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Fake Fiancée

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Fake engaged to the hottest quarterback in the country? SCORE.

They say nothing compares to your first kiss,
But our first kiss was orchestrated for an audience.
Our second kiss . . . that one was REAL.
He cradled my face like he was terrified he'd f*ck it up.
He stared into my eyes until the air buzzed.
Soft and slow, full of sighs and little laughs,
He inhaled me like I was the finest Belgian chocolate,
And he'd never get another piece.
A nip of his teeth, his hand at my waist . . .
And I was lost.
I forgot he was paying me to be his fake fiancée.
I forgot we weren't REAL.
Our kiss was pure magic, and before you laugh and say those kinds of kisses don't exist,
Then you've never touched lips with Max Kent, the hottest quarterback in college history.

Three months. Two hearts. One fake engagement.

266 pages, Paperback

First published February 6, 2017

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About the author

Ilsa Madden-Mills

42 books15.9k followers
#1 Amazon Charts, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today best-selling author Ilsa Madden-Mills pens angsty new adult and contemporary romances.

A former high school English teacher and librarian, she adores all things Pride and Prejudice, and of course, Mr. Darcy is her ultimate hero.

She's addicted to frothy coffee beverages, cheesy magnets, and any book featuring unicorns and sword-wielding females. Feel free to stalk her online. ☺

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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,339 followers
February 9, 2017
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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There is no faking or pretending about it, Ilsa Madden-Mills has the magical touch when it comes to writing love stories with heat, passion and most importantly heart. With her vivid and sexy prose, Ilsa allows her readers to easily fall for her charismatic and lovable characters. And in the Fake Fiancée, this statement couldn’t be more true as readers like myself are sucked into a vortex where we are consumed with an addictive, sweet, and palpable love story as two worlds collide on and off the field.

“It wasn’t about the pretending. I could be a fake girlfriend. It was my body that was the problem. I wanted Max Kent.”

Max Kent is the star and face of Leland University. As one of the top contenders to win the Heisman Trophy, Max's presence is known on and off the field. There are no shortage of football groupies who are willing to be a notch on his goal post. So when a feisty neighbor moves in next door, Max is automatically intrigued with Sunny and her sassy and vibrant personality.


As it turns out Sunny and Max shares a class together so naturally Max offers her a ride to class. When they appeared in class walking together, automatically everyone begins to stare and wonder who Max Kent is walking with. When Max suggest that Sunny be his pretend girlfriend to keep his ex and groupies at bay, Sunny doesn’t think too much of it since Max and her have this natural friendship and connection.

“Time and time again, I was taken aback by his off-the-charts hotness. But it wasn’t his looks that tugged at my heart. Not really. It was him—his innate charm that made me want to strangle him one second and then hug him the next.”

Well as it turns out, it doesn’t take long for Sunny and Max to realize that their friendship begins to get blurred. Fake kisses and touches begins to feel real. Innocent and playful text messages are no longer in the friends category. So when Sunny and Max finally acts on their attraction, what happens when fake becomes real?

“Our kiss was pure , unadulterated magic, making me powerless in his arms. He was gut-twistingly perfect, and I wanted to drown in him . I didn’t need air. All I needed was Max Kent and his lips and tongue.”


I absolutely adore this gem of a book. Ilsa Madden-Mills will definitely have readers swooning for Max Kent in the Fake Fiancée. Mills did an amazing job showcasing that Max Kent may be the star on the football field but he also is the golden boy with a heart of gold. Behind his rugged and sexy physique, there is no faking about it that Ilsa has definitely written book boyfriend and book husband material. So if you are looking for a book that beautifully weaves humor, sass, raw emotions, and hot chemistry then you better one-click this book now. All I can say, this book was a major touchdown in terms of the New Adult genre.

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Profile Image for Adriana Locke.
Author 67 books14.5k followers
February 10, 2017
I really, really enjoyed this book!

I was craving something I could lose myself in. Something sweet and steamy, something with enough angst to keep me hooked but not so much that I wanted to fall into an epic depression. I wanted something with a drop of mystery that kept me guessing ... and Ilsa delivered on all accounts!

The author transports you onto a college campus and braids you into the lives of Max and Sunny. I've had a hard time putting it down over the last couple of days because I just wanted to be there with them.

Do yourself a favor and pick up this gem! The pages nearly turn themselves.
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,577 followers
February 8, 2017
4.5 Stars!!

Having never read a Ilsa Madden-Mills book before, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this. All I knew after reading the blurb I couldn’t not read it. Of course, the cover was the other aspect that made me give this one a try. (Don’t judge! :DD) 'Fake Fiancee' was simply delightful and I enjoyed the f@ck out of it! First and foremost, I must admit, fake relationship/marriage trope it’s not my favorite trope when I'm reading a romance, but here I found it to be so entertaining. Needless to say, I enjoyed it, Ilsa managing to pleasantly surprise me with her fantastic storytelling and endearing characters from the beginning.

“Fake fiancée? Falling in love? What is this… a Hallmark movie?”

“We could be the best damn Hallmark movie ever made, Sunny.”

