# 390
  • Мнения: 34
ади гидийорум  Stop Stop Stopоставям ви за малко Simple Smileда ида да фотна синчето за училищните дюкименти Flutterпосле бурда им Hug Hug Hug

# 391
# 392
  • Мнения: 21 201
Намерих интервюто с Чаатай на анлийски.
Много е интересно, разказва за себе си, за семейството си, за притесненията си, за преди и след АФК, за целувките, за любовта, за героя си Яман, за страстта си към баскетбола.

Cagatay Ulusoy - Hurriyet reprtage in English
According to Turkey’s last handsome and dashing young man, Cagatay Ulusoy glory treats people unfairly.”Go to a conservatory, study for years, play in shows, you don’t have the possibility to play in series. Then comes someone irrelevant like me and gets the leading role.
He shined a night star in Adini Feriha Koydum series. Now he is in screen for the second test, Cagatay Ulusosy 23 years old tells the opposite meaning of the expression “disturbing” in dictionary: Extremely handsome, cool and a man who smiles beautifully. And so timid that after the first greeting he says: “ haven’t been face to face with a journalist for a long time. That’s why I am a little tensed . He either is not aware or doesn’t set his heart on the fame and benefits he has been living the last 3 years. The tiniest compliment rubefies his face like a child. I find it strange to create a parable like sister Guzin. He notices it: “ I like to focus on the problems of those around me. I am like a wailing wall for my friends. Everyone can tell me their problem, I am a good adviser, but I can’t use that mind for myself. The issue starts here” he says.
R: Turkey knew you through the Best Model competition. What kind of life did you have before?
CU: We’re immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I was born and grew up in Istanbul, at Avcilar. My mom and my dad are retired civil servants. We were a middle class family. I have a brother, Atalay who is 15 years old. My blonde. He is enthusiastic about acting but a timid boy.
R: Did the dream of becoming famous start in your childhood?
CU: I dind’t even think about fame. I started to play basketball when I was 12. I wanted to become a basketball trainer. Then I started to study at Istanbul University “Irrigation systems and design”, I wanted to be a landscape architect. At the same time I was continuing with the school basketball team.
R: While everything was going right why didn’t you enter the sports academy but Best Model?
CU: My friends managed to tip my mind. But I didnd’t have ambitions to be the first. I was already doing sports, I just took care a little more about my physical appearance. While I was saying I could enter top 5, I became the first.
R: The television world discovered you in the podium?
CU: The night when the competition was held I attracted the attention of the production company. After the celebration, I had a phone call at home. Next day I read “Adini Feriha Koydu” scenario and wanted to try. The first two days I was very tensed. Imagine, the people I saw in tv were in front of me. After I got used to the set I started enjoying the work and I said “This work can be my profession”
R: As it will be your profession, do you think of entering the conservatoire?
CU: I don’t know. For example you study for theatre, you perform plays for years, you want to enter in a series and don’t have the chance to. Whereas someone who is irrelevant for this work (referring to himself) plays the leading role. That;s why I thought I would encounter with a prejudice. At the same time while the projects I am in continue, I don’t have time. But even if I don’t go to a conservatory I develop my acting skills in private lessons and by joining workshops here and abroad.
R: Everything you told looks perfect. A man who plays the protagonist roles , who has a good family, Isn’t there drama in your life at all?
CU: There are such stories I heard about that if I say that “I have a drama” it will be unjust to those stories
R: Did you expect for this much fame when being 23 years old?
CU: Frankly not. It was a great surprise. As I said, I didn’t have such ambitions and aims when I entered “Best Model”
R: So what was the difference between you and the others? CU: To be at the right time, in the right place, know the right people and luck, I can say.
R: Are you amazed by the point where you reached now?
CU: Yes, millions of people follow me, wait for my new work, they show love for me. All these are a fabulous motivation for me. But one should not feel adrift by this (let their self be taken by fame). If you think a lot about the fame phenomenon you will be psychologically broken and everything will go to the contrary.
R: You weren’t taken by the wind of fame?
CU: No. I kept it naturally and without changing at all. I continue to meet with my old friends. I live without breaking off from the past.
R: How old you feel as a result of all this attention?
CU: The things one lives make them more mature even if you don’t go grey. This is why a part of me is a child but the other is a mature man.
R: Let’s move to your new project. Did you watch “The OC” the series which “Mecezir” is adapted from?
CU: I had watched it some times. When the project came I bought the DVD right away. I watched it a bit but I put it aside in order not to be influenced by the character.
R: Are you ready to be the Turkish Ryan?
CU: I will be Yaman. I have been working about the psychological part of the character in details for a long time. That’s why it looks to me as I am always Yaman.
R: Yaman who is entering in our lives and it looks like he won’t go out for a long time – how is he in your eyes?
CU: He is very different from Emir I played before. Yaman has a rising story. He grew up without his father. His mother sings and gets married for the second time. He takes as a role model his big brother who causes trouble. His life changes when he meets the lawyer.
R: Is there anything you have common with Yaman?
CU: I guess our gestures. It can be that he resembles me in the cool and comfortable attitude.
R: Let’s come to the much discussed topic, losing 7 kilos story. Is it true that you lost weight with corn silk, cherries and avocado oil?
CU: This is inaccurate info. There is also ponytail among the products. It’s not a real horse’s tail dear. This is a plant. You pour it in a bottle and drink it cold or hot. It works to throw edemas. I also did pilates for three months. My muscles were big and thanks to pilates now they are slimmer and longer.
R: Which is the biggest wrong thing people know about you?
CU: Recently it’s being written that I gave myself to parties and I am gallivanting. To the contrary I am a homebody.
R: The story of “Party man” image?
CU: Exaggerated. I like home chatting with my friends. If I am alone I do oil paintings, I play the guitar, write songs…
R: Is it true that you made up with your ex-girlfriend and you’re living in Pendik?
CU: No, it’s a lie. We live together with my colleague from Medcezir , Taner Ozer somewhere next to the set.
R: When we go to love topic, do you believe in love? CU: I don’t believe in love but in loyalty. If there is a faith problem from the other side, as she gets to know me it will disappear, because I am loyal.
R: Do you have age limits in love
CU: No. I don’t have patterns like that. You can feel something for someone who is elder or younger than you.
R: Is there someone in your life now?
CU: It’s been a year that I am not with someone. It may sound very cliché but I have been working for this project for 5 months and all my concentration over it.
R: I heard that you are embarrassed while shooting the kissing scenes. Is that right?
CU: Yes. Isn’t that natural? I am tensed and embarrassed but we shoot them, there’s nothing to do about it.
I learnt to e social from basketball.
I am comfortable and pleased at the friendly places. I owe this to basketball. Before the matches we used to hang out with even the sportiest friends from the opposing team. That way, by stifling the competition feeling I learnt to be a gentleman and social.
September 2013
https://www.facebook.com/notes/adini-feriha-koydum-i-named-her-f … h/624354314253635


