Личностни типове

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# 90
  • София
  • Мнения: 62 595
Значи тестът е лошо конструиран. Не би трябвало изследваното лице да усеща контролните въпроси. Ах, ах, тези ейчари, надовям се да си нямам работа с тях!
А явяването всяка година на един и същ тест измерва само едно - предствавянето на теста, а не промяната у човека. Голямо надлъгване пада.

# 91
  • Мнения: 2 211
Хахахаха този форум е живото доказателство, как човек всекидневно "лъже" .
По същата логика може да кажем, че реалността е живото доказателство как хората "лъжат". Някои излагат на показ само хубавите неща, случили се в живота им, други - преувеличават и "доукрасяват" постиженията си, трети си избират ролята на "жертва" и "подритнати от съдбата" например и прочие.. Хора всякакви.

Всеки гледа да се представи максимално добре, за да получи работата, или повишението, като с това неволно даваш неверни отговори, или пък искаш да си такава за каквато се представяш.
Добре де, не сме в училище, никой няма да ти пише отлична оценка само защото си написал правилния (според него) отговор. Нали в работата те оценяват според заслугите ти, способностите ти..
А това - Всеки гледа да се представи максимално добре, за да получи работата, или повишението. - си е напълно в реда на нещата.: ) Колкото до това, че "неволно даваш "неверни" отговори или пък искаш да си такава за каквато се представяш" - според мен човек би "излъгал", когато няма нужния професионален опит, НО вътрешно знае(чувства), че притежава нужните качества, воля, желание и стимул за работа.

Човек лъже къде неволно, къде съвсем волно Simple Smile. Примерно въпросът " раздразнителен ли сте?" , аз мога да отговоря, че съм със слонско спокойствие ( според моето виждане), обаче ако питаш колегите да се окаже, че си баси и кибритлийката Simple Smile.
Имам си мое правило - В работата и "зад волана" емоциите нямат място! Simple Smile Разбира се, че съм раздразнителна, емоционална, нервна.. човек съм все пак, не съм направена от восък. Но същността на тези въпроси не е да разберат дали сме "съвършени", или не, а дали умеем да се "контролираме", "владеем" в по-напрегнати ситуации. На такъв въпрос бих отговорила с "Не", защото за мен добрите колегиални отношения са много важни! И не защото му пука толкова за хората, а го правя заради себе си, защото искам аз да се чувствам добре и да работя спокойно!

Kikamora, не те контрирам, просто казвам моето мнение предвид дадена ситуация.: )

# 92
  • София
  • Мнения: 62 595
За мен е пълна загадка защо изобщо на ейчарите им трябват тези тестове и какво точно търсят. Подозирам, че смятат тестовете за неделима част като слушалката за лекарите, макар рядко да я ползват - ако я няма, значи не са лекари. Повече ми приличат на лични кучета на шефа - когато трябва се зъбят по заповед.

# 93
  • Мнения: 7 519

@Green eyes
Напротив, оценката която получавам от прекия си началник ми е доста важна! Ако не са доволни от мен, не мога да ходя на курсове, а заплатата ми е право пропорционална свързана с опита и знанията които имам.
Поста ти е много дълъг, а пиша от телефона, така че не си мисли, че съм нямала какво да отговоря Wink. Просто както казват в резултатите от теста ми ( сега го намерих) , обикновено не се интересувам от чуждото мнение, защото моето е по- важно от тяхното.  Joy

# 94
  • Мнения: X

Личностният тип INFJ е много рядък – по-малко от 1% от населението, но независимо от това неговите представители оставят следва в света. Като Дипломати (NF), те имат вродено чувство за идеализъм и морал, но това, което ги отличава, е придружаващата им Планираща (J) черта. INFJ не са безцелни идеалисти, а хора, способни да предприемат конкретни стъпки за реализирането на целите си и да постигат устойчив положителен ефект.

Скрит текст:
Тяхната цел в живота е да помагат на другите. Въпреки че хората от този личностен тип могат да бъдат открити като организатори на спасителни операции и благотворителни дейности, тяхната истинска страст е да стигнат до сърцевината на проблема и да направят така, че да няма хора, нуждаещи се от спасение.

