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From Lukov with Love

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2018)
If someone were to ask Jasmine Santos to describe the last few years of her life with a single word, it would definitely be a four-letter one.

After seventeen years—and countless broken bones and broken promises—she knows her window to compete in figure skating is coming to a close.

But when the offer of a lifetime comes in from an arrogant idiot she’s spent the last decade dreaming about pushing in the way of a moving bus, Jasmine might have to reconsider everything.

Including Ivan Lukov.

493 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 2018

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Mariana Zapata

15 books52.4k followers

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Profile Image for Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰.
173 reviews2,879 followers
February 3, 2018
"If I can’t skate with you, I don’t want to skate with anyone else.”



Well this is awkward...
This started off as a solid 4 star read for me, and it all went downhill from there. Not to say that this was not a fun read - because it was. I was just expecting more


Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to one of the slowest slow burns in the history of slow burns.


Here's what I think's going to happen
This was a unique romance novel. I would even go as far as saying that this was more than just a romance novel. I will go even farther and just put it out there...

This was not a romance novel.

You're confused. I know. So am I.

I mean, yes it had romantic elements to it, but this story was revolved around people finding themselves and developing and friendships and family and so so so much more. Romance wasn't even an undertone until about the 70% mark.

"I could have been the bigger person, but fuck it, I was five foot three and I wasn’t built to be that person ever."

I was expecting a chemical and passionate story about two people falling for each other, instead I got a fiery little cracker who at first was someone I thought I wouldn't get along with, but I grew to love Jasmine. It was her story about learning to love herself as she was, forgiving and growing. And it was so successful in that.

I really think a lot of people, like me will enjoy this... I also think a lot of people will love this story for what it is - just like I have. Unfortunately, I speak for myself when I say this story just did not do it for me as a romance, but did so much more as a self journey.


The Writing
The narration in this book worked in two ways for me:

The inner monologue felt odd and frankly, a bit too much at times. I loved Jasmine as a character because even though she was a bitch, and different to any other MC we usually get, she showed how she developed as a person as the story unfolded. The character development was so strong with Jasmine. Cheers to the author for showing that so well.

Furthermore, I felt like there was a lot of elements to this story that just dragged on or was all together unnecessary.

“I… I… I…,” one of them stuttered while the other looked like she was about to crap her leotard and tights. Good. I hoped she did. And I hoped it had a diarrhea-like texture so it would go everywhere"

However, The banter and the budding relationship between Ivan and Jasmine was something that I loved! I laughed out loud multiple times and longed for more screen time of them just going back and forth with comebacks.

“You probably sit in your Tesla and cry every time you wrinkle your sweaters.” Ivan barked out another laugh that was pretty much shouted up at the ceiling."

They worked so well off one and another, and that epilogue chapter actually made me smile. I'm happy for them and I would be more happy if I could see more of their relationship growing as a couple rather than just friends. Although, I think what the intention was that for them to reach that stage of familiarity, they needed to be friends first... which in a way, I understand.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer,” Ivan drawled all of a sudden. I blinked and thought about glancing away but decided that would look even worse.
“I will. I think the encyclopedia needs an entry on Assholes and could use your picture as an example.”
His right hand let go of the steering wheel and covered a spot over his heart. “Ouch.”
I snorted. “Oh please.”

The Chemistry

This is where things get messy for me. While reading, I could completely feel the sparks going off between both Jasmine and Ivan, and through each endeavor they faced together. Their chemistry was great. But here's the thing:

Personally, I felt like their chemistry was at a constant 'best friend' level, because both of them needed that at the time. It felt weird and odd in the last 10% for them to get together as more than just that. It felt rushed and like the author needed to get out that they were actually more than friends.

Which brings me to the fact that they only did really make a move at around 88%... When they did get together, it all felt too cringey and unrealistic because it was so sudden and anti-climactic. Sure, there was always tension between them.. but whether or not I would classify that as romantic or sexual tension is debatable.

It was like I was building myself up for this massive thing between them to explode and hyping myself up. Once something did happen, I kinda just looked at my kindle and went "Oh..."

“Don’t sound so excited,” he replied. Then he smiled. “Which bridge do you live under and how do we get there?”

Profile Image for clara ✧・゚.
174 reviews458 followers
July 28, 2023
alright, i have a lot to say because this book was infuriating, to say the least. i think the worst part is how high my expectations were set—literally every single person i've seen talk about From Lukov with Love loved it. i'm obsessed with slowburn romances and was told i would love Ivan, so i thought "this is the book for me!"... i've never been more wrong.

my main issue is the writing. i don't mean to sound judgemental or harsh, but had it been better, this could have been a 3 star read (the plot wasn’t impressive, but i've seen way worse). first of all, someone needs to tell Mariana Zapata that it is OKAY to use a character's name more than once in a paragraph: it doesn't sound weird. what does sound weird, however, is the constant use of periphrasis. it's never "Ivan looked at me", it's "the man i had grown up with and hated for most of my life looked at me". it's never "my mom laughed", it's "the woman who gave birth to me laughed". this is the kind of literary device you use sometimes, in order to avoid repetitions. you don't need to use it every single page, and i swear, as a reader, once you notice it, you can't unsee it.

another small thing that made me irrationnally angry was how the characters were constantly blinking. i mean, we all know that humans blink, but at this point it's just something authors don't tend to describe unless there's a specific reason for it? the author used this verb so many times i felt like throwing my phone accross the room every time i saw it.

speaking of dialogues, i now understand why this book is so long: the conversations between characters never seem to end, and not because they have a lot to say to each other, but because everything is dragged out for no apparent reason. to give an example, at the beginning of the book, Jasmine has just been asked to partner with Ivan, and doesn't think she should tell her mom, with whom she's very close. the mother figures out that she's hiding something, so she tries to get her to say it, and this conversation lasts forever. it sounds a little bit like: "tell me" "no" "tell me" "no" "TELL ME" "NO". why was this necessary?! same thing when, later in the book, Jasmine discovers her mother has been hurt, but it takes three pages of dialogue for her to actually figure out what happened because her mom just refuses to tell her.

i've noticed the same pattern in most of Ivan and Jasmine's interactions. three times in this book, he tries to convince her to get in a car with him, and she takes ages to agree. twice, she's laying on the ice as he tells her to get back up, and she refuses. and, again, it's always "no" "yes" "no" "yes" etc. it got so repetitive that i actually skipped whole paragraphs, and i didn't even miss relevant information.

