Pierre Montale: I Feel How Much Montale Is Loved Here

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The head of the Montale and Mancera brands spent three busy days in Moscow last week. He was starring in the opening of the Montale corner in the trendy Russian department store TSUM, had a photo and autograph session in Moscow's hipster Mecca "Tsvetnoy Central Market", and opened the biggest Montale shop in Russia in one of the capital's shopping malls. Considering his busy agenda and the number of people who wanted to see Pierre Montale in person and to talk to him, the interview time was strictly limited and I tried to ask my questions and to take a couple of photos in the given time.

So, I'm happy to introduce — Pierre Montale!

[The very man whom Juliette talked to last year (but that time he did not let us publish a photo), and the one we saw this year at the Esxence event in Milan]

EVGENIYA: A year ago we published your first ever interview. It was my colleague Juliette who talked to you then. Today I would like to continue the conversation.

PIERRE: Sure! That was a great interview by the way!

[In the interview "M is for Montale", read about Pierre Montale's carrier in perfumery, about the regulation of a story with fake Montal fragrances and monsieur Montale's desire to be more productive.]

EVGENIYA: To become a perfumer did you study somewhere or was somebody your teacher?

PIERRE: Yes, I did. It was at a factory in Grasse. This factory was Comptoire Sud Pacifique's supplier. Unfortunately I don't remember its name now, it doesn't exist anymore.

I spent a year there, working on perfume creation. It was a very important experience. Actually, at that time I was less interested in fragrances. They all seemed quite similar to me. Everything changed when I got to Saudi Arabia and tried oud, meeting an absolutely different fragrant universe. Oud seemed too mighty to me at first, but I was interested in the fact that people there were so enchanted with it. I started to study this material, to observe the audience and finally I came to adapt it to the European market. We were the first in it.

EVGENIYA: Who are your oud suppliers?

PIERRE: They are from Indonesia and Malaysia.

EVGENIYA: So, you mean that in all Montale and Mancera fragrances there is natural oud?

PIERRE: Yes, natural.

EVGENIYA: That is strange, since actually I compared different natural oud oils with synthetic materials and the oud accords in your fragrances that I've tried smell rather like this synthetic raw material.

PIERRE: Yeah, sometimes we use synthetics. It depends on the fragrance. In Aoud Night, for example, there is natural agarwood. Actually, at the beginning I was afraid that oud would be too much for Europeans as even a minor dose of oud smells very strong in a composition. It has a very characteristic animalic smell. And now that people have grown accustomed to oud, we launch a lot of fragrances (Oudmazing, Aoud Night and others) with natural oud.

EVGENIYA: So you have made a sort of transition from synthetics to natural material?

PIERRE: In the fragrance Black Oud, which will appear soon, there will be a lot of natural oud. And step by step we try to use more of it.

EVGENIYA: You have been working with oud for more than ten years already. Aren't you tired of it yet? It must be hard to be creative while focusing for so many years on the same field. [By the way, even some fans of the brand say that their fragrances started to copy one another].

PIERRE: The world's number one isn't oud, it's Roses Musc. Then — Black Aoud. After those, there are oud- and vanilla-based perfumes. But we have started to launch more fragrances with other components, especially since we are very interested in the Russian market where oud isn't very popular. Which is why now we work more with floral and gourmand accords. The Russian market accepts gourmands very well. But I still love oud anyway. In Saudi Arabia we are in the top-5 or top-6 with our oud fragrances...and Arabs have a very specific sense of smell. They easily discover if there is bad agar in a fragrance. Though even in their market, Roses Musc is a leader. They combine it with oud fragrances.

EVGENIYA: Continuing the subject of the Russian market... For so many years you preferred not to go in public. Why have you decided to do it now and here (in Moscow)?

PIERRE: I'm a very sensitive person. I feel how much I'm appreciated in Russia. When I started working with Luxury World Production [Montale's distribution company in Russia], the head of the company told me that people here loved my fragrances even when they were quite expensive (which wasn't my fault but the previous distributor's) and they'd be pleased to meet me. We decided to change our distributor in Russia as Luxury World Production was ready to adapt our prices to the local market in order to make our fragrances more affordable for the local clients. I was very pleased and now I'm here — to help reach our goals. By the way, we are opening a very beautiful corner in TSUM. Very beautiful! So, maybe I will even move here [laughs].

