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Stone Reeves was my neighbor, and I’ve hated him since sixth grade.

Gorgeous and charismatic, he became the town’s football god, while I became the town’s invisible girl.
He went to a Division 1 school for football, while my father was fired by his father.
His team won the National Championship, while my mother died the same day.

He was a first round pick for the NFL ...
… while I made the worst decision of my life.

Now I’m in Texas trying to pick up the pieces of my life.
But, Stone is here.
Stone is everywhere.

It doesn’t matter that disaster has struck my life again.
It doesn’t matter that he’s the one trying to console me.
It doesn’t matter that he’s the nation’s newest football obsession.

Because for me, he always has been and always will be my enemy.

** Enemies is a 100k enemies-to-lovers football romance standalone!

379 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 2, 2019

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,605 reviews
Profile Image for Jessica 🔮.
320 reviews315 followers
March 1, 2020

1 ⭐️

I just found out someone “flagged” my review and 90% of what I wrote was deleted.


And I don't know why since it wasn't offensive or inappropriate, only honest .
I really, really hate petty behavior and unnecessary censorship.
I don't kiss 🍑 and I always write what I really think.
I don't care who the author is.. if a book isn’t good, I won't sugarcoat my review.
I'm honest, sue me.


After two months the only things I remember about Enemies are:

✖️ boring plot, full of unnecessary tragedies and dramas
✖️ heinous secondary characters
✖️ weak/doormat/annoying heroine
✖️ plain hero
✖️ zero chemistry
✖️ forgettable romance

Simply A W F U L .

PS: Sorry for my rant.
Peace and love. ☮️

Profile Image for FictionalDen.
256 reviews247 followers
April 24, 2021
This book made no sense.

I was literally confused the entire time, i had no idea what was happening.

I felt no chemistry between them, maybe in the beginning they had a little pull between them but then later on I was just to busy trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

How did she fall in love with him? HOW THE HELL WERE THEY ENEMIES? And when Stone confessed his love to Dusty i was hard core cringing 😬

Spoilers Ahead

So basically Dusty hates Stone because he ignored her after 6th grade and then Stone’s father fired Dusty’s father when her mom was going through Chemo which led to her mom dying. So she hates the entire family. Until now; she is in College and in the same area as Stone, her step mother for some reason is trying to rekindle Stone’s and Dusty’s friendship by blackmailing Stone’s mom into helping her out.
Are you confused yet? No? Let me continue
Then Stone comes into the picture to tell Dusty some devastating news.

Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,363 reviews9,518 followers
August 9, 2020
24993460-SX540 enemies

ENEMIES: Is a full length Sports / New Adult / Romance novel by Tijan.

Like a needle in a haystack an epic read had never been fulfilled until now!! God this book!! As soon as #STONE came into the story I was a goner!! This guy had my heart right from the get go!!


The angst, the drama, the tears, the emotions, the feels they all came at me like a freight train! And all those feel good swoony moments grabbed me by the heart and never let go!!

This book easily went from a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read to becoming a 2019 favourite!! And already I can feel like I’m going to have a major book hangover!!

Dusty and Stone go way back in sixth grade, but in a blink of an eye she became the invisible girl and he became a football god, when it came to her needing him more than anything and he wasn't there, she's hated him with a vengeance ever since.
December 7, 2020
The only person she had was her worst enemy!

Tijan always writes such awesome characters. She writes such strong and compelling Hero’s and heroine’s who may be a bit broken but do what they can to keep it together and continue to move forward no matter what obstacles keep getting put in their path. This book is no different and it is awesome! I loved the story of Dusty Phillips and Stone Reeves.

Stone Reeves is the Local Football God. He is on the NFL team that has been winning games and he has been scoring big this year. Dusty was neighbors with him growing up. In fact they were best friends as children until one day when he decided he was too good for her and pretended not to know her from that day forward.

Dusty spent two years at a community college but recently something bad happened to her and she decided to run as far away as she could get and to follow her dreams of being a marine biologist. It just happens that the best college program for marine biology is in the same city where Stone plays football. However, when Dusty answered an ad for a quiet room she didn’t know she would be moving into “the” football party house of the University.

