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Storm and Silence #4

Silence Breaking

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Family – the most important thing in the world, right? If it’s your own, maybe. But if it’s the family of the incredibly powerful, incredibly alluring businessman with whom you’ve been conducting a secret office affair, and they don’t yet know about the affair, things are a little bit different.

Life is about to get real for Lilly Linton. All those stolen moments behind closed doors, those secret kisses and whispered words are about to catch up with her. As she and her boss, business-magnate Rikkard Ambrose travel north to his parents’ palatial estate, she is about to discover: does she have the strength to step out of the shadows and change her fate forever?


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About the author

Robert Thier

23 books4,549 followers
Robert Thier is a German historian, lover of old books and award-winning writer, whose novels and stories encompass the historical, satirical, and fantastical. For the way he manages to make the past come alive, as if he himself lived as a medieval knight, his inventive fans have given him the nickname “Sir Rob.” All of his stories are characterized by his very own brand of humor that has gained him a diverse readership ranging from teenagers to retired grandmothers.

For Robert, becoming a writer followed naturally from his interest in history. “In Germany,” he says, “we use the same word for story and history. And I've always loved the one as much as the other. Becoming a storyteller, a writer, is what I've always wanted.”

Besides writing and researching in dusty old archives, on the lookout for a mystery to put into his next story, Robert enjoys classical music and long walks in the country. The helmet you see in the picture he does not wear because he is a cycling enthusiast, but to protect his literary skull in which a bone has been missing from birth. Robert lives in the south of Germany in a small village between the three Emperor Mountains.

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5 stars
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134 (1%)
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61 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 384 reviews
2 reviews2 followers
May 29, 2017
Robert Thier is the kind of author to whom you can give 5 stars without even reading the whole book completely. I really love his work. I'm delighted that my first experience in historical fiction books was his books, I couldn't think of a better one to be honest. What's really amazing about him too is the fact that he knows when to slow things down and when to rush them. Even in chapters where there's no Lilly/Ambrose interaction you don't feel bored, but rather look forward to reading more because you know that what's coming is gonna be "LIT". And that's just how good he is ! I really hope one day I'll get to pay the paperback just to support and show my gratitude towards this author that has made my days 'very much' less boring .. Thank youu
Profile Image for Khadidja .
621 reviews504 followers
May 30, 2021
AHHHHHH I CANT WAIT FOR THE 5TH BOOK!! i will never get enough of Lilly & Rikkard
Profile Image for TheLady.
8 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2017
OMG! *squeals* I so knew those rumors about sir rob ending the storm & silence series was a bluff.

edit: its out on radish now guys! Wasting money on it is worth it btw
Profile Image for Arunimaa.
221 reviews221 followers
May 4, 2018
Holy shit. I wish I could give this a million stars

I am sorry if this review won't be much of a review but more like an insane woman's violent gushing.


But goddamn it, I can't help it.

Too bad this book isn't available in hard copy form as of yet otherwise I would have bought it, put it on a pedestal and worshipped it for the rest of my life.

Yep, it's that good.


This is what I had been for ever since I read the first book , Storm & Silence, which was as phenomenal as this one. The second one, Eye of The Storm was also super good but I just couldn't feel that thing I felt in the first book. Still it was good enough to get five stars. But then the third book, Silence is Golden – I had felt somewhat let down. So I was praying really hard for Silence Breaking to make up for the last instalment. And boy, it did a lot more than that.

I don't even know what to say or where to start. My emotions are all over the place and I just feel like screaming right now. First of all, when I got to know this book was about our main characters going to meet Mr. Ambrose parents, I lost my shit. I was so so excited.


And really, the whole thing was so HILARIOUS. No really, I cracked up so hard and loud now and then that I can affirmative that my family thinks I have sort of mental illness.

But the best thing about the book – Lilly and Mr. Ambrose.


Best. Relationship. Development. Ever.

They are honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me. Seriously, the chemistry, physics, biology or whatever between them is golden. I can never ever be bored of them. So so so much happened in this book. We get to see a side of Mr Ambrose that we have never seen before.

I read the last two chapters on Radish since it wasn't updated on Wattpad yet since one chapter is updated every week. But I missed reading it on Wattpad so much because the best part about it is reading with everyone. You know, commenting on each and every line, reading with the whole S&S fam feels so nice. This series is the only reason why I still have Wattpad. I used to be obsessed with it once upon a time. Now most of the books are really stupid there. S&S is the only good thing remained there.

And the ending — that ending. It bloody killed me.


