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When wilderness guide, Harper Ward, is summoned to the small town sheriff’s office in Helena Springs, Montana, to provide assistance on a case, she is shocked to find that their only suspect in the double murder investigation is a man described as a savage.

But the longer she watches the man known only as Lucas, on the station surveillance camera, the more intrigued she becomes. He certainly looks primitive with his unkempt appearance and animal skin attire, but she also sees intelligence in his eyes, sensitivity in his expression. Who is he? And how is it possible that he’s lived alone in the forest since he was a small child?

As secrets begin to emerge, Harper is thrust into something bigger and more diabolical than she ever could have imagined. And standing right at the center of it all, is Lucas. But is he truly the wild man he appears to be? A cold blooded killer? An innocent victim? Or a perplexing mix of all three?

Harper must find out the answers to these questions because the more time she spends with him, the more she risks losing her heart.

544 pages, ebook

First published May 27, 2019

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About the author

Mia Sheridan

59 books27.4k followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,664 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,561 reviews52.1k followers
December 31, 2020
Three yes I know I took my golden place in the minority but my expectations are so much different maybe I got up wrong side of the bed before I finished this one stars!

I have to make things clear before starting to write how I feel about this book! I love Mia Sheridan’s writing! She’s one of ten best favorite romance writers of mine! I loved her old school style, I adore her horoscope series!

As soon as I got Savaged, I thought I would find a introvert, lonely, cut off from civilization but also deep layered character like Archer, or Wish Collector’s Jonah kinda tormented, tarnished hero!

As I read the blurb, I thought I would read an intense story about a man’s uncivilized life who struggles to exist against wild nature like Shay Savage’s Transcendence or Sawyer Bennett’s Uncivilized!

Maybe I compared this story with the other books and as soon as I read more about Lucas, this made me a little disappointed!

I was expecting more angst, emotional turmoils, ugly cries! But the romance parts are overshadowed by action, thriller and mystery parts of the story. At some parts I thought the hero was more attached to his wolves than Harper!
And my opinion about revelation part, well, it’s not a big surprise, it’s foreseeable!

Don’t get me wrong! This is still good written book but genre changing of author a little confused me! I prepared myself to see more romantic and lyrical story instead of a survival thriller!

Well, I’d better find another one ! My tbr list is about to blast ! I think I still have luck to choose a new tear jerker one!
Profile Image for jessica.
2,577 reviews43.6k followers
December 10, 2021
is there anything MS will write that i wont love?

maybe its because i have fantasised about finding myself in a similar situation before, so i was really living for the story, but who knows? lol.

and although the plot ends up being a little too farfetched/unrealistic for my liking, i cant fault the story itself. i love MSs romances and i have to give her credit for including a crime/suspense element to this. both have their own part to play in the story, but didnt take away from the other. i thought the romance and suspense supported each other really well.

definitely one of my faves by MS.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Christy.
4,137 reviews34.8k followers
May 31, 2019
4.5 stars

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“I want wild. I want you. All of you. The best and the worst and everything in between.”

Mia Sheridan wrote a beautiful and completely unique romance when she wrote Savaged. I’ve read survival type romances and different kinds of romantic suspense, but never something quite like this.

Savaged starts out as a mystery, but turns into a suspenseful, yet epic love story. Harper Ward is a wilderness guide in Montana. She was raised by the system as both of her parents were killed when she was a child. When the sheriff’s dept. calls her to help canvas an area due to a murder, she’s more than willing. When she goes to the station, she meets Lucas.

It’s very apparent that Lucas isn’t your typical guy. He’s wild. He raised himself in the outdoors/woods battling things we couldn’t even imagine. He’s dealt with loss, near starvation, and almost complete isolation. His life is forever changed now that he’s met Harper.

Harper and Lucas (also known as Jak) story is intense. It’s unforgettable and all consuming. Their stories are tragic, but the love they share changes everything for both of them. This storyline kept me guessing and there was so much I didn’t see coming. I loved both Harper and Jak so much. It’s obvious these two belonged together and their love story was so sweet and romantic.

It’s hard to come up with a completely original story line, but somehow Mia managed to do just that. The writing was spectacular as always and the story was beautiful and emotional. I do wish there was more of an ending, or a longer epilouge, but aside from that I loved it all. This is one of those books that I won’t soon forget!
“You make me see beauty where I didn’t see it before, Jak,” she said, turning her face and closing her eyes as she kissed his palm. “You make everything new. Even me.”
Profile Image for KAS.
317 reviews3,126 followers
June 27, 2019
“Will you die today?”

Well, color me surprised ...

Believe it or not, Ms. Sheridan wrote a romantic whodunit!! Atypical in every sense of the imagination when compared to her other books, but one I certainly enjoyed.