Max is the head quarterback and the captain of the team at Leland University. He’s gorgeous, popular and of course every girl wants to sleep with him. For Max football is everything. He lives for football, dreaming after graduation to have a NFL career. He and his best friend moved from the dorms into a rental house not so long ago, but he still doesn’t know all of his neighbors. Max meets Sunny, his neighbor across the street, one morning, when some unpleasant events makes her knock on his door.

Sunny is an art major, has an art scholarship and works at the library. Sunny is not very fond of Max, not because she knows him, but because he’s an athlete and right now, any athlete reminds her of her douchebag ex-boyfriend who’s into sports. Needless to say, Sunny believes every super star athlete is not trustworthy. However, she can’t deny how hot Max is.

“Heat grew in his gaze, and I felt my own body responding. Melting. Get out of the fancy car, Sunny. Mr. Quarterback is dangerous.”

Max knows he should focus on football, especially since the season had just begun, but he’s too intrigued with his blonde, feisty neighbor to stay away. To spend more time with Sunny and to get rid of some groupies that annoys him, Max comes with a plan – in exchange for some money, for a couple of months, Sunny will have to pretend to be in a fake relationship with him. Everything gets deliciously "complicated" when their fake relationship becomes a fake engagement. What neither of them expects is their fake relationship/engagement to become so real in such a short amount of time for both of them, to realize they met each other several years ago, to realize they complement each other perfectly.

“Soft and slow, he pressed his lips to mine, inhaling me as if I was the finest Belgian chocolate he’d ever tasted and he’d never get another piece. A nip of his teeth, his hand at my waist, and I was gone.”

This was such an enthralling little gem and I honestly had such a great time reading it! The story-line was very engaging, not as predictable as I had expected and I had a hard time putting it down. Sunny and Max’s fast paced story sucked me in from the very beginning. The author’s storytelling was simply fantastic and I found the plot to be very well done and entertaining.

The fact that the story was low in angst, actually lower than I had expected, with just right amount of drama really worked for me. The story didn’t drag for me for one minute, which I obviously loved.

The two main characters, Sunny and Max were so great portrayed. I loved them individually and I really loved them together. Sunny was a fun, endearing, sweet, down to earth heroine I liked from the very beginning. And Max? OMG…such a charismatic, lovable, wonderful hero.

“Our kiss was pure, unadulterated magic, making me powerless in his arms. He was gut-twistingly perfect, and I wanted to drown in him. I didn’t need air. All I needed was Max Kent and his lips and tongue.”

He was not an asshole and he was not a manwhore, which I really, really loved. He was refreshing in every way and yeah, I really loved the way he was portrayed. Sex-on-a-stick, Max was sweet, caring, considerate, attentive and even if he was a little too cocky at times, he wasn’t an insufferable bastard for one moment. His tenderness towards Sunny at times simply melt my heart. He was such a swoon-worthy hero!

Sunny and Max’s chemistry was off the charts and the undeniable attraction and the passion between them were wonderfully done. Loved it! I truly loved the romantic aspect of the story, but I also loved the friendship between these two, their adorable interactions and their witty banter.

Overall, this was a wonderful read I simply adored it! If you are looking for a light, sweet and sexy read with a lovable heroine, a swoon-worthy hero and a lovely, heart-warming epilogue, then you must try this one!

“Sometimes there really is a bigger plan. Sometimes there really is that one person. Sometimes true love finds you no matter what.”

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Profile Image for Ilsa Madden-Mills.
Author 42 books15.9k followers
February 6, 2018

Fake engaged to the hottest quarterback in the country? SCORE.

➜ F R E E in Kindle Unlimited!

➜ AMAZON: http://amzn.to/2jTUAoe

*Update: Feb. 18 Fake Fiancée is #7 on the Wall Street Journal. *beams* Thank you so much, sweet readers!

*FAKE FIANCÉE has spent a week in the TOP 5!!! THANK you so so much!

*(Feb. 11, 2017) OMG as of this morning, FAKE FIANCEE IS #2!!

*(Feb. 09) FAKE FIANCEE is #6 ON AMAZON!!

"He inhaled me like I was the finest Belgian chocolate,
And he’d never get another piece."

"I don’t know why I’m so afraid of losing you when you aren’t even mine…" Fake Fiancée

Add to your TBR: http://bit.ly/GOODBOOK
Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews897 followers
February 15, 2017
Ridiculous plot, just-telling-no-showing writing style and shallow one-dimensional characters with no depth. That is all that you need to know about this book.

Do you want to know more? Well, let’s meet main characters.

Let me introduced you to Max Kent, the most selfish „hero“ (and I’m using term hero very loosely in this case) I have encountered in a long time. He never thought of anyone but himself. And the stuff that came out of his mouth and how he said it...it made me cringe. It either came off as rude or extremely cheesy. Let’s say that smooth or charming wasn’t his style.

Sunny Blaine. What can I tell you about heroine? She was super quick to judge others and even quicker to forget all her judgemental thoughts only because of physical attraction. There was even slut-shaming of Sunny’s best friend, so we can say that Sunny was not only fake fiancée, she was also a fake friend. Plus why did author have to present every female character in bitchy or slutty way? Everyone but Sunny of course.

