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The Ravenels #5

Devil's Daughter

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A scintillating tale of a beautiful, young widow who finds passion with the one man she shouldn't . . .

Although beautiful young widow Phoebe, Lady Clare, has never met West Ravenel, she knows one thing for certain: he's a mean, rotten bully. Back in boarding school, he made her late husband's life a misery, and she'll never forgive him for it. But when Phoebe attends a family wedding, she encounters a dashing and impossibly charming stranger who sends a fire-and-ice jolt of attraction through her. And then he introduces himself—as none other than West Ravenel.

West is a man with a tarnished past. No apologies, no excuses. However, from the moment he meets Phoebe, West is consumed by irresistible desire . . . not to mention the bitter awareness that a woman like her is far out of his reach. What West doesn't bargain on is that Phoebe is no straitlaced aristocratic lady. She's the daughter of a strong-willed wallflower who long ago eloped with Sebastian, Lord St. Vincent—the most devilishly wicked rake in England.

Before long, Phoebe sets out to seduce the man who has awakened her fiery nature and shown her unimaginable pleasure. Will their overwhelming passion be enough to overcome the obstacles of the past? Only the devil's daughter knows.

375 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 19, 2019

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About the author

Lisa Kleypas

113 books29.6k followers
LISA KLEYPAS is the RITA award-winning author of 21 novels. Her books are published in fourteen languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband and two children.

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Profile Image for Sara Reads (mostly) Romance.
350 reviews247 followers
February 24, 2019
Full Review Feb 23 2019:




God this book was so fucking good. I started at 11 pm and literally stayed up till 4 and devoured it in one sitting lmao. MAY I JUST SAY I have been waiting for this book for a freaking year and it. DELIVERED.

aright aright aright, so where do I even begin...

Let's start with the plot, shall we? So, Pheobe, daughter of our most beloved, Sebastian St. Vincent, is a beautiful young widow with two children who meets West Ravenel at the wedding of her brother and his cousin. From the beginning, they both had a stark and obvious attraction literally the moment they lay eyes on one another. Unfortunately for both of them, Pheobe has her bad opinion of him set in stone, due to unfortunate events that happened in their youth. However, as they are both mature adults and their families about to be united, they get over it quite fast. Also, they're frequently thrown into situations where they're forced to converse.

I absolutely love love loved their chemistry! Their conversations were stimulating and witty and I did not get bored once. Not even once. Sometimes you'll see authors drag out convos between their mc's and they just feel artificial and boring.

Pheobe is definitely a unique heroine, but not eccentric or out of her time or ethereal like some of Kleypas's other heroines in this series. She is honestly the most relatable in the most human way. She loves her sons and is so so kind, and smart and funny! I love that she doesn't hold on to past grudges and slowly lets herself fall in love with West. I love that she let herself get over her grief first and handle this next romance so maturely. But what I loved most were her interactions with her family. Not just her sons, who were FUCKING ADORABLE, but her PARENTS. UGhHH



Ok back to my review

It was very refreshing to see the family's involvement. I feel like something a lot of historical authors lack is the role of family, which was HUGE back then. I mean, marriage was a unity between two families, especially within the aristocracy, so not only was it historically accurate but also such a treat!


every time he opened his fucking mouth or made an appearance I was like

Literally, one of the most likable heroes Kleypas or anyone has ever made, I swear lmao. So Sebastian St. Vincent (who i will always consider literally the greatest romance hero of all time), is a reformed bad boy, but is still a BAD boy ya know what I mean, he will never ever truly be reformed. He a sly silver fox yummy yum slurp drool im wet. ok sry going back to west. WEST is different because he has let go of that part of his past. He doesn't want to be that person anymore, while Sebastian always embraced that side of him. Honestly I appreciate and love both of their personalities.

West was completely reformed and a hard worker, and most importantly, craved a relationship. When he met Phoebe I was rooting so so hard for him because he was clearly just awed and struck by her beauty and personality. It was literally love at first sight for him and it was so sweet how he and her got along. Literally, his personality was EVERYTHING.

Justin and Stephen, Phoebe's children played a huge part in this story. I honestly rarely read about widows with children, but this was something that made Phoebe's character so unique. Her children were a part of her, and so so cute. They won me over, and the way West would interact with them

One of my favorite scenes was Phoebe's realization of how much she wanted West in her life after they were all together like a family and she narrates

Oh yes . . . I want this man.



THAT'S RIGHT IM TALKIN ABOUT THEM SEXY TIMMEESSS!!! The SMUT was literally FIREEE. I loved how their sexual tension was building up and it didn't combust until closer to the end. It made it so much better and so much more real, honestly. West IS LITERALLYY SO FUCKING SEXY OH MY GOOOODDDNEESSSS every damn time i was like

As much as I would like to say more, I don't want to spoil anything else but suffice to say THIS BOOK IS AMAZING AND I WILL PROBABLY RE READ IT TOMORROW LMAO

THE ONLY COMPLAINT I HAVE ABOUT THIS BOOK IS THAT IT ENDED WITHOUT AN EPILOGUE WHICH I NEEDED SO DAMN BAD!!!! ALSO I WANT A TEASER ABOUT SEVERIN AND CASSANDRAAAA I NEED TO READ THEIR BOOK SO BAD. I'm so intrigued now after knowing more about Severin's character, like bro what made you like this? Why are you so cynical and mechanical? How will your woman make you change? I MUST KNOWWW ALDSKHFJKSDF

Brava Ms. Kleypas, Brava.

Feb 19 2019:

EDIT 12/12

can you tell i'm excited?

high expectations for this one Ms. Kleypas, high expectations indeed.



It's with the same excerpt that was on the back of Hello Stranger but STILL SHE'S CONTEMPLATING DOING A WALLFLOWERS NEXT GEN SOMEONE PINCH ME I SWEAR FUCCCCC

Oh My God. THIS WAIT WILL LITERALLY KILL ME. LISA KLEYPAS TAKE MY MONEY I NEED THIS NOVEL SO BAD. Does anyone have HR recommendations as good as hers? I have read hundreds of historicals, good and bad, and her books are at the top. Why must waiting be so hard???!!

Profile Image for Penny Reid.
Author 105 books21.6k followers
February 26, 2019
Reading Lisa Kleypas makes me question whether I should be writing books at all. She is a MASTER, her stories always give me that lovely pang in my chest and the sense of being lost in another world. My plan had been to wait and save this book for when I needed something great to read. Alas, I lasted one week. :-\

That's okay, I'll re-read it. :-)
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews891 followers
February 23, 2019

If you asked me about my favorite Historical Romance author I wouldn't be able to pick one. There are too many who write exceptional stories. But there is one who will always be in the top three: Lisa Kleypas. I've read almost all of her HR books and there wasn't a single one I didn't love. But we all have this one hero, written by one of our favorite authors that stands out and will always occupy a special place in our hearts. In my case that is Sebastian St. Vincent from Devil in Winter. That is not to say, however, that there isn't room for another one because, let me tell you, Weston Ravenel settled in right next to Sebastian. ALL THE SWOONS!

Phoebe is a spirited young woman who married her childhood sweetheart Henry, who was ailing from a disease that would eventually take him away from her. At her brother Gabriel's wedding she meets the man who bullied Henry in boarding school. Having to make nice with somebody who was so horrible as a youth goes against the grain but when she comes face to face with West he's not at all what she expected.

This man was the storm and the shelter, pulling her into a deep, encompassing darkness where there was too much to feel—hot soft firm sweet hungry rough silken tugging—She strained helplessly in his arms, although she didn’t know whether she was trying to escape or press closer.

