Kuzey Güney-Север - Юг ﻉ Турски сериал с участието на Къванч Татлъту - 42

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# 690
# 691
# 692
  • Мнения: 186
Много благодаря за резервния канал   bouquet  bouquet  bouquet
Дано няма проблеми  Praynig

# 693
  • Мнения: 3 371
Ти да видиш - Бану и Гюней стоп.иха отношенията ! Инте,есно какво .и му каза Бану ? На мен пък за нея ми е мъчно !

С,ещата в офиса беше ку.това !  Peace

# 694
  • Тук някъде.....
  • Мнения: 77
Интересно какво каза Кузей на Джемре - да остане и още нещо, но тя побърза да си тръгне  newsm78
Зейнеп - лицемерна, злобна и нахакана - ще се хареса на почитателките й, а Дафне ще я превъзнася пет теми напред  Joy

# 695
  • Мнения: 2 282
Айде да си дойде Зейнепка, нещо свежо да гледаме. стига с тия погледи.

# 696
  • Мнения: 3 547
а така - Кузей носи закуската на Симай в леглото  hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha

# 697
  • Мнения: 3 371
а така - Кузей носи закуската на Симай в леглото  hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha

Това дори и в най- смелите си мечти не го е предполагала ! Joy Joy Joy
Наш левент или е много добър или много глупав, или и двете !  ooooh!

Джемре как не спря да се навира, където не и е мястото, ей ! Че и намила отгоре на това ! На Кузей му се е подпалила чергата, ама тя да каже  нещо !
 Айде, почна и да слухти по вратите - злоба ей !  Mr. Green

# 698
  • Mystic Falls/Eindhoven/SoFiA
  • Мнения: 10
Мама съвсем се побърка  newsm09

# 699
  • Mystic Falls/Eindhoven/SoFiA
  • Мнения: 10

# 700
  • Мнения: 2 282
Ти да видиш - Бану и Гюней стоп.иха отношенията ! Инте,есно какво .и му каза Бану ? На мен пък за нея ми е мъчно !

С,ещата в офиса беше ку.това !  Peace

Уффф! Не можах да я гледам!

# 701
  • Мнения: 3 371
Изтървах появата на новата "ключова" героиня !

# 702
  • Мнения: 123
Simay is home Everyone is Handan says she will never aloow Simay in her house. Kuzey says it has to be. Guney wants to know how she got out and what is he trying to do? Is he crazy? Are you a maniac. I am says Kuzey. Kuzey says they attacked her at the courtroom. Guney says he should take her somewhere else. handan is having a Banu. Guney says she's a killer. why is he protecting her. Cemre shows up and over hears Kuzey saying that Simay is still his wife and he wants her to stay with him. She will stay there. End of story. Seref says that it's safer there. No one agrees. They will have 24 hour police protection. Guney says Kuzey is putting everyone in danger. Guney asks Sami is he gave permission for it. Handan wants to go with Guney. Banu tells Guney that Kuzey has really lost his mind. Sami tells Handan it's enough! She wishes Ferhat would kill HER!
 Cemre looks Horrible as usual. Just horrible
Simay thanks Kuzey. As he leaves the room he sees Cemre. Starts stuttering. She's brought Simay's bag. She says she will leave. He tells her not to go alone. She will, he should tend to Simay. Cemre leaves. He walks her to the door. Aptal just lets her leave...

