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I was a nanny in need of a job.
He was darkness personified.
I had little to call my own.
He was filthy rich, powerful, and dangerous.
The assignment was simple, and my goal was too.
Take care of his son. Keep my head down. When he least expects it, destroy him.
It should have been easy. I thought it would be until I looked into his stark blue eyes.
Kissing the enemy is a bad idea, but so is falling in love with him.
He doesn’t know my crumbling foundation is built on lies.
When he discovers the truth, I’ll find out if he’s as brutal as I believe.
I came here to steal his life.
I didn’t count on him stealing my heart.


First published November 9, 2021

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About the author

A. Zavarelli

56 books6,997 followers
A. Zavarelli is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of dark and contemporary romance.

When she’s not putting her characters through hell, she can usually be found watching bizarre and twisted documentaries in the name of research.

She currently lives in the Northwest with her lumberjack and an entire brood of fur babies.

Facebook Page- https://geni.us/AZavarelliAuthor

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Twitter- https://geni.us/AZavarelliTwitter

Website- https://www.azavarelli.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 865 reviews
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,933 reviews32.9k followers
December 1, 2021
4 Stars

I really enjoyed this author's Boston Underworld series. In fact, book three is on my all-time favorites list, easily.

That said, outside ^that series, AZ has been pretty hit or miss for me; however, I also enjoyed the Society Trilogy she did with Natasha Knight (whom I haven't read outside of her team-ups with other authors). Well, this book was set in that same world (which kind of has a John Wick vibe to it, but romance-style, if that makes sense), and I really enjoyed it.

Alessio was a great alpha-hole with an inner softness and I really also liked Natalia.

I hope AZ keeps writing within this world, I really like it.
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,323 reviews2,040 followers
February 11, 2022
4.5 stars

I don’t know how to describe how I feel about this book. Let me explain why. It’s not exactly the best mafia book out there. I don’t think back on it and think wow, I wanna re-read that asap - but at the same time - it was so so good because it was so different than any other book in the genre.

The action and mystery were actually good!! (don’t worry, it didn’t take away from the romance)Did I maybe have my suspicions? Sure, but I still couldn’t imagine how the whole backstory developed, I could only assume stuff here and there, and damn, the heroine was great.

I mean, we speak of trauma and then later on of grit, persistence and strength (which are needed to overcome it) and I think she’s the perfect example. This woman with nothing and no one in her corner never gave up and trudged on with her sole minded purpose. Also, the fact that she was still able to open herself up to loving someone (and not any someone-considering the heroes contacts and profession) - yeah she was amazing.

The hero, was very .. emotionally constipated. Very robotic and unable to express himself. I didn’t dislike him BUT I’d like to make a comparison between male and female responses to trauma and the resilience they show in the aftermath.
Why do we always have these situations where the women move on, develop healthy coping mechanisms and live life understanding the trauma and that the fault is not on their shoulders- but men always let the experience dictate the rest of their lives and how they treat people from then on (I just wish trauma would stop being an excuse to be an asshat) - I’m not saying this hero was that bad - but he was naive in some respects and wilfully ignorant in others.

Anyway, long story short, I enjoyed this quite a lot and I wish I could find more books like it, where the plot is different than 99% of the ones in the genre.
Profile Image for Isabella. R.
953 reviews1,792 followers
March 6, 2022
5 A Villain and A Reluctant Hero Stars ⭐

Well damn I didn't see that coming. It's been ages since I've thoroughly enjoyed a mafia romance that kept me riveted and had me feeling very very nervous. Gah the suspense nearly killed me! It's no joke, I didn't anticipate the twist or how good this would be…

This isn’t a fairy tale. It’s a hostage situation. I’ll be negotiating with them for the rest of my life.

From the moment you meet Natalia you know she is battle scarred. A true survivor with marks to match, she is put together yet skittish. Immediately you're trying to guess her ulterior motives by applying for a nanny position. A job with the Grim Reaper himself.

He acted as if I might back out. As if I might run. Perhaps a smarter woman would, but Alessio Scarcello can’t terrify me. After all, I’ve already met the Devil himself.

Alessio Scarcello is a Sovereign Son. An important figure in the world of organized crime. Although a single father, he struggles to show emotion or affection especially towards his son. Against all reservations, he hires Natalia as the new nanny. And what a total revelation that is. Not only is she amazing and his son Nino completed happy with the arrangement; Alessio is forced to open his eyes and ultimately his heart.

I don’t know whether I’m more impressed or terrified by her, but there’s one glaring certainty. She is my equal in every way, and after all of that, she thinks she can just leave me?