now let’s talk about how insufferable the two main characters are. Jasmine acts like a 13 year old—even though she's a grown adult pushing 30—, but that doesn't seem to be an unpopular opinion after reading the reviews. however, i don't understand why everyone loves Ivan so much; did we read the same book?? he bodyshames Jasmine for years, and then has the AUDACITY to tell her it was "just jokes" and she's "too sensitive" when she gets upset about it... also, his reaction when he finds out about her stalkers just doesn't sit right with me: you discover your friend has been harassed by disgusting men since she was young, and your only reaction is to get mad at her for keeping it a secret from you? like, he gets genuinely mad... his face turns red and everything.

i thoroughly enjoy slowburn romances when it's properly done, but to me that wasn't the case in this book. there isn't any tension between the two characters, and even though it takes them 500 pages to get together, i still feel like Jasmine's feelings came out of nowhere. all of a sudden, she's like "i love Ivan Lukov", when she's barely mentioned any emotion resembling love before?? i don't know how Mariana Zapata managed to make the romance in such a slow book feel rushed, but she did and i hated it.

this book pretty much single-handedly destroyed the little trust i had left in booktok recommendations. sure, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and i would usually say no book is objectively good or bad, but it doesn’t apply to this one. i’m half convinced the people praising it were either paid or didn’t actually read it.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,934 reviews33k followers
May 14, 2022
Have you ever seen the amazing 1992 movie that was The Cutting Edge?



Well, I loved this movie growing up.

So much in fact that I had it on VHS - for you youngun's, that was like a big tape cassette that played movies.

Oh wait, young people might not know what a tape cassette is either.

Here's a visual:


Those were the days, folks. Such amazing clarity...


Such clear and concise user instructions...


But anyrewind, as I was saying...

I had it on VHS.

And when those went out, I got it on DVD.

And when those went out, I got it on Blu Ray.

And when even THAT became SO 2014, I got it on Amazon Video.

So I can legit carry that shit around with me everywhere I go and watch the magic to my heart's content via smartphone.

I have this movie memorized backwards and forwards, folks.
I can pretty much recite the whole thing.


And this book?

Reminded me SO much of that movie.

There were two people who came together to form a figure skating team, one of whom came from a rich family that owned their own skating rink.

They hated each other and argued nonstop.


They too had to figure out lift holds.


They fell a lot.


And then there was the "Pamchenko Twist," the basically impossible, fictionalized figure skating move...which was mentioned in the book and executed in this movie.


So part of me has to believe that Zapata had this movie in mind or was paying homage to it in some way.

Which I am TOTALLY on board with, because I adored it.

This thing was like a Kulti-fied Cutting Edge and it made my inner little 1992 nine year old heart just burst with happiness.

Cause not only is Edge one of my favorite all time movies and Zapata one of my favorite authors...figure skating is one of my favorite sports, so this was just a joy to read all around.

Per Zapata usual, this is a slow burn and very character-driven story told from the sole perspective of our main female character and I devoured it in one sitting.

I didn't love this one as much as Winnipeg, but I truly don't think that book will ever be surpassed for me, so that's really irrelevant; but I do think I might have enjoyed it even more than Kulti, although perhaps that's just a result of the aforementioned movie nostalgia factor.

But whatever.

I enjoyed the book immensely and know other Zapata fans will too.

Profile Image for Ayman.
259 reviews109k followers
March 19, 2022
y’all i fucking get it now. zapata IS in fact the slow burn queen! 😤

i was there for every page of this story. it sucked me right in from the beginning and i had the biggest smile on my face when i finished it. 🥹

if there’s anything i want more of it’s the slowest of slow burns. this book had me crawling on my knees, on my last breathe, and i barley made it. i was fighting for my life yall but it was absolutely fucking worth it. zapata takes us to WAR with this one and now you can consider me a veteran 😩🤟🏽 i’m braver that the fucking troops 🫡🤟🏽 /j

Our main girl Jasmine is the baddest bitch in the fucking game. i was expecting this to be dual POV but was pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t. she kept me on my toes and i was rooting for her since day one. she quickly became a comfort character that i’m inspired by but saw a lot of myself in.

ivan…vanya if you will can fucking get it. this man says ALL the right things. he is the ideal book boyfriend and i’m down on my knees for him yall. i’m talking hair in a ponytail and running laps around the neighborhood 🏃‍♀️

the relationship development with Jasmine and Ivan was so raw and realistic. the mere fact that their love language is to insult one another had me banging my head against the wall 😭💖✨ they and so funny and i love them so much! i didn’t know what to expect and at times i thought they’d just be good friends if anything. i was mentally preparing myself for that tbh. but alas we had that epic epilogue that brought happy tears to my eyes. there’s nothing i love more than a strong female whose only weakness is her other half. good half 🫠

now catch watching rerun episodes of tessa and scott… iykyk
Profile Image for maya ⋆⭒˚。⋆.
95 reviews626 followers
January 15, 2022
the fact that the author did not feel the need to create a stupid fight in the end because their relationship development was enough by itself ✨✨☺️😌😌☺️✨✨😌
March 13, 2023
1.5 stars. dnf @80%



That's the amount of times that the words "blinked" and "blinking" are repeated throughout the entire fucking book. So you can see hOW FUCKING TIRED I WAS OF SEEING THOSE WORDS. MY EYES GREW TIRED OF ROLLING THEM EVERY SECOND I READ IT.

This is my first —and surely last— book of Mariana Zapata, as you can see.

I dnfed it at 80%. But why, Ale? You were almost over. Yes. I've been wanting to dnf this book since the first 100 pages, when anything relevant was happening.

Sigh. What can I say?

I'm disappointed, even when I shouldn't because I told myself to not to have high expectations just because of the hype... See? I never learn. And probably I never will.

So, let's go to the point.

As with many books, I get surprised when I rate popular books with 1 or 2 stars because I wonder "there's something wrong with me? (there is, many things actually, but that's a storytime for another day)" or if i'm a coldhearted bitch? (but oh, i am, lol). But we all have our opinions and I don't blame y'all for liking/loving this book. Actually, I tried to like it, but unfortunately, I just couldn't.

I always value a good character development, and Jasmine's was 50/50, only if her inner long—ass monologue wouldn't have been tiring and repetitive. I understood part of her struggles, but like a 10% of it. And that's it. The rest it's just her being a whiny bitch. I wish she wasn't the most annoying bitch ever.

Ivan was fine??? I guess??? Yes, you had me screaming, crying, throwing up and drooling over him, but there were many times when I wanted to smack him in the face. Also, he's almost 30 but acts and speaks like a 17 y/o boy, and so is Jasmine. Both are really immature that at some point, you forget that they're 26 and 30 and think that they're actually 17.

I personally didn't like the writing. It felt... dry and rigid. Repetitive and dull. I like figure skating (it's the main reason why I picked up this book in first place) but the long—ass explanations of pages about that were... Unnecessary? I honestly don't know how to describe it.