Like her mother Evie, Phoebe has the heart of lioness - brave, fierce and tender for the ones she loves, a steely will but also a tiny bit of her mother's shyness. Admittedly I found her to be a little judgmental in the beginning but truth be told, I'd probably react the same way if I were confronted with someone who hurt a loved one so deeply over a long period of time. I also felt that Phoebe was more of a mother, a best friend to Henry than a wife, she was stronger in every way, so her sense of protection and justified indignation were strong. One of my favorite scenes was when Phoebe forgave her husband's tormentor.

Soon West takes up residence in her mind and heart, his unearthly good looks and boyish charm don't leave her unaffected. By the end of the book I had nothing but love and admiration for Phoebe left.
How surprising life was. Once she would never have considered this man for herself. And now it would be impossible to consider anyone else.

Weston Ravenel was a scoundrel until he realized what he was doing to himself. He sobered up and took over the management of his brother's estate. Meeting Phoebe makes something click inside him and he falls hopelessly in love. Hopeless because he's too tainted to ever consider marriage to this beautiful, vibrant and good young woman. He had so much of Sebastian in that regard. He, too, felt that he never deserved Evie but he was way too much of a selfish rogue to not take her anyway.
“I don’t deserve her,” he mumbled, without intending to.
“Of course you don’t. Neither do I deserve my wife. It’s an unfair fact of life that the worst men end up with the best women.”

Weston...what a dreamboat. He was such a hardworking, smart man - audacious, approachable, humorous, disarmingly charming, swoonworthy and utterly endearing. I laughed so much about his sense of humor, the way he treated Phoebe's children like little people with their own personalities. I adored him. And when it got too dark in his mind I hurt for him - it was the reason he didn't allow himself to be happy
He kissed like a man who had lived too fast, learned too late, and had finally found the thing he wanted.

Now for one of the best part - we get soooo much of Sebastian and I loved every single word coming out of his mouth. He has become such a wise, sweet man yet he still has this roguish, witty charm that hasn't lost anything of his self confidence. The years have been good to him and Evie and they are still as in love as they were back then - a certain bathroom scene made sure that I wouldn't forget what a sensual creature he's always been. I wouldn't mind to read how they fared after Devil in Winter.
“From time to time, I may adjust a situation to achieve a desired outcome for the benefit of my children, but that’s not meddling.”
“What do you call it, then?”
“Parenting,” he said smugly, and kissed her before she could reply.

Lisa Kleypas has this incredible talent to make a scene appear right before your eyes while you read about it, she writes in vivid pictures. She also has a knack for timing, the humor in her writing is on point and don't get me started on her beautiful writing style. Ms. Kleypas can write a thousand historical romance books and I'll read them all. Devil's Daughter was everything I hoped for  - unforgettable, romantic, dreamy, uproarious laughter invoking and heartwarming. The cherry on top would have been an epilogue but I have a feeling we'll see more Phoebe and West in future books. And that I was able to catch up with Sebastian and Evie? Priceless. And maybe, just maybe, Lisa Kleypas really is my favorite HR author.

Profile Image for Anne.
4,275 reviews70k followers
January 29, 2021
Oh my god.
Guess what?! <--you don't care but I'm going to tell you anyway.
I read this book last year and FORGOT. This? This is why I Goodread everything. Otherwise, I end up doing unplanned re-reads. Or in this case, unplanned re-listens because I used the audio version this time around. But that means that I didn't actually re-listen. I read it once and then listened to it once.
And none of that matters to you at all.
What matters is whether or not the story was any good. And it was! So, there you go.

Evie & Sebastian of Wallflower fame have a daughter who lost her husband a few years ago. Well, she didn't lose him. He died. And now she's a widow with two small boys.


Do you like those stories where a single mom finds love, not only for herself but also for her kids?
Ok. Well, here you go!
West is really a great hero. He apologizes for the stuff he did wrong in the past, wants to make up for it, and understands what a huge thing it is to be let into Phoebe's life.
Plus, her dad (Sebastian) is just awesome, and I absolutely loved his intervention at the end.

I really enjoyed this one, & I found it to be far more interesting (for whatever reason) than I have the past few Ravenel books.
Recommended for fans of the Wallflower & Ravenels' series.

Mary Jane Wells - Narrator
Publisher: HarperAudio
Edition: Unabridged
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,146 reviews13.2k followers
February 3, 2019
He kissed like a man who had lived too fast, learned too late, and had finally found the thing he wanted.

I feel myself fall into a perpetual state of bliss each time I crack open a Lisa Kleypas book. And this time was no different. I've been eagerly anticipating this book, and now that I've finished it, quite frankly, I don't know what to do with myself. Devil's Daughter was everything I had hoped it would be, and trust me when I tell you that I hope a GREAT DEAL.

Devil in Winter was my very first historical romance. So of course Sebastian will forever hold a special place in my heart not only because of that, but because he also happens to be one of my favorite historical heroes. I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book to see his daughter get her HEA. And my what a ride it was!
There’s nothing wicked about you, except your kisses.”

Phoebe, Lady Clare was a phenomenal heroine. She has a sweet and caring disposition, but beneath all that is one incredibly strong woman. Ever since she was a little girl, she knew that she'd marry Henry. Even knowing that their time together would be short, it was worth it. After losing her beloved husband to his illness, Phoebe is left to their slowly crumbling estate with their two children.

West Ravenel was a name she was all too familiar with, since he was the boy bully that made Henry's life miserable at boarding school. Meeting the man is nothing what Phoebe expects. West is no longer the bullying scoundrel but a man that tempts her at every step. I adored the slow burn between Phoebe and West. It was a perfectly paced, swoony, and angsty ride that I couldn't put down for even a second. West was everything that Phoebe needed and nothing what she expected. He was sweet and caring, protective and playful, and effortlessly charming.

And while you see Phoebe's slow decent into love with West, he struggles with his feelings. Not because he denies it, but because after his past he feels himself underserving of someone like Phoebe. My heart ached for him and everything he's been through. And I simply adored the way that Phoebe and her sons slowly but surely thaw his heart.

Of course one of my favorite parts of the books were getting more of Sebastian. I loved seeing him as a husband, father, and grandfather. Age does nothing to diminish his intensity and playfulness.
I, meddle?” His brows lifted, and he looked positively indignant. “Evie, what can you be thinking?” “That you’re meddling.”
“From time to time, I may adjust a situation to achieve a desired outcome for the benefit of my children, but that’s not meddling.”
“What do you call it, then?”
“Parenting,” he said smugly, and kissed her before she could reply.

This book had everything; romance, emotion, angst, and humor. It was everything I've come to expect from this incredibly talented author. I love getting snippets of some of my favorite characters from previous books. And of course I love the way she's able to weave the Ravenels and the Wallflowers together.

West was this amazing combination of vulnerability with a side of broken. This is a man that continues to struggle with the demons of his past and it takes a strong woman to get him to see beyond what he thinks he deserves. And some meddling from her well-meaning father doesn't hurt either.

I loved this book from start to finish and I'm already itching for my next fix in this series.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,402 followers
February 24, 2019
The hero in this book, West, is the guy that everyone has loved throughout this series. He's a reformed rake, the best HR character type, and always funny. The best part? Who his heroine is, because she is the daughter of another reformed rake that we ALL fell in love with in the Wallflowers series, Sebastian. And, that means we get glimpses of him too. Here's a description of him from his book (way back when):

Sebastian's reputation is so dangerous that thirty seconds alone with him will ruin any maiden's good name.

Plus, the side benefit of my old book boyfriend showing up in this series is that he is now older, so I don't have to be a cougar anymore. I mean, I'm alright with that, but for a change of pace, I can have a book boyfriend my own age. Variety is the spice of life.

See? He gets it. Not my particular spice, but you never know. I'm not shutting any doors. Never say never, right?

Okay, so you want to know about this particular book and this particular guy instead of me rhapsodizing the beauty and wonders of Sebastian St. Vincent and our forbidden fictional love affair I suppose. Fine.