Still interested in finding more about this story? Minor spoilers ahead!

We are back to ridiculous plot. In prologue, during their first meeting (very untraditional and unforgettable meeting), Sunny cannot help but think how perfect this guy looks and than she doesn’t recognize him at all when they meet for the second time after three years? People do not change that much in three years. Moreover, during their second meeting, heroine was unpleasant to hero, judged him, then told him some personal stuff, entered into fake relationship and kissed him. All in like 30 minutes of knowing each other. I mean...WTF?

I stopped taking notes of things that bothered me after a while because no one would be interested in reading such a long review. But let me say three more words about the storyline – immature overused drama. But what could I expect from story that pays zero attention to character development?

Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,707 followers
April 6, 2017

➦I find myself lately going back to reading new adult books because I want to go back to college and study for exams and go to frat parties. Wait, no, I don't. But I do enjoy reading about these carefree people who have their whole lives in front of them :D lol

➦This particular book features the fake relationship/engagement trope where the hot QB falls for a girl who he hires to be his fake girlfriend in order to scare away cray cray chicks who want his babies. That's, like, totes understandable.

➦I'll try to keep the sarcasm low (*snort*) In all honesty, I eat up these crazy tropes like nobody else, in case you haven't noticed. *looks at her 'read' folder* ... *nods*

➦This book did have a backstory which supposed to be emotional and give the characters some depth. And I guess it explored the whole subject of FATE, which I very often hate in books. Can't say I loved it here or completely bought it, something just felt a bit off. I think it was too sappy for me.

➦One thing I did love were the hot sex scenes. My god, when these two finally got together...

➦Recommended to those who love college sports romances (football here) with a "we are meant to be" and fake relationship tropes.
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Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,531 followers
February 7, 2017
I was looking forward to this book after reading its delicious blurb and seeing its stunning cover. I also love the writer’s English series, they are very good. But, unfortunately, this book didn’t live up to my expectations. It was an OK read for me, nothing that made me say, “wow”...

It is about Sunny, a university student and Max, who is a student in the same university and also the star quarterback of the football team. Their fake girlfriend/boyfriend deal turns into fake fiancée first and then into something real.

The book gives us a love story that shows how fate brings two people together more than once and sometimes how awful things happen to people just for them to end up in the right place.

“No one crosses our path without a reason. I believed this.”


“Sometimes in the middle of a normal day, a life-changing choice is thrown in front of you. Right then, you’re one decision away from a completely different existence. You decide your future even though you aren’t even aware you’re doing it. Your choice might result in finding love or death or winning the fucking lottery—you don’t know.”

With this great potential out there, and given how beautifully it started, I was eager to read the rest of the story to see how fate will bring them together again but when they met a second time, I was disappointed. As far as I am concerned, the book had a lot of potential but it didn’t successfully deliver it.

Here are my reasons of disappointment:

1. The word “fiancée” in the title made me think I was going to read about two people around the ages of 24-25, but they are both students at university (ages 20). This was my first disappointment. I am too old for teenage stuff :)

However, sometimes books like “The Sea of Tranquility” amazes me even though the hero & heroine are students, as well. So, I kept on reading, hoping this book would also amaze me, but it didn’t.

2. The heroine was sweet, I liked her but I didn’t like the hero very much because football seemed to be more important than anything and anyone in his life. At one point in the book, I expected him to prove otherwise, but he didn’t (of course, in my opinion)

3. The parts where we learn how they remembered each other from their encounter 3 years before didn’t have a great impact on me. I was waiting for really “a great moment & great revelations” but I wasn’t satisfied at all.

4. The way they realized and then confessed their love for each other, the way they made love first (the timing, the place and everything) was so ordinary for me, I was again disappointed.

5. There are events in the book that are put there to create a little bit of tension or angst but they all deflate like a balloon.. I finally thought that the tension that was intended to be built was “fake” because it didn’t serve anything at all.

Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,362 reviews9,514 followers
February 7, 2017
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FAKE FIANCÉ: Prepare yourselves for some hella hot dreamy football players, a heroine who yearns for the guy she can't have, and a hero who will do anything for the girl he loves...

Guilty yet again for signing up for an arc solely based on the cover!! Being a cover hoe has it's benefits!! Hello hotty on the cover!! ( Jack Greyston)

This is spoken in 'Dual Perspectives' Max & Sunny who first meet when Sunny is seventeen under unusual circumstances. One reckless joy ride, one car crash later, a rescue from a hot male to running away from an ambulance and police, to disappearing off the face of the earth.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic God had been using his A GAME when he'd created my hero

Then the story jumps to 3 years later

Sunny and Max attend Leland University together, he’s a major star quarterback hotty and she’s an art major who just so happen to live across the street from each other. Sparks fly one morning where has Sunny cornered Max outside his door concerning one of his so called groupies that rammed into her car and took off from the scene leaving her car a wreck and undrivable.

Which led to him driving her to class that they attend together, after chatting on the way it's revealed that both of them had been burnt recently so Max deviced up a cunning plan into making their subsequent ex's jealous who also attend the same class. By pretending to be a couple. But to make it convincing they have to have a practice run at kissing to make it convincing.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic I won't do anything you don't want me to. I'll kiss you so good, you won't be able to kiss another guy for an entire year without thinking about me.

