tend to idolize all of the above. I will delve into this further in my analysis here, so be sure to read it if you’re interested.

In summary, the themes are not exactly themes I’d be happy to show to my hypothetical daughter—or son— in a hypothetical future.

Verdict? NOT FOR ME

To make a long story short, this book is:

Not for me.

Final thoughts

I know I sounded harsh on the criticism for this story, and maybe for the author in general, but I don’t mean this as an attack on Roberts at all. I am aware that she has a fanbase and that she has a prolific skill that has allowed her to find her niche and the people who adore it.

I am simply not one of them.

I can’t say I was entirely bored throughout the book, nor that it wasn’t steamy as some people might desire, because it was, but it wasn’t something I would read or recommend.

If you’re looking for a deep, emotional romance, with some sort of depth to the plot or some other questioning or developing of themes, I suggest you skip this novel for good. But if you’re looking to read something light, steamy and comfortable, by all means, give this book a try.

With all due respect for the author and the genre, I won’t pick Nora’s books again. Sorry.

But I still wish her a nice life. I do!
Profile Image for Donna Gaudreau.
12 reviews
June 5, 2017
Another Masterpiece

Affaire Royale was so well written. It had just the right amount of sex and a plot with the right amount of suspense. Her attention to detail engulfs you all the more in the novel. I can't wait to read the sequel.
Profile Image for Stefani.
1,407 reviews57 followers
November 12, 2014
I knew where it was going to go but ended up liking it nonetheless.
Profile Image for Suellen Mima.
109 reviews3 followers
October 17, 2020
Resenha postada originalmente no blog.
Oi, gente!

Antes, um aviso: aqui temos cenas sensuais e recomendo para maiores de dezoito anos.

Hoje temos resenha de Romance Real, o início de uma série de quatro livros chamada de "O Reino de Cordina", com:
1. Romance Real;
2. Mercadora de Ilusões;
3. O Príncipe Playboy; e
4. Noites de Tentação.
Todos escritos pela autora estadunidense Nora Roberts.

Título original em inglês: Affaire Royale
Autora: Nora Roberts
Páginas: 287
Editora: Editora Harlequin

Neste primeiro livro da série, encontramos um principado, um pequeno país chamado Cordina e é narrado em terceira pessoa, podemos ver o ponto de vista tanto da Princesa Gabriella de Cordina, ou Brie, como ela é chamada pela família e pessoas mais próximas, quanto de Reeve MacGee, o homem encarregado de zelar pela segurança da princesa enquanto seus sequestradores estão a solta.

Brie está confusa, suas memórias foram bloqueadas devido ao seu trauma e ela sofre por isso, mas o Reino e a comunidade Internacional não podem saber que suas lembranças permanecem perdidas.

A princesa tenta se lembrar todos os dias e busca apoio no trabalho e em Reeve. E mesmo sabendo que seus familiares a amam, Brie prefere compartilhar seus medos com o agente, pois fazer isso com ele não há a pressão velada nem o risco de magoar os sentimentos do pai e dos dois irmãos mais novos, Alexander e Benett.

Já no primeiro momento, Brie se sente atraída fisicamente pelo agente e descobre que compartilham o sonho de ter o próprio lugar, um refúgio numa fazenda, seu próprio lugar dos sonhos.

Para Reeve, zelar pela princesa é o último trabalho envolvendo segurança ou investigação de um crime, seu desejo é voltar para seu país, os Estados Unidos, e cultivar sua terra, no entanto, não poderia negar um pedido do amigo de seu pai, o príncipe Armand Bisset, pai de Gabriella.

Ele então aceita e finge ser noivo da princesa para não levantar suspeitas da falta das memórias dela, seria uma questão de tempo até os culpados serem pegos e assim retornar aos Estados Unidos, mas algo maior surgirá e apenas proteger está fora de questão.