INFJ наистина притежават много уникална комбинация от черти. Въпреки че са любезни, позициите им са много силни и те биха се борили неуморно за идеите, в които вярват. Те са решителни личности със силна воля, но рядко използват енергията си за лична облага. INFJ биха действали с креативност, въображение, съзнателност и чувствителност, но не, за да си създадат предимство, а за да постигнат баланс. Егалитарността и кармата са много привлекателни идеи за INFJ, които обикновено смятат, че нищо не би помогнало на света повече от това да се използват любовта и състраданието, за да се смекчат сърцата на тираните.

“Всеки човек трябва да реши дали ще върви в светлината на съзидателния алтруизъм или в мрака на разрушителния егоизъм.”
Мартин Лутър Кинг
За INFJ е лесно да създават връзки с другите. Те имат талант да разговарят с топъл и деликатен език, да говорят земно, а не с чиста логика и факти. Не е изненадващо, че приятелите и колегите им често си смятат за тихи Екстраверти, но те трябва да помнят, че INFJ имат нужда от време насаме, за да се освободят от стреса и да разпуснат, затова не бива да се притесняват, ако INFJ внезапно се отдръпнат. Хората от този личностен тип полагат много усилия за чувствата на другите и очакват услугата да им бъде върната. Това означава да им бъде дадено необходимото пространство за няколко дни.


Най-важното за INFJ е да помнят да се грижат за себе си. Напълно е възможно страстта, с която отстояват убежденията си, да ги пречупи и ако отдадеността им излезе извън контрол, те могат да открият, че са изтощени, болни и стресирани. Това става очевидно, когато INFJ се изправят пред конфликт или критика. Чувствителността им ги принуждава да направят всичко възможно, за да избегнат тези привидно личностни нападки. Когато обаче обстоятелствата са неизбежни, те могат да отвърнат по много нерационален и безполезен начин.

За INFJ светът е място, пълно с неравенство, но това не бива да е така. Никой друг личностен тип не е по-подходящ да бъде основател на движение, което да поправи дадено зло, независимо колко голямо е то. Хората от личностен тип INFJ просто трябва да не забравят да се грижат и за себе си, докато са заети със спасяването на света.
Portrait of an INFJ - Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging
(Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling)

The Protector

As an INFJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit with your personal value system.

INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.

INFJs place great importance on havings things orderly and systematic in their outer world. They put a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done, and constantly define and re-define the priorities in their lives. On the other hand, INFJs operate within themselves on an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. They know things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. They are usually right, and they usually know it. Consequently, INFJs put a tremendous amount of faith into their instincts and intuitions. This is something of a conflict between the inner and outer worlds, and may result in the INFJ not being as organized as other Judging types tend to be. Or we may see some signs of disarray in an otherwise orderly tendency, such as a consistently messy desk.

INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme example, some INFJs report experiences of a psychic nature, such as getting strong feelings about there being a problem with a loved one, and discovering later that they were in a car accident. This is the sort of thing that other types may scorn and scoff at, and the INFJ themself does not really understand their intuition at a level which can be verbalized. Consequently, most INFJs are protective of their inner selves, sharing only what they choose to share when they choose to share it. They are deep, complex individuals, who are quite private and typically difficult to understand. INFJs hold back part of themselves, and can be secretive.

But the INFJ is as genuinely warm as they are complex. INFJs hold a special place in the heart of people who they are close to, who are able to see their special gifts and depth of caring. INFJs are concerned for people's feelings, and try to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone. They are very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well. Situations which are charged with conflict may drive the normally peaceful INFJ into a state of agitation or charged anger. They may tend to internalize conflict into their bodies, and experience health problems when under a lot of stress.

Because the INFJ has such strong intuitive capabilities, they trust their own instincts above all else. This may result in an INFJ stubborness and tendency to ignore other people's opinions. They believe that they're right. On the other hand, INFJ is a perfectionist who doubts that they are living up to their full potential. INFJs are rarely at complete peace with themselves - there's always something else they should be doing to improve themselves and the world around them. They believe in constant growth, and don't often take time to revel in their accomplishments. They have strong value systems, and need to live their lives in accordance with what they feel is right. In deference to the Feeling aspect of their personalities, INFJs are in some ways gentle and easy going. Conversely, they have very high expectations of themselves, and frequently of their families. They don't believe in compromising their ideals.