This book was SO SO SO long for no reason. Almost 500 pages and honestly nothing exciting was happening.

It was supposed to be a "slow burn" but the only burn was the pacing of the time: it jumped between seasons and some things didn't even make sense at the end of some chapters. Like, girl, I wanted to know more about certain moments. I just don't know why but some chapters felt off... I can't even say I felt it like a book focussed on romance bc I'm pretty sure it was more focussed on their relationship as partners, friends and then becoming best friends, anD THEN WHEN I WAS THINKING "HERE SHE'LL REALIZE" SHE DIDN'T AND IT PISSED ME OFF.

Also, it was Ivan who showed up more feelings than Jasmine. She was just leaning on Ivan and that was it. Beside of the trust issues, she was very flat on that aspect, too.

It was waaaaaaaaay beyond slow burn.

For what I've read in other reviews, we have the "romance" about the 98% of the book and... girl, pls, no.

I guess this book was not for me, lol.

Repetitive, dull, dry and rigid. That's how I'd define this book.

Didn't feel the hype.

previous review:
i don't know if i'm excited of afraid to start this one
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,288 reviews41 followers
April 27, 2018

A conversation between ignorant Bibi and slightly less ignorant Bibi, let's call them B1 and B2

B1: Five stars? Really? After all the bitching and moaning

B2: *smiles at her e-reader*

B1: But you hated Jasmine at the beginning

B2: *widens smile*

B1: You also said and I quote "what kind of fuckery is this? No 30-yr-old man speaks like this"

B2: *ignores bitch1 B1*

B1: *wrings hands* but....you dislike slow burn romance

B2: *casts a pitying look at B1*

B1: You said Ivan and Jasmine were too old. I was there, you totally said it. *sniffs*. Why are you doing this to us? *wails*

B2: *casts another pitying look at B1*

B1: After all that we've been through, you would do this to me? Don't think I didn't see how you cackled at that scene with HRH Lacey. I can't even comprehend those liquid things that fell from your eyes during the scene at the restaurant or how you couldn't contain your joy while reading the epilogue. I totally saw it, you...you...Ivan-fangirling, backstabbing, slow burn loving traitor. * glances away, wipes imaginary tears.*
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,151 reviews55.4k followers
July 23, 2023
“Because I’m okay with you having ten other people be your favorite. But you’re always going to be my favorite person. Always, no matter what.”

CUE THE BIG SLOPPY TEARS. I fucking loved this. I can understand why people don’t love it, Jas can be annoying and this was a true slow burn.

But damn if I didn’t relate to Jas’ passion and her attitude and her need for support and validation. And it didn’t help that Ivan’s quotes were basically ripped directly from my bf’s mouth.

Profile Image for  A. .
1,162 reviews4,884 followers
August 2, 2020
I give up. And I feel like a traitor.

Maybe one day, many, many years from now, when I retire, I will decide to finish this book while I wait for my georgeous future grandkids to wake up from their midday nap. Maybe. Not today, though.

The thing is, right now I don’t have time nor patience for this story and this heroine. I can't spend one more second in her head. When you've got a lot of shit going on in your real life, you don’t need annoying heroines with their overblown problems.

I still cringe when I see an envelope in my mailbox.

That’s how traumatized I was by the heroine in her last book.

And I know what you’re probably thinking. This is Mariana Zapata for heaven's sake. You knew this would be a slow burn romance.

Let me explain. This is the writer who gave us Kulti. And The Wall of Winnipeg and Me. I will not give up on her. EVER. I'm sure she will blow my mind again.

As I was saying, maybe one day.

Profile Image for lila ✽.
143 reviews2,334 followers
February 21, 2024
i loathed the way body image issues were portrayed in this. i felt like lukov was instrumental in contributing to jasmine’s hate of her own body. the way lukov body-shamed her? he was literally gaslighting her for fuck’s sake. and half the time the fat-phobia just made me cringe away from the book. he was constantly calling her “heavy” and kept emphasizing her weight and it made jasmine feel so insecure and uncomfortable?? it was just too much for me because that is just one of the (many) things i cannot tolerate in a romance book, sorry. maybe it was just an inside “joke” for the both of them, i don’t fucking care. it pushed the limit. and him saying her she’s too “sensitive” and that learning disability jab he gave jasmine 😭😭 not that he was too obvious about his affection for her either with all the different ways he said ily by subtly calling her fat 🥰🙄

and then in the end he has the audacity to say “i loved you from the very beginning” i ⸺

sir⸺shut the fuck up. pls get the fuck away from me. if that’s how you treat a woman you love, lukov, i definitely don’t wanna know how you’d treat a person you hate 😭

˗ˏˋ random things i hated about this book ´ˎ˗

✧ guys... remember that lukov called jasmine his meatball 💀
✧ both jasmine and lukov were just really immature icl. i just didn’t like either one of them much, and while there were moments i tolerated jasmine she was also... very annoying. supremely so.
✧ i think the characters blinked so much they just couldn’t open their eyes to what was right in front of them.
✧ the development of the relationship? excuse me, where even was it?? there was no chemistry between the characters, nothing that’d make it believable to me.
✧ the inner monologue never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended never ended. am i supposed to believe this “love” between them was real when the author was hell-bent on not showing any emotion between the characters? i know mz usually writes grumpy heroes who show no feeling at all and i get that, and i even love them sometimes. but this was just plain bad.
✧ i know mz’s smut scenes are bad... but pls, ma’am, i’d rather you leave it out of the picture if you’re gonna write such traumatizing one line smut scenes <3
Profile Image for Destiny Sidwell.
77 reviews99.8k followers
February 5, 2022
this might quite possibly be my favorite book of all time. i am empty.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,142 reviews34.8k followers
October 25, 2021
4.25 stars!!!

 photo IMG_1295_zpsq4vxtesj.png

I am obsessed with Mariana Zapata's audio books. I'm kind of just obsessed with her books, period, but I love listening to them. They have the amazing narration and make my heart happy. From Lukov with Love was the best enemies to lovers/friends to lovers/slowburn/sports romance.

Ivan Lukov and Jasmine Santos have been in the same ice skating circuit for many years. Not only that, but Jasmine's best friend is Ivan's sister. Still, these two have not had the best relationship. On the surface it seems like they kind of hate each other. Jasmine is still skating, but competing seems out of reach for her right now- maybe ever again. That is, until Ivan makes her an offer she can't refuse.

Watching these two work together/skate together in the beginning was a hoot. Their back and forth banter was the best. It was ridiculous at times, but in a good way. I loved watching their friendship bloom. Ivan seems like such a jerk at the start, but he is truly the best guy with the biggest heart. I shipped him and Jasmine early on and couldn't have been happier when their friendship changed into more.

