Supernatural: Paint it Black

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# 690
  • гр. София
  • Мнения: 2 531
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 Joy Joy Joy

И това аз поне не го знам:

# 691
  • # супернатурална #
  • Мнения: 1 389
Импалко, е бива ли в такива прилични сънища да ме сънуваш  Crossing Arms Явно моята си автоцензура се е разпростряла и в твоите сънища  Laughing
Още снимки

На снимките от осми сезон се чудех защо Сам е оооще по-прекрасен, а то било от наболата брада  Heart Eyes

# 692
  • Мнения: 6 391
Тази нощ ще се постарая сънищата ми да са нецензурни Joy .

Oще мнооого туитове Crazy . Не съм ги чела, респ. преглеждала за спойлери. Искам клипчета пък, засега има само някакви трохи от по минута-две Crossing Arms .

Excited to be in Texas.
Dean forester is the real Dean, per Jared. And he let loose a "Rory!"
Jensen knows the guy who is the new Eric Brady and cashed him to say good Luck.
Jensen and his oral fixation. Chewing gum as usual.
They know each other well, know each others family.
They want to start watching Magic City - there's someone they recognize
Sibling rivalry? Jensen won't answer because his bro and sis are here
"What was the question? I blacked out while he was talking." Jensen
The only reason Jensen knows disney is because his sis is 7 yrs younger. "Sorry for throwing you under the bus, mackenzie!"
Jared likes to talk to himself in guys private time...
Jensen asked Jared if he'd go with a man's haircut
Jensen shaved his head at the start of the writers strike. Jared wanted you, but it wouldn't grow back in time
What would happen if they woke up in Sam and Dean 's world? They'd scream & clutch each other. Take the car and go to a beach...
They know how to handle it bc they've been fake fighting ghosts for years
Jensen would have Dean get dogs like rottweilers
Jared fave monsters hookman and bloody mary. Jensen: doc benton from time is on my side
Jensen on Saints vs Cowboys ~ he's bad luck for the Saints! He has a dilemma bc D's from Louisiana, but he roots for cowboys
Priestly didn't change for Tish; he got rid of his armor
Comapring Dean to Rapunzel in Tangled? Jensen's ok because it's the lead
Jensen's mom wasn't raised in Texas. Alan says he had to lose his accent in order to work
Jared describes himself as analytical.
They were messing with Misha so badly, he made them leave the building completely
"My ? Is for Jared bc Jensen doesn't have a baby." JA: "That you know of! I'm kidding. My mom's over there going WHAT?!"
Jensen is recording the Cowboys game
Jared is currently re-watching Arrested Development. Jensen's talking about how they re-cast Eric Brady.
"I don't think we hold anything back from each other. We know each other so well." - Jared about Jensen
Jensen's talking about how they draw on the history of the characters to inform their acting. Heart
"for Jensen to win, I win. if I win, he wins." - Jared talking about the "easiness" of their relationship
from the audience: "We love your hair!" Jared: "Thank you. My hair loves YOU."
Jensen likes the "roadmap" of directing within the SPN style.
in a football AU, Sam would want to be a quarterback and Dean would want to be a linebacker or just be able to hit people.
Jared wants to start watching Dexter and Breaking Bad. Jensen just started Boardwalk Empire.
Guys often give each other acting notes.
Fave things about working together... Jared: Our lives are so similar. It's almost too easy.
Jensen: We compete against other people, but not each other. We're better together.
Jared: As soon as SPN ends, he'll cut his hair. Fans: NOOOOOO.
What football positions would they okay? Sam: Punter. Or quarterback Dean: Snapper. Or free safety.
Jensen played lacrosse in high school. Liked to light people up on field.
How does Jensen stay out of the tabloids? Jensen: I don't take my shirt off in Brazil. Jared: I needed to frolic!!
Jared just namechecked Shiner Bock, always appropriate.
Jared: I love to read and I love to learn everything about things. Jensen: Dean has a strong work ethic same as Jensen.
Jensen to Jared: Sing it Daddy!
A fan yelled out the Dallas Cowboys score and Jared yelled, "I'm recording it!!"
Jared's least favorite episode is the one with the trial: Defending your life. fave is I know what you did last night.
Jensen hates the gym shirts but did it for comedy and he liked The End and all Dean heavy episodes.
Jensen had to rerecord the season opener of "Dad wants us to take over the family business" line cause he sounded so young
Jared says he watched Hookman on Tv and said Jen looked half his age. Jen: "I was half my age!"
A fan wants to show a tattoo, audience groans, Jen: I love how you guys are nuhuh. Don't approach them or we will attack."
How do you survive TX summers? J2: AIR CONDITIONING!
Fan asks about inspiration of sibling rivalry and Jared starts to talk over Jensen. Jensen folds his arms and pouts
What's the difficult part of playing Sam and Dean? Jared points to Jen, Jen says having to stare at Jared's face.
Jen says its difficult to keep it fresh since he's playing the same guy for 156 episodes.
Jared would be Jasmine if her were a Disney princess or Aladdin of a prince
"Can I change my answer? I want to be the beast"-Jared "Congrats. I guess that makes me Beauty."-Jen
Jen would be Gaston and claims he only knows cause his sis is 7 years younger.
Jared then asks why he saw it playing in his trailer last night. "You shut your mouth."-Jen
How big of a bet would you loose to cut your hair? Jared gets angry. Jen says of you have scissors I'll do it right now.
Apparently Jared talks to himself about his hair. Jen says what's weird is his hair talks back.
Jared would cut his hair right now for a Klondike bar. #DallasCon Jen says there's not a lot he wouldn't do.
If Jen would suddenly transported into SPN universe, Jen would walk around dripping salt from his pants.
Jared is a cowboys fan but can be happy for the Saints #DallasCon Jen says Cowboys all the way
A fan asks Jensen about 10 Inch Hero and the end. Jen says its about not judging a book by its cover.
Jared says he posted the comparisons of Tangled. He didn't think it would get passed around and make it all the way to Tumblr
Jared mixes Rapunzel and Rumpilstiltskin up. Jar says he cant see Jen as Rapunzel Jen says "You don't see these flowing locks?!"
Jen asks his dad about his accent. He's standing off to the side. Jen's dad puts on an incredibly thick accent.
Sorry Jen puts on the thick accent not his dad.
Jared gives Austin recs to a fan. Jen says go to a ranch and shoot guns.
Jared kept teasing Misha about the money and it taking long and Misha went to every bank in Vancouver to get all the coins
Jared says Thomas talks himself to sleep. And every time he hears him Thomas looks for an iPhone/iPad
J2 doesn't want to go because they are having a good time
Jared's least favorite was Defending Your Life. Favorite, I know what you did last summer.
Jensen's least favorite was After school special because of gym shorts. Loved doing The End.
Jared and Jensen are pretending to be Dean on Gilmore Girls
Jensen, "There are 2 kinds of people in the world. Those that live in Texas and those that want to move there."
"It's nice to know somebody always has your back." Jensen on his relationship with Jared.
J2 joke that the hardest part of playing their characters is each other.
The fan says she'll do Jensen for a Klondike bar & Jensen throws his mic down again & walks off.
A girl mentions Ten Inch Hero & everyone cheers.
Jensen has family loyalty & work ethic in common with Dean.
Jared describes his Words with Friends bet with Misha as a "friendly bet gone horribly wrong."
Jensen spaced out and Jared sang "sunshine, lollipops and rainbows..."
Re: their meeting at the table read. @jarpad: Texas? You listen to country music? Cowboys? I think this is going to be alright.