INFJ is a natural nurturer; patient, devoted and protective. They make loving parents and usually have strong bonds with their offspring. They have high expectations of their children, and push them to be the best that they can be. This can sometimes manifest itself in the INFJ being hard-nosed and stubborn. But generally, children of an INFJ get devoted and sincere parental guidance, combined with deep caring.

In the workplace, the INFJ usually shows up in areas where they can be creative and somewhat independent. They have a natural affinity for art, and many excel in the sciences, where they make use of their intuition. INFJs can also be found in service-oriented professions. They are not good at dealing with minutia or very detailed tasks. The INFJ will either avoid such things, or else go to the other extreme and become enveloped in the details to the extent that they can no longer see the big picture. An INFJ who has gone the route of becoming meticulous about details may be highly critical of other individuals who are not.

The INFJ individual is gifted in ways that other types are not. Life is not necessarily easy for the INFJ, but they are capable of great depth of feeling and personal achievement.
INFJ in a Nutshell
INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated, they have a talent for helping others with original solutions to their personal challenges.
The Counselor has a unique ability to intuit others' emotions and motivations, and will often know how someone else is feeling before that person knows it himself. They trust their insights about others and have strong faith in their ability to read people. Although they are sensitive, they are also reserved; the INFJ is a private sort, and is selective about sharing intimate thoughts and feelings.

What Makes the INFJ Tick
INFJs are guided by a deeply considered set of personal values. They are intensely idealistic, and can clearly imagine a happier and more perfect future. They can become discouraged by the harsh realities of the present, but they are typically motivated and persistent in taking positive action nonetheless. The INFJ feels an intrinsic drive to do what they can to make the world a better place.
INFJs want a meaningful life and deep connections with other people. They do not tend to share themselves freely but appreciate emotional intimacy with a select, committed few. Although their rich inner life can sometimes make them seem mysterious or private to others, they profoundly value authentic connections with people they trust.


Take the test and know for sure.
Recognizing the INFJ
INFJs often appear quiet, caring and sensitive, and may be found listening attentively to someone else’s ideas or concerns. They are highly perceptive about people and want to help others achieve understanding. INFJs are not afraid of complex personal problems; in fact, they are quite complex themselves, and have a rich inner life that few are privy to. They reflect at length on issues of ethics, and feel things deeply. Because Counselors initially appear so gentle and reserved, they may surprise others with their intensity when one of their values is threatened or called into question. Their calm exterior belies the complexity of their inner worlds.
Because INFJs are such complex people, they may be reluctant to engage with others who might not understand or appreciate them, and can thus be hard to get to know. Although they want to get along with others and support them in their goals, they are fiercely loyal to their own system of values and will not follow others down a path that does not feel authentic to them. When they sense that their values are not being respected, or when their intuition tells them that someone’s intentions are not pure, they are likely to withdraw.
For more information: The Art of SpeedReading People
Famous INFJs
Famous INFJs include Mohandas Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Emily Bronte, Carl Jung, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Florence Nightingale, Shirley MacLaine, Jimmy Carter, and Edward Snowden.
For more information: Famous INFJs
INFJ in the Population
INFJ is the rarest type in the population. It is the least common type among men, and the third least common among women (after INTJ and ENTJ). INFJs make up:
2% of the general population
2% of women
1% of men
Popular Hobbies for the INFJ
Popular hobbies for the INFJ include writing, art appreciation, cultural events, reading, socializing in small, intimate settings, and playing or listening to music.
Quotes About INFJ
"The visions of the INFJs tend to concern human welfare, and their contributions are likely to be made independent of a mass movement."
- Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing
"These seclusive and friendly people are complicated themselves, and so can understand and deal with complex ethical issues and with deeply troubled individuals."
- David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II
"INFJs' nonstop search for learning, self-growth, and development—and wishing the same for everyone else—makes them very reassuring to others and people worth emulating."
- Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work
Facts About INFJ
Interesting facts about the INFJ:
Least common type in the population
On personality trait scales, scored as Sincere, Sympathetic, Unassuming, Submissive, Easygoing, Reserved and Patient
Among highest of all types in college GPA
Among most likely to stay in college
Most likely of all types to cope with stress by seeing a therapist
Highest of all types in marital dissatisfaction
Personal values include Spirituality, Learning, and Community Service
Commonly found in careers in religion, counseling, teaching, and the arts
Source: MBTI Manual
e INFJ is the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types; they make up only 1-2 percent of the population. People who identify as INFJs are deeply complex, highly sensitive individuals. They are creative and insightful, concerned with the big things in life, like the state of humanity. They often ask the questions that others aren’t asking, such as, “Why are we here?” and “What is the meaning of this life we live?”

