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I’m Beatrice Kennedy, but everyone calls me Beat. I live a low-key life, fresh out of college and drifting from town to town until I find my home.
I love music, and how it stirs even the deepest and untouched parts of your soul. Depending on what you choose to listen to, would depend on what it touches. It’s the drug we all damper in, only different strains. My strain is Jazz. The smooth instrumental strums that take over me. The sound of cigar smoke, bourbon and an old dusty fedora hat. My strain wasn’t rap, and it sure wasn’t laced with some A-class shit like murky blue eyes casted down from the Lord and the Devil’s handcrafted smile. I knew who he was—the whole world did. One fateful night set off a chain of events, events that no one was coming back from. You can’t save people who don’t want to be saved. You can’t pull them up from the ocean when they’ve latched themselves to an anchor. Love was my anchor, destruction was the water that was drowning me, and the rope that was so tightly clamped around my ankles, was woven with the lyrics of Aeron Romanov-Reed, also known as, 'Manik. He steals hearts from all around the world, but one night, he stole something that wasn’t his to steal.

344 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 1, 2018

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About the author

Amo Jones

53 books13.4k followers
Amo Jones is a USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author whose books have been translated in multiple countries.

She resides in the tropics of Australia with her family, though she's a born and bred Kiwi who more often than not, misses New Zealand.

You can follow her here:

Website: http://www.amojonesbooks.com/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/amojonesauthor
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 648 reviews
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,643 reviews1,357 followers
September 30, 2018
I knew when I picked up this book to read that it was going to drive me crazy. That's the expectation I have for any story coming from Amo Jones. She has this way of evoking such strong emotions from me and I thought I was prepared.

While reading 'Manik I found myself grinning and laughing, staring at the words in utter disbelief, wanting to throw my kindle (I didn't... that ish cost me good money), getting turned on, getting turned off, and scratching my head in confusion. Blow-my-mind, spank-my-cooch, and rant-to-people-who-have-no-idea-what-I'm-mad-about confusion!

So Beat was a lost girl. All of her family was gone and she was alone in this cold, cruel world. Bouncing from city to city, she's made a little home for herself in New Orleans. She's found an amazing roommate and friend in Kyle, she's tending bar at the city's hot spot, and she's lonely. And then Aeron 'Manik' Romanov-Reed walks through the door.

There were so many things about this dude that made him incredibly hot to me. It was the way he found pleasure in torturing Beat while his heart called for her. It was how he had different names to match the different parts that made him who he was. His was a character that spoke to me. He was a talented rapper, a soldier for the Bratva, a loyal son, and the man who would finally learn what love is.

The flow of the story was disjointed and I found myself getting lost sometimes. The dialogue itself could be a bit weird and there was a time or five that I wasn't really sure what was going on. It felt like there were several plots happening at the same time. However, somewhere in the middle, things started to make sense and I was glad that I wasn't able to put this book down. All of a sudden, this love story turned even darker and went down a road or two I wasn't expecting.

Honestly, the fact Beat and Manik could be together at all defies logic. I wish there were more words describing how they got through it all. They basically met, she witnessed something she wasn't supposed to, she was taken captive, he enjoyed tormenting her, she went free, he didn't let her go far, they become a couple. Then the truth of who she is starts to come out, tensions arise in the Bratva, she's stuck in a cage, bad things happen, he takes her and treats her like crap, she goes free again, and then even more truths come out. I wanted the couple to have more couple moments. Because I just couldn't see how these two could be together.

Then again, this is fiction and Jones did an amazing job of taking me out of reality and thrusting me into the warped illusion that swam with unrealistic events, insane levels of intensity, and had Beat and Manik living in a world of happy endings. This story was perfectly imperfect and I'm hoping there will be more books set in this world of Manik's creation.

Release: 10.01.2018
Genre: Dark Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat: 3

☆.。.:* ARC provided for an honest review .。.:*☆

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Profile Image for ❤️ Nanda ❤️.
742 reviews401 followers
August 28, 2021
Third time is a charm!

Aug, 28/2021

I still love them!
Sorry Duchess! 😂


Starting a re-read today, Dec, 29/2020, because after a bad read, we need a cozy fav!


Wow... What a ride!

I was preparing myself to start Midnight Mayhem, so of course, I had to read Manik.

The thing is... I have a love or hate thing with Amo's books. I always love and hate at some point, and at the end, I'm just OMFG what that bitch did now?!
And she did it again, and I love it!

This book is so twisted and so raw. I confess that Beat didn't do for me as others Amo's heroines did, but I get her... She's a mess with tons of issues.
Manik is a hot psycho and I really mean it. He IS a psychopath! I'm still trying to understand a few things that happened.

I'm super into a good raw dark novel and this one had a loooot of good and bad things!
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,098 reviews2,553 followers
January 22, 2019
“Aeron Romanov-Reed is undeniably the best thing I never had.”

This sexy mofo did it for me in every way. Fucking hell was I impressed by the dark, dangerous, psychotic asshole, better known as Manik.

Since I’m super late to the party, I won’t try to summarize the story. The blurb tells you what you really need you. What I’ll tell you is that the book is gorgeous. The cover. The formatting. The song choices for each chapter. All of it adds to the entertainment value. It’s well thought out and put together.

As far as the story, it’s emotional, angsty, twisted, dark, and all kinds of wrong. It’s so fucking wrong, it’s RIGHT! Manik is larger than life and so over the top in his manic behavior that I was a goner from the very start. I’m not sure what it is about the dark ones that gets my blood pumping, but fecking hell that’s exactly what he did.