Max's main focus is his football career and nothing else, he can't afford to have any distractions, his ultimate aim is the Heisman trophy. But being one of the hottest star quarterbacks on the planet comes all the groupie baggage along with it, throw in a crazy ex and this is where Sunny comes into the equation, she needs money and this is where Max devices up the fake relationship plan that comes into play. A win win situation for both of them. One rule only is that they do not fall in love.

But what happens when everything that was fake turns real?

In the true sense of the word it was all mean't to be fake but these two had chemistry that was off the charts, an undeniable attraction which felt as though they were soul mates.

This book carried all the feels, it's quick, it's sweet, it's steamy, it's addictive, once started you won't want to put it down. I highly recommend this. It's not your typical boy meets girl, girl falls in love, it's so much more than than, it's not your typical insta love story it's a slow burn romance that hits you right in the heart.

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Profile Image for Shannon.
460 reviews150 followers
February 12, 2017
My real life job is kind of different than most in the fact that my work isn't supervised. My boss comes and goes as she pleases and I can have a bit more of a relaxed environment. What doesn't help though was the fact that the day I was reading Fake Fiancée, my boss wanted to hang around all day! Anytime she would leave, I would sneak in a few pages here and there on my kindle app. I know she definitely caught me once or twice but oh well, Max and Sunny were worth it. ;) I'd risk my job for these two, LOL!

Up close, I watched a droplet of water drift down his chest to his six-pack abs. I sighed. God had been using his A game when he’d created my hero.

Considering how much I tried to sneak in pages at work, it's safe to say that I was obsessed with this book. I started late one evening and couldn't put it down! Then the next day at work, it was the only thing I could think about, so of course I had to keep going when possible. All in all, I finished it fairly quickly but it's just an amazing feeling when one story can captivate you so quickly and not let your attention waver.

Max was a really easy characters to like and I think it's because he felt so real. He wasn't an arrogant, cocky jock that we normally read about these days. He was sweet, tender and caring towards Sunny. He's ambitious and driven, goal oriented. Sure he makes mistakes, but he owns up to them tenfold. He was an enigma of a quarterback and I loved him long time. The note that he writes? SWOON!

Max cleared his throat. “The heart may not be the control center, but the brain is nothing without oxygen that the heart supplies. They rely on each other—it’s a relationship of sorts. Also, metaphorically speaking, the heart is the seat of the soul and our psyche. After all, it is the organ that falls in love.”
Whitt chuckled. “Love has nothing to do with our heart.”
“I disagree.” Max sent me a leisurely look, sweeping over my face. “When you first meet someone special, your heart reacts. It flutters or jumps or something. It’s like it recognizes its other half.” He dipped his head, appearing a bit embarrassed by the admission.

Sunny was so fresh and exciting to read about in the beginning, I really liked her. She was different. She has scars and a past but she embodies them and grew from those moments. She persevered and won't let it hold her back. And better yet, she shows us an important lesson in forgiveness and acceptance. Definitely not a heroine to forget.

Time heals all wounds, but the scars remain, making you who you are. To me, hers were a beautiful mosaic. I admired her more because of them . . . because she’d come out of darkness and learned to fly.

I know that it's a fake relationship, but I would've liked to see some more definition in the couple actually falling for each other. I felt the connection from them instantly but not so much the feelings. If maybe the talk of Heisman was toned down a little, we could have gotten an additional scene or two that would've improved this feeling.

So there was definitely a mysterious/suspense tone to this book that I LOVED! I love romantic suspense books and being on the edge of my seat. Now this is just some small elements, it doesn't focus on suspense, but it's enough to get the reader thinking and confused. I was so suspicious trying to figure out what was going on, I was suspecting everyone!

This couple isn't perfect. They each have their own issues to overcome and obstacles that get in their way, but I liked how they could start relying on each other for comfort and assistance. At one point in the book, Max just downright messes up. He makes a huge mistake and he knows it. Sunny knows it. Tate knows it. Isabella knows it. I was head over heels during all of this because it felt extremely raw. I believed the characters and their feelings here. I understood how they were feeling and why. I loved all of the emotion that Ilsa could draw out from the page and give to the reader. This was probably my favourite part of the entire book!

I wished the moon had been bright enough to see the color of his eyes.
I wished I knew his name.
I wished . . . I wished fate would bring us together again, some other time, some other place.
But not today.

Being completely honest, I was maybe a bit let down by the storyline. It was going full steam ahead with tons of excitement and mystery, I had no clue how everying would work out in the end. But then by the time we were getting closer, I found that it started to fizzle out. I had some really high hopes for the ending based on how much I was loving this but found it to be kind of a let down. It's good, but not nearly as exciting or intense as I was expecting.

I'm a big believer in fate and that if the universe wants someone in your life, it'll give you the opportunity to have them there. But YOU need to work for it. The first chapter is like a big dose of fate while at the same time, being sort of hauntingly beautiful. Especially when they come back to these moments later on in the story. The fact that the connection was instantaneous and that they found each other again was so cool to read. And when Max realized why it felt this way, I was so excited for them! It was an incredible scene and I was almost in tears.