* Goddman these feels *


Okay, I seriously need to stop now.
Profile Image for Anilu Aguilar.
2 reviews3 followers
October 15, 2017
I have been reading this series ever since Robert Thier began writing them. They made me fall in love with books. Lillian Linton, she's my role model, and I love her so much. Every single Wednesday, I get excited because I know there's a new chapter waiting for me to read it. It's like my re-charge every week. I constantly think about these series throughout the entire week. I gush about them to my friends, family, and even sometimes strangers. I can't believe that we're already in the fourth book. (I don't want it to end!) I love them so, so, so, much!
Profile Image for BG.
509 reviews130 followers
March 5, 2022
✨‘I…have feelings towards you.’

‘Clearly. I knew that from the first day from the way you shouted at me and pelted me with threats.’
‘Not those kinds of feelings!’
‘What kind, then?’
‘I feel…affection towards you.’

‘You’re nearly there,’ I encouraged him, my smile widening. ‘Just four little letters. The word starts with L. Go on. You can do it.’

‘You’re enjoying this, Miss Linton, aren’t you?’
‘Very much so.’

‘Oh, to hell with it!’ Dropping his hand from my face, he grabbed both my shoulders roughly and dragged me towards him. His mouth took mine in a fast, fierce, bruising kiss. It went on and on until I thought my lungs would burst and my mind catch fire. Finally, he broke away, and with the remnants of his breath whispered: ‘I love you!’✨
Profile Image for ree .
192 reviews30 followers
January 22, 2023
my favorite from the entire series for sure.
Profile Image for Alissa.
642 reviews99 followers
March 9, 2019
3.5 stars. Not my favorite installment of the series (too many possessive-aggressive scenes, where wrists and vertical surfaces were abused repeatedly) but I'm still invested in the characters. I just love the humor and the historical details. It ends with a little cliffhanger, so I hope the author will release book #6 soon.
Profile Image for Wissame.
84 reviews12 followers
May 18, 2018
I need more of Rick and Lily. Can't wait for book 5 .
Profile Image for Chan.
742 reviews46 followers
April 13, 2021

This is a time-suck series. I hold off reading these books because I always tell myself, just one more chapter and before I know it, the day is gone, I’ve done nothing, but get sucked into Sir Rob’s world of Lilly and Rikkard.

This was not as good as the others. It lacked the edge of the seat action, but made up for it by Rikkard being honest about his feelings with Lilly.

I was a little disappointed that we didn’t receive more revelations about Rikkard’s personality. They were in his childhood home, but he was still mostly clouded in mystery, which is nice in the beginning, but dude, this is book 4.

I don’t know how Sir Rob does it, but I’m hooked. I hope Rikkard and Lilly’s story go on forever.
Profile Image for iris.
118 reviews
July 8, 2023
Aaaaahhhh this book!!
I love Lilly and Ambrose so much...but not as much as they love each other of course🌚
And Captain Carter...🥲 I've never felt a rejection this bad in my entire life, and it wasn't even real.
Profile Image for Ray.
395 reviews46 followers
March 10, 2018
I love this book so much I wanna have its babies!!!!!

In this fourth book of the Storm and Silence series, we get to travel all the way to Scotland to meet up with none other than Mr. Ambrose's family, who, he hasn't seen nor spoken to in a decade. And of course Mister Linton has to go too.
Surprise, surprise, Miss Linton makes an appearance too and even the ladies Ambrose ship her with Rikkard (it feels so good to know they're rooting for my ship too)

I absolutely LOVED this book.
Whilst I felt like the previous book was a little less Lilly-ish, this one was all that and more. oh it sure as hell was much MUCH more.

I expected the story to end with this book but I'm so thrilled to know we'll be having another book about my favorite feminist and my favorite chauvinist's story!

I can't wait to have my hands on Hunting Silence
Profile Image for kaley ❥.
233 reviews258 followers
March 15, 2023
AHHHHHH i’ve officially finished the fourth book of the silence series!!!!!! wow i’m so happy, this story is so amazing, i can’t believe it’s only been like a week and i’m already starting the 5th book. but WOW amby is such a simp in this book it’s adorable, i’m so excited cause i bet they’ll get married next book, adaira is my new fav bestie she’s so sweet gotta love her, karim is halarious as always, but i feel like he didn’t get enough screen time 😤 time for the next one 🥺
June 15, 2017
I've warned people not to read it while at work (in my review for Silence is Golden) but jickes! I can't stop it .. This adventure is just to great to deny my book-loving heart.. So yes, I wouldn't recommend reading it at work (but fair warning, if you're like me you will) but I would recommend reading it .. 100% .. even tho it has just begun.. Brace yourself for this great, well-written story!
Profile Image for Devilishmile.
2 reviews
September 6, 2017
I know that this book is incomplete but I also know that it's like a bomb. Hopefully this bomb won't destroy the world but it'll give us answers we need and more lambrose kisses. I really wonder when these finger gloves are going to be used...
Profile Image for Nida Kazi.
536 reviews32 followers
February 6, 2019

'The first dance for the the first woman I knew, the last one for the last. You may not have been the first woman in my life Miss Linton, but I promise you you will be the last. There won't be any one else as long as I live'

Be still my heart

It's been years since I left Reading Storm and Silence on Wattpad because I was not happy with Lilly's thoughts. But this time while reading I understood her completely. This book is titled "Silence Breaking" and is the most fitting title in my opinion.

