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From the New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men series comes an irresistible and suspenseful romance between a tough Texas Ranger and his first love—a woman in danger who insists she doesn't need his protection.

Hill Gamble is a model lawman: cool and collected, with a confident swagger to boot. Too bad all that Texas charm hasn't gotten him anywhere in his personal life, especially since the only girl he ever loved has always been off-limits. But then Hill is assigned to investigate her father's mysterious death, and he's forced back to the town—and the woman—he left behind.

When Hill left Loveless, he broke Kody Lawton's already battered heart. And now that he's working on her father's case, avoiding him is impossible. She can handle Hill and her unwanted feelings—until he puts his life on the line to protect her. Suddenly, Kody realizes that Hill could be taken away from her...for good.

Includes the bonus novella Cowboy to the Rescue by A.J. Pine!

410 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 25, 2020

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About the author

Jay Crownover

110 books14.2k followers
Jay Crownover is the International and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, The Point and Breaking Point Series, and the Loveless, Texas series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.
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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,146 reviews13.2k followers
February 16, 2020
It was my unfortunate luck that fate was determined to have love, death, and Kody Lawton pulling my strings for an eternity.

There is nothing more delicious than the sweet, sweet angst of unrequited love. And when that love is for your brother's widow? I am SO HERE FOR IT.

The second Hill made his first appearance at the end of Justified, sparks flew. I've been practically salivating in my wait for his and Kody's book. So the second this landed on my kindle, I jumped on it faster than you can say GIMME!
She always wanted space, and I was always running after her. It was like an adult game of tag, only I never managed to catch her.

Hill has been in love with Kody since they were teenagers. He was always the quiet reliable one to Kody's fiery storm. Kody is the wild Lawton. She's got sass for days and a wild streak that always keeps her on the skirt of trouble. Her entanglement with the local biker club and their prez is just one example. But Kody is also a broken soul. She lost the man she loved and she's still trying to recover from all of it.
Loving him forced my icy heart to thaw. Losing him froze it right back up and shattered the brittle block of ice into a million pieces. I was certain I was never going to be warm.

And now the man that she least expects or wants to see is back to investigate her father's murder and she's forced to deal with all the feelings she thought she buried long ago.

I loved Hill's quiet intensity and how he was this wall of reliability to Kody's fire. He's been in love with her since they were teens. But when she started dating his brother, he forced himself to back off. Kody knows that the blame she's placed on Hill all these years is wrong, but she's struggling. She's struggling with her father's death, even if he was a terrible father and a corrupt man. She's struggling with her feelings for Hill. And she's struggling with the threat against her family with the murderer still out there.

I fell so hard for Hill in this book. As much as I love me an alphahole, I love a good man, too. And Hill was as good as it gets. His love and protectiveness to Kody is incredible. My heart ached for him.

There's so much that happened in this book that made for one page turner. There's the suspense element with a couple of new characters that are introduced that I was immediately intrigued by. I'm slowly dying for Shot's book and after the set up at the end of this book, I'm pretty sure I'll die of anticipation. Hill and Kody's romance was so incredibly satisfying. The mystery of Kody's father murder continues while we get some of the puzzle pieces revealed and holy moly were those juicy! I can't wait for the next book already!!

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews891 followers
February 24, 2020

AUTHOR: Jay Crownover
SERIES: Loveless, Texas #2
RELEASE DATE: February 25, 2020
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RATING: 3 Stars
CLIFFHANGER: Kind of (not for the romance)


Before I started UNFORGIVEN I was ready for a good ole cowboy romance. I'm still trying to figure out what it is about them. The hot, over-protective men with their drawl definitely don't hurt. Add a sassy heroine and a suspenseful story and I'm all in.

I remember the end of Case and Aspen's story well, when Hill showed up and the hot mess that is Kody Lawton slapped him for telling the Lawton's that her dad had been killed. That was pretty drastic, right? I mean, he didn't kill the old man? While we got a little background information about their complicated relationship we get to dive deeper into their history this time.
I’d started to associate Hill with everything bad that had ever happened in my life, so naturally, where my unchecked anger was concerned, Hill always seemed to end up being the main target.

I'm gonna be honest, half of the book I thought that Kody was a real piece of work but Jay Crownover made me still like her a little. Kody and Hill shared their love for Aaron, Hill's brother. When he committed suicide both of them were left with their own share of guilt. But Kody also blamed Hill and the man let her rain her fury down on him without so much as an eye twitch. Because, you see, Hill has been in love with Kody since their teenage years.
It literally took nothing for Kody to bring me to my knees.

I loved Hill because he had so much goodness and a sweet gentleness about him but I really wish he would have stood up to Kody once in a while. He just let her verbally beat on him and I wasn't down with that. When Kody and Hill got closer and finally talked about their past I started to love Kody too. She showed me why she was a Lawton - she took care of those she loved and didn't hold back her feelings.

Did I love UNFORGIVEN? Eh, probably not as much as I'd wanted and expected to but I did love Kody and Hill's relationship after they got past their issues. The second half of the story was mostly uneventful and dragged a little until I got to the dramatic epilogue which sets us up for the next story and that one can't come soon enough! I hope it keeps the promise the breathtaking, heart-pounding last pages of UNFORGIVEN indicated.
"I know I have definitely never loved you as well as you loved me, but I know it’ll always be you who makes me unafraid of those feelings.”

Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,677 reviews2,302 followers
August 2, 2020
Amazon US * Amazon UK

When we were first introduced to Hill and Kody it was clear that there story was going to be full of explosive chemistry. And oh boy that chemistry was certainly something amazing. I loved that they constantly bickered which drew me to their characters as I was just waiting for all the arguing to lead to something much more exciting. They had a tough past that they were both trying to move on from and getting to see them do that together was very intriguing.

More than their intense relationship, we also got a good dose of suspense in this story. There was a ton going on with the death of Kody's father and secrets being revealed as the investigation went on. Seeing Kody deal with that and how it brought up a lot of old memories had m captivated and it made for a great read.

Overall, this is certainly a book and series that I would recommend reading. It can be read as a standalone but I would recommend reading at least the previous novel first to get more of the backstory of Kody and Hill, as well as some of the story of Kody's father.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for WhiskeyintheJar.
1,387 reviews633 followers
February 24, 2020
3.5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Kody and Hill have history, the kind where Kody was engaged to Hill's brother and Hill harbored a secret love for her. Kody resented Hill for taking a step back from her and his brother and after his brother killed himself, Kody barely wanted to speak to Hill.
Now that they're older and Hill is assisting in the investigation into Kody's father's murder, there is no escaping each other.
They've had a painful past but maybe there's love in their future.

“I never want to see you again, Hill Gamble. I hate you.”

Second in the Loveless, Texas series, Unforgiven gives us Kody Lawton and Hill Gamble's story. A novella and first in the series starred Kody's brothers, Case and Crew, while giving reader's glimpses at the pain and unresolved feelings between Kody and Hill. The author does a great job of recapping anything you might need to know from the series and I would say you could comfortably pick this up without reading the rest in the series.

Half the time I don't know if I'm helping or hurting things where you're concerned. I'm always trying my best to do right by you, Kody, trying to be all the different things you need me to be. I failed at that task once before. I don't want to let you down again.”

Hill is back in town to help assist in the murder investigation for Kody's father. He was an abusive alcoholic who made Kody and her brother's childhood miserable and while he was sheriff, he committed many corrupt acts; due to this, the murder suspects could be endless. While the murder investigation is the reason to keep Hill in town, the majority of the story is focused on the relationship between Kody and Hill.

I thought the author did a good job showing the emotional struggle of Hill feeling guilty for having feelings for Kody and distancing himself from her and his brother because of it and how Kody not realizing his feelings, being angry with how she felt he abandoned them. I thought there was some repetitiveness with Kody going over and over how Hill wasn't there for her and how she had always saw him as her protector only to have him cut her off, in the first half. However, I did think it gave some emotional heft to the story and Kody's character when Kody works through why she pushed away her feelings for Hill in the beginning and accepted, transferred them to Hill's brother.

He kissed me back in a way that made me wonder if he'd been secretly fantasizing about this moment for as long as I had.

Kody had her frustrating immature moments at times, due to age and/or simply impulsive personality type but our Texas Ranger Hill was the perfect calm, cool, and collected hero who burned hot for her. I thought the war he battled with himself in wanting to help his brother with his issues of bipolar and depression but not being able to be around Kody when he felt so deeply for her were expressed emotionally through the writing.

Could a guy like him, controlled, concise...and, more importantly, honest and law-abiding, even have feelings for someone as messy and reckless as I was?

The murder mystery involving Kody's father is only half-way solved, in that it is revealed who was most likely responsible but that the person isn't caught. The whole murder mystery comes off as its sole purpose was to bring in the character Presley, who turns out to be a secret half-sister to Kody and her brothers. She looks to be the heroine in the next book along with Kody's friend Shot, the President of a motorcycle club called the Son's of Sorrow. If you're looking for more of focus on a friends-enemies-lovers with second chance-ish romance, this would be it. Internal character dialogue with emotional searching and growth that slowly changes into external between Kody and Hill is most of this book rather than outside plot threads driving the show.

I enjoyed the return to Loveless and liked how the author has interwoven the characters, loved how Kody and the two past heroines have invited Presley to their girl's night. I'm definitely looking forward to reading how Presley and Shot get together.

“You. My entire world looks like you.”
It was about time, because mine had always looked like her.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,182 reviews933 followers
June 14, 2021
It has been a while since I read Miss Crownover's book. I miss it. Unforgiven is a enjoyable book.

The plot, the romance, the chemistry even with a twist of bike club, really blend well. Miss Crownover done a good job.
Now I am curious with the next book. A story of shy and recluse doctor and a bad boy. Sounds promising!

4 stars
Profile Image for Ari .
933 reviews303 followers
February 25, 2020
*I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

❝𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝑲𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒕𝒐𝒏?❞


After Justified ended with a killer hangover, I was on edge as I awaited the next book in the Loveless, Texas series. I had so many questions that I needed answers to and I hoped this sequel would've provided just that. I just want to note a few things before we get this review started. First, you must read the previous books in this series before starting this one since this story starts right where the previous one left off and also my review might have some spoilers for the first book—so read at your own risk! Second, trigger warning for self-harm and suicide. Okay, now on with the show!