Interestingly enough, I enjoyed the heroine in this one too. Poor Beat has been to hell and back, but she’s a survivor. I loved her strength and perseverance. She takes a hit and gets up to fight another day.

This is the type of story that you read to feel and experience, not analyze and judge. Like putting on your favorite playlist and letting the music takeover. It was definitely and entertaining experience.

4.5 I’d bounce on that thang all night Stars
Profile Image for Snow.
2,253 reviews693 followers
October 4, 2018

I have to be totally honest and say that I absolutely didn't dig this story...😕

Make no mistake, I love Amo very much, she always pents up all things dark in just a little more twisty and disturbed and chaotic...and whereas I usually completely respect the true deep level of dark...I also need consistency of it.

And yeah, I probably go on everyone's nerves who obviously dont realize or dont care about the 'issue' I m addressing here, and that's also okay, cause you have the right to think so, just as I have the right to state my 'issues' out loud...

So, you either bare with me or just stop reading right here...in fact, you dont have to, cause I m just about to wrap this up.

I felt that everything happening was just randomly piled up without further depth, since I really didnt grasp the 'emotional captor/captive' Stocholm syndrom bond. It didnt reach that level and it didnt seem credible at all.

The real subject of the horrid abuse felt just rash as the aftermath of it wasn't dealt realistically in my humble opinion, not even the slightest even though it didnt had to be addressed like that considering the actual dark action twisted stuff of a plot.

And that 's another confusing thing for me as well, determing the genre. I still have no idea what is exactly this mash-up of the story and I have no idea where to place it. And yeah, I need that book shelf, so fuck it, it's a problem.

So, no likable characters, neither Manik nor Beatrice/Beat had my sympathies, and that left me with mixed impressions cause I looked for the consistency in the dark where you KNOW you are NOT going to LIKE/LOVE the characters but then you are stuffed with the 'romantisizing' the shit out them in hopes to deliver the HEA.

In fact, it totally missed the point for me.


And I m just kinda tired of giving the lower rating again, considering the amount of hard work authors put in their products as they are the source of their livelihood, and I absolutely respect that BUT I also cant escape myself, so it is what it is...and it's 2.75 stars.
Profile Image for ✨ Lucy ✨.
327 reviews90 followers
October 8, 2020
“you may not have darkness inside of you, but you don’t run from the darkness around you, and that makes all the difference.”

This book really played a number on me.

I think I have a major crush on Manik , like the biggest ever

Sexy , angry , talented and lethal (literally )

The chemistry played a really big part in this book .

Beatrice and Aeron story wasn't like a fairy tale.

it was filled with passion

hate and so much lust ...

"How can someone so achingly beautiful hold a soul so dark. Or maybe that's how it works, maybe the most beautiful faces hide the darkest souls."

I loved every page.

I literally wasn't able to put it down . Each chapter was a new discover .

I think I finished it in less than 3 hours

This story was like a drug , the best kind .

I was on a constant rollercoaster of emotion , and I enjoyed every second of it.

Their relationship wasn't a conventional one.

But fate played a pretty big number on them.

They were supposed to hate each other , but they did anything but that...

How Manik tried to fight his feelings for Beatrice until the very end was really something else

They were meant to be , no matter what , or the circumstances

"I am a survivor, not a victim. I am a fighter, not a coward. I'm a lover, not a hater. I'm his Cub, for now, and forever."

I can't give it less then 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is definitely entering my top 5 amo's books I loved

I hope you'll enjoy it like I did!
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,762 reviews1,332 followers
October 5, 2018
Available now

Amo Jones delivers another dark romance filled with twists and turns to keep readers riveted to the pages.

Beta read
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,844 reviews1,461 followers
September 26, 2018
OMG! What did I just read?! Amo Jones legit just owned me with Manik. I haven't felt like this since Frost and good Lord she deserves all the praise in the world for this book. Aeron "Manik" Romanov-Reed and Beatrice "Beat" Kennedy were FIRE and they just burned down the whole world with this story!

If you're looking for spoilers I wouldn't even know where to start. This isn't that kind of review. But what I can say is that this wouldn't be another gripping novel by this author if this story wasn't a fierce, intense and crazy AF rollercoaster ride filled with steamy and raw passion, visceral emotions and realistic characters. But at the heart of this AMAZING story is how two people who were never supposed to be together found a way to come out on the other side. This story was hands down brilliant!

Like in all Jones' stories, she writes incredibly strong females who give as good as they get. Beat may be my favorite heroine to date from this author as she went through such traumatic circumstances in her life but was still able to bring out the human side of such a dangerous, ruthless and dominating man. Likewise, Manik was able to show Beat that there was more to him and life beyond the surface but you just had to look deep enough. He brought out her inner darkness where she was able to go toe to toe with the beast and bring him to his knees.

All in all this story was unequivocally fantastic and seriously makes me want to dive deep in this author's devious brain for more of her juicy stories! Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula
Profile Image for Natalia.
1,105 reviews82 followers
February 3, 2020
Dnf. 58% ( just after the beginning of the 2nd part)

Bea was simply TSTL!

The girl has no backbone, she goes weak in the knees and all hot and bother when the guys is a creep and jerk!! He kidnapped her, treated her like shit and she still is looking at him like he was the tastiest ice cream in the shop!!!
He says jump and she jumps all happy...

But things goes to shit because he is a dippshit and wants to kill her... she goes to live under a bridge with the homelees because she is just too stupid to get her shit together!!

Please, someone get the girl a brain!!!

