Малки сладки лъжкини - Pretty Little Liars - VII тема

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# 720
  • Gotham City
  • Мнения: 6 788
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Това е готино  Crazy

# 721
  • The Big Apple
  • Мнения: 23 534
 Mr. Green

# 722
  • Мнения: X
Сара е в гроба на Алисън, а за Бетани не са казали.

# 723
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  • Мнения: 38 364
Така аз се сещам, че Бетъни е в гроба на Алисън, като се появи жива и изследваха и така разбраха за Бетъни. А за Сара само споменаха нещо си.

Bethany Young was a 17-year-old Radley Sanitarium resident that was murdered the night of Alison's disappearance. A year later, her body was discovered and was incorrectly identified as Alison DiLaurentis'.

Bethany Young was originally from Bryn Mawr, a town only ten miles outside of Rosewood. She was a troubled teen that often suffered from numerous behavioural episodes that may have been violent and/or aggressive. This is probably why she was admitted into Radley.

While she was a patient at Radley, she was introduced to Jessica DiLaurentis who, at the time, was on the board of the sanitarium. Jessica often took her out on day trips. And on one occasion, took her to stables in Harrisburg. This is where Jessica purchased a horse named Custard. Jessica insisted that Bethany call her Aunt Jessie. Bethany was angered by Jessica's comment, and she proceeded to throw a bucket at her. Following this, she found out about Jessica's alleged affair with her father. Bethany was outraged and she took out her anger by sketching pictures of Mrs. DiLaurentis with devil horns, the word "liar" written across her face, and usually with some sort of a demon chasing or attacking her. She also became pen pals with Alison DiLaurentis at some point during her stay at Radley and Alison invited her over on Labor Day Weekend.

Bethany ran away from Radley on September 1st 2009 to go and meet Alison. She ended up wandering around in the DiLaurentis' yard. She was then hit on the back of the head by an unknown person, and then buried alive by Melissa Hastings, who mistook Bethany for Alison as they were dressed identically that night and both had curled blonde hair. Melissa had assumed that Spencer was the one who hit Bethany and proceeded to bury her to "protect" Spencer. She did not know that "Alison" was actually Bethany or that Bethany was alive at the time.

Bethany's body was found a year later after Maya St. Germain's family moved to the DiLaurentis house. The body was discovered by builders who were knocking down a gazebo in order to build a studio. She was identified as Alison DiLaurentis by the police, presumably because "A" switched Alison and Bethany's dental records.

When it was revealed that Alison was in fact alive, the Rosewood PD exhumed Alison's grave and identified the Jane Doe buried as Bethany Young via a televised press conference.  


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Ето за Сарата
Sara Harvey is a character that appeared for the first time on Hanna's computer after Hanna was researching girls similar to Alison physically that had been missing and was later talked about by her friends.

    Season 4

Who's In The Box?

When Hanna looked into other girls who were missing and had disappeared at the same time as Ali, she found an online site made for Sara saying her friends miss her. Hanna looked in to the case and found out Sara went missing the same day as Alison did, Sara came from Courtland which was not too far away from Rosewood, and she resembled Alison and they had very similar personalities. Much like Alison, Sara was sometimes mean to her friends. One of Sara's friends, Claire had problems with her because she was tired of the way she treated her, which she confessed to Emily, along with saying that she wished Sara to be dead even before she went missing. Sara was the "Queen Bee" at her high school and the leader of the cool gang, just like Alison was. Everybody that knows/knew her believes that she is gone, except for Avery that is convinced she is alive somewhere with amnesia.

The last person to see Sara alive was Avery, who thinks she saw her the day after Labor Day (a day after Alison went missing) riding a bike in the local park. The bike was recovered by the police, but Sara was not.

Последна редакция: ср, 04 мар 2015, 21:52 от Tiffany Aching

# 724
  • Gotham City
  • Мнения: 6 788
Сара е в гроба на Алисън, а за Бетани не са казали.

За Бетани казаха, че е в гроба, за Сара не са казали


# 725
  • Вестерос
  • Мнения: 38 364
На 49 стр. сме още  Flutter

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