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Макар и невинаги да си даваме сметка за това, в живота ни действа и една невероятно могъща сила. Нарича се Закон за привличането и точно в този момент той влияе на определени хора, ситуации и взаимоотношения около вас – а далеч не всички от тях са и добри! Ако имате чувството, че животът ви напомня лош сапунен сериал, значи е време да разгърнете тази книга... Това е едно достъпно и прегледно помагало, с което наистина можете да накарате Закона да заработи за вас, като елиминирате нежеланото във вашия живот и го изпълните с всичко онова, което ви вдъхва РАДОСТ, ЕНЕРГИЯ и усещане за ОХОЛСТВО. Вие можете да го приложите, за да внесете някои важни промени в живота си и дори да постигнете пълен обрат. В книгата ще намерите и достатъчно указания, за да започнете още сега. Сами ще се убедите, че приложението му е лесно и приятно, стига да сте открити и с позитивна нагласа. Става дума за няколко прости, но основни правила:

• Престанете да привличате онова, което не желаете

• Увеличете богатството и изобилието във вашия живот

• Привлечете идеалния партньор и идеалната връзка

• Разширете вашия бизнес или си намерете идеалната работа – вашето истинско призвание.


От дванайсет години насам канадският автор на бестселъри и специалист по НЛП Майкъл Лозиър преподава своята система за практическо приложение на Закона за привличането пред международна аудитория. Неговите изключително популярни семинари и телевизионни курсове са променили живота на десетки хиляди души. Той е чест гост и в редица радио- и телевизионни предавания в Съединените щати, Канада и Мексико. Майкъл живее във Виктория, Британска Колумбия.

148 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

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About the author

Michael J. Losier

18 books85 followers
Michael J. Losier was introduced to the subject of Law of Attraction in 1995 and became a certified NLP practitioner. A faculty member of the Law of Attraction Training Center, he grew up in a blue-collar community in New Brunswick, Canada, and now makes his home in Victoria, B.C., Canada

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 463 reviews
Profile Image for Jen.
247 reviews154 followers
February 27, 2013
In short, this book advises everyone to whom shit sometimes happens to to learn to blame themselves first for the shit happening (as if people who had shit on them needed to feel shittier). People who love this book would say that what I just wrote would be me making my own negativity cloud, barring all positive and great and truly unshitty vibes from coming my way. And if they think that, then they deserve to blame themselves for all and any unfortunate circumstances that occur to them.

I think the bumper stickers actually had it right this one time: shit happens. It happens to you, it happens to me, it happens because of deliberate choices and it also happens randomly. And to blame only your negative vibes for clouding out the winning lottery numbers from you as you bought a lottery ticket is just fucking ridiculous.

To believe good happens only because you believe it will happen is a bit dangerous. And if anyone believes this alone, I challenge them to pick a highway overpass and try to Peter Pan their way off of it...sometimes common sense is indicated. Thinking you can fly is great, but it is usually not enough by itself. Buying a glider and taking some lessons might help.

By the way, this is the author:

You see those eyes? They are attracting everything they want, are they not?