He was to much of nothing... For me both lack deeper personality.
Profile Image for TF.
606 reviews72 followers
May 8, 2019

This was a miss for me. It wasn’t a bad read but there was too much going on in the story.
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,388 reviews110 followers
September 13, 2022
Recensione sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

⭐⭐⭐⭐, 5
Anche questa volta Amo Jones ci racconta una potente storia d’amore che, come c’era da aspettarsi, non è una favola, proprio nel perfetto stile dell’autrice più dark e oscura che io conosca.
Ma l’ #effettoamojones che tanto amiamo noi lettrici appassionate di Amo, è assicurato.

Beat è una ragazza che vaga di città in città, una barista in cerca del suo posto nel mondo, un luogo che le faccia sentire di essere a casa.
Manik è il figlio di un boss mafioso russo. Un rapper sexy e letale, perennemente arrabbiato, sempre in giro per il mondo a portare la sua musica ovunque e per fare strage di cuori.

Due personaggi molto diversi tra loro che hanno in comune però la passione per la musica. Ma anche un passato tumultuoso e non bello, che influenza pesantemente il presente di ognuno.

🖋️In tutta onestà vi sarà impossibile non rimanere colpiti, scioccati e affascinati al tempo stesso, dal lato crudele e brutale del protagonista, un uomo dalla personalità contorta e assai oscura che porta sulle spalle azioni riprovevoli e violente. È amato e seguito nel mondo della musica, sua grande passione, ma la sua vita ha una doppia facciata perché è legato ad una potente organizzazione criminale.

Nonostante l’odio e la vendetta alberghino nel suo cuore Manik non si sente affatto una vittima, bensì un sopravvissuto, un uomo che, nel momento in cui Beatrice fa capolino nella sua vita, decide che è arrivato il momento di chiudere con la famiglia.

🖋️Leggere un romanzo di Amo Jones è sempre un’esperienza pazzesca e incredibile. Amo la brillante follia con cui riempie le numerose pagine dei suoi libri, e mi fa sorridere come la certezza con cui ogni volta pensi di aver capito tutto, puntualmente verso la fine del romanzo crolla, perché l’autrice cambia le carte in tavola, rivoluziona ogni dato, ogni avvenimento, ogni azione narrata.

Adrenalina a mille, passione infuocata rabbia, dolore e violenza, tutti elementi che troverete in Manik e che vi lasceranno senza fiato.

*Ringrazio la CE per la collaborazione e la copia ARC in Anteprima

Domani la mia recensione
Profile Image for Greta.
456 reviews
August 7, 2019
"..Not only does she not run from my beast, but she pets it, caresses it, and soothes it."

Manik è stato una mano santa per saziare la mia sete di dark.
Aeron "Manik" Romanov-Reed è un rapper molto famoso e molto amato, una sera entra nel locale dove Beat, la protagonista, lavora e da li tutto cambia. Perchè da quel momento, una serie di eventi porteranno i due ad affrontare un percorso di guerra/amore che continuerà per tutto il libro, condito con tantissimi drammi famigliari, legati alla mafia e alla Bratva.
Manik ha una seconda vita: suo padre è il capo della Bratva, la mafia russa, e lui è il suo Vor. Manik è un assassino, uccide tante persone per conto del padre - quando libera la bestia nessuno è più capace di rimetterla al suo posto. Beat invece sembra riuscire a prenderlo per il verso giusto la maggior parte delle volte, ma molti segreti e bugie si metteranno fra di loro, li porteranno ad odiarsi e a farsi del male.

Beat, poverina, ne subisce di tutti i colori. Verrà rapita più di una volta da questo rapper fuori di testa, e io pensavo: "se ne renderanno conto prima o poi che Beat è totalmente ignara di chi sia la sua vera famiglia ecc, ecc?".
So che Amo Jones è famosa per il dramma, ho accuratamente saltato Flip Trick e Silver Swan perchè so che per l'appunto sono al limite dell'assurdo, ma con Manik mi sono buttata, anche perchè è un genere che rispecchia di più i miei canoni. Indubbiamente c'è molto dramma, anche se solo famigliare, però ce n'è davvero tanto, e verso la fine del libro mi sono sentita esausta da tutti questi intrighi e bugie che saltavano fuori in continuazione. Ebbasta, abbi pietà!

In conclusione però, è un libro che consiglio alle amanti del dark romance. Buttatevi e conoscete Manik e la sua Cucciola!
Profile Image for Miftahul.
370 reviews187 followers
December 27, 2021
I am sure they both have bipolar.

Aside from that, the heroine gets raped and there is no reaction from the hero? Its just him killing the rapist from the heroine’s POV who is in and out of conscious. I liked the beginning of the book and i get Manik is supposed to be a dude with no feelings, but 60% is when the heroine gets raped and there is literally no reaction from him. He just apologises to her after 3-4 chapters thats it. Like I seriously wanted to see from his pov what he felt that moment because afterwards it felt like he didnt care that the heroine was raped. Also the fact that at the end there is a happy ending and no one brings up the rape as if it never happened. The heroine also doesnt care that she was fucking raped.
Profile Image for Nadine Booklover.
823 reviews118 followers
October 1, 2018
"How can someone so achingly beautiful hold a soul so dark. Or maybe that's how it works, maybe the most beautiful faces hide the darkest souls."

'Manik was my first book by Amo Jones. And it definitely won't be my last. This book is simply incredible. Incredibly dark, incredibly well written, incredibly thrilling, incredibly everything.

"Looking into his eyes is like looking into the center of a storm, one that will suck you in an spit you out"

'Manik has it all: dark souls that capture you right away, souls that light up the dark even though the dark tries to tarnish the light. It combines angsty and thrilling parts, with scenes that will get your windows steamy. A perfect combination of strong and troubled characters, falling in love in the world of the Bratva.