In relationships, INFJs can be warm and friendly. They are generally well-liked by the people who are privileged to know them. Yet at other times, they can be distant and analytical, retreating into themselves and their private thoughts. INFJs often grow up feeling profoundly “different” from other people. They care deeply about others and like being a part of a community—yet because of their “big picture” perspective on life, they may always feel like an outsider looking in.

Like a rose, INFJs have many layers. They will probably not reveal all those layers to you right away. However, the longer you are in an INFJ’s life—and if an INFJ trusts you—the more petals you will discover, all the while moving further inward toward the core of the INFJ’s true self.

Are you an INFJ personality type? Or are you close to an INFJ? (If you’re not sure what your personality type is, we recommend taking this free personality test from our partner Personality Hacker.) INFJs can be a mystery. Sometimes even INFJs don’t fully understand themselves. So, let’s take a look at some of the “secrets” of what it means to be an INFJ personality type:

1. INFJs feel profoundly misunderstood.

INFJs, do you feel like people rarely “get” you? When you start to talk about something you care about, do you notice others failing to grasp why it really matters? If so, you’re not alone. Many INFJs feel deeply misunderstood and under-appreciated.

The reason many people are not on the same “wave-length” as the INFJ is because the INFJ’s dominant function is Introverted Intuition (Ni). (A personality type’s “dominant function” is the primary way that person takes in and processes information. It’s the main way a person interacts with the world.) Ni subconsciously notices patterns; specifically, INFJs notice patterns related to human nature, because their secondary function, Extroverted Feeling (Fe), orients them toward people. Ni works mysteriously and subconsciously. It allows the INFJ to know information without knowing why or how they know it.

Their “sixth sense” can be difficult to explain to other people, says personality profiler Antonia Dodge, who co-owns Personality Hacker. Often INFJs give up trying to explain their ability (or don’t try at all, because they know how unusual it sounds), which leaves them feeling isolated and misunderstood.

2. INFJs absorb other people’s emotions.

INFJs, has this ever happened to you? You’re going through life, feeling fine. But then, a close friend calls you. She’s really struggling with something—she and her boyfriend broke up, or her boss insulted her. The more you talk, the more you feel your own mood deflating. When you get off the phone, you’re rattled and preoccupied with anxious thoughts.

This situation happens frequently to INFJs, says Dodge, because they tend to take on other people’s emotions. No other Myers-Briggs personality type has this unique ability. Some INFJs even report absorbing the emotions of strangers. An INFJ may suddenly feel grumpy, only to look around the room and discover a grumpy-looking person has just walked in. The closer the person is emotionally to the INFJ, like a spouse or best friend, the more likely it is that the INFJ will absorb that person’s mental state.

To feel not only your own strong emotions, but those of other people—this can be overwhelming! But the INFJ’s ability can also be used to bring emotional healing and comfort to others. “The ability to unconsciously absorb other people’s emotions with very little information to go on—how is that not a super power?” says Dodge. “INFJs have the ability to get inside the suffering of others and tell them it’s going to be okay.”

3. INFJs have amazing long-range forecasting abilities.

Sometimes INFJs may feel like fortune-tellers. That’s because Ni helps them see the big picture, notice patterns, and make predictions for the future based on the patterns they’ve observed. For example, let’s say an INFJ meets a new love interest. Right away—possibly within minutes of meeting them—they may start predicting where the relationship will go. Could they see themselves marrying this person or would it just be a fling? If they don’t think the relationship is going to bring the desired outcome, “they may immediately cut themselves off from that relationship,” explains Joel Mark Witt, co-owner with Dodge of Personality Hacker.

4. Even though they are “Feelers,” INFJs can easily access their “Thinking” ability.

INFJs often mistype as INTJs, the “Thinking” twin of the INFJ. Although INFJs are indeed people-oriented, due to their third function, Introverted Thinking (Ti), they may see themselves as analytical and scientific. They may enjoy careers in technology, the sciences, and research. Because Fe is second in their functional stack and Ti is third, these two functions are fairly balanced in the INFJ. Indeed, INFJs don’t outwardly appear to be as emotional as an ENFJ or ESFJ, whose Feeling functions are their dominant functions. An INFJ might lament that they are “too emotional for the Thinkers but too logical for the Feelers.”

