Гордата Аси - Магията, която нас завладя, а актьорите изстреля на върха-Тема 76

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# 705
  • Мнения: 273
Колко ли пъти са правили дубъл, докато се получи това, което виждаме

ООО, тренировки е имало и зад кадър за да се получи това съвършенство Joy Joy Joy

Защо не са снимали и тренировките Joy

# 706
  • Мнения: 273

Ще откажете ли още една целувка?

Никакво отказване  #Crazy По време на филма тези сцени ми се виждаха много кратки, но сега можем да си ги пускаме колкото ни се ще, имаме и публика, значи и други искат да ги гледат Hug

# 707
  • Мнения: 0
Колко ли пъти са правили дубъл, докато се получи това, което виждаме

ООО, тренировки е имало и зад кадър за да се получи това съвършенство Joy Joy Joy

Защо не са снимали и тренировките Joy

Кате, моля те, това все пак се води семейна драма с романтичен привкус!!!!!!!!!!!! Не........" покажи ми колко те желая, толкова ли? ...не толкова............" / нали имате фантазия, довършете сами  Joy Joy Joy/

# 708
  • Мнения: 273
Doki2008, elma, ganeva56, Katerina61, rik1023, селена и 13 Гости преглежда(т) тази тема

За всички вас  Hug   http://www.vbox7.com/play:3d68c301

# 709
  • Мнения: 273
Колко ли пъти са правили дубъл, докато се получи това, което виждаме

ООО, тренировки е имало и зад кадър за да се получи това съвършенство Joy Joy Joy

Защо не са снимали и тренировките Joy

Кате, моля те, това все пак се води семейна драма с романтичен привкус!!!!!!!!!!!! Не........" покажи ми колко те желая, толкова ли? ...не толкова............" / нали имате фантазия, довършете сами  Joy Joy Joy/

Драмата взе да ми се изпарява от главата, но романтиката и любовта не ще Joy

# 710
  • Мнения: 0
Нова статия за Туба като Аси

Tuba Büyüküstün also known as "Asi"
от Tuba Büyüküstün на 23 ноември 2010 г. в 12:18

She became one of the dream girls of many young Arabs after her eye-catching presence through the series ASI which has got a great echo among many people and although the project is a Turkish one, however the Arab audience are adoring it together with other Turkish serials that have been dubbed and presented through Arabic language to make the viewer live it as if it was expressing him. And the exiting thing is that Tuba Büyüküstün, the lead actress of Asi serial has been visiting Egypt last week in her first show up in the “Hollywood of the East” and our meeting with her was a special one. In this reportage, we lived with this heroine to inspect secrets inside her and to discover that she has the spirit of Egyptian people since she did not stop laughing and joking throughout our conversation with her.


Did you expect this great success and acceptance of Asi series in the Arab world?

When I entered this project I did not know that it will be dubbed and presented to the Arab world, but when I learned about the interest of the Arab public in it, it makes me very happy because it achieved me a presence in a new area of the world in which we live.


Turkish projects have achieved great success in the Arab region after dubbing it into Arabic language, Is there a trend currently in Turkey to penetrate the Arab region by dubbing most of the production?

The success of the Turkish series came without planning, but there is indeed interest to be in this area, because the success of any Turkish series in the Arab region is becoming guaranteed by a large proportion.


Through your presence in the series "Asi" your performance was dominated significantly by the romantic side, so is this romantic line dominates you in all your projects from the beginning (since your are present on the artistic field in Turkey)?

The main condition that makes me agree to accept any artistic project is that if I found the character logical I make sure to play it the best way, and if I did not find it like that I reject it, regardless of its nature and classification. And I am now shooting a new series which will be shown next year and which combines comedy and romance and I present through it the role of a "gypsy" girl who will meet a great musician and he decides to change her life completely once she enters the art world (show business) because he discovered in her singing skills, then the relation with this person will develop and I will fall in love with him.


You are presenting a gypsy character despite your “personal” features which tend to romance, do you think you will be convincing in presenting this character?