"In the dark is where wilted flowers grow, they get watered with the blood of his enemies and the fluid from my broken heart."

'Manik isn't a book you can write extensive long reviews about, because you really need to experience this book by yourself. If you are into dark romance, pick this one up, fasten your belts and get ready for an exciting ride, that will grip you from the very first page to the last.

However, a fair warning: You really need to be prepared to dive into really really dark places, you'll read about situation that might be triggers and that will pull heavy on your soul.

"I am a survivor, not a victim. I am a fighter, not a coward. I'm a lover, not a hater. I'm his Cub, for now, and forever."
Profile Image for Jennifer Hinson.
520 reviews134 followers
April 15, 2021
“Right now, every feral emotion and feeling is heightened, and he knew there was no way out. There is nothing stopping this now, she has awoken something that should only ever be awake when someone needs to be eradicated. She’s awoken the beast.”


To say I became a mega Amo Jones fan overnight is no exaggeration. What takes most authors at least a series to accomplish, she accomplished for me in a single book. With that one read, I KNEW she was my kind of author. One who took risks, didn’t shy away from the crazy, and wasn���t afraid to make one mess of her story. So I went on a complete Amo binge. It started with re-reads of the Midnight Mayhem books which then brought me to the one couple I needed to know more about. I wasn’t sure what I was in store for, I mean can you even be totally prepared for what she is going to throw your way?
Yet down the rabbit hole I went.......

I knew Manik & Beat were special from their brief cameo with Dove. Only she could mix two completely different sub-genres into a story that had me reading page after page without taking a moment to “rest”. The son of the leader of the Russian Bratva who is also one of the GOAT rappers? Sounds too unrealistic and kinda cheesy? I promise she makes it work! An “ordinary” girl who somehow gets this guy to feel things he has been trained not to? Again, Beat is the kind of heroine who you don’t doubt for a second. I dove into their world and had no interest in returning to real life. So why didn’t it get 5 stars? Well, that’s a discussion for later on in this review. And one that I wished didn’t bug me as much as it did.

Overall Story/Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Plot Pace/Speed: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Aeron “Manik” Romanov-Reed: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
Beatrice “Beat” Kennedy: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
Steamy Meter: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Angst Meter: 🖤🖤🖤

Book Facts:
Told in: Dual POV, with some flashbacks & a small POV segment from another character.
About: A stand-alone that brings two seemingly unlikely characters together for one unconventional yet intense romance. Aeron “Manik” Romanov-Reed is a rap god, known all over the world for his music.....he’s also known as the son of the infamous ruthless leader of the Russian Bratva. Beatrice “Beat” Kennedy shouldn’t even be on his radar, yet when she witnesses something she shouldn’t that’s exactly where she ends up. She finds herself his captive, locked away in his basement. He has no interest in her, no matter how beautiful she is......if only it were that easy. But as feelings start to develop, secrets are uncovered that will connect these two in ways neither are prepared for. And the showdown will be one that neither of them may walk away from.
Safe Read? I would say so but it isn’t a “sweet” romance. Just keep in mind while this isn’t what I consider a dark romance, it does fall on the lighter side of dark.
Ends in: HEA ending (with future appearance in the Midnight Mayhem series).

My Thoughts:
It’s pretty evident by now just how much I admire Amo and her brilliant insanity when it comes to her stories. Every book I’ve read of hers has the same elements that turn my reading from just a story read to an obsessive experience. This one was no exception. Despite my hesitancy due to reviews poking fun at the ridiculousness of mixing the whole rapper & Russian Bratva dynamics, I honestly found it one of the better & more interesting parts overall. I mean it’s no different than today’s rappers who are also true gang members....it’s more realistic than you think. It brought an element to the story that took it from ordinary and good to exciting and intense. I loved every version of Manik, even the darkest sides of him.

Beat was everything to me. I loved her spunk, her strength, and her inability to just obey. She was exactly the kind of heroine I expected from Amo and I was seriously obsessed with how smoking hot these two were together! But what surprised me in a way I should have already expected was how much I loved almost all the support characters. Katiya was wild and someone I wish could come to life bc one night with her would easily go down as a life altering experience lol.

But that pesky negative I spoke about earlier......I’m noticing a pattern with the books I’ve read from Amo so far. This was my 3rd book by her, all 3 pretty much had the same exact big “shocker” twist.
I get it, it’s one heck of a twist. ESPECIALLY if you haven’t seen it before or read her other books. It’s something you could never expect OR prepare for any detail of the reveal. But for those that have read her Midnight Mayhem series (that happens after this book but is likely to lead new readers here), it will feel more of a letdown bc it’s the same song just a slightly different beat. Still loved it, I just couldn’t give it the 5 stars I wanted bc it took away that big “wow” moment for me.

My Verdict:
All in all, I don’t think I will ever read a book by her I couldn’t recommend. Like I’ve said in other reviews of her work, it’s not going to be for everyone. But for lovers of the unconventional, this is a worthy read that you won’t want to skip.

“I am a survivor, not a victim. I am a fighter, not a coward. I’m a lover, not a hater. I’m his Cub, for now, and forever.”

Profile Image for Kahea.
2,129 reviews120 followers
September 26, 2018
***5 ‘Make Sure You Feed The Right One’ Stars***


Can we say Mindfuck??

Just a little bit?

Okay. Maybe more than a little...