5. One of their greatest strengths is their ability to create intimacy.

In the presence of casual acquaintances, INFJs might come across as quiet and reserved. Remember, they usually don’t open up to people right away. But INFJs are actually extremely relational. Because they can feel other people’s pain and joy, they are able to truly walk in another person’s shoes—like no other personality type can. This ability to empathize creates strong bonds of intimacy, says Dodge.

6. INFJs are true introverts.

INFJs are sometimes called the “extroverted introverts.” They get this nickname because they can be passionate, enthusiastic, and chatty when they are in the presence of someone they feel comfortable with. Likewise, when they are fighting for a cause they believe in—such as asking people to sign a petition to end animal abuse or righting some other injustice—they may come across as extroverts. However, INFJs are true introverts who prefer to have a small circle of friends. Just like any introvert, they need plenty of downtime to recharge their “batteries.”

7. INFJs are sensitive to conflict.

Fe makes INFJs seek harmony in their relationships. They strive to create “good feelings” whenever they interact with someone. So when conflict arises—especially in close relationships—INFJs can become extremely distressed. They may have trouble sleeping or lose focus at school or work. They may even feel the stress of the conflict physically in their bodies, getting headaches, muscle aches, upset stomaches, etc. This does not mean INFJs should seek to avoid conflict by becoming passive push-overs or constant people-pleasers. INFJs must stick up for their own needs—but they can do it by using the warmth and understanding that flows naturally from Fe.

8. INFJs know a lot about other people.

Ni and Fe work together to gather information about people. But INFJs don’t just remember when someone’s birthday is or how they take their coffee; INFJs use Ni to penetrate below the surface. They get into other people’s heads and figure out what makes them tick. They understand that the emotional pain their friend is experiencing stems from a certain need that friend has. They know when someone is lying even to themselves. INFJs are often not consciously aware of how they know so much about other people—and they rarely reveal the depth of their knowledge.

PH circle 2We recommend:

Your gut tells you that you see the world differently than most people—and as an intuitive INFJ, you’re right. Learn how to embrace and develop your intuition. Click here to learn more about Personality Hacker’s course for intuitives. (When you purchase products from Personality Hacker, you support Introvert, Dear!)

9. Many relationships are one-sided for INFJs.

INFJs tend to be great listeners because they truly care about other people. Likewise, they enjoy helping others understand their emotions and grow. They’re nicknamed “the Counselor” for a reason. Unfortunately, this may result in the INFJ’s relationships becoming one-sided. Other people start coming to the INFJ when they need to vent. Or they may take advantage of the INFJ’s desire to help. One day, the INFJ wakes up and wonders why their relationships are so draining. The people in the INFJ’s life are getting so much out of the relationship but the INFJ is getting little in return. What INFJs desire, says Witt, is for other people to return the favor of taking the time to listen to them and truly understand them.

10. INFJs are looking for their soul mates.

INFJs desire to connect deeply with others. Shallow, one-sided relationships won’t do. Likewise, because they are introverts, they have limited social energy. So, INFJs look for friends or a partner who are their “soul mates.” These are people who truly click with the INFJ and can feed their very real need for authentic connections, intimacy, and meaningful conversation. However, INFJs often struggle to create the kind of relationships they desire. When they do find people with whom they truly connect, it feels like a miracle.

Did you enjoy reading this article? Uncover more type secrets of the INFJ in Jenn Granneman’s upcoming ebook, “Secrets of the INFJ: Inside the Rarest Personality Type.” It will be available on Amazon in winter 2016. retina_favicon1

Последна редакция: пн, 05 сеп 2016, 20:34 от Анонимен

# 95
  • Мнения: 2 211
Поста ти е много дълъг, а пиша от телефона, така че не си мисли, че съм нямала какво да отговоря Wink.
Това пък защо? Нищо подобно не съм си помисляла! Просто изложих как аз виждам нещата пред моя поглед.

# 96
  • Мнения: 7 519
Поста ти е много дълъг, а пиша от телефона, така че не си мисли, че съм нямала какво да отговоря Wink.
Това пък защо? Нищо подобно не съм си помисляла! Просто изложих как аз виждам нещата пред моя поглед.