Reeve já havia sido encantado por Gabriella quando eles se viram na festa de aniversário de dezesseis anos dela, linda com joias no cabelo. Porém, o brilho e a realeza não foram capazes de fazê-lo esquecer, mesmo se passando dez anos desde então. Para ele, na época, era apenas um encanto e que não precisava ser alimentado.

Eu gostei do casal, foram fofos e sinceros em muitas cenas, não é amor instantâneo, e, sim, atração, há cenas sensuais dos dois, eles formam um belo par.

Além do romance, temos a angústia de alguém desmemoriado, a relação familiar e o sofrimento de uma possível separação. Os cenários são bem descritos e pude imaginar como eram muitos lugares, pessoas e situações.

Eles falam algumas palavras e até frases curtas em francês, mas não é de precisar correr atrás de um dicionário, dá para entender facilmente seguindo o contexto.

Como o foco é mais no casal, a descoberta de quem sequestrou fica apenas nos últimos capítulos.

Minha edição
O livro é sem orelhas e a folha é branca, comprei nas Lojas Americanas física, numa promoção que custava menos de cinco reais, creio ter feito uma boa compra, mesmo que estivesse um pouco amassado na capa.
Encontrei alguns erros de português, porém nada que realmente atrapalhasse a leitura.

Minha nota 🌟🌟🌟🌟 4/5
Como disse na resenha, eu gostei do romance, mas o final foi meio corrido e os vilões sem um motivo muito razoável.

Então, até.
Profile Image for LIBERTY.
170 reviews5 followers
February 2, 2021
Tra le scrittrici di romanzi rosa, c'è una penna piuttosto famosa, Nora Roberts, che in America ha conquistato non solo le lettrici, ma anche qualche trasposizione televisiva dei suoi romanzi.
UN AFFARE DI STATO è il primo volume dedicato alla principessa Gabriella. In questo regno, dove i nomi sembrano inglesi, ma dove si parla anche francese, la monarchia è riuscita a creare uno stato che sembra vivere apparentemente in pace, ma le vicende iniziano subito con un evento drammatico, ovvero il ritrovamento della principessa Gabriella, che era scomparsa da una settimana.
La ragazza era stata rapita, senza che la notizia si spargesse, e ritrovata sulle sponde del mare, completamente priva di memoria. Qualcosa di terribile deve essere successo perché lei cancellasse tutto quello che l'è successo, non soltanto durante il suo rapimento, ma anche la sua vita precedente.
Il padre, il principe Armand, decide di affidare la sicurezza della figlia a Reeve MacGee, un americano, un tempo parte dei servizi segreti, e figlio del suo migliore amico. Reeve accetta, ricordando un suo precedente incontro con Gabrielle, quando lei aveva solo sedici anni.
Il bisogno di proteggerla da un possibile pericolo a corte si unisce anche a un'attrazione mai completamente sopita nei suoi confronti che si riaccende e che li porterà l'uno nelle braccia dell'altra, mentre a palazzo si tessono intrighi e si cerca di scoprire chi possa esserci dietro al rapimento, ma soprattutto si cerca di salvare la ragazza dal pericolo imminente che incombe su di lei.
La storia è carina, pur senza presentare grande originalità; diventa un pretesto per poterci condurre sulle sponde di questo regno che sembra avere molto in comune con Montecarlo. Incontriamo anche futuri protagonisti, come il principe destinato al trono, il serioso Alexander, e il più spensierato Bennet, con l'introduzione sul finale di Christina ed Eve, le due sorelle americane che potrebbero tornare per conquistarsi uno spazio narrativo tutto loro.
Le vicende sono piacevoli e il libro scorrevole, ma sembra, come al solito, che manchi qualcosa di fondamentale e anche lo scioglimento dei nodi della vicenda del rapimento si svolge troppo rapidamente, togliendo sapore alla storia. Mi chiedo se questo dipenda da una carenza dell'autrice o dalla solita terribile forbice che si abbatte inesorabile su molti dei romanzi rosa, non ritenuti degni (da parte di un'editoria ipocrita) del diritto alla loro integrità.
Profile Image for Diana Mindrila.
94 reviews7 followers
December 21, 2020
O IDILĂ REGALĂ, Nora Roberts
Editura Lira
Nr pagini 256

Nu este Nora Roberts, dacă nu s-ar încurca nițel lucrurile.. 🙈🙈🤭🤭🤣❤️...