There were so many hilarious moments with Mr. Ambrose and Lilly and even Adiara. Made me laughed out. Some phrases like
~go boil your head in vinegar
~junior lettuce and senior lettuce *cackles*
~Sahib.........may I shoot her? 😁

Credit : @MajorBookN3rd

Credit : https://my.w.tt/AfmRc6Fr5T (@femke_art)

And the last

Definitely going to read the next book to see who wins. Will Mr. Ambrose bow down to Lilly? Or will Lilly give up her freedom?

Review to come. Loved it so much!
Profile Image for Leonora Shiell.
344 reviews25 followers
February 23, 2021
I am writing one review and just copy-pasting it for all the books in the series. Why? Because I have the exact same Hot Takes about each one of these books. They're all very much the same formula with slight variations but the same fundamental strengths and weaknesses. If you get into the first book and you aren't enjoying it, just put it down because nothing is going to change. However, if you can't get enough and just want more, more, more, everything is going to stay exactly the same.

So now that we've established that this series is exactly what it says on the tin, let's establish what exactly it says on the tin. (Does that make sense?) Full disclosure: this is the first historical romance I have ever read. All of my expectations of historical romance novels come from stereotypes and assumptions. And this book fit pretty much most of those assumptions. In a good way! I found these books highly entertaining! But each character is basically a concentrated version of the stereotype they correspond to. Rikkard Ambrose (Jesus Christ, that name sounds so dumb) isn't just a rich, asshole-y aristocrat. He's the richest, the most important and, sometimes, so much of an asshole it becomes a little uncomfortable. Lilly Linton isn't just an early feminist, she wants to use guns and have a job and hates kissing people and is predisposed to hate all men! (Folks! Your feminist characters DON'T HAVE TO HATE MEN! PLEASE STOP THIS!) Sometimes they feel like broad caricatures but it means that if you want the Ultimate Arguing Between Assholes For Sexual Tension! this is a decent bet.

But the this sometimes feels like a broad caricature of what it's supposed to be energy extends beyond the characters. The book itself sometimes feels like a broad caricature of a historical romance novel, complete with the author waaaaaaaaayyyy overusing exclamation marks and all the steamy scenes full of excessive growling. A few weird lines mentioned in the first book also get repeated with increasing frequency as the series continues, even though one of the most-repeated ones MAKES NO GODDAMN FUCKING SENSE! Also, real people don't have catchphrases! Stop telling me time is money is pea soup is bowties or whatever the hell it is. It makes no sense! Ugh! Sit down Dikkard!

Speaking of our romantic lead, he is an asshole. And not a Mr. Darcy-esque "I have bad social skills but you have made me realize that isn't a good thing and so I'm going to put in the work to grow and change without expecting anything in return". I mean a controlling, mean, vindictive asshole. Full disclosure. I find assholes really hot. Not in a real-life way, but when they're fictional they can be so much fun and so hot. And the man with the incredibly stupid first name that instantly kills every moment it is uttered in can be those things. He and Lilly bicker like hell and it's very entertaining.

However, the amount of power he exercises over her as her boss and the only person who knows she's a woman (not to mention physical power, which is highlighted at times) sometimes makes me uncomfortable, especially considering that he frequently shows that he will use that power to get her to do what he wants her to do (or even sometimes to fuck with her just 'cause). For all Lilly's faults as a character (she's kind of reckless and her LOOK AT ME I AM A FEMINIST DOWN WITH MEN HAVE I MENTIONED I HATE MEN thing gets grating), she's very clear that she wants to be independent. Sometimes Mr. Ambrose seems to be okay with that. And sometimes he is Very Not Okay With That and at one point in particular he considers/hopes for something to keep Lilly romantically linked to him that makes me very uncomfortable. (spoilers for book four)

(Also, on a sidenote, why does he have to be THE RICHEST AND MOST IMPORTANT MAN OF ALL OF BRITAIN, NAY, MAYHAPS, THE WORLD? Where are the historical romance novels about nice young women who end up married to nice men with a trade and a steady income who respect them and are sweet to them?)

(Oh god I'm turning into my father.)

So with all these negative points and meh takes on the first four books of this series, why didn't I give it one star? Or two?