This unusual storyline goes back and forth between the past and present regarding the hero, Jak, who by the way, is quite yummy ;)

It is jammed packed with mystery and backstory details, along with a law enforcement agent assigned to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Just so you know, this is a slow burn romance. And while there is a love story to enjoy, the emphasis is on the events which bring Jak and Harper together. A couple I won’t soon forget.
Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,024 followers
January 15, 2023
2nd Read, July 2021 — 3.75 Stars

I’d say Tarzan-esque romance is MS’s specialty and one of my kryptonite. Though, I must admit that I found myself not caring about the murder mystery and suspense as much as I did the first time or as much as I did the hero and the love story. Regardless, this was a unique book - even if also a bit farfetched.

(Read as an Audiobook)


1st Read, August 2019 — 4.25 Stars

Just know that I’m currently nursing a nasty bookhangover bcs of this beastly of a book. If my current state of emotional distress doesn’t convince you enough to pick this book up, then I don’t know what else to tell you. I think this is perfect especially for fans of Archer's Voice.

Amazing cast of characters
I think the characterisation is overshadowed by the plot and the romance. However, the characters are believable and real. I’m absolutely crazy about the H and I felt deeply about him the most.

Fresh from the oven storyline
I loved the bloody murder mystery and how this intertwined with our main characters’ back story. The unraveling was also pretty satisfying. The pacing makes you want to keep reading.

Sizzling romance
The romance is a slow burn and it’s cheff’s kiss! The H hasn’t had a human contact in a long time, so he’s clueless when it comes to social cues. I loved how he slowly learned to discover and dissect his feelings towards the H.

Wilderness and wintery setting
I loved the wild nature vibes this book exudes. Granted it’s not as atmospheric as it could’ve been. But I could feel it, and it made me realize how brutal and lonely it is living in a wild open space with only animals keeping you company.

Distinct POVs
The book is told from three main POVs (the H, the h, and the sheriff) and I loved the H’s the most. I think it has more to do with the fact that his character is not like that of a normal person, so it was really interesting to see how he reacted and processed certain things.

Overall, I fell in love with all aspects of the story. It’s beautiful, mysterious, emotional, and romantic. The characters are sufficiently fleshed out. The plot is gripping and satisfactory. The romance left me breathless. This book in all honesty is just very unique and intriguing.

(Read in Audiobook Format)
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,400 reviews1,469 followers
May 30, 2019
4.5 Stars!
(ARC provided by author)

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Harper Ward lives in the small town of Helena Springs, Montana where she works as a local wilderness tour guide. Her life gets a lot more interesting when she's called into the sheriff's office and asked to work as a consultant on a double murder investigation. They need her expertise and assistance to help canvas the area. Their only lead so far is a suspect that is described as a savage. He's a big, strong, muscular, wild looking mountain man who goes by the name Lucas. His unruly appearance makes him look primitive, but the more Harper watches him on surveillance the more fascinated she becomes. He's extremely good looking in an intense brutal kind of way, and he exudes danger and testosterone with just one look. His haunted, sensitive eyes do something to her, and make her want to know him.

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-God, the way he was looking at her.

-She'd never felt so completely captured in someone's gaze.

-He was all man, every bit of him, and never in her life had she felt another person's presence so keenly. Never had she been stared at with so much intensity. It unsettled her. It intrigued her.

-She was attracted to him.

-He appealed to her in a deeply sexual way no man ever had, and it scared her, but it also came with an edge of excitement.

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Lucas has lived a life of seclusion in the middle of nowhere since he was a child. The forest was his home, and he fought to live through the frigid, harsh winters. In the woods he was sheltered from civilization. He was isolated and didn't know how to exist in society. His world had always been about struggle and pain, and then he meets Harper, and something clicks into place for him. All his instincts tell him to claim her as his already complicated life is thrown into more turmoil and the truth unfolds all around them.

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-She's beautiful.

-He'd never seen anything prettier. Not even the almost-night when the colors of the bleeding sun filled the sky and came down to kiss the earth.

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Savaged is a unique, unforgettable story about two lonely people who share a beautiful connection. It's full of tragedy, mystery, secrets, healing, and survival. As usual Mia Sheridan wrote an amazing, original book that will draw you in from the start and keep you hooked throughout. Just loved this story and this man!!!

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Profile Image for Rain.
1,973 reviews28 followers
June 21, 2023
“That if we can hang on—survive—through the hard times in life, there is something better waiting for us. There’s a purpose we can’t always see. There’s an . . . order.”

Almost more magical than the first time I read it. If only because this time I was able to slow down, and truly enjoy the storytelling rather than reading frantically to get to the ending and the HEA.

✔️Contemporary setting, Montana
✔️Tarzan/survivalist male main character
✔️Strong and likable female main character
✔️Brutally DARK flashback chapters
✔️Virgin H
✔️No ow/om drama
✔️Excellent HEA

This story is an extreme physical example of the nature versus nurture debate. It is a murder mystery, a modern day Hunger Games/Roman Colosseum, and a beautifully written romance.

The ending is a little fantastical and unrealistic, but it made me completely happy. Talk about coming full circle!