So many secrets, betrayals and regrets. Alessio and Natalia have no intention of letting down their guards. The one thing that binds them and could destroy them is right under their noses. Honestly, I could not put this down. A heroine with balls of steel and a man who’s been hit for six. Kingdom Fall was gritty, steamy and just fantastic. It’s feels phenomenal to have finally found a book that rocked my world!!
Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
830 reviews3,117 followers
December 3, 2021
Kingdom Fall by A. Zavarelli is a complete standalone, but if you've read The Society Trilogy she cowrote with Natasha Knight, then you'll be familiar with IVI and the world this story takes place in. I personally loved those books, so I was pleasantly surprised to see the connection. In fact, I hope there is more to come, because this new addition to the IVI world is every bit as incredible as the last!


Alessio Scarcello, a.k.a. The Debt Collector, needs a nanny to take care of his son, Nino, while he's away on jobs torturing people for information. He doesn't want to hire anyone within IVI, the secret society in which he belongs, because perspective candidates view the position as a precursor to marriage. Instead, he holds interviews and selects Natalia Cabrera, a woman from outside the organization that peaks his interest in more ways than one. Little does he know, she has some ulterior motives of her own.


I fucking loved this book! If you're like me, and hesitant to try standalones in multi-author series, don't let that be a factor in your decision when it comes to this one. Alessio and Natalia's story isn't mediocre in the slightest. A. Zavarelli is an amazing storyteller, and she clearly put her all into this one.


The mystery, suspense, slowburn romance, emotional torment, violence, twists, and turns are nothing short of perfection, but the angsty push and pull, undeniable chemistry, and delicious sex put it over the top! Alessio and Natalia are amazing characters that I won't soon forget. Don't be surprised if you see this book on my favorites of the year list!

Dark mafia romance and romantic suspense fans, this one's for you!
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,145 reviews13.2k followers
November 13, 2021
I don’t know what the fuck she’s doing to me, but I know it’s going to be a problem.

It's no secret that I'm obsessed with everything that A Zavarelli writes. When I finishedResurrection of the Heart, I became completely obsessed with the IVI world. I kept hoping for more, and this book delivered.

Alessio and Natalia's story is everything I want in a dark romance. It's gritty, dark, twisted, and unpredictable.

They call Alessio a Debt Collector for good reason. Not only is he a member of The Society, but he's a Sovereign Son. His position comes with power, and his ability to turn his humanity off makes him one hell of a debt collector. He's a man with no emotion, married to his duty, and no desire for the messy complexities of anything beyond gratifying his baser urges. While his lack of emotion and ruthless nature make him a name that's feared within the criminal underground, it doesn't particularly endear him to his son. And with the loss of his last nanny, he's interviewing for a new one.

Natalia is a woman on a mission. She arrives to interview for the nanny job, but you already see that her waters run deep. This is a woman harboring some dark secrets, and a nanny job is her in for something much darker. She's looking for revenge and for answers, and Alessio holds the key to both.

I was immediately sucked into the story. The pacing was immaculate. The character development was intricate. And the romance? Deliciously dark. It's an enemies to lovers with enough push and pull to have you desperate for them to give into the obvious chemistry between them. A woman harboring dark secrets and a man that doesn't have entailments or emotions? Delicious! What kept me glued to the pages was the continuous twists and turns. This story caught me completely unaware. I never saw the twists coming and it kept me at the edge of my seat until the very last page. There are some secondary characters introduced who I'm desperately needing a book for. But as for this one? I couldn't get enough!

It's everything I've come to expect from this talented author and so much more. Alessio was dangerous and tortured. You get just enough of a glimpse into his light side to get you hooked on him and then he sucks you deep into his darkness. Natalia is a subtle sort of fierce. This is a woman who has been through hell and back and has come out swinging. She's not an in your face sort of fierce. It's subtle in a silent strength way, and I absolutely loved her.

If you like secret society, dark romance, bad men with good hearts, and fierce heroines, you need this book.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
597 reviews1,855 followers
December 22, 2021
This got all what i was looking for in mafia romance; the angst, the feisty despite being vulnerable heroine, the hero with baggage and issues, the cute kid, the marriage of convenience, the twists, and finally the “its so addicting, I’m hooked, and I can’t stop reading feeling.”
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,027 reviews577 followers
June 8, 2023
2nd re-read 06/06/2023

3,5 ❤️💥🤔⭐️s

I still enjoyed it, though this time I thought it was slightly long winded. 🤷🏻‍♀️

1st read 07/12/2021

4 🖤❤️❤️❤️🌟🌟🌟🌟s❗️❗️❣️❣️

A ruthless single father antihero and a feisty heroine despite her vulnerability in a mafia journey filled with suspense, romance, passion and sparks, twists, deceptions, secrets and lies!