West is a reformed rake who we met in the first book of this series. He has been the best character in the books, which have gotten progressively better. The first book in this series was given only a 1-starred rating from me because I hated the female so much. She gave new dimension to the word "bitch" and I never believed the romance. Luckily, she is barely present in this one.

West meets Phoebe, a widow with two sons, and their attraction is immediate. But he has the whole "I'm not good enough for her" thing going on, so angst ensues.

My angst-solution. Well... minus the crying.... Jilly doesn't cry.

I loved both Phoebe and West, but her little boys were absolutely adorable. West's interactions with them hit me right in the ovaries. I think that if men realized how attracted we are to them when they are good to children, they would all be signing up to be teachers and daycare workers. It's like our Kryptonite.

Ovary explosion in 3...2...1...

If there were any negatives about the book, one would be that he carried on with the I'm-not-good-enough-for-her thing a little too long. Also, and this is weird, but there were too many sex scenes. If I get bored and am skimming the sexy times, there is too much. Never underestimate my short attention span along with desensitization.

Other than that, this was fun, funny, and romantic.

“That was an accident,” Mr. Ravenel said over her head, breathing hard.
“Yes,” Phoebe said dazedly, “I understand.”
“The book was falling . . . I was reaching for it, and . . . your lips were in the way.”

Profile Image for Holly.
1,472 reviews1,364 followers
February 25, 2019
West, the irascible brother who was pretty much the only highlight to the previous book, Hello Stranger, is also the only highlight to this one for me. He's smexy, witty, hilariously self deprecating, and has a natural ease with children - what's not to like? Well, for one, there is his choice in kind of boring women in the form of our heroine, Phoebe. With her red hair and Sebastian as her father (from the Wallflowers series), I was expecting a more fiery disposition from her. Instead she is perhaps overly even keeled, if there is such a thing, to the point that she purposely chooses not to even slam a door when it was very much deserved. She's also utterly calm when confronting betrayal.

The story line was cute enough and didn't drag or linger too much on the 'we can't be together for *reasons*' trope, much to my relief. I did enjoy this book, but in much the same way someone enjoys a pbj sandwich. It's good, it's filling, it reminds you of good times past, but you're not going to be overly enthused by it.
770 reviews365 followers
March 31, 2021
I feel so ashamed and so weak. And cheapened. How could I do this? Lisa Kleypas and I were officially divorced in March of 2018 after I read HELLO STRANGER. And then what do I go and do? Hook up with her again in February of 2019 for this book. Now that it's over I don't feel at all good about myself. And that time together wasn't pleasurable. No Big O for me here. I've been left completely unsatisfied and feel so bad about myself. Not only that, but I had to pay her for the hookup.

I blame it on Sebastian, my long-ago heartthrob from THE DEVIL IN WINTER. He and his True Love Evie are the parents of this book's heroine, and I had heard he plays a larger role here than he had done in DEVIL IN SPRING, the book about their son Gabriel and that twit Pandora Ravenel. Alas, he may have been on more pages but he came across as a pretty generic silver fox duke who's a super husband (more faithful than a swan), super father/grandfather, and super aristocrat. I calculate he must be in his 60s but he's still gorgeous and still virile without the need to find fresh, nubile women for his bed or even little blue pills. Evie is one lucky little old lady. But as far as any new or interesting developments in their lives, no such thing.

And the plot and characters of this book? Just thinking about it and them is putting me to sleep. Generic young widow grieving her dead-too-young invalid husband and former close childhood friend. She's boring and has nothing of the "devil" in her DNA. Our hero is West Ravenel, whom we've known since COLD-HEARTED RAKE. He's a reformed rake and recovering alcoholic who has left London and his scandalous ways behind to become an excellent hands-on estate manager.

Phoebe thinks she'll never love again. In addition, she resents West, whom she had never really met, just because as a schoolboy he had bullied her future husband and apparently made his two years away at school a misery. And West thinks he's not worthy of love or happiness. And he fears he could become a physically violent man like his father. Yada, yada, yada.

Interspersed with the romance is some boring information about the old vs new ways of farming and managing estates, keeping an estate's financial records, stuff about pig excrement, an enraged bull, lots of descriptions of clothing, food, buildings, and interior decor. There's a token nod to agency for women in that Phoebe must learn to take over control of her son's estate rather than relying on a man. That one got very much watered down by the fact that she ends up relying on West rather than herself. Oh, and I mustn't forget the adorableness factor: the heroine's two young boys and a cat named Galoshes.

I'd say that at least one quarter to one third of the pages of the book are spent on sex scenes, whether it be foreplay or the actual deed. And it's all described in unbearably flowery, over-the-top purple prose. I highlighted a couple passages to share:

"...[he] eased his aching shaft out of her warm, succulent depths, his body aching in anguish."

"...she cried out as he slid back into her, his hardness stretching her lusciously."

"...a powerful climax began, wringing every inch of her body with raw force..."

Oh, good lord. Pass over the sick bag. I think I may lose my breakfast.

So, no thanks. But Kleypas gets two stars from me anyway. She enticed me into buying this, didn't she? If I ever buy another new Kleypas, I must remember to give that future book 5-10 stars, just because of what a good con it was and how she managed to fool me again. And you know what that fooling beyond the first time makes me, right?
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,050 reviews362 followers
March 3, 2019
I might have given this a mediocre 3 stars or 2.5 rounded to 3 if it wasn't LK. But because it IS, and she (used to be) one of my FAVE HR writers, and I have been waiting for this book for a YEAR, and I have had such high hopes after reading a couple of other ones in this series, and this is THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER!! Sebastian's daughter!! That in the end the result that fell soooooo short of expectations is what made me tear another star off.


Let me count the ways in which this book is a WASTE OF $$ AND TIME!!:

1) BORING. Barely any plot. The tension between the MCs is based on so LITTLE! His hell-raising past, including bullying the h's deceased husband. Her resentment towards him even before they met bc he bullied her invalid husband when the man was in Eton a DECADE ago.

2) Pages and Pages and chapters and chapters of accounting and farming and details that was like historical research strung artlessly together into the semblance of a story vs. a well-crafted story that had good historical details.


3) Barely any real chemistry between the MCs for a good portion of the book. I don't know what it is, but LK has in the past written wonderfully dynamic and engaging characters that were also very engaged with each other. This read almost like a Mary Balogh book with the slow build, but without the "je ne sais quoi" of Balogh's magic where she weaves deep emotions into a very ordinary story. This truly read like the instructions in a manual it was so boring.

4) TOO MANY CHARACTERS! It's an encyclopedia of characters! And here's the thing - I've read all the books and still I couldn't keep up!!!! And I wasn't invested and I didn't care!! There was an ENTIRE CHAPTER dedicated to the wallflowers!! About turning Sebastian into the model for a vampire romance book! WTF???? How is that at ALL relevant to the story that's being told in THIS book??? If this tactic was meant to help tee up more books in all the series LK has ever written, it did NOT help! Because none of the endless array of side characters were explored in any depth to grab a new reader's attention! Just confused the hell out of them, I feel certain. It confused the hell out of me and I'm a devoted FAN!

5) last 30% was pretty much all sex. Nothing until 70% and then it was sex, sex, and more sex. Which is fine, I love a good passionate sex scene. But again, it read like an instruction manual with all kinds of technical terms for the female anatomy, literally SHOWING the many ways a guy can get her off. Maybe this will be useful to have your bf or husband read if they need help in that department, but honestly, doesn't really make me feel swept away by the passion between the MCs which is what the best sex scenes are supposed to do!


6) the ending. Abrupt and done with a whimper, not a bang. Built up to nothing much at all. No grand finale to somewhat save the day like acing the final but flunking all the quizzes leading up to it. Nope, Flunked the final too.

WHY did I waste my $$ and time??? WHY????