Instead of a conclusion: Each time when you re-read an interview you just had with some one, you think that you could have asked different questions, that you should have gone deeper...but this time I feel that I discovered exactly what I needed to know about the hero of out today's conversation. You get to know things not only from words that were said — sometimes it's more telling how they are said or even what wasn't said at all.

Of course, there will always be a lot of controversy around monsieur Montale's personality. It's a business (a successful one) and that comes with the territory. We all can have our own ideas about this man, his words and what he does. But I think we must remember one important thing — he is the head of a brand that produces fragrances that make a lot of people happier. And this is one of the highest points a business can reach, I believe.

Photo: Monsieur Montale portraits — Evgeniya Chudakova; Oudmazing poster — Montale.


Eugeniya Chudakova

Eugeniya Chudakova Former Contributor

Evgeniya studied French and English philology at the Linguistic University of Pyatigorsk.

News Comments

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wild gardener

wild gardener 01/28/21 05:21

Personally, I'd rather have a clever ood composition and trees in the forest, than some purist oud thing and a wasteland. More transparency would be a good thing too.

atarilynx 01/02/19 14:31

interesting article...thanks!

BraveRomance 01/01/19 05:07

You know Givaudan has a school for perfuming. They could teach you everything there is to know.
French Lover

corvin 01/01/19 04:14

Real oud? Non of Montale/Mancera fragrances have ever seen real oud. Not even from a distance. Check Fragrance Du Bois offerings and then you can compare real deal with cheap synthetic mess.
The History of Indonesian Oud

kuncoro 01/01/19 02:26

I love how Evgeniya smartly tells us the information and her impression about this man / this brand with implicit & contextual words in her conclusion. Bravo, Evgeniya Chudakova. You make everyone happy too — that's the most important, hahaha.
Ferme tes Yeux

miracleborgtech 05/01/17 08:07

Fascinating article and fascinating comments. Had no idea that Montale was so controversial. Great photos - I googled him and it seems he's lost weight and is more stylish. Love many of his perfumes!

nikhilsfrags 05/01/17 05:34

I don't buy this story. Like a dedicated Oud or perfume lover and also a scientific person I can tell you quite assuredly a bottle of Montale costs lesser or equal to a drop of actual Oud. And the smell is totally different. Oud is all a marketing game.
Le Jasmin

canny1234 05/01/17 04:40

The interview does read a bit like a work of fiction.Especially the picture of the owner looking expensively enigmatic and mysteriously obfuscating.Whatever, its entertaining and I don't really mind whether this is the real thing.But what I do like is some of the perfumes, not the ouds but Roses Musk is one of my favourites.I found it telling that this is the best seller of all.Also Crystal Flowers and Jasmin full are beautiful perfumes, easy to wear and unique.The Montale treasure boxes are a brilliant concept as a consumer.So bravo Montale as a business.

samuelgustav 04/30/17 16:53

Even when I was very very new to oud, as soon I smelled montale fragrances I knew that was synthetic oud, nothing wrong with that, actually most oud fragrances in the market are synthetic oud, and that's ok, I find some compositions with synthetic oud to feel so natural and beautiful, not in the case of montale or mancera, most are very synthetic, yet they have lovely compositions. Now claiming things that are not true... and well catch by Evgeniya, that man is shady, don't remembering the factory he worked lol... claiming all montale have natural oud then after got lying justifying some have synthetics... in the end it doesn't matter who he is, doesn't matter if Pierre Montale even exist, as long people enjoy the fragrances, but all this lying and secretive just seems shady, and this interview just prove that.