Kody Lawton knows what loss feels like. After losing her mother far too soon and then having to endure the loss of her first love, Kody has kept her heart under lock and key for safe-keeping. But when she learns that her father has been murdered and his killer is still on the loose, chains start to come undone and keeping her heart safe won't be so easy anymore. It doesn't help that the man delivering the news is none other than Hill Gamble, the brother of her first love and the only man who could mend Kody's battered heart. Can these two work together in order to find out who murdered Kody's father or will unresolved feelings hold them back?

I'm gonna break this review up into three parts because I feel like that would be the best way to organize my thoughts.


The beginning of Unforgiven had me hooked and I was immediately invested in Hill and Kody's story. The story starts out showing us how Kody and Hill became childhood friends and then were pushed apart after Hill's brother tragically died and then they are brought together again by the murder of Kody's father. So basically this story has some second-chance romance vibes to it and we all know that is my crack which is why I was so here for seeing how things would play out for Hill and Kody. Another thing that had my eyes glued to the page was the plot twist! The plot twist for this book caught me off guard but at the same time I felt like it should've been so obvious to me considering we still have one more book left in this series. I won't spoil the twist but I thought it was a good addition to the story and I'm curious to see how that situation plays out in the next book.


Okay, here's where things started to go downhill for me. I felt like there wasn't a good balance between the romance and the suspense. As much as I was rooting for Hill and Kody, I needed more scenes of these two together, alone. I wanted to see them really hash out the past and talk about their feelings. Basically, I just wanted a good cry goddammit and it didn't happen for me. I feel like we only got two scenes where things god somewhat deep between these two but it wasn't enough to satisfy me. The case of who murdered Kody's father took up most of this book and honestly I wouldn't have minded it as much, if not for that fact that I felt like we were going around in circles for most of the case. Personally I feel that since the resolution of this case will have more of an impact on the final book, we definitely deserved a stronger, more emotional romance in this book.


The epilogues in this series serve as a gateway to help connect each book and lay the groundwork for what should be expected in the next book and this book definitely does that. But at the same time, the transition into the epilogue was rather awkward. When I got to the epilogue, I actually went back to the previous the chapter because I couldn't believe that were already at the end of Hill and Kody's story. Their story just felt very unfinished to me and instead of showing us how their relationship continued to progress, we were just told how things were going with them and I was like "that's it??!". This is another reason why I feel like Hill and Kody needed more on the page scenes because these two weren't given enough time to have their romance fully bloom. I will note that I do like how our next couple was introduced to us and I'm already invested in seeing how this relationships is gonna work.

❝𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒘.
𝑶𝒉 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒉? 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒊𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒘?
𝒀𝒐𝒖. 𝑴𝒚 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.❞

While Unforgiven may probably be my least favorite book in this series so far, I am still excited for the final installment in the Loveless, Texas series and I can't wait to see how Crownover wraps up the Lawton family's story!
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,025 reviews884 followers
February 27, 2020
4.5 Stars

Hill and Kody have a complicated past where both have loved each other from afar. It was complicated as Kody was involved with Hill’s younger brother, Aaron, before Aaron took his own life. Lots of guilt, blame and anger have colored their relationship since, but underneath it all, Kody has always loved Hill.

Hill was more honest to himself with his feelings from the beginning. Knowing that he loved his brother’s fiancée made it impossible to stick around home. He couldn’t stay and feel the way he did for Kody and not feel completely horrible.

Being assigned to investigate the murder of Kody’s father brings Hill back home, making these two finally face their true feelings, and move on from the past, and oh did things get deliciously steamy!

I’m a sucker for the unrequited love trope, and a fan of Jay Crownover so I knew I was pretty much guaranteed to love Unforgiven! Like Justified, book one, Unforgiven is romance with a mystery/danger element, and while the culprit is identified, the Lawton’s are not out of danger yet. You don’t have to read any of the previous books first to love Unforgiven, but Justified was oh-so-good, too, and should not be missed! I’m already dying for the next book, Blacklisted, featuring Shot, the president of the local biker club, and Presley.

A copy was kindly provided by Forever via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews483 followers
March 28, 2020
Hit every emotional high note…

“She was my dream girl. My first love. My only love. The one I couldn’t forget or move on from.”

I’ve loved this series from the beginning and each story ramped up the emotion and heat one delicious chapter at a time! I couldn’t wait to dive into Kody’s story and wow, was it a heart changer…

“Time does help, but I don’t think it’s enough to heal some wounds. Some we just have to accept as being part of us forever.”

The Lawton family was reeling from the latest in a lifetime of hits and Kody was having a hard time hiding how much she hurt. Even though Hill was back in a professional capacity her long suppressed feelings couldn’t be denied any longer. How their friendship, their connection ended, haunted them both. With maturity, high emotion and a whole lot of love and alcohol, their second chance (first chance really) was beautiful, heart-wrenching, steamy and riveting…

“It literally took nothing for Kody to bring me to my knees.”

I couldn’t read nearly slow enough. I wanted to savour every nuance, each high and low but I couldn’t do it. Hill, his devotion, his steadfastness. His hotness. Kody, tortured, guilt-ridden, filled with a love she never dared to admit. Neither could admit. How it all came together, in the midst of unexpected family drama twists and turns, was what reading is all about - characters that felt so deeply and made me do the same.

If you are afraid to get completely lost in another world, do not pick up this book. If you aren’t, buckle up and enjoy this – one of my top reads of the year.