Oh- and this book was not written very well. Even with the author's claim somewhere in the first few pages about how successful he was in picking the style and wording of the book.
Profile Image for Maysaa Ballout.
58 reviews17 followers
July 9, 2014
قانون الجذب (السر وراء السر) ل مايكل جيه لوسيير..
_تفاءلوا بالخير تجدوه_
يتحدث الكتاب عن اننا نجذب لحياتنا ما نفكر ونشعر به سواء اكان إيجابيا او سلبيا..
لذا علينا اوﻻ ان ننتبه لكلماتنا ﻻنها هي التعبير الدائم في حياتنا وافكارنا ومشاعرنا، مثﻻ: استخدامنا ل _ﻻتفعل_ او _ﻻ تكن_ هي كلمات تجذبنا لما ﻻ نريد ويصبح تركيزنا عليها.. فبدﻻ من ان تقول ﻻ تحزن. قل كن سعيدا....
لتعرف ما تريد حدد الاشياء التي ﻻ تريدها او تخيفك وعندها اسئل نفسك اذا ماذا اريد!! هكذا تخلق الجمل الايجابية مما ﻻ تريد..
هناك 3 خطوات مفصلة لنجذب ما نريده وهي : حدد رغبتك _اعط رغبتك كل انتباهك_ حررها.
يحوي الكتاب ايضا على تمارين تساعدنا ان نكون ايجابيين ولنحدد رغباتنا...
الكتاب رائع جدا وطبعا كل شيء بالتوكل على الله وحسن الظن به يحدث... فالله تعالى يقول "انا عند حسن ظن عبدي بي" فكونوا دائما إيجابيين وابتعدوا عن كل ما هو سلبي...
Profile Image for Bebe Booth.
15 reviews3 followers
November 4, 2012
It works!! i'm proof! Best book I've ever invested in, every now and then I read it again to keep focused.
This is an easy read but don't let that fool you. The information contained is vital. He does not drone on and on or babble on with needless filler. This book is to the point and gives the information required to learn how to use the law of attraction.
It is so simple to understand and the exercises within it further clears up any confusion as to how simple this law it.
When these exercises are applied it really makes a difference! Remember to stay positive!
Profile Image for Monica.
5 reviews
December 15, 2008
Excellent book. This book helps you to focus on what you really want and answers the "why" of why you may not be getting what you want or desire. It is so simple in it's complexity. I read and reread this book because I want to master the technique.It will change your perception of how you live your everyday life.
Author 0 books106 followers
October 26, 2009
I think this is even better than "The Secret", as it is a step by step guide towards achieving your dreams and removing your doubts. A great book; recommended.
Profile Image for Lena Tumasyan.
145 reviews8 followers
May 8, 2012
I read the book chapter by chapter by chapter and tried to follow along with the exercises, but I have major reservations about those exercises and the thinking behind it.

Before I get into that... I must mention that the book title is clearly misleading. "Science of attracting more of..." is definitely NOT a science. I read this book with the intention of learning if the universe really does align with wants and fears. the word "science" in the title denotes facts, figures, studies, studies, experiments and research, of which there were NONE.
So a more apt title for this book is "A HOW TO GUIDE to using Law of Attraction." Because there is zero science and all "how to steps". Perhaps if I had read a true science book, then I would have felt more confident in the exercises, alas I continued as best I could because I really do want to get the things I want, so it was worth a shot.

Okay... some of my gripes about the exercises:

1. It was all internal thinking that was not connected to the outside world. step a - you decide what you want, step b - you "allow" this to happen, step c - if things are not going your way then YOU find little clues as to how they are working. which should lead you to attracting more things. This is a problem. Why? Because how do you know that those "clues" are really happening because of you, or are you just misguiding yourself into grabbing onto anything remotely connected to your goal/desire?

2. The whole process is self-delusional. "You think it and the law of attraction will make it happen." Well, thinking i will fly and believing it with all my heart won't give me wings if i jump off the roof.

3. In the exercise that tells you to list as many things to describe your desire as possible, the author recommends 50 -100 things. Well, I'm seeking an ideal romantic relationship and it's hard enough to find one person that has 5 qualities you want, let along 50 to 100. It's a statistical fact, the more you want, the less likelihood of finding all those COMBINED.

4. Finally, about defeating self-limiting beliefs. Well some beliefs are truly in your head "I can't do this" "I am ugly" "Noone wants me". Other beliefs are actually facts. "There are few foreign people living in a certain neighborhood." "I am short" "I won't be hired in the corporate world with such and such tattoo/piercing, etc." These are quantifiable things and in fact, you do know these to be true. Are there exceptions? Rarely. And if you've tried to apply to many corp jobs you'll KNOW they want you to change and if you're SHORT you know there's nothing you can do, and if you want someone that speaks a different language then the rest of the neighborhood, and you've seeked these people out time and time over and they don't exist, well, that's true. that's not a belief.
So my reservations about certain things coming true are based on FACT not based on BELIEF. Yet the author wants us to ignore that and I just CAN'T.