The 2 stars are for the very pretty cover. I want to return my money... I wonder if I can...probably not... I am lamenting the opportunity cost of not spending my $6.99+tax on something else more rewarding :(
Profile Image for peachygirl.
284 reviews827 followers
April 27, 2024
West Ravenel is the best kind of book boyfriend there is. A Reformed Rake. Not as awesome as Lord St.Vincent (who is though??), but definitely deserves a spot among the likes of Leo Hathaway. Infact, some of his charming traits reminded me of Leo and Kev alternatively. Witty, wicked and sarcastic with a pinch of self deprecating humor, West was undeniably the best part of the Ravenel series.
Phoebe, Lady Clare, was not at all who I pictured as Sebastian's oldest daughter. And Evie's red hair was wasted on this somewhat tamed chick. She was wonderful with her kids though. And those two boys were just so adorable. Especially their interactions with West made my day.
The storyine wasn't anything new, but Lisa Kleypas has a way of spicing up things and offers a whole new level of awesomeness. These two had greattt chemistry which was often disrupted by Phoebe's pansy late husband's memory (nothing against him, but their love story was so boring!), his pansy cousin's plans for courting Phoebe or West's frequent bouts of conscientious insecurity (which did get tiring after a point).
The last 30 percent of the book was a definite let down with seemingly rushed coupling and closure. And there was no epilogue!!
That was kinda cruel. We certainly deserved to see some hearty moments from this adorable couple's everyday life. Maybe with Galoshes and her kitties or another kid on board. West as an anxious father, waiting on his wife in labour would have been a delightful ending.

P.S. Even as gramps, Sebastian is so fricking hot. Age has done nothing to lessen his foxy charm. HE'S STILL GOT IT.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,382 reviews2 followers
February 21, 2019
I loved this book. I adored Phoebe and West.

This wasn't the first time a highly respectable woman had given him the cold shoulder. But it was the first time it had ever stung.

She had been so beautiful there by the stream, as flowerlike as the wild irises on the banks.

Phoebe felt a hollowing sadness inside. There was something melancholy about a train whistle, the twin notes bracketing the air like an empty set of parentheses.

Profile Image for Warda.
1,259 reviews21.9k followers
August 6, 2021
This made my heart ache in the best possible way. Reviewing is pointless since there’s no way I can articulate what I’m feeling right now. If I was speaking about it out loud, I’d be blubbering my way through it incoherently.

I’m so emotional!!! 😭
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
699 reviews1,122 followers
July 31, 2019
Another great read from Lisa kleypas! I loved both West and phoebe and in early books both characters interested me. The writing was flawless as usual,but this was not a typical kleypas love story. Their Was some great intimate moments,but no passionate heat scorching, fan yourself moments that I've come to expect from this writer. I have read just about everything that Lisa kleypas has written and this series has been one of my very favorites. I will say that this a great historical romance and I did enjoy reading this book,I just wished their has been more passion and sensuality like the other books in this series. Until next time luvs💋💖
Profile Image for Beatriz.
889 reviews812 followers
December 25, 2021
Gracias al Reto Rita 5.0 encontré la oportunidad de releer este libro, pero ahora traducido al español (¡por fin!) y, de lejos, lo disfruté muchísimo más. Esta pareja es simple y sencillamente adorable. Subí mi valoración de 3 a 4 estrellas.

Reseña 1a lectura:
Me gustó, aunque creo que leerlo en inglés no me permitió disfrutar la historia con fluidez y de seguro afectó mi experiencia lectora. También influye en mi valoración las expectativas de leer el libro de la serie con West Ravenel como protagonista; estuvo bien, pero no se acerca ni de lejos al personaje que deslumbró como secundario en los cuatro libros anteriores. Aquí me pareció un personaje demasiado atormentado por su pasado, pero, con ese conflicto interno como gatillador del argumento, el libro fluye bien.

Adoré las escenas en que West interactuaba con los hijos de Phoebe y, por supuesto, fue un acierto incluir a varios personajes (y su descendencia) de la serie Wallflowers, a la que le tengo demasiado cariño. Pero fue un absoluto desacierto ese final tan precipitado y sin epílogo. Me siento casi obligada a preparar el puré de verduras de primavera para darle un verdadero cierre al libro.

De todas maneras, si alguna editorial por fin decide publicar el libro traducido al español, de seguro lo releeré.
Profile Image for Viri.
1,205 reviews439 followers
April 1, 2019
Actualización: después de haberlo leído... SIN SPOILERS.

2. NO se parecen a Leo y Francesca.
3. ME DECEPCIONÓ UN POCO pero sale mucho mi amor Sebastián así que obviamente no puedo ponerle menos de 4.
4. Phoebe me gustó mucho, en cierto momento llegó a ser la perseguidora en lugar de la perseguida y fue un buen cambio. No era la viuda mártir del tipo NO VOLVERÉ A AMAR PORQUE YA CONOCÍ EL AMOR. Y shalala. Me gustó mucho.
5. Sebastian y Evie son lo mejor de lo mejor. Lisa ha logrado conservar su esencia con El Paso del tiempo de una manera soberbia. Este es el mismo Sebastián de Un diablo en invierno pero con unos añitos más y varios hijos a su cargo jajaja.
6. La historia de amor es muy instalove instalust. La supo vender Lisa pero de que esta ahí... lo hace.
7: Y llegamos al punto primordial del libro. WEST. WEST, West, West. 😍 admito que me gusta más en los otros libros. Esperaba mucho más de él y es por eso que estoy un poquito decepcionada. En cierto momento paso de ser el West de los últimos libros y Lisa intentó volverlo más atormentado si cabe y mucho más oscuro. No le salió pero bueeee, igual lo amo porque es West. 🤷🏻‍♀️😍💁🏻‍♀️
8. Siento que este no es un libro que se deba leer solo. Porque no hay desarrollo en los personajes. Nosotros sabemos cómo era West por los libros anteriores, pero creo que si alguien lee este libro, terminará sin conocer y comprenderlo. Porque básicamente solo vemos una parte de lo que es, si... Lisa menciona de pasada que era un libertino, borracho y shalala pero no se “ve”. Solo se menciona.
9. También hay partes que nos las cuenta sin que el lector las vea o las viva. Y yo soy muy de querer saber todo jajaja.
10. Le faltan muchas páginas y un epílogo. El final es como de... ajá, y que más sigue?
NO HAY FINAL. Me dejó esa sensación de todos los libros de Laura Lee Gurkhe al final. (No se como se escribe su apellido pero el punto es el mismo).
Presiento que este libro será una mezcla entre Leo Hathaway con Francesca Bridgerton... si los conocen y leyeron la sinopsis entenderán porque.

PD: West... te espero con ansias locas!!!

Yo cuando leí el título del libro:


Yo cuando leí la sinopsis y vi que era enemies to lovers:


Yo cuando me di cuenta de que todavía no sale ni en inglés:


Pues así las cosas... 😔
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,135 reviews1,621 followers
July 3, 2023
Just finished for the 3rd time! This one stands the test of time!!

Re-read to get ready for Chasing Cassandra's release and I Loved it more the 2nd time!!

**5 "Reformed Rakes make Great Book Boyfriend" stars**


I've been so giddy with anticipation and Kleypas comes through with another winner!!!

Just when I'm not looking forward to a book or overly excited about a character, Wes Ravenel comes along and steals my heart right out of my chest! I mean, he's sexy as sin, honest to a fault, hard working, hung like a horse, and absolutely delicious in bed!


I love that he was once a rake and is now regretful of his behavior and how the people he care about must deal with his past reputation. He owns his past but he doesn't allow it to own him. He works hard and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty in the field with his tenants. And even though he cant't remember the last time he had a woman, the only woman he wants is Phoebe.