“I’d convinced myself I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, strong enough…” ~Diane, 5++ stars
Profile Image for My Pink Fairytales.
595 reviews81 followers
January 10, 2020
Forgiven ⭐️

First of all, you know I’m brutally honest in my reviews, right? That being said, here’s the thing. I kinda struggled with this one. 😔 I read it, but every couple of pages I kept checking my phone, scrolled down facebook, took a shower, found things to do besides turning another page.
I wasn’t bored, but I couldn’t connect with the characters, nor the story itself.

Even if it’s categorized as romance, i didn’t quite feel it like that. I mean, yes, the main characters were in love and it was soooo complicated, but the focus of the plot was on something else completely. And again, you know me. I need pink fairytales!

Hill Gamble had a brother, Aaron. Both of them have been friends growing up with Kody Lawton. Kody loved Hill right from the start, but felt like he was too good for her, so she ended up with his brother. Unfortunately, that said brother suffered from bi polar disorder, depression and in the end, took the easy way out. Hill checked out long before that, so he wasn’t there, which turned Kody to blame him for everything.
He’s now back in town, because Kody’s father has been murdered. This is the focus of the story I was telling you about.

On one hand, we have Hill’s and Kody’s relationship, this slow burn that needs some forgiving and a lot of work to mend fences, plus the whole struggle with Kody being Aaron’s first, and on the other hand, finding who’s responsible for Conrad’s murder.
It took me a lot of time to understand how could she possible love two brothers at the same time, why not owning her feelings and acting the way she did and how could Hill take every punch that came his way. It’s not a love triangle, no cheating, so don’t worry about that!

The mystery of the crime was thrilling. A lot of happened with twists and turns I didn’t see coming. I just wish I had a better ending to this whole mess.

This was a shocking and dramatic story, but it also had some heated/sexy parts.
I don’t consider this novel being my cup of tea exactly, but I’m sure some of you will definitely enjoy it! If you love romantic-suspense, complicated relationships and a little mystery in your stories, then it one is definitely the one for you to read.
I also need to say that if Shot’s story is next, I can’t wait to read it!!!

Unforgiven is the second in the Loveless, Texas series, but it can be read as a standalone, though I highly recommend you picking Justified first, just because I enjoyed it so much more. ☺️
Unforgiven will be released February, 25th!

”ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.”

It would be an absolute honor to have you as my guest on my blog too. Stop by anytime you want :)
Profile Image for Dali.
1,951 reviews547 followers
February 2, 2020
Jay Crownover adds an emotional and compelling new story to her Loveless, Texas series this time focusing on Hill Gamble and the only woman he’s ever loved but can never have.

Hill Gamble left Loveless without looking back. It had only brought him pain and suffering. He dedicated his life to being a model citizen, a Texas Ranger. But when he’s assigned to help investigate a possible murder in his home town, his past collides with his present. Can he continue to keep his feelings for Kody in check or will he reveal his true feelings?

Kody Lawton has suffered too much loss and when her callous father is found dead, her life is once again turned on its axis because avoiding the man who broke her heart when he left is impossible now that he’s helping with the investigation. Can she take down the walls he’s erected around her heart and give them a chance?

Jay Crownover skillfully writes heart-pounding stories with surprising twists and revelations that surprised the bejesus out of me. I was thoroughly hooked and cheering on for the strong willed heroine and the surly, swoon-worthy cowboy while the argued and loved their way towards their happy ending.

I appreciated the balance between drama and romance with the well-developed characters and their very complex history, and loved how they fought their way towards their hard won happiness.

Kody and Hill, as well as the supporting characters, are wonderful on their own and give the story an added layer of enjoyment and I looooved how we get a glimpse at what’s coming next. The following book in the series can’t come soon enough.

Unforgiven is book #2 of the Loveless, Texas series by Jay Crownover. It’s a standalone, cowboy romance, told from both points of view with a happy ending.

Amazon -> https://amzn.to/31iYPB5

* I was given an ARC of this book courtesy of the author via NetGalley. The excerpts are from that copy. I am voluntarily reviewing this title. *

➵ Love the author
➵ Love the series
➵ Love the book

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Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,542 reviews183 followers
March 1, 2020
I have had a bit of a girl crush on Kody for awhile now. She is so strong and self assured yet we can all see the spider web cracks running all over her surface. But she didn’t want to be coddled and treated like she was fragile and she fought tooth and nail to be treated like an equal. And she proved how strong she is over and over again.

Kody has had such a hard life and even though she was close with her brothers she still felt kind of like her own island. After losing her first love so devastatingly she picked herself up from the ashes and started again. But she was so closed off and trying so hard to prove she didn’t need anyone she came across as a bit of a bitch.

Hill saw not just her softness but also all the surface cracks and all he wanted was to love her and help her heal them all. I loved that although he saw all her broken parts he also saw all of her strength and he may have wanted to slay all her dragons and burn the world to the ground to protect her but he was also happy to stand at her back and cheer her on while she did it for herself. I adored him. There wasn’t a single part of Kody he didn’t love and even things he wanted her to change he never threw down the gauntlet. He told her what he wasn’t happy with and then said that regardless of what she did about it he was always going to be standing right there with her. And it just made him all the swoonier.