Banu tells Guney he told him not to get involved. What will happen with them? They are trying to work things out and still all this mess around them. They argue about all the problems and Guney almost has an accident. He apologizes for almost killing them.
Cemre arrives home. Gulten is angry that she is late and didn't call. She apologizes and explains what happened. they thought Simay was dead. After all this why is she still after Kuzey. She has no choice but to wait it out. She can do what she wants. Nothing she says will make any difference. Demet asks what happened. Was there a scene? Cemre says of course and Now that Simay is at the house things will be different. Seref leaves his numbers. They should contact him in case of emergencies. They can relax now, everything will be fine. Kuzey walks Seref to the door. He gives Seref some advice about getting ferhat. They know Ferhat is in Japan. Seref once again assures him they will find him. they ahve an agreement. Simay stays with him, he stays out of the police's way. He warns him once more to keep his nose clean. Sami gives Handan and Guney the right. How can 2 cops protect Simay when she was surrounded by them and they still shot her? Kuzey assures Sami that he knows whet he's doing
Banu trains for the Olympic swimming. Guney finds her crying. She tells Guney he is making her sad, If he wants to leave he should. He will always be repaying his debt to Kuzey. Ooh lala! Wet Guney..Yum Yum... Banu tells him If he wants he should leave. He says he isn't going anywhere.They Kiss Damn! Banu! That should have been me,
Kuzey is at home. Thinking about Cemre touching him when they brought Simay home. She says she knows him best and that she knows he will not give up on Ferhat but she also will not let him kill himself. Morning comes and he's still there. He didn't sleep says Sami. What is he planning to do about Simay. Will he not sleep the entire time she spends there? Handan complains about how comfortably simay is skeeping. Sami leaves for work. He tells Kuzey that Bekir's guy stopped by to see if they needed anything. Kuzey is aware of it.
At the Sinaner zoo. Banu and Guney look GUILTY! Banu doesn't want him to leave for work but he has a meeting he must attain. He promises Banu he will handle Burak. Ebru approves of her daughter's nocturnal activities Are they now no longer thinking about separating. Canu tells Ebru she has no intentions of losing Guney. (Especially after last night Jokes! ) Guney calls Kuzey but he refuses the call. Guney leaves for work,
Husuk is up and about. They have breakfast. Zeynep tells Husuk she has a job interview. It's a big company and she will explains everything after the interviw. Gulten complains to Demet about how Cemre can't stop talking about kuzey. Demet says maybe one day. Gulten says it will never happen. kuzey doesn't see Cemre. Demet tells Gulten that Kuzey loves Cemre. Things can change. They can have a future. Demet has to leave. She's late.
Cemre's late for work. She wants to apologize to Can and sees Zeynep with Can. She asks Z what she's doing there. She's there for the interview. Cemre says she can't believe it. Zeynep already has the job. Cemre songratulates her. Can says they will see each other often, Lovely. Cemre is surprised, she had no idea of course. Zeynep will be working for Makara. She will start right away. Cemre asks Can if she needs anything form her he says no. Zeynep leaves. Cemre aks why she didn't tell her. Cemre asks Zeynep if she heard about Simay? She does. Zeynep says Kuzey is stupid and Cemre says she's the only way to get to Ferhat.

# 703
  • Мнения: 123
Kuzey brings Simay breakfast. Handa is not happy. What should he do, let her starve? She wants to know when she's leaving. Simay needs to go. No one wants her there. Kuzey tells Simay that he has to go and will be back in the evening. Simay wants to know how long he will be keeping her there? What will happen to her when Ferhat shows. She says she did nothing and Kuzey tells her he doesn't believe her. Handan doesn't want to be alone with Simay. She fears for her life. Kuzey leaves.

The cops give Seref an update that Kuzey is on the move. Handan locks Simay in her room. Kuzey calls Guney who's just finished his meeting. Guney says they must talk. Simay must leave the house or he will take her himself. He threatens him about Demet and her families money if he doesn't. He will have the accounts frozen. Simay is not going anywhere. He threatens him about closing the accounts. Guney can do nothing.
Seref goes over the case. He has a secret. He will find out and he will get Ferhat. New girl on the beach. She is met by a girl. They will go to London. She will not go to Japan. She will go to Istanbul. She needs one day in Istanbul to go to find her mother's grave ( Not to seduce Kuzey..you guys think the worst of people. Yazik! ) Anyway Her name is Deniz and she IS Ferhat's daughter.
Handan complains to Gulten about the hell that is her house and Simay. Gulten snaps. She says "enough" She pretends she has a client and hangs up. Gulten tells herself that She will not allow Cemre to have a bad life. She will not allow Cemre to be Handan and live in that house. She goes looking for treasure at the Marina.

Simay needs to go number 1 and asks Handan to open the door.
Cemre is at work. She is looking for Zeynep. Zeynep is with Banu. Burak, the new boss shows up.
 Banu wishes Zeynep well in the new job. Zeynep and Burak cross paths as she leaves the building. She gets his attention. Burak and Banu join a meeting. They introduce Burak. They are waiting for Guney in order to start the meeting. Handan calls Guney and asks Guney to rescue her. She refuses to let Simay out to use the bathroom. Guney asks why the door is locked. Simay is dying to use the toilet Guney needs to hang up and will call her back. Handan cries that no one gives a rat's *ss about her. Simay goes to Handan and apologizes but it's just a trick She tricks to take the key. Handan calls her a murderer and Simay denies it.

Guney arrives at work. He joins the meeting. They discuss how Burak needs 50 million dollars to be a partner. Guney tells Burak he hopes that he now understands this is not child's play.
Cemre calls Gulten. Her phone is off and she's worried. She tells the girl to have Gulten call her when she returns.

# 704
  • Мнения: 186
Зейнеп злобна и нахакана.
Джемре смачкана.
Симай оцеляваща. Супер игра на Симайчето.
Хандан луднала.
Бану разгонена.
Кузей разсипан.
Сами съсипан.
Гюней не го знам.

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