Recommended for fans of:
Surviving Raine
Archer's Voice
Becoming Calder

He’s this combination of wild and, I don’t know, innocent? No, that’s not right. Thoughtful?” She shook her head, frustrated that she couldn’t describe him accurately, or do him justice. “Sensitive.”
July 22, 2022
Enthralling story!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💙💚🖤💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌎🌍🌏🌎🌍
Character development: 😪😠🤐🙂😘

The heroine: Harper - a wilderness guide in the mountains of Montana who is asked by local law enforcement to help on a local cases where two people were murdered by being struck with one arrow each. A brutal kill shot which went clear through each of them and pinned them to the wall where they bled out.

The Hero: Lucas - after the second murder, one of the deputies finds Lucas in the forest, dressed in animal skins & furs and holding a bow and arrows. He is taken into custody that is where he first meets Harper.

Other Characters: Jak - a young boy who along with three other boys was drugged, taken to the mountains and forced to the edge of a cliff and told to do what they can to survive before the cliff fell away in an avalanche. He knew the man was bad and tried to murder him.
Mark: an agent from the Montana Investigations Bureau who is in charge of investigating the two murders near Helena Springs.

The Story: Lucas and Harper find a connection very early on in the book. He wants to understand her and she feels safe around him despite how big and wild he looks. Harper also feels the pull toward Lucas and is curious about him. Harper grew up in the foster care system and became a wilderness guide for a reason, she is looking for something and finds that Lucas is the clue she needed.

The book was told in multiple points of view (all the characters listed above have a POV). It was narrated in dual narration by Christian Fox and Chelsea Hatfield. I like both of their voices. Christian has a manly voice and speaks in an even tempo, though he narrated all of the male parts with the same voice, I still enjoyed it.

This was a very original story and I really liked it. I loved the fact that both Harper and Lucas grew up alone and had that connection. This was actually a pretty sweet love story and I loved Lucas. The mystery of what happened to him and who was behind it, as well as who was responsible for the murders was compelling and fascinating. There was also some pretty steamy scenes.

Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,971 followers
October 29, 2019
5 Stars

Wow! This was such a good book. Probably one of my favorite by this author thus far. It was that good! It was unique, intriguing and so well written. The characterization and visualization...phenomenal. The plot’s more mystery/suspense than romance but there’s such a beautiful, slow burn, love story intertwined throughout that’s chock full of heart-and-soul.

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to read an unique, captivating mystery with a fantastic slow-burn romance.
Profile Image for rae ✿.
296 reviews292 followers
April 15, 2023
Will you die today?
No, he tried to yell. Live! But the words died on his lips as the world around him disappeared.

The story started with two people being found dead, but then a mysterious-looking man with a bow and arrows showed up out of nowhere and happened to live very close to the crime scene.

But she couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t suffered loneliness, the sense that she was adrift, always trying desperately to catch hold of something—anything—that would anchor her.

Harper had a hard childhood. Having her parents die in a car crash and being the only one to survive, she had to go to orphanage after orphanage and family after family to survive, and she did. She's now doing fine, but then suddenly Agent Mark reached out to her to assist him on a murder case.

He was all man, every bit of him, and never in her life had she felt another person’s presence so keenly. Never had she been stared at with so much intensity. It unsettled her. It intrigued her.
Mostly it unsettled her.

Lucas, the mysterious man with a bow and arrows who was found in the street, is in the police station for questioning, but what makes it interesting is that he said he didn't have a last name and he's been living in the forest all his life alone.

This was told in third person, but with a specific character's view in each chapter. We got Harper's, Lucas's, Agent Mark's, and a mysterious character.

I was actually surprised that I liked it because I read it, or more like forced myself to because of the reading slump.
TBH, at first I was more interested in the mystery and the suspense aspect of the story because the romance was a little off, but as I was reading it, I realized that it's actually quite a complicated story to relate, as with Lucas and Harper's situation. So it's kind of like I'm also as confused as them.

I really enjoyed it; there were some sick, twisted things that happened that made me so sad for them. The mystery and suspense kept me going; I kept reading, wanting to know what really happened.

“Everyone gave me away. No one kept me.”
Her heart stuttered, squeezed. “I’ll keep you,” she whispered, the words that had spilled from her lips making her feel shy suddenly. She looked down.
He nudged her chin up with his hand so her eyes met his once more. “Promise?”



fingers-crossed 🤞 this will get me out of my reading slump
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,531 followers
February 28, 2021
3,75 stars rounded up to 4

SAVAGED is a book in which quite a lot of tropes are blended with one another: there is a thick mystery and suspense, there is a survival story and there are murders to be solved, which all give it a thriller vibe. There is also a crazy experiment on children and there is child abuse in really horrific ways. Amongst all this ugliness, a very beautiful love story is born but the romance is unfortunately overshadowed by all the other stuff.

The book is focused more on the mystery parts of the story, sometimes getting philosophical about it. The writing is good and sometimes poetic while it deals with the concepts of the meaning of life, coincidences, fate, hope, struggle for survival, mistakes and their repercussions, kinds of crime with their outcomes, forgiveness, healing, letting go and finding peace and love.

I love my romance pure – I mean, it must be romance only. That’s why, I am not the target reader for this type of book. There were parts I got bored and tended to skip. However, there were also parts that touched my soul, tore my heart apart and made me cry.