Because that was some twisty, turny, angsty, dark shit going on and I loved every second of it. I mean I expected the angst and the dark, because let’s be real ~ this IS Amo Jones we are talking about ~ but some of those twists had me going “Whoa. Wait. Back up. Let’s rewind here because I don’t think I read that correctly” But I did and it was a mindfuck. Now that could have totally done me in (well not really since I do love the dark) but all the batshit crazy was tempered, just a little bit, by some sweet, swoon worthy moments (I know. I know, but there were some), funny ones and a group of characters I fell in love with and want more of!

What can I say about Manik and Beat without spoiling anything?

They drove me batshit crazy throughout most of the book and yet, I loved them. They drew me into their worlds and I didn’t want to leave. Both have had...interesting lives and their pasts have molded them into the beings they are, some good, some bad and some ugly, but they own it and all the complexity that comes with it. Their journey is all kinds of twisted, dark, angsty, smexy and, dare it say it, sweet. It is all kinds of twisted, but the one thing that is clear from their first collision is that they were always meant to be apart of each others worlds ~ if only they can survive the truths that are thrown their way.

This book is an experience. The plot twists are many and though I did figure out one thing before it was revealed, everything else was a surprise and despite how crazy they were, they also made sense in the big scheme of things ~ though there is one that I’m still not sure how I feel about, but such is life. And then there are the secondary cast of characters. All of them were unique and very well written. They gave depth to the dark and crazy world and helped to bring out all the complex facets that make up Manik and Beat. My favs are Kat, Kyle and Lenny ~ they were kind of everything ~ and Bo and X definitely peaked my interest and wouldn’t mind if any, or all, of them got their books one day in the future.

~ Copy provided via Social Butterfly PR & voluntarily reviewed ~
Profile Image for Mimiorphee.
601 reviews39 followers
October 3, 2018
With a cover and a title like these, it was  impossible for me to stay away from this book!

Manik is a captor/captive story, where Beatrice (Beat) is thrown into Aeron (Manik)'s dangerous world. Manik is a rapper but as the story unfolds we learn how deep the secrets run.

This is a read in 2 parts and that's exactly how I felt while reading. 

The first part utterly blew my mind. The fast-paced intrigue had me furiously turning the pages. It kept me on edge and completely stressing out for the heroine and her more than uncertain fate. I loved the thrill and the tension, the sexual charge and the beautiful equilibrium between attraction, hate and fight. Manik's bad boy attitude drew me in while Beat's strength was very convincing.

The second part on the contrary, burst my growing adrenaline bubble. The storyline got more complex, which I usually adore, but in that case it didn't seem natural, and rather over-the -top, with an outcome that I found too easy in comparison to the intricate and hopeless situation they are stuck in. Add to that the fact that Beat fell in a middle state of sort, losing the fight I loved so much in her at the beginning, but not exactly drowning in despair either. I really expected more extreme and passionate behavior from her, considering her past. Again who am I to tell how one should feel after such traumas? 

All in all, Manik is a story that equally elated and bothered me. I would give 5 stars to the first part and 3 to the second. Again my issues reflect only my opinion, I hope you'll have a great experience with this book!

Profile Image for • Island Queen Reads • Ofa •.
765 reviews88 followers
September 25, 2018

Book: MANIK by Amo Jones
Reviewed by: Ofa Reads
Rating: 3.5 STARS


Manik. Such a fucking head trip. Literally. This book can be read as a standalone (fucking finally lol) and I have long awaited the day I got my hands on it. An action-packed romance about rap, the mafia and filled with so much darkness, black was all my soul was bathed in whilst reading. I've been a loyal and obsessive fan of this author (I watch her from her windows). She's a fucking phenomenal writer and that is something that cannot be questioned. However, there was just so much hype surrounding this book that I was disappointed. And I hate that I feel this way because I wanted so desperately to love it. I also feel it would be unfair of myself as a blogger and as a human being not to give a completely honest opinion.

Don't get me wrong, the plot and the writing were amazing. The execution was perfect and I couldn't help but let the story consume me. Amo Jones did it again with another mindfuck storyline, with twists and turns that will leave you reeling. But I think my main problem was the pace and flow of the story. Oh my gosh, they were all over the place, I couldn't keep up. I felt like everything was rushed. There were moments were time would freeze and the emotions would overwhelm me but before I could even comprehend what it was I was feeling, shit got fast-forwarded real quick. The plot was for me messy. The solution to the conflict was lackluster after all the buildup and fear that was brought on from their circumstances. It made me dizzy and kinda affected my reading experience.

But despite those minor stumbling blocks for me, I can't fault how much I loved the storyline. I can't say much without spoiling it but how fated is it. I can't tell you how much I love Manik and Beat as individuals and as a couple. Watching them struggle through their demons, risking everything for their love was hauntingly beautiful. There were so many obstacles, so many dark forces at bay, that for a second I thought it wouldn't end well.

Manik AKA Aeron fucking Romanov-Reed; such a dominant and lethal personality. So many sides to the one person, it gave me whiplash trying to keep up. He is the epitome of fucked up goodness, a savage beast inside of him that's waiting for the smallest sense of freedom. Watching this alpha-hole fight his cravings for Beat is mind-numbing. Beatrice is a girl we all crave to be. Curvy, sassy, athletic & so strong. She has so much strength for the bad hand that's been dealt to her. My heart hurt for her, it howled at her pain and stood proudly at her strength and unwavering courage. I wanna be her when I grow up.

Overall, it's a brilliant read. The storyline is well worth it, there is just a lot more that could've been changed to improve it, in my opinion. But otherwise, a thrilling read, that managed to keep me on the edge of my seat, despite my reservations. I can't wait to see what see what Amo Jones has in store for us next.