“I hated meeting people. Like, truly hated it. I was what you’d call an introvert extrovert. I was chatty once I got to know someone, but let’s be honest here, because of a certain incident, I was very peopled-out.”

Dusty had other reasons to hate Stone as well and he hated her too. She lost her mother while she was in high school and she now has a step-mother named Gail who kept trying to get her to contact Stone now that they were in the same city together. She even called Stone’s mother to get his phone number.

Dusty finally hears from Stone when calls her to be nasty and tells her to call of Gail so she will leave his parents alone before they sue her for harassment. It is great to see the true animosity between Dusty and Stone at the beginning of this book. I don’t want to give away what happens in the book, but I will say that it is a hate to love book and not just between Dusty and Stone. Basically Dusty has cut herself off between everyone and she has absolutely nobody so it is her journey to friendship, family and love and it has all the feels.

Especially the relationship between Stone and Dusty is pretty great. It is sweet at times, hot and steamy at times and utterly frustrating at times. The fact that he is a famous football star doesn’t help matters much. But it makes for a great story.

Profile Image for Christy.
4,140 reviews34.8k followers
February 22, 2020
3 stars

 photo 7EE22F0E-A9C8-4AA7-9F62-3CD9524898A9_zpsy4thuw7i.png

Enemies is the first Tijan book I’ve read in so long! What I love about her books is the addicting quality they have. You never want to put them down, and it was the same with this. I never wanted to press pause on my audio.

The story starts with Dusty moving into an off campus room in a new school. We don’t know much about her past, but we learn about it as the story goes on, and it’s pretty sad. She’s had a lot happen to her in such a short time. Stone Reeves is a NFL player and was Dusty’s close friend growing up. Not only have they been estranged for a while, but they hate each other. You just have no idea why at first.

The audiobook is narrated by Savannah Peachwood and she did a great job. I thought it would be dual narration, as its narrated by her and Jason Clarke. I was disappointed there was literally one chapter from Stone’s POV that was narrated by him. The rest of the book was in Dusty’s POV and narrated by Savannah. I actually think I would have enjoyed the book more with both POV’s.

Tijan’s books are always a little extra. Most of the time, that extra works for me. This time, however, it just felt like too much. Too much back and forth, too much drama, and I didn’t find the romance between Dusty and Stone believable for much of the story. By the end, I started to, and I really enjoyed the epilogue, but it took a while to get there for me. 

Overall, this was okay for me. I didn’t love it as much as I usually love Tijan’s books, but it was still a solid read. If you love the enemies to lovers troupe, angsty books, sports romances, and second chance love stories, give this one a try. It may be a win for you!
April 9, 2020
Title: ➳ ❤ Enemies
Author: ➳ Tijan
Published December 2nd 2019

ღ I cannot even tell you how great this story is! This was one of those books that you couldn’t put down easily, it is well written & very put together, the characters were so easy to fall in love ♥●•
I went into this book blind; someone gave this book to me as Christmas present & sadly I’m just getting around to reading it

Dusty & Stone story is about, two kids who grew up together & once upon time were inseparable, & then the next day they're not. Than Dusty’s became invisible to Stone after He hit puberty, & suddenly Stone was too cool for Dusty. So many bad things happen after these two stops being friends! Dusty’s life will never be the same again!

I could tell you all about Dusty’s life changing events … but where the fun in that? All you need to know is this girl moved almost five states away from that small town in South Dakota to get away from her pass

She picked Texas C&B cuz it was known for its marine biology program, but it was also known to house the newly rising in popularity pro football team, & they were smack in the beginning of that season.

Yeah you Guess it- Stone Reeves a professional football player for Texas Kings

Disaster has struck Dusty life once again. This time will Stone be there to help pickup the pieces of her life? Or will their pass keep them as Enemies?

Omg I almost forgot this amazing author gave us not one Epilogue, but two

Note: only reason why I gave 4 stars is cuz I felt cheated with Stone Reeves pov… no other reason than that

➦📚 *Hope you enjoy this read & also always keep in mind this is just my opinion+ Also I wouldn’t never discourage anyone from reading this book.