Phoebe is the widowed, wealthy daughter of a duke and has been in morning for two years. She promised her husband on his dying bed that she would allow his cousin to take care of her. But what happens when she falls in love with an ex-rake, 2nd son?

This book had me sucked in from the start. The story picks up during the week of Pandora's wedding as the Ravenels are introduced to their soon to be in-laws. I am not a fan of unnecessary angst and there was just enough angst to keep me pining for more of this couple. Oh and the Wallflowers were at the wedding too!! *swoon*

My only complaint was that the ending felt rushed with no epilogue. But what can I say?...I'm a sucker for a juicy epilogue. I look forward to more of this series and can't wait to read Chasing Cassandra!!!
Profile Image for Pepa.
989 reviews258 followers
December 25, 2020
No quería terminar el año sin releerlo en castellano, sin duda, he disfrutado más. mucho más de esa parte irónica de West, matices que pierdo al leerlo en inglés. Dos sentadas me ha durado,
Me hubiera gustado menos familia y más pareja, se queda corta en ese sentido y por eso las 4 estrellas
Kleypas hace protagonistas masculinos adorables, eso es un hecho ;)
Reseña completa: https://masromance.blogspot.com/2019/...

Una novela en la que creo ha puesto todos sus conocimientos. Ha cogido una historia que sabe que gusta con un protagonista masculino, de los que sabe que nos gustan, de esos que cada vez que abre la boca, se nos doblan las piernas... no le falta de nada, oye y encima chicarrón encantador, y nos recupera a nuestros personajes queridos de sus novelas más conocidas
Todo esto lo agita y le sale una novela con una historia muy bonita, de las que a mí me encantan pero... solo le quito esa ultima estrella porque al final me ha dejado a cuadros... ¿Y el resto?

Pero, por fin, he leído a la Kleypas que me gusta y con la que disfruto tanto. ¿para cuando en castellano? que lo quiero volver a leer, en original seguro que me he perdido muchas frases de esas que me gustan recordar
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,141 followers
March 6, 2019
I loved the Devil and his Daughter

Back in the olden days (3 years ago) I was able to read five (5!!!!) books a week. Now, I’m lucky to read one. Don’t feel too bad for me, I am coping with this loss by supplementing the shortfall with a lot of audio books. It makes me a little sad though, that a book that would normally have taken me 24 hours, took me five days to read. I wanted…needed to read Devil’s Daughter quicker, but life got in the way.

By the end of the first chapter of this story, I knew I was in for a treat. Of course, I didn’t have to get that far before I realised, after all, it is a Lisa Kleypas. There’s something magical when you step back in time with Ms Kleypas. It’s always like your catching up with friends for a chat. In this case, it was very good friends I caught up with.

On that thought…how dare Sebastian and Evie get older. It makes me feel older because I recognise Sebastian’s silver at the temples on my hubby, and the slight crinkles around my eyes probably look very similar to Evie’s. So, the fact that we get to catch up with Sebastian and Evie AND see history repeating itself (not really, but kind of) brought a goofy smile to my face.

Phoebe has survived heartbreak and now is on the path to falling for a bad boy…does that sound a little familiar???

It’s actually not that similar to be honest. Phoebe’s heartbreak is because she’s a widow bringing up her two boys without her beloved husband. West, well, he was a bad boy…but he’s on the right path and dragging his reputation kicking and screaming behind him. So basically, both Phoebe and West are battling their pasts to find a happy future.

Devil’s Daughter is my kind of historical romance. The characters were lovable, the glimpse of the past was riveting, and the battle of the classes is frustrating to observe. It’s quite humorous to see men’s need to feel superior over women. I hate seeing the snobbery, social-climbing and what lengths people will go to for the power of a good name. It seems inconceivable that even in your own home you aren’t afforded privacy. I love the dresses, the furniture, formal sit-down breakfasts and wedding parties that last for days. All these little things seem different but were the realities of the time and very fascinating to me.

The romance story between Phoebe and West was fairly slow moving. Once it does hit the sheets…I mean floors…and walls… it gets decidedly fast. There was an initial physical attraction, but Phoebe knew of West before meeting him and was convinced she wouldn’t like him. West spent nearly the whole story loving Phoebe but never dreaming of keeping her. He was convinced he would sully Phoebe and her wonderful boys with his terrible reputation. Phoebe spent years acting perfectly calm and reasonable and now it’s time to move on from her late husband AND his death-bed wishes. West must be the one to accept and realise they were perfect for each other and meant to spend the rest of their days together.

If you’re a fan of historical romance Lisa Kleypas is a master and definitely worth checking out. I highly recommend you go back to the beginning, though, and check out the Wallflowers. Sebastian and Evie’s story is only one part of the best historical romance series I’ve ever read. If you have read the Wallflowers, you may be interested to know that we get to catch up with them all a little in this one.

The ending was a little abrupt, but I have my fingers crossed that Ms Kleypas has plans…BIG PLANS. I would not be opposed to a novella or two, checking in with The Ravenels to see how they’re all fairing. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge…Ms Kleypas. LOVE YOUR WORK!!!

Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,450 reviews532 followers
Shelved as 'next-on-my-tbr'
June 1, 2018
Edit: Oh dear lord the blurb is out and it sound AMAZING!!! ANGST AND LOVE AND SECOND CHANCES!!! NEEEEEEEED!

Come to me Phoebe and West!!!!! *dramatically begs*
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
February 16, 2019
<3 5 STARS <3

Such a beautiful story, this is one of my top favorite reads in the series!It has everything I wanted and even more.I loved it so much and this story, touched me in so many ways.My heart was aching for both characters, as they struggled with their own issues.

I adored West and Phoebe, they were perfect for each other.Phoebe is a smart,strong,sweet and lovely heroine.I could easily relate with her.West is a swoon worthy hero and I love the slow burn between them!Their romance was addictive.

Overall, it was an amazing story, intense,emotional and sweet!Devil's Daughter will keep your interest till the end!


Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,549 reviews2,404 followers
May 10, 2023
I read this in one day and loved every minute of it. Lisa Kleypas writes some of the most entertaining dialogue whether it is between Phoebe and West, West and the two small boys, or even Phoebe and her father. It certainly kept me smiling.

There were a lot of wonderful characters in the book as the Ravenels met the Wallflowers at a wedding and there were cameos for some of our old favourites and bigger roles for some others. West Ravenel managed at last to completely mend his ways, a work that has been in progress since book one. His character in this one is pretty impressive.

Of course there is insta love and numerous sex scenes but I found myself most interested in the daily lives of all the characters, not just Phoebe and West. Oh and there is a black cat called Galoshes who steals several scenes. All totally delightful.
Profile Image for Ms. Smartarse.
636 reviews320 followers
September 19, 2021
Victorian weddings! The place to be, if you want to mingle with the nobility: dressing up, dancing the night away, indulging in some of the most decadent food and... perhaps even meet that special someone?

If you're a widow fresh out of mourning however, then you might think twice about attending. Provided, of course, you can come up with a really good explanation for skipping your favorite brother's wedding. And Phoebe can't. Don't misunderstand her, she truly wanted to rant her way out of keeping company with her late husband's childhood-nemesis, but then Weston Ravenel has the gall to get her heart racing! If only the two wouldn't keep meeting in the most extraordinary circumstances! It's so much easier to hate someone, when they didn't just risk their life saving your kid.

throw papers in the air

This was so much fun. Unlike the serious tone of the previous book, it had all the playful flirty atmosphere of a (proper) well-crafted romance novel. There's the reformed rake with the witty comments, the jaded-heroine whose grim outlook on life gets turned upside down, the nail-biting heroics... and even a steamy accounting interlude. Who knew single entries could be so sizzling?

With excerpts like these, I can be excused for laughing a full five minutes, right?