“Do you believe in soul mates or love at first sight?”
I tensed. “Yes.”
Her eyes zeroed in on mine. “Seriously? Come on—this is your fake girlfriend. You can tell me the truth.”
“If the universe wants us with one person, I dig it. I believe in fate,” I said.
“Don’t you just think it’s more about who is standing in front of you when the time is right? What if you met your one true love at a party when you were sixteen, but because you went your separate ways for one reason or another, you never see her again? Or maybe the next time you see her, she’s already committed to someone else.”
“I believe that whatever’s meant to be will be.” I toyed with my water glass, feeling self-conscious.

All in all, another great read by Ilsa Madden-Mills -- If she's starting out the year like this, I can't wait to see what else we might get from her! Be sure to check out Fake Fiancée, currently in the top ten on Amazon and a best seller! Trust me, it's in the top ten for a reason.

Max . . . us . . . Fate had divined our love. Since the night we’d met, an invisible thread connected us.
I didn’t understand the hows and whys of our meeting, but life isn’t nearly as complicated as we make it.
Sometimes there really is a bigger plan.
Sometimes there really is that one person.
Sometimes true love finds you no matter what.

*An ARC a was received in exchange for an honest review.


Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,672 reviews2,302 followers
February 7, 2017

Max is his schools number one quarterback and preparing to be drafting into the big leagues, so he doesn't need the distraction of an ex messing with his game. So when he meets Sunny, his new neighbor, and learns she's also dealing with ex drama he comes up with a plan - a fake relationship. It's the perfect plan so he can focus on football and winning the Heisman Trophy. But Sunny is far from what he expected and soon his fake relationship is feeling way too real.

This book really blew me out of the water. I wasn't expecting so many emotions to come from this story, but they did and I loved it. Max and Sunny will have you captivated and their story will make you all mushy inside. They are really sweet together, of course hot as hell, and just plain addictive. The story also throws just a little suspense in the mix that will have you on the edge of your seat, so be prepared for that.

Max had his asshole moments where he just needed to be slapped, but for the most part his character was completely lovable. He was very attentive to Sunny and her needs, which was swoon worthy, and I loved how he treated her even when he was still calling their relationship fake. He and Sunny just had a really amazing relationship and together they were great characters.

Bottom line, Fake Fiancèe is a must read for any NA lovers or just lovers of a really hot Hero. I think everyone will be as intrigued with this story as I was so I can't wait for you all to read it.
ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,643 reviews1,357 followers
December 26, 2018
FAKE FIANCEE was a surprisingly light and easy read. It had moments of drama, which was to be expected because it was set at college, but it ranked very low on the scale of angst. The characters were well-developed and the plot was fluid and easy to follow. I'll be picking up more books by this author in the future.

At 17 years old, Sunny was running away. She had had enough of what was waiting for her at home and she was ready to start anew. Unfortunately she lost control of her stolen getaway car and ended up at the bottom of the lake. As luck would have it, a concerned passerby came to her rescue. Her hero was Max. However, before they could exchange names, Sunny continued her escape.

Fast forward four years and Max is the hottest quarterback in college history, on the fast track to the Heisman. His whole life is football and he can't afford any distractions or any smears to his name. Sunny is his new neighbor, who agrees to help him fend off the drama by pretending to be his girlfriend and later fiancee. Fate or destiny or kismet ran heavy throughout this plot and these two couldn't fight it and pretty soon start to lose all pretense.

I enjoyed the characters and was very entertained by the plot. It truly was a lovely story and my only complaint was that I wanted more time spent with Sunny and Max as a real couple.

Release Date: February 7, 2017
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Sports Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Steam: 3 out of 5
Book Type: Standalone
Profile Image for Dali.
1,950 reviews546 followers
December 1, 2020
A fabulous read for the fast pace, sweet and sexy new adult sport romance lover.
“Our kiss was pure magic, and before you laugh and say those kinds of kisses don’t exist… Then you’ve never touched lips with Max Kent, the hottest quarterback in college history.”

Sunny Blaine has survived worse than a fender bender by a drunken football groupie. She endured her physically abusive father and got to live another day after a terrifying car accident thanks to quick actions of a good Samaritan. But the car isn’t going to fix itself and she’ll need money to do it. Not wanting to meet her notorious neighbor but having no other choice she storms into his life demanding he help her take care of the mess he caused unknowingly providing him with a solution to his own problems.

Max Kent is close to having everything he’s ever wanted. He’s smart enough to be in pre-med and so talented he’s first string quarterback and rumored to be an NFL draft pick and Heisman nominee. Unfortunately an altercation with a teammate took his name off the latter list. Nothing a sweet and stable romance splashed all over the news can’t fix though. He could have his pick of girls to help out, the problem is they all want more from him than what he’s willing to give, until his neighbor shows up at his door with zero expectations other than the name of the groupie who hit her car.

Despite Sunny’s no dating jocks rule and Max’s determination to have no distractions, they know they can help each other out and soon they find themselves in an easy friendship and way too comfortable pretending to be a couple which leads them down a path they never expected. When lines are crossed it gets difficult to distinguish between fake and reality. Will the spotlight keep them from figuring out their priorities?
“Sunny. I needed her. I couldn't exist without her in my world.”