I enjoyed it a lot, very well written with intriguing characters and was one of my favourites reads from the Underworld Kings series!
Profile Image for Ainhoa.
429 reviews17 followers
December 17, 2021
This is just your weekly reminder that I’m a weirdo and I love trashy mafia books ❤️🥸
Profile Image for Sonia.
1,060 reviews1,405 followers
April 30, 2022
4.5 stars for this virgin H, mute h set in a mafia world book

It is RARE to find an H that’s a v set in a criminal world- I mean, usually they’re manhoars, but this one was special… no woman was going to convince him to do the deed… until he meets a beautiful, determined woman that changes his mind- and she does it without speaking a word.

Possible spoilers ahead

Alessio has the job of getting Information out of people, whether it’s by torture, threats, blackmail, blood shed, or whatever means, he gets what he wants- that’s why they call him the “Debt Collector.” He knows how to do his job and he does it well, and he never hesitates when he does it. He’s part of The Society and is considered valuable because he’s a descendant from one of the founding families- and he needs help; his son’s caretaker passed away and he needs to hire someone new. That’s when he meets Natalia.

Natalia’s 27, mute, but VERY qualified. She knows her stuff and is able to do anything needed for Alessio’s son, Nino. When he’s interviewing her, he’s almost dismissive, but then she somehow captivates him and ends up hiring her. She’s fluent in ASL since she doesn’t speak- he’s also noticed scars- the most noticeable one is the one on her throat.

She and Nino hit it off, and Alessio wants to share the same connection with his son. Not only that, but there’s this underlying chemistry between Alessio and Natalia that’s palpable. But Alessio won’t make the same mistake his father did- his father’s mistakes (having a mistress) cost him his family’s life, which is why Alessio’s alone, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t seek some pleasure. He won’t indulge in smex since that’s what caused him to lose his whole family (and he has the emotional and physical scars to prove it).

Yet, the tension between Alessio and Natalia keeps increasing- and then it just explodes one day- and it’s passionate and raw🔥. Natalia’s one experience was a horrible, forceful one, so even though she’s no longer a v (she didn’t get a choice in losing her v), THIS is her choice, and she enjoys every second of it every time. They both have missed out on so many intimacies that it’s no-holds barred when they succumb to their connection 🥵🔥💦. Alessio learns how to please her quickly 👏🏻😅- although Natalia can’t use her words, when it comes to their physical connection, words aren’t needed😉😅.

There are lots of secrets and TWISTS I didn’t see coming. Natalia has an ulterior motive for working with Alessio, and when it was revealed, I was 🤯!!!! Plus, she’s a bad @$$ herself 💅.

Alessio also finds out some troubling things and lies that he’s been told, and the unveiling’s heartbreaking for him.

This book was ALMOST perfect… until Alessio goes to the cathouse😑- he’s already thinking about Natalia in an unprofessional way, but he still goes there to get his monthly happy-ending massage (the only way women have ever touched him) 😐. He gets ready (which means he’s clothes-less and laying down, face up) and the OW starts, but then he tells her to stop. Ugh. ALMOST perfect.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book! Alessio is so swooooony at the end- when he f’s up, he faces the consequences and does whatever he needs to do to make it right, and I loved that Natalia doesn’t just stand by and let things happen. She’s active and has been training for years for a reason- just because she let things happen in the past doesn’t mean she’ll let them happen again 👏🏻.

And the way Alessio defends unwilling victims at the end of the book was 😈👏🏻. Comeuppance 😈👏🏻

The epilogue was so cute! I loved it 🥰.

⚠️safety squad⚠️
-no cheating/omd/sharing
-H is a v/h is not but might as well have been (she was r@ped in the past)
-H gets turned on by h, visits Cathouse, gets nekkid for his massage, but when OW touches his d, he stops her and OW leaves- this is all before H and h are together or have done anything. Also, the maid wants the H, so she treats the h horribly, but he doesn’t want her
November 11, 2021
4.25 Stars!

Really enjoyed this one! Wasn't too much drama and it kept me entertained. I like the twist of the heroine keeping the secrets, and what they were👀 it was different for sure. I also like how it was a bit of role reversal and the hero is the more awkward one and the heroine the instigator. The only thing I wish we had more of was more family/couple moments. They dont officially get together until the end, and we don't even get to see any baby moments sadly, so I felt like I was missing out. Also, I could have used a bit more details such as ages. I know the heroine was 27, but I don't think it ever says how old the hero is🤔 Otherwise, still a great book.