The story took an interesting twist and I honestly wouldn’t have ever predicted that was where it was going but I loved it. I especially love that the next book is Shot’s because I have loved him so much since I first met him. I really can’t wait to get my grabby hands on that book and I love from the authors acknowledgements at the back of the book that he took on a life of his own for her and we are reaping the rewards. Can’t wait!!!
Profile Image for Delia.
122 reviews
March 3, 2020
To Jay:
Yes girl!!! You did it one more time! Never get tired of your love stories. Believe me, I read them ALL! So addictive and hard to forget; I just wanted to read the book all over again straight after I finished it.

I want the next book in the series right now😊! Pretty please🙏🙏!!!

Just wow! It was exactly what I was waiting for but I wasn't expecting the epic epilogue! Blacklisted is on my most wanted book to read list this year. I cannot wait!!!

5 huge stars!!!
Profile Image for book bruin.
1,312 reviews341 followers
January 31, 2020
3.5 stars

This was a really emotional second chance-ish, forced proximity, unrequited love story. After meeting Kody and Hill in Justified, I couldn't wait to find out more about their history. I knew that it would involve difficult truths, but I wasn't quite prepared for the depth of the pain these two experienced. There's also some mystery and suspense to keep the action going. You don't need to read the previous books to enjoy this one, but characters from those books do appear.

Hill's love for Kody broke my heart. He suffered in silence for so long and accepted any drama and any scrap from her over the years. They have such a tangled past, filled with sorrow and hurt. I know that some readers will not like Kody's history with the Gamble brothers and may be triggered by some of the issues discussed. I was frustrated by both Hill and Kody for the majority of the book over their inability to speak openly and honestly to each other. Kody especially made rash decisions and I didn't enjoy her hot and cold behavior. I didn't feel the connection between them until late in the book, and the build up between them ended abruptly and felt somewhat awkward. I wanted them to get their HEA so badly though, and was glad that increased communication and complete honesty was a key point in them moving forward.

There's action in this one as they search for the murderer, but it felt a little disjointed and over the top. A good portion of the story was spent setting up the next book in the series and the book actually ends on a cliffhanger for that opposites attract couple. This was an entertaining read, but it didn't hook me in as much as I had hoped.

*I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book*
Profile Image for Wendy ⏃: ✦Nerdy Book Reviews✦.
945 reviews298 followers
February 25, 2020
4.5 STARS!


Unforgiven by Jay Crownover is the second installment in the Loveless, Texas novels, bringing us a story of unrequited love... Hill Gamble and Kody Lawton.

The appearance of Hill in Justified was such a sweet treat and discovering his connection with Kody filled me with a longing for their book. Let me just say, Jay did not disappoint.

Hill is investigating Conrad Lawton's death which brings him closer to Kody. She is struggling with letting her father go and her feelings towards Hill.

Hill has been in love with Kody since they were teenagers. They grew up together but Hill wasn't the only one to have fallen for her... His brother, Aaron also loved Kody.

Hill and Aaron had a troubled childhood. Aaron lived for Hill and when Hill left Loveless, Aaron had Kody but his dark moods became more and more present. Kody and Aaron were best friends and kindred spirits in the sense that they both didn't have the best upbringing. The hardest and most tragic moment both Kody and Hill faced was losing Aaron. Kody felt abandonment and resentment towards Hill for not being there.

At times, Hill and Kody's story is so turbulent, yet at the same time, sparks fly. There is so much angst and so many things that need to be forgiven. Though this book is a slow burn romance, the reunion between the main characters was short which ultimately affected my rating. I would have loved more moments between Hill and Kody, especially in the epilogue.

Overall, Unforgiven was a suspenseful filled ride. There are plenty of twists and turns and a great introduction to new characters. Just when I think Kody and Hill's book may be the last, Jay gives us Shot's story coming soon in the fall. I cannot wait!!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Forever (Grand Central Publishing) through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*
Profile Image for Jessica Morales.
712 reviews56 followers
February 15, 2020
This book is part of a series. You can read it as a standalone but know the previous characters appear in this one as well. Hill and Kody have always been close when they were kids until he became distant. Little did they knew they both have loved eachother from afar. The loss of Hills brother has always been between them since Kody was engaged to him. Poor Aaron he just didn't know how to help his depression.

The first half of this book dragged a bit. Just keep reading it will get better. After you reach the epilogue you wished there was more to read. Jay left us wondering will they ever catch the person who killed Kody's dad. Kody has never been loved by her dad which has affected her adult life. She always felt not good enough for Hill so she settled for less in the past. Now Jay didn't drag the sex scenes my lord did it get hot almost hot enough to burn you. Thankful Kody was finally able to see that Hill had always loved her.

I can't wait to read the next book I love Shot and hope he cleans up his club.

Arc provided thru Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Steph's Romance Book Talk.
2,807 reviews1,380 followers
January 23, 2020
4.25 Stars / 3 Steam Fans

Kody and Hill's love story was a story that I never knew I needed. They had a lifetime connection that was heartbreaking, electric, and beautiful. Kody is the wild child of the Lawton family, she owns a bar, is super sassy, can drink you under the table, and has a close relationship with the leader of a motorcycle club. Hill had his demons to deal with some that involve Kody and others that he has to deal with on his own. I like that the mystery that Kody and Hill are involved in; however, there was a bit of a cliffhanger. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

Video review available in Week 4 Jan 19 – 25 weekly book reviews.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.
Profile Image for Lauren at Live Read and Breathe Reviews.
2,365 reviews180 followers
March 1, 2020
Source: eARC for Honest Review Courtesy of Inkslinger PR
Genre: Adult Cowboy Romance
Part 2 of a ongoing series

My Unforgiven Review . . .