Не ми се обяснява, дълго е и всеки гледа на нещата от различна гледна точка, а точките са много Wink.  Просто не ми се хаби енергия в излишни спорове. Трудно е да обясниш нещо, с което някой не се е сблъсквал, а за теб е нещо нормално. Трудно е да видиш всичко, ако не го познаваш....и т.н.

# 97
  • Мнения: 2 211
Разбира се, различните фирми си имат собствена политика. Явно е, че за някои тестовете за определяне на личностен тип са задължителни, естеството на работа също е от значение! Недоумението ми е към тази политика, иначе няма за какво да спорим.: )

# 98
  • Мнения: 7 519
Отдавна съм се отказала да търся смисъл там където не виждам такъв, но пък от друга страна можеш да си обясниш защо в дадени ситуации реагираш по определен начин.
Сега като си погледнах резултата се сещам, че често се оправдавам с това, че пиша по телефона и не ми се пишат дълги постове, а резултата казва, че обикновено не ми се занимава с полемики, не търся обяснение в постъпките на другите и приемам нещата такива каквито са Simple Smile.

# 99
  • София
  • Мнения: 62 595
Разбира се, различните фирми си имат собствена политика. Явно е, че за някои тестовете за определяне на личностен тип са задължителни, естеството на работа също е от значение! Недоумението ми е към тази политика, иначе няма за какво да спорим.: )

Отдавам го на един от законите на Мърфи - всяка система се стреми да се самосъхрани и да расте - нали ейчарите трябва да си оправдаят заплатите и да изглеждат невероятно нужни, направо незаменимо нужни.

# 100
  • Мнения: 2 237
Аз пък разбирам и оправдавам употребата им, когато става дума за търсене на нови кадри. Спестяват пари и време. За една позиция скоро ми казаха, че са получили 1980 автобиографии за една седмица. Само четенето на документите отнема време, а после и решението кой минава първата цедка, кой ще е на интервю итн.

Така пускат теста още при кандидатстването; за какво им е примерно човек за презентации, ако е интроверт и не може да говори пред хора; ако пък търсят счетоводител, би им било все едно. Просто пример  Simple Smile Предполагам, че се съставят според самата позиция.

# 101
  • София
  • Мнения: 62 595
а те чували ли са за актьорско майсторство? Човек може да е интроверт и в същото време прекрасно да е усвоил презентационните умения или да е добър търговец. А като пуснат теста на първа цедка нали пак трябва да четат, то не им спестява работа. По-скоро такъв тест се пуска на втора цедка, когато сивитата вече са прегледани и за интервя, иначе ще проверяват 1980 резултата от теста. А работата е там, че тях така ги учат. Дълбоко се съмнявам повечето ейчари да са наясно точно какво тестват и как да интерпретират резултатите, защото това иска обучение, а много често и сертифициране.

# 102
  • Мнения: 1 318
Скрит текст:
Аз пък разбирам и оправдавам употребата им, когато става дума за търсене на нови кадри. Спестяват пари и време. За една позиция скоро ми казаха, че са получили 1980 автобиографии за една седмица. Само четенето на документите отнема време, а после и решението кой минава първата цедка, кой ще е на интервю итн.

Така пускат теста още при кандидатстването;
за какво им е примерно човек за презентации, ако е интроверт и не може да говори пред хора; ако пък търсят счетоводител, би им било все едно. Просто пример  Simple Smile Предполагам, че се съставят според самата позиция.

Аз съм изявен интроверт (според тестовете), но според оценяващи поведението ми (уж експерти) се справям повече от добре с говоренето пред хора. Simple Smile

# 103
  • Мнения: 2 237
Беше само пример, въобще не знам какво точно гледат. По моя логика е това и си струва, естествено. Ако можеш да говориш пред хора, това ще се отрази в резултата сигурно. Такива софтуери правят бърза цедка, доколкото знам. Сигурно "пропускат" само документите, които минават теста. Предполагам, първо минава образованието, а после уменията. Без образование, но само талант, също не става  Simple Smile

# 104
  • Мнения: 1 071
За една позиция скоро ми казаха, че са получили 1980 автобиографии за една седмица. Само четенето на документите отнема време, а после и решението кой минава първата цедка, кой ще е на интервю итн.


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