Safety: Safe

Hero is a virgin (altho he has done some stuff)

Heroine is not a virgin as she was previously sexually assaulted

No OM drama

Ow drama- more towards the beginning of the book, hero goes to the society's "pleasure house" and almost gets a bj but stops it. One woman is a biotchhhh to the heroine because she wants the hero. Another character also tries to set him up with another woman but he turns her down. He hasn't done anything with either women though before though and isnt a manh*e so it's all good👌

No cheating

No other partners in separation
Profile Image for Lacey (laceybooklovers).
2,133 reviews11.8k followers
January 12, 2022
Such a good mafia romance! This kept me on the edge of my seat. It's dark and intense and angsty and I really enjoyed the romance. The hero is the Debt Collector, the man the mafia hires to torture people to get answers from them. He's also a single father who needs a new nanny for his young son. He hires the mute heroine who easily connects with his son, but he knows she hides some dark secrets. Alessio and Natalia's romance is full of chemistry - he's this stoic, cold, alpha hero and she's the only one who's able to stand up to him and make him feel. I loved the romance and loved how Natalia was the bridge between Alessio and his son. And the twists were so good!

There's a side couple in this book that I need a book for. Hopefully we get them soon!
Profile Image for Melluvsbooks.
1,353 reviews
January 2, 2022
Stern rigid mafia guy meets mute nanny...

I liked this story overall. It was entertaining. I only skimmed the torture scenes.

From a distance it looks like it should be a 5-star for me. What I liked:

- the h is a nanny with secrets - she's innocent-ish and vulnerable 👍🏻

- the H is an authoritative cold mafia guy 👍🏻

- the child who needs the nanny isn't actually the H's kid 👍🏻

- just enough mafia business 👍🏻

- good sexual tension and relationship development 👍🏻

- some OW drama 👍🏻

- I liked that the H got revenge on the guy who hurt the h 👍🏻

What I didn't like as much:

- the h is a 27-yr old closet-badass rape-victim who has had a baby - she's pretty blood thirsty (with reason, but it was off-putting to me) - I didn't feel like her past trauma was portrayed realistically... she was very sexually aggressive - I found this weird.

- the super hot and powerful H (maybe late 20s/early 30s???) is a virgin. 👀🙄 And a sex god. 🤡 There's very flimsy reason given for this (Dad was a cheater), but I didn't feel like the author made the case for him not ever having sex, or his ability to immediately know exactly how to make a mute woman squirt. 🧐👀🙄🤡 Women were throwing themselves at this man... he has NEVER had sex??? 🤔 I would think there would need to be a very powerful reason for that circumstance. I did not find this believable at all. The author did not sell this well, so it just felt like blatant pandering. 🤷🏼‍♀️

- the H was vaguely jealous/possessive, but he was the most turned on by the h's possessiveness - Meh. #badfeminist

- the OW drama was never really addressed directly by the H. It was coming from 3 different directions. He tells 2 of them to watch how they talk about the h, but other than that, they are allowed to continue as usual, for the most part. When he does address one, it isn't really on the h's behalf, its more due to his ward. One of the OW the h murders before the H can ever really confront her. The other was sort of kicked out of the house, but it was indirect. He never told her flat out he wasn't interested, just the other person involved. The last OW was not addressed at all really. She quit when he told her he didn't want sex. I don't know, it just felt like it was all handled without him needing to do much... not very satisfying 🤷🏼‍♀️ #imadramawhore 😅

- the H has some fantasies about the h. They were hot... I kinda wish he'd been more like the aggressive guy in his fantasies. 👀😬😈🖤

Bottom Line? Overall, it was an entertaining read. 👍🏻👍🏻 I liked it more than most books, lately. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But I am unlikely to revisit. 3.5 stars


- no cheating or sharing

- OW drama - H has OW after him, including his housekeeper - and he visits a brothel of sorts after meeting the h, and almost has sex, but leaves at the last minute. That prostitute starts with a handjob but he stops her before it gets to a happy ending. - he is uninterested in any of the women who are after him

- no OM drama

- no dubcon

- H is late 20s/early 30s virgin 😐

- h is 27-yr old rape victim, that is the only sex she's experienced
Profile Image for Samantha (bookgramsaga reviews).
687 reviews799 followers
November 11, 2022
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (Reread)

''Because I'd rather be a source of comfort than pain''

Safety warnings:
- No cheating
- No OM/Slight OW drama
- Graphic violence/d*ath
- Mention/description of r*pe





Back in the IVI world and this one did not disappoint!