So I suppose that's what threw me off the tracks. It's not just the lack of science and research (I could read that later). It's not the positive thinking statements (I agree with those. For example, say "walk slowly" instead of "don't run" and say "I am working on getting the..." instead of saying "I don't have the..."). I agree with certain people/places/things giving off good vibes or bad vibes.

It's the circular delusional statements, and its disconnection with reality that threw me off. Just thinking "I want the perfect relationship with this many qualities" won't make it happen because there are facts you can't ignore.

Now, psychologically speaking, this book I think creates more awareness in your mind about the things you're seeking. It's a fact that the more you repeat something the more likely you are to recognize it when it is happening. So maybe this entire book is not the law of attraction in the universe, it's actually mental repetition exercise to help you remember what you want and therefore recognize it more quickly when it comes along. And the "clues" are reinforcements to that.

Ultimately if there is no universal force acting upon your wishes, and it's just psychology, then, why do we need this book?

Profile Image for Traneem.
227 reviews69 followers
May 25, 2011
قرأت هذا الكتاب على فترات متباعدة مما أجبرني على إعادته مرة تلو أخرى ، حتى أتذكر بعض الأمور ، الكتاب بشكل عام لم يأتِ بجديد ..! عندما يقول مثلا تفائل فإنه يذكرني بحديث :"وكان يعجبه الفأل"، وعندنا يقول تيقن بحصولك على شيء ما فهو يشير إلى :" أنا عند ظن عبدي بي فليظن بي ما شاء " ، الكتاب باختصار يركز على التفاؤل والايجابية وتعزيزها ومن ناحية أخرى أن الإنسان وحده من يقرر أن يكون شقي أو سعيد - وهذا الكلام يحتاج إلى فلترة إسلامية - بأن كل شيء بأمر الله وأن على المسلم العمل والإتكال على الله وحده .

في الكتاب بعض التمارين المساعدة على رؤية الجوانب الإيجابية ، وتحديد اأهداف الإنسان .

في النهاية أقيم الكتاب بنجمتين ونصف :]
Profile Image for Mai.
534 reviews142 followers
December 21, 2014
One of the best books i'v read about the law of attraction so far, it explains the law of attraction in three easy and simple steps : identify your desire, give your desire attention,allow it .the exercises and worksheets in the book are practical and so easy to apply .All in all, it's the best introduction to the law of attraction ,it is even better than "The secret" becoz it is so clear,practical and straightforward
This book is a life-changing and i find proof every single day that the law of attraction really works ,highly recommend it for anyone who want to change their lives and attract all what they desire
Profile Image for Majida Hashem.
115 reviews46 followers
August 15, 2023
نجمتين ونصف وليس ثلاثة :/
ذكرني الكتاب بأنستي القديرة في الأول ثانوي , كانت دائماً تقول :
"حاج توزعوا شارات سلبية"
وهنا الكتاب يدور حول هذه النقطة
والكتاب لم يأتني بمعلومات جديدة :/ ويكثر عن فكرة الأمل وتوقع بأن كل شيء سيكون كما أريد وكما أتمنى
أنا مسلمة ولدينا حديث عن الرسول بأن " أنا عند ظن عبدي بي.."
وإنَّ اللهَ تعالى يقولُ : أنا عندَ ظَنِّ عبدي بي ، إن ظَنَّ خيرًا ، فلهُ ، وإن ظَنَّ شرًّا فلهُ
وأيضاً كتاب يدور حول هذه النقطة بس بطريقة قانون الجذب
فقرة أعجبتني:
أن لا تستخدم "لا تفعل, ولا تكن"
أي عندما أقول لك لا تفكر بالبحر ! , فأول شيء فكرت به هو البحر
أي أن عقلك الباطني والواعي تلقائياً يحذف لا تفعل ولا تكن , لذلك حول كل كلماتك للعكس
أي بدل أن تقول "لا تحزن" قلّ: "كن سعيداً "
Profile Image for إلهام.
42 reviews
March 30, 2013
الهدف من قرأتي لهذا الكتاب أنه كان لدي بحث عن حسن الظن فأردت أن اعرف ارتباط قانون الجذب بحسن الظن.
للأسف أن قانون الجذب نحن نؤمن به قبل أن يكتشفه الغرب وهو في حديث الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم عن ربه أنه قال : " أنَا عِنْدَ ظَنِّ عَبْدِي بِي، فإنْ ظَنَّ بِي خَيْرًا فَلَهُ، وَإنْ ظَنَّ شَرا فَلَهُ"
ولدي ملاحظتان :
- في صفحة 76 لابد أن ننتبه لهذه النقطة : أنن�� كمسلمين نؤمن أنه هذا الكلام مجرد سبب لأن المسبب هو الله أما هم فيؤمنون أن المسبب هو هذا الكلام.
- وفي صفحة 128 قل نعم للمال عندما يعرض علي شخص دفع حساب الغداء , هم كغرب ليس لديهم صفة الكرم بعكسنا ..