If only the parts about the hero and the heroine were more than all the other stuff. It would be awesome, then.

It has an "Archer's Voice" vibe to it

The book, once again, has a hero who is naïve and innocent. And a virgin. Yeap, it does have an “Archer” vibe to it. The hero Jak reminded me of Archer in many ways. I think Ms Sheridan likes creating this kind of heroes who have a major default. However, Archer’s Voice was more of a romance book when compared to Savaged.

If Savaged were a book more focused on this damaged but lovely couple and their relationship, I would definitely five-star this book too like I did Archer’s Voice. But sadly for me, it focuses more on the mystery and action parts of the story. Hence, my lower point than Archer’s Voice.

The plot

The hero in this book, Jak, was forced to be the subject of a brutal experiment when he was just a child. He was unknowingly being prepared for a “training” program devised by a sick and evil mind. He had been taken, mistreated and was left alone to survive on his own in the wild jungle. And he did. But by eating bugs, mice or rabbits raw. He had to bathe in freezing water and survive in unbelievable conditions.

When he is a young man, he is still living in the wild. A case of murder brings him to the town and there he meets Harper, our heroine. She is helping the detectives because she is a tour guide and knows the area where the murder is committed. There are in fact two murders to be solved. First, Jak is the suspect but then they see he is innocent. And slowly, by seeing where he lives and how he survives, they discover his tragic life story.

There is instant attraction between Harper and Jak and while dealing with all the mystery and menace around them, they slowly get closer. The solving of one mystery leads to another one and then another one and it goes on like that forever until every link in the chain is discovered and the whole picture is clear.

If you like your romance book action-filled and suspenseful, if you never complain about all the other stuff overshadowing the romance, you may very well be the target reader of this book. I wasn’t and I still loved it.


3rd person point of view
379 pages
Safe with triggers such as child abuse and sexual abuse

Here are some beautiful QUOTES from the book…

For a frozen moment, the entire forest stilled. The whole world waited. And then as quickly as that, their mouths were meeting, and Harper exhaled a breath of relief and joy over the sudden overwhelming pleasure of his mouth against hers. The knowledge that he had chosen her. And she had chosen him.


She knew he had a million questions, she could see it in his expression that morphed from shock to bafflement, to delight, back to shock. He didn’t ask her anything though, and she figured he was taking it all in, attempting to figure things out for himself—or perhaps bring back memories of what he already knew and put them back into context.

Not only that, but he also had to be struggling with the fact that he’d been given up, used, lied to in ways she still didn’t understand. There were so many unanswered questions remaining about what happened to him.


Sometimes miracles-like love-arrived gently. Softly. Without fanfare. Without a lightning strike. For true miracles needed no such thing. Their eyes met and her heart sang. I love you, she thought again. And it was as simple and as wondrous as that.


She wanted to show him other things, experience everything that, for him, would be brand new—pie in diners at midnight, picnics in sunny parks, late-night movies, and a thousand other things people took for granted. She wanted to watch his face as he took it in, to see the delight in his eyes, the confusion, the understanding. She wanted to watch as he worked things out in that quick mind of his.

And yet another part of her wanted him just the way he was, always—innocent, beautiful, untouched, hers.


Since he’d come into her life, more questions had arisen, and yet, it finally felt like she was figuring out her life when before she had been flailing.


His eyes met hers, vulnerability filling his expression. “Everyone gave me away. No one kept me.”

Her heart stuttered, squeezed. “I’ll keep you,” she whispered, the words that had spilled from her lips making her feel shy suddenly. She looked down.

He nudged her chin up with his hand so her eyes met his once more. “Promise?” he asked.

She nodded, their gazes holding. And she knew she would. No matter what the future held. No matter whether he decided to keep her or ... not.


It was as if, for a fleeting moment, a cloud had moved away from the sun. And in that brief speck of time, she saw the bright, miraculous, sometimes searing, often blinding light of what her life had been. And she was grateful for it all. All of it. Every moment. Because it was hers. And she saw that she could not claim the joy without also claiming the pain. So she did. She took it inside and loved it all equally.

That moment. Right there. She loved her life. And because of such great, unequaled love-the sudden and deep understanding of the many gifts she’d received-she was willing to take any risk to keep it. For herself. For him. With him.

* You can follow my instagram page from here
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,180 reviews930 followers
December 31, 2020
Wow! This book is just.... perfect. Perfect blend of romance and Lord of the Flies/ Hunger Games. Again, Miss Sheridan done it. She surely can write anything with romance in it and blew it up into perfection.

Lucas character remains me so much of Archie Hale's character. They both complex hero. Sweet loving and vulnerable. I love Lucas. He is my new book boyfriend especially with that savage twist. Harper is likeable character. This story can end perfectly without the twist of the ending.

Moral story: there is a beast inside of us. No matter how and where we grew up.

Overall i love love this book. A perfection.

5 stars
Profile Image for Carol.
1,348 reviews250 followers
March 13, 2024
Reread 03/12/2024
4.75 stars.
An almost perfect read from Mia Sheridan.
Not only did I totally fall in love with all aspects of this story but it also took me very much by surprise.