But the only important question is, to we enjoy the fragrances? yes, so who cares :)
Moonlight in Chiangmai

Filomena1941 04/30/17 15:09

From the thousands of perfumes I have owned one time or another, I have never owned a Montale. Don't ask me why, because I'm not sure, I just never had a "feeling" from them, although I'm sure I have received samples of some of their fragrances through the years. Plus, the bottles reminded me of bug spray bottles.

ScentedGent1 04/30/17 14:27

EVGENIYA: So, you mean that in all Montale and Mancera fragrances there is natural oud?

PIERRE: Yes, natural.

EVGENIYA: That is strange, since actually I compared different natural oud oils with synthetic materials and the oud accords in your fragrances that I've tried smell rather like this synthetic raw material.

PIERRE: Yeah, sometimes we use synthetics.

Close To Midnight

Muznabutt 04/30/17 09:28

Thank you for sharing, enjoyed reading the interview and the comments!

tower_time 04/30/17 05:53

That man is not Pierre Montale, for the sole reason that NO Pierre Montale exists. It is just a fictional name of a brand. Montale is Atmeh and Durrani and their UAE distribution facilities, which started exploiting the Western market before others. No mysterious handsome French men are or have even been involved at any point. No noses are involved at all, actually. Just standard lab-processed compositions aligned with most mainstream Eastern fragrances. Naif readers are excused for believing this (perfume aficionados aren't - if you're in the business and claim to be a fragrance connoisseur and you believe this interview, then you're a complete moron). Fragrantica instead perfectly knows this as anyone familiar with or working in the industry, and yet they insist in fooling and disrespecting their readers providing them this miserable promotional rubbish. Exploiting your readers's naivety is simply despicable, dishonest and devious. SHAME on you.

zakkarah 04/26/17 15:25

Hehe....I dont believe in Father Christmas,The Easter Bunny, God or any other fictitious character.....:-)

Love the jacket though!!

Matz The Non Believer

Bostonj 04/26/17 14:19

I first discovered Montale fragrance, oddly enough, on a corner of the Pascal Morabito website long before the fragrances became famous.
But whatever the story is it is wonderful to see this ultra stylish and sensitive, genius-looking man behind the perfumes.
Oud Cuir d'Arabie is undeniabe; I find others such as Aromatic Limes extremely sophisticated and he will always be one of the first and best as far as I'm concerned.

Planet_X 04/26/17 03:12

Montale and Mancera to me are all spray variations on long known theme of Arabic attar blends - mukhallats and oudy compositions. It is sometimes handier to have it in a spray, if you are close mind-wise to an Arabic olfactory segment, which I personally Am by times and moods. As for "Pierre Montale" - will join milkyway here, plenty of theories are flying in the air and across the Internet, there are better things to do than to gossip, but this particular interview with non-existent, ghost-substitute person surprised me.
Vetiver Moloko

milkyway 04/26/17 01:49

I'm with CDGfan on this one. I think the man is very shady. Both Montale and Mancera have some very good fragrances on offer, but these amount to 1-2% of the total selection. The rest are just flankers of the good stuff with different names in different bottles.

I have some conspiracy theories about Montale I will not voice here, but I will be curious to follow this brand and see what happens to it in the future :-)

SuzanneS 04/25/17 23:30

That custom reptile leather jacket is amazing. Seems to me he is the Mancera man of mystery...

CDGfan 04/25/17 22:30

LOL real oud in a Montale/Mancera fragrance is like saying Big Foot exists. No doubt there are some great Montale/Mancera fragrances especially back at the Vendome location but lets be real, the company is really shady.
His real name is Pierre Durrani lol

Marilimorajaspani 04/25/17 12:38

Legend, thank you for the beautiful and unusual perfumes.
Greyland 10/10
Black and Dark oud both 10
Black Aoud

TMJG 04/25/17 11:01

Such an enigma, yet so nice to put a face behind the brand. Stunning fragrances which I own and love

shreif_salah 04/25/17 10:45

At last the mysterious man appeared .
Some people was claimed that Pierre Montale is a superstitious and not real person .
Fève Délicieuse

Calabash 04/25/17 09:41

Thank you for this interview. I'm a huge fan of Sweet Vanilla and Wave Musk.

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