This was very much the signature slow burn Zapata is known for. I love the duet style narration, even though the book was told solely from Jasmine's POV, Ivan's lines were voiced by a male narrator. Speaking of narrators- the Callie Dalton/Teddy Hamilton pairing was EVERYTHING! I loved the characters, loved the story, and loved the audio. This was a very enjoyable and entertaining read I would highly recommend!
“I believe in you. In us. Regardless of what happens, you will always be the best partner I’ve ever had. You’ll always be the hardest working person I’ve ever known. There will only ever be you.”
Profile Image for  Teodora .
412 reviews2,163 followers
February 8, 2024
4.45/5 ⭐

Full review on my Blog: The Dacian She-Wolf 🐺

I honestly was far from expecting this book to make me tear up a bit at the end. But it happened. And it was more like a tiny wet something in my eyes though…but hey, no one is crying here, okay? Mind your own business.

From Lukov with Love , huh?

I would definitely not lie if I told you that I have heard about this book multiple times a couple of years ago when everyone around me was reading it and I was just sitting there with my Crime and Punishment copy, rolling my eyes.

And now…here I am. Becoming all heart-eyed over it. *sigh*

Okay, it took me a while to appreciate it but hey, better later than never, right?

So far, I think this is my favourite slow-burn contemporary romance.

I am not that well-acquainted with this genre so I don’t want to speak from my side-of-the-road-puddle-deep experience with them, but for now, this is just up there on my list. It has been so very great and it made me so very warm inside. Which is dumb to admit because the whole thing happens on ice (which is kind of cold ahem). But anyway.


This is the story of Jasmine Santos and her determination to prove everyone – herself included – that she is one of the best figure skaters out there. Her time has not come yet and she would definitely smash the door in its nose if it were to come by any time soon.

I honestly loved Jasmine. She was this mean, hard-working bitch with a big, loud family that loved the shit out of her hard ass and she loved the shit out of each one of them too. She is definitely a tough cookie and a bit too intense for some people to put up with but damn, it’s like she’s me and I am her. Most of the time. And I honestly love her because I can relate to her.

A badass heroine like her is hard to put up with and some people don’t care or don’t want to try to know her. Expect for Ivan Lukov.

Normally, I don’t fall for contemporary romance characters (I’m more of a sci-fi/fantasy whore anyway), but there was something about Vanya Lukov. I simply fell in love with him. Me and Jasmine, both of us.

I mean, for real, he’s so sweet and considerate, full of interesting personality and he loves animals and has I-don’t-know-how-many dogs, a pink piggy pig and a bunny? Yeah, uh-huh, marry me already, Lukov.

Ivan and Jasmine’s relationship is full of snarky banter, the hate-to-love trope thriving. Both of them are so full of shit that they are kind of adorable, I mean, their relationship literally goes like this:

Jasmine and Ivan *always hugging like the world is ending*
*spending 90% of their time together*
*having dinner with each other's families*
*seeing each other naked*
Jasmine *hating on his face but constantly thinking about it*
*ogling his tight buns*
Ivan *supporting the hell out of Jas*
*calling her baby*
*taking care of Jas every time she fucks sth up*
*basically telling Jas how much he loves her with every breath he takes*


Honestly now, adorable.


I also loved the fact that in this book, the main issue discussed has been about bullying and harassment – the type that starts online and ends up going on in real-life too. I mean disgusting pervs and stalkers. And sadly, this happens a lot, especially when it comes to female athletes.

Jasmine has to deal with this kind of harassment and unwanted attention for years and years, and she decides not to tell anyone about this situation because she doesn’t want to trouble them – because it’s not big of a deal.

Uhm, no. It is a pretty fucking big deal. And choosing to try to ignore it or solve it all by yourself is not going to help your cause.

I really do believe that people – and I think mostly girls, but I don’t want to generalise – put up with things like this and don’t tell anyone because they are either afraid or ashamed. And that is why those people start to disintegrate mentally.

I am sure everyone has in their life someone like Ivan Lukov – someone who gets mad and disgusted by such morally-rotten creatures and feels the need to help their friend whatever it takes genuinely because they care deeply about them.

Cry for help if you need it and someone is going to answer, I can guarantee.

This is, yet again, another crusty-on-the-outside-soft-on-the-inside romance that Mariana Zapata serves us and – with the risk of repeating myself – I honestly believe that it’s one of my favourite contemporary romances ever.

If you haven’t read it yet, there is still plenty of time to do that. It’s super easy to read, the story flows and the characters are to die for.

All you need to do is to give it a try!

Oh and, P.S.

The two are totally giving me the perfect mix between Aljona Savchenko and Bruno Masot’s incredibly well-timed routines packed with great difficulty and Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir’s fabulous chemistry on ice vibe.

Profile Image for Zoe.
338 reviews1,927 followers
October 19, 2022
i love this book with my entire being

Me to Ivan: I love shiny things but i'd marry you with paper rings <3

I love Ivan Lukov with all of my heart

I had the time of my life last night reading this book, i was smiling like a fool for hours

Live footage of me reading this book:

And when I say hours I mean hours, i read from 10.30pm till 4.30am in the morning, i was invested, but what can i say, this always happenes with Mariana Zapata books, i swear she laces those pages with crack or something.

Everything in this book was perfect.

from here on out this review is riddled with spoilers you have been warned

For one, Jasmine had a personality. Now, hear me out, usually in romance books the female main character has nooo personality. She just whines and complains about worthless shit the entire book and the guy ends up carrying the entire book. But not Jasmine, she was like a breath of fresh air. she actually had a personality and i love her with my entire being.

She felt so real to me

She's also excessively funny

For example:

"did you call someones mum a dirty whore again?"

"Just one month ago he had asked me if I was ever going to go through puberty. And in reply I had told him I’d go through it when his balls decided to drop"

"Then she got detention in kindergarten twice. One girl pulled her hair, so she pulled her hair right out. Then another girl ate her snack, and she threatened to spit in her eye and the teacher overheard"

"I like little kids. I just dont like adults"

Queen energy

And the banter that she had with Ivan had me cackling

"What's Jasmines favourite colour?” She asked. He glanced at the same time the woman looked away”Red.” Then added like the children you eat

"What's Ivans favourite colour? I glanced at Ivan and made a face “Black” I answered, but mouthed like your heart

Those are some of the ones I annotated but by god at the start of the book there banter and jabs at each other were too good to be true

I dunno there's just something about romance books where the main characters have good witty funny banter.

And then when the photo shoot happened and she was going on about how she didn’t want to do it because he’d make fun of her body and he reassured her that her body was beautiful and he would NEVER make fun of it.

My heart in that moment https:

And then when they ended up doing it and he saw her naked and muttered fuck. You know that's when everything changed. He was so obsessed with her aghhhhhhhh.