Profile Image for تامر راضي.
Author 1 book61 followers
April 14, 2022
"كُلّ متوقعٍ آتٍ"
هذه المقولة للإمام علي رضي الله عنه
إن كنت تتوقّع رزقًا فسيأتيك وإن انتظرت فرحًا فستناله وإن أسأت ظنًّا ستجده.. فتوقّع دائمًا ما تتمنّى

وهذا الكتاب خفيف ولطيف.. يمنحك الطريقة للتغيير بشكلٍ عملي بسيط ورائع، بعيدًا عن العبارات التشجيعية والنصائح الثقيلة والحكم المتراكمة.. ويُفسّر لك فعلًا كيف الطريقة التي تجعل قانون الجذب حقيقيًا..
October 19, 2010
I finish up read this book within one day!once i start reading the first chapter, i already felt very excited!All this while, i know being positive can affect our life.But i dont know how the exact way to be positive.This book shows the steps and its actually very simple!A MUST HAVE BOOK!
Profile Image for Itss Mee.
10 reviews7 followers
October 16, 2018
كعادة هرطقات التنمية البشرية

متعبة وبتاخد وقت وبالاخير على سلة المهملات
Profile Image for Ira.
Author 10 books26 followers
December 17, 2007
Again...i read this book because of my big curiosity about the Law of Attraction after reading "The Secret"

This book indeed taught me deeper about how the Law of Attraction system works. And in general, this book can give more practical way in using The Law of Attraction in daily life!

Profile Image for Holly.
121 reviews24 followers
December 29, 2009
Good reminder of some law of attraction work i did before leaving NY. Losier offers simple techniques in keeping a positive attitude when trying to manifest new experiences in life.