Deși în ultima vreme prefer cărțile Thriller /Polițist /Mister/Psihologic, am ales acum acest roman ușurel pt că :
1. Încă am vreo câteva zeci de romane de dragoste, scrise de autoarea mea preferată, necitite
2. Încă învăț 90%din timpul meu liber și voiam să citesc ceva ușor, în care să știu de la început că protagoniștii vor rămâne împreună" pan' la adânci bătrâneți".. "și au trăit fericiți pân' la sfârșit"...
3. Butnariu Raluca mi-a deschis apetitul de povești cu prințese 🙈

Așadar am ales această serie de 4 cărți. Citesc ff puțin pe zi și nicidecum nu zilnic... Așa că 256 de pagini le-am dat gata cam in 10 zile cred🙈🤭... deci puturoasă maaaaxim 🤣🤪...

3 stele ofer primei cărți din serie. Mi-a plăcut mult povestea. Stilul este specific Norei, cursiv, nelipsitele amănunte, pe care eu le ador, obligat câteva picături de suspans și un deznodământ surprinzător, deși am ales cartea special pt evitarea surprizelor și emoțiilor specifice cărților Crimi 🤭🙈...

Acțiunea, petrecută pe meleaguri celtice a oferit un alt plus cărții .
Este vb despre o familie regală, cu 3 copii, prima carte având-o în vizor pe Gabriella(Brie), primul născut al familiei. Aceasta este răpită și în schimbul ei se cer o răscumpărare substanțială și eliberarea unui anumit deținut. Dar planurile răpitorilor sunt date peste cap atunci când Brie reușește să evadeze. Este găsită pe marginea drumului de niște trecători și se constată că Brie și-a pierdut memoria, neștiind cine și ce este sau ce a pățit în perioada cât a fost răpită.
Ei, de aici se complică treburile, dar vă las pe voi, care sunteți interesați, să descoperiți frumusețea și linia poveștii.

Să începem cartea a 2 a din serie.. poate o termin mai repede 🙈..
632 reviews3 followers
June 16, 2023
2.75 stars. Typical older NR. Consent issues are problematic, but contemporary for the genre at the time. Brie (Gabriella) has just woken up with amnesia. She is told she is a princess and was kidnapped a couple days ago, but was found on the side of the road. Reeve McGee (I kid you not, that is the hero’s name) is the son of a diplomat who was close to the princess’ father, Prince Armand (why he isn’t king is beyond me). Reeve spent his days as a cop, private security, and maybe selective service (this part was unclear to me). Reeve is tasked with being Gabriella’s bodyguard under the guise of being her new fiancée.

They had met once before at a ball. Dude, he was 21 and kissed the 16 year old. Now, if it was the 1700s maybe I’d be able to suspend disbelief enough. But not in modern times. Reeve just had so few boundaries, but it’s okay because Brie is a headstrong independent woman that will not be steamrolled (🙄).

All in all this book didn’t hit NR’s sweet spot, but the action/suspense was a nice change of pace.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mary.
1,063 reviews19 followers
June 7, 2020
I'm sure I've read a Nora Roberts romance somewhere along the line, though I couldn't tell you which one. And then I read the "Year One" trilogy. So I thought, well why not explore her other titles?

This is one of her earlier ones, and it's cute. It's also absurd, silly and completely unrealistic. But fun. And isn't that really the point? There were a few mentions, though minimal, about the man having some dominance in the relationship but that seemed at odds with the actual characters and how their relationship played out. I'm not sure if this were written today that the author would include those few remarks. I'm never a fan of that nonsense.

Still, earlier books by an author tend not to be as good as those that follow, and the "Year One" books were very good. I'm interested to see what her other books are like.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 205 reviews

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