Don’t even get me started on when she was sick and he took care of her. AND WHEN HE FOUND OUT ABOUT THE STALKER

I love him

And then when he dragged her to his house and the minivan with the french bulldog in time out

I was in tears, it was so good

"Why is she in time out?” I practically whispered. “Shes been giving me a lot of sass this morning, picking on her sisters, trying to steal food, peeing on one of the beds because she got in trouble”

I dont think my heart can take this

Who would have thought that IVAN LUKOV of all people would be a dog mum? Not me for certain but I loved every scene. I know that he is the best dad to his children <3

Oh yes, can we talk about Jasmine's family? I loved them, there is just something about overbearing familys that are loud and happy that give me so much comfort. And that is Jasmine's family. I love all her brothers so much they are all too funny. But i fucking hate the dad. I will personally see to him being killed. For my bae jasmine of course. He does not deserve her.

If you can't tell from my unstable rambling i love this book and you will too

I'll leave you with this

”Because i'm okay with you having ten other people as your favourite but your always going to be my favourite person”
I hope you enjoyed my unhinged review


Ps tessa virtue scott moir give me Jasmine and Ivan vibes go look them up there performances are mesmerising

{previous review}
i love this book with my entire existance

i deleted my other review bc it was so cringey and TRASH so if you remember that review rid it from your mind bc i am writing a new one that will be 200x times better
Profile Image for m.
17 reviews1 follower
November 28, 2021
booktok will be like here's some recs :) and it'll be the worst book you've ever read
Profile Image for Warda.
1,259 reviews21.9k followers
March 23, 2023
I'm considering myself confused here. I wanted to fall in love with this book, because who doesn't love slow-burn romances?!

The characters and the plot had little substance and neither was their relationship convincing to me. It took place in a span of a year (I think) and jumped from season to season. Was that meant to be the slow-burn aspect? I mean, this is close to 500 pages! There could've been so much more better development, if half the monologue was removed and the pacing was allocated better.

Everything about this book just felt rigid. Nothing about it really flowed.

The writing was sloppy and needed polishing. It's the writing and the characters that could've gotten the depth of their romance across, and the dreams that they were striving for, but since that felt weak, it meant that every aspect of the story was weak.

It's not that this book was bad, the potential for it was there, but I just couldn't connect with it.
Profile Image for Fer Bañuelos ✨.
788 reviews3,742 followers
April 28, 2022
Segunda lectura: 14/04/22

Sip, este es mi libro favorito del año.

Primera lectura: 16/01/22

Quiero vomitar de lo mucho que me gustó.

No hay mucho que me tienen que decir para que me den ganas de leer un libro. A veces es suficiente solo mencionar "patinaje artístico" y "slowburn" para tenerme intrigado. Y dejenme decirles, From Lukov With Love me cautivó desde la página uno.

No puedo comenzar a explicar lo mucho que me encariñé con Jasmine. Su pasión, sus inseguridades y su bad-assery resaltaron durante toda la novela. Llego a entender muy bien porque la gente dice que en ocaciones llega a ser "desesperante", pero me proyecté tanto en ella que me era imposible no verme reflejado en su postura y en sus peleas con su papá e Ivan. Es un personaje sumamente fuerte y entrañable y ya es de mis protagonistas favoritas.

Y de Ivan Lukov no se diga. Ese hombre es el dueño de mi corazón. Encantador, mamón y sarcástico. Literalmente no ocupo nada más. Me encantaron las capas que tiene y como poco a poco se empiezan a revelar mientras continuas con la lectura. El cariño que le tiene a Jasmine es para enamorarse, y es de esos personajes que tienen un frente duro pero un lado sumamente gentil oculto. Amé amé amé.

Junta a estos dos protagonistas y tienes una de las mejores parejas que he leído en mucho tiempo. El banter es excelente , su química está por los cielos y simplemente son un deleite de leer. ¿La escena del photoshoot, la primera cena, la de la gripa? SO FUCKING GOOD. Literal podría hablar todo el día de este libro y nunca cansarme.

Este es de esos libros slowburn que son bastante slow. Si empiezan a leerlo pensando que les van a dar mucha acción no lo hagan porque no es así. Puedo ver porque a algunas personas les cansó el hecho que en la pareja no suceda mucho hasta el final pero yo no me quejo. Estaba viviendo mi mejor vida leyendo como poco a poco estos dos se iban encariñando y, honestamente, no necesitaba nada mas. Mariana Zapata tiene un talentaso para desarrollar un romance lento y necesito leerme sus otros libros ya.

La trama y todo lo que gira alrededor del patinaje artístico me mantuvo igual de pegado al libro. Leer las prácticas de Jasmine e Ivan, las rutinas, los ensayos y también algunas cosas que te cuentan del pasado me gustó demasiado. Es un deporte bellisimo y el enfoque que le dio la autora me pareció muy bien tratado. Se sentía en ocasiones que estabas viendo los juegos olímpicos de invierno, todo estaba bastante detallado y fue demasiado entretenido de leer.

Podría incluso decir que este es mi libro favorito de romance. There, I said it. Se que es un claim bastante denso de hacer, mucho más viniendo de mi que soy un total romántico empedernido, pero es que de verdad este libro fue perfecto. No le pongo ni un solo pero.

Con este libro confirmo varias cosas. Uno, quiero leerme todo lo que ha escrito Mariana Diosa Mi Mujer Zapata. Dos, I'm a hoe for sport romances. Tres, me urge leer más romances con el demográfico de edad que tienen los protas porque después de muchísimo tiempo I was swooning. Y cuatro, este es mi libro favorito del año y veo muy dificil que uno llegue a superarlo.
Profile Image for mira.
839 reviews1,292 followers
February 7, 2022

“I’m okay with you having ten other people be your favorite. But you’re always going to be my favorite person,” he finished. “Always. No matter what.”

meatball and vanya have finally made me speechless. just like kultisal and dallasdiana i wouldn't have minded if ivanjasmine ended up just being friends. its MZ's power tbh to write such strong friendships that halfway i'm like why is this even a romance book i just want them.

i can't stop thinking about this book even a day later. it just made my heart so full. i LOVED the way ivan and jas kept bickering back and forth throughout this whole book. sometimes i just wanted to push them together so they could kiss already, so much tension <3

i was a bit worried about jasmine, especially because i just read dear aaron and i was scared she'll be 19 years old here but i'm glad that its like 6 years later because she matured so much. i loved the family interactions in this book. jojo and james <3 my heart <3

i didn't for one second doubt my love for ivan. the minute he showed up i was 100% in love. this man ugh i love him LOVEEEE him. we all love him idc.