#AmoJones #Manik #AeronRomanovReed #Syn #Zver #BeatriceKennedy #Beat #Corvo #Standalone #Mafia #DarkRomance #Rap
Profile Image for Paula.
194 reviews3 followers
November 26, 2021
Lo ameee, me encantó tanto🥰
Ame todos sus personajes, y a pesar de haber dicho que odiaba a su padre ya no lo hago jajajajajaja
Super recomendado, leanlo✨

Profile Image for bibliophile.
398 reviews1 follower
November 26, 2018


I feel like both characters were bipolar, so much shit going down, things are weird and cheesy especially at the end and what’s worst is the actual characters and here’s why...

The hero (manik)(aeron)(zver): I know, ALOT of names, but he is an asshole and doesn’t treat anyone fair or right I hate him and he is the worst alpha ever, oh and he does it all, he raps, dances, sings, kills, and orders like a boss, and each persona he goes through is worst than than other, he made rappers look ugly because what the fuck, he is mentally not normal.

The heroine (beat)(beatrice)(Amaya): I swear I felt like each name had its own character, she has the worst personality ever, no backbone, weak, Stupid and dump all together, she trusts easily and loves with complete ease, I mean you were raped and hurt and chained and fucked and bruised, why are you talking to the hero like he’s one of your friends in high school??? he Killed her parents and tells her about it and two pages later she is attending his concert and crushing over him hard.

Then there’s some pretty flat characters but they exists a lot in the book and I would of loved to hear from them like:
the hero’s sister kat
And the heroine’s guy friend Kyle
Or even Leny (the hero’s right hand man and best friend) who by the way is my fave in this book.

Oh also what’s with the hero’s big deal mafia dad who controls everyone and people just follow and attend to his needs??? So much for a fatherly figure when you teach your kids to not only kill but skin people !!!! Agh gross I know, and the kids act like it’s normal modern day tool for revenge!!!!!!!

The author couldn’t decide what to write so she wrote everything, for example here’s a few keywords mafia, rappers, circus dancers, hip hop talent, singers, lovers, gay character, friend-zone friendship, parties, bars and alcohol, victims, pregnancy, Crime, stalkers, crazy family feud, heroine with a background of a lost past and minor to non of memory capacity, I mean the list goes on and on and on, seriously AMO JONES just stick with a story line and a good plot and you’re good to go, this book had me so fucking confused, I had to skip pages because I was bored, and annoyed

Never again reading it for sure

September 26, 2018
"I'm drawn to his shadows so I can see who they reflect."

Amo Jones never fails to blow my mind. I love her twisted mind and the characters that she gives a voice. Never a dull moment and never a minute of sleep until I turn the last page. She's always good for a book hangover.

Manik is one of her best alpha assholes. I know that you will love/hate him as much as I do. "She's awoken the beast."

Beatrice (aka Beats) is a gifted dancer but is currently working as a bartender. She's stayed at her current job longer than most because Kyle, her coworker, and roommate, is the closest to a family that she's felt in a while. All was right in her world until the night that Manik walked into the club where she worked. Even I felt the chemistry between them. That would be a night that would change her life forever...

Manik is used to getting what he wants. If it's not given freely, he takes it. He took her.

He's so jaded and rude and arrogant and hot and sexy without trying. If she ever gets free she needs to go to the doctor and be checked for Stockholm Syndrome, that's a real thing, right? Her head wants to go home, but her body responds to him without asking permission.

It just gets gooder and gooder from there. It's dark and dirty and full of secrets and lies. It's sexy and scandalous and full of bitterness and betrayal. It's all that and more. I didn't want it to end and I didn't stop reading until it did, the following day. I'm ready for more of Amo Jones, wherever she wants to take me. The line forms here...
Profile Image for Camila Matuella.
582 reviews
October 3, 2018
3,5 *manik* estrelas

Máfia →temos
Pegada dark → temos
Um mocinho phoda → temos
Uma mocinha meia boca → também temos e por causa disso diminui as estrelas, muita coisa não fechou pra mim em relação a ela e varias das suas atitudes. Vejam eu não tenho nada contra mocinha fracas e essas coisas, mas eu tenho com personagens incoerentes que não se sustentam até o final e falando de final esse também foi meu outro problema aqui, eu teria super mudado esse final. Mas no geral foi um bom livro.