As usual, when I present any role I make sure I review it very well so as to come out in an acceptable way. For this role, I got courses and special training in dialect, performance and even dance and I changed the colour of my hair; this is the enjoyment of acting which is the ability to overcome barriers and enable the actor to present several varieties.


Your artistic presence in Turkey comes through TV. Don’t you have opportunities to be in cinema projects?

The Film production in Turkey is not big compared to drama production, but I make sure I choose distinguish and meaningful projects from what is offered to me on the drama (tv productions) and sometimes I shoot cinefilms, so I acted in the movie “Yüreğine Sor” at least, it will be shown at the Cairo Film Festival.


This is your first visit to Cairo, what are your impressions about it?

She smiles and then says: I felt that Cairo looks like Istanbul a lot with reference to the buildings and the streets, and I make sure I visit the Egyptian Museum, and I liked Cairo.


Do you know the Egyptian art , and have you followed any artistic projects?

My studies at the university were in the field of decor engineering and I studied about Egypt's ancient and modern civilization, and I read about the Egyptian cinema, I do not remember the names of artists except Omar Al Sharif and I think he is a distinguish actor because he was able to achieve many successes in the international art. I hope that I would achieve the same Omar Sharif’success because I like acting very much.


Are there any actresses in the international cinema do you want to become in their place?

Cate Blanchett, despite the fact that her beauty is not a fiction, but she has the capacity to shift from one movie to another in an unusual way. And I always feel that she has an awesome ability to perform her roles with flexibility.


You have presented commercials in the Arab region, but this step came after Muhammad (Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ) gave more than one ad, does this step come because you are walking on the same line as Muhammad?

 - I do not walk in the footsteps of Muhammad, and I did not think at all in this way, but I accepted the commercial because I liked the product I am advertising.


Your features look like Egyptians, Is it possible you learn Arabic and present an Egyptian project?

(She laughs for a while) I do not have any Egyptian roots, but I wouldn't have any problem to act in an Egyptian film.


 Are you in a relationship at this time?

 I'm not married nor engaged,  there is no person in my life.


What is the nature of your relation with Muhammad (Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ), particularly that he enjoys great popularity and is considered one of the most famous Turkish actors in Egypt and the Arab region?

I do not have a friendship relation with Muhammad, but I respect him as an actor, but there are great actors in Turkey unknown in the Arab region.


Source: akhbarelyom.org.eg

http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=476385146800&id=344 … 002728&ref=mf

# 711
  • Мнения: 0
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xd0d8w_dizikomedi-02_fun   Привет, момичета.... Да се запиша с днешна дата и при вас.... Спокоен ден на всички....

# 712
  • Мнения: 0
Честно казано прави ли ви впечатление в последно време взе да се споменава тук-там за АСИ newsm78 newsm78,  дали това не е свързано с Дубай newsm78, макар че, добре че, са арабите за да питат........но и в последната анкета беше включен АСИ, и то с излъчвани в момента филми newsm78 newsm78 ........нещи става, да видим какво

# 713
  • Мнения: 273
Честно казано прави ли ви впечатление в последно време взе да се споменава тук-там за АСИ newsm78 newsm78,  дали това не е свързано с Дубай newsm78, макар че, добре че, са арабите за да питат........но и в последната анкета беше включен АСИ, и то с излъчвани в момента филми newsm78 newsm78 ........нещи става, да видим какво

Само арабите питат, защото те само там ходят, а може би само там ги канят  newsm78 Ако дойдат у нас и ние само за това ще питаме. hahaha

# 714
  • Мнения: 10
Ето и нещо с добро качество

Елма,Катя от тези целувки където ги пускате не мога да се отлепя от екрана и да тръгвам за работа Joy Joy Joy

# 715
  • Мнения: 273
Ето и нещо с добро качество

Елма,Катя от тези целувки където ги пускате не мога да се отлепя от екрана и да тръгвам за работа Joy Joy Joy

Питаш ли ни нас леко ли ни е  hahaha hahaha

# 716
# 717
  • Мнения: 10 240

Мурат днес

# 718
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# 719
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