I have to start of saying that this is my first Ilsa Madden-Mills book and it certainly won’t be the last. Even though I’ve read my share of fake relationship stories as well as a big pile of football ones, this fast paced new adult romance with endearing yet flawed characters with hopes and dreams and an unknown shared past had me turning page after page until the very end.
"I'll kiss you so good, you won't be able to kiss another guy for an entire year without thinking about me."
She shook her head in disbelief. “Pffft. Do you even know how cocky you are?"
"Won't deny it. I am Max Kent."

While Max comes off as a bit too cocky, he’s a total sweetheart when it comes to Sunny. Yes he makes mistakes, sends mixed signals and needs to straighten his priorities, all normal for a guy his age. He’s also caring and takes responsibility for Sunny. She’s is feisty and independent, a bit untrusting of men with good reason given her history with cheating ex-boyfriends not to mention her abusive father.

They have a great rapport and are totally cute and adorable.
“Can I just hold you in my arms and watch you sleep?”

But because of their deal in which Max pays Sunny to be his fake girlfriend, it’s hard for them to see what great potential they truly have. And because they don’t know each other that well, there’s bound to be some misunderstandings which are exacerbated by jealous individuals.

The supporting characters were well developed. Mimi, Sunny’s grandmother, was as funny as she was loving and supportive. And I really liked Sunny’s BFF Isabella as much as Max’s playboy teammate and roommate Tate. I hope we get more of these two in future books.

Fake Fiancée is a standalone New Adult contemporary romance by Ilsa Madden-Mills. It is funny and sweet with just the right amount of drama with a dash of angst. Told from both points of view and has a happy ending.

Author's pinterest board -> https://pinterest.com/ilsamaddenmills...

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Profile Image for Jen .
804 reviews603 followers
February 10, 2017
3.5 Stars

I enjoyed the stuffin' out of this one but I had a couple of issues that kept it from rating a solid 4 Stars. I'm probably one of the few people left that still enjoy a good fake (insert the blank) story and this one was no exception.

My biggest issue was the lack of backstory and character development when it came to the two mains. I felt like the basic knowledge was all there but it never seemed like it was enough to fully invest me.

That being said, I enjoyed the rest of what Fake Fiance had to offer. The pacing was all kinds of good and I enjoyed the fact nothing moved too fast but still progressed in a sweet and believable way.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
January 19, 2020
Free https://www.amazon.com/Fake-Fianc%C3%...

4 STARS <33

I adored this one, it was refreshing and the characters were so much fun. Fake Fiancee is a fast paced, sweet, funny, adorable and hot story. I read it in one day, I was intrigued with the prologue and I couldn't put it down.


Sunny and Max are super cute and adorable, it was entertaining how they started their "fake" relationship. They had feelings that they didn't know but it was nice how everything came out. I loved both characters, Sunny was independent, sassy and sweet. Max is fantastic, I liked him a lot, he was smart, sexy and funny.

If you're looking for a fun and refreshing story this is perfect!!


Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,112 followers
February 13, 2017
I actually quite enjoyed this one! It was a feel good read for me, with low angst. Sometimes that is exactly what I need, and this was one of those times!

The heat between the main characters was sizzling! They were very intense together and I loved every single moment they shared on the page!

A must read for when you want a simple, feel good read!
Profile Image for Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••.
987 reviews1,927 followers
February 15, 2017
I absolutely love a sports romance. Throw in some instant and hot chemistry and boom!! Max & Sunny are both strong individuals that have built walls all around their hearts. Both having gone through tragedies growing up and both having been hurt and burned in past relationships. Neither one is looking for love, just want to graduate and Max wants to win his Heisman trophy and go pro. All that is on his mind is Football, first and foremost, and the only thing he loves.

Until Sunny Blaine.
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She's a hardworking girl, could careless what anyone thinks of her, and she is guarding her heart with her life. Until she falls for
Max Kent:
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He's the playboy quarterback that every girl wants. He's the athlete that just wants to win and will do ANYTHING to make that happen, including using the girl to get his dreams and career started.

Until their chemistry explodes.
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This fun romantic sports novel is easy reading, gives you some swooning moments, and makes you feel ahh so good❤❤❤ and a new author for me!
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,098 reviews2,553 followers
February 17, 2017
This book is a definite winner.  It's well-written.  The pace and flow are precise and spot on.  The storyline and plot are entertaining and engaging.  My attention was grabbed from the very first and I read this book at break-neck speed.

I really enjoyed this very sweet romance on all levels.  Ilsa Madden-Mills is a master at this sub-genre of romance.  This is the 3rd NA / College themed romance book I've read from her and I've enjoyed each and every one.

Here's the breakdown:  Sunny is a young woman determined to create a better life for herself.  She leaves a toxic situation to forge a new life in Atlanta, Ga where she attends Leland University.  Shortly after moving into her new home, her car is side-swiped by a drunk co-end leaving her neighbor's home.  She boldly approaches the homeowner to arrange for repairs.  The homeowner just happens to be the Quarterback of the football team.  These two share a much more than a moment of attraction.  There's a deeper connection that remains to be uncovered.  I won't divulge to much, you need to read this book to see how it unfolds!