Kody Lawton is a tough as nails woman, but you know she has a soft heart. Though it took Hill Gamble to soften her walls and find the true Kody.

Hill is such a strong, beautiful man. I adored him from the first moment I met him in this series. I absolutely loved him and Kody together. Kody had to work through a lot to see all of Hill because her baggage was getting in the way.

I loved that Kody's character stays strong throughout and doesn't weaken once she finds love, as sadly that happens too much in this genre.

~ We took a minute to hold each other and silently say goodbye to the kids we used to be and the parents we no longer had. It was emotional. It was tragic. It was healing. ~

What the Lawton siblings have to go through is heartbreaking but it only makes them stronger and closer together. And now that I can't wait for Shot's and I assume Presley's story. We get to know Shot a bit more in Unforgiven and we are introduced to Presley but we know she has more story to her plus the fact that the mystery in this book is left unsolved as it has morphed to be around Presley. So, now I can't wait to see how that all comes to an end.

I adore anything from Jay Crownover and I love this Lawton family.

Profile Image for Stacee.
2,825 reviews740 followers
February 23, 2020
I had seen a lot of people talking about this author and was curious to try a book, so here we are.

I liked Kody and Hill. They’re both stubborn, good people. I liked their connection and how they both had loved the other basically since they met. My main complaint is that I wanted a lot more talking between them. Their conversations are sort of combative at the beginning and when they finally do The Feelings talk, everything else is telling and not showing.

Plot wise, it was okay. I was expecting a more of a thriller with the synopsis, but the murder part of the plot was like and afterthought and there was absolutely no tension. I wanted more action and even a little suspense would have hooked me.

Overall, it was interesting enough to keep me reading. I enjoyed the second chance romance of the story and I am intrigued about the next one in the series.

**Huge thanks to Forever for providing the arc free of charge**
Profile Image for Alecia (The Staircase Reader).
1,041 reviews71 followers
February 21, 2020
These Loveless, Texas men are scorching up my kindle. Holy heat and fire. I need to plan a trip to Texas, real soon.

About Unforgiven:

Unforgiven is the second full length novel in the Loveless, Texas series by Jay Crownover. If you love western romances with a bit of suspense, you are in for a treat.

Kody Lawton is the youngest of the Lawton clan. Kody's life hasn't been easy. She lost the love of her life due to suicide and in the same moment she lost another love she didn't realize she had until he was gone. Now after another loss, Kody is bound and determined to find the person responsible for her father's murder.

Hill Gamble swore he'd never come back to Loveless, Texas. He'd never again set eyes on his heart's desire. His late brother's girlfriend, Kody. But throughout the years Kody Lawton's memory has been on his mind and in his dreams.

Now Hill Gamble is back in Loveless, Texas with a murder to solve and a heart to win. He's not backing down this time, even though the risks are greater. He's in it for life.

My Thoughts:

When I first started reading romance novels, at the ripe old age of eleven years old, my niche was western/cowboy romances. Being a country girl, I wanted to read what I knew. Little did I know, these Texas cowboys are way different and much more appealing than these Michigan country boys. Imagine a young girl's disappointment when I realized I'd have to go to Texas or the deep south to meet one of these men. And that is why I continue to read western romance. I live vicariously through the author's words.

Unforgiven is a slightly suspenseful tale of a slightly second chance romance. To be honest, I have no idea what trope this novel falls under all I know is I loved the hell out of Hill and Kody's romance. These two are fire and gasoline. When together emotions run high and temptation is thick.

I loved the forbidden vibes throughout this novel. Kody once dated and loved Hill's younger brother, Aaron. But Aaron had a few mental issues that he never seeked help for and he was soon lost in the abyss of his mind and his feelings which ended tragically for him and his loved ones. But throughout this novel, feelings from long ago start to unravel and history begins to get uncovered. Hill's first love was Kody, and he saw her first. But Aaron soon fell for her too and Hill decided to step aside and distance himself from the both of them, to make his brother happy. I honestly felt my heart break for Hill but I also felt a sense of respect for the man. This man put his heart aside to make his brother happy even if it meant he was miserable. This moment made me fall for Hill even more.

Kody is a wildfire. I loved her vibe throughout this whole novel. There was so much more to her than what meets the eye. On the outside she wore a shield made of steel and iron. She wore this shield to protect the little girl that lived inside of her. the little girl who watched her father neglect and abuse his children on a daily basis. The deeper in the novel I got, the more I started to really appreciate Kody and Hill's relationship.

Now for the reason why I dropped a star. Throughout the novel, there is a huge suspense filled vibe in the air. A *Who Did It* approach. I felt like I was in a game of clue, trying to uncover the case and figure out who the murderer was. I was a tad bit disappointed by the lack of mystery. As soon as _____ came on the page.... I KNEW! And that is all I'm going to say about that in order to avoid spoilers. It should come to me as no surprise. It's hard to pull the wool over my eyes when it comes to suspense in novels, more than eighty percent of the time when reading suspense novels, I know the outcome. Call it intuition, but I call it an annoyance on my end. For once, I want to be surprised. I want my jaw to hit the floor. I want to feel flabbergasted...