Въйййй Mr. Green !

# 693
  • # супернатурална #
  • Мнения: 1 389
Тази нощ ще се постарая сънищата ми да са нецензурни Joy .

Ох, то ако ставаше със сила на волята... Mr. Green

Клип от конвенцията. Отдолу има още два. Хубавци  Heart Eyes

# 694
# 695
  • Мнения: 3 736
 smile3532 Егати гаврата!

# 696
  • Мнения: 630
Прилича ми на Бони Тейлър, но е много по-красив вариант Joy

# 697
  • Мнения: 3 736
Да! Вярно, че има нещо общо.  hahaha

# 698
  • Мнения: 630
И съвсем маааалко на Алекс Петифър Joy

# 699
# 700
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  • Мнения: 1 389
Не знам дали Дженсън Данийл така гледа  Mr. Green

Чакайте да ви се оплача. Сам избяга (костенурката) И Руби беше избягала, но нали е с по-къси краченца и не беше стигнала далеч. От Сам няма и следа, утре ще продължим да търсим. Сигурно е от името, като котката  Laughing

Последна редакция: пн, 24 сеп 2012, 23:14 от Г. Краули

# 701
  • Мнения: 6 391
Дано да намерите животинката. Пожелавам ти го Hug .

От мен кафето:


I'll miss you Texas : (

и няколко стимулиращи Whistling снимки:

PS. Не ми остава време да чета подробно за конвенцията, но ето ви разказ за срещата с Дженсън.

Последна редакция: вт, 25 сеп 2012, 02:15 от Impala

# 702
  • Мнения: 630
Миша щял да става татко за втори път Grinning, но не мога да намеря къде го четох. Сериозен човек, не се мотае Mr. Green

# 703
  • Мнения: 4 607
Миша щял да става татко за втори път Grinning, но не мога да намеря къде го четох. Сериозен човек, не се мотае Mr. Green

По-напред в темата пишеше, че вече бил станал. Heart Eyes

# 704
  • # супернатурална #
  • Мнения: 1 389
Да, за Мишата и аз четох, че му се е родило второ детенце, но не разбрах какво. Няма значение, да са му живи и здрави!

Ох, тука
си го представям с едно 50 килограмово дъмпелче  Heart Eyes  Laughing

Дано да намерите животинката. Пожелавам ти го Hug .

Скрит текст:
Тц, прегази го кола. Излязъл от двора и тръгнал да пресича улицата. Добре, че детето не си беше вкъщи, та и го спестихме.

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