A romantic suspense and so much more...
The author takes us on such a gripping and emotional journey. It is a poignant yet extremely satisfying read.
Jak/Lucas totally stole my heart in a not too dissimilar way from how I felt about Archer Hale.
This is a standout book from a highly talented author that has already produced some amazing and beautiful works.

I really don't want to give away too much of the plot here but PLEASE READ this wonderful and heartfelt story.

i love you hearts GIF
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,606 reviews4,370 followers
May 5, 2020
3.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: This sucked me in from the start! It is no secret that I love Mia Sheridan! Her ability to write such damaged characters that work together is such an art! She writes about the ugly things that have happened to people but having it so they always persevere and find happiness and love regardless! I know some people said they felt like this H was similar to Archer in Archer's Voice, but I actually related this book more to Kyland and how the survival instinct kicks in for people in extreme circumstances. I guess we do have similarities here because the H is innocent, naive, and a virgin — so that could make people relate him with Archer. I just think he was another great H by one of the masters! It wasn’t as good for me as either one of those books, but it definitely makes me want to do another re-read soon 😏

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Harper and Jak’s story. Harper gets called in to the sheriff’s office to help with getting an out of town policeman around the Montana wilderness to try to solve two murders. She meets Jak at the sheriff’s office when he being questioned. Jak has been surviving in the wilderness since he was a young boy and he is unsure of trusting anyone, but when Harper keeps showing up he cannot deny the connection he feels towards her. There are some suspenseful scenes, some big mysteries solved, and some sexy times...and they get a HEA ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between focusing on Harper and Jak in 3rd person narrative. This alternates between past and present and I felt the author did this well.

Overall Pace of Story: Good for the most part. It did feel a little slow about three quarters of the way through, but I never skimmed.

Instalove: Kind of. Instant connection, but they definitely have a build up of feelings happening and it doesn’t feel out of nowhere.

H (Hero) rating: 4.5 stars. Jak. Poor Jak! He was awesome!!

h (heroine) rating: 4 stars. Harper. I liked her. I appreciated her strength, kindness, and empathy for others.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed for me but I can see where some might need them.

Push/Pull:Not really

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story. This is what I would consider a slow burn, as they don’t get physical until after the halfway mark.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: No

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: No

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had pretty good closure with what I would call a HEA.

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,225 reviews13.5k followers
April 5, 2021
Mia Sheridan just raised the bar on her own writing!

I literally have no words after reading this out of this world experience. I’m not even going to try to wax eloquent, and attempt to formulate words that make sense because I simply cannot with Savaged. All I can do is weep and realize the blessing that we have as readers when our favorite authors create magic like this. Mia went outside her comfort zone with this one and it shows. Her heart and soul was poured into this story and these characters that she developed so amazingly.

Lucas/Jak. Just saying his name makes tears Spring up in my eyes. Never have I read a character quite like his. The hell (putting it mildly) he endured as a child, and lived through it proving that he was indeed a survivor—a wolf. I love how Mia showed the struggle he had between being a man and being the wolf he was raised to be.

Harper. What else can I say except how much I love her and the way she loved Jak was beautiful. She saw him when everyone else saw the wolf. She loved, respected and wanted every single part of him knowing she could trust him with her very life. Her story equally as tragic, but slightly different.

I said I wouldn’t try to come up with words because really no words can do Mia’s masterpiece justice. This was everything I wanted and beyond. Did I mention the passion. The lust between these two characters that was so..hot. Sensual. Chair squirming good. One scene literally made tears pour out of my face that I had to message a couple friends and just cry to them about it. I have never been hit like that before.

This is a tragically horrifying, beautiful awe inspiring story of waiting and hope, and the beauty that can come out of ghastly ashes.

I want wild. I want you. I want the wolf.

Everyone should one click this book on 5/28. Everyone.
Profile Image for Radd Reader.
936 reviews520 followers
July 17, 2022
”Everyone gave me away. No one kept me.”
Her heart stuttered, squeezed. “I’ll keep you,” she whispered.” ❤️

“Well, I . . . hope you find it. The thing that fills your soul."
“You . . . you fill my soul.”

The Story:
“You will die. Or you will survive. But that is up to you. It will all depend on your will to live.”

That’s what Jak was told when he was inhumanely left alone in the woods as a child. After a decade alone, Jak has learned to survive using his instincts.

Harper lost her parents when she was a child and has been raised in foster homes. She is a wilderness guide who is helping a detective navigate the area where a murder was committed.

Initially, Jack is a suspect in the murder. But once they begin to see how he has lived, his heartbreaking life story comes to light. There is an instant pull between Harper and Jak and they have more in common than they know.

“I’m lost, and I think you are too. And I’m not sure what can be done about my own situation, but I hope you’ll let me help you with yours.”

“She felt seen by him in a way she hadn’t been seen by anyone in a long time, even if he didn’t always understand her words.”