Happy Reading & Enjoy --------Paulette Alphas Review

I've been looking forward reading this one

I read this & just wanted to cry

Stone Reeves was my neighbor, and I’ve hated him since sixth grade.

Gorgeous and charismatic, he became the town’s football god, while I became the town’s invisible girl.

He went to a Division 1 school for football, while my father was fired by his father.
His team won the National Championship, while my mother died the same day.

He was a first round pick for the NFL ...… while I made the worst decision in my life.

Now I’m in Texas trying to pick up the pieces of my life.
But, Stone is here. Stone is everywhere.

It doesn’t matter that disaster has struck my life again.
It doesn’t matter that he’s the one trying to console me.
It doesn’t matter that he’s the nation’s newest football obsession.

Because for me, he always has been and always will be my enemy.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,903 followers
February 25, 2020

It is no secret that I am a huge Tijan fangirl. There are plenty of books by her that I love, but especially the Fallen Crest High series, I can read over and over again. The same now goes for this book. It rocked my world and I am sure I will be re-reading this one over and over again in the future as well. 


Now, it has been established that I love Tijan's writing style, but do you know what I am also a big fan of? Sport themed books!! So yeah, I really hit the jackpot with this one, because college, sports romance is like cupcakes with sprinkles to me!!


Dusty and Stone used to be best friends back in high school, but for some unknown reason, from one day to the next, she stopped existing for him. 

While Stone kept rising and rising, becoming a well-known name into the football world, Dusty kept falling and falling, getting hit by one tragedy after another. 


Now life is about to hit Dusty one more time and this time Stone is right there to keep her from falling. Question is, will she let him? 

So much resentment and so much hate...how will they able to overcome all these feelings. What will happen when all the secrets come out??

Secret Secrets GIF - Secret Secrets Rowling - Discover ...

I really loved Stone, he was pretty awesome, but I am gonna be honest here and day that I had a huge ladyboner for Dusty. 

She was exactly how I like my heroines to be. Strong, independent, a bit stubborn, and not willing to go down without a fight!!

An open thank you letter to all of my Girl Crushes…

I had a wonderful time reading this one. It had the perfect amount of snark, angst, humor, and love. Definitely a Top Read of 2019 for me!!

Highly recommended!!

An ARC was provided to
in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for mel ☽.
369 reviews10.8k followers
February 24, 2020
"I love you and I want you to let me love you and I want to make you mine. My woman. Just mine. All mine. I don't care what you want. I can't let you be someone else's. Mine, babe. Mine."

hold on while i swoon for a sec.

i was so excited for this and you bet your ass i dropped everything to read this and it did not disappoint me. i mean come on.

of course an ex-childhood best friends turned enemies book will reel me in and if you're into that too, then i 100% recommend this.

what i didn't expect were the emotions that i felt while reading this and the conflicts that happened here. this book deals with trauma, grief, and the mental and physical struggles of losing a loved one. i honestly thought this was just your typical new adult book but Stone (H) doesn't even go to college and he's actually already in the NFL. and that's my fault because i didn't read the blurb.

Dusty (h): she's fiercely independent, a survivor, and kind of a loner (with good reason that im not gonna spoil, sorry!).
i felt bad for her in the beginning because of how her roommates treated her and especially when THAT thing happened. i really like and admire her character just because of how strong she is. though, i did wish she grew a little bit of a backbone towards her roommates.

Stone (H): first of all he is NOT a man ho and has a personality of a slytherin.
kinda swoony sometimes but also wanna smack him in the head because of the misleading ways Ms. Tijan made readers think about how he "doesn't" love the heroine and how he rejected her.
BUT i do love how he says (or doesn't say) he doesn't have feelings for her but actually SHOWS how much he loves her, so that's a plus.