“I’ve seen you before. There’s no way anyone would see you on the ice and think there was a price limit on it,”

we love a romantic man. when he hugged her from behind >>>>>>> my brain stopped working i was just obsessed.

“I’m going to kill you,” his voice dropped instantly. He stared at me, bug eyed. “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

“You’ve been in my life for thirteen years. How could you not think I don’t care about you? We fuck around with each other because we both like it. Because there’s nobody else we can fuck around with that can handle it.”

“I believe in you. In us. Regardless of what happens, you will always be the best partner I’ve ever had. You’ll always be the hardest working person I’ve ever known. There will only ever be you.”

ugh ivan is just amazing. idk what to say but everything he said i had to highlight because his words and his actions >>> i'm so fucking jealous. where do i find an ivan? please someone send me a link i need one or 5...

“I love the way you smile,” he said with a dreamy, sleepy expression. “I want to tell you to do it more often, but I don’t.”
I took in every inch of that flawless face. “Why?”
He didn’t even have his eyes open as he responded. “Because you don’t give it to everyone.” His cheek rested against mine, that sweaty chest did the same as he said, “And I don’t plan on sharing you.”


anyways, go read this book NOW. its worth everything and more <3
Profile Image for jessica.
2,577 reviews43.7k followers
February 19, 2019
i have seen nothing but good things about mariana zapata, so i was really excited to finally read one of her books. and knowing that this was a goodreads finalist in the romance category only got me even more hyped. so maybe my expectations were a little too high because ughhh! this was a massive let down.

and thats mainly because i wouldnt consider this a romance book (which is what i was in the mood for). i honestly would just call it contemporary fiction or even new adult. nothing romantic happens until the last 40 pages! and it comes out of nowhere. i literally spent the entire book thinking, ‘okay, when are things going to get good and heat up?’ and then when it does FINALLY happen, i didnt even enjoy it.

also, jasmine is super unlikable. i get the whole ‘im tough because ive had to work hard for what ive earned, even when people put me down about it.’ but goodness, girl. theres no need to be a massive jerk to literally everyone in your life. tone it down a bit. 

and the last point is, as someone who has been involved in competitive figure skating on both an athletic and coaching level, i appreciate the effort zapata put in to represent the sport accurately. there are a lot of things i thought she got right about it, but it still makes me cringe every time when having to read someone explain a sport they have obviously never participated in. even though i expected as much, it was still difficult to ignore.

anyways, this isnt the story i was hoping it would be. i mean, its entertaining enough and the writing is decent, but its nothing spectacular. i would say its most likely great for prior fans for zapata, but i wouldnt recommend it to someone who wants to get to know her and her writing.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for Sophie.
229 reviews567 followers
February 19, 2022
dnf @18%

I was excited to read this. It's very popular right now and a lot of my friends seemed to like it. It also seems very seasonally appropriate because the winter Olympics are currently going on. I was like, "OOOOO! Looks cute, figure skating, enemies to lovers- what's not to like?"


Everything apparently.

Let me tell you, I only read roughly 80 pages of this book and I have a whole book's worth of things to complain about.

Jasmine is a failed figure skater, ever since she moved from the junior to the senior level of competition, she hasn't been as successful. No one will partner skate with her and the judges don't like her because they think she has an attitude problem (spoiler alert, she does). One day she gets asked to partner skate with her organization's most successful skater- who just also happens to be her arch enemy.

First off, our main character is straight-up awful and I don't think I've ever disliked a figment of someone else's imagination so strongly in my entire life. I'm guessing that the author's intention was to make her firey, snarky, and no-nonsense, but she definitely missed the mark. Jasmine is- satan. And yes, most definitely has an attitude problem.

She's supposed to be 26 but it's very unconvincing to me because she acts like a bratty 13-year-old. She yells at children who look at her funny and cusses like a freaken sailor in front of them. She is self-centered, petty, has a terrible attitude, and is most definitely the world's sorest loser.

I absolutely despise her.

Mini rant about Jasmine & her stupidness:

Jasmine is 26 years old and she still lives with her parents. Which, ok, not judging. But all she ever does is go on about how bad she feels putting her mom in debt and imposing by living with her. She's all, "oh, I would do ANYTHING to pay my mom back, if only I could, I'm such a failure and so bad at skating, if only I could get some money.🥺" And then when her skating organization asks her to be a coach literally FIVE BILLION TIMES, every time she turns her nose up in disgust and is like, "Ew, that is so beneath me, I'm so offended you even asked 😒"

I love a firey female heroine, but Jasmine is a straight-up nasty b97ch and 70% of why I couldn't finish this book.

Aside from Jasmine, everyone else in this book is also horrible. Ivan is just as immature and awful as our Jasmine, and her family also sucks butt. She goes and tells them that Ivan basically fat-shamed her for years and they all laughed. They were all like, "oh good one, why didn't I think to tell you that." I'm sorry, but I think that body-shaming is horrible and incredibly mean and just- no. no.

The flashbacks in this book also make me very uncomfortable. There's a couple where Ivan is 20 and Jasmine is 16 and it's very apparent that there is supposed to be some "underlying sexual tension" between the two during these scenes. I don't mind small age gaps sometimes but- 20 and 16?? That is f76king disgusting. Stop that.

Oh- and I still can't get over the fact that Jasmine's brother-in-law called her, "baby girl." I also think that's weird and nasty.


Please don't throw rotten vegetables at me because I didn't like this, I swear I tried to get into it. Not my cup of tea.
Profile Image for benedicta.
374 reviews506 followers
April 18, 2024

don't get me wrong I liked Jasmine and Lukov's story A LOT!!!! one might even say I loved it and I especially loved reading about their love and passion for figure skating.

BUT what I do not like and in fact realized that the more I read it in MZ's books, I hate with just as much passion as Jasmine loved figure skating is the "she falls first" trope!!!!! I do not like this trope at all and I probably never will, no matter how amazing the story is, I'm sorry it's just not it for me 😭 and what makes the "she falls first" trope feel even worse to me if that's possible is when I do not get the mmc's pov with him falling even harder (lol not literally in this case of course). guys, I can't express enough how frustrated I feel when I don't see him falling and get obsessed with the fmc but all I get is her inner thoughts "I love him, I love him, I love him" ugh 😓

I guess we finally figured why all my MZ's reads have been so close to 5 stars but not quite for me and why I held back 🥲 now on to another one, literally 😜


like DJ Khaled once said, "another one" 😌😌 I'm probably most excited about this one because mcs are figure skaters 😊💕💕
Profile Image for Antje ❦.
163 reviews431 followers
September 14, 2023