Here’s what I absolutely loved:   Sunny is a kick-ass character.  I love women who endeavor to be the best they can be regardless of the circumstances.  She doesn't try to be something she's not; she's real. 

I'm also a huge fan of the trope.  I'm all about fake engagements and friends to lovers and this book excels at each.

The book flows organically.  It didn't feel forced or rushed.  It was very balanced.  My only real critique is that Max is a bit of a cliche'.

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Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
February 20, 2017
4.5 Nothing Fake Here Stars
* * * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
You can never know what motivates someone to chose the choices they do...Things happen in the past which can color everything if you let them... and unfortunately, not always painting a rainbow. But sometimes... out of ugliness, shines beauty... and if the person is strong enough to overcome any or all obstacles...then their own beauty shines through as well.

This was my first Ilsa Madden-Mills read and it will not be my last. I thoroughly enjoyed her style of writing and was able to feel connected from the start. From the prologue to the final page, I believed in her characters.

The idea of a fake girlfriend/fiancee is nothing new... yet this had a warmth and care from the Quarterback which drew you in. He was totally focused on his goal... yet he also became confused and concerned about this woman who challenged him.

She was a strong character and had many facets to show us and him. When her heart started to fall, she tried very hard to hide it. The chemistry between them rocked and didn't feel forced at all.

There was an ease in reading this... and before you knew it... you were done. It was worth the time and a successful read... so successful that I dug into the tease chapter of Dirty English... and became captivated by that. Click, Click and off to read that Ilsa Madden-Mills next!

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Profile Image for Syndi.
3,180 reviews930 followers
December 22, 2020
Damn! This book is not good. Like u get drunk with empty stomach then the next morning u wake up with ugly tattoo on ur face. Its just so bad that way.

The characters are weird, stiff and 1 dimensional. No character development between Max and Sunny. I am very confuse why Max interested with Sunny. Their chemistry is.. well... fake. The second characters are cheesy. They do not support the development of the story. And the wording.... it feels like the author copies and paste from other books.

2 stars
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
1,969 reviews2,421 followers
March 11, 2020
DNF at 68%

Well, this was pretty much a three star read (steady but a tad bit boring) up until this one part that totally took me out of the book and had me rolling my eyes.

This book reminds me of why I am reading romance less frequently than I used to.
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,400 reviews1,469 followers
February 12, 2017
5 Stars!

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Sunny Blaine is a southern girl from North Carolina whose life falls apart after the loss of her mother. She moves to Georgia when she's seventeen to be with her Mimi. Three years later & she's now pursuing her art degree at Leland University & working at the local library. She's thrilled to have found a fabulous house to rent until she finds out her new neighbors are jocks. After her ex, Sunny tries to avoid all athletes like the plague. Unfortunately a situation arises with her neighbors where they have to meet. Sunny is stunned to find out her new neighbor is the hottest quarterback in college football, Max Kent. Max is practically loved by the entire state of Georgia. He's a senior, the captain of the football team, and absolutely gorgeous!

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Max Kent is under a lot of pressure to perform & be the best. His future in the NFL is everything to him. He needs to live & breathe football for the next few months & avoid drama & scandal. Groupies are constantly hounding him & wanting a piece of him. He just wants the Heisman. To focus on football & grades, and accomplish his dreams without any distractions.

Max soon realizes a way to get everything he wants when he & Sunny spontaneously decide to pretend to be dating for show one day to benefit them both. The charade works so well at keeping away unwanted attention, they decide to run with it & let it continue. Max offers to pay Sunny to be his pretend girlfriend & Sunny agrees since she's working hard to pay her own way through college.

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Things are going great & the agreement is working well until things turn real. Max wasn't supposed to get attached to her. He wasn't looking for a relationship, but suddenly he is blindsided by his strong feelings for Sunny. Soon fake girlfriend turns into fake fiancée & things are spiraling out of control. It gets complicated when pretending starts to feel like real life. They both feel a connection they've never experienced & cant imagine a life without the other in it. It's like fate brought them together. As they decide to privately explore what's between them things really heat up.

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-I was drawn to him.

-My body craved him.

-God I wanted him so desperately. I had for so long.

-"Do you feel this thing between us? Like a connection?"

-Sunny. I needed her. I couldn't exist without her in my world.

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This was my first book by Ilsa Madden-Mills, & I couldn't have loved it more. It was everything I love in a book. It was fun, flirty, full of humor, romance & love. Throw in a delicious football player & it's golden. I highly recommend this book! It was fabulous & I can't wait to read more by this author!

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October 4, 2022
Good Sports!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💚🖤💙💜
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍
Character development: 😤😥😊🤩

The heroine: Sunny Blaine - at 17 she ran away from her father, stealing his car and money to go. When she swerved on a deserted road and the guard rail gave way, she ended up in a lake and nearly drowned until a real life Hero rescued her. Though she ran into the woods before the ambulance got there since she didn’t want to be sent back to her father.