BUT just because i loved this, there's a reason why this isn't a 5-star read for me.

what i disliked:
the beginning.
it was a bit slow and we didn't get to meet Stone face-to-face until the 20% mark .
"enemies" part wasn't that bad?
don't get me wrong, they do fight a lot and there's a lot of pushing that came from the Dusty (h) but i don't know... it's not as bad as other books i've read. it's nothing too angsty in my opinion.
Dusty's roommates are fake friends.
her roommates neglected her and never tried to be her friend UNTIL they knew she was with Stone. ugh. i don't like any one of them except for Wyatt (one of the mean girls' boyfriend) and Nicole (roommate).
i just wasn't convinced about their change.
the romance was just meh.
i know, i know. why would i rate a book high when the romance is meh? to be honest, i don't know HOWEVER i still rooted for Stone and Dusty to be together but their romance just didn't give me the giddy feelings i usually get.
couldn't connect with Stone.
as i said, his personality is like a slytherin but he just didn't stand out to me. he's doesn't have a lot of depth and i wish he had more chapters because i wanted to know his POV when he walked away from Dusty and their other "breakups".
and he didn't show up till the 20% mark sooo...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

i read this in one sitting because it was a page-turner for me and are the other characters getting their own books? Cammie and Colby? Wyatt and Siobhan (yes i weirdly ship them)?

damn, i hope so!

4.25 stars
Profile Image for Maditales.
608 reviews30.8k followers
April 3, 2023
Spoiler alert (names mentioned)
The book just wasn’t for me. I thought some of the plot was a bit rushed and I still had a lot of questions in the end that were unanswered.
The first half of the book (200pages), were really good actually but then there were lots of new plot-twists that I didn’t really understand.
I completely forgot the prologue and what happened to her because it was not mention again till like 30 pages before the end.
I usually assume the the prologue is very important to the storyline but not really.
On the positive side, I really loved every character!
Every girl in the house had a unique personality and I loved that they were included quite a lot and not just background characters.
Jared was also a very nice add on that I thought brought out how difficult Dusty’s life really is.
Stone’s mom was cruel. I really liked her character as the bad mom (stepmother type trope).
My only issue with stone’s parents were that the issues between the two families weren’t really resolved.
I still liked this book but I thought that maybe it could’ve been around 50-100 pages longer to further explain the unanswered/ fast answered questions.
Profile Image for JAN.
1,185 reviews903 followers
February 24, 2020
In 2017 when I read Hate to Love You, I said I was done with Tijan.
But then Enemies went live and I couldn't resist.
I don't feel like writing a review. To be honest, I don't think I need to write another review since it feels like I am reading the same ol same ol with a different touch here and there.

So, here's a link from my Hate to Love you review that applies to Enemies.

my review
Profile Image for Ainhoa.
430 reviews17 followers
September 13, 2021
Re-read Sept 2021
I don’t know why but this book does something to me, calls me. I’ve been off and moody the last few days and this one was the one to finish it all, if I could I’d give it six stars.

I enjoyed Dusty and Stone’s story even more this second time around. I love how Tijan makes her h/H deal with trauma different ways in her different books and although I don’t think I’d deal the same way Dusty did, it’s interesting to see how she copes and finds her way.

I think Stone’s too cute to handle, even though he’s obviously not perfect but how he tries to make up for his mistakes in a real not too perfect way. Both of them together make such a good couple ❤️

First read Oct 2020
It took me over 20 pages to get used to the rhythm of the book, I though Dusty was too chaotic, too messy, too busy... but then I got hooked, I couldn’t put it down until I finished it. I do like a hate to love story, but this one was deeper in a way... I loved it! And now I can’t decide which one of Tijan’s books I’m going to read next!
September 23, 2022
2.5 ⭐️ this book summarized in one word: trauma! that’s it. so much trauma. and for WHAT? it was way too much and felt not only extra as hell but also unnecessary? half of it could’ve been cut out and the book would have went the same.

stone’s personality can be bottle down to his football. and dusty’s whole thing is the trauma she’s been through (understandable tho since SHE WENT THROUGH SO FCKING MUCH. again.. why???) their relationship was okay? loved the protectiveness & him taking her of her. but it felt more physical than anything. i don’t even remember them talking about much. also he kept calling her a bitch, which did in fact, make me want to vomit.