Jak (early 20's):
The following words/phrases were used to describe Jak: stoic, angry, bitter, caveman, wild man, curious, intelligent, innocent, quiet, watchful, observant, lonely, lost, reserved, resilient, silent, safe, caring, perceptive

Something to know about Jak:
- Intentionally left in the woods when he was around 8 to see if he could survive. A decade later, he’s still surviving in the woods alone.

A quote about Jak:
“he brought up questions that were both sophisticated—considering how he’d lived—and extremely insightful. He was a complete dichotomy—wild and sensitive, uneducated and astute.”

Harper (early 20's, local wilderness guide):
The following words/phrases were used to describe Harper: inquisitive, lonely, stuck, empty, lost, alone, caring, beautiful

Something to know about Harper:
- She lost her parents in a car accident when she was 7 years old and was raised in various foster homes

Some quotes about heroine:
“The hunt for her parents’ wreckage had kept her from moving forward. All these years, it’d kept her trapped in a way—emotionally immobile.”

“she couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t suffered loneliness, the sense that she was adrift, always trying desperately to catch hold of something—anything—that would anchor her.”

“In her heart of hearts, she still felt like the little girl no one wanted.”

“at some point, she had to find her own value and believe in it.”

My Thoughts:
The following are my thoughts about this book:
- The prologue certainly got my attention.
- Jak captured my heart. ❤️ Incomprehensible what he endured and lived through. Awww Pup 😥😥
- Both characters were sad and lonely and they dealt with feelings of abandonment. It was a gut-wrenching story to read and the majority of the book was a bit sad and depressing and my heart hurt reading about their journey.
- The writing was so good and made me feel like I was experiencing and living through the harshness Jak faced. Maybe that’s why my heart hurt so much, because I felt it....I didn’t just read it. And honestly, I’m not sure I wanted to feel all that pain.
- The main characters (H/h/detective) all suffered the loss of a loved one. No one seemed to escape that common ground and it was another layer of heaviness.
- I felt like there were a couple holes. Why did a certain someone kill Driscoll but then leave Jak alone in the woods still?
- I guessed who put him in the woods and why at 20%, so I wasn’t surprised by the reveal.
- The twist at 90% blew my mind 🤯🤯
- The story was very engaging. I didn’t get bored.
- Slow burn. Anything else would not have worked well for the story.
- I closed the book feeling happy for the couple, but still sad for all they went through and all those who were still suffering.

- POV: multiple POV’s
- H likable? Yes
- h likable? Yes
- h virgin? Hero is a virgin
- First time they kiss: 56%
- First time they sleep together: 73%
- steamy? some parts
- OW/OM drama? no
- H/h cheat? no
- Did I skip pages? No
- Big secrets? nothing that tears the couple apart
- Did I cry? it was emotional and my eyes got a little watery in places
- Did I laugh? no
- Cliffhanger? no
- HEA? yes
- Epilogue? 6-9 months later
- Recommend? yes

“she couldn’t understand how no one in her community, people who had known and cared about her parents, had been willing to keep her.”

“He had both internal and external scars to contend with, and she did too. But they would both adjust, both overcome, both thrive.”

“Sometimes miracles—like love—arrived gently. Softly. Without fanfare. Without a lightning strike. For true miracles needed no such thing.”

"Well . . . I guess it sounds sort of fantastical, but do you think that if people meet here on earth, the people they’ve loved and lost meet too, because they’re watching over their loved ones?"

“You make me see beauty where I didn’t see it before, Jak,” she said, turning her face and closing her eyes as she kissed his palm. “You make everything new. Even me.”
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews743 followers
May 31, 2019
I absolutely loved this book! The characters were well fleshed out and the sex scenes were definitely hot. I loved the power interchange between them.
Savaged is more than survival instincts and suspense. The imagery is wonderful with it, and the narration by Mia Sheridan allowed me to visualize so much. I enjoyed the book, although I think it lacked romantic intensity.
A thoroughly entertaining and riveting read.

In short:
Hero 5/5 | Heroine 5/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 5/5 | Writing Style 4/5 | Steam 4/5 | Romance 4/5 | Angst-Suspense 4/5 | Darkness 4/5 | Humor 0/5 | Secondary Characters 4/5 | Drama-Conflict 4/5 | Mystery 4/5 | Twists 4/5 | Pacing Steady | Action 4/5

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Betül.
1,029 reviews283 followers
May 25, 2019
**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


Savaged was a beautiful story about two characters who are trying to survive and make the best out of the bad hand they were dealt with in life. Both Jak and Harper were great and intriguing characters, and I looked forward to discovering new things about their past. Savaged was mysterious, suspenseful, emotional, and very romantic. Mia Sheridan created an original story with very interesting characters that you can't help but love. I liked that the story kept me guessing and that I didn't know what to expect next. I also enjoyed the multiple POVs a lot and the flashbacks as well. This book is pretty thick, but I think to really tell the whole story it needed to be this long. I was hooked to the story and it kept me interested until the end. There were a lot of secrets that needed to be uncovered, and some of them were heartbreaking.

"He was all man, every bit of him, and never in her life had she felt another person's presence so keenly. Never had she been stared at with so much intensity. It unsettled her. It intrigued her."