"How do you know if [farming]'s boring? You've never done it."
"I can tell by the books you read." Turning to Kingston, Pandora explained, "They're all about things like scientific butter making, or pig keeping, or smut. Now who could possibly find smut interesting?"
"Not that kind of smut," West said hastily, as he saw the duke's brows lift.
"You're referring to the multi cellular fungi that afflicts grain crops, of course," Kingston said blandly.
"There are all different kinds of smut," Pandora said, warming to the subject. "Smut balls, loose smut, stinking smut -"
"Pandora," West interrupted in an undertone, "for the love of mercy, stop saying that word in public."
"Is it unladylike?" She heaved a sigh."It must be. All the interesting words are."

That's what she said

Most of all, this book was all about riding the nostalgia wave. It's probably the closest we'll ever get to a Wallflower reunion. There's a bit about the ladies, some mentions of the lads, a passing comment or two about the kids, and a whole lot about Sebastian, Duke of Kingston (see Devil in Winter). Just as Lisa Kleypas said: he always steals the scene. My one and only complaint is: why does he have to channel Westcliff so much?! Sebastian was doing perfectly fine on his own...

Score: 3.3/5 stars

In short: this was the type of book that I wish Devil in Spring should have been: fun, exciting, and just... all things delicious historical romances are made of. Feel free to leave the political intrigue out of it.

That said, my literary palate is all but overflowing with this genre. I stayed up till 2 AM to finish the last few chapters, but was so sleepy that I totally forgot everything I read by morning... says the little snob, busily adding the sequel to her wishlist.

Review of book 1: Cold-Hearted Rake
Review of book 2: Marrying Winterborne
Review of book 3: Devil in Spring
Review of book 4: Hello Stranger
Review of book 6: Chasing Cassandra
Review of book 7: Devil in Disguise
Profile Image for Kristina .
912 reviews544 followers
December 18, 2023
West Ravenel gets his Happily ever after. The only thing I wish for this book was that it was longer and we could see them together more. I do know that we see their wedding in the next one but I wished there was an epilogue in this one about five years down the road.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,606 reviews415 followers
April 1, 2019
*** 4 Me ciega el Fangirleo STARS ***

West sonrió levemente, su mirada obsesionada regresó a la figura de Phoebe en el retrato. "No la merezco", murmuró, sin tener la intención de hacerlo.
"Por supuesto que no. Tampoco merezco a mi esposa. Es un hecho injusto de la vida que los peores hombres terminen con las mejores mujeres ".


I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby

AMOOOOO a este hombre, es perfección en su máximo esplendor, me asombra que cada día sea más perfecto casi llegando a niveles del olimpo.
Sigue siendo tan él, pícaro, sexy, elegante un desvergonzado pero ahora con una madurez y sabiduría que le han dado los año lo ha vuelto más irresistible.
Mantiene la llama de la pasión con Evie y es más lindo y tierno pero siendo tan él. Su capítulo con ella es mi favorito.
Como padre es genial y como abuelo lo máximo.
Cada vez que salía tenía una cara de embobada y sonriendo como tonta, como cuando Lady Gaga miraba a Bradley Cooper así mero.

PERO este no es su libro es de Phoebe y West y como libro de ellos le falto. Le hizo falta profundidad a los personajes sobre todo a West y desarrollo. Sientí que su enamoramiento fue un instalove, además que por lo que decía la sinopsis yo esperaba un enemies to lovers.

No voy a negar que tuvo partes muy lindas y bonitas entre ellos y sobre todo las escenas de West con los niños eran de los más tiernas.

Como protagonista Phoebe me gustó mucho, yo pensé que por su historia de amor tan perfecta e idealizada con Henry su amigo desde la niñez ella iba a estar más reacia a amar y no fue así. Ella era una mujer bastante realista porque a pesar de haber amado profundamente a su marido no lo idealizó estaba consciente de sus virtudes y defectos.
Al conocer a West también se dio cuenta lo que siempre le faltó en su vida, ser ella misma con la persona que amaba y no estar preocupada de decepcionarlo y defraudarlo es por eso que ella se permitió amar a West.

West a pesar de que esperaba mucho de él, lo sigo amando y sigue siendo mi personaje favorito de los Ravenels.
Con él me pasó lo mismo que con Colin Bridgerton que en los libros anteriores a los suyos me gustaron más que en el de ellos. Lisa solo dejó entrever un poco del West divertido, sarcástico, coqueto y seductor que conocimos anteriormente pero la mayor parte estuvimos ante su versión emo, no valgo nada, no merezco nada y shalala y no es que su parte emo fuera mala pero si hubiera habido un equilibro entre las dos sería excelente.
Aun así West es increíble y lo AMO.

Ahora sí vamos a mi queja que es ese final a la Gurhke, sin epílogo pareciera que me cortaron el libro y está incompleto yo necesitaba más mucho más. Me siento insatisfecha EXIJO MI EPÍLOGO!! Si me hubiera dado uno desde el punto de vista de Evie y Sebastian me cae que le hubiera dado las 5 estrellas con los ojos cerrados.

Conclusión: Creo que Lisa Kleypas quiso rescatar esta serie trayendo a personajes tan queridos como Evie y Sebastian sobre todo que éste tiene miles de fans incluyéndome y nos quiso dar el gustito pero Lisa no contó con que West es uno de sus personajes más queridos en esta serie y no le dio la justicia que se merece.

Ahora toca esperar el de Cassandra y Severin que me intriga este último no lo voy a negar pero así voy con bajas expectativas.
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
979 reviews1,297 followers
February 14, 2019

Title: Devil's Daughter
Series: Ravenels #5
Author: Lisa Kleypas
Release date: February 19, 2019
Cliffhanger: No
Genre: historical romance

If you would have told me I'd be excited about West's book when I started the series, I'd have thought you were full of it. But here I am, saying that this was one of my most anticipated books of the year and I loved every minute of it. West has gone through such a transformation, proving over and over again that he's a changed man who wants to do the right thing by his family. Instead of being an albatross around their necks, he works hard to finally give them the security they've lacked for so long. After years of debauchery, embarrassment, and a lack of purpose, he's finally on the right track in his life. That doesn't mean that he believes his many sins are now erased.

“You don’t understand how thin the veil is that separates me from what I used to be.”

Phoebe is the daughter of Sebastian and Evie, (Devil in Winter) and the brother of Gabriel (Devil in Spring.) The fact that the St. Vincent family is once again getting page time as well as a Wallflower reunion and an introduction to Marcus and Lillian's son??? I had heart eyes the entire time while reading this.

Phoebe is everything I hoped she would be and more, and the perfect match for West. She's a young widow with two little boys who is just starting to heal and move on, two years after her husband passed away. The last thing she's interested in is falling in love, most especially with the childhood bully who tormented her husband at boarding school. She knows that it's old history, but she can't help but feel an immediate dislike towards him. I liked the fact that she was never mean or harsh when speaking to him at first, she simply tried to keep her distance. She was no match for his droll sense of humor and sensitivity towards her sons, and it didn't take her long to realize the man he had become was someone worthy of her respect.

West struggles with self-esteem and seeing himself as an equal partner for the beautiful, titled, and wealthy Phoebe. As far as he's concerned, dalliances are the most he can give a woman. If his past were to resurface, he could hurt his family with the embarrassment of it all and that's not something he's willing to risk. doesn't realize how naturally he steps into a father figure role, and how very much he has to offer.

Phoebe is yet another strong heroine from Kleypas that I fell in love with. She married her childhood sweetheart even knowing that his early death was inevitable. She wanted to cherish him during the time they were given, and she faced all of the hardship that came along with that without complaint. She's intelligent, willing to self-reflect on her flaws, and doesn't allow people to push her around or manage her. With Henry she had a tender love, but with West she's found something altogether different and unfamiliar. Passion. Consuming, breathtaking, and unstoppable.