i did enjoy some parts hence the 2.5 stars. the beginning had me so intrigued & i did like the end. but the middle was a whole mess.

let me end this reminding u that her name is… dusty. DUSTY.
Profile Image for Jessica.
744 reviews762 followers
February 6, 2020
Why am I still reading these books? I honestly don’t know.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,146 reviews13.2k followers
April 10, 2020
My first Tijan book (don't judge me!) and I freaking loved it!! Holy mothballs, this was delicious. I love an angsty enemies to lovers read and this brought it in spades. It hit spots that I didn't even know I had. Now I'm currently liquored up and feeling especially lazy, so this is all you're gonna get as far as a review. I said, stop judging me, ok?! GOD. People are so judgy. Honestly. What I'll tell you is that if you're looking for an angsty college romance with a broody hero and sassy heroine, you need this one.

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Profile Image for Syndi.
3,181 reviews931 followers
March 6, 2020
I read Tijan before. The title is Carter. I remember I shelved it under DNF. When Enemies comes out, and with so many wonderful review in Goodreads, I thought I give it another try.

And boy! I am not going to summarize again what is the story. What I can tell you is that I am very tired. Tired concentrating so hard on the story,characters and all of the PTSD affect.

Overall I do not enjoy this book.

2 stars
Profile Image for Sentranced Jem.
1,134 reviews603 followers
February 24, 2020

Title: Enemies

Tijan never lets me down and her latest release, Enemies is another fantastic book!

I finished reading this book within a few hours of it landing on my kindle.
It's been a while since I've been through an absolute book hangover and I admit that after I was done with Enemies, I stopped reading any book. I wasn't even excited to read my other ARCs...I literally didn't want to start another book.

For me, Tijan already had a massive year with her other amazing new book releases, Crew Princess, Teardrop Shot (OMG this book was another AMAZING one!) and Bennett Mafia. Enemies was just the icing on the already amazing cake.


Enemies was THE PERFECT book. It's a sports romance, a new adult romance, an enemies to lovers romance ..I mean come on! what more could you ask for? oh! it's also bloody emotional and it's filled with angst, sizzling chemistry that will leave you breathless.
You guys will LOVE Stone and Dusty.


I love how the characters written by Tijan are imperfect and unapologetic about who they are. It makes them almost relatable and approachable and I love that..they are imperfectly perfect for me.

Enemies by Tijan is without a doubt an unforgettable read.
It almost feels trivial saying  that this book has a bucket load of emotions that will tug at your heartstrings. But honestly, this book is beautiful.

You all need to get this book ASAP!


For an excerpt, click link below:
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 22 books546 followers
January 20, 2022

First I just have to say; I mainly got this audio because of Jason Clarke. If I had known he only narrated 3 small chapters at the end, I wouldn’t have bothered. But I’m glad I did because Savannah Peachwood did a great job.

Now for the actual story. This was a definite roller coaster of monster proportions. An out of order one at that because it felt a little all over the place at times. Ask me if I care and I’ll tell you I don’t.

I was living for the insanity and the mess that is Dusty. But when all the puzzle pieces come together you see why. This was a desperate girl clawing to find her place in the world. Pretty much everyone she came across tried to stand in her way but she climbed right over them.

Seriously her whole world fell apart which is why she was forced to except unwanted help from her once best friend turned worst enemy. There’s a thin line between love and hate so it was only a matter of time before those sparks flew and steam ensued.

If you think it was easy sailing after they called a truce you’d be sorely mistaken. Apparently Dusty will not only look a gift horse in the mouth, she’ll kick the shit out of it. I swear this girl is either the ultimate masochist or has a death wish.

