You know you're Eastern European when...

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  • Мнения: 138
1.You had to share a room until you were 21.

2.Everything you eat is savored in garlic and onions.

3.You are standing next to the two largest suitcases at the airport.

4.You arrive one or two hours late to a party - and think its normal.

5.All your children have nick names, which sound nowhere close to their real names.

6.You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house.

7.Your mom tells you you're too skinny even though your 30 pounds overweight.

8.Your house is full of medicine from your old country and it's probably all illegal here.

9.You and your friends have been kicked out of a restaurant or recreational park for being too loud or rowdy.

10.You dont know how to use a dishwasher b/c u are the dishwasher.

11.You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table.

12.You use grocery bags to hold garbage.

13.Your dad has butchered a pig or lamb.

14.You don't use measuring cups when cooking.

15.If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask if you've eaten, even if it's midnight.

16.Your parents don't realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at

the top of their lungs when making foreign calls.

17. It's "normal" if your wedding has 600 people.

18.Your 15 year old sister can out-drink any American guy.

19.You drive a nicer car than your parents.

20.Your dad carries around enough money to buy a car.

21.You have all brand new appliances in your kitchen but your mom cooks in the basement with the stove from your old house.

22.Your parents have gone on vacation ONCE and it was to your home country.

23.You base your whole life on the fortune in your coffee cup

24.Your parents still prefer to buy cassettes instead of CDs.

25.You're actually nodding and laughing at most of these things

26.You 're a proud Eastern European and pass this on to your European friends.

27. your non-english speaking grandmother gives a shocked looked when you say 'pizza'

28. you wear french connection and other designer clothing when going to work out

29. you carry liquor back here from your country in plastic sprite bottles under tons of clothing in the suitcase

30. You have 17 consonants and 2 vowels in your last name

# 1
  • Мнения: 7 914
 newsm62 newsm62 newsm62

Има нещо вярно и нещо не толкова вярно!

# 2
  • Мнения: 636
 Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

Има доста добри попадения, напр. т. 4, 6, дори 9  Twisted Evil 14, 18 също... какво да правим, такива сме си  Embarassed

Но някои са направо обидни  #Cussing out

# 3
  • След завоя в дясно
  • Мнения: 1 352
Хи хи някой са доста добри
Но като цяло можем да ги отнесем и към останалата част на света Thinking
Като цяло ме изкефиха Mr. Green

# 4
  • Мнения: 768
6.You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house. Дааа много вярно, ама мислех че е бг черта не Eastern European....... Laughing

# 5
  • Мнения: 1 581
29. you carry liquor back here from your country in plastic sprite bottles under tons of clothing in the suitcase

не е ликьор, не е ликьор  Joy

# 6
  • Мнения: 1 854
 Mr. Green, Кой ли го е писал това?Бьлгарин или чуждецен (го е констатирал) newsm78

# 7
  • Мнения: 4 390
С някои от изброените доста се смях, но други откровено ме обидиха. Naughty

29. you carry liquor back here from your country in plastic sprite bottles under tons of clothing in the suitcase
не е ликьор, не е ликьор Joy

Съгласна съм. Трябвало е авторът да използва alcohol в случая, че тоз liquor много меко звучене има Grinning Wink

# 8
  • Мнения: 239
Аз явно днес съм в обидчиво настроение, защото по-скоро се обидих, отколкото разсмях. От писанието лъха абсолютна нетолерантност към всичко различно, независимо от причината за различието.
Не знам защо съм убедена, че е писало от американец_ newsm78

# 9
  • Мнения: 934
Liquor означава 'твърд алкохол', така да се каже. В българския случай - домашна ракия.
Според мен е писано от източноевропеец - емигрант в САЩ.
Ама това е майтап, бе, хора! Защо се обиждате?

# 10
  • Мнения: 2 959
Повдигна ми настроението.  Hug

# 11
  • Мнения: 1 215
16.Your parents don't realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at the top of their lungs when making foreign calls.
 Все едно майка ми и баба ми са описали Mr. Green Mr. Green

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