Even though the reveal came in later I figured it out pretty early on when she first interacted with Nino. The severity of what had happened to her was a huge shock though. Enzo is an absolute trash bag of a human being and I am satisfied with his ending.

Alessio and Natalia's chemistry was just one for the ages. I love the fact he was a virgin and his reasoning might not make sense to some people but it made sense to me. He was linking intimacy and relationships with the worst moment of his life. I don't blame him for being closed off and not pursuing anybody. The scene where he goes to the Cat house after meeting the H didn't bother me either since nothing truly happened and it's all he knows on how to handle his lust.

Also despite the absolute horror of a job - she was his mirror (because of what she gone through of course and not because she was born a psycho lol).

Gwen was disturbing and that is me being kind. She was deranged, manipulative and a psychopath. She knew ALL the horror things her son did: the rapes, the abuse, the part he played in raping his sister-in-law and killing his brother and YET she did the most disgusting thing and kept her mouth shut and made sure he lived in bliss in prison (let's not even open the can of worms when it was revealed how she kept the guards happy).

Overall I really enjoyed this book. I love the IVI Society and all the books surrounding it. I believe this was the only one left until we get Abella and Angelo's story. I can't wait for it to come out and I know it's going to be good because I loved the end scene where they are the godmother and godfather of the new baby and both had no idea and Natalia doesn't even know what's going on.
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,429 reviews399 followers
February 18, 2022
3,5. I didn’t see the connection with the characters, the link was missing between them.
February 16, 2022
**3.5/5 stars**

I enjoyed it, but I'm a little bit conflicted with this one. It was very well put together and I liked the idea. However, I did think that the causes for drama were predictable. Like, everytime a little detail was dropped, I knew it would come back later to cause problems.

What can I say about Natalia? The mystery surrounding her is what annoyed me about her. I understand what the author wanted to do, but I wish she had done it differently. As the reader, we are not told about her secret motives for being hired as a nanny, her reasons are unknown, and we are kept in the dark just as much as Alessio, even while reading her POV. To me, it just made her appear deceitful and I'm always on the fence with characters like that. It was really hard to connect to her and appreciate her at first because of it. She dragged her secret for so long that I didn't especially care when she finally dropped the bomb. Other than that, I liked the fact that she was mute. It made her character interesting and intriguing, in a way, because I don't recall ever reading a book with a mute main character. She was also super sweet to Nino, the adorable little boy she had to babysit. When it came to Alessio, I liked how she was his first everything and how special she was to him.

“This is why survivors of trauma often find a bond with each other. Like attracts like. We are both dysfunctional in our own ways. I want to believe that’s the simplest explanation for me warming to this man.”-Natalia

As for Alessio, I liked him more than Natalia. I had an easier time understanding him and his behaviors. He was very upfront with his traumas in his chapters, even if he was still very reserved with Natalia. He seemed cold at first, but it was easy to understand that it was just mask to protect himself. The rare times he would come out of his shell, only with Natalia, he'd be awkward and unsure. It seemed to me that he was emotionally inept, clumsy in expressing himself. I liked that he was possessive and protective. The only thing that bothered me about him was how he dealt with issues coming his way. He was always quick to hide behind his impassive mask. Alessio was Nino's guardian, he loved him very much, even if he was clueless as to how he should raise a child. It was nice to see him finally able to bond with him once Natalia gave him advices and cues.

“Wear them[scars] like a badge of honor. Show the world you are a survivor. There is nothing to be ashamed of.”-Alessio

The best thing about this book was definitely the chemistry between Alessio and Natalia. Sadly, they both had trust issues due to their past and so, it was hard for them to trust one another. Their reactions were always impulsive, and the lack of communication and trust only caused more issues than there needed to be. It was like a domino effect everytime. Other than that, I think they were a perfect match, especially once they finally trusted each other.

✔️Dual POV
✔️MCs age
✔️Dual Virgins
✔️Sweet/Strong/Mute h
✔️Protective/Possessive/Dangerous H
✔️No cheating
✔️Slight OW/OM
✔️Push and pull
🔥 Steam level: 3.5/5
Content warning:
Trigger warning:

Would I recommend this book? Yes. It was well put together. I probably won't read it again but I'm happy I picked it up.
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,185 reviews811 followers
November 6, 2021
Wow! This was a dark, antsty read and exactly what I wanted!