But I was with her every step of the way as she dutifully carved a place for herself. The big question is; was it all worth it?
Profile Image for Karla.
1,171 reviews329 followers
January 1, 2020
Love Tijan! But this one left me with mix feelings. Whenever I pick up one of Tijan’s books I pretty much know what I’m getting OTT drama and angst and I’m ok with that in fact, I love it! But with “enemies” I felt like there was too much push and pull and so it took the H/h’s connection. It’s a shame though because when they were together they had so much chemistry. Also it wasn’t clear for me why the MC had the dilema and separation in their childhood. It definitely had the potential to be more but it just didn’t for me. ❤️
Profile Image for Bookadmirer.
367 reviews210 followers
July 11, 2020

Enemies is such a beautiful story. It's raw, emotional, and angsty. Dusty was such a remarkably strong character. Her life turns upside down when her father and stepmother dies. Stone steps into her life once again and help her through a tough time.

When I say again, it meant they were friends until Stone decided to not hanging with her anymore. Many things happen between the time when they weren't in touch. Stone had shitty parents who made Dusty's life a living hell.

The chemistry between the protagonists was undeniable. It filled with so many sad emotions. The author carried the emotional stuff in the book very boldly. Even I felt Dusty's anger, cry, and helplessness.

There are some issues in this book which never were explained and a few events occurred which I didn't like. Nevertheless, it's a really emotional book, filled with many feelings.

Profile Image for Jill S (Love Affair With Fiction).
646 reviews67 followers
February 26, 2020
AHHHHHHHHH this book! THIS. Book!

Enemies by Tijan was everything I didn't even know that I was looking for! It is (surprise surprise) an enemies to lovers, sports romance. Could you figure that out from the title and cover? LOL.

It was a sexy, passionate, emotional and bumpy ride that I didn't want to put down. Seriously, I had to leave my kindle in another room so that I could actually get some work done and not be distracted by this addicting read! What are you doing to me Tijan? (PS can we let RVD know it is your fault I haven't finished formatting her book? Just kidding... kind of...)

Dusty and Stone have a complicated history. They began as childhood BFFs but that friendship soon turned sour and the two only held hate for one another. Now Stone is the there to help pick up the pieces of a life falling down around Dusty. Will their hate turn into something more passionate?

I loved getting to see the feelings that existed between Dusty and Stone — whether it was anger, resentment, passion or love... they FELT it all. Watching them get through the barriers that kept them apart for all these years to rebuild trust was everything. I was rooting for them from the very beginning. I loved that they didn't just go from enemies to everything is hunky dory but that there was a push-pull between them to the very end. And watching Dusty go from a solitary individual to slowly letting friends slip in and become a part of a tribe was so gratifying to see,

Enemies hit all of my sweet spots. It was steamy, had some hot football players, great friendships and it was unputdownable. This is a book that you NEED to add to your TBR — trust me you won't regret it. It is a MUST READ!
Profile Image for GimmeAllTheWerdssss.
593 reviews243 followers
Shelved as 'author-i-won-t-read'
February 25, 2020
Oh look....another overly dramatic heroine who’s life has been one disaster after another and (most likely) manwhore Hero....

Can Tijan write anything else?
Profile Image for Helena Hunting.
Author 66 books24.2k followers
October 15, 2021
One of my favourite tropes! I loved this enemies-to-lovers, standalone emotional, steamy, intense romance!
Profile Image for is it me? am I the villain?.
233 reviews7 followers
December 15, 2022
I don’t think I’ve ever read something so bad.

If there is something I hate with all my heart, it’s when authors make their main character annoyingly insecure and purposeless. Dusty —for God's sake, how can you even name someone like that? As a nickname... maybe, but as her name? Jesus. Well, she is irritating, bland, and stupid. And incredibly indecisive. Sometimes she shows a strong will but then indecision again, I wanted to bitch slap her so much I swear. Her weak personality was understandable at the beginning... you know, because of her trauma (which is very serious) but she never really worked on it. I mean, we don’t see any progress. She never outgrew it, at least not by herself. All the time she was a useless, hesitant bitch with undecided feelings that, forgive my feminism, needed a man to keep going.

Stone— don't even get me started. Again, what’s up with this author and all these lame ass names? Well, “Stone” is just an immature little shit. He’s so moronic, God, what a twat. It was more than obvious that he was not interested in loving her, but oh! Just in the last chapters, he decides that yes, he wants to fall in love with her. BULLSHIT. Bitch, I would’ve dumped his ass. I would’ve murdered HIM.