I am a huge fan of Mia and I love that she always comes up with the most amazing stories, and I always feel a strong connection to her characters. Her books always feel like more than just a romance story, and I love the extra layers she adds to the story. Her writing is great and it has a very nice pace and flow. This book was probably not the easiest to write, because of all the horrible things that were done to the characters. But it was engaging and beautiful. I just absolutely loved seeing Jak and Harper fall in love. These two were perfect for each other. I also loved seeing Jak experiencing so many new things for the first time. I was happy the author included an epilogue, and I wished it was longer. I would love a novella featuring these beautiful characters. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is intrigued by the blurb.
August 7, 2019
Audio – 4.5 Stars
Story – 2 Stars

Clearly, it’s me and not the book, but I’m not going to apologize for that. This just wasn’t my kind of romantic suspense. I was expecting a raw and gritty story, but that’s not what I got. The mystery was interesting, but predictable. The romance was syrupy sweet and somewhat sappy. The story overall dragged with limited action scenes. Other than the villains, almost everybody else was just too damn nice.

The chapter long time jumps between the past and present didn't help matters either.
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,326 reviews54 followers
December 30, 2019

" Esto llena mi alma. Tu .... Tu llenas mi alma. "

De este libro lo primero que me atrajo fue quien era su autora, no puedo evitar sentir debilidad por Mia Sheridan, pero es que es una escritora que siempre consigue meterse en mi corazon y dejarme muy muy satisfecha con su trabajo, y la otra razon de que decidiera empezar esta historia es que al leer la sinopsis me resulto tan distinto a lo que suelo leer de Mia que desee comprobar si seria tan formidable en todos los generos o solo en el romance.

Savaged es una de las novelas mas completas que he leido ultimamente, tiene romance ( obvio ), accion, suspense, intriga y un poco de drama, ademas pese a que no tiene pocas paginas precisamente, se lee de una manera tan fluida, natural y ligera que estoy segura de que no me hubiese importado de haber tenido el triple de paginas.

Savaged me recordo en cierta forma a Archer's Voice, la trama no es ni remotamente similar, pero los protagonistas masculinos se parecen en determinados aspectos, quizas porque los dos son protagonistas fuertes, carismaticos, bondadosos y muy inolvidables a los que la vida no les ha puesto el camino facil, honestamente Lucas es quien lleva practicamente todo el peso de la historia y aun asi nunca nos hacer sentir que es mas importante que Harper o Mark Gallagher ( los otros dos narradores ), tal vez debido a que este trio protagonista esta muy bien definido y los tres resultan indispensables de la misma forma.

Como ya digo, Savaged es un libro interesante, entretenido, muy muy atrapante y que cuenta con unos personajes que se ganan tu cariño practicamente desde el minuto cero de lectura, pero lo que no te cuenta la sinopsis es que la pluma de la autora es tan superior aqui como en sus otros trabajos o que la historia que se narra en Savaged vaya a meterse en tu cabeza ( y corazon ) y que se volvera imborrable despues de finalizarla.

Personalmente creo que la razon de que esta lectura sea tan impresionante es debido a un cumulo de razones, en primer lugar encontramos una trama diferente y novedosa, en segundo lugar esta lo bien dibujados que estan todos los personajes, tanto los principales como los secundarios, todos aportan algo necesario a la novela, y en ultimo lugar nos topamos con que la historia tiene tanto sentimiento que es imposible leerla y no sentir todo tipo de emociones, realmente Savaged me hizo sonreir, reir, llorar, enfadarme, suspirar y lo mas importante, me enamoro y no hablo solo de que Lucas me cautivase ( que lo hizo 😍 ) sino de que la historia verdaderamente me conquisto.

" Todos me abandonaron. Nadie me conservo. "
" Te conservare. "

En definitiva, creo que con mi reseña quedo claro lo que me parecio este libro, pero aun asi volvere a decirlo, Savaged me encanto, me enamoro y me impresiono, asimismo le doy un plus porque la autora demostro ser muy valiente al escribir un libro tan diferente a lo que nos tiene acostumbrada y aun asi salir muuuy airosa.

Muy muy muy recomendable, sobretodo si eres seguidora de Mia Sheridan.

4.5 Estrellas!!
Profile Image for Pam Godwin.
Author 44 books10.2k followers
October 2, 2019
One of the best tortured heroes I've ever read. Gah! This book is sooooooo. Damn. Good. So different. So inspiring. So brilliant. READ IT!
Profile Image for Anna.
1,094 reviews7 followers
July 26, 2022

I'm in awe! Best Mia Sheridan's book for now, I think. Actually, I’m in book-hangover right now.
It's more suspense, mystic and thriller than romance, but there is beautiful love story too!
This is book about hope, strength of mind, waiting for better, forgiveness, love, protection, survival...
A lot of twists, when you think you've got everything out, you'll find new twist.