May be an image of footwear

Alessio was an intense hero. He was brutal at what he had to do and the imagery this author gave of that brutality was vividly terrifying, making me wonder if he could possibly be the type of hero I would ever fall in love with. While he had some moments that put me in doubt, interspersed within those moments were reactions and behaviors that hinted at what was at the core of what he truly wanted. Which of course was Natalia.

Natalia was quite a unique heroine. She felt fear, but refused to allow it to rule her. She had an agenda and her determination kept her on the path that fulfilled it. As someone that had her own streak of savagery running within her, she was the perfect woman for Alessio.

Text to Speech Software (TTS) | Noble Systems

A lot of this story is wrapped up in mystery and I suggest you stay away from any review that hints at it. This was filled with twists and turns that had me clinging to every word on the page. So much so that when I had to stop reading, I pulled up text-to-speech and continued “reading” it via Google’s voice. I didn’t want to put this down!

Dual POV
Profile Image for ☾ Nikki. ✿ SUGARVOGUE..
585 reviews66 followers
December 22, 2021
I haven’t read a book by this author in a while and I saw this pop up on my feed. It seemed like something I was interested in. The first chapter of this book I wasn’t really sure and I wasn’t going to continue but I’m glad I did and I ended up really enjoying it. It was a bit predictable in some parts for me and I did like the character pairing. I wasn’t a huge fan of the heroine in this book but I grew to like her alot. The ending was great and I will look forward to the second book.

A three stars from me | ⭐️⭐️⭐️.

✉ E: nikkisugarvogue@gmail.com
* https://linktr.ee/Sugarvogue
Profile Image for Wobilba.
656 reviews93 followers
January 22, 2024
I saw ms zavarelli’s instagram reel and I had to dive in instantly. I love the IVI world.
I loved this book. Natalia, Alessio & Nino will always have place in my heart 💕
Now give me Angelo & Abella’s book please 🙏🏾🥹
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,096 reviews154 followers
November 8, 2021
Omg this was so fucking good!!! Nothing is what it seems and the twists were epic! The ending left me wanting more and I hope this turns into a series. 5 stars!

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for readabookonce.
217 reviews244 followers
March 17, 2023
I have some thoughts.

The relationship between Alessio and Natalia started of wonderfully. His stoic, grumpy façade matched well with her guarded, stubborn one. Neither of them wanted to want the other, and yet, they could not resist (and boy, did they ever try). Nino, Alessio’s adoptive son, was charming, and his interactions with both Alessio and Natalia were adorable.

I spent the first half of Kingdom Fall completely enraptured by whatever secret motivation Natalia had. Her insistence that either she or Alessio would be dead within the month had me on the edge of my seat. The lack of answers frustrated me so badly that I almost looked up spoilers (I didn’t), but it was a good frustration. Do I feel the revelation was worth the tension? Sure. The follow-up, however? Excruciating. And not in a fun way.

All of the development Alessio and Natalia had—both within themselves and in their relationship to each other—deteriorated. The tone completely shifted. What was once a compelling plot turned into a melodramatic one. The characters became whiny shells of their former selves, and the plot became so outrageous I could not believe I was reading the same novel.

I’m being harsh. I would’ve loved the drama of the second half if it were in any other book—the reluctant relationship, perceived betrayals, silly miscommunications, and badass murders were all captivating plotlines—they just didn’t…fit. Despite the heaviness of the topics, the angst felt so unfocused. And I literally could not take anything pertaining to the Society seriously.

While I wish the novel were more cohesive, I was completely invested the entire time. It’s redeeming qualities far outshine my complaints, and honestly, that’s more than enough for me.

POV: dual, first
Spice Level: 4/5
Rating: 3.75/5
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,387 reviews110 followers
June 22, 2022
Recensione in Anteprima sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

Alessio Scarcello era un pericoloso criminale. Nel suo ambiente lo chiamavano l’Esattore perché otteneva sempre ciò voleva dalla sua vittima.
Non aveva collegamenti diretti con la “Rovina” ma gli appartenenti richiedevano spesso i suoi servizi quando con i loro metodi primitivi non riuscivano ad ottenere le informazioni di cui necessitavano.
Lui invece ci riusciva sempre.
In un modo o nell’altro.

L’unico suo punto debole era il piccolo Nino. Per lui avrebbe fatto qualunque cosa e la sua priorità era tenerlo al sicuro. Nino aveva bisogno di stabilità nella sua vita e di una governante che si prendesse cura di lui, così Alessio realizzò dei colloqui di lavoro ad alcune donne che avevano risposto all’annuncio.
Sembrava che nessuna facesse al caso suo finché si presentò Natalia, una ragazza di ventisette anni dall’aspetto severo e compito, di una bellezza ovvia che non aveva provato ad esaltare in alcun modo. E senza neanche dire una sola parola aveva sostenuto con tenacia il suo sguardo duro e inquisitore.