Now, about the writing. Just... disappointing. The story seemed promising at first, but we see no progress. No surprises, and no connection to the characters. Nothing compelled me to keep reading and if I did finish the book was because I wanted to see how entirely bad this would be. The author didn’t know how to approach the issue here. Everything the story was telling me felt like nonsense, honestly.

1/5 stars.
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,789 reviews370 followers
May 20, 2020
DNF - 31%
This book legitimately has me so confused. Like every five pages since 20% a new tragedy happens. It feels like the POV character is zoned out on drugs and just blips in and out of consciousness, and prior to that it wasn’t much better.

I’m sad because best friends to enemies to lovers, sounds tasty, but this wasn’t it for me.
Profile Image for TJ ☾.
724 reviews1,673 followers
October 19, 2021
why did everything in this girls life revolve around the hero... her parents were obsessed w him, her friends use her to get to him, even her stalker couldn't just be her own. what kinda world is it when a girl can't even have her stalker to herself 😭 smh
Profile Image for ❤️ Nanda ❤️.
742 reviews400 followers
April 20, 2022

April 17th, 2022

Re-Listening "again", cause, why not? Stone is everything anyway!


Update April 26th, 2021

Yep... I'm Re-listening this one now...
I'm addicted to audiobooks and I'll probably listen to all my favorite books again and again, while I can't actually read!
Sue me!
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Finished... It's still one of my favorite Tijan's books


I often tell my friends that some authors are a love or hate affair!
Tijan is one of those authors because she has her own writing style and a peculiar mind that does not always write what everyone is comfortable reading. And I really love that!

I love her books and this one wasn't any different.

The story between the main couple is never the only thing developed by the author and I really end the book wanting to know more about the many side characters. Her housemates, her stepbrother, his teammates... Everyone has something that you're curious about in the end.

My God, everything Dusty went through is not for everyone. I sure don't know if I could be functional again after so many downs in my life!

An amazing book about grief, loss, forgiveness, friendship and love. For everything that she was capable of overcome on her own and also with the help of Stone...
This girl is a fighter!
This is a book worth reading!
And I loved it!

Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,606 reviews415 followers
February 25, 2020

No he leído muchos libros de Tijan pero los que he leído me han gustado y este no es la excepción.
Este es un Frenemies to lovers, me tuvo muy enganchada pero si es muy inconsistente y muy raro la mejor manera de describirlo sería atropellado.

Fue bastante tonto como se hicieron enemigos cuando me enteré fue así de seriously?.
Tiene como ese vibe de Ryan´s Bed de la misma autora, la narración es muy buena y te atrapa.

Yo sé que no se merece las 4 estrellas pero se las doy porque quiero y puedo.
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,029 reviews577 followers
December 3, 2019
2 💔😞⭐️s

It was a tough and intense story, only told from the heroine’s pov. I had to reach towards the end as to get a bonus of two chapters with the hero’s pov. 😤
The first couple of chapters confused me so much, too many characters playing a part and was chaotic.

There was a lot of drama, where drama and myself are not close friends. And Dusty had so many slaps on the face that became exhausting and saddening.
Dusty and Stone had a very peculiar relationship -with no romance, whereas I couldn’t figure out why he hated her so much. I couldn’t feel their connection, if there was any!
Throughout the storyline emotions were kept at very low levels.

If you are a fan of Tijan’s books, you will love this one. If you aren’t, the choice of reading it is all yours...
Profile Image for Rose.
423 reviews1,113 followers
September 24, 2022
I am so mad at myself for not making this book a priority on my tbr.

My girl Dusty was really put through it during this book, she could not catch a break and my heart really broke for her. She deserves the absolute world and I am so happy she got her happily ever after. As for Stone… he was just so possessive, caring and loving towards Dusty and I loved every second of it.

“I love you and I want you to let me love you and I want to make you mine. My woman. Just mine. All mine. I don’t care what you want. I can’t let you be someone else’s. Mine, babe. Mine.” 💛
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,605 reviews

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