It's because it's so fun. Lilly and Ambrose bicker like hell and sometimes physically fight and that's my shit right there! Punch that rich aristocratic asshole right in the face! And then kiss him because the two of you have really good chemistry! He's being a dick? Annoy the fuck out of him! Make him rue the day he ever met you! And then fuck him! It's hot, it's steamy, it's great. At least, until someone is forced to say the name Rikkard Ambrose with a straight face.
Profile Image for Zafrina Nawshin.
19 reviews
November 14, 2017
This series was a waste of my time. I should stop reading my friend's wattpad suggestion. Also, I just don't understand how it is so well rated.
September 3, 2021
Goodnes.. I think my heart just like- exploded. Also im so confused why the glove had "32 fingers" like- okay.. im going to reread this book right after i finish i love amby and lily with all my heart ill throw up.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shehzeen Muzaffar.
264 reviews120 followers
May 26, 2018
I NEED MORE!!!! I lovee this book so much its unreal. I can't wait to read more about my Favorite feminist and Favorite chauvinist!!
Profile Image for Karima chermiti.
843 reviews155 followers
May 19, 2018
The fourth book in the series is for sure tamer than the first three but when it lacks the action and the adventurous pace i was used to, it certainly make up for it by some of the most beautiful, fun and genuine moments. You lose some and you win some. But overall, Silence Breaking was a very enjoyable read for me from start to finish and i can't wait to read the next book.


Full review now posted

I think I came to the conclusion that no matter what, I’ll always love this series and every book in it. I seem to have a weakness for these books that I can’t seem to shake. To tell you the truth, I don’t think I want to shake it. I know that there are a lot of flaws within each story, I’m well aware of that but I just don’t care that they’re not perfect and that they sometimes feel repetitive and predictable. I just enjoy myself too much to care about those shortcomings. This series is the one I read to have a good time, to laugh at the characters antics and to fall in love with their love. This is not a series I read so I would understand the hype or see where the controversial reactions coming from. This is a series that I read for my personnel enjoyment and that’s all.

It’s true that this fourth book is my least favorite of the series but that doesn’t mean any negative thing because I still enjoyed it very much and I had the greatest time reading it. Maybe I missed the adventures of the second book that made me sit on the edge of my seat off, maybe I missed all the running and fighting and treasure hunting that I loved in the third one. Maybe I’m nostalgic to those moments when out two main characters are batting heads in the first one but I still got to learn more and see more of this always evolving relationship between Lilly and Ambrose. So yeah, this book wasn’t that suspenseful or adventurous or fun but it was the most important one in the whole series so far because it gave us the defining moment we’ve been waiting for since the first book. The silence finally broke and our dear cold and calculated gentleman finally let the words out and revealed the vulnerable side that I knew existed but wasn’t sure that I’ll ever see. And lilly certainly did not disappoint at all. She’s always this lively stubborn girl that can’ take no for an answer but certainly can give one.

The thing about this historical romance that kept me coming for more is that I absolutely adore the dynamic between the two main characters. Lilly and Ambrose is like ice and fire, they don’t mix well together but for whatever reason, she seems to be the only one who can bring out all the juicy hidden parts of his personality. With only her, he sheds that cold facade and reveals his passions and desires. They have a hold on each other that’s really strong and the funny thing is that they don’t want to admit it but they always fail at keeping the truths hidden.

This dance they get going when it comes to their emotions is a fascinating one that makes me so invested in their love life and I’ve never been invested in the romantic aspects of the story. I don’t care normally if the characters love or hate each other. But with these two, I just want them to love each other and stop denying their feelings. And it actually happened, guys: one of them broke first and laid it all out in the open. It’s true that the confession was the most reluctant romantic thing ever but it was cute and adorable and it just made my whole year. And even when it was all said and I started fearing that it will get dull from now on, I was actually mistaken because things got more interesting that it already were.

With the three previous books, the ending always felt a bit tame for me but with this one, it was the exact opposite. It gave us an idea the direction the story will take in the fifth book and I’m super excited to see where it’s going to take our characters next.


Profile Image for Avis Rara.
163 reviews27 followers
November 7, 2018
Блин, как же это мучительно, читать интересные книги в процессе написания. Но ожидание стоило того. Обожаю эту серию. Теперь только осталось ждать финал всего этого противостояния между Амброзием и Далгишем. Ну и, конечно, развязки основных сюжетных линий.
Profile Image for Mitha.
1,407 reviews13 followers
March 7, 2018

Can't get enough of it!
Although I must say that I got pissed off at Lillian a few times while reading this book. She could be very infuriating, even more than Rik, sometimes. And I really really really thought this was to be the last book, but apparently I was proven wrong. Can't wait for the 5th (and hopefully the final) book! I want the cheesiest happily ever after! Please! Haha.
135 reviews
April 29, 2020

Okay i think this was better than the last book because I loved adairas character and they were finally beginning to reveal Mr ambroses secret


This is starting to seem like a toxic relationship like Lilly is seriously not an object and Mr ambrose calling her mine is getting highkey annoying
he is #cancelled

Displaying 1 - 30 of 384 reviews

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