Profile Image for Simoloverosa.
327 reviews19 followers
September 10, 2022
Il mondo di Aeron, soprannominato Manik, è fatto di musica e canzoni nei cui testi plasma i suoi tormenti e le sue riprovevoli azioni, lui è un rapper famosissimo e acclamato dal popolo femminile per il suo valore artistico, la sua bellezza sfrontata e oscura e...per la sua consistente dote (e qui non parliamo di corde vocali ma di centimetri.... ehhh si avete capito proprio bene 😜). Ma Manik nasconde un passato misterioso che intravediamo attraverso alcuni importanti flashback, tasselli che tracciano i contorni che hanno formato la sua contorta personalità. Aeron è un Vor, figlio di un boss della mafia russa un mostro spietato, un freddo implacabile assassino addestrato ad uccidere e a non provare alcun genere di emozioni e sentimenti. Beatrice è orfana e dopo la morte del nonno che l' ha cresciuta vaga di città in città senza una vera meta stabilendosi in luoghi e tempi indefiniti senza provare mai quella confortevole sensazione di avere una casa ed una famiglia. L' incontro con Manik è sconvolgente, disarmante e al tempo stesso travolgente per cui ne resta subito avvinta. Ma Manik non è il principe azzurro delle favole è un diavolo dalla lingua sporca e tagliente, perfido e possessivo avvolto da fitte ombre tessute da segreti e malvagità ed ora lei è completamente sua, incatenata per sempre al suo diabolico e tenebroso fascino. Ma cosa si nasconde dietro la brama di possederla? Quali segreti si celano dietro quel mix potente di arroganza e sensualità? Chi è veramente Beatrice? Potrà il suo amore redimere un tale mostro? Sono molti i dubbi e i misteri che ruotano intorno a questa coppia ed io solo una cosa posso svelarvi che la chimica tra loro è un fuoco che arde e divampa mettendo in subbuglio tutti nostri deboli sensi quindi preparatevi a scene spicy ad alto livello erotico. Sapete perchè adoro Amo Jones? Perchè l' estro della sua penna è diretto, schietto, moderno, fervido e senza filtri. Le parole colpiscono e coinvolgono il mio ego di lettrice sempre a caccia di emozioni oscure torbide sfaccettate e sorprendenti. Con Manik ha tirato i fili di una trama cattiva che ho trovato molto meno caotica del solito l' esposizione si avvale di una scrittura più chiara, pulita e lineare ma pur sempre carica di espedienti intriganti e spiazzanti che seguono il suo particolare filo logico in cui tutto è definito a tempo debito. La storia è ricca di scene accattivanti, brutali, terribilmente vivide che legano il lettore alla narrazione da cui è impossibile staccare gli occhi. Cresce incalzante la fame di divorare le pagine perché Manik stupisce e attira, delinea gli spazi narrativi con una personalità complessa, forte e crudele e un' impronta scenica che affascina, seduce e conquista. Ve ne consiglio la lettura? Assolutamente sìiii!!!! Anche perché ritroviamo il nostro mitico Midnight Mayhem e personaggi secondari ben strutturati intorno ai quali l' autrice crea geometrie intriganti tutte da esplorare.
Profile Image for Varya.
767 reviews106 followers
January 5, 2021
2.5 🌟
Initially, I was going to give it 3.5 stars but then I changed my mind. I will review this one in points so that I can sort through my thoughts and you are able to actually understand it lol.

💀 The storyline was really good, albeit a bit haphazard and chaotic.

💀The characters I loved- Vlad (I mean, how can you not like that guy?! His personality was totally an acquired taste in the psychopathic arena.🖤I'd do him ;) ) , Lenny (an amazing friend to have) and Kyle (a cute and loyal guy!)

💀I didn't like Aeron/Manik. It seemed like him and his sister were the ones just trying to tell the readers that he was crazy and dark. I, personally, don't think he was that much of a "monster" and believe me I have read many.

💀Beatrice/Amaya didn't have a strong reaction to much of anything. She just rolled with whatever happened like it was everyday occurrence ( even with heavy stuff). Eg- Aeron had her captured and asked her to dance in front of other people. She just shrugged and started dancing. 🤷 It was not believable and weak on her part.

💀There were unanswered questions/ plotholes. Eg- How come Antonio didn't know about Beat till then? What happened in the "second phase" when Aeron was 11 and he killed for the first time? Was Aeron just kept caged or did something else happened to "awaken the beast"? If Beat was with Aeron's grandparents and they were such hardcore Russian's, wouldn't there be a Russian accent that Beat would have recognised? Wouldn't Aeron have visited his grandparents? Did Aeron kill a pregnant chick in the cave? Did he ever rape a girl (he said he doesn't do that but sometimes he implied he would do anything.....and wasn't having sex with girls thrown in the cage be rape since i don't gather they would have any consent? ) So many questions....

💀 Last but not the least....and this ones solely on me..., I don't think Amo's writing style works for me since it's a lot fast paced, less intense and less deep.

I have read Sicko and Manik till now and both weren't as dark as I was expecting them to be considering all the reviews and promotions. Someone really needs to suggest me books by Amo that are darker.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kasia (kasikowykurz).
1,925 reviews50 followers
February 15, 2022
2.5 ⭐

Ja naprawdę bardzo, ale to bardzo lubię książki Amo Jones, mimo że w każdej z nich jest cos niepokojącego, a bohaterów jej powieści powinno się raczej wysłać na terapię niż pchać ich w związki, ale przy okazji tej czuję jednak dużą dozę zawodu.

Pierwsza polowa była taka bardzo ogromnie meh, że zostawiłam ja na długo, bo zwyczajnie mnie to przerosło, nie miałam ochoty, a zarówno Beat jak i Manik są postaciami toksycznymi i w prawdziwym życiu ich relacja nie ma prawa bytu. Sposób, w jaki ich związek powstaje i ich wzajemne... nie wiem jak to nazwać... przyciąganie? uzależnienie od siebie? Niszczą się nawzajem, jedno nie jest dobre dla drugiego, a mimo tego wszystkiego w tym środowisku tworzy się miłość.

Druga połowa już lepsza, nawet udało mi się wciągnąć, choć nie mogę wypchnąć z głowy opisów tańca. Boże, ja nie wiem, co autorka próbowała osiągnąć, ale ja naprawdę nie mam pojęcia, co ona tańczy i jak. Mam w głowie, że wije się po podłodze i trzęsie tyłkiem. Szkoda, bo taniec miał być czymś, co jest dla bohaterki mega ważna, a wyszła z tego jakaś... karykatura?