A quick read, too. I read it in less than 2 hours.
Profile Image for Aya Magdy.
11 reviews8 followers
December 9, 2012
كتاب رائع كثير من الاشياء كنت اجهلها عن قانون الجذب و لكن افادني الكتاب كثيرا ووضح لي الكثير انا فخورة بقرائتي لهذا الكتاب و حين كنت اقراه لم أكن اصدق أنني بالفعل اقرأ كتاب عالمي عن قانون الجذب و كيف وصلت لهذا الكتاب ؟؟ إنه قانون الجذب بالتأكيد .. هو السبب
Profile Image for Naji AlBarri.
53 reviews17 followers
September 11, 2016
تبسيط جميل لقانون الجذب الذي صارَ متهماً بسبب فهم الكثيرين له بشكل خاطىء.
الكتاب يشرح القانون بشكلٍ عملي، فجذب ما نُريد لا يعني مجرد ترديد كلمات، بل هو ممارسة عملية تشتمل على مراحل.
الكتاب صغير ولغته سلسة، لا تجعل القارىء يمل خلال قراءته، خصوصاً أنه يشتمل على تطبيقات عملية ولا يكتفي بالشرح النظري.
Profile Image for 二六 侯.
593 reviews30 followers
May 13, 2023
Profile Image for Seno Pamungkas.
22 reviews36 followers
March 13, 2008
Nie buku bagus banget....
Sangat membantu utk membentuk pikiran ke arah yang diinginkan. Dan mewujudkannya melalui kekuatan pikiran (tentunya juga dengan doa dan tawakal ke Allah ya).
Jadi dibilangin sama ntu buku, bahwa pikiran seperti magnet yang mengeluarkan getaran. Lepas dari getaran itu apaka positif ataukah negatif. Semuanya akan direspon kembali dengan getaran yang jauh lebih besar. Sehingga menjadi efek yang runtut. Itulah sebabnya, disaat kita bangun pagi, banyak sekali orang yang dimulai dengan awal yang buruk dan akhirnya seharian dia bilang bahwa hari itu adalah hari yang naas bagi dia. Padahal kalau orang itu mau sedikit mengendalikan pikirannya utk lebih berpikir secara positif. Pasti lingkungan sekitar akan berekasi secara positif. Contoh lain, aq temukan di MP. Aq temui ada temen yang bawaannya pengen muntah kalo (hehehehe...siapa tuuu....^_^) ngeliat buku-buku tentang cinta. Aq gak tau, bisa jadi diapun juga akan muntah dengan cinta-cinta lainnya ^_^. Padahal kalau dia merubah sedikit pandangan ke arah positif, dia bisa berpikir dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda.
Ada kasus lagi, pernah gak para MPers mengingat seseorang dan tiba-tiba orang itu nongol atau telpon atau mengirim surat ? Nah, itu adalah efek dari Law of Attraction (Hukum Ketertarikan). Jadi, kata Michael bahwa sebuah hukum fisika yang telah dikenal selama ini sebenarnya juga dapat pula dan bisa dibuktikan secara ilmiah terhadap pikiran kita. Namun kebanyakan orang tidak menyadarinya. Buku ini memberitahu, bagaimana cara kita lebih mengendalikan pikiran kita ke arah positif dalam melihat segala hal, agar hal-hal positif itu masuk ke dalam kehidupan nyata. Tentunya untuk mendukung kondisi positif itu, selalu diperlukan getaran-getaran hebat yang Maha Positif dari Allah Azza Wa Jalla. Yaitu dengan selalu bermunajat kepadaNya. Ok ?
Baca aja buku ini utk lebih tau cara mengendalikan pikiran ke arah positif. Karena itu juga sangat berpengaruh pada hidup yang sehat juga ^_^.
Bukunya mudah banget dipahami dan menarik. Karena selama kita membacanya, kita dipandu utk action mengubah pikiran negatif menjadi pikiran positif. Menariknya lagi, buku ini disajikan hanya sekitar 100halaman namun sangat mengena....
Check this out !!!
Profile Image for Hadiyatussalamah Pusfa.
109 reviews10 followers
July 7, 2013
Buku ini saya beli 8 Februari 2008 di Pesta Buku. Waktu itu lagi awal-awal kemunculan The Secret (atau saya baru tahu mungkin ya) dan lagi zamannya coaching OSIS. Waktu itu, coachnya adalah Teh Afsari, mitramuda waktu zamannya beliau, angkatan 2006. Kami membahas tentang The Secret. Beliau bilang, selain The Secret, ada juga buku lain yang memiliki pembahasan serupa, yaitu buku ini. The Secret-nya sendiri saya belum baca sih samapi sekarang. Tapi entah kenapa informasi sepotong tentang sebuah buku, seringkali membuat saya termotivasi untuk membaca buku itu. Naas, ternyata saya ga terlalu suka buku ini hingga akhirnya baru saya sentuh sekarang, tahun 2013. Haha. Gara-gara sebelum berangkat KKNM kemarin saya ga sempet belanja buku buat dibawa, pas lagi memindai rak buku, mata saya menangkap buku ini. Yah, apa salahnya dibawa.