Overall, I loved Hill and Kody's story. I loved their chemistry from start to finish. I just needed a bit more from the mystery aspect, either that or, less mystery and more Hill and Kody moments. I loved them. I can't wait to see what Jay Crownover has planned next! I'm in need of more cowboys please!



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The Staircase Reader
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,195 reviews89 followers
February 21, 2020

[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

is the second book in the Loveless, Texas series by Jay Crownover. A western romance about first loves, unrequited love and family.

"If she gave me the green light, I was going all in with no regrets and no looking back."

Hill has loved Kody since they were kids but his younger brother's heart had already claimed her. He tried to stay supportive but it was too much for him to be so close to Kody and not have her be his. After his brother's death he feels responsible and Kody lashes out which causes him to keep Loveless Texas in his rear view mirror. Now he's back to help solve Kody's fathers murder and his feelings are as strong as ever. Hill was the first brother to catch her eye but Kody didn't think she would ever be worthy of the straight and narrow boy, so she built a bond with the younger brother. When she lost him , she felt like she lost Hill just as much. He was her support and friend, and she feels like he let her down. In order to be together they need to let go of old pain and be honest with their feelings for once.

This cowboy romance has a great story line. It's filled with suspense, family drama, grief, angst, love and forgiveness. Unforgiven has the perfect combination of all the emotions and strong characters that keep the story moving and strong.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,278 followers
October 20, 2020
4 Cool, Steady Waiting For Her Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free-A Quick Review
When I read about Hill Gamble, Gary Cooper came to mind. In his movies, he was the strong sheriff who always was able to make things right. Hill has his own charm and one of his best features is his patience.

For he has loved Kody Lawton from the start..since they were kids.
But when his brother made his move, Hill didn't let anyone know his pain in losing the girl.

Kody Lawton would never be thought of as patient, or calm, even-tempered on any "good day" let alone the days she now has to live. She lost the love of her life, Hill's brother and for some reason, even she doesn't understand, she blames him for everything. Now he is in front of her telling her, her father has been mysteriously killed. The mystery is how he has lived this long and how many would be looked at for the death. He was not a nice man.

This death is the reason these two start coming together with fireworks, bickering, and then acceptance. Hill is the solid man who is there for Kody to stand by her while she figures out her pain, her path, and love.

Jay Crownover understands how to write characters who make us care and hope for their happy endings.

Unbroken (Loveless, Texas #0.5) by Jay Crownover Unbroken (Loveless, Texas, #0.5)
Justified (Loveless, Texas #1) by Jay Crownover Justified (Loveless, Texas, #1)
Unforgiven (Loveless, Texas #2) by Jay Crownover Unforgiven (Loveless, Texas #2)
Blacklisted (Loveless, Texas #3) by Jay Crownover Blacklisted (Loveless, Texas, #3)

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways
Profile Image for Rochelle.
1,601 reviews
October 4, 2020
Book 2 in the Loveless Texas series. I have been waiting for Hill and Kody’s (love the name – it’s how my son’s name is spelled, lol) story since Justified. Loved Hill and Kody so much. They were so good together once they got out of their heads and opened their eyes to what was in front of them the whole time. You will be sucked into this story from page one and you won’t put it down until you reach the end. I need more of this series. I can’t wait to see what she has coming next.

Profile Image for Lynsey A.
1,849 reviews
March 29, 2020
Well, I quite disliked the heroine for the first part of the book. She was a total brat. But she got better.

Decent read. Sexy scenes. Loved that Hill was in love with Kody since he was a teenager. Unrequited love in a man, for the heroine, is kind of sweet.

Looking forward to the last book in the series.
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,522 reviews106 followers
April 28, 2021
Ok so for whatever reason when I tried to listen to this book before I just couldn’t get into it. But then this week I re-listened to Justified for the 100th time and couldn’t not start book 2 for as much as I like book 1 I had to give this one another shot.

SO glad I did.

Kody struck me as someone who didn’t need anyone or anything but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. She is just hurting and confused with her emotions. Hill bring out the worst in Kody because of the feeling he makes her feel.

Once she is truthful to herself and to Hill things change for the better.
I still love the relationship she and Shot have. I am glad she had him.
That ending… Oh man so glad I have the next book ready to go.

Also can we take a moment to acknowledge the narrators and how amazing they are. Seriously Virginia Rose KILLS it in these books like I want more of her please. And Austin Stone … his voice is lush I swear.
Profile Image for HMS.
1,462 reviews76 followers
March 4, 2020
3.5 stars
The first quarter of the book was a bit slow for me. I enjoy reading the back story, which gets me up to speed from reading the previous book in the series published months ago (and many books read by me in the interim) but IMHO Aaron's background was too much, Hill and Kody's not enough and Conrad's shady self not enough.


Yes, I know. Don't get me wrong, the writing is still top notch and Jay Crownover is still


but I felt much of the major plot line was a stretch, a big rushed reach to get to whom was to blame for the mayhem and even that I couldn't quite digest.

As always tho, the queen writes some hawt heroes and Hill is no exception. I'm happy Kody got her head outta her ass and climbed that man like a tree.

Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books367 followers
March 3, 2020
We met them in Justified and their chemistry was off the charts caliente in spite of the fire of Kody's anger and the dreariness of Hill's guilt, but with her dad's death, Kody's rules for holding her hatred and anger against Hill are about to be broken by both of them. I was excited to keep going with a series and author I only just discovered for myself and she delivered on a rather tough unrequited love second chances romance.

Unforgiven is the second in the Loveless, TX series and flows right on out of the first book even though there is a new main couple. So, not the best place to jump into the series, but the reader could get by with it in a pinch.

Conrad Lawson has been murdered and his three surviving children have a tumult of feelings over his death. He was never a good man and never toward his kids, but even wildly emotional Kody wants his murderer found. But that means sharing a town with the man she has flung hate and vitriolic anger on for years because it was easier to hate Hill and blame him for his brother's death and abandoning her than admit that she wanted him even before she noticed his brother, Aaron. She couldn't bring herself to even try for Hill out of misplaced feelings that she didn't deserve a good guy after the regular abuse she had in the Lawless family and knowing her dad was a crooked cop. Instead, she put all her messed up love into his brother who was just as broken and messed up as she was. Hill was the solid foundation that she and Aaron both leaned on for years even after Hill left and got his place in the Texas Rangers until inexplicably Hill slowly shut her out. He felt badly for having his own life and not being there for her and Aaron and she knew it was unfair to blame him, but it was better than letting her other feelings surface. If only that were the only troubles going on, but she was the wild Lawson and impetuous bad decisions were her forte. What would Hill think if he knew how she kept her bar afloat or that she wanted him even more than she hated him?

My review is going to seem contrary and maybe confusing. I felt the need to warn readers up front. Fasten your seat belts and prepare for a bumpy ride.

I warily hitched up my belt to wade into Kody and Hill's story. I was well aware she was a hot mess times ten and it was never so evident as getting her point of view in this book. I thought I was prepared and would be able to handle it to get the story. I really wanted to see her heal and get over what was separating her from a man worthy to be trusted and her family who stayed loyal and understanding through her life and had even grown more so with her brother's new loving relationships with their womenfolk.

The truth is without Hill's narration and Hill's strong presence, her family, and the ongoing series arc plot, I probably would have set this book aside. The author's writing and the way she wrote her characters, relationships, and the surrounding story were just as fab as the first book.

But, back to the elephant in the book. From a technical perspective, Kody's character and her story are amazing. I was awed by the genuineness and vibrant woman who stormed into the first book and stayed larger than life in her own. She is fully fleshed out and her flaws blaze forth as bright as her, at first, few redeeming qualities. The author achieved the quintessential flawed heroine that comes straight out of real life and there is not a whiff of soft romantic gestures or swoon around her. The fact is Kody is one of those difficult people and isn't easy to get close to because she is prickly and closed off even while being a blustery loud mouth who struts her style and her stuff. Reckless about her own life and not giving a care about others half the time though she wasn't lacking in heart or generosity when she gave a couple downtrodden people jobs and rooted hard for her brothers' relationships.

I'm going to rant for a bit to explain why I had deep concerns about this heroine even though part of me aches for her and could appreciate her in the end so turn aside or skip down if you must.

So, the romance itself. Naturally, it takes more than half the book before any signs of actual romance take place and whew boy do this pair steam things up when they finally do cut loose. I will say that Kody really impressed me a few times after I'd all but given up on her. When she stepped up to be honest with herself about her feelings for Hill, she was careful with him. She came clean and had a hard conversation before starting anything lasting with him because she knew that he was vulnerable when it came to his feelings for her. She was so great about letting him set things up to keep her safe and that he had to rush off to work the case. She ended up being as strong and independent as she pretended to be back at the beginning of the book, but this time it was real. I thought that was beautiful how the author brought out that nuance about Kody.

Now, I can't wait to get Shot's story after that big ending involving a certain stiff and stodgy doctor and the charismatic biker.

So, this was a book I have mixed feelings about, but no doubt that it was a book I am so glad I got the chance to read. The writing was abso-fab, the characters larger than life in all their complexities, the sexy romance was hotter than a firecracker and just as explosive, and the ongoing suspense has me hooked in. I can heartily recommend the book/series.

My thanks to Forever for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for TeriLyn.
1,363 reviews438 followers
February 18, 2020
**Unforgiven generously provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

3 "Or that she would be the reason..." Stars

I enjoyed the latest book in the Loveless, Texas series by Jay Crownover. Unfortunately not as much as I enjoyed the previous book or novella. Something about the relationship in this one felt a bit underwhelming and little forced at first. After about 45-50% mark I found it much more enjoyable and plausible. There were a few things that really threw me off but I loved the history of the couple and the obvious, smoking hot chemistry they exuded.

As with the previous books in the series, Crownover's plot was as dangerous as it was fun. The world tips a little askew in Loveless, Texas thanks to the Lawton crew and I wouldn't have it any other way. The danger is what keeps you on your toes as the romance unravels the characters. The family aspect of the characters allows you a more intimate look into their lives and who they are as characters as well. Where with the previous books I felt like I couldn't put them down, this one drug a little for me.

Unforgiven is entertaining and romantic. A second chance, a sort of frenemies-to-lovers with a complicated past. Crownover knows how to make an impact with her stories and leave you wanting more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 354 reviews

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