“I want you with my entire body." West dragged his mouth over hers, shaping her lips before settling in for a rough and ardent kiss. “You’re all I think about. You’re all I see. You’re the center of a star, and the force of gravity keeps pulling me closer, and I don’t give a damn that I’m about to be incinerated.”

Phoebe and West come to an impasse, and it takes a little bit of maneuvering on a certain beloved character's part in order to see the lovebirds find their HEA. Honestly, I think he was the perfect person to open West's eyes and show him that redeemed rakes make the best husbands. I loved his role in this story, and I will never tire of seeing him cherish and care for his family. If I could bring up a complaint, it would be that West's realization of love felt a bit rushed. I debated taking a bit off my rating for it, but in the end it didn't alter my enjoyment in the book at all. The dialogue was hilarious, the interactions between Phoebe and West were heartfelt and heated. I didn't want it to end. If you're new to this series, it can be read as a standalone, but you're really missing out if you haven't introduced yourself to the Ravenels yet. Cassandra is the only sister left to marry off, but the good news is that there may be a series for the Wallflower children coming next!!! Sign me up, please!

She felt as if they were still beyond the reach of the world, entangled even though their bodies were separate. He was part of her now, his name emblazoned on her skin with invisible but permanent ink.



Profile Image for Anna Casanovas.
Author 48 books805 followers
March 2, 2019
Tengo dos teorías con esta serie, la primera es que la señora Kleypas se va animando, le va cogiendo cariño, a medida que va avanzando. La segunda, que la señora Kleypas, que tiene mucho talento y es muy lista, ha identificado perfectamente qué tramas y qué personajes son los preferidos de sus lectoras y los "recupera y aumenta". Yo prefiero que una autora no repita tramas, que haga aparecer personajes de otros libros me gusta, la verdad, pero cuando una autora escribe tan bien como la señora Kleypas y tiene ese carrerón literario puede hacer lo que dé la gana, solo faltaría.
El argumento de "Devil's Daughter" es muy parecido, por no decir idéntico, al de "Donde empiezan los sueños". West es una réplica más tierna y romántica de Zachary Bronson, y Phoebe es viuda como Holly e igual que en "Donde empiezan los sueños", su niño mayor es listo como Rose. La única y gran diferencia entre las dos novelas (que obviamente son de la misma autora) es el papel de Sebastian: Sebastian, el protagonista de "El diablo en invierno", es el padre de Phoebe y la señora Kleypas, consciente del furor que causa este personaje entre sus lectoras (yo incluida), le da un papel muy importante en "Devil's Daughter". Es decir; Sebastian sale mucho y te hace caer la baba. A mí me ha recordado a un relato de Kleypas en el que salía Derek como padre de la protagonista (en inglés se titula "Someone to watch over me" y está dentro de una recopilación llamada "Where's my hero?").
En resumen, "Devil's Daughter" no es para nada original ni sorprendente, el argumento ya lo hemos leído, pero es preciosa. West tiene unas frases increíbles y Sebastian es una súper padre, tal como ya sabíamos. No le pongo 5 estrellas por dos motivos:
-El primero; al final es demasiado corto. La señora Kleypas se ha marcado un final a lo Laura Lee Gurhke y le faltan páginas (mi teoría, otra, es que se guarda esa escena para el próximo libro o para hacer un relato de la boda).
-El segundo; en mi opinión en una historia de amor nos cuentan cuando se enamoran los protagonistas, cuando se enfadan (lo que sienten por separado) y después cuando vuelven a estar juntos. En esta novela, a diferencia de "Donde empiezan los sueños" donde esto es perfecto, la parte de los sentimientos cuando están separados no está: los protagonistas nos lo cuentan, pero a mí como lectora me gusta verlo, palparlo, y no que él o ella tengan que explicarlo.
->"Devil's Daughter" es una novela romántica, escrita sin duda para hacer felices a las lectoras de la serie "Wallflower" y con momentos preciosos, pero en mi opinión le falta un poco de originalidad y unas cuantas páginas.
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,548 reviews552 followers
February 21, 2019
Sadly, not a five star, but not a one star by any means.

Who's the good boy?

Well, not the latest St. Vincent since that would be the son of the man we all love... to love, but the ex St. Vincent, Sebastian, from Devil in Winter, now the Duke of Kingston. Our St. Vincent is still top of the food chain in this book that features his oldest daughter.

No, St. V doesn’t overwhelm the story, but if you’re a fan any glimpses are great.

Phoebe is a widow with two young boys. She adored her young husband who was her childhood sweetheart and was doomed to die an early death. He's a very Keats kind of hero despite this story taking place in the late 19th century.

When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain,
Before high-pilèd books, in charactery,
Hold like rich garners the full ripened grain;
When I behold, upon the night’s starred face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love—then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

The heroine really loved her husband, but as us readers and her father knows, he was really not the one.

Protective of her husband’s legacy, Phoebe is reluctant to come back to society. Her brother’s wedding has dragged her out of mourning and into association with her husband’s nemesis at school. Concerns of bullying and old grudges are put aside as the h gets to know the West, the charming hero, as he unintentionally woos her and her two young sons. The H steps back from wooing her as he feels unworthy. Lisa Kleypas steals a plot point from Where Dreams Begin where the widow’s husband is pledged to one of the husband's cousins/friends.

Nice set up for the heroine’s brothers and sisters's books, but, as always, for fans of the older books and hint of Evie and especially St. Vincent is golden.

When confronted by the vanilla villain as the West is attacked by the bad guy at a club. Guess who saves the H?

Even before West had a good look at the newcomer’s face, he recognized the smooth, dry voice with its cut-crystal tones, so elegantly commanding it could have belonged to the devil himself.

“Finger off the trigger, XXXXXXX. Now.” It was Sebastian, the Duke of Kingston . . . Phoebe’s father.

Apparently St. Vincent is 001, the precursor to 007. He has the moves down and the agents.

Keeping hold of XXXXXXX as if he were a disobedient puppy, Kingston berated him quietly.

“After the hours I just spent with you, providing excellent advice, this is the result? You decide to start shooting guests in my club? You, my boy, have been a dismal waste of an evening. Now you’re going to cool your heels in a jail cell, and I’ll decide in the morning what’s to be done with you.”

West lifted his hand in a gesture of farewell and followed Niall. The porter was dressed in a uniform, some kind of rich matte cloth in a shade of blue so dark it looked black. No gilt or fancy trim, save for a thin, black, braided trim on the lapels of the coat, and on the collar and cuffs of the white shirt. Very discreet and simple, tailored for ease of movement. It looked like a uniform for killing people.

And who the heck is st. Vincent talking about? St. Westcliff, the new H, someone else?

“Most men have inner demons,” Kingston replied quietly. “God knows I do. So does a friend who’s the finest and most genuinely moral man I’ve ever known.”

Overall, quite decent action and romance between the charming, well meaning H and the warm heroine, but it never attains the quality and depth that the Hathaway or the Wallflower series maintains. I needed more about the constraints with the heroine and her MIL, more between the h and H, and more interaction with the OM.

I hesitate to suggest this, but there was a rushed aka novella quality and more than a hint of phoned in on the story. So much more could have been addressed rather than simply touched on aka the brief appearance of the other Wallflowers. Still, Lisa Kleypas writing is beautiful and engaging as always.
Profile Image for Radd Reader.
936 reviews520 followers
January 15, 2021
4.5 Love my Wallflowers ⭐️’s ❤️

Hampshire, England, 1877

“I love you and your children more than my heart can bear.”

West: (Estate Manager for Eversby Priory- his titled brother’s estate)
West and his siblings were orphans at a young age and were sent to a boarding school because no one wanted them. West always felt like he didn’t belong and like an outsider, so he used humor to cover up insecurities.
“He’d hated feeling different, always out of place. Devon had quickly learned how to adjust to his circumstances. West, on the other hand, had been angry, awkward, and chubby. His only defense had been to turn into a crass, sneering bully.”