«La maggior parte delle donne sembra capire in modo istintivo che non sono il tipo di uomo da guardare direttamente negli occhi. Ma lei è troppo audace per il suo bene, o troppo incosciente per rendersene conto».

Alessio osservava i suoi lineamenti con disapprovazione perché il suo viso dolce e a forma di cuore gli aveva rivelato un’innocenza che era certo di non poter gestire. Essendo estranea alla “Società” sarebbe stata in grado di svolgere il lavoro che intendeva affidarle?
E soprattutto a Nino sarebbe piaciuta?

🖋️Un romanzo che mi è piaciuto moltissimo. Seguo e leggo sempre con piacere l’autrice che ho avuto modo di apprezzare in molti dei suoi romanzi.

Ne La caduta del regno ha saputo delineare in maniera perfetta una moderna eroina, una giovane donna scaltra e intelligente che, resiliente e animata dal bisogno di ritrovare un pezzo del suo cuore, con tenacia e determinazione è riuscita a portare a termine con successo la sua ricerca.

🖋️Un romanzo ricco di colpi di scena ben assestati nei momenti cruciali della narrazione che risulta perciò avvincente, oscura e con suspence.
Alcuni elementi della storia li ho trovati geniali.

*Ringrazio la Quixote Translations per la copia ARC in Anteprima


Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,844 reviews1,461 followers
November 8, 2021
AHHH!! A. Zavarelli's stories are always incredible!! They are edgy, sexy, compelling and so addicting!! I am absolutely OBSESSED with Alessio and Natalia. Their chemistry, banter and sizzling sexual tension was FIRE! I loved this story so much!

Anyone who knows me knows that mafia stories are my jam but broody, dangerous alpha heroes? THEY ARE LIFE!!! Zavarelli absolutely nailed the chemistry between Alessio and Natalia. Their connection was palpable and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time!! The secrets alone had my heart beating a mile a minute!

All in all, this was another feather in the cap for this author. A. Zavarelli never fails to deliver a pulse-pounding amazing and captivating story! Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula 💗
Profile Image for A. Zavarelli.
Author 56 books6,997 followers
November 9, 2021

"The smartly crafted story is a powder keg of ever-increasing tension, nerve stretching drama, fan yourself heat, jaw on the floor twists and a rich, sharp-edged darkness"- Goodreads Reviewer

Check it out here: https://geni.us/KingdomFall

I was a nanny in need of a job.
He was darkness personified.
I had little to call my own.
He was filthy rich, powerful, and dangerous.
The assignment was simple, and my goal was too.
Take care of his son. Keep my head down. When he least expects it, destroy him.
It should have been easy. I thought it would be until I looked into his stark blue eyes.
Kissing the enemy is a bad idea, but so is falling in love with him.
He doesn’t know my crumbling foundation is built on lies.
When he discovers the truth, I’ll find out if he’s as brutal as I believe.
I came here to steal his life.
I didn’t count on him stealing my heart.

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GOODREADS: https://bit.ly/KingdomFall

BOOKBUB: https://bit.ly/3mRz9rw

Profile Image for Flo₂₂.
1,307 reviews102 followers
November 14, 2021
DNF 70% mark *sigh*

Other than the fact that i HATED the twist which somewhat i saw it coming i still wished and thought that when it will come out the relation between this couple would be different BUT nope, none of that
The chemistry it's not there!!! it started good but then none,gone, puff.
I hated that them being intimate didn't do a thing for me or even for them, didn't bring them closer.
There is no passion between them! the only saving grace is how sweet his relation with Nino is.

Look i knew from the spoilers that she was raped in the past, but i if i EVER knew what i figured out later on i wouldn't NEVER read this book but i hoped that the author somewhat made me like it, but nope, i just freaking needed more connection with this couple!!!

I dndf at that 70% because he felt forced to marry her to save her, and at that point i was like...i don't need this shit, i needed them around that point to already have and feel something for each others. Yeah he is in denial but still i wanted and wished freaking more!

And this h is so freaking annoying , and plain
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,789 reviews370 followers
May 22, 2023
We can’t destroy what we love…

…without killing ourselves in the process.

Enjoyed this crime underground nanny and the boss romance. There’s way more to the plot than that, but you’ll have to read to figure out the more.