From this book:

“Harper met Jak’s eyes and they gentled. She smiled and his brain went empty the way it did each time she looked at him that way. I love you, she mouthed. He mouthed it back. He loved her. He worshipped her. He cherished her. He would forever. And that was all.
That was all.
“That if we can hang on- survive – through the hard times in life, there is something better waiting for us. There’s a purpose we can’t always see. There’s an ... order.”
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,606 reviews415 followers
November 29, 2019
Ahorita no traigo inspiración para hacer la reseña de este libro, pero si la quiero hacer.

Lo que sí les digo es que me ha gustado mucho más que otros de sus libros.

Y Lucas es kskfkdfkklfkskf 😍😍😍
Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,415 reviews233 followers
August 26, 2019
Harper lives in Helena Springs, Montana working as a tour guide in the beautiful landscape of the area she has come to love. When a man is found dead in his remote cabin, the local police ask Harper to come in and assist them with her knowledge of the area. A man has been brought in as a potential suspect, his name is Lucas.

Lucas has lived a primitive life, after being snatched from the only home he remembers, he is thrust into a nightmare life of survival. After befriending a forest animal he manages to get by on whatever he can find to eat. He stumbles upon a cabin one day and he is given shelter and eventually makes a life for himself, albeit a very lonely life for around 16 years. Remember, this is from the age of only 8 years old.

Harper is fascinated with this man she has never laid eyes on before. He says he lives out in the bush. Hunting and catching his own food, trading some of it with the now deceased man for things like matches. When Harper spots something he is wearing as familiar, she decides to pay him a visit at his cabin to see if her mind is playing tricks on her or not. What she discovers are answers to questions she has been trying to find for a very long time.

Harper also finds a friend in Lucas. He may live a primitive life but he is also highly intelligent and loves to read. He enjoys learning new words and finds himself anxiously awaiting the next time Harper will come and visit him. She is beautiful and her scent smells so right to him. His urge to claim her and mate with her often overwhelms his senses. He hopes she feels the same way too. He wants every male, be it human or animal to know that she is his.

“Did you know the trees speak to each other?” She wrinkled her brow. “No.” “They do. They tell secrets in their roots, those deep, dark places that can’t be seen. I think we’re like that too. We know things deep, deep down, secret things, ancient things, that whisper through us, one to the other. You whispered to me. And I whispered back. You heard, didn’t you?” Her heart beat with love for him, at the sweetness of what he’d said. She nodded. “Yes, I heard.”

Lucas may have lived a very secluded, basic life but this has also made him a strong and resilient man. He is also a very sweet and sensitive soul, interspersed with layers of innocence and vulnerability. Since meeting Harper, Lucas is learning that there are good people in the world. After years of living alone, being manipulated and controlled by someone he thought he could trust, he is not used to people doing things for him, expecting nothing in return.

This story also goes back and forth from the now to the present, building the back story as all the pieces are slowly pulled together. There are lots of twists and turns, my mind was ticking over trying to figure things out. Reading this story took me back to what I felt reading Archer’s Voice for the first time. Once again Mia Sheridan has blown me away with this magnificently woven love story that had me crying one minute and gasping for breath the next. Incredible characters and a unique plot. A truly wonderful reading experience.

“Sometimes miracles—like love—arrived gently. Softly. Without fanfare. Without a lightning strike. For true miracles needed no such thing.”
Profile Image for Debbie DiFiore.
2,332 reviews262 followers
July 3, 2019
Very unusual story

I am torn between a three and four star read because there were times it dragged a little bit by the end I was so glad I read it. Jak is a young boy cruelly left to survive in the harsh Montana winter as a boy of eight. An experiment in savagery and survival. The th I vs he went through were just too horrible for words but he did make it. It starts out with the death of the man who had been using him as a lab rat. He meets a woman as well as a sheriff that will change his life. I loved how he and Harper bonded in the woods. I loved his caveman type of attitude and his innocence. She was a great heroine and I loved how they loved each other. It has a really good epilogue but the journey there is definitely worth the read. He was a really good man and he deserved the ending he got. Romance and mystery work for me. Plus all the other characters in the book were uniquely drawn and so real. I really did love this book. I hope he never becomes civilized!! He was so much more than a man.
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,047 reviews362 followers
October 20, 2019
I don't think I've ever reviewed a Mia Sheridan book with 5 stars. This is still the case. But they're usually above 3 stars, and this is also the case.

Maybe 3.5 stars with this one.

I did skip quite a bit. I liked the interaction between Jak and Harper the best. Honestly if the book was cut by 30%, just keeping enough suspense and mystery but focusing on Jak and Harper, it might be closer to a 5 star.

It's LONG. I'm not a fan of LONG books that don't make me want to read every word.

On the up side, the sex scenes were hotter in this one than previous ones I've read by this author. She seems to like writing about virgin, not-quite-belonging type of heroes. Heroes that have suffered and survived who are "innocent" and "pure" inside. (Which typically leads to them being virgins, or almost virgins).

Jak is great. Harper isn't bad.

Maybe this book suffers bc I just read my all-time fave author's book Pure Surrender (Pure/ Dark Ones #10) by Aja James , and this one sorta pales in comparison.

I'll still round 3,5 stars up to 4 tho. For the more patient reader :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,664 reviews

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