“For the first half of our lives,” West retorted, “you and I were at everyone’s mercy. Pushed, pulled, and manipulated by relations who made our lives pure misery. We were puppets on strings. I won’t live like that again.”

After a pretty debauched time in London, he is at his brother’s estate in Hampshire trying to reinvent himself as an estate manager and escape his past.

West is intelligent, has great knowledge about the estate and has the ability to see how farming will benefit from new ideas/equipment.

First impression of West: well, his boarding school bullying of Henry (Phoebe’s first husband) did not endear him to me.

Phoebe, Lady Clare:
The daughter of St. Vincent & Evie (from Devil in Winter and now known as the Duke and Duchess of Kingston). She comes from a loving family and is close with her oldest brother. Her first husband died of an unknown illness and she has 2 small children. She is a strong, independent woman, but is open to hearing other opinions. She is a wonderful mother and wants to do everything she can to ensure she safeguards the lands for her sons future.

First impression of Phoebe: she’s a little spitfire. Polite in front of others, but is comfortable and secure enough in her family’s love to openly express her opinion when behind closed doors. And her nanny’s name made me chuckle...Nanny Bracegirdle. 😀

The Story:
Plot....high level synopsis:
Phoebe is a widow with 2 small children. In her first outing after her mourning period, Phoebe comes face to face with the bully who tormented her husband throughout his boarding school years. She despises West because of how he made her husband feel, so there is absolutely no way she can be attracted to him, right? And West.....according to his own words, “His past had been rife with more episodes of debauchery and drunkenness than most men under the age of thirty could ever hope to claim” . Therefore... “He was a former wastrel with no property, no title, and no wealth. She was a highborn widow with two young sons.” so West feels there is absolutely no future for this mismatched couple.

My Thoughts:
First of all, Phoebe is the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Kingston (aka Sebastian and Evie from the 3rd Wallflowers Book). ❤️😁When I discovered this I was jumping up and down (yes, I probably should have read the blurb before I just dove into this book because that is mentioned. But, it’s a historical Kleypas so who cares about the blurb...it’s a no brainer, I’m in ). And why was I jumping up and down you might ask? Because Sebastian is a sexy as hell grandpa and has some awesome scenes❣️🥰❣️ I loved that both Sebastian and Evie were a part of this book. Even the other Wallflowers have a little scene and Daisy reveals her newest book Hero is modeled after our beloved Duke. “He enslaves women with his charismatic power,” Daisy protested. “He’s also a rich, handsome duke—just like Evie’s husband.”

Ok....so enough fangirling and back to the story...🤩

West and Phoebe definitely have chemistry. I loved West’s dry sense of humor as well as Phoebe’s straightforwardness. Their personalities complimented each other, even in their little mischievous moments.....
“I happen to write poetry,”
Heaven help me, Phoebe thought. “Do you?”
“There once was a young man named Bruce . . . whose trousers were always too loose.”
“Phoebe willed herself not to encourage him by laughing.
“Mr. Ravenel,” she asked, “have you forgotten this is a formal dinner?”
His eyes glinted with mischief. “Help me with the next line.”
“Absolutely not.”
“I dare you.”
“I double dare you,” he persisted.
“Really, you are the most . . . oh, very well.” Phoebe took a sip of water while mulling over words. After setting down the glass, she said, “One day he bent over, while picking a clover.”
Ravenel absently fingered the stem of an empty crystal goblet. After a moment, he said triumphantly, “. . . and a bee stung him on the caboose.”

They were such a great team, even when they didn’t realize they were being a team. From encouraging each other to “misbehave” at a stuffy formal dinner, to tag teaming with the children, to discussing and solving estate issues, these two just meshed so well together and had so many great moments.
“West Ravenel was worldly and wickedly funny, making audacious comments that managed to stay just within the margins of respectability. His relaxed interest seemed to wrap gently around her. The conversation was easy, pleasurable, like an unfurling bolt of velvet.”

Phoebe’s 4 year old son added the “adorable” element to the story. Talk about cute! 🥰
“Stephen is my baby brother. He can’t talk, and he smells like rotten turtles.” 😁

I read other books in this series a long, long time ago. Apparently West was a character in previous books but I’m actually very happy that I don’t remember him in those stories. It sounds like he was pretty much a waste of a human being and I probably would have had a much harder time falling in love with him in this book if I had that negative opinion of him going in. Both West and Phoebe grow in this book, but West’s ability to forgive his past behavior and accept how great he is today was a pretty difficult climb for him.

A few things I didn’t love:
- Unfortunately one of my major pet peeves is the “I’m not good enough for you trope” which is what West suffers from. “There are many things that scare farmers, but a pot-bellied, half-drunk buffoon from London isn’t one of them.” Phoebe listened with a faint frown. She’d rarely, if ever, heard a man speak so unsparingly about himself.”
- Phoebe’s husband’s relative (Edward) was managing her lands. Edward wanted to marry Phoebe, so there was a bit of a side story involving Edward. I actually felt this aspect of the story fell a little flat. I thought there would be much more intrigue and fallout because of his actions and this aspect actually kind of fizzled and I didn’t think the resolution portrayed him as the snake he really was.
- The HEA for our couple seemed very rushed at the end, and there was no epilogue 🤨

However, even with these issues, I loved this book. It was so great being reunited with an older version of Sebastian and Evie, but beyond that I really loved both West and Phoebe. They were playful together, had great chemistry and some very steamy scenes. Add in adorable kids, a little bit of intrigue and some Kleypas magic and you have an absolute must read! I highly recommend but especially recommend for anyone who read and loved the Wallflower’s series.

“There’s nothing better than having something you don’t deserve. Just say to yourself, ‘Hooray for me, I’m so very lucky. Not only do I have the biggest piece of cake, it’s a corner piece with a sugar-paste flower on top, and everyone else is sick with envy.’”

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to start off your wedding festivities with a small murder, Pandora. Don’t worry, it will be over quickly, and then we’ll go back to celebrating.”

Come along, Ravenel, don’t be a hairpin.”

“Kindness counts the most when it’s given to people who don’t deserve it.”

“I hate stimulating conversation. My mind isn’t deep enough to float a straw.”

“Must I explain?” she asked very softly. “This gentleman does not enjoy being poked and pried like an oyster at Billingsgate Market while he tries to have his dinner. Kindly keep your hands to yourself.”

“You could do worse than to spend a few minutes basking in the sunshine of my accumulated wisdom.”

“Let’s not go in circles, Ravenel. You’re not perfect—we’re both in agreement on that. But I’ve seen and heard enough to be assured you’ll provide the kind of companionship my daughter wants and needs.”
Profile Image for Maja  - BibliophiliaDK ✨.
1,122 reviews881 followers
February 1, 2020

Reading this book took me away from everything - I was completely absorbed and transported! I loved the characters, the romance, the promise of more books to come and much more! I can only recommend giving this book - and this entire series - a chance!

"She is too far above me - morally, financially, socially, and any other 'ly' you can think of."
- West


West 💛: Oh my god, I cannot fully express how much I loved West! I loved his intelligence, his sweetness, his natural airs and his humbleness. But what I loved the most was his relationship with Phoebe's children, Justin and Stephen, it was just the sweetest thing ever!

"If the villain's the one who turns up, he is the hero."
- Phoebe

Relationship: Phoebe and West's relationship developed really nicely, they had an easy, natural chemistry that just worked! There was no rush, it was just as it should be.

Humour: There was such a great, effortless humour that I really liked!

"Sometimes the mystery is more delightful than the answer."
- Sebastian

Tom Severin: Though not a major character by any means, his brief appearance really made me look forward to his book!

Transported: Perhaps the best part of this book was how it took me away from everything and made me want to keep reading without pause till I was done.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,092 reviews

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