The Hero: Max Kent - He is a senior at Leland University and the team quarterback who doesn’t have a girlfriend, he is bothered by all the cleat chasers who have designs on him since he is set to go pro after his senior year ends. He hopes to win the Heisman trophy this year because it was one thing his ex-football player/sportscaster father never got.

The Story: Three years after the rescue in the woods, Sunny is renting a house and attending Leland University. She is not looking forward to her first class and seeing her jock ex-boyfriend, Bart. She has a rule about not dating athletes anymore, despite the fact that she rented the house across the street from the quarterback.

When Max is forced to give Sunny a ride to her class which he is also enrolled in, they discuss the fact that both of them have exes in the class and decide to fake a relationship to keep their exes off their backs and get back at them both for cheating. This was a cute story and I love Ilsa Madden-Mills books. There was plenty of drama and romance.

The book was told in dual points of view via dual narration. The narration was done by Yvonne Syn and Alastair Haynesbridge, both of which have pleasing voices. I thought Alastair might be British due to the name but they both have American accents. Alastair has a deep clear voice and Yvonne has a soft feminine voice which sounded age appropriate for Sunny.

Profile Image for Deborah Obida.
686 reviews670 followers
November 5, 2017
This is my first by the author, it was a fast read but the book is way too cheesy for me. The characters are amazing I like the whole new adult concept cause I can totally relate to that, the writing style is also okay but their love is just too unreal even for a romantic novel.

That aside the book is a major great read, alpha male,athletic and super hot. Oh he has brains too and the female character is not bad either, hot blondie and also hard working, The book is written in dual POV of the main characters and I also love their conversations it got me grinning half the time I was reading the book. i'll love to read another work by the author.

Profile Image for Rhea_Sways.
481 reviews105 followers
February 13, 2017
So the book goes a bit like this....

Well in the first 7 chapters that I read...

The typical every girl out there is a hoe except the MOTHERFUCKING TSTL heroine

Im sure this is what she imagined..

but the writing and the stupid plot holes such as ... a fashion designer or art student taking fucking Anatomy and Physiology

Or better yet.. the supposed wonderful "viewpoints" on anatomy by our oh so smart jock...

Please tell me how am I not wetting myself?

Please I beg the author please, just ask how anyone how a university or college student behaves because I know for a fact you never went to one or you wouldn't write this stinking pile of garbage. I hate trashing the authors, I could only imagine the amount of work and effort spent into...this.

Hire a better team or people that can give you honest opinions. I am honestly tired reading about this recycled crap. It is BAD
Profile Image for seton.
713 reviews315 followers
February 10, 2017
Genre: NA Romance
Sensuality: R
Ho-meter: H=manho, h = 1 BF

College quarterback hires classmate/neighbor to be his GF so that he can focus on winning the Heisman Trophy.

This was my first and my last by this author. I was very unimpressed and most readers of my reviews know that I am VERY familiar with NA novels so I know what to expect and I should have known better.

I saw that most of the reviews on Amazon and GR are by the author's street team and I should have known better.

I read that overdramatic, graphic first chapter that made me roll my eyes and made me want to stop right. then. and I should have known better.

I noticed the weird pacing and plotting and the suspense subplot that really didnt go anywhere. I should have known better.

All that telling and not showing? I should have known better.

The unorganic, flowery turn of phrases that turn up out of the blue? I should have known better.

Oh well. As they say in sports - one and done.

Tags: College Football, Georgia
Profile Image for Kate.
2,170 reviews339 followers
June 25, 2017

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Guess which one I am? And no I’m not at the back of the picture I am smack bang in the middle of it all.

Sunny needs to get out of Snowden, North Carolina asap, she nearly makes it but trying to avoid an animal on the road she swerves and lands in the lake. A mysterious man saves her but she can’t stick around otherwise the police will take her back to Snowden.

3 years later…

The mysterious saviour of that night Max Kent star quarterback and Sunny are now neighbours. She knows who he is but doesn’t say anything, Max recognises her he just doesn’t know where from. It is the start of the new semester and Max just wants to concentrate on his career as a quarterback. He doesn’t want any drama to what happened last year with his ex Bianca and his teammate Felix.

Sunny is also trying to get through the end of university but also had a bad split from Bart when she caught him with his hands down another girls pants. Nice.

They make an arrangement for the day that they will be fake date for the day but somehow it turns into more and also starts to get out of hand. Lies accumulate and someone is bound to slip up at some point.

It’s an easy quick and fun read but it just didn’t work for me. I am tickled pink that everyone loves the book although I did love the beginning of the book the more I read the less interested I became in it. I can’t even say why really and I’ve been thinking why this is the case since I finished reading it yesterday. What is completely on me is that I thought a Fake Fiancée sounded cool and was intrigued and it is by the talented Ilsa Madden-Mills. But the fake fiancée is a well-used plot sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.

I truly wish that I could have liked this book more. I loved the English books. This is just me so please read the book and find out for yourselves if you like it or not.

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Profile Image for Tia Louise.
Author 66 books6,789 followers
February 7, 2017
LOVE this story!! Max and Sunny's chemistry will melt your kindle! It's dreamy and gritty at the same time, and who doesn't love a smoking hot football star?

A five-star MUST READ!!!
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