I like to start my reviews with good things, but let’s switch it up this time! Why not five starts, easy, for a contemporary romance, it’s too long. Besides the romance (and, possibly spoilery, winning a few competitions), there wasn’t much action. If a book has practically nothing happening, it doesn’t have to have 493 pages (my eyes hurt from this number (is a person who reads 900+ pages of fantasy novels)).
This was so much fun! I listened to the audiobook and it was a great experience. This is my first time reading a sports romance and honestly, I want more, specifically, I want more Mariana Zapata. She writes with such simplicity and ease, a perfect formula for a romance novel. It has that “one more chapter” crack potential and that’s what we like in this house.
Also, breaking my silence, I read this for the plot (the plot being Ivan Lukov)- this review is TO LUKOV WITH LOVE (cringey winky face). 😍🤭
Some of y’all don’t like a slow-burn book BUT LISTEN, I DO, I’M A SLOW-BURN GIRLIE AND I WILL BE TILL THE DAY I DIE. I heard that’s how Mariana Zapata writes usually, and tbh, just give me more!
Amazing to get you out of a reading slump, loveable characters, go pick it up, have a fun time!❤️‍🩹

NOTE: I read this book in 2022, but I decided to be active on my Goodreads account this year, so I’m now writing reviews for some books I’ve read previously.

Start a discussion in the comments, tell me your sports romance (and Mariana Zapata) favorites!🐇
Profile Image for preoccupiedbybooks.
482 reviews1,456 followers
May 8, 2021
I think this will definitely be my last Zapata book for real this time..

Whilst I enjoyed reading about the ice-skating, the family relationships, Ivan and Jasmine's hate to love friendship and loved Jas's personal growth, I just couldn't buy into the fact that she was meant to be 26 and him 29! I kept thinking they were 15/16?! I've never spent so much time in the head of such an immature, insecure drama queen! I really didn't like Jasmine, the heroine for most of the book; she was rude, obnoxious and godamn, the constant monologues and childish insults were too much! Don't even get me started on the blinking. Jasmine blinked at Ivan. Ivan blinked at Jasmine. She blinked at her mum, her coach, her siblings etc. I wanted to hurl my kindle at the wall at some points. We get it, they blink a lot.. Some other reactions woulda been appreciated 😂

As always, I knew this would be slow burn, but the characters didn't get together until one of the final scenes of this 540 page book! 🙄By that point I kind of wanted them to stay best friends?! 🤷🏻‍♀️

I did love Ivan! And all the things Jasmine learnt about him, when she took the time to get to know him.. And this was entertaining, in a drama filled way. And I loved how hard working and determined they both were. The last 15% had me smiling and l was left feeling good by the end of the book, but the journey to get there could have been 200 pages shorter if we didn't have to read about every thought, action and reply, including getting dressed. This needed an editor for sure!

So although sweet and entertaining (sort of) I have accepted that this author really doesn't work for me and will endeavour to resist her books on KU from now on....
Profile Image for brooke.
102 reviews8,622 followers
February 22, 2024
”because i’m okay with you having ten other people be your favorite. but you’re always going to be my favorite person”

— when i say this is a slow burn i mean the SLOWEST OF SLOW BURNS. this is slow burn excellence i couldn’t even complain bc it’s worth it. this was just *chefs kiss*

ivan lukov, that’s all. he’s officially added to my list of book bfs. i was screaming into my pillow every time he done something cute. like how can he not be ur book bf when his love language is words of affirmation and physical touch >>>

“i love you so fucking much, jasmine, that if i broke my ankle during a program, i would get up and finish it for you, to get you what you’ve always wanted.”

the banter between jasmine and ivan gave me so much serotonin they had me giggling n smiling the entire read!

— pls don’t get me started on the multiple amounts of ”he blinked” ”i blinked” mentioned. my god WHY WERE THEY BLINKING SO MUCH. i literally had to take a breather every time i saw the word “blinked” it was on every page i was losing my fucking mind!!
— also his nickname for her meatball WAS NOT CUTE AT ALL 🚩this book definitely talked about body image in a very negative way, i was starting to get self conscious and offended while reading lmao 😬

the ending was rushed and very anticlimactic but i still enjoyed this book so i’ll let it slide <33

slow burn
snarky banter
rivals to lovers
sports romance
takes care of her when she’s sick
Profile Image for Drey.
167 reviews1,000 followers
January 18, 2021

... I simply love it.

Note: This is an enemies to lovers, sports romance.

Dear Ivan and Jasmine,

When Jasmine started the story by stating that she was jealous of you, it completely got my attention. I laughed at the names that she used to describe you. Jackass, jerk, devil, and worse Satan. I understood why she was jealous of you. It's because you were always remembered and she's not. That you often won and she never had. That she did all her best but only for nothing.

But, she never gave up, Ivan. And I liked her for that. I adored you, Jasmine, for that.

Jasmine was abandoned by her partner, Paul. When you offered her to be her partner, I was glad. But the smile disappeared from my face when you told her it's only just for one year. That made Jasmine doubt your intentions, Ivan. It made her thought that maybe your playing with her. But, you convinced her that you could win championships and gold medals together. You assured her that you could find her a partner after that one year contract. Jasmine agreed then. You know what? It was her greatest ambition to win, Ivan. To make her family proud, especially her mother who sacrificed a lot for her.

I liked it when you two were always arguing and bickering for nothing. There's also a time that I was very frustrated. No doubt. You really were a perfect match. The two stubborns, hardheaded, and annoying shits.

I noticed how you, Ivan, treated her. You cared for her. You wanted her to be happy. You put a smile in her face everytime she's down. I'm mad with you, Jasmine, for ignoring his sweet gestures. Yes, I knew that you have insecurities and trust issues. You needed support from someone you could trust. I loved how you grew. It was worth waiting for that you achieved it, at last.

"The ones that matter are the ones who have always known what you’re capable of."

I didn't expect your truths, Ivan. That got me pierced in the heart.

Your story was wonderful. Unique. Messy but beautiful. I loved you as enemies. I loved you as friends. I loved you as bestfriends. I loved you as figure skaters. I loved you as a couple. And I really loved you as husband and wife.

With Love,

"I love you so much I spend all day with you, and it still isn’t enough for me,"

I highly recommend this to those who likes: enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, sports, slow burn, and especially HEA. Just bring your armors: patience and understanding.

@Lau Novas without you I think I wouldn't read this one sooner. You told me that this book is one of your all-time favourite, right? Could you include me with your list?

Profile Image for steff ౨ৎ.
203 reviews745 followers
January 31, 2022
5 stars ☆ THIS IS THE BEST SLOW BURN I’VE EVER READ. I love love love loveeee Ivan & Jasmine. They are definitely my comfort characters and this book would be one of my comfort reads for sure. And how the enemies to lovers trope put in here?! *chefs kiss* The slow burn was just impeccably good. Like i’m smiling ear to ear that made my cheeks hurt when they banter and ofc when they finally kissed AHHHHH I LOVE IT.

“𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑤𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒, 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑒.“

“𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑚𝑦 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑟. 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑟. 𝐻𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑚𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑓.“

This is my first Mariana Zapata book and I understand now on how she is THE queen of slow burns. I’m not a big fan of slow burns but this one would change my mind about slow burns. And for her works, I’ll definitely read every single one of it. Recommending this book everyday !!
Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,297 followers
February 20, 2023

This book, written by Mariana Zapata, was published in 2018. I don't know why it suddenly started showing on my feeds and why my friends started recommending it now all of a sudden. It might be due to booktok, booktube or bookstagram. It might also be because it is the season of romance right now. Whatever the reason for it, I decided to go for it as I have already read another book, Kulti, by the same author and enjoyed reading it.

In this book, Zapata tells us the story of Jasmine Santos and Ivan Lukov. Like Kulti, the author deals with sports romance in this book. When soccer was the sport discussed in Kulti, here it is figure skating.

Jasmine is a person who had to go through a lot of injuries in her career. She has reached an age considered the last phase for people in figure skating.
"Only in figure skating, and maybe gymnastics, could you be considered ancient at twenty-six years old."

Then she meets Ivan Lukov, who totally changes her life. What will happen to Jasmine's career? How will Ivan influence Jasmine? Will she have a romantic relationship with Ivan? The author gives answers to all these questions in this book.

What I learned from this book
1) Should we make an extra effort to make other people happy?
This is a highly personal topic for people and varies depending on the individual's personality and situation.

The easiest way to solve the above problem is by trying to find people having the same wavelength as your friends. Then they will be happy naturally by your presence and conversations with you without you taking any extra effort for the same.

"You are who you are in life, and you either live that time trying to bend yourself to make other people happy, or… you don't."

2) What is the word that you should never use while giving a compliment?
We should never use the word "But" while giving a compliment. This is something that most people know. But I was surprised to see that many people still don't know this.

If you are using “but” as a connector, it is considered that we are erasing the compliment by default. We can use other connectors like "and" or "in addition to that" or anything else according to your common sense that is appropriate for the situation and won't cancel your praise.

The author mentions the problems of using "but" as the connector while complimenting a person in this book.
"A "but" was about to come out of her mouth. I could feel it. There was always a "but" when someone paid you a compliment.
Maybe it was just me.
I kept my face even, but it was a little harder than I would have wanted it to be."

3) How to use banter effectively in novels?
Mariana Zapata is one of the best contemporary authors in using banter and love tropes in novels. She is also using many negotiating tactics in this book. She shows us how to respond when someone is asking you a question that will push you to the defensive mode in a conversation. If someone is attacking you with questions to deliberately push you into a defensive conversation, shoot a question back with why (like why did you ask that) to push the questioner into a defensive mode instead of trying to answer their vexing question. If you want to deal with the situation a little more graciously without sending the opposite person into a defensive mode, you can use "what is the reason" instead of why. (For example, what is the reason you asked that). These are conversation tactics you should use only if you find out that the opposite person is trying to intimidate you, as it has the potential to influence the conscious and subconscious mind of the other person and has the propensity to alter the natural progression of the conversation. These tactics might appear very simple to you, but they are very effective and might help you in your life.

"I. Want. To. Know. What. You. Mean. By. That."

"I still don't get what you mean by that. Explain."

4) Is listening to an audiobook considered reading?
This is a question that is highly circulating around the reading community. It is interesting to see that even multiple studies are being conducted to determine whether comprehension is different between reading and listening to audiobooks.

Nothing can indeed replace the joy of reading a physical book. I am a conventional reader who prefers to read Physical books. But we can't ignore the ease of using audiobooks and their immense role in helping the newer generation to listen to books amid their busy lives. We can see that the author also loves and gives more importance to physical books, which is great. But her approach to audiobooks is a debatable topic.
"He wouldn't know I didn't really read. I borrowed audiobooks from the library, but that was as crazy as I got. “

In my opinion, physical books, e-books and audiobooks are all crucial in the reading process of an individual. Each one has its own pros and cons. I think it is absurd to compare them.

5) What is one of the most important life lessons we can learn from figure skating?
Sports are not just for entertainment. We can also learn many life lessons from them. We can see the author trying to tell us an important lesson from figure skating.
" And one of the best lessons I'd ever learned figure skating was that when you fell, you got right back up and acted like nothing had happened to begin with. You made things important, or you didn't. And if you got up and smiled and held your head up high… you still had your dignity”

My favourite three lines from this book
"It was easy to take things for granted when you thought you had everything.
But it was when you started taking the most basic things for granted that life decided to teach you that you're an ungrateful idiot."

"You should be proud of her for never giving up on her dreams. You should be proud of her for being true to herself."

"Challenges were only hard if you went into them expecting not to succeed."

What could have been better?
Books by Mariana Zapata are not for everyone. If you love one of her books, there is a high chance that you will love most of her works. If you hated her one work, the chance of loving any of her books is very rare. It might be because most of her books are slow-burn romances, including this one.

Just like Kulti, this is around 500 pages and it takes a long, long time for the two characters to have a romantic relationship. The banter between them goes on and on. It is good in one way, as it helps in the character development of Jasmine and it is done brilliantly. But it will irritate some readers after some time (particularly those who are reading a book by Zapata for the first time).

Some topics, themes and tropes are repeated in her novels and it might irritate those who have read more than one of her works. But to be frank, I was ok (to a certain extent) with both of the above problems.

It is something else in this book that irritated me. I am a person who enjoys watching figure skating. I even tried to watch some amazing skating in the Olympics by legends like Katarina Witt, which happened in the Olympics even before I was born. If you are a follower of figure skating, you might be disappointed by the way it is dealt with in this novel. Some unnecessary explanations by the author will add oil to the fire and the fans will have to wait an eternity to read something serious about it, which is written in the last part of the book.

There is a lot of body-shaming in this novel. Some of it is written in a way that is quite normal to call such problematic terms. The author should have to be very careful in her future works while using such words.

Have you ever had an experience where a movie director slowly builds the characters and you get really immersed in the movie experience? Then suddenly, there will be a power outage and the television or the projector in the movie theatre stops working. This book sadly gives the same experience. The author takes a lot of effort to build the characters and everything goes well (if you are someone who loves slow-burn novels) until 85% of this book. Then many things happen quickly and the author quickly wraps up the novel. The ending was pretty disappointing for me compared to the rest of the book. The author should have taken a little more effort into writing the novel's final part.

3.5/5 This will be a good choice for those who love to read slow-burn sports romance novels.
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