I enjoyed this one. The tension was great and I loved the subplot as well. It was entertaining and while I had suspicions, I didn’t fully guess what was going on.

All in all a good read of you like nanny romance with mafia-ish vibes.
Profile Image for Najat.
339 reviews17 followers
September 8, 2022
Mamma mia, AMO troppo la Zavarelli😍😍 questa storia è spettacolare!!!
Forse non adatta a tutti i palati, ma per chi ama il genere è imperdibile .
Datemi almeno un libro suo a settimana, ne ho BISOGNOOO🖤
Profile Image for Sonia.
1,060 reviews1,405 followers
November 17, 2021
4.5 stars for this virgin H, mute h set in a mafia world book

It is RARE to find an H that’s a v set in a criminal world- I mean, usually they’re manhoars, but this one was special… no woman was going to convince him to do the deed… until he meets a beautiful, determined woman that changes his mind- and she does it without speaking a word.

Alessio has the job of getting Information out of people, whether it’s by torture, threats, blackmail, blood shed, or whatever means, he gets what he wants- that’s why they call him the “Debt Collector.” He knows how to do his job and he does it well, and he never hesitates when he does it. He’s part of The Society and is considered valuable because he’s a descendant from one of the founding families- and he needs help; his son’s caretaker passed away and he needs to hire someone new. That’s when he meets Natalia.

Natalia’s 27, mute, but VERY qualified. She knows her stuff and is able to do anything needed for Alessio’s son, Nino. When he’s interviewing her, he’s almost dismissive, but then she somehow captivates him and ends up hiring her. She’s fluent in ASL since she doesn’t speak- he’s also noticed scars- the most noticeable one is the one on her throat.

She and Nino hit it off, and Alessio wants to share the same connection with his son. Not only that, but there’s this underlying chemistry between Alessio and Natalia that’s palpable. But Alessio won’t make the same mistake his father did- his father’s mistakes (having a mistress) cost him his family’s life, which is why Alessio’s alone, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t seek some pleasure. He won’t indulge in smex since that’s what caused him to lose his whole family (and he has the emotional and physical scars to prove it).

Yet, the tension between Alessio and Natalia keeps increasing- and then it just explodes one day- and it’s passionate and raw🔥. Natalia’s one experience was a horrible, forceful one, so even though she’s no longer a v (she didn’t get a choice in losing her v), THIS is her choice, and she enjoys every second of it every time. They both have missed out on so many intimacies that it’s no-holds barred when they succumb to their connection 🥵🔥💦. Alessio learns how to please her quickly 👏🏻😅- although Natalia can’t use her words, when it comes to their physical connection, words aren’t needed😉😅.

There are lots of secrets and TWISTS I didn’t see coming. Natalia has an ulterior motive for working with Alessio, and when it was revealed, I was 🤯!!!! Plus, she’s a bad @$$ herself 💅.

Alessio also finds out some troubling things and lies that he’s been told, and the unveiling’s heartbreaking for him.

This book was ALMOST perfect… until Alessio goes to the cathouse😑- he’s already thinking about Natalia in an unprofessional way, but he still goes there to get his monthly happy-ending massage (the only way women have ever touched him) 😐. He gets ready (which means he’s clothes-less and laying down, face up) and the OW starts, but then he tells her to stop. Ugh. ALMOST perfect.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book! Alessio is so swooooony at the end- when he f’s up, he faces the consequences and does whatever he needs to do to make it right, and I loved that Natalia doesn’t just stand by and let things happen. She’s active and has been training for years for a reason- just because she let things happen in the past doesn’t mean she’ll let them happen again 👏🏻.

And the way Alessio defends unwilling victims at the end of the book was 😈👏🏻. Comeuppance 😈👏🏻

The epilogue was so cute! I loved it 🥰.

⚠️safety squad⚠️
-no cheating/omd/sharing
-H gets turned on by h, visits Cathouse, gets nekkid for his massage, but when OW touches his d, he stops her and OW leaves- this is all before H and h are together or have done anything. Also, the maid wants the H, so she treats the h horribly, but he doesn’t want her
Profile Image for Jos.
1,729 reviews135 followers
January 2, 2022
Loved loved loved this book.

First off, I am a fan of this author so I initially had high hopes and wow...I was not let down! The writing was phenomenal...the slow burn was perfect, the characters....oh how I FLOVED both Alessio and Natalia, ahhhh be still my beating heart:)

I was taken in by the start and was on my seat until the end. I honestly didn't see the twist at all, which for me I loved because a lot of times you can guess it quite quickly so that in itself was a great surprise!

Another fabulous read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 865 reviews

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