Последна редакция: нд, 15 сеп 2013, 12:01 от Neidjal

# 393
  • Мнения: 123
Сигурно сте го видели вече във фейсбук, но много ми се прииска да го споделя с вас!  Hug

Скрит текст:
Урок по любов

Седни до мен да ти разкажа...
Нали ме питаше за любовта?
Каквото мога ще ти кажа.
Дано съм ти полезна със това.
Ти млада си и затова - припряна
и може би очакваш някакъв любовен гръм,
но всъщност любовта пристига бавно - на пръсти и е като сън.
Тя няма аромат и форма.
Не можеш да я пипнеш със ръце.
Прегръща нежно. Цяла те изпълва
и котва пуска в твоето сърце.
За нея казват, че е действие и чувство.
А тя е всичко - огън и вода,
творец велик, непреходно изкуство,
ваятел на човешката душа.
Тя прави хората щастливи.
Над корист ангел я държи.
Тя дава всеотдайно сили
и след смъртта да продължи.
Тя не обича да се крие
и лесно е да я съзреш
във поглед влюбен на момиче,
в очи искрящи на младеж.
Усеща се в хармонията вкъщи.
Обгръща те, а все си във копнеж.
Проблясва в чаши със червено вино
и в блясъка на романтична свещ.
Тя гали нежно по главите
онези чисти, малки същества -
децата с искреност пропити.
Това е, дъще любовта.
Тя грижа е и към родителите стари,
които чакат с четири очи
да се отвори, скърцайки вратата
и младост малко да ги връхлети.
Любов е помощ от приятел,
изпаднал в бездна, във беда.
С куража си да го превърнеш във мечтател -
да помни силата на твоята ръка...
Аз от живота си това научих...
Каква е дефиницията за любов?
Ти запомни, че тя е всичко -
единствен смисъл на човешкия живот.

Детелина Стефанова

Ренка, гледам да спамя, докато не са се събудили онези с кандилата!   smile3534

Миш, къде ми се губиш?  newsm51

Наде, благодаря за интервюто, ще си имам четиво за по-късно!   bouquet

# 394
  • Мнения: 18 785
Добро утро алтънчета  Hug

Жани честита ти премяна изцяло си се барнала  Hug

# 395
  • Мнения: 6 105
Наде,благодаря за интервюто,интересни неща казва.   bouquet

# 396
  • Кралица-майка ВлъхоУсойница
  • Мнения: 20 055
СерТай форевър...лав стори...айм сори...Фемир невър... bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop

# 397
  • Мнения: 16 938
Здравейте момичета. Hug
Фемир Форевър.

# 398
  • Мнения: 11 820
СерТай форевър...лав стори...айм сори...Фемир невър... bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop
 bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop

# 399
  • Кралица-майка ВлъхоУсойница
  • Мнения: 20 055
СерТай форевър...лав стори...айм сори...Фемир невър... bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop
 bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop
Аййййй, забрайх ХазаБоно... bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop

# 400
  • Мнения: 11 820
СерТай форевър...лав стори...айм сори...Фемир невър... bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop
 bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop
Аййййй, забрайх ХазаБоно... bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop
  rotfImbo  bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop bishop

# 401
  • Мнения: 6 105
Тез пак развяха кандилцата  Joy

# 402
  • в подножието на планината
  • Мнения: 8 098

Зизу, Hug Релаксче,  Hug пак умирисахте темата... Mr. Green

# 403
  • Мнения: 11 820
Ем то на убу милиши  Whistling

# 404

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