Personally, saya sangat tidak bisa terlalu menikmati buku ini. Tapi saya ga bisa kalau harus meninggalkan buku ini separo terbaca. Jadinya lumayan juga berjuang biar bisa sampai tamat. Padahal bukunya kecil, tipis, kurang dari 200 halaman.

Kalau saya simpulakan, buku ini seolah berbicara mengenai “Allah sesuai dengan prasangka hamba-Nya-ikhlas-qanaah-dll” dalam bahasa penulis dan dari sudut pandang penulis. Yang bikin saya kurang nyaman sih terutama karena itu, seolah-olah diri kita, keinginan kitalah yang menentukan segalanya. Ga cocok sama saya. Hehe.
Profile Image for Farriz .
7 reviews2 followers
December 11, 2012
This book is interesting in how the authors try to relate the power of universe (we as muslim, we believe Allah) to the mind. This book has revealed quite a lot on how the mind works and how to control your mind. Everything started with a single thoughts, and thought comes from knowledge and experience.

Every one used to have different thoughts and different knowledge and this book is trying to show the way how we could manage what we thought and how to achieve what we want in our daily activities, life's goal etc.

I would suggest this book to those who looking for a life achievement, good and rich mindset, life balance. Its quite easy to understand or to apply since the author put it in "exercise" method.
Profile Image for Rene.
50 reviews11 followers
April 16, 2008
I have to admit that I misjudged this book right off of the bat...these "teachings of Abraham" are quickly becoming a new religion for weak minds in America. I am not convinced.
Learn to ask God for what you want, NOT ABRAHAM... I have received nothing from Abraham, but much from God, and I give him all the glory :)

buut, I can't deny that they are right on when it comes to the power of your thoughts, and "deliberate action..."

Profile Image for Sneha Chaudhary.
7 reviews3 followers
September 6, 2019
Well 5 stars aren't enough for a few books.. this is certainly one of those.. Where everyone is talking about Law of Attraction and attracting abundance in every form, this books guides you how to follow that.. practical steps which help you to attract all you want in your life.. and even highlights the importance of consistency, patience and faith. Highly recommend everyone to read and make use of the worksheets as well. 😊
Profile Image for Ahmed Mubarak.
6 reviews
August 21, 2011
كما هو مبين في العنوان الثانوي على غلاف الكتاب ألا وهو كيفية الحصول على المزيد مما تريد والقليل مما لا تريد ويتم ذلك إلى شرح آلية عمل قانون الجذب وتأثيره على حياة الإنسان ويتم شرحه بشقيه النظرية والتطبيق
لذا هو كتاب مفيد جداً لتعلم الإيجابية وتوقع الأفضل دائماً
Profile Image for Clairdenoon.
1,730 reviews332 followers
January 22, 2021
#The Law of Attraction: The Secret Behind The Secret
#Michael J. Losier

Profile Image for Reem.
41 reviews44 followers
May 11, 2016
كتاب خفيف عبارة عن تدريبات عملية في قانون الجذب.. اعجبني انه ركز على التطبيق على جانب العلاقات والمال وتطرق لتعليم قانون الجذب للاطفال بطريقة خفيفة لطيفة
Profile Image for pardis Khalili.
26 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2017
کل کتاب تکرار یه جمله ساده بود
"به چیز های خوب فکر کن تا برات اتفاق بیفته "
همین و نه بیشتر
Profile Image for Sahar.
191 reviews9 followers
December 8, 2018
یه زمانی این چرتو پرت ها برام جذاب بود این سه ستاره برای همون زملن هست اگه قرار بود الان نمره بدم 1 هم نمیدادم
Displaying 1 - 30 of 463 reviews

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