Dlaczego, och dlaczego takie związki wciąż są gloryfikowane w powieściach? To nawet nie jest niebezpieczny chłopiec, to nie jest bad boy. To jest praktycznie psychopata i choć ja osobiście czerpię jakąś tam (tu umiarkowaną przyjemność) z lektury książki, to jednak zmęczyła mnie i mimo happy endu (wtf w ogóle) nie mogę jej polecić, bo tu nie ma zbyt wiele dobrego. Nawet dla mnie to wszystko jest zbyt pokręcone i zbyt mroczne.
Profile Image for BookSmackedMel.
916 reviews371 followers
September 29, 2018
I don’t want this to be over !!!! Manik was one of my most anticipated reads. When it comes to Amo Jones I can always count on her to deliver gritty reads with intense characters.

Manik was a presence !!! I don’t know how else to describe him. Dominating, Intense and impossible to ignore. I found myself getting caught up in him, consumed by him. I couldn’t help but love him even when his actions were questionable and sometimes downright cruel.

This storyline was brilliant and I’ll be honest when I say there were some twists and turns that caught me off guard and had me saying no effing way !!!!!

This was just so good my one complaint is that the story ended. But when it comes to Amo Jones I find that I can’t get enough. I love her writing style and her male characters !!! Well shit they are just hot AF.

And her dedication in this book is gold !!! Just had to say that as well.

Loved it loved it loved it.
Profile Image for Hopelessly Addicted To Books .
3,488 reviews144 followers
September 26, 2018
You've done it again Amo, completely pulled me into a story that I wasn't sure what I was going to be reading. I've read the synopsis I've seen the teasers but they gave nothing away and I'm so glad.

I loved the slow unfurling of Beats, not just her personality but who she is. I thought I had her figured out and then boom everything is turned on its head. Now Manik is an in your face character, he owns every facet of who he is. I loved every crazy scary passionate part of him.

The thing I love about this authors work is the variety she gives the reader, I am always left guessing what the next book will be and I am always I'm awe of her talent as a storyteller.
Profile Image for  ✰  Charlie  ✰ Chisholm.
1,985 reviews22 followers
September 25, 2018
Amo has done it again.
Had me from the first chapter and I have not wanted to put it down. This book is so freaking amazing. Dark and twisted. In addition, intense it will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.
I loved the characters, the story, I love everything about a book it is so well written.
Manik I just love him. This is hands down my favorite book by this author, for now, haha it could all change again with next book. Cannot wait to see what the author has in store for us next.
If you love this author's books then I totally recommend this one.
Profile Image for obojetnosc .
101 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2021
ah jakie to było słabe. mam wrażenie że nie zrozumiałam połowy książki. wszystko było tak zagmatwane, bez żadnych emocji i każda akcja rozwijała się za szybko, nie była wystarczająco opisana. niektóre porównania autorki, np. porównanie uczuć głównej bohaterki do nowotworu są po prostu nie na miejscu. same postacie głównych bohaterów totalnie mnie nie zachwyciły, nie miały w sobie żadnych ciekawych cech.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,846 reviews156 followers
October 3, 2018
I’ve only just discovered Amo Jones’ dark romances, so I haven’t quite delved into all of her demented and distorted goodness, but with that being said, I’m quite well-versed in ‘mindfuck’ reads, and I can unequivocally say that Manik is such a story, and while it’s confusing, at times, due to the manic-like pace to the plot line and the twists and turns that leave readers’ heads spinning, that’s exactly what makes Manik and Beat’s story all that it is because their lives don’t follow a normal pattern…don’t indicate that they have all of their ‘things’ in order. Their lives are chaotic - a maelstrom of danger and darkness, mayhem and misery - which means that until the very end of their tale, nothing and no one will be what they seem and it’s good to keep that idea in mind as readers struggle to understand the events that occur and struggle to piece together any kind of outcome that won’t result in pain and suffering in every conceivable way.

It was a good call on Jones’ part to include Manik’s perspective in the story; it’s very much needed in order to understand all that is this complicated alpha hole - a man who takes whatever and whoever he wants, never asking permission or approval because it’s not in his genetic or social make up. There’s a definite edge to this man from the very start of the story and that personality trait only exacerbates itself as everything unfolds, and while Manik is more than overwhelming, it’s his presence that allows him to say and do anything and everything.

Beatrice aka ‘Beat’ is Manik’s match, not because she’s as ‘in your face’ or mesmerizing as Manik is, but because she can hold her own with him and stands up for herself, even when she might not want to or feel capable of doing so. She may appear small, but she’s definitely mighty, and it’s her strength that speaks to Manik…that makes him want to dirty her up…to bring her to the depths of his hell on earth and never let her go despite the knowledge that they shouldn’t want each other…that their pairing could cause more harm than good…that Beat’s sass, intelligence, and stubbornness may not help her in Manik’s dark and dangerous world, but hell if either of them can keep fighting what’s between them.

It’s more than obvious, due to the chaotic and jumbled string of events that occur throughout the story, that Amo Jones’ characters set the pace of the plot…force her hand in telling their story as authentically and as raw as possible; they’re the puppet masters and Jones is the puppet - not in a bad way, but in a way that allows Manik and Beat to be their own mouthpieces not the other way around, and it’s the characters’ hands-on approach that leads readers down one complicated, jagged, and messed up road, but while it was a torturous journey, the one idea that remains clear is that these two have what it takes to make it, in whatever way they choose, which speaks volumes about not only who they are at their core but also what they bring out of each other and what they give in return.

I’m so ready for more powerful prose and multifaceted, complex characters from the marvelously messed up mind of Amo Jones. It’s so easy to see just how much of her heart and soul she puts in her writing because it’s painstakingly illustrated in her setting and in the complicated chaos that make up her stories.

4.5 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)
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